His Special Secretary

By Mr Perv

Published on Mar 22, 2019


His "special" secretary - Part 2

It has now been a week that I wank my boss daily, he keeps telling me that it's normal and that all secretaries do it, I doubt it but what can I do or say?

Between these sessions, I do more normal work, always with the pressure of displeasing him with the smallest mistakes.

Talking about mistakes, here he comes with this very bad look on his face.

  • You stupid cow, you sent the wrong report to the client!

  • Eh... What?

  • Oh my god, you're too stupid to even remember what you do! My service is not a social service.

  • Please, Sir, I'm sorry, I'll send the correct report.

  • It's done already, you think I had time to wait for you. My problem right now is that I don't know what to do with you, you're good at nothing.

  • Please, Sir, I'll pay attention! Please.

  • We'll see, now get me a coffee.

I arrive 2 minutes later with his coffee and bring him to his desk, I give it to him and go to my desk.

He comes to me a few minutes later and says:

  • Dani... I just made a list of your skills and as far as I could see, the only thing you do nearly well is to take care of my cock actually.

  • ...

  • I think we need to focus on your assets, what do you think.

  • Sir... Please.

  • Get it out now!

  • But... Sir.


My boss just slapped me!

  • Get it out now!

I obey and gently open his zipper before putting his dick out, I'm about to stand but presses back on my shoulder telling me to stay sitting. He turns my chair and I'm facing him, I start wanking him, his cock is at the level of my shoulders.

  • You see Dani, that you do it well, we'll need to work on your skills.

  • ...

  • When your boss compliments you, you thank him!

  • Thank you... Sir.

  • That's my girl, now keep going.

What did he say? I keep wanking him and don't have much time to think about it as I already start to panic since he's obviously about to come. I try to gently stand again but he presses on my shoulder again.

  • Who told you to stand?

  • No one... Sir, but...

  • There is no but, just do what you're told stupid cow.

As he says this, he starts spurting cum, the first blast lands on the side of my nose, followed by a stronger one on my forehead and rest on my chin or neck.

  • That was great Dani, and you look great too, did you like?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • I knew it, we'll redo that, now go get something to clean my cock.

I go to the toilets and come back with tissue, I clean his dick and place it back in his pants before going to the toilets to clean myself, how could this be more humiliated. Hopefully, the day is over, I ask permission and head home.

During dinner, we talk about our respective jobs, of course, I don't give details to my wife and rant about my boss for the more "regular" stuff.

Sadly, it's not better on her side, it's really not going well in her company, the layoffs have started and she they'll soon be under the supervision of new management, they received memos and emails and it'll probably be hard seeing their tone. The only good side, they may have some staff back full depending on their performances.

I think we're both on the same line, we're a bit used to some comfort since I have a good-paying job and we're both planning to do what's needed to both keep both our work.

Next morning, I arrive at the office a bit late as there was an accident, my boss shouts at me first thing as I'm greeting him and apologizing.

  • Good morning Si...

  • You're late! I can't tolerate this.

  • There was an accident on the high...

  • No excuse, now sit down, I have work for you.

I sit down, he gets close to me and turns my chair so that I face him, I know what to do sadly and I pull out his cock to wank him.

  • You like that now, I don't even need to tell you.

  • ...

  • Do you dream about my cock at night Dani boy?

  • No... sir.

  • You will soon, you're so eager to touch it, I can see it.

  • ... Sir, please... Don't come on me.

  • I'll come where I want you cow, you're here to take care of me, I'm here to decide so now shut up and take care of my cock!

I keep wanking him, raging silently until he gets close to come, he places a hand on my head so that I stay in place as he starts to spurt his jizz, most of it going on my face with a drop sliding against my lips.

  • You're more beautiful with cum all over your face, aren't you?

  • ...

  • Now clean me!

I clean him again and I was about to head to the toilets to clean myself when he said:

  • No, you stay here, I need a report done ASAP, next time you won't be late.

  • But... sir...

  • Stop with your "But" you stupid cow, it's just a little cum... like in your dreams, I'm sure.

Defeated, I turn on my computer and start my workday. I'm done after about an hour, my face is sticky and I ask my boss and he finally lets me clean the mess. The rest of the day goes as usual and when I ask him if I can go, he asks me to wait a minute, he has one last task he needs me to do.

  • Dani boy, I won't be here for three days starting tomorrow, you'll report to Sir Vatier.

  • Ok, sir.

  • Now, just pass by quickly to his office and give him this letter, he is waiting for it.

  • OK sir, Good evening.

  • Yes, thanks.

I head to Sir Vatier's office and knock on the door, he invites me to enter, he greets me as I get to him.

  • How Dani, come here.

  • Good evening sir.

  • yes, it's indeed a good evening!

As he says this, I see his hand moving below the desk and I hear muffled sounds.

I cannot see clearly but it really seems that there is someone below his desk!

I pretend I noticed nothing and just give him the envelope.

  • Thank you, Dani, see you tomorrow.

  • Yes sir, see you... tomorrow.

  • Now that's good!

  • Pardon, sir?

  • No, nothing, it was not for you, close the door as you leave, please.

  • ... Ok... sir.

I leave the room perplex to finally head home, I'm happy to know the rest of the week will be nicer as Sir Vatier is not like my boss at all. I also wonder what's with all of them getting wanked or worse, is it common?

I arrive the next morning and go to Sir Vatier's office and then heads to my office, nothing special happens until he calls me and asks me to come to his office.

  • Good morning Sir.

  • Good morning Dani.

  • What can I do for you?

  • You see Dani, I'm a little stressed right now and my secretary is absent, could you please help me?

  • How...? Sir?

  • You know men Dani, there is one particular thing that can keep them stressed, I need some release right now. Come here, Dani.

I approach slowly, he pulls his chair back, turns to me and opens his legs. I can't believe it but proceed as with my boss, I bend over and he starts to talk as I'm doing my "duty".

  • Nice Dani, you have a soft hand.

  • Thanks... sir.

  • Come close here, you should sit or go on your knees, you'll be more comfortable.

  • It's ok... Sir.

I wank him but he does not seem to come and my body starts to ache because of the uncomfortable position. I kneel in front of him and continue.

  • That's better, now we both enjoy this.

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • You have seen what happened here yesterday evening?

  • What sir?

  • Dani, Dani, Dani... Don't act like you did not notice anything.

  • I'm not sure... Sir.

  • There was a woman here yesterday Dani, she was helping me with my stress too... In a more efficient way.

  • ...

He starts caressing my hair and continues to talk.

  • Does your wife do this to you?

  • What... Sir?

  • Does she suck you, Dani?

  • Sir...

  • Come on Dani, it'll stay between us.

  • ... Yes, sir... She does.

  • So you know how wonderful it is to be sucked.

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • Gay people love to suck too, some say it's even better than getting sucked.

  • ...

  • I don't know but I often wonder. Do you Dani?

  • ... No... Sir.

  • Really? Even since you do your duties as a secretary? They all do it, to tell you the truth but at first, they're a bit hesitant generally. They love it after.

  • ...

  • I'm about to come Dani boy.

He stands as he says this and gets close to me to almost reach my face and splatters it. I receive his load, shocked and I notice horrified that a tiny drop entered the corner of my mouth and I feel its salty taste.

  • Oh, Dani, I'm sorry. I had to stand to not make a mess on my pant and chair.

  • ... It's ok... Sir.

I head to the toilets to clean myself and rinse my mouth, thankful that they're also in his office.

As I go out of the toilets and am about to go to my office, he asks me:

  • Did you like it?

  • What... Sir?

  • My come, did you like it?

  • I... did not... taste it... Sir.

  • Come on Dani, I've seen it on your lips, how does it taste?

  • ... Salty... Sir.

  • Hum, it must be yummy then.

  • ...

  • Thank you, Dani, you've been an angel, I don't need you any longer here for now.

  • ... thanks... Sir.

One more hour to go and I'll go home, I'm a bit day-dreaming as I've done my work for the day when the phone rings. Sir Vatier wants to see me.

  • Hi Dani, I'll need you for a while.

  • Sure sir, what can I do?

  • You remember what you saw yesterday evening?

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • I need it before going home.

I'm terrified!

  • Don't worry Dani, I won't ask you to do this but I'm off in 30 minutes and 2 of our shareholders will be here any moment and.

  • ...?

  • I need you to release me.

  • ... Now... Sir?

  • Yes, don't worry, they won't see you, just go below my desk like the lovely girl that was here yesterday.

  • But... Sir.

  • Don't worry, you don't need to suck me... Of course, you can if you want.

  • ...

  • Just go below, I sit and you do your job as usual.

  • ... Sir... What about your visitors?

  • They won't know Dani, just be silent.

I crawl below his desk reluctantly, it's very small there. He sits and advances his chair, his cock now being centimeters from my face.

  • Start now Dani, they'll be here soon.

  • ... Ok... Sir.

I start wanking him and he reaches my head with his hand, pulling it so that he can caress my hair again without being bent, I'm just on the side of his erect dick, just centimeters from it.

  • That's good, now continue.

He just said this when we hear a knock on the door and he invites them to come. They start to talk about business, about a company we just bought and how they'll make it profitable.

My boss starts to breathe heavily, I think he's about to come and I stop rubbing his cock, afraid of what would happen.

  • Keep going, Dani!

Oh, my G...! He takes my hand and moves it along his shaft, I start wanking him again now so ashamed and totally in my thoughts.

As he's about to come, he says:

  • Just a moment gentlemen, please.

  • Sure.

He places his hand above mine and makes it turn his cock in my direction, he quickly grabs my head with his other hand and sticks it against his glans, I was not expecting this and it touches my tongue. He then cum there and the rest all over my face as I quickly manage to go back a bit.

I'm terrified, how could he do this to me? What do I do now?

He pulls his chair back and says:

  • Dani, I think you're done.

  • ...

  • Dani, don't be shy, go out of here, you did a marvelous job.

I go out defeated and speechless, staring at the floor to avoid eye contact. Sir Vatier is wiping his cock, at least he won't ask me to do this. I go to the toilets and wait there but he calls me back.

  • Gentlemen, here is Dani, Alex' secretary, say "Hi" Dani.

  • Good evening... Sir.

  • Hi Dani.

  • Dani, you already know that managers are really stressed.

  • ... Yes... Sir.

  • Did you know that it's the same for shareholders?

  • ...

  • Can you please help them with that.

I'm in hell, what does he want me to do!

  • Come on, don't be shy!

I join them and Sir Vatier follows me, he presses on my shoulder.

  • Get on your knees, Dani.

I obey and am now keeling between them, they don't say a word.

  • Now ask them if you can take their cocks out.

I turn to the one on the right.

  • ... Sir... Can I take your... cock... out?

  • Watch him in the eyes, Dani, where are your good manners?

I lift my head up and see him smiling at me, apparently enjoying a lot my humiliation, he nods and I take his dick out, it's as big as Alex' one!

I turn to the left and asks the same question, he also signals me to proceed... Are they mute?

Their dicks are now out and my boss resumes his instructions.

  • Good boy Dani, now go on, rub these big cocks! How does it feel?

  • ...

  • I asked you a question, Dani!

  • ... Good... Sir.

  • Great... Now turn your head on the left to see this magnificent penis you're taking care of.

I obey and have a big cock facing me going a bit farther or closer at the rhythm of my hands.

  • Now turn to the other side.

As I do this, the other guy pushes and it comes hitting my mouth! Hopefully, I did not open it! I try to move back but Sir Vatier grabs hold of my head and keeps it in place. The guy now rubs his cock against it.

  • It's ok Dani, men do this when they're excited, they like to show they're dominant. Just relax, be a good boy, smile at him.

I can't believe I'm now smiling at the pervert rugbbing his cock on my face! He keeps doing this for a while and stops, taking my hand and making me understand I should resume my duty.

  • You're a good boy, Dani! You know how to deal with cocks my goodness. Keep going, take care of these 2 big ones here just for you.

He also adds:

  • Gentlemen, please hold his head, I'll be busy below.

The one on my right hastens to do so and Sir Vatier comes in front of me and gets down at my level.

  • You're doing great Dani!

He adds smiling.

  • I wish you're my secretary.

  • ...

  • Now, I know that this situation is unexpected and maybe uncomfortable so it's my turn to release you Dani boy.

As he says this, he reaches to my pant and starts pulling my zipper down. I try to do something but the two perverts grab one hand each and place it back on their cocks. I plead with him, defeated.

  • Sir... Please.

  • It's ok Dani, just relax.

His hand is now in my trousers and he pulls out my semi-erect dick.

  • Oh, that's lovely, you have a cute dicklet Dani boy.

  • ...

  • Now turn to these gentlemen one by one and ask them if they've seen it.

I've never been so ashamed! I can't think straight and turn on the left.

  • ... Sir... Did you see my... dicklet?

He nods smiling and I turn on the other side.

  • ... Sir... Did...

He sticks his cock against my half-opened lips and makes it slide against my teeth and the extremity of my tongue.

I move back and Sir Vatier says:

  • It's ok Dani, he just mistook you for a girl. Maybe because of your clitty down there.

  • ...

  • Be a good boy...

... Smile again

... Now that's my good boy.

...Now you see, Sir Edmond here is very important in the firm and if you're nice with him...

... I need you to be a very good boy.

  • Sir... Please...

  • Just remember your contract before taking a decision.

  • What... Sir?

  • Employees will entertain all senior staff's demands carefully and diligently... ... Dani. I think I demanded something.

  • But... Sir... Not this, please?

  • What Dani? You said our cocks are nice repeatedly when asked. You already tasted my cum and said it was yummy... You can't be such a tease and leave poor men like us without giving us a little more.

Be a good boy for us Dani Boy, just open this lovely mouth of yours.

  • Sir... please.

  • I can't help you with this Dani Boy. You're being rude and disrespectful to our shareholder here, what image do you give of the company?

  • Please, sir... Can I do anything else?

  • Why Dani, what's the problem?

  • I'm not gay sir!

  • Oh, it's just this! You don't need to be gay Dani Boy, you're just obeying on order and being a good boy with a more important man.

... As you see, he's more defined down there and your duty is to please him.

... Be good boy Dany.

... You're just at your place.


If Sir Edmond here thinks your place is on your knees with a cock in your mouth.

... Then you should just be on your knees

... With a cock in your mouth.

He bends, goes on my left side, Sir Edmond goes in front of me, his dick just 2 or 3 centimeters from my mouth while Sir Vatier starts to speak very slowly and calmly in my left ear.

  • Your boss wants you... on your knees... with a cock in your mouth

... Be a good boy.

... You're already halfway there.

... Be a good boy.

... On your knees.

... Be a good boy.

... Now.

... Be a good boy.

... Open.

... Be a good boy.

... Open for Sir Edmond here.

... Be a good boy.

... Welcome him.

... He'll make you a good boy.

... Be a good boy.

... He'll make you finally have.

... The cock you always wish you had.

... Be a good boy...

He keeps going and Sir Edmond now touches my lips with his dick, I barely notice as I'm terrified and also sort of mesmerized.

  • That's ok

... Be a good boy.

... Nobody will know.

... Be a good boy.

... Open.

... Be a good boy.

... Open for Sir Edmond here.

... Be a good boy.

... Taste his manhood.

... Be a good boy.

... Open for me.

... Be a good boy.

As he says this, I don't know what happens but my lips open a little, Sir Edmond does not push and just 1 or 2 centimeters of his shaft rest on my tongue.

  • That's wonderful.

... You're a good boy.


Now start sucking.

... Like a good boy.

... Suck it.

... Like a good boy.

... Suck it.

... Like a good boy...

I'm totally lost and don't react, Sir Edmond decides it's time to go further apparently, he grabs both sides of my head and pushes his cock that now fills my whole mouth, he stops moving.

  • Lovely Dani boy! You did it! How does it feel to have such a wonderful cock?

  • ghreeeghww...

  • Silly me, I forgot, good boys don't talk with a full mouth...

  • Suck it.

... Like a good boy.

... Suck it.

... Like a good boy...

Sir Edmond starts moving in and out, still holding my head tight, I lift my eyes up and we have eye contact, like before he seems to like by humiliation. he fucks my mouth for a few minutes and Sir Vatier starts to talk again.

  • Wonderful Dani.

  • You're a good boy.

... Now.

... You're a good boy.

... Sir Edmond will thank you.

... Because you're a good boy.

... He'll thank you.

... You're a good boy.

... With his cum.

... You're a good boy.

... And you'll swallow.

... Like a good boy.

... Because you're a good boy...

No, this can't happen! I want to push back but he holds tight and I feel the first drop of cum hitting the back of my mouth and he keeps me like this until he's totally done coming, he stops and rests his shaft in my mouth, with most of his cum still there, I swallowed the rest automatically, not to choke as it went in my throat.

  • That's it, Dani, you did it.

... You're a good boy.

... Now swallow.

... Like a good boy.

... Because you're a good boy...

I cannot turn my head since it's impaled on a cock, I want to plead.

  • Mmmuhhgrheee

  • Finish what you've started Dani before talking.

As he says this Sir Edmond goes a little back and pushes his cock directly further than before... Up to the entrance of my throat. This pushes all the cum inside and I start choking, he pulls it out and I can take my breath.

  • You did a wonderful job, Dani!

  • ...

  • Now I have one last thing to ask you.

  • ... Wh... at... S... ir?

  • We forgot Sir Richard...

He smiles at me and I see the other man coming in front of me.

  • You don't need encouragement anymore, do you?

I take it in my hand, hoping it would be enough.

  • Tsst Dani Boy, what do you think you're doing?

  • ...

Sir Richard gets close and pushes his dick in my mouth! I'm now sucking my second cock!

  • You're a real cocksucker now Dani! How does it feel?

  • ...

  • You like it, do you? No need to answer this one, I know already. Keep sucking, take good care of my friend Richard here and you'll get another serving of your new favorite drink.

Richard holds my head and fucks my mouth in turns... He's fast to come and I swallow, totally defeated, he makes me suck a bit more to clean his dick and finally leaves me alone.

  • That was terrific Dani, you're such a cocksucker! We're almost done, now I just want you to thank these gentlemen for their time.

  • ...

  • Don't be shy, thank them.

  • Thanks... Sir... For your time.

  • And for their cum.

  • ...

  • Go on Dani, don't be rude.

  • ... And your cum.

  • Very good boy Dani, we're good for today, you can go now.

They go back to their business discussion, I clean myself and leave the office in a daze.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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