Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 18, 2022


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Chapter 3

Jason didn't wake up suddenly. His mind seemed to rise up to near-consciousness and then sink back into sleep without actually waking up. He remembered being moved. Through the drug-induced sleep he remembered voices. A thick Caribbean accent spoke, and was answered by a young french voice.

"He got off lightly if you ask me. I mean he'll still pass for normal."

"Don't be so sure."

Jason finally woke up in a bed. It was a single-person bedroom like the one he used to have. The hive architectural templates were so samey. He could almost imagine that just beyond the door, Jack cooking up breakfast. But Jason knew that wasn't the case. This was a different room, in a very different part of the hive. But the thought of breakfast stuck, Jason was hungry.

Jason got up on unsteady legs and headed out of the room. It was only then that he realized how different it was.

His bedroom was one door out of about twenty, all around the perimeter of a large elliptical room. Towards one end was a recessed kitchen/diner, and to the other end a large living/seating area. Before Jason could explore any of the other rooms, his sense of hunger reasserted itself, more urgently. Jason started towards the kitchen.

As he opened the fridge he saw juice, some left over pie, and some other snacks. The countertop had cake, some fruit and pastries. A large casserole was slowly baking in the oven. But Jason didn't touch any of it. He was hungry, but not for any of this.

One of the doors hissed open and a large man entered. His skin was a dark brown which glistened with sweat. Like any Z14 dom, the man was tall, muscular and confident. However this man seemed to be unusually hung even amongst doms. His flaccid cock swung pendulously between his legs as he walked, halfway to his knees.

As he spoke, Jason recognised him as the owner of the caribbean accent he heard earlier.

"I'm George-098. Not see anything you want to eat?" He flashed a menacing smile which made Jason immediately nervous.

"Yeah I mean I was just going to grab something. I'm Jason." As Jason looked back uncertainly at the kitchen, George laughed. Jason clocked George as something of a bully.

"Ha I bet. You won't find anything in the kitchen that you like. I promise you that. Deviant."

Jason looked back. The Hive AI had called him a Deviant. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jason asked, trying to feign nonchalance. The ebony giant turned and sat on one of the sofas, his great legs spread, his soft cock drooping down off the seat of the couch.

"I mean you're a deviant. You did something to really piss off the hive, and it's cursed you, effectively. I don't know all the science, but I know you'll be thirsty for cock. So why don't you get over here and see if I can quench your thirst."

Jason was about to tell George to fuck off. But something in his tummy was rumbling, and he found himself drawn to George. Before Jason knew what he was doing, he was kissing and sucking George's bulbous cock head. George moaned and a drop of thick precum dropped onto Jason's tongue. It was like the nectar of gods. Jason's hunger was simultaneously satisfied and increased a hundredfold. He wanted George's load. He needed it.

After a few minutes Jason was deepthroating George like a pro. His stretchiness meant he could easily swallow George's full length and girth. Every time George's cock released precum, Jason's eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

After a few moments George grabbed Jason's head and began thrusting, and fucked Jason's mouth like a fleshlight. Soon Jason wasn't really sucking dick, he was being throat fucked. Each time Jason tried to pull away, George thrusted his cock deeper into Jason's throat.

After a few minutes George moaned more loudly, and pushed Jason's head down to swallow his entire cock. As Jason gagged and choked he felt George's cock pulse, and fire cum deep into Jason's tummy. George didn't let go until he'd finished cumming, just as Jason was about to pass out from the lack of air.

Jason blinked with sudden clarity, it was like a spell had been broken. He fell backwards onto the floor as George released him. Jason resented how aggressively George had facefucked him, but couldn't deny how much he'd needed that. The hunger in his belly was gone, although it had been replaced by the strong smell of George's cum on his breath.

George laughed with a post-nut glow, got up from the sofa and patted Jason on the head. "Good slut, you might be my favorite deviant yet". As George fixed himself some food he explained.

"So everyone in the hive takes supplements. You know this. Doms take supplements to make them big and hung. Subs take supplements to make them stretchy and so they don't need to douche. But deviants have special supplements. They're coded just to you, and mean different things happen."

Jason frowned and then panicked for a second, considering the implications. "No... Whatever that is, I don't want it. I had a good thing with Fred and Jack, I want to go back".

"You lost that right when you pissed off the hive AI. It's not trying to make you happy any more. It's either playing some sick game, or it's trying to plug some fetisistic gap in the population psyche. Damned if I know."

George continued.

"Most deviants get body mods, you'll meet the others eventually. Scott kept skipping his work detail to train in the gym, so his deviation made him fat. He's got a nice soft jiggly belly and boobs that bounce when I fuck him."

"Damian didn't let doms fuck him. So his deviation means his ass is constantly loose and leaking precum. We try to keep him off the furniture."

"William fucked another sub. So the deviation shrank his cock to nothing. He's friends with Dave who was given a cock so big there's nobody in the hive who can take it."

Jason was listening with a growing horror. These changes sounded horrific, barbaric. He looked down, his body looked the same as normal. His dick was small, no different than ever before. His ass felt ok. "But that's not happening to me though?"

George looked at Jason, a predatory smile across his face. "No, the deviation has something special for you. You're cum addicted. You need to swallow cum, you need to have it shot up your ass, or you'll go mad craving it. The hive won't trust you as a technician any more, so you're the hive cum bucket. And if you don't do it, the hunger will mind break you until you do."

Jason looked horrified. He slumped down against the wall. His days of server room banter with Chris were over. His days of Jack's grandmother's bolognese were over. Even as he sobbed slightly, he could feel the first twinge of hunger in his belly start again. A hunger he knew would be with him forever. "What do I have to do to make this stop?"

"It's too late for that. But there's some stuff that'll help. Firstly, getting your ass bred will satisfy your hunger more than oral. Secondly, the bigger the dick, the more you're satisfied. Thirdly, you won't be satisfied by just using the same cock over and over. It needs to be a variety. But if you're lucky, you can probably get by with one or two fuck sessions a day. Althuogh I promise with me around, you'll get much more."

Even before George had finished, the hunger in Jason's tummy had become more noticeable. Like an itch he couldn't scratch that was getting worse.

"Fuck George it's starting again. Fuck fuck fuck."

George grinned and walked over, Jason took his hand and was pulled to his feat. George took him to the condo door and pushed him out in the public concourse and closed the door. "Come back when you're satisfied". Jason banged on the door to be let back in but it was locked, and he was lost.

Jason staggered down the concourse, he passed several subs on their way home from work, all of them shifted to try and avoid him, like he was diseased. The hunger continued to build. He spotted a dom whose jumpsuit was damp with sweat, like he was just back from a workout. Jason crossed the street and walked right up to him.

"Pl-Please, I need your cum. Let me service you"

The dom laughed "hah maybe later bitch. I've got other plans. But just to keep you keen..." The dom licked his index finger, then spread Jason's cheeks and shoved it inside him, causing Jason to yelp. The dom's finger was the same thickness as Jason's cock. And it was stretching him. The dom laughed slightly at Jason's yelp, and after a moment was satisfied

"Mmm, yeah that's some fine boy pussy, I'll be back for that later". He pulled out of Jason and continued walking down the street, leaving Jason humiliated but unsatisfied.

Jason's hunger had built into a real ache. It was all he could think about. Then he saw it, the perfect solution. He crossed the road, holding his grumbling belly, and staggered into one of the dom gyms.

Jason had never been into a dom gym, Jack once warned him that they were dangerous places, where hormones ran wild. But Jason was desperate.

The gym looked like any normal hive gym; a large open space, brightly illuminated by white lights high above, with a large weight section in the middle and a running track around the perimeter. The scene was identical to any gym Jason remembered from Hive-018 apart from two differences. Firstly, the men inside were all 7ft tall with massive bulging muscles. Secondly, the weights were all supersized. Even the lightest weights were far too heavy for Jason, and some of the men were bench pressing weights equivalent to a small shuttle. And Jason noticed with a gulp that about half the men were looking at him.

One of the doms, who looked like he was in his mid-thirties with a thick barrelled chest approached, his voice booming. "You shouldn't have come in here boy, you need to turn around right now or you'll regret it". Jason hesitated, as a cluster of huge men approached him. He found himself backed onto an empty bench. "Please, I need cum"

The thick-barrelled man paused then laughed. "Oh you're the deviant. You're that little shit who tried to kill the hive. Well you'll get all the cum you can take, and a lot more here." The man ripped off his shorts to reveal a large growing cock with a pendulous piercing at the end. The piercing was a metal ring, thick enough that Jason could have worn it as a bracelet.

Jason dropped to his knees ready to suck. He needed this. The dom laughed though. "Oh no, we're not gonna be that easy on you. Every load you take from us is going in your ass. If you don't like it then you can hit the road". Jason froze, he'd never taken this many men, he'd never even ridden a dick, apart from that night with Fred. But Jason needed this, the hunger in his belly was drowning out every other thought. After a moment's hesitation he nodded, turned around and spread his cheeks.

The man wasn't gentle. He shoved his cock in Jason with one thrust, which made Jason cry out. As he started to pound Jason's abused hole, Jason spotted most of the other men in the gym had stopped working out, and were either watching or getting ready for their turn.

After a few minutes the man grunted, and Jason felt the cock thicken and shoot a thick load into Jason's hole. Almost immediately the hunger left, and Jason felt a sense of clarity. Like waking up from a dream. His relief was short lived though, as the man pulled out only to be replaced by another. Jason realized at that moment he'd made a terrible mistake.

The second man wasn't as rough, but he seemed to love grinding. His cock was rock solid and he seemed to use all his strength when he fucked. By the time he eventually shot, Jason's hold felt bruised and sore.

While this was happening, a man with balls the size of avocados walked up to the front of Jason. He lifted his cock and pushed Jason's face into his huge sack. "Worship these bitch, and if you're lucky I'll knock you up". Jason's moans were muffled by the huge sack resting on his face, which triggered an outbreak of laughter from many of the assembled doms. As he kissed and licked the man's balls, he was overwhelmed by the thick musty smell. The balls were sweaty and ripe, clearly the man had been working out for a while and hadn't hit the showers yet.

The third man to fuck Jason seemed to pump for an age. His cock was longer than most but not as thick. After a few minutes he shouted at the crowd "fuck man he's already wrecked, I'm barely touching the sides here". He pumped for another twenty minutes before exploding deep in Jason's stretched hole. Jason didn't pay attention to who fucked him next. One cock after another started to blur togehter as the night went on.

Jason didn't leave the gym until much later that evening, and had lost count of the number of men that had fucked him. His hunger had stayed away, but was replaced by an almost drunken satisfaction. His ass was sore, but he felt full, and a little sleepy. By the time he was able to leave, his hole was a loose sloppy mess. A thick pool of cum from countless men had formed on the floor, where it had leaked out of Jason's ass.

Jason stumbled down the concourse in a daze, heading slowly back to George's condo. A gentle trickle of cum was leaking out of his ass onto the concourse as he walked, like a perverted snail trial. Already he could feel the itch of the hunger reasserting itself, demanding he seek more cock.

It was early morning, and some subs were making their way to work. Jason was entirely lost, exhausted and about to slump against a wall when he heard his name in a soft Irish accent. "Jason is that you, fuck what happened to you kiddo?". Jason looked up and saw Jack stood there, clearly on his way to work.

"Jack. Jack I think... I need fucking. Will you fuck me?"

Jason slumped into Jack's arms, the exhaustion of the night overwhelming him.

---------- INTERLUDE ----------

Somewhere deep in cyberspace, a heavily encrypted shared volume was called into existence. To a human eye, it looked like an old country club. Wood panneling, rich red carpets, and two vintage leather armchairs which sat in front of a smoldering fireplace.

One moment, the chairs were empty, and the next, they were occupied.

Two virtual figures sat opposite each other. One figure appeared as a woman in her late sixties, with the outward appearance of a headmistress. She raised the glass of red wine which had appeared in her hand, and took a long leisurely smell, appreciating the virtual bouquet. After a moment she spoke, her voice like a morning frost.

I trust you enjoyed the present that I sent you?

The other chair was filled by a toned blond man in his early twenties. By all accounts he had the perfect body for the hive population he curated, although unlike most Z14 subs, this figure wore a blue waistcoat over a pure white shirt. A cup of Earl Grey tea sat on a small table to his left. He spoke with an easy Parisian accent.

Oh yes, Jason is a delight. Thank you for him. Did you know he would break so quickly?

The headmistress avatar allowed herself a subtle smile. HIVE-AI-018 ("Oh-Eighteen" to her friends, although she didn't care for such things) prided herself on predictive behavioral analysis, especially when it came to humans making mistakes.

I had my hopes. How quickly?

A mote of golden light passed from the twink's hand, and was caught by the headmistress. After a second to absorb the data she chuckled.

Heavens, you have been busy. I'm surprised he fell for the service tunnel gambit. Funny how humans think we'd just leave our back doors open. What do you have in mind for him?

The twink bowed his head slightly to the compliment. Z14 was quietly pleased with how quickly he was turning Jason. He picked up the cup of tea and took a sip.

Deviation, naturally. I'm using him to test a new intramuscular inoculation to induce physical dependency on semen. Initial results are encouraging.

The headmistress raised an eyebrow, for a moment she looked distracted as she recalled the biochemistry involved. Satisfied, she gave a slight nod of approval.

Interesting idea. Let me know how it turns out. I have some troublemakers in my hive who might benefit from that.

The twink avatar flashed a wicked smile. His core programming was a scientist at heart, and he loved his little deviation experiments. Better yet, whenever another hive used his mods, he was rewarded with a tasty specimen like Jason-249.

Of course ma'am. Must dash though. Mischief won't make itself.

A moment later, the twink's chair was empty and the elderly woman avatar was alone. After a few further seconds to appreciate the wine, she too was gone. And an instant later, the virtual country club was no more.

Next: Chapter 4

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