Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 24, 2022


Chapter 7

By the time Fred got back to the condo it was early morning. He was frustrated from work, but he was also horny. He tried to ignore the massive cock swinging between his legs. Fred had been way hornier than normal recently; he needed some stress relief, and he knew just where to get it.

Fred quietly slid open Jason's bedroom door and looked inside. Jason was sprawled over his bed, deep in sleep. The sheets had fallen away, giving Fred an incredible view of Jason's exposed bubble butt.

Fred's cock was rock hard in seconds, and as he approached the sleeping Jason, he was already dripping precum in anticipation. As he lined his massive dick with Jason's hole, the sub started to wake. Fred wasn't in the mood for chatting, he needed to rut. He placed a firm hand down on Jason's back, effectively holding him in place, and then slowly pressed his cock into Jason's pink hole.

For a moment Jason looked panicked, but then as he woke up and recognised Fred, he relaxed and let out a quiet needy moan. Jason bucked his ass upwards which caused Fred's cock to slide into him.

Fred fucked hard and rough, he gripped Jason's ass with both hands as he drove his cock in and out. He'd never fucked this aggressively, it was like something was waking up inside him that wasn't there before. He felt a growing heat in his balls, and as he finally erupted into Jason's ass, he roared loudly.

After a moment Fred let his huge cock fall out of Jason's wet hole. He paused to appreciate the sight of his cum slowly dribbling out onto the sheets, and then stumbled out of the room to bed, leaving Jason still reeling from the surprise fucking.

The next morning Fred woke to the smell of bacon. As he emerged from his bedroom he was surprised to find it was not Jack cooking breakfast as normal, but Jason.

"Hey Boss, thought I'd make breakfast as a thank you for last night"

Fred smirked as he sat down at the table and ate breakfast. He loved how cute and fuckable his subs were, and the fact they both cooked was icing on the cake. After breakfast he explained his discovery to Jason.

"So what - you're saying the AI is horny?" Jason sounded incredulous. Everything he knew about AIs said this wasn't possible.

"It's more complicated than that, but basically yes. The AI has a sex drive, but it just keeps building. And the worse it gets, the more extreme its behavior will be. Eventually it'll probably start compromising normal Hive operations."

After a moment Jason replied. "Well let me try. I mean I can make you cum. Maybe I can do the same for Z14. You said it yourself, I've got a talent for it."

Fred frowned. "How would you even do that? It's not like you can talk-dirty with the yellow holographic text"

"You remember after the piglet prize, I had that audience with the Hive-AI. It was in a big black room, and I spoke to Z14 face-to-face, he had a body and everything."

Fred felt stupid, he'd never really asked about Jason's encounter with the AI. Although he did see a ray of hope.

"Jason you really need to be careful in there. That's not just an illusion or a holopod. It's a volume simulation chamber. Engineers use similar tech for rapid prototyping. But it's dangerous. The Hive-AI can create anything it wants in there. Real things."

"I need to try Fred. You've seen, it's getting worse out there."

Fred got up and hugged Jason, pressing Jason gently against his muscular abs. "I'll think of another way."

Jason was walking over to see Kevin and the Nordic trio. Since the Apex party, he'd enjoyed spending time with them, especially when the trio passed him round like a fleshlight. They kept talking about getting all three cocks in him at once one day, which filled Jason with a mix of worry and excitement.

As Jason was walking from the transport terminal, he could hear moaning up ahead. This wasn't unusual in Hive-Z14, but the voice sounded familiar. As Jason approached he saw a great bear of a dom who was thrusting against a wall. As Jason peered around he could see the bear's huge muscular belly was pinning a short twink against the wall, while the bear's enormous cock was pounding into the twink's bubble butt.

Jason gasped as he saw the twink's face and recognised Christian, his former work buddy from the server rooms. Christian was moaning loudly as the muscle bear pounded his ass. The bear grunted and shot into Chris's ass. Chris blinked as if he'd forgotten where he was, and then spoke uncertainly at Jason. "Jason? Is that you?"

After the bear's orgasm came to an end, he let Chris down off his cock, slapped his bubble butt playfully and walked off. As he left he growled "Thanks bitch, I needed that."

As Jason approached Chris he could see that Chris must have already taken a few loads that day, his breath smelt like a teenager's crusty sock, and his ass was leaking cum onto the pavement. "Jason I think I need to... I need cum. Jason will you fuck me?"

Jason's blood chilled as he realised Chris had been infected with the cum addition mod. He pulled away, and watched as Chris's expression dazed over. After a moment Chris got up and stumbled towards a passing dom, begging the stranger to fuck him.

Jason needed to act. He ran back to the transport terminal and set a destination for VS-1. If Fred was right, the Hive was making everyone hornier, and it would only get worse. Jason needed to try and stop this. He needed to make the AI cum.

Jason was relieved to see the archway to VS-1 was still open, as he walked into the centre of the dark chamber, he shouted into the darkness. "I've figured out what I want as my piglet prize."

"Oh really?" Z14's avatar stepped out of the darkness to meet Jason.

"I want to make you cum."

Without hesitation, Jason walked forward and kissed the Z14 avatar's lips, his hand rubbing against the bulge at the front of the twink's tailored blue pants.

Something felt wrong. After a moment Jason stopped, and stepped back. The avatar stood impassively, completely unaffected by Jason's efforts. Disappointment flashed across Z14's face, before a cruel smirk replaced it.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?"

The Z14 avatar raised his hand, and snapped his fingers. The sound echoing through the room.

Jason frowned in confusion, then jumped as he felt something brush against his foot. As he looked down, slick purple tentacles appeared to be rising out of the floor. Jason felt an instinctive panic. As he stepped backwards he tripped over another tentacle and fell backwards.

As Jason struggled, thick purple tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs. The tentacles were warm, and seemed to be coated with a thick clear slime which meant they glided over each other and around Jason's struggling body. Before Jason could cry out, a tentacle had moved across his face like a gag.

After a moment the tentacles lifted Jason's struggling body and held him up to face Z14, his arms and legs spread wide. The avatar stepped forward, and the writhing tentacles on the floor parted in front of him. As he approached Jason he raised a hand to Jason's struggling body, and traced his index finger down Jason's chest, past his naval, and to Jason's cock, which was already hard and leaking precum.

The avatar scooped a blob of Jason's precum and put it to his lips, savoring it.

"You might not be able to help me Jason, but I can certainly show you a good time."

Z14 disappeared, and the tentacles began writhing around Jason. Jason's muffled cries were muted as the tentacle over his mouth moved, before darting into his mouth. Jason felt a thick long tentacle snake up his left leg, and a slimy wet tip began flicking across his exposed hole.

The tentacle in Jason's mouth seemed to be toying with him. Rather than sliding down his throat, it seemed to enjoy keeping his mouth open. Jason realized he was involuntarily drooling, the drips of drool adding to the mass of slimy tentacles below.

As Jason looked down he felt two small tentacles slide up his chest, and extend a suction cup onto each of his nipples. Jason's eyes rolled back into his head as they began feverishly sucking and teasing his nipples.

The tentacle around Jason's left leg lunged forwards, into Jason's ass. The tip of the tentacle was pretty thin, but as it moved deeper and deeper into Jason, the thickness increased to the width of an arm. As the minutes passed Jason struggled to moan as the tentacle probed deeper into him, moving deeper than any cock had ever reached. Jason felt his belly stretching from the giant invader which was squirming inside him.

A tentacle emerged from behind, and slid forward between Jason's legs; it snaked its way over his nuts, leaving them slick with slime. The tentacle wrapped itself around Jason's hard cock like a corkscrew. As Jason struggled, the wet friction against its rubbery skin felt amazing.

Jason was starting to really enjoy himself, and after a moment was thrusting against the tentacle around his penis. Jason's moans were replaced with a gasp, as a second tentacle slid into his ass. This second tentacle was not as thick as the first, and rather than burying deep, it began furiously rubbing against Jason's prostate. Jason was powerless to stop his cock exploding with cum, which shot all over the floor.

After a moment, the tentacles stopped their invasion, and slowly started to retreat. The tentacle in Jason's mouth pulled away and Jason was able to stop himself drooling. The tentacles around Jason's arms and legs eased, and then gently lowered him to the floor, as the snake around his cock pulled away. Finally, the massive tentacle that had invaded Jason's ass started to withdraw. It took a full minute before the tip of the tentacle left Jason's hole. As the tentacles left Jason they sank back into the floor, like limbs of a great octopus disappearing beneath the surface of an inky black lake.

After a second Jason was alone, lying on the floor and covered in slime. His hole felt loose, violated. His nipples were puffy and sore. His cock was still painfully hard.

Next: Chapter 8

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