His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 12, 2023


Mason woke up feeling a strange mix of guilt and pleasure. As he lay in bed, his thoughts turned to the night before and what had happened between him and Hunter. His heart raced as he remembered their passionate sex and he reached down to touch his hole, still damp and pliable from being worked over and filled with Hunter's cum. Mason groaned, his body still tingling from the pleasure he experienced. He knew it was wrong to act on his feelings for Hunter, especially since he was with Sadie... but at the same time it felt so right. He lay there in a state of blissful confusion, idly rubbing his hole, until he eventually drifted off to sleep again.

Hunter woke up feeling a deep sense of guilt and shame. He had betrayed his girlfriend by sleeping with her brother--after getting blown by the boy and having a heavy petting session under a blanket on the couch. Ever since he'd met Mason he'd been unable to control himself around him. As he looked at Sadie asleep next to him, like a beautiful angel, Hunter felt immense regret. This trip to her family home was supposed to be a big step forward in their relationship, and yet, now he was infatuated with her twinky younger brother! Despite the guilt however, Hunter couldn't stop his mind from wandering to how amazing it felt when Mason's tight hole enveloped his cock. The way the boy's body moved underneath him as they fucked was so intense that Hunter found himself getting aroused just thinking about it. He shook away the thoughts before they got too out of hand; instead turning them into feelings of remorse and self-hatred for betraying someone who cared deeply about both him and Mason. He lay there in the darkness, feeling guilty and ashamed of his actions before he finally got up to go for a run; he needed to clear his head in the cold winter air.

As Mason made his way upstairs for breakfast, felt anticipation and excitement. He had deliberately chosen to wear only the ribbed white tank and the same cherry red briefs Hunter had peeled off his ass last night. He wanted Hunter to see them as a reminder of what they'd done together. As he walked into the kitchen, Mason saw Hunter sitting at the table in his running gear--all sweaty and exhausted from his morning jog. He looked amazing. Sadie was next to him still in her sleepwear, blissfully unaware of what had gone on between Mason and Hunter. Mason felt a pang of guilt when his sister said good morning, but he suppressed it--his hole twitching as he caught Hunter's eyes on him.

Hunter's eyes were glued to Mason's red briefs. In his mind's eye he could still feel the boy underneath him, his tight hole making him moan and shudder in pleasure as he thrust into it only hours before. His heart raced just thinking about it, but hearing Sadie's voice talking to Mason brought him back to reality. As if on cue, Mason stretched up to get a glass from one of the cupboards above their heads and Hunter couldn't help but admire how toned his body looked--his bubble butt standing out even more than usual as he reached upwards.

Sadie laughed as she looked at Mason in his skimpy clothes. "Cute getup, Mase. Always such a showoff."

Mason felt a blush creep up on him and he quickly replied, "You know me, Sade," he said shaking his bum. "I need to be comfortable." He tried not to look at Hunter but could feel his gaze burning into him from across the table.

"Well it certainly looks comfortable," Sadie said with a wink before turning her attention back to her cereal. She hadn't noticed anything amiss between Mason and Hunter.

Mason's dad sighed as he saw his son wearing just a ribbed tank and cherry red briefs. "Mason, you know that we're used to you running around the house half naked but please show some respect for our guest," he said with a tired look on his face.

His mom chuckled at her husband's exasperation before turning to Mason. "Oh come now, honey, he's been like this since he was a little boy. Mason, you've always hated to wear clothes around the house! Hunter is fine, I'm sure."

Mason smiled sheepishly and nodded, feeling his cheeks flush as his family laughed and started reminiscing. Hunter kept his gaze on Mason as he shifted in his seat. 'This little shit,' he thought. Mason was deliberately teasing him in front of the whole family without a care in the world! Despite his frustration, Hunter couldn't help but admire Mason's boldness and confidence. He still felt an overwhelming sense of desire for him--mixed with deep guilt for all they had done together.

Mason grabbed his cereal and plopped himself down across from Hunter. He couldn't help but look at the man as he ate his breakfast, admiring the way Hunter's muscles rippled under his tight t-shirt. Mason bit into a spoonful of cereal and smiled mischievously when their eyes met for a brief moment. Hunter tried to ignore him, focusing instead on eating his breakfast in silence as the family chattered around him. Mason kept looking up from his bowl every few minutes, making sure that Hunter saw him watching with an almost predatory gaze in those intense blue eyes of his. Hunter tried to ignore Mason but it was becoming increasingly difficult; every time their eyes met he felt a jolt of desire course through him, reminding him of what they had done together just hours before. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying not to let anyone else notice how flustered he had become by Mason's flirtatious glances and suggestive looks.

Sadie continued chatting away with her parents oblivious to anything going on between her brother and boyfriend. Hunter tried to focus on the conversation, desperately trying to distract himself from Mason's inappropriate advances. He was relieved when they started talking about one of his favorite topics--finance. But just as he began explaining some of the strategies he used when investing for his clients, Hunter felt something brush against his crotch under the table. When he glanced down, he saw that it was Mason's foot slowly rubbing over him; just like at breakfast yesterday!

Mason flashed a sly grin as their eyes met again briefly before returning back to his cereal bowl with an almost childlike innocence painted across his face. Hunter couldn't help but feel both aroused by this display of boldness yet also frustrated for allowing himself to be put into such a compromising situation once more. Their dad prompted Hunter to continue his explanation, but all Hunter could focus on was Mason's foot slowly sliding its way up and down his thigh. He tried not to show any obvious signs of discomfort as he continued talking, but it seemed like every time he paused or seemed distracted by something under the table Mason would give him a knowing smirk that just made everything worse.

Hunter kept talking despite being distracted by Mason's teasing--trying desperately to keep up with the conversation around them while also trying not to make any sudden moves which might draw attention from Sadie or her parents. As their father asked another question, Hunter felt Mason's other foot join in teasing his now hard cock through his running shorts. He was doing his best to keep up with the conversation around him, but all he could focus on was Mason's feet playing with his cock under the table. Every time Hunter shifted in his seat or paused too long while talking, Mason would continue eating his cereal like a perfect innocent--his calm face belying what he was actually doing below the table. He kept one foot firmly pressed against Hunter's crotch while using small circles from the other to tease and tantalize his cock head even further. It felt amazing yet wrong at the same time and it took every ounce of willpower that Hunter possessed not to jump up from this chair right then and there--but he managed to stumble his way through explaining investment strategies despite himself.

Hunter finally managed to excuse himself, claiming he needed a shower after his morning run. He quickly made his way upstairs before Sadie or her parents could notice the bulge in his running shorts. Sadie stayed downstairs to help her parents tidy up the kitchen and Mason said he was going to shower too. After he walked out of the kitchen however, he didn't head down the stairs to his own bathroom, but rather he snuck upstairs after Hunter--his heart beating faster with each step as he got closer and closer to the room Sadie and Hunter were sharing.

Mason crept down the hallway, his heart racing with anticipation. He could feel an intense craving for Hunter that he couldn't ignore; he needed to feel his touch and get a hold of his big cock again. Mason had been overwhelmed by their night of passion and the way Hunter filled him up with pleasure. He wanted to experience it all again, but knew that he needed to be careful not to get caught. The bedroom door was slightly ajar and he could hear the shower running inside. Taking a deep breath, Mason pushed open the door quietly before slipping into the room and closing it behind him. His eyes roamed around the room, taking in Hunter's and Sadie's suitcases, the untidy bed, and the pile of sweaty workout clothes on the floor.

Mason's eyes lingered on them before he slowly reached down and grabbed the discarded running shorts. He brought them up to his nose, inhaling deeply as a wave of desire swept over him; it was like breathing in pure masculinity and lust. Mason felt himself getting aroused just from that one smell--his cock growing harder by the second as images of their night together flashed through his mind. Still holding the shorts to his face, his eyes were drawn to the steam billowing from the open bathroom door. He took a deep breath and moved quietly across the carpeted floor. Mason's heart raced as he stepped closer towards the bathroom door. He stripped off his briefs and tank, dropping them behind him before entering into the humid room completely naked--his hard cock leading the way.

Hunter was in the shower trying to not think about what Mason had been doing beneath their breakfast table earlier that morning--but it was hard when all he could see were flashes of red fabric against pale skin every time he closed his eyes. He tried to focus on washing himself instead but found himself getting more aroused with each passing second; feelings of Mason playing with him under the table kept popping up unbidden in his mind's eye. Unbeknownst to him however, was that Mason now stood just outside the shower, psyching himself up to step inside. Mason swallowed nervously as he stepped closer to the shower. He could feel his heart pounding with anticipation and desire--his cock twitching at the thought of being close to Hunter again. He took a deep breath before finally pushing aside the shower curtain--revealing Hunter's huge, muscular body--soapy and wet beneath the hot water.

Hunter gasped in surprise as Mason stepped into the shower with him--his face a mix of shock and confusion. He looked up at Mason with a questioning gaze, as if asking what he was doing there. Mason just smiled and stepped closer to him--their bodies almost touching beneath the steamy water. Hunter's eyes were wide and filled with desire as they both stood there in silence for a few moments before finally leaning into each other, their lips crashing together hungrily in an intense kiss that left them both panting for more. Hunter moved his hands over Mason's body as water cascaded down around them. Hunter every inch of him like his body was some kind of foreign landscape; savoring the feel of his toned muscles and soft skin under his fingertips. Mason groaned softly against Hunter's mouth as he pulled him closer--feeling himself slowly melting into the bigger man despite all rational thought telling him this wasn't right or okay to do given Sadie's relationship with Hunter.

Mason's eyes widened as he felt Hunter's arousal pressing against his stomach; a warmth spreading throughout his body at the thought of touching it. He brought his hand up slowly, gently tracing circles around the hard length before finally wrapping his fingers firmly around it and stroking him in long, slow movements that had Hunter shuddering with pleasure. Hunter gasped out Mason's name between deep breaths as Mason continued to tease and pleasure him--the hot water cascading down over their bodies making every touch feel electric. His hips started thrusting forward on instinct alone--every nerve ending alive with desire for this young man who was driving him wild.

Mason's grip on Hunter tightened as he felt his hips thrusting against him. Unable to contain himself any longer, Mason slowly crouched down in front of Hunter--his eyes locked onto the man who had been driving him wild since they'd met three days before--a mix of desire and adoration shining brightly from within them. Hunter groaned at the feeling of Mason's hot breath on his shaft--every muscle tense with anticipation as he felt Mason begin to lick and suck gently along its length. His hands tangled themselves in Mason's soaking wet hair, holding tightly onto it as pleasure began coursing through every inch of his body with each new sensation that came from this young man who'd so quickly become an obsession for him.

Mason's tongue moved in circles around Hunter's shaft, his hand gripping tightly onto it as he skillfully sucked and licked up and down its length. His other hand brushed softly over the sensitive skin of Hunter's inner thigh, sending shivers throughout the man despite the heat from the water surrounding them both. Hunter looked down at Mason--his eyes hooded with pleasure as he watched the boy take every inch of his cock into his mouth. He couldn't help but admire how perfect Mason looked; each movement graceful despite being crouched under him like this--his toned body glistening beneath droplets of water that clung to it like tiny diamonds in a sea of perfection. Mason sucked Hunter passionately, taking in every inch of him with each stroke. His tongue moved around the tip while his lips wrapped tightly around it--his hand gripping onto it firmly as he bobbed his head up and down its length. The sensation was too much for Hunter to handle; pleasure coursing through his veins like electricity from Mason's talented mouth.

Hunter knew that if he wasn't careful, he'd cum soon--the footjob at the breakfast table had already put him close to the edge. He looked down at Mason admiringly; watching how perfect his bubble butt looked as he bobbed his head on him, water rushing over him. Hunter couldn't help but feel a wave of desire wash over him at the sight. He reached down to grope at the boy's cheeks, forcing his cock fully into Mason's throat before finally speaking out loud: "I want to eat this ass again."

Mason felt his legs trembling as Hunter pulled out of his throat, leaving him feeling a little dizzy from the pleasure. He shivered in anticipation as he felt Hunter pull him up and kiss him hungrily before pushing his chest against the tiled wall--their skin slick with steam and soap suds. Mason gasped softly at the sudden contact with the cold tiles; but an intense warmth flooded through his veins that left him lightheaded with desire for this man who was taking complete control of him. Hunter stepped back slightly to admire Mason's perfect ass; it was just as amazing and inviting as it had been the night before. His hands moved to grab ahold of those perfect cheeks, squeezing them tightly in his grip before pushing himself against Mason--his cock pressing insistently between his ass cheeks. Hunter moaned deeply at the feeling of being so close to him; every inch of their bodies pressed together with such an intensity that left both men trembling in pleasure.

Hunter crouched down behind Mason and leaned forward, biting down on one cheek lightly before licking a path up Mason's spine until he reached his neck where he began kissing and sucking hungrily--each touch making him desire this young man even more than he already did. He finally broke away from their embrace long enough to whisper into Mason's ear "I'm going to make you mine." Mason felt like all rational thought was leaving him then--all that remained was pure animalistic need for Hunter overwhelming every sense within him; driving out any notions of what might be wrong or inappropriate about this situation they were currently involved in... All that mattered now was this moment shared between them and nothing else seemed relevant anymore.

Mason gasped as he felt Hunter's tongue begin to explore his tight hole. His hands moved up to grip onto the tiles behind him for support, his legs trembling beneath him from pleasure. Last night Mason had been asleep when Hunter ate his ass and this was his first time feeling the older man's tongue on his hole. He felt his body relax as Hunter's tongue explored every inch of his tight hole. He moaned softly in pleasure, eyes closed and face pressed against the cold tile wall--the hot water from the shower making it feel like a gentle massage on his skin. Hunter licked and sucked eagerly at Mason's entrance; pushing further inside with each thrust of his tongue setting off intense pleasure that left Mason panting in ecstasy. Hunter was relentless in exploring every single part of this young man; licking, sucking, biting lightly whenever possible--all while keeping up a steady pattern that soon had Mason quietly moaning out with passion as warmth spread throughout every corner if his body like wildfire.

Hunter moved one hand between the boy's legs to grip tightly onto Mason's throbbing cock--stroking it firmly while continuing to ravish him from behind with his tongue; Hunter's heavy cock throbbed between his legs as he ate Mason's delicious ass--his mind flashing back to the previous night when he'd sunk himself deep inside that perfect hole. Mason was trembling with pleasure, his body so overwhelmed by the sensations that he could barely think straight. Hunter's tongue continued to ravish him from behind as Mason felt himself nearing closer and closer towards the edge of ecstasy--the warmth inside him quickly turning into a raging inferno. With every thrust of Hunter's tongue, Mason could feel himself being pushed further and further away from reality until all he wanted was for it to end in an explosive climax.

He tried to take deep breaths but each one only made his arousal grow stronger; soon enough he couldn't contain himself any longer and found himself moaning out "Please... I want to cum with you inside me." His voice trembled before fading off into quiet gasps as Hunter started licking harder--his fingers now rubbing circles around the base of Mason's cock while pushing two thick digits inside him slowly--the hot water streaming down over their bodies making everything even more intense.

Hunter smiled against Mason's backside at hearing those sweet words escape his lips; knowing how close they both were now drove him wilder still. He grabbed the bottle of conditioner off the edge of the tub and squirted a generous amount onto his fingers before starting to rub it around Mason's entrance. The sensation of slippery lube combined with Hunter's fingers inside him sent electric shocks through Mason's body--his eyes rolling back in pleasure as his breathing became more and more erratic. Mason moaned as pleasure coursed through him like an electric current--his orgasm so intense that his legs almost buckled beneath him. His body trembled with each wave of pleasure that washed over it, and he found himself barely able to keep up the strength to stay standing against the shower wall. Just as Mason was coming down from his climax, Hunter turned him around gently before pushing his dripping cock back in between Mason's lips. Mason was still trembling from his own orgasm, but the sight of Hunter so aroused pushed him further into another wave of pleasure. He instinctively sucked on the head of Hunter's cock; pushing him over the edge with every wet slurp and swirl of his tongue around it.

Hunter moaned loudly as Mason's talented mouth drove him wild--his body shaking with pleasure as he thrust himself forward uncontrollably in response to each pull and lick that Mason gave. His breathing became more erratic until finally, just when he thought he couldn't take any more pleasure, a powerful wave crashed through his body--leaving him gasping for breath while cum shot out into Mason's mouth like an endless river. Mason took Hunter in completely--swallowing every drop that left his body as pleasure filled him up again. His own orgasm had long since passed, but the sight of Hunter coming so hard was enough to make him feel almost lightheaded from arousal alone. When his breathing finally returned to normal, Mason pulled away and looked up at Hunter with a satisfied expression on his face; feeling proud of himself for pushing such an intense man over the edge like that. He smiled softly before turning around and rinsing off under the shower head while basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking session.

Hunter stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist as he took in deep breaths to try and clear his head. He couldn't believe what had just happened between him and Mason; they'd crossed a line that was wrong on so many levels but felt too good at the same time for either one of them to resist. Hunter looked up from toweling himself off to find Mason staring at him with such an intense look of love in his eyes--it made Hunter's heart ache knowing that what he was about to do would crush this young man who deserved so much better than being caught up in something like this.

He slowly walked over towards Mason before cupping both sides of his face gently in each hand, "Mason...we can't do this," he said softly yet firmly looking into those gorgeous blue eyes filled with longing. "This is wrong; you're my girlfriend's brother..." His voice trailed off as guilt overwhelmed him--sending pangs through every inch of his body which only seemed amplified by how close their naked bodies were pressed together right now. "I shouldn't have done what I did last night. It only confused you--us--even more... and now... we can't do this anymore." Hunter's voice was quiet and his eyes filled with regret as he said those words; knowing that even though it had to be done, it still hurt--not only Mason, but himself too.

Mason tried to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill over from his eyes. Suddenly conscious of his nakedness, he wrapped himself in his towel. "But..." he began, his voice trembling slightly. "I can't help how I feel about you Hunter... I never expected to fall so deeply for someone like this and it's been killing me knowing that we can't be together because of Sadie." He looked away from Hunter feeling embarrassed by the amount of emotion overflowing out of him right now; but eventually he mustered up enough courage to look back at the man who had taken over his heart completely.

Hunter was silent as he stared into Mason's eyes--taking in every single detail before finally speaking up again, "Mason," His deep voice filled with a mix of sadness and compassion as those words left his lips. "There are some things in life that just aren't meant to be--no matter how much you might want them. We need to accept that and move on."

Mason looked at Hunter incredulously, his eyes widening in disbelief as he spoke. "You can't keep doing this to me," he said firmly, his voice quivering slightly from the emotions washing over him. "Fooling around and then cutting me off; coming back for more later... I want this--I want you." He looked away as he felt a wave of shame wash over him, knowing that it was wrong to feel so strongly about someone who belonged to another person but couldn't help himself when it came down to how deeply his feelings ran for Hunter.

Hunter took a deep breath before letting out a sigh filled with regret and guilt--the same mix of emotions that he'd been feeling since that night on the couch beneath the blanket. He knew Mason was right; he'd been treating him badly. He was the older man, after all, he should be more responsible than an eighteen-year-old. He wrapped the towel around his waist and thought for a moment, his mind running through all of his feelings.

"I know..." His voice was barely above a whisper as those words left his lips while trying hard not look at Mason. "I-I want..." he stuttered. "I want you too," he practically whispered. Mason's beautiful blue eyes snapped back to his, a look of surprise washing over his face. Hunter took one hand off Mason's cheek before reaching out and brushing away the tears that had now started streaming down his cheeks with his fingertips; then he leaned in closer until their lips were just millimeters apart--his voice barely above a whisper as those words left his lips. "But I can't give you what you want." He said sadly before pulling away from him completely.

Mason felt like all the air had been stolen from him after hearing those words leave Hunter's mouth; it was so hard to hear them when every inch of him wanted nothing more than for this man to be able to give himself fully without any reservations or guilt holding either one of them back. With shaky hands, Mason slowly reached up towards Hunter's chest, gently placing both palms against it while looking into those deep green eyes filled with sorrow--trying desperately not to cry even harder at seeing such raw emotions on display right there in front of him.

Mason stared into Hunter's eyes, his voice soft yet determined as he spoke. "Don't say that yet," He said quietly; trying to keep the tears at bay even though it was becoming increasingly difficult with every passing second. "We both want this--we both know it's wrong and we're not supposed to be together like this but I can't help how I feel about you and you obviously feel something for me too."

Hunter looked away from Mason's gaze, feeling conflicted between wanting so badly to give in and let himself have what he desired most--being with Mason without guilt or shame--but also knowing that if they did follow through on their feelings then there would only be pain left behind in the end. His heart ached just thinking of how much hurt would come out of giving in right now; if Sadie ever found out she wouldn't forgive either one of them for sure... But still his body was screaming at him to take a chance--it wanted nothing more than for him to make a move forward instead of staying stuck where they were right now unable to do anything except stay locked up inside these emotions neither one knew how to handle correctly anymore.

He closed his eyes tightly before finally looking back up into those beautiful blue depths filled with longing once again before speaking barely above a whisper, "I-I don't know what..." He paused briefly, letting out an unsteady breath afterwards as he continued talking slowly "...I don't know what we should do... but all I know is that I can't stop thinking about the way I feel when you're close by."

Mason smiled softly at Hunter's words, feeling relieved that the man he'd come to care so deeply for finally seemed willing to take a chance with them. He nodded his head slowly before leaning in closer and gently pressing their lips together--the kiss was filled with passion, love and desire as Mason let all of his feelings pour out into this single moment.

After they pulled away from each other breathless, Mason looked up into Hunter's eyes--his voice low yet steady when he spoke next "I want you more than anything I've ever wanted," He said simply before taking one final deep breath before adding on: "I don't want to hurt Sadie... but we only have a few more days together anyway... I don't know if I can get through them without touching you--without feeling you touching me..."

Hunter looked down into Mason's eyes, a wave of emotions washing over him as he heard those words. He knew that this was wrong; he had to put an end to it before they got too carried away and someone ended up getting hurt in the process but at the same time his heart ached with longing for something more than just fleeting moments together--something real... they only had a few days left together, after all... He let out a heavy sigh before finally speaking again, "It's wrong," He said quietly while pushing back some of Mason's hair from his face gently. "But I can't deny how much I want you either." Hunter paused briefly before continuing on--his voice full of determination now: "So, let me at least make tonight special for us..."

Next: Chapter 5

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