His Life as a Couch

By moc.duolci@6381yytrohs

Published on May 4, 2019



My name is Danny, and I live with my best friend DJ and one of his close friends Terry. We were all 3 fresh out of college and trying to save money, so we rented a two bedroom apartment together. I let DJ and Terry each take one of the bedrooms and I slept on the couch in the living room. I've always let DJ have the best, and I usually take whatever is left. He is so hot, and I think he knows how hot I think he is. If only he knew the things I wanted to do to him.

I'm not sure why but for some reason I've always been an ass-man. When most guys say ass-man they are referring to fucking ass, however, I've always been into smelling ass. Ever since my older brother used to sit on my face and make me smell his farts I've been completely obsessed.

I work days whereas DJ found a night shift job. Terry works part time, usually in the day time, so he and I were usually home around the same time. When I was sure Terry was asleep I'd sneak into DJ's room and see what his underwear smelled like. I've been doing it since we moved in together about 4 months ago, and nobody had noticed. I'd just sneak in, grab the first pair of dirty boxers I could find, then I'd put them over my head so I could breathe in DJ's ass smell. I'd lay on the couch and beat off for hours, lost in the smell of my best friends shit hole.

Last night I noticed DJ left a pretty big skid mark in his boxers. Small skids were definitely normal for DJ, but this skid seemed much larger than any he had ever left me before. I absolutely loved it, it made me cum so much harder. After sniffing for the last 2 hours I finally busted, and it was very intense. As I pulled his boxers off of my head and reached for my towel to clean up, I thought I heard Terry's bedroom door. I looked over but didn't see anybody coming out, so I figured I was in the clear and continued cleaning up.

The next morning DJ didn't say a word, he just went straight to his room. As he was getting in I was just about to head out the door for work. He seemed like he was pre-occupied with something so I just went to work.

I couldn't help but think about DJ's enormous skid mark last night. I popped a boner four different times throughout the day, trying my best to hide it from the office. When I got home at 4 the place was a mess. Terry and DJ were gone, they left a bunch of dishes in the sink from breakfast, DJ left his dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. There were soda cans and overflowing ashtrays, the place was just a dump. I couldn't believe they had done all this in only eight hours. I started picking up the soda cans and dumping the ashtrays when I noticed DJ's boxers in the bathroom.

They were laying there with the skid mark standing straight up, begging for me to give it a sniff. Of course I could not refuse, so I dove onto the floor and started sniffing. I was sniffing it up, loving every second of it. I lost track of where I was and what time it was, and just layed there with my face pressed against his dirty boxers.

After about fifteen minutes or so of inhaling my roommates shit funk, I turned around for some reason. I couldn't believe my eyes, there was Terry and DJ looking down at me with disgust and amusement. I jumped and immediately scooted away from the dirty underwear laying on the floor.

"I told you he's been sneaking in your room and beatin off to your ass funk" Terry said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"So Danny boy has a thing for my skid marks, huh?" DJ said with the smuggest smile. I was mortified, I tried quickly to make something up.

"No...I uh, I...uh, was just trying to clean up. You guys left this place a mess!" I said, trying to flip the script.

"That's not the problem at hand, Danny boy. See, I just caught you with your face pressed into my nasty ass dirty boxers. So now I need to decide if I'm going to kick your ass, or if I could make some use out of you." DJ said staring me in the eyes with the smuggest look on his face.

"Make use out of me?" I asked nervously, sporting the biggest boner I've ever had.

"Out of all of us you have the best paying job. So maybe we could make a deal? If you wanna huff on my ass I'll let you, but you gotta pay my share of the rent." He said. I was in disbelief. Is he for real? I would definitely pay his share of the rent to be able to smell his asshole directly! Terry was looking at DJ, as if to say "what about me" with his eyes. That's when DJ added "but if you want my ass you have to pay for Terry's share of the rent too, and you have to let him sit on your face too." With that Terry flashed a cocky smile and looked at me.

I just sat there, until DJ kicked me. "Well what do you say?" He asked impatiently. "Of course, that sounds awesome sir. I just have to pay the rent?" I said, sounding way too excited.

"Well, that and you'll have to wear this" he said, holding up a chastity belt. It was small and metal, looked like it would be very tight on me. "What?" I said, staring at it. "I don't want you beating your meat to my ass funk, so you have to decide. Wear this and get my ass stink every day, or don't wear it and if I catch you smelling my underwear again I'll beat your ass. You decide. There's also one other thing" He said, turning around and walking away. He set the chastity belt on the coffee table.

I followed him into the living room. He raised one of the couch cushions and ushered me to come to him. I walked over and he showed me the inside of the couch. He and Terry had cut out a spot for me to lay down, then they cut a hole in the cushion so my face would stick out when I layed down in the couch. "If you agree to our deal, you will go to work everyday. Then when you come home from work you will clean the apartment. As soon as it is spotless you will strip and get in the couch. You will lay there all night long and you will not be allowed out. We put a latch here so once your in, your in. One of us will have to let you out. You will spend Monday-Friday down there after work until you go back to work when I let you out in the morning. On weekends you will just stay there, all day and night until work again Monday morning. You see, I don't kick it with ass smelling faggots. So if you take this deal you are no longer my friend, but my new seat. Terry and I will nonchalantly come in and sit on your face, we will fart, we will be bare assed, we will do what we want. You will just be a couch, a seat waiting to smell our funk. Most of the time you will be gagged with this dildo gag, occasionally we may take it out and order you to clean us. When it is taken out that is all you may do, if you talk I'm gonna punch you in your face. I know you have a lot to think about, so we are gonna leave this chastity belt right here and we're gonna go out for some beer. While we're gone your gonna think about everything I just told you, and your either going to put that chastity belt on and get in the couch and wait for us to come home, or you can walk away from it and never touch my dirty laundry again. It's up to you Danny boy." He explained, turning around to grab his jacket. I sat there with the biggest boner I have ever had, trying to remember everything he told me.

I watched their asses as they walked out the door, and I knew exactly what I was gonna choose. I played with my throbbing cock for a few minutes before I finally ran some cold water over it, trying to make it go down so I could fit the damn cage on it. I wasn't thrilled about the chastity but if that's what it took to be able to breathe DJ's ass directly, then I'd have to wear it. I grabbed the dildo gag and secured it in my mouth, then I lifted the couch cushion and slid inside. I let it fall and latch, and there I was. Stuck, gagged and my dick caged. Even if I wanted to back out now I couldn't.

After three hours of extreme boredom I finally heard the keys being stuck in the door. My dick tried so hard to get hard, but the chastity wasn't letting that happen. I took a deep breath and waited. I heard them, stumbling in sounding like they were drunk.

"Oh Danny boy, I drank a LOT of beer tonight!" DJ hollered, belching at the end.

"How much do you wanna bet the faggot is in the couch?" Terry said, laughing. "Let's find out" DJ chuckled. They turned the corner and looked at me, DJ got the biggest grin I've ever seen. He turned to Terry with the biggest smile on his face "yep, we got a new couch bro! He even stuck the gag in!" DJ was falling over laughin so hard. I just laid there, unable to do anything else. Terry came up to take a look, staring into my eyes for a moment. "Sup Danny boy? Ever smelled a black ass before?" Terry said, taunting me. He pulled his pants and underwear down, then he slowly lowered his big black ass right into my trapped face. One thing I noticed about the cushion is the way the hole was cut, I couldn't turn my head. I was stuck staring directly straight up, and Terry knew it. He knew I couldn't turn my head even if I tried. He sat down and I was overwhelmed with shit smell. I couldn't believe it, did this dude ever use toilet paper? I could feel him bouncing up and down with laughter as I continued to smell, gagging with every smell. "Aww he's gagging. I think it's too much for him." Terry taunted. "Better get used to it" DJ laughed.

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