Hitchhikers Story

By Libnos

Published on Apr 2, 2000



Jim (now Jamie) had been seduced by Mark (Mary Ann) when he was hitchhiking back to his ship from liberty. Jamie had found out that he wanted to be a girl and submit to his lover by sucking his cock and by being fucked. He also found that he took erotic pleasure in dressing as a girl; feeling the soft lingerie against his skin, the weight of imitation breasts on his chest, the smell of his perfume, the look of his hairless legs encased in sheer nylon stockings and defined by the woman's high heeled shoes he wore, his curly wig and his appearance in makeup as a pretty girl. Jamie felt utterly feminine with her cock and balls in a semi rigid state tucked back between her legs as she and Mary Ann prepared to go to a party. Mary Ann was dressed in a stunning white mini skirt. With her long, blond wig, white stockings and white shoes she would catch many male eyes.

"C'mon Jamie, let's go or we'll be late. Here take this black purse, it will go well with your outfit." Mary Ann said in a new falsetto voice as she opened the door of the apartment to leave.

"Where is this party and what's it for?" Jamie asked as she suddenly realized that he would be going out into public for the first time dressed as a girl. She also realized that she was using a higher pitched voice as she responded.

" Its a private party at a friend's house. You'll meet some interesting people there." Mary Ann responded as they made their way out the apartment building and to Mary Ann's the car. A man coming into the building ogled them as they passed. Jamie felt herself adding a little more swing to her hips as he turned to stare after them.

When Mary Ann opened the passenger car door Jamie attempted to enter and sit as she had done as a male but Mary Ann quickly corrected her. " As a woman you're going to have to remember to try to keep your knees together when your sitting down, especially in that short skirt. Try sitting on the car seat first and then bringing your feet in with your knees together." Jamie found that this worked much better and she realized she had much to learn and would have to concentrate on her new identity at all times.

On the drive over to the party Mary Ann explained, "You'll like your hosts, Bill & Don. They own the house and are lovers. I've known them for quite awhile. Don and I were a thing at one time but we drifted apart. I can recommend them both as lovers as they both have big cocks and are very considerate of their partners. They own their own PR firm and are quite well off."

We drove into the suburbs until we came to a more posh residential area and then pulled into the drive way of a large, secluded, two story house and parked with several other cars at the back. A group of people were congregated around the swimming pool in a screened pool area and after exiting the car Mary Ann and Jamie moved to join them. Lights were provide by back lighting from a small bar set up in the corner and candles on several tables around the pool. Soft music was coming from unseen speakers and two couples were dancing on a small patio area within the enclosure. Jamie noticed that two women were dancing together as well as two men.

A tall, good looking man came forward to greet them as they entered the screened enclosure. "Mary Ann, its so good that you could come and you've brought such a lovely young friend with you."

"Hi Don. Thanks for inviting me and I hope you don't mind that I've brought Jamie. She's new and I thought she might need a support group."

"No problem and welcome Jamie."

Jamie found herself blushing as Don bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Let me get you a drink and then I'll introduce Jamie around. I think you know everyone here Mary Ann."

"OK Don, thanks." Mary Ann said as she took her drink and moved off to join the others as Jamie felt Don's arm go around her a hand rest lightly on her hip as Don guided her around for introductions. Jamie sipped her drink and acknowledged introductions as she hoped a young girl would. She met Don's partner, Bill, who was about Jamie's size. She glanced at Bill's crotch to see if she could determine the size of his cock that Mary Ann had told her about but was disappointed that his loose clothing didn't reveal anything.

Most of the people she met were paired off as same sex partners. After they had made the rounds of the twenty or so people there Jamie found that her glass was empty and Don quickly refilled it. As she started on her new drink a woman she had met as Fran came over to her and asked if she would like to dance. Jamie put her glass down and Fran took her in her arms and began to lead.

"You're such a darling." Fran whispered in Jamie's ear. "Do you like being a girl?"

"Oh yes!"

"My husband likes to dress up too. That's him over there." Fran indicated by pointing to a tall good looking brunette that Jamie had mistaken for Fran's lesbian lover.

"She's very pretty."

"Yes, she used to be a jock, but I changed him into a her with hormones and mind control drugs and trained him to be my lesbian lover. We get along fine as I like girls better than boys but I get a little real cock on the side now and then."

"Wow! I never would have guessed it." I could teach you if you're interested and I'm a doctor so I could get you into hormone therapy if you want to be a real girl. Wouldn't you like to have real breasts, no facial hair and soft flesh?

"Gosh, that sounds good. Maybe I'd like to get into that."

Suddenly, Don was there tapping on Fran's shoulder. "May I cut in?"

"Let me know when your ready." Fran said as they parted and Jamie moved away into Don's arms.

It was a slow dance and the alcohol combined with the feel of Don's body pressed to hers caused Jamie' cock to harden and she felt Don's cock harden also against her belly. She reached her arms up around his neck as he pulled her hips closer to his.

"You are a hot one aren't you darling?"

Jamie blushed but shamelessly pressed her body closer to his.

"Would you like to take a tour of the house? I think you'd find it very interesting."

"Yes." Jamie responded hoping for an excuse to be to be alone with him. her cock was straining in its confinement which was getting painful.

Don took her hand and lead her through French doors into a rec. room and then down a hall until they reached an large entry area with a huge stair case leading to the upper floor. Don continued to lead her by the hand up the stairs and into a huge master bedroom; the centerpiece of which was a large king sized bed set on a small stage. He pulled Jamie into his arms as they stood by the bed and she raised her face as his mouth descended on hers. His tongue slipped between her parted lips and she sucked gently on it as it ravished her mouth. She felt his hands slide down the zipper on the back of her dress and then he broke the kiss long enough to slide it over her head as her hands became busy in unbuckling his belt and pulling down the zipper of his pants. She was surprised when the largest cock she had ever seen flopped into her hand as his pants dropped away. He wasn't wearing underwear and she immediately began to fondle and caress it; enjoying the feel of the silky shaft and soft head which began leaking pre cum. Jamie's panties were slipped over her hips and dropped to the floor, shoes were kicked off and Don grabbed her and they fell on the bed in a hot embrace. Jamie's hard cock swung wildly from under her garter belt as she fell on top of Don and their mouths resumed their frantic searching and probing as their cocks were pressed between them.

Gasping, Don groaned, "Oooouu you hot bitch!" and began pressing down on Jamie's shoulders until Jamie was facing Don's huge cock. "There it is princess. Wrap your lips around my meat and let me give you what you want."

In order to gain full access to Don's cock Jamie got on her knees between Don's legs and opening her mouth as wide as possible took the head of his cock between her lips. Her tongue began to explore the head and lick and taste the pre cum oozing from the slit.

"Ooouu, that's it you cocksucker, enjoy it. Make love to it."

Jamie slowly sank her lips down the shaft, reveling in her erotic submission to her lover; wanting to please him and taste his cum. She had dreamed about sucking a cock all week and finally had a big, swollen shaft finally in her mouth and she wanted to savor every minute of it as she caressed it with her tongue.

Her eyes were closed in her ecstasy and she didn't notice someone enter the room and begin to undress. Her first indication of another presence was when she felt the mattress sag behind her and she started to remove her mouth from Don's cock.

"Its OK princess, Bill wants to join our party." Don reassured her as he place both hands on her head and held her mouth on his cock. "Keep giving me head like the good little cocksucker you are."

Jamie cautiously resumed her ministrations of Don's cock with her mouth and tongues she felt Bill grasp her cock with a greasy hand and begin to masturbate it. Her hips began to buck in response and she felt an orgasm begin in her groin.

"That's it sweetheart." Bill's voice said behind her. "You like me to play with your little clitty don't you.?"

Jamie's response was to increase the movement of her hips to fuck the hand that was pleasuring her. But the hand just kept her on the verge of orgasm as a greasy finger found its way to her anus and began to probe its depths. She groaned in response to this invasion of her bowels as more grease was applied in the area by the finger.

The first sign of Bill's intent was when he suddenly place both his hands on her hips and felt the head of his cock pressing into her ass. Her anus began to stretch and stretch to accommodate it and despite the grease began to feel pain as his cock pushed slowly into her. He was much bigger than Mark.

"Relax sweetheart. Let it happen. You want me to fuck you and cum in your cunt don't you?" Bill said as he resumed pumping her cock with his hand.

Just when she thought she wouldn't be able to stand the pain any more the head of his cock slipped inside and she obtained release as it continued to go deeper and deeper into her bowels until she felt his balls against hers. Then Bill began to slowly fuck Jamie's ass.

She began to revel in the sensation of being fucked as she grasped the shaft of Bill's cock with one hand and resumed her homage to the large cock in her mouth. All the sensations in her body were suddenly confined to her mouth and ass as she tried to minister to the two huge cocks that she was servicing. "Mmmm." she moaned in her ecstasy as she felt her orgasm approaching. Bill began to thrust faster into her ass as Don's hips began to move in response to her cock suckling. The three were rapidly approaching their orgasms and as if by a signal Bill exploded into her ass at the same time as Don exploded in her mouth.

"Aaiieee! You slut. Take my cum."

The first spurt of Don's cum in her mouth triggered Jamie's orgasm and as she spewed her cum on the bed her lovers emptied theirs into her body. Her mouth rapidly filled with cum and she hurriedly swallowed it as she felt the cock in her ass pumping into her bowels.

Jamie almost fainted in the ecstasy of fulfillment and submission that swept over her and when she had regained her composure Bill was sliding his now soft cock out of her ass as Don's cock was falling from her mouth.

"Ooouuu, you were great princess!" Don told her as he slowly got up from the bed and began dressing. Bill also moved off the bed as Jamie laid for a few minutes in a happy afterglow of satisfaction.

"You can get cleaned up in the bathroom sweetheart and join the party when you're ready." Bill said as they left the room.

Cum coated her lips and the inside of her mouth and was oozing out of her ass as Jamie finally managed to make it to the bathroom where she cleaned herself up and then dressed and reapplied her makeup. When she rejoined the party a few of the guests smiled knowingly at her and she blushed but was content as Don came over and put his arm around her and Bill kissed her cheek. Her anus was quite tender when she walked and she still had the taste and feel of cum in her mouth but she was content and satiated.

Later, on the way back to Mary Ann's apartment Mary Ann told her, "Don and Bill were really taken with you. They want me to bring you back again sometime."

"I'd like that. Can you and get together next weekend? I have a 72 hour pass."

"Sure. I'll pick you up Friday evening and we can see if we can pick up some guys."

"Oh, that would be nice."

"You've come a long way since I picked you up last Friday. Do you have any regrets?"

"Oh no." Jamie responded thinking about her time with Don and Bill and looking forward to being fucked and sucking cock again. Happy fantasies - Libnos

Be safe, wear a condom.

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