Hitchhikers Story

By Libnos

Published on Mar 15, 2000



It was a warm, summer evening and he was returning to base after liberty in town. Standing in his dress whites by the side of the road with his arm raised and thumb extended he was hoping for a ride soon as the pressure in his bladder was increasing with every minute. He had gone to town with a couple of other shipmates in a personal car of one of them but they were on weekend liberty and he had duty the next day so was forced to find his own way back after normal bus service had shut down for the night. The dress whites on his slight, 140 lb, 19 year old frame stood out in the darkness for drivers to see in the few headlights that passed.

He recalled the number of beers he had drunk and knew he had to find a head soon or his bladder would burst. He looked around for a tree or building which to hide behind but nothing nearby seemed to offer the proper cover. Just as he thought he might have to piss in the open, a car slowed and stopped and he ran to jump in the front seat by the lone driver.

"Headed for the base?" the driver asked.


"I'm going right by there."

"Thanks a lot. I was getting worried that I might have to walk."

"That would be a pretty good walk as its about 15 miles to the main gate."

The sailor looked at the driver and saw a man about 30 years old, dressed in a t shirt, shorts and tennis shoes with white socks. He appeared to be well built and tall as he sat behind the wheel and handled the car with practiced ease as he pulled back onto the highway and accelerated up to a leisurely speed.

"Say mister, could you find a place where I could take a piss? I need to go real bad."

"Sure sailor. There aren't any public rest rooms on the way but I know a place we can pull off into the woods for a piss. I need to go too."

Reaching under his seat he brought out a magazine and handed it to the sailor. "Here, look at this. It'll take your mind off your bladder till we can piss. Here's some light." he said as he turned on the dome light.

The sailor looked at the cover of the magazine and saw that it was a sex magazine with a picture of a woman with a man's cock in her mouth on the front cover. His cock gave a lurch at the sight. He and his buddies had taken in some XXX videos at an adult book store that evening and he was still aroused from the erotic display and was planning to jack off when he got back to his ship.

As he began to turn the pages he could feel his cock start to harden in his snug trousers and crossed his legs to hide it from the driver. The erotic photos in the first magazine were mostly about oral sex between men and women and he felt the tingling and rush of blood to his groin which made his cock grow and become uncomfortable in the tight confines of his pants with his legs crossed and he was forced to uncross his legs to get some relief. He was especially impressed with one photo that showed a young girl on her knees in front of a man sucking on his cock. The obvious look of enjoyment on her face kept him transfixed for awhile.

The driver turned and grinned as he saw the obvious results of the erotic displays.

"I told you that would take your mind off your bladder. Those girls look like they really like to suck cock don't they? I guess they like to submit. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a woman and submit to her lover?"

"I don't think so." But the thought was suddenly erotic to the sailor.

"Here we are." the driver exclaimed as he pulled off the road onto a dirt lane that went into a group of trees.

Stopping the car behind a bush the driver opened his door and got out leaving the dome light on. The young sailor took one last look at the picture of a young girl with her lips wrapped tightly around a huge cock, her cheeks sunken from the suction she was applying to it and got out also.

He stood a short distance from the car and struggled to get his hard cock out of the tight trousers. When he finally had exposed it to the warm night air he was still very hard and only managed to get a flow of piss started with some difficulty. The relief at the final expulsion from his bladder was so great that he gave a loud sigh as the last drop fell from his still semi hard cock. He closed his eyes and recalling the picture of the young girl in the magazine gripped his cock firmly in his hand.

"That must feel better." a voice said behind him and the sailor started as he suddenly remembered about his driver. He turned and saw the driver standing close behind him with his own hard cock sticking out from his shorts and gripped in his hand.

The sailor, embarrassed, started to stick his cock back in his pants but struggled again with his semi rigid condition.

"You've got a nice sized cock there. Can we compare sizes?" the driver asked.

"I don't know." the sailor answered apprehensibly.

"Here, let me see." the driver said as he reached and gently took the sailors cock out of his hand.

The sailor was stunned at the move and couldn't respond as the driver started to rub it soothingly; causing it to grow hard again. The sailors mind was in a whirl as he acquiesced to the ministrations. This was the first time another man had touched his cock and he couldn't decide if he should let it continue but it felt good.

"That's nice isn't it? Would you like to check the size of mine?

Before the sailor could respond the driver reached and took one of the sailor's hands and placed it on his cock. His hand curled around it and he liked the silky smoothness of it in his hand as he began to slide it up and down the shaft automatically.

"Did you ever think about what I said about being a girl and see what its like to submit? the driver asked. Before the sailor could respond the driver continued. "They say that submission is the big turn-on for women and some men."

The driver began to speed up his massaging of the sailors cock causing it to began to issue precum as he began to pant. His knees were getting weak and he wished he could lie down as he approached an orgasm.

"Would you like to get down now?' the driver whispered in his ear and the sailor began to sink to his knees thinking the driver would be going down also. With some surprise he suddenly realized that he was kneeling in front of the driver still holding and working the other's firm cock. In the dim light from the car's dome light he saw the head of the cock he was holding inches away from his mouth. The large red head of the cock was dripping precum as it stood out from the front of the driver's shorts.

He didn;t resist as hands on the back of his head brought it to his lips which opened unhesitatingly to allow it to enter. "Why am I doing this?" he asked himself.

"That's it. Now tighten your lips around it." the driver whispered. "Rub your tongue on it."

The sailor couldn't believe that he had another man's cock in his mouth, but he did as he was instructed. His own cock stood out rigidly from his trousers in the night air and he reached down and began to masturbate it. His tongue rubbed over the spongy cocks head in his mouth feeling the firm glans and tasting the precum.

"Rub under the head with your tongue. Don't worry, I'll pull out before I cum."

The sailor began to rub the g spot under the head and was rewarded with a moan from his seducer.

"OOOUU!! That feels sooo good. You're a good cocksucker."

The sailor redoubled his efforts on the cock as he felt his own orgasm building. The driver began to move his hips slowly back and forth fucking the mouth that was sucking his cock. The sailor felt the cock in his mouth beginning to throb and suddenly to his surprise it began to eject hot cum in his mouth and down his throat. He tried to pull away but strong hands at the back of his head kept his head in place as his mouth rapidly filled and he was forced to swallow.

"Oh, you sweet cocksucker. Doesn't it taste good? Lick it clean. Get it all."

The sailor gave in and began to lick the still firm head. The salty taste of cum coated his mouth and down his throat as his own cum began to boil in his groin and he used his precum to lubricate his shaft to speed up the masturbation. With a groan he threw his head back and let his cum fly, spattering the shoes of his lover.

Later in the car once more headed to the base he tried to figure out why he had submitted so easily. He rationalized that he had found the act of submission very erotic and the sex magazine, the XXX videos and the beer had all contributed to his loss of inhibitions.

"Do you want to get together next weekend?" the driver asked. "I could show you some new things I think you'd like."

"I don't think so."

"Well look, if you change your mind here's my card. Give me a call, I'll pick you up.

"Thanks, I'll do that." the sailor said as he took the card with the intention of throwing it away once he was out of the car.

"Hey, I'm sorry about cumming in your mouth. I thought you'd be missing the best part of submitting and sucking cock."

"That's OK."

After being dropped off the sailor wondered how he would get the grass stains off the knees of his uniform and how he would explain them if asked. He still carried the driver's card in his pocket.

More later - libnos

Next: Chapter 2

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