His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Apr 3, 2023


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This is a work of fiction -- Feel free to contact the author about the story.

Hunter woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside and a warm ray of sunlight streaming in through the window. He stretched his arms above his head, feeling relaxed for the first time in weeks. Sadie had left early that morning for her shift at the hospital, leaving him alone with Mason.

As he got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, Hunter couldn't help but feel relieved that they hadn't been caught yet by Sadie or anyone else. But more than that, he was grateful just to have some time alone with Mason without any pressure or expectations hanging over them.

Hunter started cooking breakfast--eggs, bacon, toast--and soon enough it filled up their apartment with delicious smells. When everything was ready he called out: "Breakfast's ready!"

Mason slowly emerged from his room looking sleepy but also appreciative as he took in all of what Hunter had prepared on plates before sitting down at the table across from him.

"This looks amazing," Mason said earnestly before taking a bite out of an egg on toast. "I'm so glad I slept in today."

"Thanks Mase," Hunter replied happily as they began eating together; "I needed an easy morning too," he added while sipping coffee." I've been so busy lately."

They talked about random things during breakfast like soccer games and movies--but there wasn't even really any sexual teasing going on between them either which felt nice to Hunter considering how intense things had gotten recently.

Hunter and Mason finished breakfast in comfortable silence, enjoying the simple pleasure of good food and each other's company. After they were done eating, Hunter stood up to start cleaning up the kitchen while Mason offered to help. As they washed dishes together, neither of them spoke much--there was something peaceful about working side by side with someone you cared about without needing words to fill the space between you.

Finally, after a few minutes of scrubbing pots and pans in contented quietness, Mason broke the stillness: "So what happens when I go back home tomorrow night?"

Hunter paused for a moment before answering--he had been trying not to think too far ahead since he didn't want to ruin their time together now. But deep down inside he knew that this couldn't last forever; eventually they would have to face reality again.

"I don't know," Hunter finally said with a sigh as he dried off his hands on a dish towel. "I mean... we can keep talking on the phone or texting or whatever like we've been doing but... it's going to be hard not being able to see each other."

Mason nodded thoughtfully before speaking again: "Yeah... I get that." He looked over at Hunter tentatively before taking another breath. "But I also don't want to just pretend like this never happened, you know? Like... we can't go back to the way things were before. I care about you too much for that."

Hunter turned to face Mason fully now, his expression serious as he listened carefully. "I feel the same way," Hunter said softly. "But... It's not going to be easy either. We have a lot of obstacles in our way."

Mason nodded again--it was true; there were so many things that could potentially ruin what they had: Sadie finding out, their families disapproving, or even just the distance between them.

"But..." Hunter continued after a moment of silence, taking Mason's hand and squeezing it gently. "I'm sure we'll figure it out together."

Mason smiled at Hunter's words, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. He had never felt this way about anyone before--this intense connection that he shared with Hunter was something special and he didn't want to let it go.

"I hope so," Mason said softly as they finished cleaning up the kitchen together. "Because I don't think I could handle losing you now."

Hunter turned to look at Mason, seeing the sincerity in his eyes reflected back at him. For a moment, all of his doubts and fears melted away--he knew deep down inside that no matter what happened next between them, he would always care for Mason deeply.

"Me neither," Hunter replied honestly before leaning in to kiss Mason gently on the lips; "come on let's get ready; we should do something fun today."

Mason grinned against Hunter's mouth as they kissed back passionately for several long moments before breaking apart breathlessly: "Yeah... let's make today count," he agreed eagerly.

After breakfast, Hunter and Mason decided to take a shower together. They stripped down and stepped into the warm water, feeling their muscles relax as the steam filled the small bathroom. Mason couldn't help but stare at Hunter's body as the water cascaded down his broad, muscular frame. The way the droplets clung to his skin made him look even more sculpted and defined than usual. Mason had always found Hunter attractive, but seeing him like this was almost too much for him to handle.

"You're staring," Hunter said with a smirk, catching Mason's gaze.

Mason blushed slightly, feeling caught out. "Sorry," he mumbled sheepishly.

"Don't be sorry," Hunter replied, pulling him closer under the spray of water. "I like it when you look at me."

Mason felt a shiver run down his spine as Hunter reached out and ran his hands over Mason's slim yet toned chest and shoulders. He let out a soft moan as they kissed deeply--water dripping from their embracing bodies.

As they washed each other's backs, Mason couldn't help but notice how gentle Hunter was being with him. He had always seen a rougher side to his lover in bed, so this tenderness was new and exciting. The way he would massage his shoulders or rub the soap into his skin made Mason feel cherished and adored.

Hunter meanwhile was enjoying just the feel of Mason close to him under the hot water. It felt like they were both finally letting themselves relax after all the tension of their secret affair; it wasn't about rushing through sex or trying to get away with something risky--it was just two guys taking care of each other in a moment of intimacy.

As they continued to wash each other, their hands began to explore more intimate areas. Mason reached down and took hold of Hunter's thick shaft, stroking it gently as he kissed him deeply. Hunter let out a low growl of pleasure at the sensation.

Hunter reciprocated by reaching around and teasing Mason's hole with his fingers--running them over the sensitive skin and eliciting moans from his lover. He could feel how turned on Mason was just from this simple touch--it made him want to push things further.

Before long, they were making out and both hard as rocks under the water--their cocks rubbing together in a hot friction that had them both panting with desire. They broke away from their kiss for a moment so that Hunter could reach up and grab some shampoo; he lathered it up in his hands before running them through Mason's hair.

After he worked the suds into Mason's dark locks, he couldn't resist leaning in close again--this time taking hold of his lover's cock. He pumped it slowly while kissing him deeply; then reached around to the boy's ass and used two fingers to tease around his tight little rosebud until finally sliding one inside. Mason gasped at the sudden intrusion but quickly found himself bucking back against that probing finger greedily wanting more.

Hunter chuckled softly at the eagerness of his lover--he loved how responsive Mason was to his touch. He added another finger, feeling how tight and hot he was inside as he stretched him open.

Mason moaned wantonly under the water, loving every moment of their intimate playtime together. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Hunter all to himself like this--any guilt about betraying his sister miles away from this moment.

As Hunter continued fingering him in time with stroking his cock, Mason knew that they were building up towards something explosive. His body felt so alive and sensitive under the hot spray of water--it made every touch feel even more intense.

Finally unable to hold back any longer, Mason came hard into Hunter's hand--his entire body shaking with pleasure as waves of ecstasy washed over him.

Hunter grinned as he watched his lover come undone under his touch. He continued to stroke him and finger him through the intense pleasure, not stopping until Mason had finished riding out his climax.

After a few moments of recovery, Mason felt his energy returning. He looked down at Hunter's erection and couldn't resist the urge to touch him again--he had come so hard that he wanted to give back some pleasure.

Reaching out tentatively, Mason began stroking Hunter's thick shaft with one hand as he leaned in for another kiss; this time it was more urgent than before as they both craved each other's passionate affection. Mason teased the head of Hunter's cock, rubbing his thumb slowly over the piss-slit and Hunter let out a low moan at the sensation. The way Mason touched him made every nerve ending in his body tingle with excitement was intoxicating.

Mason could feel how big and hard Hunter's cock was under his fingers--it made him want to do everything possible to bring him even more pleasure. He kissed down along Hunter's chest while continuing to stroke him.

Hunter let out a deep groan as Mason's lips found their way to his nipples, nibbling and sucking on them before trailing down his stomach. When he reached Hunter's cock, he took it in his mouth once again--savoring the taste of him as he bobbed up and down.

Hunter could feel himself getting closer to the edge with each passing moment--the way Mason was working him over was driving him wild with desire. He ran his fingers through Mason's hair while gently thrusting into that hot wet mouth eagerly.

Mason continued to suck hungrily on Hunter's length--he wanted nothing more than for this man to cum hard inside of him; the feeling of that thick cream filling up has been one of the most erotic experiences of his life. He'd swear that he was becoming addicted to it.

Finally unable to hold back any longer, Hunter came hard into Mason's waiting mouth--filling it like a wellspring gushing forth its offering. Mason held it in his mouth, savoring the taste as Hunter panted and groaned above him. Hunter opened his eyes as Mason slipped his lips off his cock, the boy was mostly sheltered from the cascading water by Hunter's hulking form.

Mason looked up at Hunter with a sly grin on his face before opening his mouth wide, showing him the thick load of cum that he had just swallowed. It was a perverse, erotic sight to see--all that hot seed filling Mason's mouth and then being displayed like a trophy for Hunter.

Hunter let out a deep groan at the sight--he couldn't believe how sexy it was to see Mason holding onto his release like this. He reached down and pulled the boy up to him. He kissed him deeply, tasting himself in the process; their tongues tangled together as they shared this intimate moment under the water spray.

As they continued to kiss, the hot water began to fade. Hunter pulled away from Mason with a sigh.

"We should probably rinse off and get out of here before we catch hypothermia," he said with a small laugh.

Mason laughed as well--he had almost forgotten how long they had been in there together. They quickly rinsed off under the now-lukewarm water; Hunter turned off the showerhead and stepped out onto the bathmat. He grabbed towels for both of them, handing one over to Mason--who took it gratefully as he stepped out shivering slightly from the chilly air.

As they dried themselves off, Mason couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. Being here with Hunter like this--sharing something so intimate and secret--it made him feel alive in ways that nothing else ever had. Hunter felt it too--the way his heart pounded against his chest as he looked at Mason's sexy face and toned body; it was all he could do not to take him back into bed right then and there. It was just so hard to resist Mason's seductive charms when they were alone together like this. But he knew they had a lot of things they wanted to do today--their last day alone together--so he forced himself to focus on toweling off.

They headed back into Hunter's bedroom where they lay naked on top of the covers together feeling warm and relaxed from their shower session. They were on their backs with Mason cuddled up against Hunter's side, playing with his pubes idly. Hunter stroked Mason's hair with one hand and the other rested behind his head.

"I'm sorry," Hunter said, suddenly breaking their comfortable silence.

"For what?" asked Mason confusedly, looking up at him.

"For being so hesitant about this whole thing," Hunter replied, his voice laced with regret. "I know I've been holding back and it's not fair to you."

Mason sat up slightly, looking down at him. He could see the sincerity in Hunter's eyes--it was clear that he was struggling with something.

"You don't have to apologize," Mason said softly. "I knew what I was getting into when we started this--how complicated things were going to be."

Hunter shook his head, running a hand through Mason's hair affectionately. "No, you deserve better than me just stringing you along like this," he said earnestly.

Mason leaned in and kissed him tenderly--their lips meeting in a soft caress before pulling away again.

"I'm happy as long as we can have time like this together--even if nobody else knows about it," he said quietly.

Hunter smiled and kissed the top of Mason's head. He got up from the bed and went to get dressed, Mason did the same, running to the guest room to find some clothes. Hunter chuckled as he watched the naked boy flee the room, trying not to think about Sadie and how wrong this all was.

Mason put on the new Stonewall shirt they'd bought yesterday and proudly strutted back into Hunter's room while trying to get Hunter to wear his new Ben Franklin one. But despite Mason's best efforts at persuasion--including pouting cutely--Hunter refused with a good-natured smile, opting for a trendy half-zip instead. Mason made fun of him for looking like a "douchey finbro on his day off," and just Hunter smiled and bowed.

Mason wanted to make the long walk into the city, rather than take the Metro, so they strolled with purpose from Hunter and Sadie's apartment in Adams Morgan towards the National Mall. They walked from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial and around the bay, seeing all the other impressive monuments along the way while Mason took countless selfies. Hunter enjoyed playing tour guide for Mason, pointing out interesting facts about each monument or sharing his own memories of visiting them as a kid. He also enjoyed showing off some lesser-known spots like the FDR and WWII memorials that he felt were just as impressive but less crowded than the big attractions.

Next, they made their way to Capitol Hill and took a tour of the United States Capitol building. Mason was fascinated by the history and architecture of the building while Hunter loved sharing his knowledge about Congress with him. Mason was stunned when he saw one of his senators moving quickly through the lobby, followed by a gaggle of aides and reporters. Afterwards, they walked over to the White House where they were able to snap some photos from outside before moving on. For lunch, Hunter took Mason to one of his favorite food trucks--their specialty being taco bowls--and then sat down together in a nearby park eating under a shady tree.

Mason and Hunter chatted away as they ate their taco bowls, enjoying the warm sunshine and cool breeze of the park. They talked about everything from politics to music and shared funny stories from growing up.

"So, I know you're a finbro," Mason said teasingly as he crunched on his lunch; "but please tell me you vote blue."

Hunter rolled his eyes good-naturedly before replying: "Yeah yeah, I vote Democrat... but I definitely am not part of the far-left woke brigade."

Mason chuckled. "That's fair, I respect that. At least we can agree on voting blue." He looked back up at Hunter skeptically. "But what do you mean by 'woke' exactly?" he asked.

Hunter sighed. It felt like a leading question. He had grown increasingly frustrated with the way people seemed to jump on any perceived offense without taking into account context or intent. "Well... it's just this idea that everyone has to be super politically correct all the time and anything even remotely controversial or not in line with super progressive ideas is grounds for being canceled," Hunter explained, trying to find the right words; "it's like people are always looking for something new to get outraged about."

Mason still looked puzzled. "But isn't it important to hold people accountable for saying offensive things?" he countered. "I mean... we shouldn't just surrender the internet to haters and nazis."

Hunter nodded in agreement. "Of course, we should hold people accountable for their actions and words, but the problem is that sometimes there's no room for nuance or understanding different perspectives," he explained before continuing; "I just don't like how cancel culture can be so quick to judge with little context."

Mason considered Hunter's point of view. He had always been a strong advocate for social justice causes and believed in standing up against hate speech, but maybe there was some merit to what Hunter was saying. "I see your point," Mason said finally. "But I still think it's important to speak out against harmful language or behavior."

Hunter nodded again. "Absolutely... but let's not automatically assume the worst about someone based on one comment they made online," he said firmly.

They continued to talk about politics for a little while longer before the conversation turned to music with a funny transition involving Lil Nas X.

"Come on, you can't tell me that mumble rap crap is music," Hunter said, nudging Mason's shoulder.

Mason laughed and shook his head. "You don't know what you're talking about, man! Trap is good shit. You gotta listen to more Lil Uzi or Migos. Those beats are sick."

Hunter raised an eyebrow skeptically. "I'll take your word for it, but personally I prefer more classic rock. Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin... that kind of stuff."

Mason nodded in agreement. "I love that old stuff too, but there's just something about modern hip hop that speaks to me," he said thoughtfully. "It's raw and real and I can just lose myself in it."

Hunter shrugged dismissively. "To each their own, I guess. But you're not going to convince me anytime soon."

Mason chuckled and shook his head before taking another bite of his taco bowl.

Hunter couldn't help but smile at Mason's enthusiasm. As they kept eating their lunch together under the shade of the tree, they kept talking about music, then movies, and eventually started talking about childhood. Mason wanted to know more about Hunter when he was younger. He leaned forward with interest as Hunter began to tell the story of his high school days. It was fascinating to learn more about this man he had become so infatuated with.

"So... back when I was in high school," Hunter began; "I played football and was pretty popular. But, I was actually kind of shy and didn't really have much confidence around girls. I had this awkward tall guy thing going on."

Mason laughed. "Had?" he teased and Hunter pushed him laughing before he continued.

"Honestly, I was afraid of like... crushing them or something," he said bashfully and Mason laughed again. "So one day during lunch period my senior year, me and some football buddies were in the cafeteria at lunch, goofing off like normal," Hunter continued. "And then all of a sudden my friend Jake snuck up behind me and pulled down my shorts."

Mason laughed and looked at him incredulously. "Oh god--wait, like underwear or full cock and balls?"

"Full on cock and balls," Hunter confirmed with a smirk, blushing; "it happened so fast there wasn't even time to cover up."

Mason couldn't help but burst out laughing as he imagined it happening--and how hot it must've been to see his hung lover exposed like that. "That's hilarious!" he exclaimed between laughs; "but also... kinda hot? Wish I'd been there to see that big dick swinging around out in the open like that," he said with a smirk. "Nothing like that ever happens at my school."

Hunter couldn't help but smile back at Mason, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. "Yeah, it was definitely funny looking back on it now," he said laughing; "but at the time I was mortified."

Mason felt a sudden surge of desire. He leaned in closer to him, his voice dropping to a low whisper. "If I was there," Mason said seductively, "I would've taken you straight to the bathroom and sucked you off until you forgot all about being embarrassed."

Hunter's eyes widened in surprise at Mason's words. He had always found the younger man to be incredibly sexy and bold, but this was a whole new level of daring. "Mase," Hunter said softly, his voice laced with lust; "you have no idea what you do to me."

Mason leaned in even closer, feeling his heart racing with excitement. He could feel Hunter's breath hot against his face and the heat of his body so close to him. "I think I do," Mason whispered back, a devilish smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I know exactly what you want... and what I want too."

Hunter was about to reply when he heard a voice from nearby. "Hey, Hunter!" Hunter felt a sudden pang of fear as he heard the voice, snapping him out of the erotic moment with Mason. He turned quickly to see his friend Greg from work and his wife and Lisa approaching them. Fuck! They both knew Sadie! Did they see how close he was to Mason? His panic built as his mind swirled with how wrong this could go, but he managed to stand up and plaster a smile on his face.

"Hey Greg! Lisa. What are you two doing here?" Hunter asked, trying to sound natural.

Greg grinned back at Hunter, clapping him on the shoulder. "We're just taking in the beautiful day," he explained. How've you been, man? We never see each other anymore since the office went remote."

Hunter relaxed a little bit, since Greg didn't seem suspicious at all. "Oh you know, just grinding away in the home office. Trying to be a good house husband since Sadie is finishing her certification and pulling a ton of extra shifts at the hospital." He felt a surge of guilt as he said it, knowing that he was actually a cheating scumbag.

Greg and Lisa smiled. "Speaking of which," Greg said. "Where is that lovely girlfriend of yours? Don't tell me she's missing this beautiful weather cooped up in the hospital!"

Hunter chuckled awkwardly, feeling a strange mix of guilt and relief wash over him all at once. It was disconcerting being around other people and hiding what had been going on between him and Mason. Oh shit! Mason, he glanced around and saw that he had stood too and was standing just behind him.

"Yeah, she had a shift today unfortunately," Hunter said smoothly while trying not to look too flustered; "but her little brother is visiting us from out-of-town," he added, gesturing towards where Mason stood somewhat awkwardly. "This is Mason."

Greg and Lisa both greeted Mason warmly. "I was wondering what you were doing hanging out with a kid!" Greg joked, not knowing just how awkward it made Hunter feel. Mason exchanged pleasantries with them while Hunter felt grateful that they seemed oblivious to his own internal struggle at seeing his friends interact with his... affair.

"So what brings you to D.C., Mason?" Greg asked curiously.

Mason shrugged nonchalantly. "Just taking one last look at American before I commit to a school."

Greg nodded in understanding. "Ah, gotcha. Well, it's a great school," he said with a smile.

Lisa chimed in eagerly, "Yeah! And it's such a great city for students. I hope you decide to come here! It would be nice to be so close to your sister."

Mason smiled back at Lisa, feeling grateful for her enthusiasm, but glancing at Hunter and thinking about how there would be another more unsavory motive for going to school here. "Thanks! It would be great," he said, all smiles. "I'm definitely considering it."

Hunter watched the exchange with a sense of detachment, still feeling somewhat disconnected from reality after his erotic moment with Mason was interrupted by Greg's arrival. He wondered if there would ever be a time again when he could just be himself around other people without constantly worrying about keeping secrets or hiding parts of his life. He was relieved when eventually Greg and Lisa said their goodbyes before heading off down the path.

"Well... that was fun," Hunter said finally once his friends had left.

Mason grinned mischievously at Hunter. "Yeah, it was great seeing you squirm like that," he teased playfully.

Hunter rolled his eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He loved Mason's sense of humor and playful nature--it always made him feel more relaxed and carefree. He checked the time on his phone and sighed, realizing he needed to head back soon. They had spent most of the day together exploring D.C., but he still wanted to make sure there was enough time for them to go grocery shopping and cook dinner before Sadie got home.

He turned towards Mason with a smile. "Hey man, hate to cut this short but we should probably start heading back," Hunter said apologetically. "We still need to grab some groceries if we're going to have dinner ready in time for Sadie."

Mason nodded, even though part of him felt disappointed that their day out was coming to an end so soon. "Of course, no problem," Mason said easily. "Thanks for showing me around today, Hunt. It was really awesome."

Hunter smiled back at him. "Anytime man. It's actually been great hanging out and getting to know you instead of just... you know." His face flushed.

Mason couldn't resist teasing Hunter a little bit. "Just what, Hunt? Fucking me senseless?" he asked with an impish grin.

Hunter rolled his eyes but smiled despite himself. "Yeah... something like that," he said playfully. He looked around before smacking Mason lightly on the butt. "Let's go, brat. We'll take the Metro back."

As the crowded subway jostled them, Hunter felt Mason's body pressed tightly against his own. He could feel every movement of the younger man's toned frame through their clothes, and it was driving him wild with desire. All he wanted to do in that moment was reach out and touch him, but he knew better than to risk exposing their secret relationship.

Mason seemed to be playing a dangerous game as well; Hunter could sense the impish grin on his lips even without turning around. The younger man started rubbing his ass back and forth against Hunter ever so subtly, enough for only they to know what he meant--but it drove Hunter insane with lust.

Hunter groaned softly as pleasure shot through him like electricity. He glanced nervously around at the other passengers before trying unsuccessfully to pull away from Mason's tempting body.

Mason couldn't resist teasing any longer; he leaned his head back to rest on Hunter's shoulder and whispered seductively: "I can feel how hard you are right now... It turns me on."

Hunter shuddered involuntarily at Mason's words--every nerve ending in his body suddenly alive with sensation--and an intense heat flooded into his face. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but the temptation was too much to resist. He slid a hand down to cup Mason's ass, feeling the firm muscle beneath his fingers. Mason moaned softly at the touch and pushed back into Hunter's hand.

Hunter glanced around nervously once again; there were still several people standing close by them on the crowded subway car, but none of them seemed to notice what was happening between him and Mason. Emboldened by that fact--and driven wild by desire--he started groping even more boldly at Mason's bubble butt through his jeans.

Mason gasped in surprise as Hunter squeezed him hard--sending a spike of pleasure shooting up through his body--and then leaned even closer against Hunter's chest. Hunter could feel the heat radiating off Mason's body, and he knew that if they stayed like this much longer, he was going to lose control. He reluctantly pulled his hand away from Mason's ass and cleared his throat.

"We should stop," Hunter said hoarsely. "We're almost at our stop anyways."

Mason pouted but nodded in agreement; he knew Hunter was right. He still rolled his hips one more time, grinding his ass into Hunter's crotch making him groan softly in response. They both quickly composed themselves as the train pulled into their stop.

As they walked out of the station, Hunter felt a mixture of shame and desire coursing through his veins. He knew what they were doing was wrong on so many levels--cheating on Sadie, risking exposure in public--but he couldn't seem to help himself when it came to Mason. The younger man had an almost supernatural hold over him that made it impossible for Hunter to resist his charms.

As they walked towards the grocery store, Mason couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that their intimate moment on the subway had been cut short. He had been hoping for a little more excitement, but he knew Hunter was right to be cautious. They couldn't risk getting caught and ruining everything.

They walked quietly towards the grocery store side-by-side and Mason couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that their intimate moment on the subway had been cut short. He had been hoping for a little more excitement, but he knew Hunter was right to be cautious. They couldn't risk getting caught and ruining everything. They spent the next twenty minutes picking out ingredients for dinner while making small talk and joking around with each other.

As they walked back to the apartment with the groceries, Hunter and Mason couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building between them. The electricity from their earlier encounter on the subway was still pulsing through their veins, and they both knew that they were going to need an outlet for their pent-up desire soon.

The minute they got through the door, Hunter pulled Mason into his arms and started kissing him hungrily. Their tongues tangled in a frenzied dance as their hands roamed over each other's bodies. The groceries lay forgotten on the kitchen counter as they continued to kiss passionately.

Mason moaned softly against Hunter's lips, feeling his cock hardening with desire. He wrapped his arms around Hunter's neck and pressed himself closer to him, grinding their hips together for maximum pleasure.

Hunter's hands moved down to Mason's ass, squeezing it hard as he lifted him up off the ground. Mason wrapped his legs around Hunter's waist, moaning even louder now as their erections rubbed together through their clothes.

Hunter carried Mason towards the bedroom, never breaking their kiss--his mind focused solely on satisfying his burning desire for the younger man. When they reached the bed, he gently laid Mason down, quickly stripping off his shirt and pants before turning his attention to his own clothes.

Mason watched hungrily as Hunter undressed in front of him; every inch of exposed skin made him more aroused than ever before. He couldn't believe how good-looking Hunter was--the way that taut muscles rippled under his skin with every move he made--and knowing that this gorgeous man wanted nothing more than to be inside him filled him with an almost overwhelming sense of lust.

Hunter crawled onto the bed next to Mason and started kissing his neck slowly while running a hand over one nipple. The sensation made Mason shiver in delight--he had always been sensitive there--and he arched into Hunter's touch instinctively.

After a few minutes of teasing like this, Hunter slid down between Mason's legs and peeled off his underwear, slowly. Mason's hard cock popped out, already dripping precum, but Hunter had other plans.

He leaned in close to Mason's body and started kissing his inner thighs, moving closer and closer to his ass. Hunter growled as he flipped Mason onto his stomach and took a good look at that bubbly soccer butt, smacking it lightly before spreading those cheeks apart and leaning in close to that sexy hole.

"Please... please eat my ass," Mason begged. His voice was hoarse with desire.

Hunter grinned wickedly at Mason's plea and buried his face between those cheeks, licking around the tight ring of muscle teasingly. He could feel Mason squirming beneath him, moaning softly as he worked his tongue deeper into that hot hole.

Mason gasped in pleasure as Hunter licked and probed at his ass with increasing intensity. His fingers dug into the sheets below him as he arched his ass up against Hunter's mouth--his body trembling with desire.

He spent a long time eating that tight hole. By the time Hunter pulled back, his mouth was dripping with his own spit and Mason was panting below him. He reached for the lube--knowing that Mason needed more now than just his tongue. He coated two fingers with the slick substance before pressing them gently against Mason's hole.

Mason moaned softly as he felt those fingers sliding inside him, stretching him open in preparation. He could feel himself getting harder by the second--the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level--and he knew that he was going to cum soon if they kept this up much longer.

Hunter worked his fingers slowly at first then gradually increased their speed and intensity; curling them expertly inside Mason's body until finally hitting that sweet spot deep within causing a rush of pleasure like never before making him cry out in ecstasy.

"Holy fuck, Hunter," he groaned. "You really know how to do it!"

Hunter grinned as he added a third finger, watching Mason squirm and writhe in pleasure beneath him. He knew that the younger man was close--his body trembling with need--and he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had brought him to this point.

He worked his fingers even faster now, pressing them deep inside until finally, Mason let out a loud cry of release. His body shook with pleasure and he writhed on the sheet; Hunter continued working his fingers for another few moments until finally pulling back and grinning down at the younger man.

"Good?" Hunter asked teasingly.

Mason nodded wordlessly, still catching his breath from the sensation's release. "Incredible," he managed eventually between gasps of air. "I-I didn't cum... but-but it sure felt like I did..."

Hunter grinned. "Well let's make sure you cum for real, baby." Mason nodded weakly but eagerly. Hunter quickly applied lube to his own cock before taking a moment to admire the boy's beautiful back and ass underneath him and lining himself up against Mason's hole. He pushed forward gently but firmly--the slickness allowing easy entry--and soon was buried balls-deep inside the younger man's ass.

Mason moaned loudly as he felt Hunter's cock sliding deep inside him. He could feel every inch of that thick member stretching him open, filling him up completely with pleasure.

Hunter started moving slowly at first--thrusting in and out of Mason's ass with long, slow strokes--but soon picked up the pace as their desire reached a fever pitch. They moved together rhythmically now; each thrust sending jolts of ecstasy through Mason's body making his head swim.

The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, mixing with their moans and gasps to create an erotic symphony that quickly filled both men with a sense of primal lust.

Mason was lost in sensation; his whole being consumed by the pleasure coursing through his veins. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to orgasm--the pressure building within him like a volcano about to erupt--and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he came hard all over Hunter's sheets.

Hunter didn't want that though, then they'd need to wash the sheets, and he didn't have time to do that and cook before Sadie came home.

Hunter suddenly pulled out of Mason's ass, making the younger man moan in disappointment. But then Hunter grabbed his hand and led him over to Sadie's vanity, bending him over it so that he was facing the mirror.

Mason gasped as he saw himself and Hunter behind him in the reflection--the erotic sight only intensifying his lust even more. He felt a thrill shoot through him as Hunter slid back inside of him--his huge cock filling Mason up once again.

Mason's eyes were wide as he watched Hunter thrusting into him from behind in the mirror. It was such an erotic sight--seeing his own face contorted in pleasure as Hunter drove deep inside of him.

Hunter leaned forward, his hands gripping Mason's hips tightly as he increased the speed of his thrusts. He could feel himself getting closer to orgasm now--the heat building within him like a wildfire--and he knew that it wouldn't be long before they both came hard.

Mason moaned loudly, feeling every inch of that thick cock rubbing against all the right spots inside him. His whole body was alive with sensation; every nerve ending on fire with desire.

"Oh god... yes... harder," Mason cried out breathlessly, urging Hunter on even faster.

Hunter slammed into Mason's ass hard enough to make the vanity shake beneath them. Lipstick and mascara toppling over and rolling around on the surface as they fucked.

Mason let out a loud cry of pleasure as he felt an intense wave of ecstasy wash over him. He could feel his body convulsing with every thrust--his cock hard and throbbing between the vanity and his stomach--and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he came hard.

Hunter leaned forward even more now, reaching around to stroke Mason's cock in time with his own thrusts. The sensation was almost too much for the younger man to handle; pleasure coursing through him like electricity.

Finally, they both exploded into orgasm at almost the same moment--Mason shooting hot cum all over Sadie's chair while Hunter filled up Mason's ass deep inside with ropes of thick creamy seed.

Hunter held Mason close as they both caught their breath, the sweat on their bodies cooling quickly. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of Mason's neck and then slowly withdrew from him, his cock slipping out with a wet sound.

Mason moaned softly at the loss--feeling empty now without Hunter inside him. "Wow," he breathed finally, turning around to face Hunter with a satisfied grin on his lips. "That was incredible."

Hunter chuckled softly and reached for some tissues to clean up his dick, Mason's ass, and Sadie's chair. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said as he gently rubbed a tissue around Mason's tender hole. He went to the bathroom and flushed them away when finished so there were no traces left behind that any hanky-panky had taken place.

Mason watched as Hunter fell back onto the bed--his chest heaving with exertion and his skin glistening with sweat. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had brought this gorgeous man to such heights of pleasure.

But they didn't have much time left before Sadie was due home, and they needed to get dinner ready soon. Mason watched Hunter lie there catching his breath.

"Hey... you okay?" Mason asked softly, bending down to brush a lock of hair off of Hunter's forehead.

Hunter nodded slightly; still feeling spent from their intense lovemaking session. "Yeah... just give me a minute," he said.

Mason smiled sympathetically and leaned down for another kiss before heading towards the kitchen by himself, still naked.

As Mason reached the kitchen, he giggled as he realized that he was completely naked. He quickly looked around for something to cover himself with--finding an apron hanging on a hook by the stove.

He grabbed it and saw it said "Kiss the Chef" across the front, making him giggle. He hastily tied it around his waist; feeling a little silly but also amused at the same time. It wasn't every day that he cooked dinner in nothing but an apron!

Hunter entered the kitchen wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt just as Mason finished putting away some of the groceries. The older man couldn't help but smile when he saw him standing there wearing only an apron.

"Well, look at you," Hunter said teasingly as he walked over to give Mason a quick kiss on the cheek. "A regular domestic goddess."

Mason laughed and turned towards him, playfully slapping Hunter's chest with one hand. "Hey now... I'll have you know that I'm surprisingly skilled in the kitchen," he said haughtily.

Hunter chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around Mason from behind; resting his chin on top of his head for a moment before reaching past him to grab some ingredients out of one of their bags.

Together they worked efficiently chopping vegetables, seasoning chicken breasts, boiling water for pasta until soon enough everything was sizzling or bubbling away deliciously in pots & pans spread across several burners.

As Hunter set the table, he couldn't help but admire Mason from behind. The younger man truly was surprisingly skilled--stirring pots and monitoring everything with a sense of ease that made it all look effortless.

And then there was his ass... exposed for anyone to see in that apron. It was just too tempting not to reach out and touch it; Hunter slid his hand down over one cheek lovingly as he passed by on his way to grab some silverware.

Mason laughed softly at the sensation, feeling a shiver run through him at Hunter's touch. He turned to glance at him over his shoulder with a playful grin, wiggling his hips slightly in response.

"You like what you see back there?" Mason asked teasingly as he continued stirring the saucepan.

Hunter grinned widely and leaned forward; pressing himself up against Mason's back while sliding both hands around to cup those cheeks tightly. "I love what I see," he said huskily into Mason's ear before giving him a quick kiss on the neck.

Mason moaned softly at the sensation--the heat building between them once again--and then turned around in Hunter's arms so they were facing each other directly across an island filled with food preparation tools & ingredients scattered everywhere haphazardly

They kissed hungrily--a deep passion igniting within them once more--as their bodies pressed together intimately amidst knives and cutting boards alike strewn about carelessly nearby. Mason could feel Hunter's cock harden in his sweatpants as he pressed against him.

"Mmn--Hunter," he protested, breaking the kiss. "I need to cook." Hunter smiled at him, his lips still pressed against the boy's face.

"So cook, then," he said sensually, gripping Mason's hips and prompting him to turn back around to face the stove.

Hunter couldn't take it anymore. The sight of Mason's ass in that apron was too much for him to handle--he needed more.

As Mason continued cooking, Hunter moved closer and started grinding his crotch against the younger man's backside--his hands roaming all over his body.

Mason gasped in surprise at the sudden contact; feeling Hunter's hard cock pressed up against him through those sweatpants. He could feel himself getting turned on once again--the heat building within him like a wildfire--and he knew that things were about to get even more intense between them.

Hunter pushed forward harder now, letting out a low growl as he ground his hips into Mason's ass with increasing force. His fingers dug into Mason's flesh tightly as he worked himself up into a frenzy of desire.

"Mmm... you're so sexy," Hunter murmured breathlessly into Mason's ear before biting down lightly on his neck making him moan softly in response. "I can't resist you."

Mason whimpered at the sensation--feeling completely consumed by desire for this older man who had such power over him physically & emotionally alike.

"Then don't," he said huskily, still stirring one pot with another simmering beside it.. "Don't resist me..."

Hunter grinned wickedly and leaned forward once again; pressing their bodies together intimately as they kissed passionately amidst pots and pans piled high nearby.

"I won't," he whispered hoarsely between kisses before sliding one hand down over Mason's exposed ass. The ass he'd just fucked less than an hour before.

Mason moaned softly as Hunter's hand roamed over his ass; feeling the heat building within him once again. He was so turned on by this man, and he knew that he couldn't resist him either.

Just like on the Metro, Mason rolled his hips so that his ass ground against Hunter's crotch, feeling his hardness in his sweatpants. Hunter groaned and Mason enjoyed the sensation of having such power over this older man who had been driving him wild with desire all day long. Hunter felt an animalistic hunger shoot through him like an electric shock as Mason teased him with his ass. The younger man's touch was just too much for him to handle--even though he'd just cum inside the boy--he needed more.

He pulled away from Mason slightly and quickly pulled his sweatpants down below his cock and balls. His hard cock was now pressing up against those juicy cheeks directly without any barriers in between them anymore. Mason shuddered as he felt that thickness between his cheeks as he was pressed against the range. "Hunt," he whimpered out; "really?" Hunter growled and reached for a bottle of vegetable oil on the counter.

Without warning, Hunter poured some of the oil over Mason's ass; letting it drip down between those cheeks until they were both slick with the substance. He then spread it all around Mason's hole. Mason gasped in surprise at the sensation--his body trembling with desire as Hunter worked his fingers inside him again, stretching him open even wider than before. The combination of that thick cock rubbing against his ass and those slippery fingers sliding deep inside was almost too much for him to handle.

Hunter quickly pulled his fingers out and leaned forward, pressing his oily cock against Mason from behind once again as he slowly buried himself balls-deep back inside with a grunt of exertion. Mason cried out in pleasure--the heat building within him like an inferno--as Hunter filled him up again. "Oh fuuuck, Hunt," he wailed out. "Oh fuck, oh fuck..." Mason kept repeating it over and over again as Hunter wasted no time sliding in and out of the boy's well-used ass.

He soon began fucking him hard and fast from behind. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the kitchen as they moved together rhythmically; each thrust sending jolts of ecstasy through them both making pots & pans rattle loudly on counters nearby. They fucked like animals amidst spilled and splattered sauces; lost in their own world where nothing else mattered except this moment between them filled with raw passion and intense desire.

Their bodies were slick with oil and sweat; their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they worked themselves up into a frenzy of pleasure. Mason could feel himself getting closer to orgasm once again--the pressure building within him like a volcano about to erupt--and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he came hard all over the range. Hunter pounded into him harder now, his thick cock slamming deep inside Mason's ass with each thrust. He was close too--his body trembling with desire--and he knew that it wouldn't be long before they both came hard together.

Mason cried out loud enough for neighbors two floors above and below to hear as hot cum shot out from his cock covering the glass front of the range with his cum. Hunter groaned loudly as he felt Mason's ass spasming around him; the heat and tightness of it driving him over the edge. He slammed into Mason hard one final time before burying himself deep inside, filling up that hole with his seed for the second time that evening.

Mason moaned softly at the sensation--feeling completely consumed by desire and pleasure as Hunter thrust into him slowly a few more times as he came down from his orgasm. Hunter kissed him deeply as they caught their breaths--their bodies still pressed together intimately against one another against the stove.

As they were still catching their breaths, they heard the sound of a key entering the lock on the front door. They both froze for a moment before scrambling to get presentable.

"I'm home! What smells so good in here?" Sadie called out as she entered the apartment. Hunter quickly tucked himself back into his sweatpants and raced towards the door.

"Uh, hey babe!" he announced. "Dinner is almost ready." He gave her a smooch with lips that moments before had been locked on her brother's.

Mason had run towards the guest room, grabbing some underwear from off the floor before hurrying back out into the living room where Sadie was now standing next to Hunter.

"Hey sis," Mason said casually, hoping that she couldn't tell how flustered he was. "How was work?"

Sadie laughed softly at seeing him wearing an apron over just a pair of boxer-briefs. Just like back at home.

"It was long, but okay," she replied with a tired smile. "You look comfy, as usual," she joked. Mason smiled a little awkwardly, but she didn't seem to notice. "It smells amazing in here, what are you guys cooking?"

Hunter stepped forward to answer before Mason could even open his mouth. "Just something simple--chicken piccata and garlic bread."

Sadie's eyes widened at the mention of garlic bread. "Yum, that sounds amazing!" she exclaimed, already making her way towards the kitchen.

Mason and Hunter exchanged a brief look before following after her; both feeling relieved that they had managed to scramble in time. They hoped their faces didn't give away any hints about what they'd been up to just minutes ago.

"You guys really made a mess in here," she teased as she looked around the kitchen. "Looks delicious though!" She turned back around to face them. They were both acting a little weird, but she didn't think too much of it. She was just happy to finally be home and spending time with her boyfriend and brother.

Hunter tried to remain calm and collected as he chatted with Sadie in the kitchen, but inside he was freaking out. He couldn't believe how close they had come to getting caught just now--and it had been HIS fault! He'd been the one who initiated the kitchen sex... what was happening to him?

Mason, on the other hand, was feeling a sense of relief. He had managed to scramble and put some underwear on before Sadie saw him in just the apron. However, as he stood there plating dinner, he felt a glob of cum seep out of his well-fucked hole. He tried to keep his composure as he plated the chicken piccata, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of unease. He could feel Hunter's cum slowly dribbling out of him; the sensation making him shiver slightly. He tried not to think about it too much--instead focusing on plating dinner and making sure everything looked perfect--but every so often, he would feel another droplet drip into his underwear as a testament to their recent debauchery. Still, he managed to keep his cool, even as he worried that he'd soon have wet cum stains on the ass of his underwear...

Meanwhile, Hunter couldn't help but keep glancing over at the glass oven door. He could see Mason's cum splattered all over it; slowly drying and masquerading as just another cooking mess. He felt a sense of panic rising up within him--what if Sadie noticed? Would she know what it really was? Could he clean it without being too obvious?

As they sat down to eat dinner, Sadie noticed Mason's slightly flustered demeanor and Hunter's occasional glances towards the oven. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something seemed off. "You guys okay?" she asked as she took a bite of garlic bread. "You're both acting a little weird."

Hunter cleared his throat before answering. "Yeah... everything's fine," he said with forced nonchalance. "Just worried about the whole mess, that's all."

Sadie nodded, though still looking a little puzzled. "Well, everything tastes delicious," she said with a smile. "Don't worry about the mess. That's just cooking."

Mason breathed a silent sigh of relief at her response, grateful that she didn't seem to suspect anything. They continued their meal--chatting and laughing like normal--but there was an undercurrent of tension running through the boys that went unaddressed.

After dinner, Sadie retired to the living room to watch TV while Hunter and Mason cleaned up the kitchen together. Hunter went straight for the oven door with Windex and paper towels, making Mason smirk. As they worked side by side, neither one spoke much; both lost in their own thoughts about what had just occurred between them earlier.

As they finished cleaning up the kitchen, Hunter couldn't help but notice a slight wetness on the back of Mason's underwear. He tried to ignore it at first--thinking that maybe it was just sweat or something--but as he looked closer, he could see that it was definitely cum stains. His cum. He felt his cock twitch in response; still turned on by their earlier escapade in the kitchen. "Uh...hey," he said quietly. "Mase? You might wanna take care of those undies."

Mason tried to look over his shoulder and reached back, feeling the wetness that had seeped out from his hole; feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he realized that Sadie could have seen him walking around like this. "Shit," he muttered under his breath as he quickly turned towards the guest room, taking off the apron and leaving it on the floor.

Hunter watched him go, his eyes glued to that cute little ass as he disappeared into the guest room. He couldn't help but feel a sense of longing; wanting nothing more than to follow Mason and fuck him again until they were both exhausted.

As he turned back towards the kitchen, Hunter's thoughts were interrupted by Sadie calling out from the living room. "Hey guys... you wanna watch a movie or something?"

Hunter smiled--grateful for the distraction--and made his way over to join her on the couch while Mason changed in privacy. He tried not to think about what had happened that evening with Mason. How close they'd been to Sadie catching them in the act. Instead, he focused on enjoying some quality time with Sadie--the woman who meant everything to him--even if a part of him was still thinking about fucking her brother into ecstasy again and again.

As they settled into the movie, Mason returned to the living room wearing a fresh pair of underwear and a tank top. He tried to act casual as he took a seat next to his sister on the couch, but his mind was still reeling from what had happened earlier. He couldn't shake the feeling of Hunter's cum slowly dribbling out of him; the sensation making him feel both embarrassed and turned on at the same time. He tried to push those thoughts aside though--focusing instead on enjoying a relaxing evening with his sister and her boyfriend.

As they watched the movie, Hunter couldn't help but steal glances over at Mason every so often. He wanted to debrief about all of it. This whole thing always worked better when they communicated, but obviously that was impossible right now. And with Sadie having the day off tomorrow, he didn't think he'd get a chance to talk to Mason about it at all before the boy headed home tomorrow night. His mind was in turmoil and his stomach in knots as he struggled to process his fears and his feelings.

Mason tried to focus on the movie, but his mind kept drifting back to Hunter and what had happened earlier. He knew that things would always be complicated between them--especially since Hunter was in a serious relationship with his sister--but he didn't want to end their little tryst, even though they'd almost been caught. It just felt too right.

As the movie came to an end, Sadie yawned and stretched before announcing that she was heading off to bed. Hunter offered to walk her back to their room.

"Night Mase," she called out as they left the living room.

Hunter returned after a few minutes and sat down next to Mason. "Hey," he said softly. "I'm sorry about earlier... with almost getting caught." Hunter seemed almost pained.

Mason shrugged, trying not let on how much it had affected him emotionally and physically. "It's okay... we managed alright in the end." He tried to sound casual, but his voice betrayed some of his nervousness.

"I just don't want things between us to get too complicated," Hunter continued; still feeling guilty for putting them both in a compromising situation. He couldn't bring himself yet again face up honestly about what he really wanted from this relationship--his fear holding him back--and instead opted for vague platitudes that didn't quite cut it anymore.

Mason nodded slowly--as if considering his words carefully--but inside he knew exactly what he wanted: more time with Hunter like tonight; more sex-filled nights where nothing else mattered except their own pleasure together...

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Mason finally replied quietly; not wanting things between them to become even messier than already are either but unable or unwilling to give up those moments of passion completely.

Hunter smiled slightly at Mason's response--glad that they were on the same page at least somewhat--and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulders.

"Thanks for understanding," he said softly, squeezing Mason's shoulder gently. "I just don't want to hurt anyone."

Mason leaned into his touch, feeling a sense of comfort and longing wash over him all at once. He knew that it was wrong on so many levels but part of him couldn't help wanting more--more time with Hunter; more intimacy; more pleasure.

"I know," he replied quietly. "But sometimes... things are complicated." It was as close to an admission about their relationship as they would get tonight.

Hunter nodded slowly in agreement before leaning in and kissing Mason softly on the lips. The kiss was brief but passionate, filled with a mixture of desire and uncertainty that neither one could quite shake. As they pulled away from each other, Hunter looked deep into Mason's eyes--trying to convey everything he felt without saying anything out loud--and smiled slightly before getting up from the couch.

"Well... I should probably turn in too," he said reluctantly after a moment or two of silence had passed between them. "We gotta get up early tomorrow to actually visit the campus you came here for." Hunter huffed a short laugh.

Mason smiled and nodded silently--as if knowing what wasn't being spoken aloud. He stood up as well, moving towards the guest room where he'd be spending his last night in DC, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

Next: Chapter 11

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