His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 15, 2023


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When Hunter and Sadie returned to the house, Hunter was feeling more conflicted than ever. His feelings for Mason had become stronger by the day and his desire was at an all time high. As they entered the living room, he spotted Mason lounging on the couch with a book in hand that seemed to be doing little to keep him occupied. He pretended not to notice them as they walked in but Hunter could sense there was something else going on beneath his cool exterior--some kind of tension between them that had been growing since their forbidden tryst began. Sadie went off into her bedroom while Hunter stayed behind, trying desperately not to look at Mason too much or give any indication of what he was feeling inside--guilt mixed with longing; wanting so badly for things between them that just couldn't happen. He finally allowed his eyes to rake over Mason. The boy's outfit was clearly for Hunter's benefit. He was wearing a pair of tight black boxer briefs that left little to the imagination, showcasing his toned buttocks and lithe legs. He had paired them with a white tie-dye cut-off muscle tank that showed off his toned shoulders and taut abs. His feet were clad in comfortable navy high-socks with stripes around the top, accentuating the strong curves of his calves. A thin gold chain hung around his neck, drawing Hunter's eye to Mason's beautiful face as the boy stared intently at the book in hand. The outfit was simple yet sexy; perfectly tailored for lounging around while also driving Hunter wild with desire.

Mason looked up from his book and smirked at Hunter's staring. "So... how did shopping go?" He said coolly. The words seemed innocent enough but there was an unmistakable glint in his eye, knowing that he had tortured Hunter with those dirty pics. This little shit, Hunter thought to himself; he was playing a dangerous game and Hunter wasn't sure if he could handle it.

Hunter cleared his throat and tried to compose himself before replying, "It was... fine." His voice sounded strained even to his own ears. He wanted nothing more than to cross the room in two strides and rip Mason's clothes off, but he knew that would be wrong. Dammit, Sadie deserved better than this! Mason continued to stare at Hunter, his gaze never wavering. The air in the room seemed to become thick with unspoken tension and desire as they silently stared each other down. Hunter could feel himself being pulled further into Mason's trap with every second that passed; he was hopelessly lost in those deep blue eyes of Mason's and found himself wanting things he knew were wrong yet still couldn't resist them.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mason spoke again--his voice barely above a whisper this time. "So... when are you going to admit it?" He said slowly tilting his head ever so slightly towards him before continuing on. "You want me just as much as I want you."

Hunter wanted to deny it. Yet, he also wanted to confirm it. Shit! Mason was killing him. He stood in silence, running his eyes over Mason's form. "I--" he paused for a long moment, eyes flickering around the room and settling on Mason again. "I have to take a shower."

Mason watched Hunter walk away, a satisfied smirk on his face. He had known all along that Hunter wanted him just as much as he wanted the other man. But despite this knowledge, Mason knew deep down that it could only ever be a fling, if that. With a heavy sigh he slumped back into his seat and returned to reading his book, trying to distract himself from the feelings churning inside of him for one man: Hunter.

Hunter walked quickly down the hall towards his bedroom, heart pounding in chest with each step he took closer to safety and away from temptation. His mind was racing with thoughts of what had just happened between them--the heated stares they'd exchanged, Mason's suggestive words... He felt guilty yet invigorated at once; emotions battling within him like two warring armies fighting for supremacy over one another until there was no victor left standing but only confusion and chaos remained in its place instead. When finally reached the bedroom door, Hunter paused before opening it up again--his fingers shaking slightly as he grabbed onto its handle before pushing through. Sadie was sitting on the bed, scrolling through her phone when Hunter entered the room. She looked up at him, a curious expression crossing her face as she caught sight of his flushed cheeks. "You okay?" She asked as she set aside her phone and curled up on the bed. She'd been worried about her boyfriend all day and hoped that he'd open up now that they were back at the house.

"I... your brother is just such a flirt," Hunter replied hesitantly, laughing lightly. He wanted to give bits of the truth without causing more harm than good. He took a deep breath before continuing on. "It's nothing really--totally harmless, I guess. I'm just not used to it," he said with forced nonchalance in his voice; trying desperately to play off their relationship like it meant nothing more than two people exchanging playful banter rather than something far deeper.

Sadie stared at him and then started laughing. "Oh my god, has that been what's bothering you all day?" She giggled again softly before getting up and giving him a hug; wrapping her arms tightly around his waist as if trying to protect something fragile. "Mason is a huuuuge flirt and he obviously has a little crush on you," she said, her cheek pressed into his chest. "I think it's adorable! He's just a kid, you know." She ran her hands up and down Hunter's back. "You're such a big sexy man there's no way a little gayboy like Mase wouldn't have some fun flirting with you." She pinched his butt, smiling gently up at Hunter reassuringly like she always did. "Don't worry, babe, he just gets like that. Don't let it get to you too much."

Hunter sighed and hugged Sadie back. Harmlessly flirting. An adorable crush. Just a kid. Fuck. She had no idea. He closed his eyes, trying to allow himself to relax for the first time in hours. It felt so good to have Sadie's arms around him; her warmth radiating through him as if providing a shield against all of the swirling emotions inside of him. And yet... Hunter couldn't deny it either: he did have feelings for Mason--strong ones. But they were wrong and selfish; wanting something you can never have is one thing but taking action to get them anyway is another entirely different matter altogether. As much as Hunter wanted to explore this forbidden attraction further, he knew deep down that no good would come from doing so--not without hurting both himself and everyone else involved as well.

"I know, I know," he murmured softly into Sadie's hair before releasing her from their embrace, "It just caught me off guard I guess." He forced a smile onto his face. "But don't worry about me--I can handle a little shit like him."

That evening put that claim to the test. Mason continued to be his usual flirtatious self during dinner; making sly comments, stealing glances in Hunter's direction and even going so far as to straddle him in order to make some "point" about straight guys, before getting scolded by Sadie and his father. Despite the light chastisement he received from his family over it, Mason seemed unbothered--if anything more amused than embarrassed by it all. Hunter could only sit there, aroused from the feeling of Mason's body pressed against him but forced to ignore it, unable to do anything but nervously laugh along with the family.

After dinner was finished, Mason went back into strutting around in those skimpy clothes of his; showing off every inch of himself and teasing Hunter mercilessly with a knowing smirk on his face. How could he just walk around in his underwear like that? Hunter thought to himself. That ass was pure perfection and the strong, soccer-toned legs that sprouted from it and were covered in those high socks made the boy look like some sort of porn star or something. Hunter even found himself staring at Mason's feet, which, each morning, had been teasing his cock under the table. Was he developing a fucking foot fetish because of that? Hunter shook his head; he couldn't even process it. It took everything within him not to pounce on Mason right there in the living room with Sadie and their parents right there but he managed to keep control. The entire evening left Hunter feeling wired and wild--his head spinning with thoughts of what could have been if only they weren't related yet still wanting each other this badly anyway. He couldn't help but admire how confident Mason was despite their circumstances--the way that he walked around like nothing mattered or no one else existed other than them two...it both terrified and aroused him all at once! He felt blessed to have Sadie by his side that night, keeping contact with his hand or pressing against his body. She didn't even have the slightest idea how she kept him grounded in the face of her little brother's advances.

Hunter was relieved when it came time to turn in for the night. He was emotionally exhausted by the time he got to the bedroom, his body still buzzing from all of Mason's flirting and teasing. He wanted nothing more than to take out all of his horny energy on Sadie; giving her a passionate night full of pleasure like they had done the previous evening. He climbed onto the bed next to his gorgeous girlfriend, wrapping an arm around her as he kissed her lightly on the back of her neck before whispering into her ear.

"I need you so bad tonight, babe. Let me make love to you." His voice was low and husky with desire--hoping that she would oblige him and relieve him of the intense sexual needs that were on the verge of exploding out of him. Sadie smiled at his efforts but then shook her head gently in refusal, rolling over to face him.

"I don't think so," She said softly, snuggling up against him for warmth instead. "You really worked me over last night, babe," she said. "I can only take a pounding like that every once in a while, you know that Hunt." He sighed. So she was feeling too sore and drained after their romp last night to be ready for another round already tonight. "It's not that I don't want to," She added quickly, seeing the disappointment in his eyes. "I just need to take it easy for a night or two, okay?"

Hunter nodded, understanding why, but now fearing his own pent up arousal. He hugged her tightly, feeling more than a little frustrated with himself for not being able to contain his passion--to carry it through the evening without letting his attention wander off towards Mason like it had done all night long. All he wanted was to give Sadie pleasure and make sure that she was the receptacle of all his sexual energy; but now the night promised to be a long one, with his sexual frustrations and guilt dominating his mind.

Mason tossed and turned in his basement bedroom, his mind racing with how he could get Hunter to cave. He had sent the nude photos and videos; he had pranced around in his underwear all night, but it seemed all for nothing. Mason was desperate to feel Hunter again; the sensation of their bodies pressed together as they moved together still lingered on his skin like an invisible touch. But now, it seemed like Hunter was determined to ignore his advances. For fuck's sake, it was Hunter who had sneaked into his room two nights before and woken him up to fuck! It wasn't fair for Hunter to pin all of this on him, like he was just a kid with an infatuation; Hunter played an equal, hell, a greater share of the responsibility for their steamy affair. He lay in bed, his mind racing. He wondered if Hunter was still awake, or thinking about him the way he thought about Hunter. Mason wanted more than anything for one more night together; just one more night before Sadie and Hunter returned home.

Mason turned on his phone, the screen illuminating in the dark room. He navigated to a photo of himself he had taken earlier that day; him laying down on his stomach with half his face in the frame, a mischievous grin on his face. The shot captured his body over his shoulder, wearing nothing but his tight black boxer briefs with his back arched so his ass looked extra enticing. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief as they stared directly into the camera lens. It was a hot pic. He'd be looking straight into Hunter's soul. Mason quickly typed out a message: "I know you're still awake... I'm thinking about you, Hunt." He hit send before he lost all courage and quietly waited for an answer.

As the minutes passed with no response, Mason started to feel more and more anxious. He had been so sure that Hunter would answer; he was certain that the feelings between them were mutual, but now his confidence began to diminish. Maybe Hunter was asleep, or maybe he really just didn't want anything to do with Mason anymore... maybe their little affair had run its course and flamed out. The thought of being rejected by the man he desired made Mason's stomach turn in knots. Frustrated, he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling above him.

He gasped in shock as the door to his bedroom suddenly flung open. Hunter stood there, shirtless in boxer shorts, filling the doorway with a look of aroused fury on his face. "You fucking brat," he spat out. Mason felt his heart flutter as Hunter's words hit him; he was here, and it seemed like the feelings were still there. Mason slowly sat up in bed, not sure what to make of this unexpected visit. He watched with bated breath as Hunter closed the door behind him before stalking towards the bed.

Mason felt a shiver of anticipation run through him as Hunter approached the bed. "Who do you think you are?" he growled, his voice low and filled with desire. He reached down and grabbed Mason's chin in his hand, forcing their eyes to meet. "You honestly thought I would answer that? You think you can just text me a pic like that when Sadie is in the room with me?" Mason looked into Hunter's deep green eyes, feeling overwhelmed by everything he saw there: anger, lust and hurt all blending together in an intoxicating mix.

The air around them suddenly become heavy with tension as Hunter's grip on his chin tightened. "You texting me pics while I'm out with your sister?" he spat out, anger and lust warring in his voice. "Mounting me at the fucking dinner table? You fucking slut!" He leaned closer to Mason now, their faces almost touching as his words rang through the bedroom. Fear and arousal coursed through Mason's veins; was this really happening?

A wave of heat wash over him as Hunter's words echoed in the room. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out; he was too overwhelmed by what was happening between them. Hunter leaned closer and growled into his ear; "Don't you have anything to say, slut?" The intensity of the moment made Mason's heart race faster than ever before. Hunter, breathing heavily, stared into Mason's deep blue pools.

Mason's heart pounded in his chest as Hunter's eyes bored into him. He'd never seen Hunter like this. He was angry; furious even. But he was so, so hot. When Mason failed to respond Hunter growled and without warning, their lips crashed together. Mason found himself instantly lost in the kiss as Hunter's mouth moved hungrily against his own, exploring with a passionate intensity. The kiss seemed to go on forever and Mason lost himself in the moment; it felt like nothing else mattered outside of this bedroom. He was vaguely aware that his hands had found their way into Hunter's hair as he pulled him closer, deepening the kiss even further.

Mason felt Hunter's hands slip under his butt and scoop him up in his arms, lifting him off the bed. He was so surprised by this sudden display of strength that he couldn't help but gasp into Hunter's mouth as they continued to kiss. He curled his legs around Hunter's waist as he carried Mason across the room towards a chair in the corner; soon enough, their bodies were intertwined on top of it. Their tongues explored each other hungrily as Hunter's grip on Mason's hips tightened. He began grinding the boy's ass down onto his big bulge in his boxers, eliciting a moan from deep within Mason.

Hunter pulled away from the kiss and looked into Mason's eyes, breathing heavily; he could see the lust burning within them. "You fucking brat," he said again, this time with fondness mixed in. He pressed their lips back together passionately, Hunter's hands moving up Mason's torso and onto his chest, caressing his nipples in a way that felt both tender yet desperate. He leaned down and nibbled on Mason's neck softly as he continued to grind their hips together; it was clear what they wanted from each other now. With one final kiss, Hunter stood up with the boy still wrapped around him like a monkey. Squeezing Mason's cheeks cradled in his hands, Hunter disentangled him from his body and tossed him on the bed.

Mason breathed heavily as he looked up at the big muscular man standing over him. Hunter's beautiful chest was still rising and falling rapidly from their passionate encounter, his deep green eyes smoldering with desire. Mason felt a wave of heat rush through his body; his cock twitched in his black boxer-briefs as he imagined what was about to come. Hunter leaned down and kissed him hard, his hands wandering up Mason's body before settling on the waistband of his briefs. With one swift motion, he tugged them down and tossed them aside. Mason lay there, fully nude, looking up at Hunter; it felt like all control had been taken away from him at that moment--but strangely enough, he liked it. Hunter's eyes roamed over Mason's body hungrily before finally settling back on his face. He smiled lasciviously and said, "You've been bad, Mason."

Mason shivered, feeling a thrill of anticipation course through his veins. He looked up at Hunter with passionate eyes. His voice barely above a whisper, he replied; "What are you going to do about it?" Hunter growled and leaned in closer so that their noses were almost touching; Mason's heart raced as they stared into each other's eyes. Then, without warning, Hunter flipped the boy's legs up over his head, folding him like a lawn chair with his own cock dangling over his face and his ass fully exposed in the air. Mason felt a thrill of pleasure course through him as Hunter flipped him up. He bit his lip, muffling a moan; the anticipation and excitement building inside of him with every passing second. He gasped when he felt Hunter's rough hand spank one of his ass cheeks.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson," Hunter growled, his voice low and full of promise. Mason couldn't clearly see Hunter anymore in this pose but he felt the other man hold his cheeks open and his spit dripping onto his hole, making Mason squirm under his grip. Hunter began to move his thumb in circles around Mason's puckered hole, spreading the spit around before pressing into it, making him gasp out loud. His thumb curled into the boy's tight ass, leaving Mason shuddering beneath him. His other hand alternated between spanking one cheek and then the other, feeling Mason's tight hole tighten around his thumb with the connection of each slap.

Hunter felt a powerful wave of desire and excitement course through him as he "punished" Mason. He was aroused by the power he had over the boy, feeling his tight hole tight around his thumb. The soft moans and gasps coming from Mason only increased Hunter's arousal; it felt like nothing else mattered outside of this bedroom in that moment--it was just them two finally, together, fully giving into their desires. Hunter's hands moved up to cup Mason's ass cheeks tightly as he continued to fuck his tight hole with his thumb. With every movement, Hunter felt Mason's tight body quiver beneath him, his moans growing louder and more desperate. "Oh my god," he gasped out as the pleasure built up within him. Hunter smacked his ass a final time before withdrawing his thumb from Mason's ass. Mason gasped as Hunter spun him around, still lying on his back. His head was draped backwards over the edge of the bed and he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him; it only increased when he saw Hunter strip off his boxers, revealing his impressive 8-inch cock hanging heavily over Mason's face. He stared upside-down at the man with eyes wide and full of desire.

"Open up, baby," Hunter said in a husky voice. His eyes were dark with desire as he stared down at Mason; his cock twitched slightly as if begging to be tasted by the boy beneath him. He smacked his cock against Mason's face who let out a low moan of pleasure at the contact. "Show me how much you want it." Mason complied, opening his mouth wide as he felt Hunter's thick cock slide down his throat. His head was still hanging backwards over the edge of the bed and it created a clear path for Hunter to slide all the way into his mouth. He felt himself trembling with pleasure beneath Hunter; every thrust filled his throat, making him moan louder and louder. Hunter's hands moved from bracing himself on the bed to grasp tightly onto Mason's neck, pushing even deeper into him with each thrust. As he gripped the boy's throat he could feel his cock moving inside it, the sensation almost too much to bear. Mason's moans were muffled by Hunter's cock but he felt them reverberate through him as they increased in intensity with each thrust.

Mason felt Hunter's balls lightly slapping his face as he fucked into his mouth. He struggled to get enough oxygen to his brain as he gurgled and choked around Hunter's cock, drool dripping from his lips to soak the carpet beneath him. Mason felt Hunter's hands move from his neck to lightly caress and pinch his nipples as he continued fucking his face. He moaned out in pleasure as they immediately hardened, feeling a wave of warmth course through his body at the sensation. His eyes rolled back into the back of his head as Hunter teased and twisted his nipples. "Fuck, Mason, looks at these lewd nipples," he pinched them as he spoke. "They're so fucking pretty, baby... just like this dick." Hunter reached down the boy's body to Mason's cock, hard and twitching, a pool of precum sitting just below his navel. Hunter enveloped the pink cock in his hand and stroked it prompting more muffled moans from the boy beneath him--gagged on his own bigger cock.

With his throat being used to exhaustion and his cock leaking in his lover's hand, Mason finally felt Hunter's cock slowly withdraw from his throat. He sat up and coughed, gasping for air and clearing his throat of spit and precum. He looked up at Hunter with hooded eyes, feeling desire course through him as the man pulled him into another passionate kiss. Their tongues intertwined as they explored each other's mouths hungrily; Mason felt like he was melting in Hunter's arms. "Hunter..." he moaned when their lips parted, "Hunter... I--I'm sorry I'm a brat." His forehead pressed against the older man's.

Hunter smiled and kissed him again. "Shh... it's okay baby," he spoke against Mason's lips. "I forgive you." Hunter cradled him in his arms and kissed along his jaw and neck. "Tell me what you need, Mason," he said between kisses. "Tell me what you need."

Mason felt the words bubble up in his throat, "I need you... I want to feel you inside me again. Please, Hunter; I know you want it too. Just one more time before you leave me." Mason twisted his hips on Hunter's lap as he begged, running his hands over the muscles of the man's back and pressing his face in the crook of his neck. Hunter ran his hands up and down Mason's smooth, toned back. He moved a hand into the hair on the back of the boy's head and pulled back gently, forcing him to look into his face. Fuck, this kid was beautiful, Hunter thought. He suppressed a wave of guilt as he automatically compared Mason's features to Sadie's. This would be their last night before he returned home and popped back to reality. All of Hunter's doubts vanished as he stared into the boy's beautiful eyes.

"You're never gonna forget this night, baby," Hunter said, kissing Mason deeply as he laid him back down on the bed. He kissed his way down Mason's neck and chest, spending time teasing the boy's nipples with his teeth and tongue as his hands ran up and down the boy's sides. He moved down Mason's smooth, toned tummy and trim waist before kissing the weeping tip of his dick. He nuzzled his face into the boy's ass as Mason pulled his legs back again giving him access; he soaked that tight hole with his tongue, lathering it with his spit and eliciting moans of pleasure from Mason's mouth. When he was satisfied with the rimjob, he sat up and pulled Mason's hips towards him. His cock lay over Mason's own, starkly demonstrating the size difference between them. He gripped both of their cocks and stroked lazily. "Are you ready for me to fill you up, boy?" He asked, looking down into Mason's face, which was drunk with arousal.

"Fuck yes, Hunter!" He gasped. "Please, please, I need you inside me." Mason felt a shiver of anticipation run through his body as Hunter positioned himself above him. His dick was dripping with precum and Mason could feel the head rubbing against his tight hole, making it tingle in pleasure. He closed his eyes and let out a low moan as he felt Hunter slowly push inside him inch by agonizing inch. The sensation of being filled up completely was almost too much to bear; he felt himself trembling with pleasure as Hunter continued to thrust deeper and deeper. He gasped out in pleasure as his ass was stretched around Hunter's thick cock, feeling it fill him up completely.

Hunter felt Mason's tight hole adjust to his size and he smiled, pushing himself all the way in. He moaned out loud at how good it felt; they were both lost in pleasure as Hunter slowly moved back and forth inside him. After a few minutes of long, slow thrusts, Hunter pulled back until just the tip of his cock was still inside Mason's tight ass. His hands grasped firmly onto Mason's hips as he teased him by moving ever so slightly forward then quickly pulling back again. The sensation drove Mason wild with desire, prompting desperate whimpers from between his lips each time Hunter withdrew. Mason tried to chase Hunter's cock with his hips and clenched his hole to keep the older man inside him. "Pleeease," Hunter groaned. "Just fuck me."

Hunter loved hearing Mason beg for him and the sound of his desperate whimpers was more than enough to send Hunter over the edge. He slammed his full length into Mason's ass in one powerful thrust. Mason gasped out at the sudden sensation, his eyes rolling back into the back of his head as he saw stars. Hunter took hold of Mason's hips and began slamming himself into the boy with increasing intensity, hitting all the right spots as he moved faster and harder against him. Sweat dripped down their bodies, mixing together as they continued moving together in perfect harmony; Mason moaning and whimpering as his head thrashed back and forth on the bed, gripping tightly at the sheets in an effort to keep from screaming out loud.

Hunter looked down at Mason and was mesmerized by the sight before him; his athletic body glistened with sweat and his beautiful face contorted with bliss. The boy's eyes were half-closed and rolled back and his lips slightly parted as he moaned in pleasure. Hunter felt himself stretching Mason deep inside as his hips kept slamming against the boy's round ass cheeks. Mason was quickly losing any sense of control as he felt Hunter filling him up over and over again. His breathing had quickened and his hands clutched the sheets tightly, seeking something to anchor him against the onslaught that was pounding through his body. He could feel himself slipping further and further away with each thrust; it was like an out-of-body experience where he felt completely disconnected from reality. All that mattered in this moment was Hunter's cock inside him and the sensation it brought----nothing else. He felt himself trembling and shaking as Hunter continued to thrust, he forgot everything else; all his worries and guilt disappeared along with any sense of time or place. All he knew was the pure bliss and satisfaction of having finally given in completely to his desires with Hunter.

He wanted nothing more than to scream out his bliss, but he managed to keep it in as he focused on the sight of Hunter above him; his powerful body silhouetted by the moonlight streaming through the window. As if sensing Mason's thoughts, Hunter leaned down and captured his lips in a passionate kiss; one that said everything without words. The sensation of feeling those lips on his while being fucked like that made Mason tremble even more beneath Hunter's weight, pushing him further into oblivion. He couldn't help but marvel at how sexy and dominant Hunter looked above him. His muscular frame seemed almost godlike as sweat dripped off his body onto Mason's own slick skin below; the contrast between them both only served to heighten the intensity of their love making session. The sensations were overwhelming, enough so that every muscle in his body tensed up as he tried desperately not to lose control completely under all this intense pleasure.

Hunter felt Mason's body trembling beneath him and knew he was close. He quickened the pace further, feeling himself getting closer to cumming but wanting for Mason to reach climax before him; not just because it would be hot as hell but also because he wanted Mason to experience the ultimate pleasure before they both crashed back into reality. His thrusts deepened and his grip around Mason's hips tightened, almost painfully, as he drove himself in further and harder each time. He whispered words of encouragement between breathless moans; telling him how beautiful he was and how much Hunter needed him right now. As if sensing Hunter's intent, Mason started pushing back against every thrust, grinding his hips into Hunter's with increasing intensity - desperate for release from all this built-up tension inside him. His hands clawed at Hunter's shoulders as he groaned out loud in ecstasy. His ass spasmed around Hunter's thickness and long ropes of cum shot out from Mason's cock, coating his chest and stomach. Mason's cries of pleasure were muffled by Hunter's shoulder and all he could do was hold the boy close as his orgasm crashed through him like a tidal wave.

As Mason unraveled beneath him Hunter felt himself quickly approaching his own climax; the familiar build-up in his balls and gut that told him it was coming. He increased the intensity of his thrusts further and bucked against Mason with increasing power, pushing himself over the edge together in one explosive moment. He pulled Mason's hips tight against him as he threw back his head, letting out an animalistic moan--echoing Mason's own cries of ecstasy from moments earlier. He lost track of how many blasts of cum he pumped deep into Mason's guts before he finally finished; his body trembling from the intensity of it all.

Hunter held Mason close as they both slowly came down from their blissful high. They lay still in each other's arms, feeling completely content and at peace with the world around them. Hunter kissed the top of Mason's head gently and smiled against his soft hair; he was filled with a newfound appreciation for this boy who made him feel so alive, even if it wasn't meant to be between them. He marveled at how amazing it felt to make love with someone who felt so right. Mason looked up into Hunter's eyes and saw something there that he hadn't expected: tenderness and understanding of everything they had just experienced together despite knowing full well that these moments were fleeting ones. It made him feel safe in a way he never thought possible given all the complexities of their situation. Hunter was Sadie's, and they were leaving tomorrow to go back to their life together. Mason knew that, but in this moment he felt like they belonged to each other and nothing else mattered. Hunter kissed him again before slowly allowing himself to pull out of his embrace. They both lay still on the bed for a few moments longer; neither wanting to break the spell that had enveloped them during their lovemaking session.

Eventually, Hunter got up and grabbed his boxers. Neither of them had said a word since they'd both cum and the silence was both comforting and disconcerting. Hunter looked back at Mason, who lay there with a peaceful expression on his face; he looked so beautiful and vulnerable. Hunter wanted to say something but there were no words; he didn't know how to express what had just happened between them. He wanted to tell Mason that it was worth breaking all the rules for, but instead he simply smiled and nodded before turning away and heading out of the room. Hunter walked up the stairwell to rejoin Sadie in bed; his heart felt heavy with guilt over what they'd done--what they'd continued to do-- behind her back. Tomorrow he would drive back to reality with the woman he loved. He wondered if he'd be able to leave all of his feelings for Mason here, in the past; he needed to... this couldn't carry on any longer. He'd been telling himself that for days and yet here he was. Despite the horrors that could come from their forbidden love affair; Hunter still couldn't deny that it felt so right with Mason--like a missing piece of himself had finally been found.

After Hunter left his bed, Mason's heart felt heavy but strangely content. He lay there in bed, feeling drained from their intense lovemaking session; he reflected on the last few days and how rapidly things had developed from a puppy-love crush on his sister's boyfriend to mind-breaking sex with an unavailable man. His head knew it was wrong to carry on like this with Hunter, but his heart refused to accept it. When the sun rose Mason knew he'd have to confront that Hunter was leaving with Sadie and going back to his usual life and his heart ached at the uncertainty of what the future would bring. But for now he lay there in bed savoring the feeling that still filled him up in his ass and holding on to the memory of this beautiful night as long as possible...


The story's not over, but their Winter Break is. I'm gonna take a break from it for a bit and try to work on some other projects. Kudos and comment to let me know what you think about how Mason and Hunter's story should develop! :)

Next: Chapter 7

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