His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 7, 2023


That night Hunter lay awake in bed next to Sadie; his heart pounding as he thought of Mason. He'd spent the rest of the day avoiding the boy, but every time he closed his eyes, images of him filled his mind; the feel of their hands groping under the blanket; their lips locked together fiercely in passion; the feel of Mason's mouth around his cock... He felt guilty for wanting something that was so clearly off-limits, yet at the same time couldn't help but be mesmerized by him. He cared deeply for Sadie--even loved her--but now he also had all these feelings and thoughts about her brother, a boy who was so like Sadie but also so... forbidden. Last night after his unexpected teasing with Mason under the blanket, Hunter had fucked his arousal out with Sadie after they'd gone to bed and he'd hoped that his feelings for her kid brother would evaporate with that; just a momentary lapse of judgment. But then today had happened.

He tried to force himself to sleep, hoping it would distract from these thoughts running through his head like wildfire. But instead all he could see was Mason; those deep blue eyes looking up at him with desire and longing; those toned arms wrapped tightly around him as if they were meant for one another; that toned ass rubbing against his lap. He thought about how he'd shut down the boy after his confession, knowing it was the right thing for him to do but somehow feeling like he'd made a terrible mistake; had denied himself something beautiful. His mind screamed from the dissonance of his thoughts and feelings. He looked next to him at Sadie's sleeping form, peaceful, beautiful, and oblivious to Hunter's turmoil. How could he do this to her? But how could he deny himself? Eventually Hunter gave up trying to fight what he wanted and allowed himself to drift away into a fantasy world where Sadie never found out anything about any of this--just two people exploring each other without consequence or fear.

As the minutes ticked by into hours, Hunter's restlessness didn't cease. Unsure of what he was doing, but compelled with arousal and need, he gingerly got up from bed and left the room, leaving Sadie sound asleep. He crept through the hallway and down the stairs like a cat-burglar, making sure to be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake anyone. As he moved through the kitchen his eyes lingered on the seat where Mason had blown him and he felt an urge like never before, a need that was stronger than his guilt and shame. He slowly descended the stairs into Mason's basement bedroom, feet feeling heavy on the soft carpeting on the steps. He stopped for a moment as he reached Mason's bedroom door--what was he even doing? Taking in a deep breath, Hunter pushed away all doubts and hesitations as he slowly opened the door, his eyes settling on the sleeping figure of Mason before him. Moonlight from the single, high window painting over his lithe body, chest and stomach uncovered. Hunter smiled fondly as he watched over him for a few moments before approaching his bedside and gently brushing a strand of hair out of Mason's face. He was so pretty, with clear skin and full lips. Hunter blushed and felt himself swelling in his boxer-briefs as he remembered those lips sucking on his cock.

Hunter stood there, his breath shallow and eyes wide with desire as he watched Mason sleep. His eyes drank in the boy's smooth chest, round nipples, and flat stomach. His heart raced as the memories of their secret tryst rushed through his mind; from the way they'd touched each other under the blanket to Mason's skilled mouth around him in the kitchen. He felt himself getting harder in his boxer-briefs by the second, lust and temptation coursing through his veins like a drug. He needed something more; he wanted to feel connected to Mason and this was all he had right now. Slowly, Hunter reached down into his underwear and began stroking himself, thinking of all those forbidden things that could happen between them if only he'd let them. He imagined Mason's lips on his body and the sensation of being deep inside him. Before Hunter could stop himself, he had taken out his cock and rubbed the head over Mason's sleeping lips, leaving a trail of sweet precum glistening on them like gloss.

Hunter felt a pang of guilt as he looked down at Mason, his heart racing from the forbidden pleasure that had just passed between them. He knew this was wrong; it was a betrayal of Sadie and a violation of Mason's trust. But before Hunter could pull back, he watched in aroused awe as Mason unconsciously licked up the precum that he had left on his lips with an innocent moan of pleasure. The sight sent shivers through Hunter's body, and all thoughts of guilt quickly vanished as lust took over completely. Mason stirred slightly in his sleep and Hunter froze, afraid to be caught standing over him like some pervert. He was about to retreat from the room when suddenly Mason rolled over onto his stomach, dragging the covers off his body as he did. Hunter breathed in sharply as he saw Mason's bare ass framed by a jock-strap.

Hunter couldn't help but stare at the beautiful sight before him. Mason's ass was round and perfect, framed by a tight black jockstrap that only emphasized the muscles and curves of his soccer-conditioned body. Hunter bit his lip hungrily as he remembered running his hands over those cheeks the night before, feeling the soft skin beneath them. He felt himself getting harder in his hand, craving to sink fully into Mason and feel their bodies linked together in pleasure. He could barely contain himself as he leaned down closer to get a better look at what lay before him; wanting nothing more than to bite those cheeks lightly and make Mason moan out in ecstasy. He shook his head. No, he couldn't. Could he? But Hunter felt like a moth drawn to the flame of Mason's ass; his eyes fixed on it as if he was hypnotized. He couldn't resist any longer and slowly crouched down, planting soft kisses on the smooth, white cheeks beneath him. His hands moved tentatively along Mason's body, exploring every inch of his curves before finally resting on either side of his waist. Hunter closed his eyes in disbelief before allowing himself to fully indulge in this forbidden moment with Mason.

Hunter's heart raced as he spread Mason's cheeks apart and revealed the little hole that he'd teased with his fingers the night before. It was a beautiful little pucker, pink and tight with the lightest dusting of hair surrounding it. He stared hungrily, wanting nothing more than to sink himself deep inside of that hole and feel Mason around him. His mouth watered just thinking about it, but Hunter knew this was wrong; there's no way they could do this without Sadie finding out and Hunter didn't want to risk hurting her like that. Still, his hands moved almost of their own volition, tracing light circles on either side of the puckered entrance before finally pressing a single finger against it for just a moment, feeling it resist the pressure as he rubbed it gently. Hunter felt electric pleasure course through his body as Mason moaned softly into the pillow beneath him--even in sleep he could still feel what was happening... and liked it.

Hunter felt his resolve slowly slipping away as he stared down at Mason's tight hole. His own desire was now far stronger than any sense of caution or morality; all he wanted in this moment was to feel that pleasure, to taste it on his tongue and be completely consumed by it. Without another thought, Hunter leaned forward and pressed his mouth against the entrance of Mason's body. He licked hungrily at the soft skin surrounding it, savoring every inch of him. His tongue darted in and out, tasting the savory flavor that was unique to only Mason--a flavor that quickly drove Hunter wild with desire. He felt himself becoming more aroused by the moment as he explored further inside with his tongue; each pulse of the muscular hole around his tongue making him crave Mason even more. His hands moved down to cup Mason's ass lovingly while his mouth continued its work; licking, sucking and teasing until the hole was glistening and dripping wet.

Hunter felt his cock throb with desire as he moved up to kiss the nape of Mason's neck, eliciting a soft moan from the sleeping teen. He took in a deep breath and savored Mason's scent before whispering softly into the sleeping boy's ear, "I want you so bad... you don't even know how much." His fingers teased around the entrance of Mason's hole, feeling it tighten and relax as Hunter continued to whisper dirty thoughts.

"I want to feel you around me," Hunter whispered, his breath tickling Mason's ear. "Your tight little hole squeezing my cock until I can't take it anymore. Just imagine how good it would feel if I was inside you right now," he murmured as he pressed a thick finger against the entrance of Mason's ass. He felt him tense up slightly, but Hunter kept going; circling and rubbing in slow circles until finally pushing into him just enough that he could break through the resistance, his finger sinking inside to the second knuckle.

In his sleep Mason felt a warm, wet sensation around his hole and he began to stir. He moaned softly as Hunter's finger breached his entrance and moved in and out of him, the pleasure almost too much to bear. His eyes fluttered open as he realized what was happening and he gasped in surprise by the sensations his body was feeling. Hunter's face was mere inches away from his, hovering over Mason like an angel as he explored his body with such delicate care, inserting another finger and stretching his hole.

Mason tried to turn his head back to look up at Hunter in shock, his heart racing as he realized what was happening. "Hunter... wha-?" He stammered out before being cut off by Hunter's lips crashing into his own. They kissed passionately, their tongues dancing together as Mason felt himself melting under the sudden onslaught of pleasure that ran through him like electricity.

"I'm sorry," Hunter whispered between kisses. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." His fingers never left Mason's hole as they continued to make out; exploring each other with a hunger that was only growing stronger with every passing second.

Mason felt himself getting lost in the sensation of it all -- the thrill of something so forbidden and exciting making him feel alive like nothing else ever had before. He moaned softly against Hunter's lips and rolled his body so he could wrap his arms around the muscular man's waist, pressing their bodies together tightly. Hunter's fingers moved faster now as he felt Mason's body tense up with pleasure. He was beyond aroused by this point and wanted nothing more than to feel himself sinking deep into Mason -- but first, he needed him to say yes. Hunter finally pulled away from Mason, his lips stained with the remnants of their passionate kiss.

He moved up to plant a sweet kiss on Mason's forehead before whispering into his ear, "I want to fuck this twink ass." Hunter was rock hard in his boxer-briefs, his cock poking out of the waistband, and he could feel Mason trembling beneath him, every inch of his body alive with pleasure and desire. Mason was overwhelmed -- was this really happening? It felt too good to be true; like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from. His heart raced as Hunter leaned down and kissed him again, exploring every inch of his mouth as if trying to memorize it for eternity. He moaned softly against Hunter's lips.

"Do you want me to fill you up, baby?" Hunter asked, his voice thick with need as he curled his fingers into Mason's prostate. Mason could only nod fervently in response; he was too overwhelmed to even speak at this point. Hunter smiled and kissed him again before pulling away and standing up from the bed; Mason watched with hungry eyes as Hunter undressed and revealed his hard, muscular body. He was gorgeous--Mason could barely believe that this was real life. He snatched some lube out of his nightstand's drawer and reached out to hand it to Hunter. He took it and slowly, teasingly, slicked his thick cock with it. Mason's lip trembled at the sight.

Hunter climbed onto the bed, flipping Mason onto his stomach and positioning himself between his legs before guiding his hard shaft to Mason's tight hole. He teased and pressed his engorged cock head on the wet, hungry hole, making the boy whimper with need. "You ready?" Hunter asked, voice thick with lust.

"Yes... Please fuck me, Hunter," Mason practically groaned, squirming with need and pushing his ass back against the hardness that so tantalized him. Hunter smiled and pushed his hips forward until the boy's hole gave way and he sank inside of him. "Oh fuuuuck," Mason moaned out in pleasure as he felt Hunter fill him up inch by inch; it was definitely the biggest cock he'd ever taken in his life. The combination of pleasure and pain made every nerve in his body come alive. Mason gasped sharply as Hunter fully seated himself inside him, his body trembling with pleasure as Hunter allowed him to adjust to the intrusion. Mason's breath left him as Hunter began to move inside of him, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. His eyes rolled back and a soft moan escaped from his lips as he felt himself being filled up more and more with every stroke. He could feel every inch of Hunter's thick cock sliding in and out of him, pressing against his prostate over and over again; it was almost too much to handle.

Hunter gradually increased the speed behind his thrusts, pushing deeper into Mason than ever before. The sensation was incredible--Mason had never experienced something like this before in all his life. Every nerve in his body felt alive as Hunter sliding his cock in and out of his hole; leaving him writhing in pleasure. This is how a man fucked. This is what he'd been craving. Mason felt his body trembling as Hunter continued to thrust into him, each movement causing a wave to pass through him. His hips bucked back against Hunter's as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge; it was almost too much for Mason to handle. He gasped sharply as he felt an unfamiliar sensation building up inside of him--it was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before and it made his entire body quiver in anticipation.

Hunter could feel Mason getting close and knew exactly what was about to happen; he increased the strength behind his thrusts, pushing deeper and harder into Mason, pounding the boy's prostate with each stroke. Mason let out a loud moan as the sensations became too much for him; every nerve in his body seemed alight with pleasure that kept on growing until finally, just when he thought he couldn't take anymore... he came crashing over the edge into orgasmic bliss. His whole body shook beneath Hunter as wave after wave of pleasure flooded through him like wildfire. He unloaded shot after shot of cum onto the bed sheets beneath him as his ass spasmed on Hunter's cock. He'd heard of anal orgasms before but had never cum hands free and now his brain was swimming in ecstasy.

Hunter groaned loudly as well, feeling himself come undone as Mason's hole clenched around him. He continued to thrust into the younger man until he finally blasted his load deep inside Mason's hole with a mighty groan. He collapsed on top of Mason exhaustedly--pinning him to the bed with his cock still buried inside. Both men breathed heavily from their shared experience together. They stayed there for several minutes before finally separating so they could catch their breath again.

As Hunter slowly felt reality come crashing back to him, he realized the magnitude of what they had just done. He rolled off of Mason and lay beside him on the bed, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and guilt. He glanced over at the younger man who was still riding high from his orgasm; eyes closed and chest rising and falling in post-orgasmic bliss. Hunter's hands itched to reach out for him again, but he couldn't allow himself to--not now anyway. He sighed heavily as he stared up at the ceiling; feeling like an idiot for getting so carried away in such a risky situation. If Sadie ever found out about this... Hunter shuddered at the thought. He glanced over at Mason again who had finally opened his eyes, their deep blue depths staring into Hunter's own green pools with an intensity that made him shiver. It was clear that the younger man wanted more--he could see it in the way he was looking at him; but Hunter knew they couldn't do this anymore, not without hurting someone in the process.

Hunter slowly got off the bed, feeling a heavy weight in his chest as he did so. He pulled on his boxer-briefs and t-shirt before turning to look at Mason one last time. The younger man was still lying there with an expression of pure bliss on his face; eyes closed and lips slightly parted in post-orgasmic pleasure. He walked over to where Mason lay and planted a soft kiss on his forehead before whispering, "Goodnight." He then quickly turned around and made for the door, not wanting to risk lingering any longer than necessary--he needed distance from this situation if he was going to protect Sadie's feelings from being hurt by what they'd done tonight. With one final glance back at Mason, Hunter opened the door and stepped out into the hallway... leaving behind their secrets.

Mason lay there for several moments, his body still trembling from the intensity of what had just happened. He felt like he was in a dream; one that he'd had last night after teasing Hunter under the blanket. Had this really just happened? His mind raced with thoughts of Hunter--the way he'd looked at him with such longing and desire, how his fingers had moved so expertly inside Mason's hole and most significantly, that incredible feeling he'd felt from getting fucked. It had been a feeling he'd never known existed before. He shivered at the memory, clenching and unclenching his well-fucked hole, feeling the wetness of Hunter's cum coating it as it slowly seeped out of him.

Mason pulled the covers up around him as reality slowly started to sink back in; guilt washing over him in waves as he thought about what they'd done -- Sadie's boyfriend had fucked him. It was so wrong and yet a big part of Mason couldn't help but feel satisfied that Hunter had chosen HIM. After all, the man had come to see HIM specifically in the middle of the night! He chose HIM. He could have fucked Sadie, who was sharing a bed with him! But he didn't. That must have meant something... right? Mason rolled over onto his side and curled into himself, feeling completely overwhelmed by all of the competing emotions. He didn't know what to do or think anymore--everything seemed so confusing now. Part of him wished more than anything that things could go back to normal before this week had even happened; when he'd had a normal relationship with his sister. But another part thought that maybe this was the new normal now. Maybe this is how things were supposed to be. All these thoughts swirled around in Mason's head until eventually sleep took hold and carried away all his worries for another day...

Next: Chapter 4

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