Hive Z14

By Jason 249

Published on Mar 15, 2022


Content note: All characters over depicted as over 18. Themes include dominance/submission, body modification. Suggested categories: SF-Fantasy & Authoritarian.

This is the first story I've ever published, so any comments would be appreciated. -----------------

"I just don't understand it Jason. You have a perfectly comfortable life here, and yet, you're continuing to reject the Social Body, to reject the Hive's guidance... Are you not happy here?"

The elderly councilor had been droning on for a while now. Jason sighed. He was happy. Everyone in the Hive was happy to some extent, the Hive AI made sure of it.

"I am happy, I just..." Jason paused. Was he happy?

"Everyone smiles, and everyone does their jobs. And it's so boring. There's no challenge, there's no edge. The hive makes sure it's all comfortable, all of the time, and I don't like it.".

The counselor frowned in confusion. He was a true believer, old enough to remember the dark times before most humans lived in hives. Old enough to remember when central AIs didn't run the show. Old enough to remember a time before individual happiness wasn't an optimisation parameter in some algorithm.

Jason-249's crime was not showing up for work a few times. But as an intermediate grade technician, it's not like the world would have ended. His day job involved swapping triple-redundant hardware in some processing node which did god-knows-what. As hive jobs go it was as dull as it comes.

"Jason, I think you need to relax a bit. Step back and think of the alternative. You might think the grass is greener outside the hive, but it's just famine and misery. I would suggest you try forming some more intimate relationships to ground you to the social body. Have you been seeing anyone recently?"

Jason hadn't. And the councilor knew that. It wasn't that Jason didn't like girls, he just didn't get excited about them like other people did. It's one of the things that made him a bit of a loner, and a bit of a fringe case. Two things the Hive hated.

The counselor continued "Jason have you considered..." but was interrupted by a noise that everyone in the hive knew. A ding-ding chime of a bell, like one to summon an old Victorian waiter. But here in the twenty second century it meant only one thing, the hive AI had made a decision. The proclamation appeared in mid-air, golden text projected by hologram in the air just between the councilor and Jason.


Jason froze, uncomprehending. Reassignment was almost unprecedented. Rumor was, a hive would only expel someone if the AI admitted it couldn't make them happy, or if their presence was making other people unhappy. The most heinous of crimes. Most people were born, lived, and died in the same hive complex. Jason had never left Hive-018 in his life.

The counselor took a moment to read the text, and seemed to be equally shocked. "I'm sorry Jason, it looks like we're finished. As I understand, the AI will send instructions, but you'll probably be leaving tonight. I hope you find happiness in ...Hive 14?"

The counselor packed away his notepad and headed for the door, suddenly desperate to be out of Jason's apartment.

"Z14" Jason clarified. "What does Z mean? I've never heard of a Z-hive before".

"You know what Jason, I have no idea." And with that, the counselor left, leaving Jason confused alone in his apartment.

Jason couldn't sleep. It was 1am and twelve hours since the counselor. Twelve hours since the proclamation which had turned his life upside down. One or two friends and colleagues had contacted him to express shock and condolences. They sounded like he was dying.

Jason paced his apartment. It wasn't minimal, it just didn't have many things in it. Hive apartments were designed for sleeping, nursing hangovers and fucking. At least that's what he was told. Jason hadn't actually done the latter in a long time.

Jason looked at his calendar again. All future work appointments had gone. All party invitations were gone. He'd been dis-invited to everything from gym classes to coffee meet-ups. One thing remained, in 45 minutes. "HIVE Transfer. Hanger Bay 12. Bring nothing." Jason felt a sense of dread, like a prisoner staring at their execution. Jason couldn't stand waiting, and arrived at the hanger bay with time to spare.

The hanger bay shuttle was like all modern craft. A smooth silver lozenge the size of the minibus with no windows or doors. AI controlled and designed for optimal aerodynamic efficiency. As Jason approached, a seam formed on the side, growing to a doorway. Inside a chair formed which molded itself to Jason's size. After a moment's hesitation Jason got in and the shuttle resealed. The inner wall of the shuttle projected the outside view, so it soon looked to Jason as if he was sitting in a bubble on the floor of the hanger bay.

The shuttle made a gentle hum, and rose into the air. Jason watched as he speeded away through the hanger bay, past massive robotic constructors and craines. The shuttle ducked and dived past huge cargo ships and suddenly out, shooting into the night sky. The light of the hanger bay aperture falling away. As the shuttle turned in a gentle arc, Jason gasped as he saw the sheer size of the hive for the first time. The moonlight catching the massive pyramid of concrete and glass which he'd lived in from birth, rising a kilometer into the sky from the forest floor. The shuttle hum changed slightly, and suddenly Jason was pinned against his seat by g-forces as the shuttle accelerated towards the horizon. Suddenly the hive was far away. The shuttle continued to accelerate. The g-forces were insane. Jason lost consciousness.

As Jason started to wake up he realized he wasn't in the shuttle chair any more. He was lying on the polished concrete floor of a small hanger bay (still the size of a 20th century warehouse). The room smelt different to his old hive, warmer with a slightly mustier smell. High above him automated cargo pallets were moving boxes and goods. In front of him there was a large white doorway, and above it the sign "Welcome to HIVE-Z14". Next the door was the largest man Jason had ever seen, and he was walking towards Jason.

The man appeared to be 7ft tall of pure muscle, he was tanned and seemed to be in his early thirties. He was wearing a standard hive-template jumpsuit which seemed to be stretching to fit him. The man stopped in front of Jason, towering over him. As Jason looked up he saw an enormous bulge snaking half way down the man's leg. Jason pushed down on a sense of dread and excitement, like his flight-or-fight response didn't know what to do.

The man spoke in a low gravelly voice that seemed to drip power. "Welcome to Z14. My name is Fred-034, but you can call me Boss. Now get up." Jason was still waking up, and obeyed without really thinking. Nobody in his old hive used the phrase Boss, and nobody gave Jason orders like that. Clearly this was a joke, or a misunderstanding.

After a moment Jason was standing, although at 5ft8 and slender, he was dwarfed by Fred. "Okay let's see what we're working with." And without hesitation ripped away Jason's old hive jumpsuit.

"Hey what the hell..." Jason shouted, but Fred completely ignored his protests. Jason's cheeks turned red in embarrassment, he couldn't fight back as Fred was twice his size. The local hive must be offline. Normally any intrusion like that would have been immediately stamped out.

After a few seconds Jason was down to his white briefs. Jason was pretty slender, and had little body hair apart from his pubes and armpits. After a moment's smile, Fred ripped away the briefs as well, showing Jason's small dick and balls. Fred chuckled for a moment. "Not much out front, but look at that ass, you're going to fit in just fine here. Now follow me. You don't want to get lost down here."

"Bitch either you follow me, or I will grab you by your tiny balls and drag you".

Jason followed Fred through the doorway to a waiting transport pod. Like all hive-template small internal transport pods, this white cylinder had four seats, two facing two with a space between. The pod had smooth white walls and no controls. Fred got in and dropped into one of the cushioned seats, his large frame stretching the size of the chair. As Jason took a seat opposite him, Fred sighed and reached forward, his strong hands parting Jason's legs so his pink hole was exposed.

"Yeah... now just stay like that for the journey"

Jason's face reddened. "Listen Fred I don't know what's going on, but I think you've got the wrong guy. I'm a new transfer. I'm not even gay. Just talk to the HIVE-AI and we can put this behind us." Jason stopped as he noticed Fred's growing smile, the smile of a predator. Jasons eye's widened as he saw the bulge in Fred's pants grow.

"Oh my sweet angel you have no idea what's happening do you. Hive won't let me fuck you yet, but I think you need to be taught some manners. POD HALT!"

The transport pod braked firmly and came to a stop. The hum of the engine dropped to silence. Jason could hear nothing but his own thumping heartbeat. Fred undid a seam on his belt, and his growing cock flopped up through an opening. It was already the length and thickness of Jason's forearm, with a large bulbous head. Fred moved forward and was quickly on top of Jason, his giant hand wrapped behind Jason's waist, pulling him forwards and on to Fred's lap. Jason could only squirm and protest, facing Fred with his legs either hiding Fred's barrelled waist. His massive cock continuing to grow in the small gap between them, totally dwarfing Jason's shrunken dick.

"Let me explain the rules, I own you here, until the Hive says otherwise. And that means you're going to take my dick any way I like. So you have a choice. Either I can destroy your asshole here and now, or you can put those lips to some use".

Jason started whimpering something about consent, and Fred laughed. In a moment he'd repositioned Jason, his mammoth cock now sliding up and down against the back of Jason's ass. Precum was leaking from the plum-sized head and making Jason's virginal hole slick.

Jason's eyes widened, suddenly appreciating the danger he was in.

"No stop, please! I'll do anything, just don't do this."

Fred continued to thrust his cock against Jason's tight ass, never breaking eye contact.

"You're going to behave then bitch?"

"Yes, just don't fuck me. Please!" Jason begged.

"Okay, well why don't you show me what your mouth can do. You're taking this load one way or another.

Jason relaxed slightly, and as he was released, he got off fred and knelt between his massive legs looking at the cock he was about to try and suck. Fred's balls were the size of large eggs, and his cock was now rock solid and nearly 12 inches long. The head glistened wet with precum.

Jason tried kissing Fred's cock, and then strained to take the head into his mouth. After a few minutes he was cautiously bobbing up and down on it. Fred let out a deep moan and patted Jason on the head. After a few more minutes Jason's jaw was really starting to ache. Fred looked up as if remembering something "sorry bitch, gotta cut this lesson short. Places to be". Before Jason could react Fred grabbed both sides of his head, and began forcefully pumping his head up and down. Jason gagged and spluttered but Fred continued to fuck his throat, his moans growing until he let out a long loud moan, just as his cock flooded Jason's mouth with cum. The cum had nowhere to go, so Jason swallowed to avoid drowning. After a few seconds Jason must have swallowed a pint of cum, and Fred released him. Jason fell back onto the floor coughing.

Fred laughed for a second at the cum dripping down Jason's face. Jason was clearly a natural at this. "Pod resume."

After two minutes the pod slowed to a stop at a residential terminal. Fred led Jason out, one gigantic arm over Jason's shoulder like a fucked up prom date.

The terminal and residential block looked familiar to Jason. Clearly all the hives are based on the same architectural template. Although as Jason looked around he saw slight differences. Some of the terminals looked older than HIVE-018, and the dormitories seemed to be exclusively split into shared apartments. At `018 these were reserved for families.

As Jason walked down the dormitory concourse he noticed the people were very different. Firstly a lot of the guys were naked, or wearing very little. This wasn't unheard of. 22nd century dress codes were very liberal, and on certain festivals his old hive looked like this. Secondly it looked like Fred wasn't the only giant here, Jason passed another ten or so men who were also massive and muscled. One or two gave Jason a hungry wink which made him queasy. Thirdly came last and was most shocking. There were no women. Walking down the concourse Jason had spotted nearly a hundred people, and not a single woman. Fuck.

Fred led Jason to an apartment just five minutes from the terminal. The door slid open to show a standard template multiple-occupancy condo. A wide corridor led to a large shared living space and kitchen. Off to the sides were four doors which opened into private bedrooms and a bathroom.

As Jason entered he could detect the sounds and smells of cooking. Passing from the corridor into the shared living space, Jason saw a youngish blond haired guy in an apron who seemed to be busy cooking something complicated. He looked up, smiling at Fred.

"Hey boss, is this the new kid?" His accent betrayed an Irish upbringing. He was about 5ft9 with a slender build, not too different to Jason.

"Yeah this is Jason-249, cute ass but needs some practice at giving head. You can help him there can't you cocksucker" The cook smirked and went back to cooking, "No problem boss".

Fred turned to Jason, as they were standing next to each other, Jason had to crane his neck to look up at his giant custodian. "Jason, this is Jack-213, he'll show you the ropes. I'm off out, I'll be back at 1pm to take you to work."

As soon as Fred left Jason felt a weight of relief. He flopped onto one of the sofas in the living room, leaned forward and dropped his face into his hands. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine he was back in his old hive, but he could still smell the strong musk of Fred's cum on his breath.

As he looked up he realized Jack was in front of him, his hand outstretched in greeting. Jason hesitated and Jack reached for Jason's hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet up, I'm Jack. I was new about two years ago so Fred wants me to get you up to speed. From the smell it sounds like he's already had his way with you. Lunch will be about half an hour, why don't you get cleaned up. Bathroom's the second door on the left."

Jason closed the bathroom door and ran the shower, letting Fred's cum wash from his face, and letting Fred's precum wash from his still virginal butt. For a moment he remembered what it was like staring up at Fred's cock, the heat radiating off it, the power. As Jason absent mindedly showered he realized he was hard. "Fuck dick not now." Jason had to get out of this hell. Then he spotted it.

The bathroom mirror had an emergency terminal, they were standard in hive bathrooms, kitchens and work areas. A direct line to the central AI. As he pressed the button on the corner of the mirror Jason was relieved by the familiar "Ding ding". Gold text appeared on the mirror.


Jason bit down on a sarcastic laugh.

"I don't know if you noticed, but since getting to your new hive I've been assaulted, raped and seem to be caught in some weird sex cult. How are you letting this happen?"


"What the hell do you mean?! Raping me isn't against the rules here? What kind of fucked up world are you running here?


Jason stood looking at the golden text on the mirror for a full minute. Uncomprehending. Clearly the hive mind here was broken, which should be impossible. Hive AI's don't just fail. And if they did, why is everyone just walking around and not panicking?

"Hey Jason are you ok? Food's ready. I hope you're hungry." Jason heard Jack from the other side of the bathroom door.

After a few minutes Jason dried off and walked back to the kitchen where Jack was serving a pasta bolognese onto two plates. He picked one up and handed it to Jason.

"Eat this, you'll feel better. And while you do I can probably answer your first hundred questions".

Jason was wary, but also very hungry, and Jack was much less intimidating than Fred. Jason sat at the table to eat. Jack sat next to him with a plate of food and explained.

"Okay so first thing's first, this hive is split into doms and subs, and you kiddo are definitely a sub. That means you do what doms say, and take what they want you to take. You can't say no to a dom. If you're lucky then Fred will take a liking to you and the other doms will leave you alone. If he tells the others that you're free game then you're in trouble."

Jason had stopped eating. "Wait so you mean.." Jack cut him off.

"Let me finish kiddo. You'll still have a job like you did in your old hive, although some jobs are a bit different. Most doms don't work, they have to most of their time either working out or fucking. It doesn't leave much time to have a day job, so us subs do that.

Jason butted in "what do you mean they have to work out? You mean the hive makes them?"

"Kinda. That's the other big thing here. Everyone takes diet supplements. It's really cutting edge tech. The Dom supplements boost muscle and sex drive. It means they're all muscle gods with amazing dicks. But if they don't fuck and train, they'd get ill. The sub supplements are less extreme, your body gets a bit stretchier, and you'll end up expelling any waste through your pee. Very convienient if you're getting fucked in the ass all day. There are a few other small changes but it's mostly to keep you happy and healthy."

Jason looked down at his pasta and Jack anticipated his worry.

"No the pasta isn't drugged kiddo, that's my grandmother's recipe. The supplements are tablets. That's actually my job, when I'm not housekeeper, I work in the dietetics lab here. It's mostly standard work but it does have its perks. Such as this..."

Jason nearly choked as Jack moved his apron to one side and showed his dick. It was totally soft but already the thickness of a wine bottle.

"Pretty neat eh? Not many subs have a big dick. Took a little custom coding to my supplements but it's great fun. Subs aren't allowed to fuck, but I'm pretty sure Fred will want you to practice your blowjobs on me. If you can learn to take me then you'll be able to handle most guys in this hive."

"Jesus Jack, that's huge. And that came out of a pill?"

"Yeah we can do loads of stuff. Not for general population though. Trust me Jason, just give this place a chance, you'll find you like it a lot more than you think."

Next: Chapter 2

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