His Sisters Boyfriend

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 4, 2023


Mason sat in the living room on Christmas morning reading a book. The eighteen-year-old was over the holiday; he already knew he had gotten a new bike and phone. His parents had already exchanged their own gifts, but he was still waiting for his older sister to show up before he dug into the rest of his. Mason stretched on the couch, his lithe soccer-player frame twisting on the couch and his shift lifting to reveal his smooth, toned midriff. He was a little hottie, no doubt about that. As a senior in high-school, he was a popular one too; girls were always fawning over him, despite the fact that he was gay. Though it wasn't his whole personality, Mason enjoyed teasing the straight guys when their discomfort with him shone through. He had hooked up with a few guys before, but he found himself mostly un-attracted to the immature guys at school. He assumed that he'd be going to prom with one of his girl friends; they'd undoubtedly be fighting over him and eager to style him in a tux and accessories that complimented his bright blue eyes and styled spiky dark brown hair.

He couldn't wait to go to college and meet some guys a little older than him. That's one reason why he was a bit apprehensive this Christmas morning. His sister Sadie was bringing home her boyfriend, Hunter for the first time. Sadie was seven years older than Mason and lived in D.C.; she'd recently moved in with Hunter after six months of dating, but surprisingly, this was the first time Mason was meeting him despite living only a couple hours away. He'd seen pictures though and he knew that Hunter was a stud. `One more of Sadie's boyfriends for me to crush on,' he thought to himself idly when he heard the sound of car doors closing outside.

Sadie soon burst through the door with a huge smile on her face. She'd always been a beauty with dark blonde hair and shining eyes that complimented her petite curves. "Hey baby brother!" She announced, dropping her bags and pouncing on Mason, smothering him with a big hug. He smiled and hugged her back when his eyes shifted to the figure following her into the house. Hunter. His tall, broad frame filled the doorway. Mason's eyes widened as he saw him standing there looking like a Greek god. He couldn't believe it; Hunter was so hot! His green eyes sparkled beneath short mahogany hair; his musculature evident despite being bundled up in a winter coat.

"Mason," Sadie said as she walked back towards the door. "I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Hunter." Sadie's petite frame was dwarfed by the man next to her. She wrapped an arm around him possessively, blonde hair bobbing around pretty face. "Hunter, this is my little brother, Mason."

Mason managed to find his voice and stood up awkwardly while shaking hands with Hunter. "It's nice to meet you," he stammered out nervously. Hunter was over six feet tall and made Mason feel small at 5'9". Hunter's hand was big and warm around Mason's; he got lost staring at Hunter for a moment before quickly averting his gaze away from the other man's perfect body, feeling embarrassed for staring too hard. The man's eyes were a deep green color that you could sink into and hair was almost a dark mahogany color. Hunter smiled warmly at Mason and gave him an understanding look that seemed to say it was alright if he wanted to check him out. Mason felt a little less awkward then and smiled back, glad that Hunter seemed to be cool about it.

"It's nice to meet you too," Hunter said in his deep baritone voice before turning his attention back to Sadie with an adoring smile. That voice. It made Mason weak in the knees. Mason couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as Sadie gave him a smug look before stretching up to prompt a kiss from Hunter. Mason turned away, trying to hide his blush.

Mason had always looked up to his sister. With the large age gap she had always been a role model for him. She'd done excellent in high school, succeeded in college, and was now back at school training to be a nurse practitioner. While he admired her, he'd always felt like she babied him; he wasn't a child anymore, but she never seemed to take him very seriously. She'd met Hunter in D.C. where he worked as a financial analyst for a major lobbying group. He sure was a catch. Mason was happy for Sadie, really. But fuck. This man was distracting. Their parents joined them in the living room, catching up with Sadie and Hunter, who they'd already met before. As Hunter allowed himself to be drawn into a political conversation with their parents, Mason took the opportunity to pull Sadie aside.

"Oh my god, Sades! He is so hot!" Mason exclaimed. "I mean seriously--what even is that body under there? That face?" Sadie laughed at her brother's enthusiasm and nodded in agreement; Hunter was certainly easy on the eyes. "I know, right? I'm pretty lucky," she said with a broad smile.

Mason rolled his eyes good-naturedly and playfully squeezed her arm before continuing to gush over Hunter's looks. He'd seen plenty of guys drool over his sister in high school but none had been able to catch her eye until now. And he couldn't blame her! When Mason finally ran out of words, Sadie gave him a knowing look and ruffled his hair affectionately. She knew how much it meant for him to see her happy with someone who matched up in terms of physical appeal; he was always looking out for her well being after all. "It's so cute seeing you crush on my boyfriend, Masey," she joked. Mason smiled and laughed but couldn't help but feel patronized by her tone.

"Come on, let's go join them," Sadie said, linking her arm with Mason's and leading him towards the living room. As they walked into where their parents were chatting away happily with Hunter, Mason couldn't help but feel a little thrill of excitement run through his body at the thought of being around a man so gorgeous for the entire holiday season!

As they gathered around the Christmas tree, everyone was exchanging stories and opening gifts. Mason couldn't help but sneak glances at Hunter; his broad shoulders looked even more impressive in the warm lighting of the room while his deep green eyes sparkled with joy as he laughed along to Sadie's stories. That laugh. Deep and masculine. Mason's heart fluttered when he heard it. The gifts were opened one by one until eventually all that remained was a small box from Hunter for Sadie, which she opened and squealed with delight as she displayed the gorgeous necklace to her family.

But it wasn't until later in the evening when they were all playing games together that Mason realized how truly charming Hunter actually was; he had an effortless wit about him that kept everyone laughing throughout the night despite losing round after round to him. Every time someone would groan or throw up their hands in defeat, Hunter would flash them an apologetic smile before continuing on like nothing ever happened -- always gracious yet never backing down from a challenge either!

He exuded such confidence without being overbearing--something Mason found overwhelmingly attractive. This was a man! So different from the goofy boys at school. By this point, there was no denying it: Mason had totally fallen head-over heels for Sadie's new boyfriend. He was in trouble. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Hunter across the room. He just wanted to be close to him. His eyes drifted to Sadie, affectionately leaning against Hunter and felt a pang of guilt for lusting after her boyfriend, but he couldn't help it. Hunter was exactly his type -- at least, that's what Mason was quickly realizing.

He felt an intense desire to get closer to him, but wasn't sure how or even if it would be possible. He imagined Hunter's big hands on his slim frame; imagined his masculine scent; imagined the package in his pants. All these thoughts racing through his mind made him blush, and all he could think was 'what the fuck?!' Hunter was dating his sister, he shouldn't have these thoughts... but he was. Mason took a deep breath to steady himself, but it seemed to do little good. He was still completely captivated by Hunter and mindlessly followed him with his gaze until the night eventually came to an end.

When they parted for the night Mason went to his bedroom in the home's finished basement, while Sadie and Hunter took the guest room, Mason's old room, on the second floor. Mason lay in his bed, unable to shake the thoughts of Hunter from his mind. He felt a deep desire for something he couldn't explain; all he knew was that he wanted Hunter. Guilt rose again in him for desiring his sister's boyfriend; a man eight years his senior, no less. Mason eventually drifted off into a restless sleep, dreaming of what could never be.

He awoke the next morning with a newfound determination. He wanted to get to know Hunter better, and the only way he knew to do that was by being a flirt. He got dressed quickly and went in search of Hunter and Sadie. When he found them in the kitchen, Mason made sure to stand close enough for Hunter to notice him but not too close as to make it obvious. Mason smiled shyly at Hunter before turning away bashfully; his heart raced as he felt those intense green eyes on him once more. Mason then started up small conversations with both Sadie and Hunter, doing his best not to let his true feelings show through as they talked about random topics like movies, sports, or books they'd read recently.

Throughout their conversation, Mason would throw little innuendos or playful jabs towards Hunter every now and then. As much as Mason wanted nothing more than for his crush on this man to be returned, he also didn't want things between him and Sadie becoming awkward because of it -- so he decided playing coy was the safest option here. Soon they were in an easy banter and Hunter kept laughing at Mason's quips; Mason loved making Hunter laugh, it was almost like a drug. Mason was sure Hunter could feel the chemistry between them, but he just couldn't bring himself to make a real move. This was a straight man. A straight man with his sister. Jesus Christ, he was fucked.

Mason continued to follow Hunter around, making sure that his desire was known but never getting too close or doing anything inappropriate. Hunter seemed to enjoy the attention, always smiling and making eye contact whenever Mason spoke. He seemed to be playing along with Mason's game as well - but was he actually interested or just being polite? Sadie kept telling them how much she enjoyed seeing them getting along, making Mason feel both guilty, but also more determined. He wasn't just some little boy, after all and Sadie's tone seemed patronizing to him.

When they went out for a walk together Mason decided it was time for him to get bolder in his flirting tactics. He'd always been told that life was about taking risks, so why the fuck not? As they walked, Mason kept brushing up against Hunter's arm on purpose before giving him another shy smile -- wondering what Hunter thought of him. He held his breath, waiting for Hunter's response -- but unfortunately, nothing happened. Mason felt a little bit of disappointment. Was he totally crazy? There's no way Hunter would actually make a move on his girlfriend's gay little brother who was so obviously crushing on him. Hunter probably thought he was just amusing, but nothing else. Mason sighed, feeling embarrassed now for being so bold in his flirtations. After the walk Mason took some time to himself, he was overthinking everything and feeling embarrassed. He didn't even know if Hunter registered anything about his behavior at all -- on its own a mortifying thought -- but if he had, was he amused? Annoyed? God forbid... turned on? Deep down Mason knew that it wasn't likely... but a boy could dream.

As the afternoon wore on, Mason was finding it increasingly difficult to contain his desire for Hunter. Every time he looked at him, all he could think about was how badly he wanted to run his hands over that toned body and feel those lips against his own. The way Hunter moved, the sound of his voice -- Mason found himself drawn to each and every detail about this man and it drove him wild with longing. He wanted nothing more than to be with Hunter in that moment; to press their bodies together and explore each other until neither had the strength left for anything else. But Mason knew that wasn't going to happen; so instead he tried to keep up the friendly banter, doing his best to be charming and funny.

That night the whole family settled in to watch a scary movie in the den. Mom and Dad took the love seat, while Mason and Sadie sat on the couch on opposite sides of Hunter. Mason felt a rush of excitement as he sat close to the other man. He could feel the heat radiating off Hunter's body, and it was making his heart beat hard. The movie had just started playing, Sadie was curled up on the arm of the couch closer to the television, her feet curled up against Hunter's left thigh. On the other side, Mason casually leaned against Hunter, trying to get closer while still being subtle. Mason enjoyed every second; feeling the warmth radiating off Hunter's body and smelling his woodsy cologne. Mason shifted a bit, tucking his feet under his legs, which pressed his upper body more into Hunter, who simply gave him a small smile.

They watched the movie like that for a while, idly chatting about the actors and scenes. When a jump-scare happened on screen Mason couldn't help it -- his body was so tightly wound that he flinched against Hunter in surprise. Sadie and their parents all laughed, making fun of him for being such a scaredy cat; but Hunter simply wrapped an arm around Mason's shoulder and pulled him closer, smiling reassuringly down at him. The warmth from Hunter's touch sent shivers through Mason's entire body; his heart raced faster than ever before and he let out a deep sigh as he settled into the embrace. Hunter remained silent throughout, simply holding onto Mason tightly with one arm while keeping another on Sadie's feet - like a protective cocoon shielding them both from any potential danger or fear that might arise again during the movie. Sadie commented on how cute Mason looked all snuggled up to Hunter for safety. She pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over their laps. Mason smiled but again was annoyed by his sister's infantilizing remarks.

He relaxed into Hunter's side as the movie continued, loving the weight of his arm around his shoulders. Mason shifted a bit and his hand ended up on Hunter's thigh. His heart raced as he felt Hunter tense up at the contact before slowly relaxing again, letting out a quiet sigh. Their bodies were pressed firmly against each other and the heat was almost unbearable now. Mason felt like all of his senses were heightened; he could feel every breath Hunter took, smell the woodsy cologne even more intensely now. Mason's heart fluttered as he realized how deeply drawn to this man he had become over such a short period of time. He knew then that there was something special about him -- something beyond what any other person had ever made him feel before.

The blanket covering them made him feel confident that they had a strange sort of privacy. He had completely forgotten about the movie and instead was intently focused on the feel of Hunter's thigh beneath his hand. Mason began to move his hand slowly and gently over Hunter's sweatpants, exploring the shape and contours of Hunter's quads. He could feel his own pulse quickening as he stroked ever closer to Hunter's inner thigh, feeling more daring with each passing second. He kept his movements slow and subtle, but bold enough that Hunter couldn't help but notice. He felt Hunter's eyes flick to him, his gaze burning as Mason refused to tear his own away from the television screen that he was scarcely paying any attention to. Hunter stared at Mason for a long moment as the younger man continued to trace his fingers over his thigh.

Mason was almost shaking as he wondered what Hunter would do. Would he push him away? Call him out? Get up to use the bathroom? Mason was sure that he was going too far, but somehow he couldn't stop himself. He felt his heart skip a beat as Hunter's hand slowly began to move up and down his back, caressing the tight muscles beneath. Oh my god,' he thought. He's rubbing my back! He's not ignoring me or stopping me!" He couldn't help but lean into it, letting out a soft sigh of pleasure at the way Hunter was touching him. His body responded to each touch eagerly; he could feel himself getting aroused by the contact and gripped onto Hunter's thigh, wanting nothing more than for this moment to last forever.

As if sensing Mason's desire, Hunter shifted ever so slightly, spreading his legs wider apart. Was this a subtle invitation for Mason to continue exploring further? Mason wasn't sure, but he took a chance -- sliding his hand even higher up Hunter's sweatpants-covered thigh. Mason's hands moved slowly up over the waistband of Hunter's pants and touched the hot bare skin on his abs, exploring the ridges of the older man's muscles as if it were a map he was trying to learn. Mason could feel his own arousal rising with each touch, and felt utterly intoxicated by the thrill of this forbidden exploration. As Hunter kept rubbing up and down Mason's back he felt his heart racing as he realized that Sadie was still curled up right next to them, her feet touching Hunter's other thigh. She seemed to be totally oblivious of what was happening between them and Mason couldn't help but feel satisfied.

Mason's exploration of Hunter's body came to a sudden halt when his fingers slipped over a hard and pulsing bulge in Hunter's sweatpants. Mason froze for a second, not entirely sure what to do next as he felt the heat radiating off Hunter's body at this close proximity. He could feel himself blushing furiously as realization dawned on him -- they were both aroused by this forbidden touch! Mason felt an intense wave of desire wash over him as he fully realized what was happening between them. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, Sadie was right there! His parents were right there! But he felt secure under the cover of the blanket and his curiosity and need for Hunter were too strong to resist. Slowly, Mason began to explore the bulging shape in Hunter's pants; feeling it with a newfound sense of confidence. His fingertips gently grazed across the fabric before squeezing firmly at the growing mound beneath it -- it was so big!

The realization sent shivers through Mason's body and caused his own arousal to grow even more intensely than before; all inhibitions thrown out of the window as he let go completely into exploring every inch of Hunter's throbbing cock through the fabric. He continued rubbing, tracing his fingers along its length. He could feel his own cock straining in his underwear; he wanted nothing more than to take this further and explore Hunter even more intimately. But they were still in his parents' living room, surrounded by family -- and that made it impossible for them to do anything else right now. So instead Mason kept up the teasing strokes until becoming bold enough to slip his hand into Hunter's sweatpants and grasp the hard shaft firmly. Hunter let out a soft gasp as he felt Mason's hand on his cock, which twitched in response, the two of them now so close that neither could deny the desire they were feeling for each other.

Mason continued stroking Hunter's cock, feeling the other man's breathing become more and more ragged with each move of his hand. Hunter shifted beneath him as he rumbled in his throat, which only further stoked Mason's desire to take things further still. He shifted himself a bit to give Hunter access to the back of his shorts, hinting that the other man should make a move as well. Hunter's hand moved with a feather-light caress down Mason's back, sending shivers of pleasure through his body. He could feel Hunter exploring further and further south until finally, the other man slipped his hand inside Mason's shorts and underwear. The sudden contact sent a wave of arousal rushing throughout Mason's entire body; he couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he felt Hunter's hot fingers lightly tracing circles around the curves of his ass. Mason continued to stroke Hunter's cock underneath the blanket - feeling it harden even more in response to their combined touch -- while also pressing himself into every movement that came from behind him. His breathing became heavy with anticipation as he realized just how far this was going, yet still staying hidden by their disguise of innocence on the outside world thanks to Sadie being oblivious to what they were truly doing under the blanket.

Meanwhile, Hunter explored deeper and deeper into Mason's pants; slipping one finger between those smooth, round cheeks before eventually finding its way towards an even tighter spot between them; his finger tracing a circle through the light dusting of hair that surrounded Mason's hot tight hole. Mason let out a shuddering gasp at the sensation, his entire body shaking in pleasure as Hunter teased and tantalized.

Mason's mind was spinning as Hunter's fingers continued to explore his most personal spot. He felt like he had been transported into a new world where anything could happen, and the anticipation of what might come next kept him in an almost trance-like state. His body responded eagerly to every touch from Hunter; each move filling Mason with a deep pleasure. Despite all this, Sadie kept talking about the movie with their parents who were completely oblivious to what was happening beneath the blanket -- it made for an intense situation that only heightened Mason's desire even more!

He tried his best not to make a sound as waves of pleasure washed over him, instead focusing on keeping up his slow stroking motion underneath the blanket, reveling in feeling every inch of the Hunter's thick throbbing length. He felt a thrill of pleasure as Hunter glanced his finger over Mason's asshole, slipping the tip inside before pushing further into him. The sensations made him feel like he could burst at any moment. Mason wanted to scream out with pleasure; to let everyone know just how good this felt but he managed to keep quiet despite the overwhelming sensations coursing through his body. Hunter seemed equally entranced by what they were doing, breathing heavily in sync with every move of Mason's hand on his cock beneath the blanket. Neither one had expected things between them would lead here but neither wanted it to stop either -- their desire for each other was too strong and intense for either of them to resist anymore.

As the movie ended, Mason and Hunter reluctantly pulled apart; both of them knew that they couldn't stay hidden beneath the blanket forever. Sadie announced it was time for bed and everyone began to get up from their seats. As he felt Hunter's hand leaving his ass, a wave of disappointment washed over Mason -- all he wanted right now was to keep exploring each other's bodies! Hunter stretched on the couch before standing and walking out of the room, saying goodnight to the family; the bulge in his sweatpants evident to anyone who was paying attention.

As Sadie got up herself to follow her boyfriend, she teased Mason again for getting so cozy with Hunter during the movie. If only she knew just how close they'd gotten, and all that he'd experienced! Mason felt a blush creeping up his neck as he looked away from Sadie's gaze, trying to hide his embarrassment at being caught in such an intimate situation. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty too -- here she was thinking her brother had simply enjoyed cuddling her boyfriend when really, he had been exploring Hunter's body in ways that were completely forbidden. Mason tried to joke back; but it was hard for him not to stumble over his words, given his aroused state. He knew he should feel bad for what had happened, but in truth all Mason wanted was to go back and do it again -- even though he knew deep down that it would be wrong. Mason retreated to his bedroom in the basement, still feeling the heat of Hunter's cock in his hand and the whisper of Hunter's fingers on his hole.

After getting washed up he laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling and replaying everything that had happened between him and Hunter. He couldn't help it -- he was completely obsessed with his sister's boyfriend! And it sure seemed like her boyfriend was interested in him... Seriously, what had even happened back there? Mason felt himself blushing as he thought of what they had done. It was so wild and dangerous and yet, both of them had given into the temptation. He smiled as he thought of all the ways they could explore each other further if given the chance; but right now, all he could do was lay there feeling aroused yet frustrated by not being able to act on it. He enviously found himself thinking about how Hunter was probably working his own arousal out with Sadie upstairs right now upstairs. `He should be getting off with me,' Mason thought. With a sigh, he rolled onto his side and buried his face in his pillow -- this forbidden crush was going to be an uphill battle from here on out.

Next: Chapter 2

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