His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 13, 2023


Mason and Hunter spent the rest of the day with Sadie, trying to act like nothing strange was going on; that they weren't planning to fuck that night behind her back. The three of them went shopping and out to lunch, talking about mundane things like school and work as if Mason and Hunter were just two new acquaintances accompanying Sadie on an outing. All the while, Mason couldn't help but feel a little spark of electricity whenever Hunter looked his way or touched him in passing; Hunter felt it too but tried desperately to push the feelings aside.

Sadie smiled as she watched her brother and Hunter joke around with each other. She was so happy that the two of them had become such good friends; there was a connection between them that was palpable, and it warmed her heart to see how much they enjoyed spending time together.

"You know," she said with a grin, "the two of you seem to have such great chemistry! I'm really glad you get along so well."

Mason and Hunter glanced at each other before quickly averting their gaze. "Yeah, it's really great," Mason said with forced enthusiasm. Hunter nodded in agreement and tried to think of something else to say but came up blank.

Sadie smiled and took both of their hands in hers. "My two best guys! It makes me so happy that you're becoming close." Mason felt a pang of guilt as his sister looked at them with such adoration, but Hunter just smiled and squeezed Sadie's hand reassuringly. The remainder of the day was spent in a pleasant haze. Mason and Hunter could barely look at each other without feeling guilty, but Sadie seemed blissfully unaware of the tension between them.

Mason thought of little else but the promise Hunter had made him that morning. Every time he looked at his sister's boyfriend, all he could think about was what it would feel like to be with him again. His heart raced and his mind filled with lascivious thoughts every time their eyes met, but guilt quickly followed each encounter as Mason remembered that Sadie trusted them both and had no idea what was going on behind her back. He knew he should stay away from Hunter; it wouldn't be fair to Sadie if she ever found out about their relationship. Hell it would probably ruin their family! Yet the temptation of being intimate with someone who felt so forbidden proved too hard for Mason to resist. He just couldn't stop thinking about that one last night they were supposed to have together--the night of passionate, forbidden sex that had been promised to him.

Hunter felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and confusion as he watched Mason interact with his sister. He had been so careful to keep their secret from her and it was taking its toll on him. Hunter loved Sadie more than anything in the world, but at the same time he couldn't deny that there were feelings between him and Mason too--feelings that scared him for how intense they were.

As much as he wanted to be with Mason again, Hunter knew that it would only bring sadness and heartache in its wake; not just for himself or Mason, but most importantly for Sadie should she ever find out about them. But despite his best efforts to resist temptation, Hunter found himself drawn back towards Mason each time their eyes met. The longing in those blue depths made his heart ache and all thoughts of loyalty flew right out of his head--all except one: I love her...but I want him too...

Mason couldn't help but sneak glances at Hunter as they all sat around the restaurant table. He wanted so badly to reach out and touch him, even just for a moment; it felt like torture being in such close proximity with no way of expressing his feelings. As if sensing Mason's desire, Hunter shifted his foot slightly under the table until it was grazing against Mason's own. The slight contact sent an electric shock through Mason's body and he quickly looked up from his plate to find Hunter already staring back at him with an intensity that made him blush. In that moment something passed between them--a silent understanding of their mutual attraction and longing--and neither one could look away until Sadie finally broke the spell by asking a question about dinner options.

Once again feeling guilty for thinking about Mason while sitting next to his sister, Hunter quickly glanced away and busied himself with the menu. Inside, however, he was screaming with desire; it felt like a battle between his loyalty to Sadie and his need to be with Mason--one more night. He'd promised Mason one more night and then they'd be done. He and Sadie would go back to D.C. and he would leave this affair behind him.

Sadie had been feeling a bit neglected during their stay at her parents' house. Hunter had been so focused on being the perfect boyfriend to Sadie's family that he hadn't spent much alone time with her, leaving her body craving his touch. As she watched him interact with Mason, she felt an unexpected spark of arousal course through her veins. She loved watching Hunter be a big brother figure to Mason and it made something inside of her come alive--a desire for more than just affection from him.

When they went up to bed that night, Sadie made her move. Hunter had been so attentive and caring towards Mason all day that she wanted to show him how much she appreciated it--by giving him her body. She moved closer to him as he stood in the bedroom in just his boxer-briefs--ready to change into more comfortable clothes--and pressed herself against his back, wrapping her arms around his waist. Her fingers slowly began tracing circles on his stomach as she kissed between his shoulder blades tenderly; feeling bolder by the second, Sadie reached down and grabbed onto Hunter's growing bulge in his underwear.

Hunter let out a low moan as Sadie's fingers continued to tease and tantalize him, sending electricity through his body. He knew he should pull away--he'd already promised Mason one last night together--but the feel of her skin against his was too tempting for him to resist. He loved her. There wasn't an excuse in the world that could get him out of this; and he loved having sex with Sadie anyway. Thoughts of his promise to Mason shattered in an instant and Hunter turned around in Sadie's embrace, pressing their lips together hungrily as he pulled her closer towards him. He pulled away slightly and looked into her eyes before whispering: "I'm sorry if I haven't been paying enough attention these past few days...you deserve better." His apology only served to turn up the heat between them even further. Hunter stripped Sadie of her clothing and explored her body with his hands, kissing every inch of exposed skin as he went. Hunter picked up her petite frame and tossed her on the bed, crawling up after her, his promise to Mason forgotten.

Mason waited in his room for what felt like an eternity. He had been counting down the minutes until Hunter would sneak down to be with him, but now that it was almost time, he found himself filled with a mixture of excitement and fear. What if Hunter didn't show up? What if this one last night together ended up being nothing more than a dream? Mason tried not to let these thoughts consume him as he sat alone in the darkness, lit only by moonlight streaming through his window; all he could do was wait and hope for the best. Minutes passed--long agonizingly slow minutes--but still there was no sign of Hunter coming down to his basement bedroom.

Mason sat in his room for what felt like hours, waiting and hoping that Hunter would sneak down to him. As the minutes ticked by without any sign of him, Mason's anxiety began to build; he couldn't take it anymore. He left his bed and quietly made his way from the basement up to the second floor where Sadie and Hunter were sleeping. He crept along the hallway towards their bedroom door; Mason paused outside, listening intently for any signs of life inside--and then suddenly he heard it: faint moans coming from within, followed by a low voice murmuring something indiscernible but unmistakably passionate in tone. His heart sank as reality set in: Hunter wasn't coming downstairs tonight because he was already busy with someone else--Sadie. Of course. She was his girlfriend. Of course Hunter would choose her.

Mason couldn't stop himself. He cracked the bedroom door open carefully, peering into the darkness. He could make out two figures silhouetted against the moonlight streaming in from outside: Hunter's muscular frame thrusting passionately into Sadie as her body quivered beneath him with each powerful stroke. Mason felt his face flush and he quickly tried to shut down any feelings of jealousy or hurt that threatened to emerge--but it was too late; a surge of competitiveness had already taken over his senses and all he wanted now was for this moment to be happening between him and Hunter instead. Hunter had promised him! He heard Sadie's gasps of pleasure as Hunter's big dick thrust into her and he felt an envious heat rise in him.

Mason silently left the bedroom, closing the door behind him as gently as he could despite his racing heart. He had been so sure that this night would be special--the one last time together before they both went their separate ways again--but now all of those hopes had been dashed in an instant. Mason couldn't shake off a feeling of determination stirring inside of him as he retreated back to his room alone. He wasn't done with Hunter. No way. He wouldn't let Hunter just break this off after having promised him more. Mason was determined to find a way to make it happen between them--even if he had to compete with his own sister!

Once Hunter and Sadie had finished their passionate love making, Hunter lay exhausted on the bed next to her. She had swiftly fallen asleep, but Hunter lay awake; the broken promise he'd made to Mason spun in his head. It was as if no matter what he did he stewed in guilt. He stared at the ceiling and contemplated how the fuck he'd ended up here.

As he tossed and turned something on the floor caught his eye: a small pile of clothes. He leaned out of the bed to grab the items. Oh fuck, he thought. These were Mason's clothes from this morning; the cherry red briefs and the white tank. His heart raced as he realized how lucky he was that Sadie hadn't seen them earlier! Despite his anxiety, he pressed the briefs to his face and inhaled the tantalizing scent of Mason's ass and balls. Fuck. He was so fucked. He gently tossed the clothes into his open suitcase where they'd be less noticeable and lay back down, mind racing with a combination of fatigue, guilt, and desire.

He reached for his phone and tapped Mason's contact. He'd just put his number in his phone the other day. For several long minutes he stared at the blank text box. "Sorry about tonight," he typed. He deleted it. He retyped various versions of the text for the next several minutes and ended up deleting them all. Finally he put his phone down, rolled over and managed to fall asleep, frustrated by his inescapable guilt.

The next morning, Sadie clung to Hunter closely. She was sore from their efforts last night, but she was so grateful to her manly boyfriend for his ability to make her feel so amazing and loved. Mason arrived from his bedroom looking disheveled and wearing an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants; far more than he'd worn the day before. He blankly stared at Sadie leaning on Hunter at the breakfast table and walked past them with a grunt. "Well you're in a different sort of mood today, Mase," Sadie joked. Mason flipped her off as he poured his cereal. Yesterday he'd been the one basking in post-coital bliss, not her. "Jeez, you look rough," she continued.

"It's nothing," he muttered. Hunter stared at Mason intently, feeling guilty for his broken promise to him and wishing there was something he could do or say to make it up to him. He caught Mason's eyes and mouthed a silent 'sorry' to him across the kitchen. Mason rolled his eyes and sat down at the table across from him as his parents arrived in the kitchen to make their own food.

Mason and Hunter exchanged awkward glances across the breakfast table as they all ate together. Sadie smiled innocently at them both, completely unaware of Hunter's role in Mason's sour mood. Mason wanted to glare daggers at Hunter, but he knew that would only make things worse so instead he just kept his gaze downcast while shoveling cereal into his mouth.

Hunter felt guilty every time he looked over at Mason's dropped face--he had promised him one last night together before parting ways forever yet ended up spending it with Sadie instead. He wished there was a way to apologize without risking letting her in on what had really happened between him and Mason; she deserved all of his loyalty and their passionate love-making the night before only served to remind him of that fact. He couldn't help feeling like a fraud sitting here with them both like nothing had changed when in reality things were very different now.

Oblivious to Hunter's inner turmoil, Mason had no intention of letting him off the hook. He was determined to make him feel guilty for standing him up and not keeping his promise. As they ate breakfast together Mason settled on the tactic that always seemed to work--giving Hunter a secret footjob under the table.

He waited until everyone else was seated at the table and discussing something before slowly sliding one of his bare feet along Hunter's leg beneath the table. His movements were slow yet deliberate as he caressed every inch of skin from knee to groin, silently daring Hunter not to react or say anything about it. Mason could feel Hunter's body tense with anticipation at his touch and smiled to himself--he was getting to him. As he moved closer to Hunter's groin, Mason increased the pressure of his foot and started rubbing circles against the cock tucked away beneath the sweat-shorts.

Hunter couldn't believe it. He thought Mason was going to be pouty and mopey, but he realized now that the younger man was going to get out his frustrations another way. Hunter gripped his utensils and clenched his jaw as his cock stirred at Mason's touch. He looked down and tried to focus on the voices of Sadie and her parents, talking about some show they all watched on Netflix. He glanced at Mason who boredly ate his cereal, giving nothing away that he was busy under the table with Hunter's crotch!

Mason felt a thrill of excitement run through him as he realized just how aroused Hunter was by his touch. He wanted to take it further and show the older man that he wasn't afraid of pushing boundaries. Without any warning, Mason slid his bare foot inside the leg of Hunter's shorts; skin against skin. His toes curled around the hard cock beneath them as Mason continued rubbing circles with his foot until finally Hunter let out an involuntary moan--all eyes at the table turned towards him in surprise and confusion and Hunter started coughing, as if he'd choked. Mason smiled to himself, feeling satisfied that he'd thrown Hunter off-balance as he kept stroking the man's big cock with his bare foot. Hunter was too embarrassed to look up, but he couldn't help relishing the sensation of Mason's foot against his hardness.

Mason felt a surge of power course through him at the sight of Hunter's arousal; he wanted to take it further and show the older man who was really in control here. So, without hesitation, Mason used his foot to drag Hunter's cock down the leg of his shorts until it was exposed in all its glory--all beneath the table where no one else could see. He then proceeded to use both feet simultaneously to jerk Hunter's cock under there while everyone around them continued their conversation as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening. This time Hunter couldn't just stand up and escape like last time. With his cock exposed, Mason had him locked in place.

Hunter quietly gasped with pleasure as Mason worked him into a frenzy beneath the table; his head spinning from the sensations and his heart pounding. Mason smiled inwardly, knowing that he had Hunter exactly where he wanted him--under his power and control. Hunter looked pleadingly across the table at Mason, silently begging him to stop before they were caught. Mason merely smiled back, refusing to let him off the hook that easily.

Hunter was desperate for release, but he knew they had to be careful; one wrong move and it would all be over. So finally Hunter decided he'd had enough of Mason's teasing and grabbed his feet discreetly, pushing them away before tucking himself back into his shorts. He glanced cautiously around the table while everyone else continued their conversations as if nothing out of the ordinary had taken place beneath that table.

Mason smirked with satisfaction, feeling like he'd gotten his point across without making a scene. He knew that Hunter was still aroused and probably frustrated at having been denied his release--but Mason didn't care; all he wanted was to punish Hunter for leaving him hanging last night and for him to remember this moment the next time they were alone together. He got up, excused himself, and left the table, retreating back to his room. Hunter glanced after him briefly before letting himself refocus on the rest of the family around him; his cock slowly cooling off from the treatment Mason had given him.

Sadie asked Hunter to go shopping with her so he agreed to tag along, eager to put some distance between himself and Mason for a while. At the mall, Hunter and Sadie walked around hand-in-hand as they browsed through stores. As much as he enjoyed spending time with his girlfriend, Hunter couldn't help feeling guilty for all of the lies he'd been telling her lately--especially about Mason. He was trying to stay away from him in order to avoid any further temptation but somehow found himself drawn back towards him again and again; it was like a magnet pulling them together each time they were alone together. He also felt guilty for having stood up Mason the night before, after he'd promised the boy one last night together to cap off their little tryst.

Hunter wanted desperately to keep things platonic between him and Mason out of respect for Sadie, but at the same time he felt powerless when faced with Mason's intense gaze or touch; it made his heart race in ways that only she usually was able to accomplish. He knew that if Sadie ever discovered what was going on between them then their relationship would be over forever. So despite how difficult it was, Hunter kept up this facade of innocence while secretly longing for something more with Mason that he thought was impossible.

Sadie could tell something was bothering Hunter as they walked around the mall, despite his attempts to hide it. She knew him well enough to sense when he was holding back and tried her best not to pry too much; she didn't want him thinking that she didn't trust him or wasn't supportive of whatever he may be struggling with.

Still, Sadie couldn't help but feel a little concerned for her boyfriend--especially since things had been so strange between them lately. He seemed distant and distracted even when they were together, like there was something else on his mind that he wasn't sharing with her. She desperately wanted to get closer to Hunter again but felt helpless in doing so without knowing what exactly it was that had changed between them over the past few weeks.

Finally, after hours of shopping in near silence Sadie decided enough was enough--she needed answers. So taking a deep breath, she reached out and grabbed hold of Hunter's hand before leading him towards one of the nearby benches where they could sit down and talk privately away from any prying eyes or ears lurking about in this busy mall full of strangers.

Once seated side by side facing each other on the bench Sadie took both his hands into hers before looking up into those familiar green eyes which still held such mystery within them; then gathering up all courage available within herself said "Hunter...please just tell me what's wrong? I can see you're troubled by something - is there anything I can do?"

Hunter hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer her question without spilling his secret. He was desperate to keep his secret with Mason and protect Sadie from the hurt that would follow if she were ever to find out about them. He knew that if Sadie ever discovered the truth, their relationship would be over forever.

Hunter opened his mouth to speak but no words came out; instead he just stared into her eyes for a moment before finally sighing and admitting "I...I'm not sure how to explain it. It's complicated..." He paused again, thinking of all the things he wanted to say yet didn't know where or how to begin. Finally after what felt like an eternity of silence Hunter let out another deep breath before saying in a low voice "Sadie...there's something I need you to understand: I care about you very much and want our relationship more than anything else."

Sadie smiled softly at him before replying "I know you do, Hunter. But what is it that has been bothering you lately? I just want to be able to help if I can."

Hunter sighed again; he couldn't share any more without ruining everything. So instead of admitting his complicated feelings for Mason, he just said, "It's nothing that you can help with. It's something I need to figure out on my own."

Sadie nodded in understanding and gave him a reassuring smile before leaning over to give him a hug. She knew that Hunter had many secrets within himself--like many men--but she also knew deep down inside that eventually all would be revealed when the time was right. Until then, she decided it best not to push further into this matter as it seemed too personal for either of them at present; so instead she simply held onto Hunter tightly with her arms around his neck while whispering "I'm here whenever you're ready."

Hunter kissed her sweetly. "I know, babe. I love you. Thank you."

Sadie smiled, relieved that Hunter had finally opened up to her and was willing to share his feelings. She knew deep down inside that no matter what it was he needed time and space to figure things out on his own; so instead of trying to pry further for answers she just held onto him tightly with a reassuring smile before saying "I love you too, Hunter."

Hunter smiled back at Sadie before getting off the bench and taking her hand in his once more as they continued walking around the mall in search of new items. He felt immensely grateful for having such an understanding girlfriend who always seemed able to find ways into even the most hidden parts of himself--even when those secrets may be difficult or painful ones which he wasn't ready yet to reveal.

Sadie was browsing through a rack of clothes, lost in her thoughts as Hunter walked a bit behind her. Suddenly his phone vibrated and he pulled it out to check it--it was from Mason. His face heated when he saw what the text said: "Look what you missed last night." Attached were three pictures, one of Mason's ass covered by skimpy underwear, another of his bare ass looking perfect, and finally a final picture showing off his cute hard cock.

Hunter's heart raced as he stared at the pictures and felt a deep ache of longing for Mason that he couldn't ignore. He looked around to make sure no one had seen him react and quickly put his phone away and shoved it into his pocket. Turning to look at Sadie, he sighed realizing that she had been thankfully oblivious to the whole thing while she continued browsing through clothes.

He knew this was wrong--it was unfair to both him and Sadie--but Hunter just couldn't seem to control himself around Mason. Every time they were alone together, something inside of him seemed drawn towards the younger man in ways that only made things more complicated between them all. As much as Hunter wanted nothing more than for this little tryst with Mason to end peacefully, he couldn't help but feel the pangs of desire that came along with it.

He took out his phone and texted back: "Holy shit, Mase, what are you doing?!"

Mason replied immediately: "Just reminding you of what you're missing. ;) You know you want it."

Hunter shook his head; he didn't need to be reminded of what he was missing out on. Fuck the kid's ass looked so good though, he thought absent-mindedly, starting at the photo.

Hunter bit his lip and replied, unwisely, "I can't deny that your ass looks damn good. But I don't think it's a good idea for us to keep this up - Sadie will find out eventually. I care about her too much to do something like this behind her back. We need to end things now before they get any worse."

Mason responded with an eye-roll emoji but Hunter could sense the underlying hurt in his response; he knew Mason had been hoping for more than just a few stolen moments together here and there--he wanted something real from Hunter which of course was impossible given his relationship with Sadie.

Suddenly another text came in. A video. "Don't open it near people," was all Mason sent with it. Hunter could barely believe it. But he wanted to see what it was and so he hastily grabbed some clothes off a rack and told Sadie he was going to the dressing room. Once there he locked the door and opened the video.

Hunter's heart raced as soon as he watched the short video of Mason stroking himself and teasing his hole while moaning his name. His cock instantly hardened at the sight and his mind filled with images of what it would feel like to be inside him, thrusting into him wildly until they both collapsed in pleasure. He watched the video again, this time more intently than ever before; savoring every moan, every movement of those slender hips which seemed to beckon for more.

Hunter knew he should delete the video and forget all about it, but instead he just kept watching--over and over again--until he had his cock in his hand and was stroking himself to the memory of Mason's voice and body.

Stupidly, Hunter snapped a pic of his hard cock and sent it to Mason before he could think twice about the consequences. "You little shit, look what you're doing to me," he wrote with the picture.

Mason replied quickly, sending "Holy fuck I want it so bad, Hunt," along with a picture of him sucking on a large dildo. His eyes were closed in pleasure and his lips wrapped around the phallic object as if it was Hunter himself. The look of pure ecstasy written across Mason's face sent desire coursing through Hunter's veins like wildfire; he wanted nothing more than to be there with Mason at that very moment, feeling his wet mouth wrap around him until he'd cum all over that sexy face. He leaned his head back against the wall of the dressing room and knocked it several times. What was wrong with him?

Hunter was so lucky to have someone like Sadie who was so passionate and loving--someone who seemed almost too good to be true--and yet here he was tasting the sweet fruit of temptation with Mason over and over again without being able to say no for long enough for things between them not get even worse than what they already were. Hunter groaned and buried his head in his hands. He knew he should put an end to this before it was too late but at the same time he couldn't deny that being with Mason felt different than anything else ever had--like they were connected on some deeper level despite their age difference and Sadie's relationship with him. They were risking so much by continuing down this path but Hunter just couldn't seem to walk away no matter how hard he tried.

Finally his phone began to buzz. He jumped in surprise before quickly unlocking the door of the dressing room to answer Sadie's call; who was wondering why she hadn't seen him for so long. He lied through his teeth, telling her that he had been busy trying on clothes only to not end up liking any of them. He met up with her outside the store and took her hand. She smiled at him unaware of what truly lay beneath Hunter's lies: an obsession which was slowly growing deeper by each passing day between himself and Mason...

Next: Chapter 6

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