His Name Jared

By moc.mia@1601retirwepyt

Published on Jun 3, 2009


This story is a work of fiction including everyone in it. This story is original and it is created by me.

His Name, Jared Chapter 1

Hello my name is Jacques Lowey and I go to Lake Falls high. I only have one best friend and her name is Claire. I am about 5'8 and I have short curly hair. I'm very skinny and am very light-skinned. My best feature I guess would be my hazel eyes. I am going to tell you about the events that occurred in my senior year.

I've always dreamt of love but in a different way...you see I'm different...I'm gay. No one knows not even my best friend. I'm very afraid to come out of the closet for I fear not a single person including my parents will accept it. I've never a boyfriend before...so I always wonder what having one feels like. It's that I can't get one it's that I haven't met anyone...

It was going to be the first day of High School and this year I didn't want to be invisible. I worked out somewhat during the summer and my hair is very amazing. I'm not trying to score...I just want people to know who I am. I put on a new pair of designer jeans I bought for a very unreasonable price and an old gray skin tight t-shirt. I'm not sure but this look makes me seem very cool.

It wasn't too long before I reached Lake Falls High. The weather was pretty amazing. As soon as I walked on campus I was pretty nervous. "Jacques!" called Claire who was standing with Emma. "Hey what's up!" said Emma as I hugged Claire. Claire was pretty stunning and so was her friend Emma who had a crush on me...or so Claire told me when she was drunk one night.

"How's your first five minutes of school turning out?" asked Claire when I met up with her in lunch. "Let's see economics seems fun and so does English...I like my teacher she seems nice" I laughed as I set down my tray next to Claire's. "I'll be right back I want to go buy something to drink" I said. The both of us always sat in the same spot outside since freshmen year. It was still in the courtyard but not too close...a big oak tree made us feel isolated.

As I walked towards the vending machine, I noticed someone. He was alone, he had to be new.

Have you ever seen someone...someone that was so perfect even if it was at the mall or on a movie...?

I put my very nervous shaky hands into my pockets and looked away quickly. If I'm not mistaken I could see him looking at me through my peripheral vision. I was so scared. I could barely put my dollar into the machine that's how nervous I was. I couldn't take my mind off of him...I've never felt this way before. My mind was going overload. "What sh--should I get to drink?" I told myself frantically. I pressed to get a cherry coke. After reaching for the coke I decided to get Claire something to drink when some asked me if I had change. I replied with a casual yes. I took a glance at the person asking me for change,

All I remember was not being able to breathe. I tried to not look into his dark blue eyes. He was holding a five. Thank god I have change I thought. I pulled out five dollar bills and handed it over to him and began to walk away.

"Hey!" he called out. His voice...was incredible...like an angel's voice but of course much more manlier. I could listen to it forever.

I began to walk faster...wondering why he would want to talk to me.

"Hey!" his voice was even more amazing this time. He finally caught up to. I gave in and turned around to see him again. He was so incredible...it was torture to look at him. I couldn't believe it was real. Just to be in his presence was...eternal heaven.

"You forgot your five..." he said smiling.

If I went on to describe his perfect smile ...well I don't I could ever find words to describe his perfect smile.

"Thank you" I said nervously.

"Hey nice to meet you...I'm...Jared"

Is it possible to be in heaven, even if you're still in this world. It was hard for me to shake hands with him, "Nice to meet you too...I'm Jacques" I said hoping this awkward

Conversation would finally come to an end. I tried to avoid eye contact. I couldn't help but notice that he also seemed nervous.

We were both the same size I noticed too. He was cute and hot and perfect and hair was so dark and gorgeous...I wanted to leave and not be tortured by his godly appearance. "Well see you around Jacques.." he said before he left.

I don't know why but its like a reflex to always stare at a guys ass, but I couldn't do it this time...well not only was I scared but I noticed that some students were staring at me.

I wanted to tell Claire about what had just happened but I couldn't I trusted her but I just didn't want to come out to her right now. Or at least for a while. "Hey...What's up again!" Claire laughed. I could hardly breathe. "Are you okay Jacques...you seem a bit...shaky" Claire said taking a bite out of her home made sandwich. "Yes...I'm okay" I lied. I sat down again. I tried to catch my breath. You could Imagine that he was all I could think about...Just his name made me weak. As I sat down and tried to eat my lunch a flyer was tossed in my direction. I looked up to see Jenna and her two friends walking by handing out flyers to their obviously awesome party that was going to be tonight...on a school night...but everyone knew how amazing Jenna's parties were so everyone had to be there..."So do you want me to pick you up?" Claire asked me looking at the nicely decorated flyer. "Of course do you remember how much fun Jenna's last party was.

I couldn't focus in class at all. Images of Jared kept popping into my head. But I had to try and focus it was my senior year and I was looking forward to go to a great college. I was so happy that the bell finally rang. I ran to the parking lot and met up with Claire. We walked toward her car when I noticed Jared getting into his vehicle. It was a black shiny new Jeep. I looked away and paid attention to what Claire was talking about. She had been talking about how her and her boyfriend had been really distant the last few weeks of the summer and she wanted to break up with him. "What should I do Jacques you're always good at giving me advice" Claire said. "Well you should give it a week...I mean unless of course you're positive you are not going to change the way you feel about him..." I said quickly as I saw Jared driving away. "Wow Jacques you're great at helping me out!" Claire said happily.

We drove home listening to me and Claire's favorite type of music: Trance. Claire reached my house and pulled into my driveway. "So I will pick you up at 8:30 then " she said. "Perfect!" I replied. As soon as I got home I went straight upstairs into my bedroom and began to daydream. How could someone be so wonderful...it was so eerie. I pictured me being with him...at my favorite hang out in Lake Falls...Meadows Creak! Usually when I day dream I imagine sexual things but with Jared it was hard to...with him just managing to hold a proper conversation was like reaching the point of the best orgasm you ever had.

I plan to add chapters every 2 days. Please e-mail me! I will respond right away! I am open to suggestions! Thank you so much, this will be a great story trust me! I really hope you enjoy it! You're awesome...and I hope you support me and this story.

Email: Typewriter1061@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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