His Dad the Porn Star

By Joe Jam

Published on May 13, 2020


Sorry to anybody who was waiting for this, it took WAY longer to be happy with it than I expected. Plus, life got busy. Sorry about any typos, it's a risk of typing whilst horny.

As always it's all fantasy. Play safe and look after yourselves, especially now. Nifty is an amazing service so please remember to donate at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

If you want more, feel free to let me know at joejam886@gmail.com

"I'd been out of the industry a few-oh, fuck-" his tongue traces the ridge of my pole as his wicked eyes watch me. "-a few years."

"Mmmmm," Derek moans as he envelops my cock. I look down at him, his lips stretched obscenely around my fuck-stick. I'm sitting up against the headboard and my son's boyfriend is sprawled out before me with his pretty little ass pointing up, slowly humping up and down as he nurses my cock. His arms are draped over my thick thighs. He moans and slides back, releasing my wet drool, a string of drool still connecting me to his tongue. "Tell me more, Daddy." he says in a lust-filled growl as his pink tongue darts out to taste me again.

"Well, since you're being such a good boy." I stroke his soft wavy hair as he dips his head down and sucks one of my nuts into his mouth. "It must have been about 3-5 years at that point..."


After leaving porn I spent some time just reconnecting with Blake after his ma died and he was with me full-time. I built my business up as well, but he was my focus, so I didn't really get much time to date.

I think that changed when he was about 15. I figured he was sensible and could take care of himself pretty well, so I started to get back into the dating pool.

I'm not sure if it was the first time, but one night I'd been out with a handsome bartender named Grant and we'd come back to my place. I'd gotten Grant onto the bed, lying on his back with his head hanging over the edge so that I could fuck his throat.

We'd been a bit drunk so I must have left the door open, but when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye I realised that there was a shadow in the doorway. I really should have stopped right then but as my cock twitched and Grant's throat convulsed I just...didn't.

Instead, I pulled back out so that my slick cock was shining in the lamplight just beyond his swollen lips as Grant panted and gasped for breath. His own cock bounced and drooled untouched on his belly. Turning my head and looking my boy in the eyes made him jump, and I smirked and winked as I drove my cock back down my date's throat.

"You like my big dick?" I asked, as I withdrew again, still watching my son's face as lust washed away the shock. Granted panted and answered in the affirmative as his tongue lapped at the head of my dick trying to capture it again.

Blake should have been in bed but his hand slipped into the waistband of his pyjama shorts as I pushed my cock easily back into the waiting throat in front of me. Pulling out, pushing back in, I took my time and enjoyed the gargling desperate sounds Grant let out as I used him.

I've always liked being watched, so as wrong as it was I kicked the thrusting into high gear and was unloading down his throat in no time, all the while watching as my son fumbled with the hefty lump in his pants.

After Blake had gone back to his room I let Grant breathe again and sent him off for the night.

We didn't talk about what happened. Blake did seem a bit jumpy for a few days and I tried to figure out how to broach the topic without either of us feeling like a creep, but we soon settled back to normal enough without having to discuss it.

I saw Grant for some more dates but we either fucked around at his place or I closed the door again like a responsible adult.

It was some time later when I'd been asked to meet up with Michael. We'd worked together back when he was a performer, and now he was directing at a new studio and keen as fuck to get me on board.

We met, things were good, he was plying me with some good weed and a lot of laughs. He had a couple of the guys from the film with it, and I hit it off with both of them pretty well. Well enough that Ryan was coming home with me.

Now this was a while ago, it was going to be his first film so he was a lot younger. Hadn't really put on any muscle yet and he didn't have the tats yet. He was another slim, smooth twink with a juicy butt, but there was something filthy about him and I couldn't wait to fuck. Him telling me loudly in the back of the taxi that he was gonna milk my "daddy dick" and make me breed him probably didn't help. Not sure if the cab driver was disgusted or jealous, but I overpaid regardless and we rushed inside.

Pretty soon he was on all fours with my tongue buried deep in his boy pussy. I don't know how long I spent worshipping that sweet hole, grunting and nibbling and thrusting my tongue as he moaned and whimpered so fucking sweetly, but I was dragged back into reality when I heard him speak.

"You like the view?" He asked, and before I could tear myself away from his smooth, puckered fuckhole to answer, I heard my son say yes. There was an audible slurp as I disengaged, and for a moment I had to watch his wet hole throbbing in the open air, suddenly abandoned by my tongue. "You wanna see your daddy breed my cunt?" He asked, his voice dripping in sweetness as if he was offering him a drink or something.

"Y-yes. I do." Blake's voice sounded high and far away, and I watched him for a moment to see if he looked sure. He was looking Ryan up and down, his eyes glancing to my furry body and rigid cock, then returning to Ryan. "I want to see you get fucked."

"Alright, filthy boy. I think I almost believe you but you're gonna need to prove it." Ryan rose up to his knees and moved back so that his body was pressed against me. Reaching back, he guided my cock into the cleft of his ass as my arms wrapped around him. Still watching my son I lowered my lips to Ryan's smooth, long neck, and sucked gently on the sweat-coated skin there. "Show me your dick."

Blake looked like he wanted to run away. His gentle groping of his bulge stopped and his panicked eyes went from Ryan's face to mine, watching me neck the twink as we waited to see what he would do.

"Very nice." Ryan practically purred as my son pushed his shorts down, showing a thick tuft of dark hair before his cock jumped up into the air. It looked decently thick, especially on his scrawny frame, and probably about 6 inches. Ryan leaned forward and pushed his ass up, revealing his hole to me again. "Breed me, daddy." He whimpered and I didn't waste any time.

I rushed to swipe some lube across my dick and push myself into him, watching my son stroke his cock as Ryan's ass swallowed me up with ease. We started rutting like animals, panting and growling as the room filled with the sound of slapping flesh and the stink of sex.

Blake watched us as he stroked his cock, stopping as he got too close then picking up the pace again. Precum was dripping down his hand, it looked like more than I normally produce, and I couldn't help but lick my lips and wonder how it might taste.

"Fuck, boy. Daddy's getting close." My son looked at me as he heard me speak, his face almost looking like he was suddenly pulled back into reality as his stroking picked up the pace. "You ready for my cum?" I asked Ryan, my face never turning away from Blake.

"Yes, fuck yes!" Ryan moaned and began thrusting back, harder and faster, showing how much he wanted it. "You gonna cum all over me baby?" He asked my son, whose own strokes froze as he realized what he was being asked. He began jerking his cock again as he moved forward, turning to face Ryan, aiming as he stroked fast and faster.

In no time at all he was almost screaming as his cock exploded, the dark purple head spewing forth burst after burst of his thick cream, Ryan moaning like a whore in heat as it landed on his face, on his shoulder, on his back. A wad even hit me on the chest, and I let loose a roar as I unloaded inside of the Asian twink covered in my son's cum.

I don't know what Blake mumbled next but he slipped away, yanking his shorts up as he practically flew out the door.

Ryan was practically glowing as he released my cock and turned to face me. As I watched him he scooped up globs of my son's cum and sucked it off his fingers, then moved in, pressing our lips together. I almost knew what would happen next, as his tongue pushed into my mouth still coated in Blake's fresh cum, and I tasted my son as we made out.

Our kisses deepened as our bodies pressed against each other, and when he spotted the globs of Blake's cum on my chest he eagerly licked it up and continued moving downwards. He started to lick my cock clean until I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pushed my cock into his throat.

It didn't take long to me to cum again with his nose pressed against my pubes and his throat convulsing around my fat 9 inches. I couldn't help but think of my load mixing with what he'd licked up of Blake's.

I signed on for that film with Ryan and a few more, and before long Jon Rocc was back.

When I had Grant, or any of my other buddies visit, I was a lot more careful about making sure Blake was out or the door was secure. But Ryan still came over for some sweaty, raw fun every now and again, and he wasn't too concerned about where or when we fucked. Blake would watch sometimes, jerking off as Ryan really got off on the show, and other times he'd go do his own thing.

I think it only happened once or twice, but at some point Ryan offered to show him how a blowjob felt so from then on while I pounded at his hungry ass my boy would be feeding him his own cum.

"I think you should learn how to suck a dick," Ryan announced one day as we all lounged around sipping cans of beer that Blake almost spit all over himself in shock. He was a bit over 17 at that point, and the boys were pretty good buddies. Ryan had started covering his body in tattoos as he worked out harder, and he was showing everything off, wearing just a small pair of green shorts that bulged in the right places as he grabbed at his crotch and shook it in Blake's direction. "I mean, you wanna keep your new older boyfriend happy, right?"

"Older boyfriend?" I asked, trying to mask my shock. "What older boyfriend is this?" I asked as I looked at my boy's face becoming redder. I tried to sound stern but he looked fucking adorable.

"Oh, daddy hasn't met Tim yet?" Ryan asked in his sweetest, shit-stirringest voice as he knocked back some more beer.

"Not, uh...not yet." Blake stammered out as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "And he's not my boyfriend."

"Not yet he's not. But maybe that'll change when you treat his pole right." Ryan smirked at my son as he began to squirm.

"What are you suggesting exactly?" I ask Ryan, whose bulge has grown obscenely prominent. "And exactly how old is this...Tim?"

"He's, uh...he's 19." Only a couple of years, sure, but at that age it could feel like a lifetime. "We haven't done anything yet, I don't think he's interested in that." Blake's eyes were fixed on the outline of Ryan's hardness.

"Sure he is. You're a cute kid, with pretty lips." Ryan responded as he stood up and deftly slipped his shorts down, exposing his 7 cut inches. Ryan's normally a bottom with me, but he's pretty versatile the rest of the time. We've shared a few hot holes together and I've seen him aggressively fuck enough times I'm a little cautious about where things are going. "They'd look better sliding up and down my dick, don't you think so daddy?"

"I think Blake should decide what he wants to do." My cock throbbed, trapped inside of my briefs at a painful angle.

"I want to do it. I want to suck you." He practically threw himself onto his knees and Ryan stepped forward with a grin, lining his cock up with my son's mouth.

"Good boy. Jon, get over here and help teach your son how to treat a cock right." I paused for a moment but I knew I'd do it. Landing on my knees next to my boy, I gripped Ryan's dick and stroked it in front of Blake.

You already know how to suck dick damn well, Derek, so I won't bore you with the basics. Keep doing exactly what you're doing right now. But what I did was slowly taught my boy how to take it deep, savouring the taste and avoiding teeth. He picked it up pretty well, judging by Ryan's reactions.

Of course, I had to suck him as well, even though Ryan's cock was covered in my son's spit. We both lapped at Ryan's piss slit, tasting his sweet precum, almost fighting over it as he leaked onto both of us. I showed him that wrapping his tongue around the ridge of Ryan's cock head and twisting slightly as he withdrew would make Ryan groan.

At some point I got to my feet and started making out with Ryan while Blake got into a rhythm, deep throating him as long as he could and gasping for breaths in between. I almost jumped as Blake grabbed a hold of me. Not missing a beat as he sucked Ryan, my son was also stroking my dick for the first time, stopping only to spit in his hand for lube and then going back to work on Ryan.

"He's fucking good," Ryan panted, his lips so close to mine. "I'm gonna cum in your son." His breathily moaned as Blake's slurping filled the room, growing faster in desperation. Our mouths crashed together, my tongue exploring Ryan as I grabbed onto his waist, my fingers digging in as my own orgasm came suddenly and hard.

My son's hand flew up and down my shaft as my cum exploded onto his body, kneeling there, his chest heaving and his throat working to swallow the load being fed to him by Ryan.

"Fucking good work." Ryan proclaimed,getting onto his knees and pushing my son so he was lying there on the carpet. Ryan began licking my cum off Blake's smooth chest, making him jump lightly as he bit his nipples and straddling him. "I think you've earned this."

Scooping up some of the remaining cum that I'd shot all over my son, Ryan then stroked Blake, getting his cock nice and slick and aiming it for his hole. Blake yelped as his cock was swallowed instantly, Ryan pushing down on his chest and riding him with a frantic, angry pace.

Ryan leaned down and they kissed, their lips mashed against one another and their tongues visibly pushing from one man to another as the loud slaps of Ryan slamming his ass down onto Blake's pelvis filled the room.

It didn't take long for muffled screams of pleasure to erupt from my son and then he was thrusting up as he erratically exploded inside of Ryan.

-------------DEREK NOW-------------

"And that's about the extent of it," Jon/James/Daddy says as he strokes my hair, pushing on my skull to guide my mouth further down while he lifts his thighs up. "We fuck Ryan together every now and again, and he did walk in on me fucking Tim that one time but they didn't last."

Holding me in place, his asshole is right in front of my parted lips. I dart my tongue out and taste his musk as he releases his hand from the top of my skull. My nose pushes against his taint as my tongue strokes up and down his furry hole, and he's the only thing I can smell. He grunts as I push my pointed tongue against his ring, feeling it go into him just a little, and then I use my lips to work his hole in between attempted thrusts until he shifts and his legs come back down to the bed.

"Good boy. You ready for some cum?" He asks and I don't answer with words, I just angle my head and take as much of him back down my throat as I can. Looking up, he's grabbed his phone and is pointing the camera at me. I let his cock go with a loud pop.

"Yes sir, I want that load." I say with a smile as I grip his cock at the base, tugging up and down, and then wrapping my lips back around his cockhead.

"Mmm, fuck yeah. That slutty little mouth is gonna earn it soon." I only moaned at that, slurping sounds as I carelessly took his cock as far into my throat as possible, gripping the base still and stroking it in time with my sucks. "Will it be enough though?"

I pull off again and look at him, to see him still filming me. "You can give me more." I say playfully, running my tongue up and down his 9 fat inches, watching him grin at me.

"Maybe I should get some help. A couple extra cocks to load you up, we can put on a show."

"Yes please, daddy."

Whew! That's finally done. Undecided if I'll keep going on this story, there's still a few hot encounters that could come out of it but I'll see.

I went back and forth on this one, it changed a lot since I wrote the last chapter. Hope some of you enjoy it, feel free to let me know at joejam886@gmail.com, or I'm on Twitter now sharing porn @joejam886. I'm going to try and get a site up for these and future stories as well, so stay tuned.

There's a new chapter up or coming soon as well for https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/big-bad-uncle-wolf

The final chapter has also been submitted for https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-friends/his-best-friends-slut/

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