His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Mar 13, 2023


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This is a work of fiction.

Mason stirred in his sleep as he heard Hunter come into the room, booting up his computer and sat down at the desk. He groggily opened one eye and watched Hunter's back as he began typing.

He knew that he should get up and start his day, but something about watching Hunter work was soothing to him. The way his strong fingers moved over the keys was almost hypnotic.

Before long, Mason had drifted back off to sleep again. When he woke up a few hours later, Hunter was still working away at the desk. Mason stretched lazily like a cat before getting out of bed and making his way over to him.

"Good morning," Mason said groggily as he leaned down to give Hunter a kiss on top of his head.

Hunter shifted away and looked up at him with tired eyes, "Morning."

Mason could tell that something wasn't right; there was an awkward tension hanging between them like a thick fog.

"You okay?" Mason asked tentatively.

Hunter sighed heavily before replying, "I'm just stressed out about work."

Mason nodded even though he knew that it wasn't just work that had been bothering him lately; it was their secret tryst too. But instead of pushing the issue further, Mason decided to let it go.

"I'm sorry you're having a tough time," Mason said sympathetically, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Hunter shook his head, not looking at him as he looked at his monitors. Mason took the hint and decided to leave him alone for a while; he went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Sadie had headed off for her shift at the hospital hours before and wouldn't be home until that evening and Mason knew he had to crack Hunter's shell while they were alone.

As Mason cooked breakfast, he decided to make Hunter a plate and bring it over to him at the desk. He piled scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast onto a dish before carrying it over.

"Here you go," Mason said as he set the plate down in front of Hunter.

Hunter looked up from his screen with surprise etched on his face. "Thanks," he said softly.

After he finished eating, he stretched his arms above his head, feeling the tension in his shoulders release as he looked back at the computer. He glanced over at Mason, who was sitting behind him on the bed reading a book.

"Hey," Hunter said to get Mason's attention. "I should be done with work by noon today."

Mason looked up from his book and smiled at him. "That's great! What are you thinking of doing?"

"I was thinking we could go check out some museums or maybe hit up a few shops," Hunter suggested.

Mason nodded, only slightly disappointed that Hunter had touristy things planned instead of fucking; was he back to trying to pretend they had a normal friendship? "Okay," he said. "That sounds fun."

"So what do you want to see first?" Hunter asked.

"Well I've always wanted to check out the Natural History museum," Mason replied. "I've never been."

"Sounds like a plan," Hunter agreed. "And we can grab some lunch at one of the food trucks outside. Just let me work for another couple hours before we head out."

Mason felt frustrated. This cycle of passionate sexual escapades and feigned ignorance was getting fucking tiresome. Hunter wasn't acting like a grown man at all--he was acting like a boy. And Mason wasn't attracted to boys. After a few minutes putzing around on his phone, Mason was bored waiting for Hunter to finish his work.

He knew he shouldn't be mischievous, but the urge was too strong to resist. Without thinking twice about it, he got naked and started idly playing with himself on the bed behind Hunter. He idly played with his cock, hoping Hunter would notice him and join in. But after a few minutes, he realized that Hunter was completely engrossed in his work and wasn't paying attention to anything else. Frustrated by the lack of response from Hunter, Mason reached over to his luggage and pulled out a dildo. He had brought it along on the trip just in case he got bored or needed some extra stimulation while alone.

Mason sucked on the dildo, getting it nice and wet and then added some lube as he prepared to push it into his asshole. He moaned softly, feeling himself get more turned on by the minute. He slowly started to push the toy inside of him, relishing in the sensation of fullness--fullness that should have been courtesy of Hunter, but whatever.

He let out a low groan, already imagining what it would feel like if Hunter were pounding him instead. He was lost in his own world, enjoying the feeling of the dildo inside him and fantasizing about Hunter when he heard a sharp intake of breath from across the room.

"Mason!" Hunter exclaimed, turning around to face him. "What are you doing?!"

Mason froze, caught in the act of pleasuring himself with his dildo. He looked up at Hunter through half-lidded eyes and let out a low moan.

"I got bored waiting for you," Mason explained, still pushing the toy into his asshole. "I use this to practice."

Hunter stared at him incredulously before shaking his head and turning back around to the computer.

Mason was surprised and annoyed that Hunter had turned his back on him and gone back to work as if nothing happened. He couldn't believe it--how could Hunter ignore him when he was so obviously asking for it? It made Mason feel a little embarrassed, but he was horny and he wasn't going to stop now.

He kept fucking himself with the dildo while stroking his cock. An amorous wet and sloppy sound came from his hole from all of the lube he used as he worked it in and out. Every thrust sent waves of pleasure through him, making him moan louder each time.

Hunter was clearly trying hard not to pay attention to what Mason was doing behind him; instead focusing intently on his computer screen. But with every new sound that escaped Mason's lips, Hunter grew increasingly tense and aroused until finally he couldn't take it anymore.

"God damn it, Mason," Hunter muttered under his breath before spinning around in his chair and speaking more loudly. "Do you have any self-control at all?"

Mason just grinned up at Hunter from where he lay on the bed naked with the dildo still buried deep inside of him. "Why should I?" Mason asked rhetorically as he continued pleasuring himself unabashedly in front of Hunter.

Hunter let out an exasperated sigh before standing up abruptly and walking over towards where Mason lay sprawled out on top of the covers.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Hunter growled as he towered over Mason.

"Nothing's wrong with me," Mason replied casually, still stroking his cock and fucking himself with the dildo. "I'm just having some fun."

Hunter shook his head in disbelief before grabbing hold of the dildo that was protruding from Mason's ass and pumping it roughly a few times. "This is what you like, huh? This is what you need? A fake cock in your ass?"

Mason winced as Hunter pumped the dildo roughly in and out of his ass. He could tell that Hunter was angry, but he didn't understand why.

"No, this isn't what I need," Mason said firmly, pushing himself up on his elbows so that he could look at Hunter directly. "I need you. But you're ignoring me."

Hunter stared down at him for a moment before shaking his head and pulling the dildo out of Mason's ass with one motion. Mason gasped and groaned at the sudden emptiness as his hole clenched around nothing.

"You're unbelievable," Hunter muttered under his breath as he tossed the toy aside onto the bed next to Mason.

"What did I do?" Mason asked, still confused by Hunter's sudden change in mood towards him.

"You know exactly what you did," Hunter snapped back angrily. "You can't just keep doing things like this to me! Last night, Mason? You fucked me up with that blowjob. I spent so much time mentally preparing to see you again. To resist you. And you made all of that irrelevant by waking me up with my cock in your mouth!"

Mason sat up on the bed--still naked--feeling a surge of anger coursing through him as he listened to Hunter's accusations.

"You can't put all the blame on me for what happened last night," Mason retorted sharply. "You were the one who woke up and then wrecked my throat! Don't act like you're innocent in all of this--you're the one who keeps telling me it's over and then clearly still wants me. Mixed-messages much?"

Hunter opened his mouth to respond but Mason wasn't finished yet.

"Look, I get that this is fucking with your head," Mason said pointedly gesturing between them. "But I know that there's something between us. You feel it too, or else why would you keep coming back?"

Hunter shifted uncomfortably where he stood next to the bed, looking away from Mason for a moment before finally meeting his eye again.

"I do feel something," Hunter admitted quietly. "But Sadie... she means everything to me."

Mason sighed. "I'm not asking you to choose between us, Hunter," Mason said firmly. "I just want you to be honest with me about how you feel instead of pretending like nothing is happening! Everything we've done--over Christmas and last night--that has all happened, Hunter! You can't just wish it away or whatever. You can't just ignore me. If you truly think you're going to be with Sadie long term then we need to figure this out! Because I'm going to be there, Hunter!"

Hunter's frustration boiled over and he let out a loud yell, startling Mason.

"I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do!" Hunter exclaimed. "I love Sadie--I really fucking do! But then there's you, Mason. You make me feel things that I've never felt before."

Mason sat there as Hunter continued to rant, his voice growing louder with every word.

"But you're so goddamn selfish," Hunter spat out angrily. "You only think about yourself and your own needs! You don't care about anyone else or how your actions might affect them!"

Mason flinched at the venom in Hunter's words but didn't back down. He felt a surge of anger at Hunter's words. He stood up from the bed and faced him, their eyes locking in an intense stare.

"You're one to talk about being selfish," Mason yelled back at Hunter. "You keep stringing me along even though you know how I feel about you! You keep coming back for more and then drop me when you're satisfied!"

Hunter opened his mouth to respond but Mason wasn't finished yet.

"And don't act like I'm the only one who thinks about myself!" Mason continued angrily. "You're the one who's been trying to have his cake and eat it too. You want a nice normal relationship with Sadie, but you also want me on the side, but only on your terms! Well guess what? You can't do that!"

"That's why we have to end this, goddammit!" Hunter yelled, his voice hoarse with anger. "It's gone too far already!"

"If you really wanted to end this then it would have fucking ended!" Mason shot back angrily.

"You're the one who came here, Mason! You came here to fucking seduce me!" Hunter spat out furiously.

Mason glared at him. "I did not come here to seduce you," he said indignantly. "That's bullshit and you know it."

"Is it?" Hunter challenged him hotly. "You fucking sexted me after I told you to keep radio silence!"

"I was just trying to keep our connection alive," Mason explained defensively. "I missed talking with you--and you sexted me right back, Hunter!"

Hunter shook his head, looking away from Mason for a moment before meeting his gaze again.

"That was a mistake," Hunter said firmly. "I shouldn't have done that."

Mason rolled his eyes in frustration. "You can't just keep flip-flopping like this, Hunter!" he exclaimed. "One minute you're all over me and the next you're treating me like some kind of disease! It's not fair!"

"I know it's not fair," Hunter admitted quietly, before shouting again. "But what do you want me to do? I'm trying to figure this out too--trying to be with Sadie while also dealing with my fucking feelings for you."

Mason's voice was bitter as he spoke. "I guess that's all they are, huh? FUCKING feelings. I'm just a good fuck to you, Hunter!"

Hunter flinched at the harshness in Mason's tone but didn't back down.

"That's not true," Hunter said firmly. "You're more than just a fuck to me, Mason."

"Are you sure about that?" Mason asked incredulously. "Because from where I'm standing it seems like all we do is have sex and then pretend like it never happened!"

"Mason, please--" Hunter began before being cut off by Mason again. His voice was filled with frustration as he spoke.

"No. Fuck you, Hunter. If we're gonna be awful and fuck behind Sadie's back then let's just fucking DO IT!" he exclaimed, his eyes blazing with intensity.

Hunter looked at him incredulously for a moment before shaking his head in disbelief.

"Mason, you can't be serious," Hunter said firmly. "You can't keep doing this--it's not fair to Sad-"

Mason rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Stop it! Stop pretending that you're not just as into it as I am!" he retorted sharply. "You don't get to pretend to be the fucking saint when you're face-fucking me as a 'punishment' for sucking you off!"

Hunter winced but didn't respond; Mason had hit close to home.

"We both know that there is something between us," Mason continued angrily. "And if we're gonna do this--fuck behind Sadie's back--then let's figure it out together! We need to stop pretending like nothing is happening and start being honest about what we want from each other!"

The room was silent as Mason and Hunter stared at each other, both breathing heavily with tension.

Mason's heart was racing in his chest as he looked into Hunter's eyes. He could see the conflict there--the desire warring with guilt and fear.

Hunter took a step closer to him, closing the distance between them until they were standing just inches apart. Mason could feel the heat radiating off of him; smell his cologne mingling with sweat and arousal. He was suddenly very self-conscious that he was completely naked.

Without a word, Hunter leaned forward and captured Mason's lips with his own in a hard kiss. His mouth moved hungrily against Mason's as their tongues tangled together; teeth clashing as they fought for dominance.

Mason moaned into the kiss, feeling himself grow even more aroused by Hunter's aggression. He reached up and grabbed hold of Hunter's head, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them.

Hunter pressed himself against Mason roughly; one hand grabbing at the back of his head while the other roamed down over his naked body until it found its way to where he needed him most.

The two men kissed fiercely for several long minutes before finally breaking apart; both breathing heavily from exertion and arousal. They stared at each other intensely--eyes locked--as if trying to read each other's thoughts through their gaze alone.

In that moment everything else faded away--the guilt about Sadie or any potential consequences--they were just two bodies caught up in passion without thinking beyond this heated exchange.

Hunter was overcome with desire as he stared at Mason's naked body. Without a word, he grabbed hold of him and threw him onto the bed roughly.

Mason gasped in surprise as his back hit the mattress hard. He looked up at Hunter through lust-blown eyes, feeling his hard cock twitch in anticipation.

Hunter climbed onto the bed on top of Mason--fully clothed--straddling his waist before pressing himself down against him. His bulge rubbed against Mason's abs, making them both moan loudly.

"God damn it," Hunter muttered under his breath before capturing Mason's lips with his own again; kissing him fiercely like he couldn't get enough.

Mason eagerly reciprocated the kiss, their tongues battling for dominance as they explored each other's mouths. Hunter's hands roamed over Mason's body possessively, tracing the contours of his muscles and eliciting soft moans from him.

Suddenly, Hunter pulled away from the kiss and sat up on top of Mason; his eyes blazing with an intensity that made Mason shiver in anticipation. He thought Hunter was going to say something but he didn't. He stood up and stripped off his own clothes before climbing back onto Mason; naked now except for a pair of boxer briefs that tented obscenely with his meaty arousal.

Without another word, he lowered himself down onto Mason until they were flush against one another--groin pressing against groin--and started grinding against him furiously.

Mason groaned loudly at the sensation of having Hunter back on top of him. His hard cock leaked pre-cum all over their stomachs as Hunter continued to grind against him, the friction between them driving him wild with desire.

Hunter leaned down and kissed at Mason's neck, migrating down to his chest where he started to suck and bite at his pale skin. Mason gasped; this would for sure leave marks--they'd be out of sight when he was wearing clothes, but Hunter was for sure marking him.

Mason arched his back, offering himself up to Hunter's mouth as he continued to suck and bite at his chest. He could feel the marks forming on his skin and he loved it; they were a sign that Hunter was making him his.

Hunter's eyes glittered with an intense, almost predatory focus as he flipped Mason over onto his stomach and spread his legs open wide. He could feel the heat radiating off of Mason's body in waves; smell the musky scent of sex mingling with lube.

Without a word, Hunter reached down to pick up the dildo that was lying discarded on the bed next to them. It was long and thick--easily 7 inches--and covered in lube from where Mason had been using it earlier.

Mason tensed slightly at the sight of Hunter holding his toy but didn't say anything; he knew what was coming next.

Hunter squirted some more lube into his hand before reaching down between Mason's legs and running a finger along his hole experimentally. His cock throbbed eagerly in his underwear as he watched Mason squirm under him; anticipation building inside him like wildfire.

With one swift motion, Hunter pushed two fingers deep inside of Mason's tight hole--working them around until Mason's interior was coated in slick. He added more lube to the dildo for good measure before carefully pressing the tip    into his ass.

Mason groaned loudly as the dildo slid inside of him, stretching his tight hole wide open. He could feel every inch of it as Hunter worked it in and out--slowly at first before picking up speed to a fast rhythm.

Mason's cock was rock hard now, leaking pre-cum onto the sheets beneath them. His body trembled with pleasure as he felt himself being stretched by Hunter's toy; each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through him.

Hunter watched intently as Mason squirmed under him, taking in every little detail of his naked body like he couldn't get enough. The previous times they'd fucked, he hadn't been able to clearly look at the boy, just lost in their passion. But now he raked his eyes over the gorgeous teen as he thrust the dildo in and out of his hole. The way that Mason's muscles tensed and relaxed under his touch--the way that his pale skin flushed with arousal--it all drove Hunter wild with desire.

Without warning, Hunter pulled out the dildo with a squelch and replaced it with two fingers once again--working them deep inside of Mason and curling them into his pleasure spot until he was moaning loudly from pleasure. Hunter knew exactly how to touch Mason--to make him come undone--and he relished in the power that gave him over this gorgeous young man writhing beneath him on the bed.

Finally unable to take anymore teasing or waiting for permission any longer, Mason begged for more: "Please... please fuck me."

Hunter growled savagely as he pulled his boxer briefs off, exposing his throbbing cock to the air. Without a word, he lubed up his cock--making sure that it was slick and wet before positioning himself behind Mason's tight perfect ass.

Mason moaned loudly as he felt Hunter push inside him, filling him up completely with every inch of his thick shaft. He could feel the stretch and burn as Hunter bottomed out inside of him; Hunter was over an inch longer than the dildo and even thicker. He was feeling so full that it almost hurt but in a good way--a way that only made Mason crave more.

Hunter groaned lowly from deep in his chest as he started thrusting into Mason. His hips pressed against Mason's ass with each long, powerful stroke, making both men gasp and moan from pleasure.

Mason clutched at the sheets beneath him tightly as Hunter pounded into him. The sound of their skin slapping together echoed through the room along with their ragged breathing and filthy words being exchanged between them.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Mason cried out breathlessly. "I missed this... your cock... so much!"

Hunter groaned loudly in response, his hips slamming into Mason's ass with more force. He could feel the pleasure building inside of him; a hot coil of desire that threatened to consume him completely.

"God," Hunter grunted out as he started to thrust harder and faster. "You're so fucking tight... so goddamn good!"

Mason whimpered in response--the sound muffled by the pillow beneath his head--as he felt himself getting rutted hard.

Without warning Hunter pulled out of Mason and flipped him over onto his back. Without hesitation, he grabbed Mason's legs and folded them up towards his chest, exposing his tight hole to the air.

Mason gasped as Hunter repositioned himself--pressing the head of his cock against Mason's entrance before slowly pushing inside once again.

The new position allowed for even deeper penetration--as if Hunter was trying to go all the way through him with every thrust. The angle also hit just right on Mason's prostate, sending waves of pleasure shooting through him like electricity.

"Fuck...oh god..." Mason moaned loudly as Hunter pounded into him relentlessly. "Harder...please..."

Hunter groaned in response--and without missing a beat--he started pounding into Mason even harder than before. His hips slammed against Mason's ass with each powerful stroke; the sound echoing throughout the room along with their broken cries of passion.

Mason could feel himself getting closer and closer to orgasm--the pleasure building inside until it felt like he was going to burst apart at any moment. He clutched at Hunter desperately--pulling him down for a deep kiss that conveyed everything they couldn't say aloud about needing this so much more than anything else in their lives right now.

Hunter returned Mason's kiss deeply--pouring all his passion and desire into the kiss. He could feel himself getting close to climax as well; the pleasure building inside of him until it was almost unbearable. But Hunter didn't want to cum yet. Not after all this time. He wanted this to last.

Suddenly, Hunter pulled out of Mason and stood up; his cock still throbbing with need.

Without a word, he lifted Mason off the ground effortlessly; holding him under the thighs as if he weighed nothing at all. He positioned himself underneath Mason's ass--lining up his cock with Mason's entrance--before slowly dropping him onto his cock once more.

Mason gasped loudly as Hunter bounced him on his cock; the sensation of being held up in the air while being fucked was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. He could feel Hunter's muscles rippling under his hold; the heat radiating off of him like a furnace.

As they fucked, Mason felt like nothing else mattered except the feeling of Hunter inside him--and all around him--as if they were finally coming back into sync after being out-of-step for so long. This was the first time they'd fucked like this, in multiple positions with them both fully engaged in it as equals.

Hunter groaned deeply as he thrust into Mason relentlessly; the pleasure building inside of him until it was almost unbearable. His grip on Mason tightened reflexively, holding him close as if he never wanted to let go.

Mason moaned loudly from the sensation of being fucked like this--held up in Hunter's arms and bouncing on his cock. He could feel himself getting closer to climax with each passing second--the pleasure building inside until it felt like a volcano ready to explode.

Hunter's grip on Mason tightened as he lowered them both back onto the bed; his cock still buried deep inside of him. Without skipping a beat, Hunter continued to fuck Mason with renewed vigor--each thrust sending waves of pleasure through both men.

Mason moaned loudly from the sensation of being fucked so hard and fast by Hunter. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to orgasm--the pleasure building up until it felt like he was going to explode at any moment.

"Fuck... yes... don't stop. Oh my goddd. Hunter! You're gonna make me--"

Mason's words were cut off by a long moan as his body convulsed with pleasure, sending waves of ecstasy shooting through him like electricity. He came so hard that he saw stars--his cock spewing hot cum all over his own chest and stomach.

Hunter groaned loudly in response to Mason's orgasm, feeling the wave of sensation hit him too--pushing him closer and closer to climax. With one final thrust, he buried himself deep inside of Mason before draining his balls into him, filling him up completely with every drop of cum.

The two men lay there together for several long minutes afterward; both breathing heavily from exertion and arousal. Their naked bodies were slick with sweat and semen--the room smelling strongly of sex.

Finally able to catch their breaths again without gasping shudders between them they spoke softly:

"I missed you," Mason whispered hoarsely against Hunter's neck, pressing a soft kiss there while holding onto his shoulders lightly.

Hunter stroked Mason's hair tenderly--tucking some strands behind his ear gently--as if trying to comfort or reassure the younger man somehow: "I missed you too," he murmured back just as quietly.

For once neither felt guilty about what had transpired because it wasn't just lust anymore--not just something to fulfill a desire--it was deeper than that. They both knew it, but neither had the words to express what they were feeling.

As they lay there together in silence, Mason felt a sense of contentment wash over him--a feeling of being exactly where he needed to be at this moment. With Hunter holding him close and their bodies entwined in passion, everything else seemed unimportant.

Hunter lay there beside Mason--sweaty, sated, and completely overwhelmed by the intensity of what had just happened between them. He couldn't believe that they'd just fucked like that after he'd spent months convincing himself it was over between them.

He looked over at Mason's gorgeous form beside him; his heart aching with both adoration and guilt at the same time. Hunter knew he shouldn't be doing this--not with Sadie being his girlfriend--but he couldn't help himself. There was something about Mason that drew him in--the way he moved, the way he smelled... it all made Hunter feel alive in ways that no one else ever had before.

But it wasn't just about sex anymore--or maybe it never had been? Before today, every interaction felt purely sexual but now... after their blowout fight put everything out on the table now there were deeper feelings involved on both sides.

Hunter sighed deeply as he stared up at the ceiling above him; feeling lost and confused about everything. He didn't know how to reconcile his desire for Mason with his love for Sadie--they seemed so incompatible yet here they were together tangled up emotionally as well as physically.

The thought brought tears to Hunter's eyes--he loved them both fiercely but differently--and didn't want either of them hurt because of his own selfishness or indecision..

He knew deep down inside that Mason was right. They either had to end everything for good--if they could--or conspire together in this tryst.

Hunter knew that he shouldn't be doing this--that it was wrong to cheat on his girlfriend with her little brother, but he'd tried to stop and he just couldn't help himself. He was drawn to Mason like a moth to flame; unable to resist the irresistible pull of their mutual attraction.

After they laid there in silence for several minutes, Hunter finally spoke up--his voice hoarse and uncertain: "Mason...I don't know what we're doing here..."

Mason turned towards him--a small smile playing at the corners of his lips--as if sensing Hunter's uncertainty. "We're having an affair," he said bluntly, as if stating something obvious.

Hunter winced at the word 'affair'--it sounded so dirty and illicit--but deep down inside, he knew that it described them perfectly. They were two people who shouldn't be together yet couldn't stay apart; caught up in a web of desire and emotion that neither could escape from completely.

"I know," Hunter replied softly after a beat of hesitant silence. "But I love Sadie too much--I can't just leave her for you. And even if I did, it would still ruin your family."

Mason rolled over onto his back again--a conflicted expression crossing over his features briefly before settling into one more neutral.. "I get it," he murmured quietly after another long pause between them. "I don't want to ruin things either...but what are we going to do then? We can't just stop this and pretend it never happened."

Hunter took a deep breath before replying, knowing that whatever decision they made would change everything between them forever. "If we can't pretend it never happened... we only have one other option," he said hesitantly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mason's heart beat in his chest as he realized what Hunter was suggesting. He knew that option all too well--it was the one they'd been dancing around for months, but neither of them had ever spoken it out loud.

"To continue this affair..." Mason finished for him quietly, not quite believing that Hunter would be willing to risk everything--especially his relationship with Sadie--for their passion and lust.

Hunter nodded without hesitation; determination etched onto every line of his handsome face: "I can't help how I feel about you," he said fiercely. "And I don't want to give this up--not now, not when we've finally admitted everything between us."

Mason felt a sense of relief wash over him--he'd wanted this so badly for so long--the chance to be with Hunter openly and honestly--but at the same time...he couldn't shake off a feeling of guilt towards Sadie whom he loved deeply as a sister, despite his callous pursuit of her boyfriend.

"But what about Sadie? What are we going to do about her?" Mason asked hesitantly--knowing full well that any decision they made would hurt her in some way or another.

Hunter sighed before replying. "I really do love her, Mason," he paused--a pained expression crossing over his features briefly before settling into something more determined again. "We'll have to be sneaky," he said firmly. "We obviously can't let her find out about us. We'll have to keep our relationship a secret and hope that we don't get caught."

Mason's heart beat rapidly--they were really going down this path--risking everything for the sake of their desires. He knew they were being incredibly selfish; putting their own desires over their love for Sadie. But at the same time... he couldn't resist Hunter or deny his feelings any longer either.

"Okay," he agreed softly, knowing deep down inside that there was no other way forward except taking such risks.

Hunter leaned over and kissed Mason tenderly--his lips soft against his own as if trying to convey all of his emotions in one simple gesture: love, lust, guilt, shame--all mixed together into something so complex it made Mason dizzy with emotion.

"We're in this together now," Hunter whispered against Mason's lips before kissing him again passionately--a promise wrapped up tightly within those words--one that neither could break even if they wanted to.

Next: Chapter 9

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