Hitchhikers Story

By Libnos

Published on Mar 20, 2000



He had returned to his ship after being seduced into sucking his first cock with strong feelings about not doing it again. During the week on ship board he tried to forget the episode that had occurred on that Friday night and concentrated on his ship board duties. Nevertheless, he found that as the week progressed he was dreaming more and more during sleep about stiff cocks and would wake up with a hard-on and evidence of a wet dream on his mattress cover. When taking a shower he found himself looking at the cocks of his shipmates and wondering what they would look like when hard. He also found his mouth full of saliva at those times.

He had never felt these homosexual urges before and had always considered himself straight. Now, he felt an erotic thrill in his groin at the thought of submitting to another male.

By the time the next Friday arrived he was feeling horny and his determination to avoid his seducer of the previous week was getting weaker and he could not find a time to jack off in the close quarters of the ship.

On Saturday he left the ship Saturday afternoon on a 48 hour pass and saw a phone booth on the pier. He hesitated and tried to fight the urge to call the number his seducer had given him, but in the end as the urge in his groin became unbearable he entered the phone booth and dialed the number.

"Hello." a man's voice answered but he didn't recognize it.

"Is MMMark there?" he read from the card.

"Just a moment."

"Hello, this is Mark." and he recognized the voice.

"Mmarrkk, I don't know wwwhether you remmmember me or nnnot but we met last Friday nnnight. Yyyou gggave mmme a rride." he stammered in his nervousness.

"Oh yes, the sailor. How are you and what can I do for you?"

"Yyyyou said to cccall you if I wwwanted to ggget together wwwith yyou."

"Oh sure. Where are you?"

I'm aaat the bbase."

"I can pick you up in 20 minutes at the main gate." "OK, I'll mmmeet you there."

It was done. He had committed himself but there was still a chance to back out. Just don't go to the main gate. But his feet began to move in that direction as if they had a mind of their own.

Twenty minutes later he was sitting by Mark heading toward town.

"How did your week go?" Mark asked.


"Say, what's your name? I guess we didn't have time to introduce ourselves last Friday."


"How do you do Jim? Its a good thing you called as there's a party tonight at a friend house that I think you'd enjoy."

"OK." Jim replied as he tried to quell his nervousness and apprehension.

"You're a little small but I think I've got some civvies that will fit you. They belonged to an old room mate of mine."


"Here we are." Mark exclaimed as he pulled into a parking lot next to an apartment building. After parking the car Jim followed Mark into the building and they took the elevator to the fourth floor.

"I'll get the civvies. Why don't you get undressed in the first bedroom down the hall and I'll be right with you Jim"

"OK." Jim said and went down the hall to the bed room Mark had indicated and began to take off his uniform except his skivvies.

Mark joined him in a few minutes with trousers, tennis shoes, socks and a sport shirt. "Here we are. Try these on and I thought you might like to wear these." he said as he handed Jim a pair of girls, nylon, bikini panties. "Come on out to the living room when you're finished."

Jim held the panties and looked at them. They were pink and trimmed in lace. Finally, after some moments he slipped off his skivvies and pulled the panties up his legs to settle the crotch around his cock and balls. He trembled at the erotic feel of the silky material against his skin, especially his cock and balls. Next he put on the shirt, which fit him very well and then pulled on the trousers. They were made of a stretch material that hugged his ass and crotch, showing plainly his semi hard-on and the outline of the panties. Pulling on the socks and tennis shoes he went into the living room feeling, somehow, erotically exposed.

"Oh Jim, you look great! Would you like a some wine?"

Jim blushed as Mark stared at his crotch, "Sure."

Jim went into the kitchen and returned with two glasses of wine and offered one to Mark. "I see that everything fit OK. Do you like the feel of the panties?"

Jim took a swallow of his wine as he blushed again, "Yes."

They sat for a few minutes drinking the wine and Jim started to relax as the alcohol got into his system.

Mark suddenly got up and put a CD on and some slow dance music filled the room. "Would you like to dance?" Mark asked as he extended his hand to Jim.

Jim took another swallow of wine and stood up. Mark put a hand on Jim's hip, took his hand with the other and gently began to lead Jim in a slow dance. It took Jim a while but he slowly learned how to dance as the woman.

"There, now you're getting it." Mark told him as he drew him closer so that their chests were touching. Mark looked into Jim's eyes and slowly bent down to kiss his lips. Jim started at the touch of his lips but put his arm around Mark's neck as he was pulled closer until Mark's thigh was between his legs rubbing against his cock. Mark brought his lips down to Jim's again and Jim felt the tip of Marks tongue on his lips and then pressing into his mouth. He opened them and Mark's tongue quickly slipped inside as their bodies melded together and their tongues entwined.

Jim could feel his cock growing hard against Mark's belly as he felt Mark's hard-on against his own. They stopped dancing and the kiss continued as they stood embracing in the middle of the floor. Mark had his hand on Jim's ass fondling his buttocks and pulling him closer while Jim had both arms around Marks neck submitting to the kiss and as he rubbed his cock against Mark.

Finally, Mark broke the kiss and whispered, "You like being a girl don't you?"

Jim nodded, blushing against Mark's shoulder.

"Let's go back to the bedroom." Mark whispered in Jim's ear as he took his hand and led him down the hall.

Mark pulled down the mini blind so that the room was in semi darkness and began to undress. Jim watched for a moment and then began to undress also.

When Mark had finished undressing, Jim realized that Mark had no body hair except on his head and a small triangular patch around his cock and balls. Mark lay on the bed and watched Jim finish undressing. Jim was reluctant to take off the bikini panties as he enjoyed the feminine feeling they gave him but he finally slipped them off and joined Mark on the bed. Mark put his arms around Jim and pulled him against his body and brought his lips to Jim's. They began to kiss again as Mark aggressively slid his body atop Jim and forcing Jim's legs apart to lay between them with their cocks side by side. Then Mark began to dry hump Jim as his tongue continued to invade Jim's mouth.

Jim's cock was rock hard against Mark's body and he had his arms around Mark as he spread his legs wide to give himself to his lover. He enjoyed the feel Mark's hairless body against his own and his tongue deep in his mouth. He truly felt like a girl submitting to her male lover.

Mark slid down Jim's body and began to suckle on Jim's nipples until they were hard. Jim began to moan as Mark continued down his body and took his cock in his mouth.

"Ooohhh!" Jim gasped as Mark began to work his tongue around the cock head and then began to swallow it down his throat.

Jim was quickly on the verge of orgasm when Mark slowly pulled his mouth off Jim's cock.

"Please." Jim gasped. "I need to cum."

"Don't you want to be fucked my darling? Mark whispered to him. "Don't you want my cock inside you so you can be a real girl?"

"Yes, yes, please." Jim moaned as he tried to pull Mark's head back to his cock.

Mark pulled away as Jim groaned in frustration and suddenly Jim felt his knees being raised to his shoulders and soon after a greasy finger sliding down to his anus and slipping inside. Jim bucked his hips as the one finger became two and they began to move in and out of his ass.

"You like that, don't you darling?" Mark said as Jim eagerly responded to the finger fucking.

"Yes, yes, it feels sooo good!"

Mark returned his mouth to Jim's cock and began to slowly work his tongue and lips on it as he continued to work his fingers in and out of Jim's ass. Just as Jim felt his cum begin to boil in his groin Mark withdrew his mouth and his fingers and slid his body up as he continued to hold Jim's knees high at his shoulders.

Before Jim had a chance to express his dismay felt Mark's cock head at his anus and then a quick movement sent it into Jim's ass. Jim gasped and then Marks mouth found his as the cock was shoved deeper inside his body.

Jim tried to cry out with the sudden pain but Mark kept his mouth clamped to his as he also began to masturbate Jim's cock. Slowly Mark began to move his cock in and out of Jim's ass, shoving it in deeper with every stroke until Mark's balls were hitting his ass.

With the cock deep in his bowels and Mark manipulating his cock Jim began to forget the pain and began to respond to Mark's thrusts. Mark removed his lips from Jim's mouth. "You like it don't you darling? You like my cock inside you making you feel like a real girl satisfying her man?"

"Yes, yes!!" Jim responded as he began to respond in tempo to Mark's faster pace of fucking.

"I'm going to cum in your ass. Are you ready?"

"Yes, yes!! Cum in my ass. Give it all to me."

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Take it you slut!" Mark moaned as he began to pump his cum into Jim's ass.

"OOooo!!" Jim cried as he felt Marks cum flooding into him and his own cum splattered their bodies.

As their orgasms passed Mark collapsed on Jim's body. "Oh darling, that was so good. Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, very much. It was fantastic!"

Mark slowly raised himself off Mark as his cock softened in Jim's ass and slipped out. "C'mon, lets go have a shower and get cleaned up."

While taking their shower Mark had Jim shave off his body hair with the exception of a small triangular patch of pubic hair around his cock. "There darling, we're twins. Now let's get into our girlie clothes. Would you like that?"

"Oh yes!"

"First, let me apply some soothing salve to your anus. It must be a little sore, but it will go away after you've been stretched a few times." he said as Jim bent over and he inserted a salve coated finger in Jim's ass. Jim responded by wiggling his ass at Mark.

"Oh, you bad girl!" Mark exclaimed.

Jim followed Mark back to the bedroom and swung wide the closet door to reveal a rack of woman's clothes. "These belong to my room mate. He's about your size and won't mind you wearing them until you get your own. First you can put your panties back on and then I will help you with some other accessories." Mark spent the next half hour helping Jim put on a waist nipper, a bra with molded gel form breasts and a garter belt and stockings. Then he led Jim to the closet and selected a black mini dress with a high collar to wear. "This will show off your legs and breasts nicely." he said as he helped Jim put it on.

"Oh! You look nice. Now let's put your make up on."

Mark patiently worked with Jim until he had showed him the rudiments of applying makeup and how it could be used to high lite certain features. "You're lucky, your face is slightly feminine and your lips are full so we won't need much makeup. We'll go easy on the mascara. You have heavy lashes and they tend to show off the blue of your eyes."

When they had finished to Mark's satisfaction he went to the shelf in the cupboard and brought a blond wig back, which he positioned on Mark's head.

"Viola!" he exclaimed. "You are a woman. Admire yourself in the mirror while I get dressed."

Jim turned to look at himself in the mirror and was astounded by the transformation of his appearance. He had come into the apartment as a young man but was now a ravishing woman. He stood up in his stocking feet and admired his new look. He truly felt feminine. The waist nipper was tight but it allowed his body to fill out the line of the mini dress nicely.

He saw women's shoes in the cupboard and selected a pair with lower heels that he thought he could handle and put them on. Then he stood and looked at himself in the full length mirror and admired his legs. "I'm sexy." he thought. "The boys will really like me."

He turned as Mark came back into the room and gasped at how beautiful he had become. He was fully made up and wearing a full length dress with a slit in the side to his thigh. He looked utterly feminine.

"Do you like?"

"Oh yes. I like it very much. You're gorgeous!"

"Thank you."

"Mark, are we going out tonight? "Of course. I told you we were going to a party. This is a very special party. But first we need to discuss names. I'm 'Mary Ann' now and how about 'Jamie' for you?"

"I like it Mary Ann."

"OK Jamie, let's party."

To be continued - libnos

Next: Chapter 3

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