His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Apr 23, 2023


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The next morning was Sunday. Sadie's day off and Mason's last day with them. Sadie was up early getting ready for a morning run. She jostled Hunter awake. "Hey babe, wanna come with me? I'll wait for you," she asked sweetly.

He groaned and rolled over, hesitating before responding. "I don't know, babe," Hunter said as he sat up in bed rubbing his eyes. "I think I might need another hour of sleep."

Sadie pouted. "But I haven't gotten to really see you in days, Hunt!"

Hunter felt another pang of guilt. He knew he had been distant with Sadie, but it was only because he couldn't get Mason out of his head. "I know, babe, I'm just beat from the busy day yesterday with your brother," Hunter said as he leaned up to give her a kiss on the forehead. "But you go ahead and run; I'll be here when you get back."

Sadie nodded understandingly and gave him a quick peck on the lips before heading out. As she left, Hunter felt the weight of guilt deep inside his chest. He had hooked up with her brother three times yesterday--and cum in his ass twice. And now he was making excuses to avoid spending time with her so he could be with Mason. He stood up from bed slowly and walked over to the window overlooking the neighborhood. The sun had just come up and washed everything in a soft orange glow.

Hunter moved quietly into the guest bedroom, wearing just some boxer-briefs. Mason was sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Hunter couldn't help but smile as he watched the younger man sleep; Mason looked so perfect in that moment; his dark brown hair was a rat's nest and his toned chest peeked out from under the covers, rising and falling in time with his deep breaths. This was their last morning together and he wanted to make it count.

Hunter leaned down and began planting soft kisses on Mason's neck, savoring the feel of his skin. He gradually moved lower until finally reaching a spot just above his collarbone that made Mason stir from his slumber. His eyes opened slowly at first but widened when they settled on Hunter's face above him. The older man grinned mischievously before speaking softly. "Good morning." Before Mason could respond or even process what was happening, Hunter captured his lips in a passionate kiss that left them both breathless by its end. Hunter pulled back slightly to look at Mason's flushed face and chuckled softly. "I'm sorry," he said playfully. "I couldn't resist waking you up like that."

Mason shook his head with a small smile playing on his lips as he reached up to trace patterns on Hunter's bare chest with gentle fingertips. He was still half-asleep and groggy, but he still managed to find Hunter's nipples and tease them sensually. Hunter's breath hitched as he felt Mason's fingers dance across his chest. Slowly, Hunter leaned down and captured Mason's lips in another kiss. Their tongues danced sensually together as they both moaned softly. As their kiss deepened, Hunter's hands roamed across Mason's bare skin, tracing the curves of his body. He then pulled away from the kiss and sat up slightly, gazing down at Mason with intense desire in his eyes.

Without a word, he reached over and slowly pulled the sheet off of Mason, revealing his toned body. He couldn't resist the sight of Mason lying there in bed wearing nothing but his tight little briefs. He moved closer to him, running his hands up and down Mason's toned chest before reaching down and grabbing onto the waistband of the briefs. With one swift motion, Hunter pulled them off of Mason's body, revealing his hard cock that was already starting to drip with pre-cum. The boy was absolutely beautiful--his golden skin contrasting with the pale blue sheets of the bed and the tan lines that tracked a brief outline on his lower body made it seem all the more forbidden.

Hunter braced himself over Mason and caught his lips again in a hungry kiss, before kissing his way down the boy's body--before finally reaching his throbbing cock. Hunter couldn't help himself; he had never been much of a cocksucker with Mason before, but something about this moment made him want to taste every inch of his cute dick. He took it into his mouth slowly at first, savoring every inch as he licked up and down its length. Mason gasped in surprise and dropped his head back against the pillows again. As he sucked harder, Hunter felt Mason start to squirm beneath him as pleasure coursed through his veins.

Hunter knew exactly what else would drive him wild. With one hand wrapped around the base of Mason's shaft, he sucked on the boy's engorged head while his other hand teasingly circled around the puckered hole between those firm cheeks. Hunter's efforts drove Mason crazy with pleasure.

Mason's words came out in a breathy moan as Hunter continued to suck his cock and push a finger inside the boy's hole. "God, Hunter," Mason gasped, arching his back off the bed. "You feel so good." Hunter continued to finger Mason's hole, adding another finger and scissoring them apart as he worked his mouth up and down the boy's cock. Mason couldn't take it anymore; he was on the edge of cumming. "Hunter, I'm gonna cum," he moaned out.

Hunter pulled back from sucking on Mason's dick and curled his fingers into the boy's prostate just in time for him to shoot a load all over his chest. Hunter watched with satisfaction as thick ropes of cum shot out of Mason's cock and landed all over him. Mason just lay there naked for a few minutes with a dreamy expression on his face.

Mason took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure as he watched Hunter wipe the cum off of his chest with a towel. He couldn't help but notice the huge bulge in Hunter's sweatpants. "Is it my turn to please you now?" Mason asked with a mischievous grin.

Hunter chuckled before standing up from the bed and pulling off his sweatpants, revealing his large and thick cock. "I think that's exactly what needs to happen," he said as he crawled back onto the bed next to Mason. The boy looked at his hard cock with a lustful expression. He ran his hand over it, feeling the heat radiating from it in waves. His fingers glided up and down the shaft, getting a feel for its length and girth. He leaned forward and took Hunter's swollen head into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before taking more of him deeper inside. Mason worked his way down to the base of Hunter's cock then back up again; he repeated this motion several times until there was drool dripping off of his chin.

Hunter moaned softly as Mason continued sucking on him; he enjoyed watching Mason work diligently on pleasuring him. His hands ran through Mason's dark brown hair while pressing him closer to himself to take even more of that talented mouth. Mason picked up speed, bobbing faster and harder on Hunter's throbbing erection while cupping one of his balls in each hand massaging them gently between strokes. The sensation drove Hunter wild--he could hardly contain himself from exploding right then and there!

But just when he thought he couldn't hold out any longer, Mason pulled away from him completely leaving behind an empty feeling where once was pleasure-filled warmth. "M-Mason...?" Hunter panted breathlessly.

Mason looked up at Hunter with a seductive grin on his face. "I want you inside me," he said softly, crawling onto the bed and straddling Hunter's hips. Hunter groaned as Mason positioned himself over his hard cock. He watched in amazement as Mason slowly lowered himself down onto him, inch by inch until he had taken all of him inside. The feeling was intense; it felt like heaven! Mason started to bounce up and down on top of Hunter's thick shaft while gripping tightly on his broad shoulders for support.

"Fuck... Mase... You feel amazing," Hunter moaned out loud while thrusting upward into Mason's tight entrance.

Mason closed his eyes and gasped as pleasure radiated through every nerve ending in his body from being filled so perfectly by this man who knew just how to handle him--who made him feel wanted more than anyone else ever had! Hunter reached up pulling Mason's head back towards himself, capturing those luscious lips for another kiss--deepening it passionately before breaking away again to catch some air between them both panting heavily from the effort required for such an intense ride. The two men locked eyes once again; they shared a mutual understanding that what they were doing was wrong but couldn't help themselves because it felt too good not to continue exploring this lustful connection between them.

Mason continued to ride Hunter's big dick, moaning with pleasure as they moved in perfect sync. He could feel every inch of him inside, stretching him out and filling him up completely. Hunter couldn't believe how tight Mason was; it felt like his cock was being squeezed by a vice grip. He grabbed onto Mason's hips and began thrusting upward into him harder and faster, making both of them moan louder with each movement. Mason leaned down, sucking Hunter's nipples as he rode him. His hands roamed over Hunter's broad shoulders while their lips met again in a passionate kiss that left them both gasping for air.

Without warning, Hunter flipped Mason over onto his back so that he could take control of the situation. Now on top, he pounded into Mason mercilessly--hitting all the right spots along the way. Mason was in pure ecstasy; the sound of skin slapping against skin, their heavy breathing and moans filling the room with raw passion. Hunter's big dick pounded into him relentlessly as his soft cock flopped around between his legs. Hunter could feel his orgasm building up inside him; he was getting close to cumming. He knew that if he kept going, he would explode deep inside Mason's tight hole--but they couldn't risk any leaks today after the anxiety of last night. "Fuck, Mase," Hunter gasped out. "I'm gonna cum."

Mason's eyes widened with surprise as he felt Hunter pull out of him abruptly. Hunter grabbed onto his cock and began stroking it furiously. He let out a loud moan as he came all over Mason's chest; a huge load of cum shooting from his cock in waves. He continued to stroke himself until every last drop had been emptied from his body, then collapsed on top of Mason--both men panting heavily for air. "You're so fucking hot," Hunter said breathlessly.

Mason grinned at him. "You know it, stud," he replied teasingly while wiping off their loads from his stomach and chest with a towel. As they lay there catching their breath, Hunter couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt wash over him. He knew that he was risking everything by continuing this affair with Mason. But at the same time, being with Mason made him feel alive in a way that he hadn't felt in years.

Suddenly they heard the front door open. Mason and Hunter quickly scrambled to cover themselves up. Sadie's voice echoed through the apartment, "Guys, you up?"

Hunter pulled his sweatpants on as fast as he could and moved to his work computer on the other side of the room--to look like he's checking emails. This was the second time in the last twelve hours they'd almost been caught! Mason grabbed the cummy towel and wrapped it around himself before rushing out of the guest room. "I get the shower first!" he yelled as he ran past Sadie, sweating in her running gear. Sadie raised an eyebrow at the sight of Mason's flushed face and sweaty body as he rushed past her.

"Uh, okay," she said with a puzzled look on her face. "Hunt? Babe, you up? We should have breakfast before we head out to American."

Hunter quickly composed himself before calling out to her from the guest room, "Yeah, I'm up, babe. Just checking some work emails."

She leaned against the doorway to the guest room, she looks at him with an arched eyebrow. "On a Sunday?" she questioned. "You never do that."

Hunter shrugged nonchalantly. "Just trying to stay on top of things. I've had less time this week with entertaining the kid," he said.

Sadie nodded understandingly before moving towards his and draping her arms around his shoulders and playing with his bare chest. She kissed the back of his neck. Hunter desperately hoped she wouldn't pick up on the smell of sex in the room. He tensed up as Sadie's hands roamed over his bare chest. He tried to push away the guilt he felt for cheating on her with her own brother, but it was difficult when she was right there in front of him, being so affectionate. He turned in his office chair to face her and pulled her into a tight embrace, trying to hide the fact that he was still half-hard from his encounter with Mason just moments ago. "I missed you," he said softly before pressing his lips against hers.

Sadie responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around Hunter's neck and deepening the kiss, straddling his lap--not unlike how Mason had been positioned minutes before. As Sadie pressed herself against Hunter's lap, she couldn't help but feel the bulge in his sweatpants pressing against her. She had always loved Hunter's big cock. She pulled back from their kiss and looked down at his crotch with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Is that for me?" she asked playfully as she reached down and gave his bulge a playful squeeze. Hunter groaned softly under her touch, feeling himself growing even harder as he realized how similar she was to her brother. Despite the perversion, he found it so hot that he could be intimate with them both...

"Only for you," he lied breathlessly before pulling her back into another passionate kiss. As Hunter and Sadie continued to make out, she began grinding against him, feeling his hard cock pressing into her. She moaned softly as he groped her tits through the thin fabric of her running top.

Suddenly, they heard a loud "ahem" from the doorway. They both turned to see Mason standing there with a smirk on his face and wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Sadie blushed bright red as she quickly pulled away from Hunter's embrace, feeling embarrassed at being caught making out by her younger brother.

Mason had a funny look on his face as he walked into the guest room and grabbed some clothes off of his bag. "Don't mind me," he said teasingly. "But don't you two have a room of your own for that?"

Sadie rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at Mason. "Shut up, you," she said before turning back to Hunter with a smile on her face.

Hunter chuckled nervously as he adjusted his cock in his sweatpants. "Yeah, sorry about that," he said sheepishly. "We got carried away."

Mason just laughed and shrugged nonchalantly. "Hey man, it's all good," he said as he gestured for them to leave so he could get dressed. He was playing the part well, Hunter thought. Not acting jealous or overly familiar. Mason was better at this than he was.

Sadie laughed and shook her head at her brother's performance before turning on her heel to leave the guest room. "Alright, you two. Get dressed and come out when you're ready for breakfast," she said with a smile.

As soon as Sadie was gone, Mason turned to Hunter with a devilish grin on his face. "Still hard? After all that?"

Hunter blushed, unable to hide his arousal. "Yeah... sorry about that," he said sheepishly.

Mason just chuckled before moving closer to him and running a hand over his chest. "Don't be sorry, for kissing your girlfriend," he said softly. "I'm just glad you can't get enough of me," he added teasingly.

Hunter couldn't help but smile at Mason's confidence. "You know I can never resist you," he said, pulling him into a tight embrace and pressing his lips against his in a heated kiss.

Mason moaned softly into Hunter's mouth as their tongues danced together. He could feel Hunter's hard cock pressing against him through the fabric of his sweatpants. He loved how insatiable Hunter was.

After a few moments, they pulled away from each other to catch their breath. "We should probably get dressed and join Sadie for breakfast," Hunter said reluctantly.

Mason nodded in agreement before seductively dropping his towel and turning towards the bed, popping his bare ass out as he reached for his clothes.

Hunter couldn't resist the temptation and spanked Mason's bubble butt playfully. "You're such a tease," he said with a laugh.

Mason turned around with a smirk on his face. "And you love it," he replied before slipping on a pair of tight black briefs that hugged his bottom just perfectly.

Hunter couldn't deny that; he did love it. He loved everything about Mason--the way he looked, the way he smelled, and most of all, the way he made him feel.

Hunter went to shower next and Mason joined Sadie in the kitchen. As Hunter stepped out of the shower, he heard laughter coming from the kitchen. He quickly dried off and got dressed before heading out to join Sadie and Mason for breakfast.

As Hunter entered the kitchen, he saw Mason and Sadie sitting at the table with plates of food in front of them. They were laughing about something; it looked like they were having a great time. "What's so funny," Hunter asked with a smile as he walked over to the table.

Mason looked up at him with a grin on his face. "Oh, just reminiscing about old times," he said cryptically.

Sadie giggled before jumping in. "We were talking about the time we went to Disney World and Mason got lost for two hours because he was too busy hitting on some guy," she said teasingly.

"I wasn't hitting on some guy!" Mason protested, laughing. "I was only fifteen!"

Sadie scoffed. "Like that'd stop you," she quipped.

Hunter just shook his head with a smile on his face as they kept bantering. He loved seeing Mason and Sadie getting along so well, though somehow it made the guilt of their affair weigh even heavier.

After finishing breakfast, Sadie excused herself to take a shower and get ready. Hunter and Mason were left alone in the kitchen.

"So, it's the big university day finally," Hunter said, leaning against the counter. "The actual purpose of this trip," he smiled.

Mason chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm excited to see the campus again," he replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

Hunter watched Mason's lips as he took the sip, feeling himself growing hard once more. He forced himself to look away before speaking again. "But let's be real here... the biggest draw for you attending American is its proximity to me, isn't it?" Hunter asked with a smirk.

Mason blushed slightly but didn't deny it. "Well...that's definitely a factor," he admitted with a small smile.

Hunter chuckled. "I knew it," he said, moving closer to Mason and placing a hand on his waist.

Mason leaned into the touch, feeling heat spread through his body at Hunter's proximity. "What can I say? You're hard to resist," he replied with a playful grin.

Hunter leaned in close until their lips were just inches apart. "Is that so?" he asked softly before pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.

Mason moaned softly as they kissed, wrapping his arms around Hunter's neck and pulling him even closer.

As they pulled away from the kiss, Hunter took a deep breath and leaned his forehead against Mason's. "God, I can't get enough of you," he whispered.

Mason smiled softly at him before pulling away slightly to meet his gaze. "I feel the same way," he replied honestly. "But we have to be careful around Sadie."

Hunter nodded in agreement, knowing that their secret affair could ruin everything if it was ever discovered by anyone outside of them.

Just then, they heard Sadie leave the bathroom and quickly separated. She strolled into the kitchen in a casual outfit. "Ready for the tour?" she asked with a smile as she grabbed her purse.

Mason nodded eagerly before grabbing his own bag and following her out of the apartment with Hunter trailing behind them silently.

As they arrived on campus, Mason couldn't help but feel excited about the possibility of starting college there in just a few short months. He listened attentively as their guide showed them around various buildings and facilities on campus; but all throughout it all he couldn't stop thinking about how close this would bring him to Hunter once again.

As they walked around the campus, Sadie clung tightly to Hunter's hand. It was something that Mason wasn't used to seeing; he had never really spent much time with them together before, and it made him feel a twinge of guilt.

He knew how in love his sister was with Hunter--and how much Hunter loved her back--but he couldn't help but feel jealous of their relationship--their ability to be open and unapologetic. Hunter was always apologizing to him and prompting them to feel guilty. And honestly, Mason did feel guilty for intruding on their happiness by having an affair with Hunter behind her back.

Despite everything going through his head, Mason knew that there was something special between him and Hunter--something that went beyond just physical attraction or lust. They had a connection that he didn't share with anyone else--not even Sadie.

Mason tried his best to push those thoughts aside as they continued on the tour. He listened intently as their guide talked about different academic programs and student organizations, trying to focus on the present rather than dwelling on his complicated emotions.

At one point during the tour when they were walking through one of American University's libraries--Sadie stood back chatting with another parent--Hunter moved up next to Mason and pressed himself against him subtly so no one else would notice what was happening between them. "So, what do you think?" Hunter asked softly, his breath hot against Mason's ear.

Mason shivered at the sensation before responding. "It seems like a great school," he replied with a smile. "But honestly, my mind is kind of elsewhere right now," he added teasingly.

Hunter chuckled softly before leaning in to whisper again. "I can't blame you for that," he said seductively as his hand brushed against Mason's lower back.

Mason couldn't help but feel himself growing hard at Hunter's touch and words; it was so difficult trying to hide their attraction to each other when they were so close together all day long and Hunter was being Sadie's boyfriend. Goosebumps bloomed on his arms as he felt Hunter's big hand against him.

"We'll have to find a way to distract ourselves later," Mason replied with a smirk before pulling away slightly as they rejoined Sadie and the tour group.

The rest of the tour went by in a blur for Mason, his mind still racing with thoughts of Hunter. He could barely remember anything that was said after their library encounter; he was too focused on trying not to stare at Hunter's broad shoulders or think about what it would feel like if they were alone together again.

After the tour ended, Sadie suggested they grab lunch at one of her favorite restaurants nearby. They all agreed and soon found themselves seated at an outdoor table on the bustling street.

Mason tried his best to focus on their conversation but couldn't help stealing glances at Hunter whenever he thought no one was looking. He loved how masculine and confident he looked--how his muscles rippled under his shirt when he moved.

As Sadie chatted excitedly about how great it would be for Mason to attend American University, Hunter felt a surge of guilt. He and Mason had been sneaking around behind her back--lying and cheating--but he couldn't help the way he felt.

He loved both Sadie and Mason in different ways; but there was something about his secret affair with Mason that made him feel alive--a spark inside him that he had never experienced before. It wasn't just lust or physical attraction; it was something deeper than that--something like young love. But still, the more Sadie talked about how great it would be for Mason to be nearby, apprehension began bubbling up in Hunter's mind. Could he handle being so close to Mason for the long-term? It was so much more likely that they would get caught if they had a proper affair that carried on and on.

Hunter tried to refocus on the conversation at hand. "Yeah, it would be great for us to be close by," Mason replied to Sadie with a smile.

Sadie nodded eagerly before turning her attention back to Hunter. "And you know what? Hunter has a lot of connections on the Hill. He could probably help you find an internship pretty easily," she said excitedly.

Hunter forced a smile and nodded, trying to push aside his guilt. "Yeah, I could definitely help you out with that if you decide to come here," he said.

Sadie suddenly excused herself to use the bathroom, leaving Hunter and Mason alone at the table. There was a brief moment of awkward silence between them before Mason spoke up.

"You know... Sadie seems really excited about me going here," he said softly, looking down at his hands.

Hunter nodded slowly, feeling guilty all over again. "Yeah... She is," he replied.

Mason looked up at him, his intense blue eyes locking onto Hunter's. "But what about you?" he asked softly.

Hunter swallowed hard before meeting Mason's gaze. "What do you mean?"

Mason leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you want me to come here? To be close to you?" he asked earnestly.

Hunter felt himself growing hot under Mason's gaze and words; the intensity of their attraction was overwhelming at times like this--when they were alone together with no one else around them but each other... "I don't know," he replied honestly after a moment of hesitation. "It could be... complicated."

Mason nodded slowly before looking down again, disappointment clear on his face.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want it," Hunter added quickly, placing a hand over Mason's on the table and squeezing gently. "I'm just... fuck Mase, I don't know. I'm scared. I'm scared of what it would mean to see you all the time. To have easy access to you." He pulled his hand back.

Mason looked back up at him. "I get it," he said softly. "It's scary to think about what could happen if we were together all the time."

Hunter nodded slowly, feeling a sense of relief wash over him that Mason understood his apprehension.

"But... that doesn't mean we can't try," Mason added with a small smile. "We've been sneaking around all week, and it's been amazing. We can keep doing that if we have to," he said, his voice low.

Hunter felt a surge of desire at the thought of continuing their secret affair; there was something so thrilling about sneaking around behind Sadie's back--something almost taboo. But the fear and guilt still gnawed away at him. For the last couple days he'd successfully suppressed it, lost in his infatuation with Mason while Sadie was at work, but now... she was here with them, his worlds were colliding... and Mason was leaving. How could he possibly manage this if Mason never left? If he was here all the time?

Hunter took a deep breath before responding. "I don't know, Mase... it's risky," he said softly.

Mason leaned in even closer, his eyes smoldering with desire. "But it's worth it, isn't it?" he asked seductively, rubbing his foot against Hunter's under the table.

Hunter couldn't help but feel himself growing hard at Mason's words and the way he was looking at him--like nothing else mattered to him except them being together. He knew it was wrong; that Mason was so young and that he shouldn't let a teenager drive his decision making; that they could never be open about their feelings for each other; that it was perverted to be in love with Sadie and her little brother at the same time... But still something inside him yearned for this sexy boy more than anything else in the world... Hunter shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. "I don't know if it's worth it," he finally said with a sigh.

Mason looked surprised and hurt for a split second--clearly not expecting that reply-- but quickly regained his composure, looking at him suspiciously. "Yesterday I asked you what would happen when I left," he said, clearly trying to keep his voice measured; "You said we would figure it out together. Now it sounds like you're ready to push me away again."

Hunter felt a pang of guilt at the hurt in Mason's voice. He knew he was being indecisive and that it wasn't fair to Mason. "I'm sorry," he said, shifting awkwardly in his chair. "I just don't know what to do. And thinking about what happens when you go back to Jersey is different from thinking about what happens if you live here all the fucking time!"

Mason nodded slowly, looking down at his hands. "I know it's a big decision if I come to D.C. or not. It's not like I don't have other options Hunter. Good options. But I want to be with you--be close to you. But if you don't want me to come here just say so."

Hunter looked at Mason, feeling torn. "It's not that I don't want you here," he said slowly. "I do... But... I can barely keep my life together when you're here for a few days, Mason--let alone having you here for the long haul."

Hunter noticed Mason's face suddenly change--darken. "So you're saying I'm just a hot side-piece to you," said quietly. "Like something that's fun for a few days but doesn't mean anything in the end."

Hunter looked at him incredulously. "What are you talking about? That's not true," he replied defensively.

Mason rolled his eyes slightly. "Come on, Hunter... You've been trying to break things off with me since the day we first hooked up," he said.

"That's because this is complicated, Mason! You're my girlfriend's little brother!" Hunter whispered with exasperation. He paused for a long moment and Mason just slumped in his chair, looking at him with burning eyes. "Mase..." he started. He DID care about him--the kid meant fucking everything to him. But so did his sister! And that's what made this so impossible. How could Hunter possibly live his life with both of those things being true at the same time--all the time?

"Phew, sorry I took so long!" Sadie suddenly said, emerging from the restaurant. Hunter jumped and turned to look at her, plastering a smile on his face but screaming inside that his conversation with Mason was interrupted. He had so much he wanted to say. He watched as Mason dragged his gaze off of him and made a weak attempt at not looking upset. "What did I miss?" Sadie asked, sitting back down at the table.

Hunter and Mason exchanged a tense glance before Hunter replied with a smile. "Nothing much, babe. Just discussing the tour," he said smoothly.

Sadie nodded eagerly as she took a sip of her drink. "It's such a great school, right?" she asked rhetorically.

Mason nodded slowly before speaking up. "Yeah, it definitely has its positives," he said. "But there are also some negatives to consider."

Hunter suddenly realized that Mason was going negative because of him and what he'd just said; his heart sank at the thought.

Sadie looked confused for a moment before responding. "Like what?" she asked curiously.

Mason hesitated for a moment before responding carefully. "Well... the cost for one. Mom and Dad's college fund isn't as big as it was before you blew through it."

Sadie's face darkened at the remark, and Hunter could feel the tension between them growing. "Mason," she said sternly. "You know I didn't blow through it. I had to pay for tuition too."

Hunter felt his stomach drop as he realized what was happening. Mason was setting himself up to sabotage going to American because he was upset about their conversation. And he was jabbing at Sadie to do it.

Mason looked at her with a cold, hard stare. "Maybe if you had gone to Rutgers for free tuition instead of Georgetown to become a fucking nurse, I'd have some more flexibility," he muttered cruelly.

Hunter's jaw dropped at the harshness of Mason's words. He had never seen this side of him before--so cold and bitter. He'd seen the jealous side, but usually it played out with Mason being recklessly seductive; this was recklessly cruel.

Sadie looked hurt and angry, her eyes flashing. "Excuse me?" she asked sharply.

Mason didn't back down, his jaw clenched and flexed. "You heard me," he said firmly. "I'm just saying that there are other factors to consider besides the school's facilities and being close to you."

Hunter could feel himself getting anxious as the argument continued to escalate; it was clear that Mason was trying to deflect from their own issues by attacking Sadie. "Guys, come on," he said, trying to interject. "Let's not fight about this."

But it was too late; Sadie had already stood up from the table and was glaring at Mason. "You know what? Maybe you should consider going somewhere else if you're going to be such an asshole," she snapped before storming off.

Mason watched her go with blank eyes before turning back to Hunter. "There you go. You don't have to worry about it anymore," he said coldly.

Hunter felt a surge of anger at Mason's dismissive tone. "What the hell was that, Mason?" he asked, his voice low.

Mason shrugged indifferently. "I'm just being honest," he replied.

Hunter shook his head in disbelief; where had this cold and bitter side of Mason come from? He didn't want to push him away by yelling at him but it seemed like there was no other option if they were going to have any sort of relationship beyond their secret affair. "Mason, you can't talk to your sister like that," Hunter said sternly. "She loves you--she wants nothing more than for you to be happy."

Mason scoffed and rolled his eyes before responding sarcastically. "Oh yeah, she'd be really happy for me if she knew I was fucking her boyfriend," he whispered, aiming a fiery look at Hunter.

Hunter recoiled slightly at Mason's words, feeling like he'd been punched in the gut. "That's not fair," Hunter replied softly after a moment of silence. "You know how much I care about both of you. You're not listening to me."

Mason looked away from him, his eyes distant. "I don't know what to do anymore," he said quietly. "Maybe you're right and none of this is worth it."

Hunter sighed heavily, feeling the weight of their complicated situation crushing down on him. He wanted so badly to be with Mason--all the time--but he knew it was impossible. "I don't know what to do either," he said softly. "But I think we should take some time to figure things out before making any big decisions."

Mason rolled his eyes again. "Well I have to make a decision on where I'm going to school in less than three weeks... And that's a pretty big decision, Hunter."

Hunter nodded slowly, feeling the pressure mounting. "I know it is," he said softly. "But I don't want you to make that decision based on me."

Mason looked at him skeptically. "You mean you don't want me to come here?" he asked, letting the loaded question hang between them.

Hunter shook his head quickly before reaching across the table and taking Mason's hand in his own. "No, Mase... that's not what I'm saying. I just... I need some time to figure things out."

Mason pulled his hand back from Hunter's grip and stood up from the table abruptly, looking angry and hurt all at once. "There is no time, Hunter. Either you want me here, or you don't. And I'm pretty sure I got my answer."

Hunter felt a pang of guilt at Mason's words, knowing that he had been avoiding making any real decisions about their relationship. But he also knew that it wasn't fair for Mason to put all the pressure on him. "Mase, come on... it's not that simple," Hunter said as Mason began to walk away from the table.

Mason turned back towards him, his eyes blazing. "Yes it is, Hunter!" he snapped before storming off down the street.

Hunter watched him go with a heavy heart and a sense of dread settling over him. This whole episode only proved to him that things would get worse if they continued down this path--with all three of them being hurt in the process--but at the same time, he couldn't imagine his life anymore without Mason in it--or Sadie. What the fuck! They had each stormed off in different directions. He sighed and paid the bill before getting up and looking up and down the street after them both. He texted Mason a simple "I'm sorry" and walked down the street to find his girlfriend.

Next: Chapter 12

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