His Special Secretary

By Mr Perv

Published on Nov 16, 2023


His "Special" Secretary - Part 7

Last evening had been awful. I was like a zombie when I got home, and my wife's state wasn't any better. Neither of us said a word, except to the kids, and we went to bed like robots, lying back to back.

** Thursday - Game **

I prepare for work, arrive early, and change clothes quickly in the car. Sir Vatier is waiting for me, and I give him his morning blowjob. After sucking him off, I head to Madam Helen's office, knock, enter, and greet her.

  • Good morning, Madam Helen.

  • Good morning, Dani. How are you today?

  • ... I'm... good, ma'am, thanks.

  • Very well. And how did it go yesterday?

  • ... OK, ma'am.

  • Tell me more. Diana seemed very excited.

  • I... helped... her... with a... presentation.

  • What did you do?

  • ... I entertained... them.

  • How did you entertain them, Dani?

  • I sucked... all... the sales team.

  • That's good, Dani. Did you like it?

  • ... Not... really, ma'am.

  • Why is that?

  • I... don't... know. I'm not... into this... ma'am.

  • You still feel that you're a boy?

  • Ma'am.

  • Just answer, Dani.

I'm... a man.

I can see you're in denial, young lady.


  • Please take a look at yourself in the mirror on the wall, Dani.

I turn my head and see my reflection.

  • What do you see, Dani?

  • I see... myself.

  • And do you look like a man or a woman?

  • A... woman.

  • And what did you do just before coming in here this morning?

  • I... went to Sir Vatier's office.

  • What for?

  • To... suck... him.

  • I see. Do manly men suck cock, Dani?

  • ... No.

  • Do women suck cock, Dani?

  • ... Yes.

  • Did you touch your wife yesterday, Dani?

  • ... No...

  • So, you look like a lady?

  • ... Yes...

  • You suck like a lady?

  • ... Yes...

  • And you don't touch ladies as men do?

  • ...

  • Answer, Dani.

  • No...

  • And you still think you're a man? My poor little thing.

  • ...

  • To open your eyes, we really need to continue our program. The good news is, today will be fun. It's games day!

  • ...

  • We'll play "Stay in Character." It's similar to the "Yes or No Game," but instead of saying yes or no, you just need to be the true YOU all day, and answer every question and request accordingly.

  • ...

  • Let's start at once. Go to the gym for your session. Diana will be there and tell you what to do next... and remember the rules.

As she says this, she calls for Nathalie, who arrives a minute later.

  • Nathalie, you'll stay with Dani today.

  • OK, ma'am.

  • Make sure she follows the rules! We don't want her to spoil the game.

  • Sure, ma'am.

  • Thanks, Nathalie. Begin with the gym.

Nathalie takes my hand and pulls me out of the office. When we're in the elevator, she starts to chat.

  • You're so hot now, Dani!

  • ... Thanks.

  • How does it feel to be such a tease?

  • ... Good.

  • You know, I wish I were like you, Dani! Not a worry in the world, just getting all the cock I could dream of... you're so lucky, aren't you, Dani?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

The elevator door opens and we head to the gym where Diana is waiting for us.

  • Hello, Dani.

  • Hi, Diana.

  • It's Ma'am Diana for you, sweetie.

  • Hi... Ma'am Diana.

  • It was so great yesterday, Dani! You did so well! How did you like it?

  • ... OK... ma'am.

  • Don't be shy... didn't you enjoy draining all those beautiful cocks? No pressure, just you, the real men you served, and the audience?

  • ... Yes... I did... ma'am.

  • Don't worry, sweetie, you'll have a lot more of that soon. But now it's time to exercise. Here's your locker key. Go get ready.

Nathalie and I head to the ladies' lockers, but when we get there, the key doesn't seem to work. I return to Ma'am Diana to find out what to do.

  • Di... Ma'am Diana... the key does not work.

  • Oh sorry, sweetie. I had to put you in the men's room. There was no more space in the ladies'. But it's OK, you already know some of the men... very well. Don't be shy.

  • ... OK... ma'am.

So we head to the men's locker room, which is quite full... of course.

I match the key to a locker and find myself between two good-looking men in their fifties. I feel embarrassed about my pink shorts and jersey, and undress very slowly, hoping the men will finish and go away... until Nathalie says, in a very loud voice:

  • Come on, Dani, don't be shy. They've all seen a lady before. And don't forget, no panties beneath the shorts!

How shameful! Now I just want to get this over with, and I undress as quickly as I can. Meanwhile, all of the men in the room have turned to look at me, and my neighbor on the right has put out his hand to massage my exposed butt cheek.

I look in his direction, and he grins.

  • Do you like it?

I glance first at Nathalie, then look back at him and answer:

  • ... Yes.

  • Yes, who?, Nathalie shouts angrily.

  • Yes... sir.

He takes my hand and places it on his groin.

  • Do you want more?

  • ... yes... sir.

He yanks me into the middle of the room. The other men follow and form a circle around us.

  • Go on, don't be shy.

I slowly pull down his briefs and his cock jumps out. It's average-sized. I go down on my knees and slowly start to lick it. At least he just washed, so the smell is OK.

I keep sucking and he lets me do it. He doesn't bark orders at me like the other men I've sucked. It's still not that great, but at least it feels less degrading. I sense he's about to come, so I raise my eyes to look into his.

  • Go on, keep sucking, sweetie... I'm... coming.

As he says this, he explodes in my mouth, and I swallow gob after gob of his juice. I carefully clean his cock, and he returns to his locker. But when I try to get up, I realize a strong hand pressing on my shoulder is keeping me on my knees. It's Sergei, one of the guards. Such a huge man, and his cock is more than proportional!

  • So, you did not want my cock last time? You little tease!

  • ... Sorry... Ser... Grhhh.

Without another word, he impales my mouth with his raging dick, pumping it in slowly and deep, making me gag with each thrust.

  • You should have been nice with Daddy Sergei, bitch!

  • Ghhrhrr... Sorr... Rryyhhh...

He pulls back a bit and asks:

  • You like it?

  • ... Yes... (stupid game!)

  • I knew it! You're not ashamed to be such a whore?

  • ... No... sir.

He fucks my mouth and throat for a long time and finally comes, shooting volleys of jizz.

  • Next time be nicer with daddy, OK?

  • Yes... sir.

  • That's my girl! So who's next? Whose turn is it now?

It turns out that I have to suck off all seven men in the locker room before I can finally go to do my thirty minutes of biking, and it's just 11a.m. What a day!

After my exercise, I shower and dress without further interruption. Nathalie brings me back to the office. All the girls are about to go lunch at Alfredo's, a pizzeria a block away.

Nathalie turns to me and says:

  • Dani, would you like to eat with us?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Cool, let's go.

As we walk, one of the girls asks:

  • So Dani, are you married?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Your husband works here too?

  • ... No... ma'am.

  • Is he well hung?

  • ... No... ma'am.

  • Oh! But you like big dicks, don't you?

  • Yes... ma'am.

  • Yeah, me too.

  • ...

Another girl continues the conversation.

  • You're Sir Godfroy's secretary, aren't you?

  • Yes... ma'am.

  • He's so sexy!

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • And that bulge!!! Have you seen his cock?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Did you touch it?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Lucky you!

  • ...

We arrive at the restaurant and the girls place their orders. Nathalie intervenes to order a salad for me, then starts a conversation:

  • You remember when you used to like pussy?

  • ...

  • I asked you a question, Dani!

  • ... Yes... I remember.

  • Do you still like it?

  • ... No... ma'am.

  • What do you like now?

  • ... Cocks... ma'am.

  • And you wouldn't even be able to fuck me now, right?

  • ... That's right, ma'am.

  • And why not?

  • ... Because... of my small... clitty, ma'am.

  • A clitty's better, sweetie, believe me.

  • ...

For some reason we're eating very fast, and they keep firing questions like this at me. It's so humiliating. When we return to the office, Nathalie tells me that we're going to stay with the girls. It seems they really like me!

Out of the blue, one of them says:

  • Show us your clitty, Dani.

  • ...

I obey. I lift my skirt and remove my panties.

  • Oh, it's so cute. Touch it for us!

I start to stroke it, but Nathalie stops me.

  • Not like that, stupid! It's a clitty, not a dick. You need to rub it.

As she says this, she pushes away my hand and reaches for my cock, rubbing it with her soft hand.

  • Good girls rub like this, Dani. Good girls think about their boyfriends while they rub their clit. Are you thinking about your boyfriend?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Who is that?

  • ... Sir... Godfroy! (Oh my God, it's the first name that came to my mind!)

  • Hmm!

  • Do you miss your boyfriend?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • He'll be back soon, sweetie! Now keep rubbing until you come. Come for Sir Godfroy!

She pulls a little roughly on my hand. We're both rubbing my half-erect cock. Then she starts to moan, and the sound she makes is just too much for me. I come almost directly!

  • Good girl! You see, you don't have a cock anymore. Now you squirt the way we do, and you have a full-time clitty!

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Now take your juice with your fingers and drink it for us, will you?

  • Yes... ma'am.

I do as she asks and clean all the cum from my cock, from my hand... and from hers.

  • That's a good girl!... Now, let's go see Ma'am Helen.

  • OK... ma'am.

We return to Madam Helen's office. She turns to us and says:

  • So, how has it gone so far?

  • Very well, ma'am. Dani has done very well.

  • Excellent... congratulations, Dani.

  • ... Thank you, ma'am.

  • Tell me how it feels to finally accept your true self.

  • ... It feels good, ma'am.

  • Of course it does! And what would you like to do now?

  • I don't really know, ma'am.

  • Well, what do good girls do?

  • ... They... suck cocks...

  • Yes, Dani, exactly. Would you like to do that now?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

And whose cock would you like to suck?

Nathalie pipes in:

  • Your boyfriend's cock?

... Yes... ma'am.

Madam Helen seems intrigued. She raises an eyebrow and asks:

Who is that, Dani? Who is your boyfriend?

  • ... Sir... Godfroy...

  • Oh my! Dani is in love with her boss! How adorable! But sadly, Sir Godfroy is not back yet.

  • ...

  • Does that make you sad, Dani?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Do you miss him? Or do you only miss his cock?

  • ... Yes, I miss him and his cock, ma'am.

  • Oh dear, I understand! But don't worry, you'll see him soon enough! Now explain to me, what makes men so much sexier than women?

  • ... I'm not sure... ma'am.

  • Go on... don't always be so shy! Why do you prefer men to women?

  • They're... strong.

  • Yes, they are. We girls are by nature weaker and need strong arms to carry and protect us! How do the men generally treat you, Dani?

  • ... Like a... whore.

  • And do you like that?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Why?

  • Because... I am... a... whore, ma'am.

  • Yes, Dani, that's quite right. I would say that's precisely what you are. Any lady who sucks as many cocks as you do is either a pro or a whore, and you do it for free, don't you, Dani?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • And why is that?

  • Because... the men ask me to.

  • You're certainly an obedient little girl, aren't you, Dani?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • So tell me, do you prefer your morning thingy with Sir Vatier or fucking your wife, Dani?

  • ... My... morning... thingy... ma'am.

  • You're no longer attracted to your wife?

  • ... Not really ... ma'am.

  • Have you considered having a lesbian relationship with her?

  • ... I'm not sure that would work, ma'am.

  • Why not?

  • Because she's not... a lesbian.

  • Oh, I see. Well, did she touch your clitty yesterday?

  • ... No... ma'am.

  • Hmm. Do you suppose she's found a real man?

  • ... I... don't know... ma'am.

  • Do you think it would be better for her if she did?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Why would that be?

  • ... For... her to be... satisfied... and happy... ma'am.

  • That's so nice of you, Dani. A very sweet sentiment! And of course you're right... ladies need real men, don't they?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Pussy is not for you and it's not for them, is it?

  • ... No... ma'am.

  • And would you like to help her?

  • ... Yes... ma'am.

  • Very interesting. Hmm. Well, that's all for today! You've done extremely well, Dani. There's no question we're moving toward our goal!

  • ... Thanks... ma'am.

  • Now just relax, have a good rest, and come in early tomorrow. We have a busy day ahead!

  • OK, ma'am.

I leave her office, suck off Sir Vatier, and head home. I'm terribly confused! What did I do all day? What did I say? And images of Sir Godfroy keep flooding my mind!

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