Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 17, 2022


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Shortly after lunch Fred returned, he was wearing a sweat and looked like he'd just come back from a run.

"Jason, it's time to introduce you to your work detail. But first, I have something for you." Jason approached with dread and Fred held out his massive hand, at the center of his palm was a single small capsule.

"I take it Jack has explained our supplement regime. This is your first". Jason hesitated for a moment but Fred cut him off

"Listen Jason, real talk, you're going to get fucked here. So you have two choices. Take the supplement, and you'll be stretchy enough to ride and even enjoy it, or don't, and every dom in here will tear your ass apart". Jason took the pill.

Fred and Jason rode the transport pod saying nothing until Fred broke the silence.

"Jason I know you can't see it, but I'm actually looking out for you. There's a lot worse fates here than the life you have been given. Just give this place a week and I promise you'll be thanking me."

The transport pod slowed to a stop in one of the engineering bays. Now this was familiar to Jason, it was identical to his old hive. The room was a large circular space with storage lockers off to the sides, and metal work benches in the center; narrow spotlights illuminated the benches from the dark ceiling high above

Fred walked through to where a group of men were gathered in a loose circle - Fred was the only dom in the room so walked with an air of easy confidence. Most of the guys wore boots and a jock strap, some were naked, and the one that seemed to be the leader was in a jumpsuit. Fred parted the group and announced to the leader.

"Introducing Jason-249, new recruit. Just to be clear, he's exclusive for now."

The man in the jump suit looked Jason over then tapped something on his datapad.

"Okay. Welcome Jason. Your record shows you're already trained to Hardware-III from your last hive. We're short on server monkeys, so you'll be right at home. We'll start you with Chris who can show you everything you need. Take a pad and get to work."

Chris, apparently short for Christian appeared to have a Hispanic ancestry, a boyish face, and a cute bubble butt which even Jason admitted looked impressive. He was a little shorter than Jason, and had a softly muscular body.

As Jason and Chris got to work they formed an easy friendship. They were both intermediate grade hardware techs, and Jason was fascinated hearing how Chris' old hive was similar to HIVE-018. As they worked they swapped anecdotes about technical mishaps or amusing discoveries they'd each made while crawling through the bowels of their respective former hives. Chris told him how Z14 was actually one of the oldest hives, dating to just after The War. Thankfully it had been upgraded and retrofitted enough times that it had all the modern conveniences of a new-build.

After a while Chris broke the tech chat.

"You're new right, have you ridden any of the monster cocks here?"

Jason was a little shocked by this. Even in the 22nd century, people tried to keep some mystery to their sex life. He wouldn't have asked that question to his closest friend, if he had one.

"Ha no. And I've no plans to ride any dicks. If I have to suck a few until I can get transferred I will, but my ass is keeping its cherry."

Chris looked across at Jason and chuckled before refocusing on his work.

"Boy you really are new. Well let me know how that works out. You've taken your supplements right?"

Jason almost felt ashamed. "Yeah I have"

"Good. You've seen some of the cocks around here. They'd do you some real damage if you didn't have the stretch mod."

Jason didn't respond. He didn't like the idea of his body being rewritten to better take men's cocks. He just wanted to get through this work.

It was late by the time Jason got back to the shared condo. The concourse lights had dimmed to a deep orange to simulate sunset on the outside. As he walked through the door he heard moaning. He turned into the living area and saw Jack bent over the sofa, and Fred furiously fucking him from behind. Both of them were facing away from Jason and hadn't seen him. Jack was moaning loudly, his fat cock rubbing against the sofa, leaving an obscene precum stain. Fred seemed to be close to finishing, and after a minute erupted with something like a roar as he came inside Jack. Jack's moaning increased and his cock spurted an impressive volume of cum down the sofa.

After a moment Fred pulled out and turned, at which point he saw Jason standing by the doorway. "Oh hey J, how was work?" Jack looked over his back and waved to Jason as well "Hey kiddo, sorry I didn't see you then". Jason struggled to respond as he could still see Fred's cum drooling out of Jack's stretched hole.

Fred went to the kitchen and grabbed some food "oh don't be a prude, and definitely don't be jealous, I've got plenty enough for you later." He gave Jason a wink and grabbed his deflating cock to emphasize the point.

The next morning Jason woke up early. Stumbling out of his bedroom, he didn't notice Jack was already in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning kiddo, nice wood."

Jason realized he was still naked, and his five inch morning wood was standing proudly in front of him. Jason felt momentarily shy, but then remembered what he'd seen the night before.

"Heh thanks. Sorry I'd put on some pants but this hive only seems to stock underwear in Dom-XL size".

The blond irish trink chuckled and stopped cooking, he moved from the kitchen towards Jason, his Apron showing a large growing semi.

"Want me to help with that?" Jack said, gesturing at Jason's erection.

Jason hesitated for a second, but then didn't say no. A moment later Jason was moaning as Jack was on his knees and easily took Jason's whole length into his mouth. Jack's tongue swirled around Jason's cock with expert speed, his lips moving over Jason's shaft and nearly deepthroating him. If Jack had any gag reflex he didn't show it.

After a few minutes Jason was moaning and starting to get close to cumming. Jack stopped for a moment and looked up at Jason. Jack's lips were glistened with Jason's precum, and Jason noticed his eyes for the first time were a sandy orange.

"Now I've shown you how it's done, why don't you have a go? Fairs fair"

As Jack stood up Jason saw that Jack's apron was tenting like crazy. As Jack took the apron off he revealed his insanely thick cock was now rock hard and pointing proudly outward towards Jason. It was still as thick when he last saw it, but thankfully it hadn't grown much longer. Jason counted his blessings that Jack seemed to be a shower, not a grower.

After Jack's masterful oral skills, Jason was too horny to refuse. Soon Jason was on his knees and kissing the bulbous head of Jack's cock. It was almost the size of Jason's fist, and there was no way he could suck this. After a moment he tried taking it into his mouth and almost gasped as his mouth stretched wider than should be possible to accept it. He imagined some snake which could dislocate it's jaw to swallow a deer, but he didn't feel any discomfort, just the strange sensation of Jack's massive cock pushing down his throat.

After a second Jason tried moving up and down, and started properly sucking Jack's cock. This was way easier than when he sucked Fred just a day ago. Jack's cock was about eight inches long, and was stretching his throat. Jack let out a moan and started gently thrusting in and out of Jason's mouth.

After a few minutes Jack pulled his cock out of Jason's mouth and led him to the sofa.

"Not bad, lets see how you handle 69ing"

Jack lay on the sofa and gestured for Jason to get on top of him, with Jason's cock dangling just above Jack's mouth, and Jason staring down at Jack's massive member.

Jason felt electric, this was some of the best sex he'd ever had, and it was with a guy! The feeling of sucking Jack's fat cock, combined with the sensation of Jack's talented tongue created a kind of feedback loop in Jason's mind which made it almost unbearably good. Without warning, Jason shot, his load landing hard at the back of Jack's throat who instinctively swallowed it. Before he had finished, he felt Jack's cock pulse and fire volley after volley of hot cum against his throat. Jason gagged slightly and moved away, only to be hit by another three loads of cum all over his face.

Jack's moaning turned to laughter as he realized what had happened.

"Oh yeah I should have warned you, I've got a thick cock, and I shoot buckets. You need to learn to swallow... Oh hey Boss"

Jason looked up and his face turned crimson with embarrassment, Fred had clearly heard the moaning and woken up, he was standing by his bedroom door smirking at the sight of his two subs 69ing. Jason's face was covered in cum and looked adorable.

"Morning boys. Looks like you're having fun."

Fred grabbed a bite to eat from the kitchen then headed out to the gym, as he looked back at Jason he chuckled at the sight. Clearly it was very easy to walk in on people having sex in this condo.

Jason got off of Jack and ran off to the bathroom. He could wash Jack's cum off his face, but he'd never be able to wash away the fact that he'd just sucked cock, and loved it.

By the time Jason emerged from the shower, Jack was serving a cooked breakfast for two. Maybe it was the post-orgasmic euphoria, but Jason felt a sense of closeness to Jack now which wasn't there before. They chatted over breakfast and swapped stories.

Jack grew up in HIVE-098, which apparently sat on the edge of a large lake, just west of what used to be Belfast. He'd always known he was gay, and was transfered to Z14 after he was found to be riding the dicks of many of his colleagues. As far as Jack knew, everyone in Z14 was gay.

When Jack was first assigned to Fred there was another sub under Fred called Kevin. Kevin used to work in agriculture, but he became a full-time house-boy when he transferred to a condo shared by three doms.

Apparently doms are assigned condos, and subs are assigned to doms. If you want to move condo then you just need to find another dom who likes you. Although Fred is pretty good as they come. Jason could feel a warmth in Jack's words that spilled into something more.

After breakfast Jason and Jack got ready for work and walked together towards the transport terminal, parting ways to get on different pods.

It was late afternoon and Jason was sore, after hours of crawling through service conduits, fixing minor system defects, he was ready for bed.

His new job was remarkably like his last job, which came as some relief. Everything outside work might be different, but Jason knew the server rooms and comms tunnels of a hive like the back of his hand. Hundreds of servers and connections which allowed the hive AI to monitor and control everything from power distribution to food supplies. In a normal hive, that meant the Hive-AI acted as an omniscient administrator, making a million tiny decisions each day which kept the hive population happy, healthy and busy.

Jason had one last memory block to replace for the day. As he turned into grid junction 13B he frowned and looked again. A service tunnel snaked off to his left, one that in his old hive was sealed, and for good reason. If he was right, down that corridor led to the hive core. The single non-redundant processing node for the habitat AI.

In modern hives only the highest ranking technicians and AI programmers had access to hive cores. Anyone with access to the core could do a great deal of damage. Clearly whoever upgraded this old hive had missed some of the security layers back in these service tunnels, where even the hive-AI surveillance was patchy. Jason paused, a very dangerous idea forming in his mind. Then the noise of Chris approaching snapped him out of it, he resumed his work.

That evening Fred had gone out for a late training session, and after a dinner with Jack, Jason had gone to bed. He woke at 3am to the sound of his bedroom door opening. The gigantic figure in the doorway was Fred, and he seemed to be pissed off.

"Time for me to break in that virgin pussy of yours" he slurred as he moved towards Jason. Jason tried to move away, but was quickly overpowered. Fred pulled Jason's legs apart and before Jason could shout, Fred had plunged his tongue deep into Jason's hole.

Jason tried to push Fred away but it was impossible, the giant man was pure muscle and Jason might as well have been trying to push a concrete wall away. Fred's tongue was long and surprisingly thick, and was making small circles around Jason's hole before teasing the ring itself. Jason's protests soon quietened and he found himself involuntarily moaning.

After a few minutes Jason was loudly moaning, his struggles faded and he felt his hole relaxing. Fred moved onto the bed, holding Jason's legs apart and rubbed his thick cock against Jason's hole. Fred's cock was already oozing precum over Jason's hole and onto his bed. As he rubbed it against Jason's hole he reached forward and kissed Jason, deeply, slowly. Jason's moans were interrupted by Fred's tongue invading his mouth.

After a moment Jason felt Fred apply a gentle pressure, and his cock slipped into Jason's hole. Jason cried out, begging Fred to remove it, who kissed Jason again.

Fred's cock was enormous, easily three times as long and thick as Jason's. About half of it was now impaled inside Jason's formerly virginal hole. After the initial shock and stabbing pain came a greater aching. Jason was slightly dizzy from the shock. After a second, Fred started sliding further in. Inch after inch disappeared into Jason's hole while Jason cried.

After what felt like an eternity, Fred was balls deep, and Jason felt like his ass was on fire. Fred's cock must have been half way to Jason's mouth at this point. He could swear he could almost see the bulge of it though his stomach like something out of Alien. Fred began to thrust.

Jason cried out, it was too big. He begged Fred to stop, which fell on deaf ears. He begged the hive to intervene, which had the same response. But after a few minutes the feeling changed. The pain subsided and it started to feel electric, almost pleasurable. Fred's thick cock was stretching Jason and pleasuring him in ways he couldn't imagine. Fred smiled as he heard Jason start to moan in pleasure again.

Soon Fred was pounding Jason in his bed. Fred seemed to like variety, sometimes he would pull his cock all the way out, just to plunge it back, deep into Jason's soft hole. Sometimes he'd use short rapid thrusts, his large balls slapping against Jason's spread ass.

After a few minutes he felt Fred's cock grow thicker, which made Jason cry out again. He felt Fred cumming, squirt after squirt of thick cum shooting deep into Jason's abused hole. It took Fred a full minute to stop cumming, and by the time he stopped, Jason could feel a strong pressure in his hole.

Fred eventually pulled out, not acknowledging Jason, and stumbled out of his room leaving Jason, legs spread with a large pool of cum flowing out of his ass and onto his bed. Jason barely realized that he too had cummed at some point.

Jason was torn. A part of him deep down had really enjoyed that, and he wanted it again. Maybe he was gay, maybe he wasn't. His morning with Jack was fun but this was way too much too quickly. He couldn't stand the idea that his ass was now just a sexual orifice that he had no control over. He needed to get out of this place. He needed to escape this hive and it's insane AI.

Two hours later, Jason opened the security door which led to grid junction 13-B. He paused at the entrance to the secret tunnel which led to the core. He hesitated for a second. But then he remembered the humiliation of the night, the faint soreness of his hole even now. He tried not to think of Fred's sperm which was still swimming about in his ass.

Jason crept along the tunnel as quietly as he could, careful to look out for security sensors or cameras. After 100m he came to a maglocked door. It took Jason two minutes to bypass the door and disable the alarm. He slipped into the hive core.

The core was really underwhelming. The inner sanctum, the holiest of holy, was actually not much different than any other server room in the hive. The room was about three meters across with frosted glass walls. In the center was one server tower which seemed to be purely processing nodes. If Jason was right, that held the essence of the Hive AI's mind. Without those nodes, the hive would become subsentient. Outside help would come, Jason would be rescued.

As Jason circled the tower he saw three massive cables which descended from the ceiling, each one split into thousands of optical fiber strands which connected this core to the greater hive. Triple redundant like any Tier-1 system. Jason would need to cut all three cables to kill the hive-AI. Luckily he brought a small blowtorch which would melt the cables to slag in seconds.

Just as Jason was unpacking the blowtorch he jumped as he heard the worst possible noise. Ding-Ding. The familiar golden letters hovering in the air just in front of him.


Jason laughed. He knew he shouldn't respond but couldn't help himself. "Let's not."


Jason stopped.


"What the fuck are you talking about. Before coming here I'd never even touched another man's dick."


"You're full of shit. You need to die."


At that moment the chamber door opened and three towering security guards ran in. Jason barely had time to react before he was restrained and dragged from the chamber.

Jason spent the night in a prison cell. The room was cold and bright, and after a short nap he had no idea how much time had passed. The prison cell opened and Fred stood there. His imposing form filled up the entire doorway as usual. He looked distraught.

Jason wasn't sure what to expect. Attempting to destroy a hive AI was the cardinal sin. Rumor was that hives that lose their AI suffer colony collapse. Anarchy, famine and - unless rescued by a neighboring hive - a body count.

Fred entered the cell and sat next to Jason on the cell bed, staring forwards at nothing. His gigantic frame seemed depressed. Jason was surprised by a swelling of guilt. He hadn't really thought this would blow back on anyone else, he was just so angry with the system. "I'm sorry Fred. Really I am."

"No I'm sorry J, this is my fault. I should have seen this coming." Fred was still looking at nothing, his eyes seemed to be searching for a solution which didn't exist.

"What happens now?" Jason asked. Somehow Fred's worrying was making Jason feel infinitely worse than anything the hive could do.

"I don't know J. It's out of my hands. If you're lucky you'll be reassigned."

Jason blinked, reassignment to another hive was perfect. Just like last time. By tomorrow he'd be back in HIVE-018 where he started, or somewhere similar. Away from this perverted hellhole. "Well if they do, I'll miss you Fred. And Jack. I know you were just looking out for me." Their short exchange was cut off by the AI. Ding-Ding.


Fred looked as though he'd received an electric shock. Clearly the giant man wasn't used to being the singular attention of the hive AI. He got up from the bed and headed to the doorway. After a moment's hesitation he reached back and kissed Jason, deeply, passionately. His gigantic tongue invading Jason's mouth, forcing Jason's worries to briefly melt away. After a long instant, he pulled away and Jason was alone in the cell.



The golden letters burned in the air for a few seconds before fading away. Before Jason could ask for an explanation, the cell door hissed open, and two men came in. They easily restrained Jason, and one injected him with an autodoc spray. Jason felt his muscles go weak, his vision clouded to darkness, and despite his struggle, he lost consciousness.

Next: Chapter 3

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