His Special Secretary

By Mr Perv

Published on Feb 18, 2019


His "special" secretary - Part 1

I'm a 35 years old man, white with a quite small and slim body, I'm very ashamed by the size of my cock but at least it seems to satisfy my wife. I work in IT but am currently looking for a job and broadened my search to any office work due to difficulties in finding one. Regarding this, I have an interview today for a position as office assistant for the vice president of a finance company.

I arrive to the office and I'm asked to wait by the receptionist, she tells me that Sir Vatier will be back in a few minutes and will receive me.

A man, very well dressed, in his fifties arrives and introduces himself as Sir Vatier, the Vice President of credit risk for the company, he asks me to follow him. We both enter his office, sit and start talking about the job offer.

  • Good morning Daniel, I'm glad you answered the ads.

  • Good morning Sir, I'm glad to.

  • We need to someone to assist our vice-president of marketing & sales in all his daily work, sadly he could not join us today. Do you think you could fit in this position?

  • Yes sure, do you have more details about the duties?

  • He needs someone fully committed to our success, it involves the common secretary work but also specific duties related to marketing, customer & partners relations, stress management... he'll be able to give you more details about this.

  • That sounds good.

  • OK, I see that you have all the skills we need, what about we take you on a 3-months probationary period? Your salary will be the aligned on our engineers' one since it's a skilled job.

  • Wow sir, when do I start?

  • What about now? Christine that you have seen earlier will show you Sir Godfroy's office.

  • Great! Thanks Sir.

  • Welcome on board son.

He calls the receptionist and I follow her to an office in the second floor where she introduces me to Sir Godfroy... That I recognized as Alex, a sort of bully from high school that used to be after me for no reason. He does not seem to recognize me and I introduce myself shyly.

  • Good morning Sir, I'm Daniel, Sir Vatier just told me you need an assistant...

He cuts me.

  • Hello Mat, yes I need someone.

He pauses a moment and continues.

  • Do you have a wife? Kids?

  • Yes sir, I have a wife and 2 kids.

  • Good. Are you willing to do your best for this company? For this service? For me?

  • ... Yes sir, I'll do my best.

  • Good, we'll see. Now, just install yourself on the desk over there and start working, you'll see that you received and email with your first instructions.

  • Yes sir.

I go to a small desk in the corner of the room, turn on the computer and read the email, it gives more details about the job as follows:

We need an assistant for the vice president of marketing & sales, the work includes all the duties of a secretary as well as more specific ones in team building, stress release and customer care, we'll give you details about these as you'll get accustomed to your new position.

We have a strict code of conduct here and we want our employees to follow them:

  • Employees will always address senior staff as "Sir" Or "Madam".

  • Employees will entertain all senior staff's demands carefully and diligently.

  • Employees will respect the dress code of their service or position.

  • Employees will greet their direct manager every mornings as they arrive for work and will ask for the permission to leave when their work day is over.

I read them and find them harsh but for an engineer's salary, I'm willing to make concessions, it will probably not be that hard after all. I go to my new boss and say:

  • Sir, I just read the c...

he cut me again.

  • Ok, do you accept them?

  • Yes.

  • Yes, who?

  • Yes... Sir.

  • I believed you read them, you must be a little slow. OK,sign this contracts.

He hands me contracts and I start to read them, he cuts me again.

  • Hey Dani, I don't have the whole day, you sign or no?

  • ... But S.

  • There is no "But" with me, if you want the job, you just sign, it's a typical contract.

I take a ball-pen and sign all the contracts, he smiles at me and says:

  • Great Dani, I'll have them checked & notarized by our lawyers. Now I want a coffee, get me one at the lunch room on the first floor.

  • Yes... Sir.

I go out and find the room after a few minutes searching, I prepare him a coffee and bring it. I knock on the door and hear a light "Enter", when I do, he's on the phone so I hand him his cup.

  • Here... Sir.

He ignores me and takes a sip.

  • Where is the sugar Dani?

  • I did not know... Sir, that you wanted sugar. I'll go add some.

  • Next time ask, if you do everything in two times, it'll never work. Off you go, hury.

I'm a bit shocked by the way he talks to me but proceed again to the lunch area, I come back with his coffee and hand it to him.

  • Here... Sir.


  • That's better, thanks Dani. Now, please open the document I sent you and fix the grammar and spelling, I need it in 20 minutes.

I start to work on it, it's a memo about the monthly sales targets, it's full of typos and grammatical mistakes, I know that I'll never be done in 20 minutes. I start and do my best.

He comes next to where I sit, I noticed then that my table & chair must be quite low as he's staring at me from "high", my eyes are just below the level of his belly-button, he says:

  • Dani, is it ready? I need it now.

  • No Sir, sorry.

  • You would have been faster with my coffee, this would not happen, hurry for god's sake!

  • ...

I do my best and finish in a few minutes, I have no time to re-read and send him the corrected version. He yells at me?

  • You think it'll print itself alone?

  • No.. Sir... Sorry.

I print his documents and hand them to him, he goes to his meeting and I spend the rest of the day working on another task he gave me. I ask him to leave once it's time and he just nods.

I arrive home and we have a nice dinner with my wife and kids. My wife asks me about the interview and I tell her that I got the job and that it's very well paid. She is so happy mainly since it was starting to be so short financially and since I've looked for a job for months without finding, everything seems ok now. I don't say anything about my boss and his attitude to not ruin the moment.

The next passe normally until early in the afternoon. As I'm working, I hear Alex yelling my name from the toilets of our office, I go there slowly and he shows me the bowl:

  • It's you?

  • What... Sir?

  • There are drops, hurry to clean it.

  • But...

  • I told you, there are no "But" with me.

I take tissue and cleans removes the drops of urine from the bowl, I'm sure it's not my fault but I cannot argue. As I'm turning back to go to my desk, he says:

  • Stay here Dani, I'll show you how to pee, apparently you need to be told everything.

  • ...

He opens his zipper and pulls out his dick, right in front of me, I can't fail to notice that it's a big cock, like the one you see in porn films, he starts his tutorial:

  • I'll leave the seat down but I want you to lift it up since you're a messy pisser. You grab your penis with your hand and aim at the bowl then you start peeing and keep holding it firmly with your hand.

He put down the toilet seat, places back his cock in his trousers as he asks me this:

  • I won't pee now but you got it? You don't take notes?

  • Yes... Sir, I got it.

  • OK so show me Dani.

  • What?

  • What, who?

  • What... Sir?

  • You show me if you got it, go and pee.

  • But

This time he slaps the top of my head and tells me:

  • You have to stop with your "But" so you do as you're told and stop complaining like a kid! Pee! Now!

I'm in a sort of second state, I don't know what to do... So indeed, I just do as I'm told and I slowly open my zipper.

  • I don't have all day, you always do everything in slow motion?

  • Sorry... Sir.

I open my zipper and am about to start peeing.

  • You're really stupid, I told you to take notes! What did I say about lifting the seat for messy pissers?

How does he dare talking to me this way? I'm shocked but again I obey and I open the seat and start peeing, he says.

  • I told you to hold it firmly but it'll be hard with your spaghetti. It's very small, isn't it?

  • ...

  • You answer when you're asked a question Dani, is it small?

I blush and start to look at my feet.

  • Yes... Sir.

  • It's OK Dani, at least you can pee with it. Your wife likes it?

  • I think so... Sir.

  • She must have a tight pussy I guess or she does not want to tell you the truth.

I finish peeing and I'm about to enter my penis back in my pants when he asks:

  • Keep it out.

  • Why... Sir?

  • Because I said so. Does your wife scream when you fuck her?

  • Sir...

  • I asked you a question Dani, does she scream?

  • No... Sir, not much.

  • I could have guessed... You gave me envy to pee.

He pulls out his penis to start peeing as he keeps talking:

  • We'll continue some training about this for a couple of weeks.

  • Ok... Sir.

  • What do you think about my cock?

  • Nothing Sir.

  • Come on Dani, make an effort.

  • It's big... Sir.

  • Do you like it.

  • I don't know... Sir.

  • As you can see, I can hold it firmly. Do you want to touch it?

  • No Sir.

  • Why?

  • ...

  • Ok, you're shy apparently, take some tissue and wipe the tip.

  • But...

  • I said!

I take some sheets of tissue paper and gently wipe the tip of his dick.

  • Now place it back.

  • Sir?

  • Dani, you're my assistant and I asked you to assist me so just place my cock back in my trousers.

In a second state again, I take his penis and place it back in his trousers, I close his zipper.he says laughing:

  • Now do the same with your clitty.

I've never been so ashamed but obey.

I'm shocked for the rest of the day but can do nothing. I ask him to leave for the day and as usual he barely answers.

I arrive home, my wife seems worried and she explains me that she has to work part-time for a while to avoid a layoff since her company has just been bought and the new owners ant to improve the profitability. She then tells me how thankful she is that I got a good job on my side. What can I answer to this?

As I'm working on a memo the next day, Alex calls me again from the toilet, I join him there.

  • Pull out my dick Dani, I need to pee.

  • Yes... Sir.

I pull out his cock and wait.

  • We'll see if you progress, just hold it and aim at the bowl for me, don't make a mess.

I obey and hold his prick for him while he pees. I feel a gentle twitching but try to pretend I did not notice. It gets bigger and I cannot ignore it anymore, he says:

  • We have an issue here, I need to be at the board meeting in 10 minutes, I cant go like this.

  • ...

  • Just wank me, it'll do it.

  • B

I stop before finishing my word and ask, pleading:

  • Sir...?

  • Sir, what? You never wanked?

  • I did... Sir...

  • So do it again, be good assistant.

What should I do? As usual, I just follow his lead and go up and down gently on his shaft.

  • That's good Dani, keep going, make your boss happy.

  • ...

  • You like big cocks.

  • No... sir.

  • Why? You're wanking one, it does not make you feel happy? You're doing an important job here.

  • ...

  • Yes, all secretaries do this, don't worry.

I keep wanking him and he keeps talking.

  • Tell me you like my cock.

  • Sir...

  • I would be you, I would like it. I would feel it's nice to hold a real cock for once.

  • ...

  • Say it, it's just between us.

  • I... Like it... Sir.

  • Good boy, I knew it, keep going, I'm about to come.

He starts coming shortly after this and splashes cum all over the bowl.

  • Ok boy, that was great and I liked it as much as you did. Now clean my dick.

I take tissue and start to gently clean his cock, I place it back in his trousers and he tells me:

  • Now clean the bowl, you made a mess, I'm off to my meeting.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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