His Special Secretary

By Mr Perv

Published on May 9, 2019


His "special" secretary - Part 5

My wife came late from work on Monday evening, we had a quick dinner, I asked her what happened and she just said that her phone is bugging and that there is a bad signal in her office, furthermore, she had to hang up as she needed to finish an urgent task for her boss.

** Tuesday - Beauty **

On Tuesday morning, I pass by in Sir Vatier's office as usual and then head to Madam Helen's one, we greet each other and she starts talking.

  • Dani, did you notice that there are only girls in this service?

  • Euh... Yes, Madam.

  • Do you know why?

  • No mam.

  • It's because I prefer to work with ladies, they're better employees and mainly better secretaries in my opinion.

  • ...

  • You see, boys like to show off, it makes them often unreliable, in junior positions at least. As a manager, I prefer the soft way ladies handle things and the real power is in our hands. You see, men tend to think with their dick and then they're at our mercy, even if they have the impression to lead.

  • ...

  • You made real progress since you're with us, you learned what respect is. I've observed you with some of our male colleagues, you're not bitchy anymore and welcome their masculinity. I congratulate you for this as it sometimes demands great efforts and a lot of introspection to learn one's place.

  • ...

  • It's not easy for so-called men to please their betters, they always have the impression that they're made from the same wood and that it's against nature, it's total nonsense but still it's so common.

  • Mam...

  • What Dani? It's not your case? You don't think you belong under someone's desk taking care of real manhood... Manhood like the one you always wished you had?

  • Mam... No.

  • So you see, you still think it's not normal and I will help you with this, we have this week, so don't worry. We'll just make sure you understand it's really what you should do without all this nonsense about being straight or thinking you're adequate as a man. It's time to lose all these illusions, you'll thank me for this.

  • Mam... Please?

  • Stop interrupting now Dani, mainly if it's for whining!

  • ...

She pulls a big shopping bag and places it on her desk.

  • Now, undress Dani.

I obey as there is nothing I can do, I'm soon naked in front of her.

  • You see it's another sign that you learn your place little by little, just last week, you were not responding properly to this instruction and see now, you do, you're here all naked in front of me, you don't mind to show your little dick, that's great!

  • ...

  • Now take this bag, this is your uniform, fit it.

I approach the desk and take the bag, I remove the items and see a grey skirt suit, stockings, lingerie & high heel shoes.

  • So, how do you like it, Dani?

  • ... Mam?

  • Don't be shy, try it.

  • Please... Mam...

  • Don't be silly, you know it's perfect for you!

  • But...

  • You always need explanations, my poor Dani. Let's do some math since you're with us, how many pussies did you fuck?

  • ... Zero.

  • It's what I thought, how many times have you been sucked?

  • ... Two times... Mam.

  • Oh, by who, Dani Boy?

  • ... My wife... and... Diana... Mam.

  • I see, did she swallow?

  • ... No... Mam.

  • Why is that Dani?

  • She... kissed... me... with... it... instead.

  • Oh, I see, naughty Diana. Do you think straight boys do this? Do you think they exchange their own cum and swallow it?

  • I... don't know.

  • OK, let's see, now, how many cocks did you suck Dani Boy?

  • ... ... Four... Mam.

  • Did you swallow?

  • ... yes... Madam.

  • So you drank the cum of four men and yours?

  • ... Yes... Mam.

  • Who do you think normally suck dicks and drink cum? Men or women?

  • ... Women...

  • Yes exactly. You see Dani, you suck cock, you have a tiny spaghetti in your pants, it's probably a good time to review your sexuality and start to accept your growing feminine side, don't you think?

  • ...

  • I'll take that as a "Yes" then. Now put the panties.

I'm totally defeated and I take red panties among the clothes and slowly put it.

  • You're wonderful in it Dani, so sexy, now put the stockings.

... It's so humiliating!

  • And the skirt, go on, don't be shy Dani, it's just between us.


  • Now put the shirt and jacket darling.


  • Finally the shoes.

I'm now dressed like the perfect secretary! She says with a laugh:

  • You could work in my service, you're so pretty Dany.

  • ...

She takes her phone and calls Nathalie who arrives 2 minutes later... with a redhead wig and a small make-up box! She smiles at me and says:

  • Hi Dani, you'll be so pretty!

  • ...

  • And no need to shave you, it's already done, I'm sure you knew what was coming and wanted to be ready.

  • ...

She places the wig and applies some makeup to me, I've never been so ashamed.

She then takes my hand and asks me to follow her, we leave the office and take the elevator to the last floor of the building. We arrive at an office, she knocks and enters directly, still pulling my hand.

  • Good morning gentlemen.

Two men are having a meeting, it's Sir Edmond and Sir Peter!

I say:

  • Good... morning... Sir.

Sir Edmond answers:

  • Good morning Nathalie, good morning Dani, you must have something in your throat, it's not a very feminine voice.

  • ... Sorry... Sir. (with a feminine voice)

  • That's better. Nathalie, thank you, you can leave us with Dani now, we need to discuss some important matter about her carrier.

She heads to the door but Sir Peter talked to me before she has time to reach it!

  • What a tease! Come on here you little slut!

Nathalie stares at me and tells me "Enjoy" with a low voice and a smile before going out! I go to Sir Peter, defeated! I hate this man.

They both come close to me and start to grope me, Sir Edmond is at my back massaging my butt and Sir Peter is in front of me, playing with my cock, he says:

  • I like your tiny clitty, slut.

  • ... Thanks... Sir.

  • Rub it for me bitch!

I start to wank, Sir Edmond clears the desk and tells me to lay on it on my back, I obey.

  • Now remove your panties.

  • ...

  • Wank yourself again Dani.

  • ...

  • Close your eyes, you can imagine you're sucking a big cock, it'll help you come quickly I'm sure.

  • ...

  • Now, open your mouth for me.

I obey and, against all odds, he slides a finger in it... When I expected something bigger, it's not that I complain...

  • Make it wet.

  • ...

  • That's my girl, now spread your legs.

OMG! What will he do!

  • Dani... I won't repeat!

I slowly open my legs and he starts to caress my anus.

  • Now Dani, be a good girl, I want you to do exactly what I say so that you'll enjoy it, OK?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • That's my girl! Push as if you want to fart or poop.

I obey and he pushes his index finger inside, his first phalanx is now stuck in my ass! Sir Peter starts wanking me.

  • Keep pushing Dani.

I do as told and he pushes the rest of his index finger which is now fully resting in my asshole. Sir Peter comments:

  • She also likes to be fucked too! See, her clitty is all hard!

  • Very good Dani!

As he says this, he gently pulls out his finger.

  • Close your eyes again and open your mouth for me, Dani.

  • ...

I obey and he sticks two fingers in it... One is smelling like my ass! I start to have nausea and am about to push him back by reflex when he says:

  • No Dani! Good girls stay at their place, it's just a little shit, don't be a wimp and keep sucking!

  • ...

  • That's better, now push again.

He goes back to my ass area and I feel his two fingers pressing against the entrance of my anus. I push and fart by reflex as he enters the tip of both fingers, he says:

  • How dare you fart on your boss' hand, you dirty little slut?

  • ... Sorry... Sir.

I just have the time to say this that he pushes and enter both fingers fully, cutting my breath!

  • It'll teach you how to behave you, filthy whore!

  • ...

  • How does it feel? Do you like it?

  • ... No... Sir.

  • You'll get used to it.

As he says this, he pulls them out and brings them to my mouth.

  • Lick slut!

  • ... Please... Sir!

  • Last time I say it, you lick my fingers now or...

Defeated, I open my mouth and start to lick his smelly fingers.

  • That's better, now get down of the desk... You have a very welcoming ass, Dani, it's promising, I'm sure you'll enjoy getting fucked there and for once you'll have the possibility to have a big cock... It'll just be inside.

It's so humiliating, I'm in front of Sir Peter while Sir Edmond went back to his chair to watch and says:

  • Remember Dani, you have to always ask what you can do when you're in the presence of one of your betters. It's the proper way to behave for secretaries and whores, they should know their place, shouldn't they?

  • ... Yes... Sir...

I stare at Sir Peter and ask:

  • ... Sir ... What can... I do... for... you?

  • Just be a good bitch, get down your knees and make good use of your whore's mouth.

I'm now on my knees in front of him, I open his zipper and pull down his briefs and pant. His cock is already hard. He sticks it in my mouth as he did last time and starts to violently fuck my mouth and throat. Sir Edmond seems to like the show as he starts to comment.

  • Dani, Dani, Dani!!! You were just being a diva the other day! you seem to enjoy cocks more than most the sluts I know... And I know many...

  • ...

  • Yes, she's quite a slut, she's always on her knees and she likes it deep...

... Adds Sir Peter as he keeps throat-fucking me.

He keeps doing so for a few minutes and comes right down my throat as he did in the shower room! I cough as I'm resuming my breathing. I don't take much time as I see irritation on Sir Peter's face! I hurry to take back his cock and to lick it clean.

  • That's better, bitch, lick it clean!

  • ...

  • Now place it back in my pant cunt, I won't do everything by myself!

I obey and lift my eyes when I'm done... He's getting mad again!

  • ... Thank... You ... Sir.

  • Thank you for what cunt?

  • For... letting... me... suck... you.

I see that Sir Edmond is getting irritable now, I turn to him:

  • ... Sir ... What can... I do... for... you?

  • That's better, why don't you do the same, Dani?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

I join him, get down on my knees and pull his cock out to start to suck.

  • Miss Helen really did wonders with your manners! Your little attitude issue seems to almost be solved.

  • ...

  • Tell me, Dani, you like your new uniform?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • Do you like Sir Peter?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • Is he treating you the way he should?

  • ... I don't... know... Sir.

  • Yes he is, Dani, you're a whore for the company now, see what you're doing... It's what whores do... Isn't it?

  • ... Y... es... Sir.

  • And it's OK to treat a whore like ... a whore? Isn't it?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • And whores like to be treated like this? Don't they?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • So you like to be treated like this too, Dani?

  • ... ... I guess... Sir.

  • Answer clearly, Dani.

He pushes his dick back in my throat to remind me who's the boss and pulls it out to let me answer.

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • Good... Very good, Dani.

  • Don't you think you should thank Sir Peter for showing you your place and remind you what you are?

  • ... Thank... you... Sir Peter... for... showing me... my... place...

  • And remind you that you're a whore, Dani, start again.

  • ... Thank... you... Sir Peter... for... showing me... my... place... and... reminding... me that... I'm... a... whore.

  • My pleasure slut!

  • Now get back to work Dani, my cock won't suck itself! By the way, this should help clear your throat to keep this nice feminine voice. Nothing is better than a thick cock and some sperm to fight sore throat, believe me.

I suck Sir Edmond until he cums, I swallow and lick his dick clean.

  • Thanks... You... Sir... for... letting me... suck you.

  • You're welcome, Dani. Now go get us two coffees, black with 1 sugar for me.

  • Sir Peter... Your coffee?

  • Same... hurry slut, we need to go back to business.

I go to take them coffee and brings it to the office, the people I meet stare at me and smile, I just stare at the floor and go as fast as I can.

  • Sir, here are your coffees.

  • Thank you, Dani, now it's your turn to come for us.

  • Sir...

  • Don't be shy and rebellious, be a good girl and start touching your clitty Dani.

I start wanking and Sir Edmond starts to talk.

  • Close your eyes little Dani, I'll tell you a story while you play.

  • ...

  • Once upon a time, in an office not far away was a shy little secretary, her name was Dani and she had a secret. She had a tiny little penis that made her think she was better than the other girls... That she could even be a boy. She was bossy and did not want to do girl's tasks, she believed she was above that.

I try to ignore him and concentrate, thinking about my wife to make it go fast but it's very hard.

  • Her bosses noticed this bad attitude and they decided to teach her a lesson, they would make her the girliest of all girls and she would spend her days doing girls' tasks. Her punishment was decided! She learned her place... What's her place, Dani?

  • ... On her... knees... Sir.

  • Exactly, on her knees. She was always having a big thick dick deep in her mouth, it reminded her how silly she had been and how tiny her dicklet was! How did she think she could ever compare! Cock after cock, she started to like the punishment, she wanted more... Being a girl was not so bad in the end. Being worry-free, just here to please was relaxing, it was good to let the men think, they're better at it anyway. Aren't they, Dani?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • Do you feel like her Dani?

  • ... No... Sir.

  • Why?

  • I... don't... know... Sir.

  • You should Dani, you're always confused and can't answer a simple question, it's a clear sign to me that thinking is not your strong suit. I'm glad we found something else you're good at, to be honest, I was afraid we may have to fire you, now I appreciate your talent and what you bring to the firm.

As he says this, I manage to come, my spurt falling on the floor in front of me.

  • Dani, you made such a mess, you need to clean this.

I head to the door to go pick some tissue but Sir Edmond cuts me:

  • Where are you going, young lady?

  • ... To the toilets... Sir.

  • May I ask why?

  • ... To get... tissues... Sir.

  • Don't be silly... You don't need tissues, you have a tongue, haven't you?

  • ...

I reluctantly start to lick the cum on the floor in front of my two tormentors. Sir Peter laughs and says:

  • You can't resist it, even your own jizz! You're such a cum whore!

  • ...

  • Sir Peter has a point Dani, don't you think?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • It's funny to think that until last Friday you were thinking you were a man.

  • ...

  • That you were too good to suck.

  • And see you now, you're here all pretty, dressed like a perfect slut. You just sucked two cocks and you don't have enough, you need to lick your own cum from the floor!

  • ...

  • What a transformation Dani, you like it?

  • ... Sir...

  • Sir what? I asked you a question, don't be bitchy again you whore! Do you like it?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • Come here!

I go in front of him and he says:

  • You still have this attitude Dani, you know it won't work but still! Get down on all four.

I obey.

  • You don't understand when we try to be nice! Kiss my shoe!

  • ... Sir...

  • Dani, it's my last warning, I'm sick of your defiant attitude, kiss my shoe!

Like a robot, I bend and kiss his shoe!

  • Now lick it!

  • ...

It's useless to fight... Here I am, licking his shoe!

  • That's better, now go back to miss Helen!

It's time for lunch so I can go... Still dressed like this. I order a sandwich and head to my car to eat it, trying to avoid people and mainly eye contact! I call my wife:

  • Hi dear, how is it going?

  • OK, it's quite busy here, you?

  • ... Euh... Not too bad. I spent the morning with 2 managers... It's hard but it's OK...

  • Good luck, it's hard here too. You remember Phil?

  • Phil... The old guy that was flirting? Always getting close to you?

  • ... Yes this Phil... He is my direct supervisor now. The new manager argues that we need close monitoring to reach our objectives and he chose him!

  • Shit, he's not abusive or something?

  • ... No... Not so.

  • Not so?

  • It's OK... I got to go, love you.

  • Love... y...

She hangs up already!

I finish my sandwich and head back to miss Ellen's office.

  • Dani, do you know Jessica?

  • Jessica... The receptionist, mam?

  • Yes... She'll be absent this afternoon and I need you to replace here.

  • Me?

  • Yes, Dani, I want you to be at the front desk this afternoon.

  • ... OK... Mam.

As I'm preparing my things, Nathalie joins me, she escorts me to the ground floor and starts to explain the work to me.

  • So you need to stay here all the time, if you need to be absent, let the security team know and come back asap. Also don't forget to log all the visitors, their company and their purpose.

  • Yes.

  • You'll manage? It's OK?

  • I think so...

  • You remember, call the security guys at the door if there is anything.

  • OK.

She heads back up and I'm alone.

A few clients come during the first hour, they all smile at me strangely but I pretend to ignore and focus on the work and daydream between the visits.

A guard comes to me and pulls me out of my reverie, he's tall and large!

  • Hi Sweetie.

  • ... Hi.

  • You're new here?

  • ... Yes.

  • I'm Sergei.

  • I'm... Dani.

  • Hum... Dani, sweet name.

  • You replace Jessica?

  • Yes... Just this afternoon.

  • I see... You're prettier than her Dani.

  • Thanks.

  • You see the guys and I thought you could feel lonely here.

  • It's OK... Thanks.

  • Just come with us.

  • It's OK.

He does not accept this as an answer and grabs my wrist, pulling me out of my chair.

  • It's OK, you'll just come back if there is a client.

He pulls me next to him, grabs my left ass cheek and makes me follow him this way to the front door of the building where his two colleagues wait, observing us.

  • Guys, this is Dani.

  • Hi Dani, I'm Paul.

  • And I'm Jerry.

  • Hi... guys.

Sergei still has a hand massaging my butt as if it's normal, I try to move but he prevents me without a word.

The three of them are tall, Paul is black and large, in his forties, Jerry is fat, he must be close to retirement. Sergei is younger, in his thirties, he's the most athletic of the three.

I don't know what to say and am relieved when they start to chit chat with each other... This does not last as Sergei becomes more adventurous and he now touches my balls. I turn to him shyly and he smiles at me as his hand moves to my cock. His two colleagues have stopped talking and just enjoy the show since my skirt is now half the way up.

  • You're not shy, are you Dani?

  • ... I don't know.

  • I think you're not. Jessica does not let me do this.

  • ...

  • You want more? Don't you?

  • No... Please.

  • Your clitty seems to disagree, darling, it's all hard down there.

  • ...

  • You know what we'll do?

  • ... What?

  • Just pick one of us and the lucky winner will take care of you.

  • Please...

  • So who is it?

I stare at him pleading but he seems serious. I don't know which to chose, Sergei does not seem that nice now, Paul scares me, he must be so big down there... And Jerry is old and ugly.

  • So who is it, Sweetie?

  • ... Jerry...

  • So she likes them old! Jerry, lucky you!

Jerry makes a big smile and asks me to follow him, we head to the public toilets, we enter the men side and he grabs my ass!

  • Where do you want it darling?

  • ...

  • If you let me choose it'll be your ass!

  • ... Please... In my... mouth.

  • OK sweety, get down on your knees.

I obey, my stockings are on the dirty floor in public toilets and I'm facing my third cock of the day! What could be more degrading?

I open his zipper and take his still flaccid dick in my hand... and in my mouth. It's not so big and I easily take it all even once it's fully hard. I suck him and he's fast to come, I swallow and lick it clean by habit.

  • You sure know how to suck a dick!

  • ... Thanks.

We both go back to our work without a word. The afternoon goes normally and the guards don't bother me anymore, It's almost time to go when Nathalie calls me on the phone:

  • Dani?

  • Yes?

  • Sorry, we forgot to mention but you need to make an extra hour since the front desk stays open one hour later than most offices.

  • ... OK.

  • Great, don't worry, we took care of everything for you up here.

  • OK... Thanks.

  • By the way, how is it going?

  • Well, there have been a few visitors.

  • Great, I'm off now, see you tomorrow!

  • Yes, see you.

I'm waiting as it's very calm when Sir Vatier arrives.

  • Good evening... Sir.

  • Ah, Dani, you're here... Wow, you're gorgeous... I've been looking for you everywhere!

  • I replace Jessica... Sir.

  • Oh, I see. So you can't leave this desk?

  • No... Sir.

  • That's a bummer... Cause I really need my release!

  • After... my work... Sir.

  • I can't wait, Dani!

He turns to the guards and says

  • Hi guys, Dani needs to get her vitamins, can you please man the desk?

  • Sure Sir.

  • Thanks, she'll be back soon... Come, Dani, follow me!

We head to the same toilets, he presses on my shoulder, I know the message and start my blowjob.

  • You're so sexy Dani.

  • ...

  • It's not the first time you're on your knees in this exact same spot, is it?

  • ...

How does he know? I start to look around for cameras or something while still sucking.

  • Focus Dani, you need to to be at what you're doing, multi-tasking is not for you.

As he says this, he pushes his cock deep in my throat and keeps it there.

  • When you suck, you suck, capiche?

I nod and he starts again to move, letting me take back my breath.

I suck him off and clean and he warns me before going out:

  • Don't miss our meetings again Dani!

  • Sir... Miss Helen told me...

  • It's not an excuse, tell her next time. I won't tolerate this, last warning.

  • OK... Sir.

  • Good, now get back to work.

I'm happy to go home, it's getting worse by the day and it seems there is no escape.

My wife comes home late, we talk about work, I tell her that it's very stressful here, of course, I can't tell her but I still say something:

  • The managers are abusive and demanding, they're always on my back.

  • Same, Phil is always after me. He's never satisfied and always find reasons to get close to me.

  • You can't report him?

  • No, the president likes him.

  • ...

  • Either I shut up or I'll be the next one to leave.

  • ...

  • It's OK, we'll manage.

  • ... yes.

  • Love you.

  • Love you.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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