His Dad the Porn Star

By Joe Jam

Published on Feb 24, 2019


Welcome back! Hopefully the new installment is worth the wait. I will say that when I wrote it I was gripping my cock, so sorry about typos.

As always, it's all fantasy. Play safe and look after yourselves. Nifty is an amazing service, so please remember to donate at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

If you want more, feel free to let me know at joejam886@gmail.com

I sit there on the couch as James goes to get us all drinks. The sweat is cooling on my skin in the air conditioned hotel suite and my nipples stiffen. Beside me, my boyfriend moans as Ryan's tongue explores his mouth.

I glance over to see they're both still as dressed as we were when we arrived, but their hands are exploring each other hungrily.

"Get your lips on this." James' deep voice commands, and as I look back at him, my eyes grow wide at the sight of that beautiful uncut meat, hanging there on top of his huge round nuts. He's not fully hard but the blood has caused it to thicken, and as I watch it, struck by how hot it is, it grows in length and the head begins to push out beyond the skin. He shakes the glass in his hand and the spell is broken.

"Thanks." I manage to whisper in response, taking the glass of water, and chugging it down, feeling it fill me. "I needed this."

"What else do you need?" James asks, looking down at me while his son and his friend grind their bodies against each other, pulling against each other's flesh. James' cock is rising up from his nuts, hardening without being touched.

"I need your cock." With that he steps toward me, his cock swaying with the movement, and then it's jutting out so close to my lips. Breathing in his scent fills me, and my mouth falls open. I dart my tongue out, tasting his flesh, and then my mouth follows, my lips sealing around his thickness and I lean forward, taking half of it into me and then sliding back, until only the head is trapped in my mouth.

"Good boy." He says as my tongue runs across the piss slit, tasting the sweet fluid there, and I lunge forward, getting more of him into my mouth this time. His hand comes up and strokes my hair as I slide back again. "Take what you need."

He doesn't move his hips or grab my hair or say anything else for a while. Instead he merely stands there, cock throbbing in my mouth as I forget where I am. The world has melted away as I'm lost in pleasure, rhythmically sliding back and forth, sucking his precum from the source and slowly working my way up until my lips are against his skin, my mouth stretched around the base of his cock, my throat stuffed by his massive meat.

He groans as I rest there, making swallowing motions around his immensity, enjoying the feeling of being stuffed full of him. Eventually I need air and I slide off him, his cock bouncing in front of me with every beat of his heart, wet with spit. As I pant there, struggling to regain my breath, the movement next to me catches my eye. I turn my head and my heart skips a beat.

Blake is now bent over, his arms on the couch, as Ryan's face is buried in his ass. My boyfriend's eyes are closed and a string of drool hangs from his pink lips as he enjoys the porn star's tongue working his hole over. I don't know how long I watched them like that, Ryan grunting and snorting as he passionately ate my boyfriend's ass, but I was broken out of my daze as James turned my face back towards his massive cock.

"Is this okay?" He asked me, coming down to one knee in front of me so that our eyes were level with each other. His eyes were warm and open on his handsome face as his hand came up to the back of my neck. I nodded vigorously, unsure of what I would say if I tried to put it into words. "Good." Was the reply, and then his lips were on mine, soft to start with but the insistence built between us. I could only moan mindlessly as his tongue swept into my mouth which opened to accommodate his need.

"Blake." Was what he uttered when our kiss finally broke, and it took a moment for the confusion to paint itself across my face. This situation already registered as strange on my alcohol-infused mind, but why would he call for his son?

"Daddy?" Blake sounded strange. He'd never called him that in any of the times we'd been around his dad, and now his voice was dripping in lust. I could hear Ryan's lips smacking against Blake's asshole, which elicited more moans.

"Come here, boy." His voice was stern, but his eyes were still locked on mine, his hand gripping my neck. Blake groaned in frustration but then he must have managed to pull himself away from Ryan's wicked tongue, because then he appeared next to James, dropping to his knees. His dad put an arm around him. "Daddy's going to breed Derek. You want to see that?"

"Yes, Sir." My boyfriend replied to James. My face burned as I looked between their handsome faces, Blake's an echo of his father's. "I wanna see you break him in, Daddy." My heart was beating furiously in my chest.

"Good boy." He turned towards his son and they kissed, hungrily. It was only for a moment but I thought I was going to explode at the sight. "I'll need your help though." While I was trying to process this, Blake leaned in and kissed me. It was messy and chaotic, full of unrestrained need, so different to his father's kiss. My cock was achingly hard.

When we broke apart he pushed me back on the couch. My cock jutted upwards, wet with precum, and in no time at all Blake had swooped in on it while his dad watched. Another cock appeared as Ryan stood on the couch and turned my head towards him.

His dark, shiny cockhead slipped between my lips, and I groaned as the taste of his flesh filled my senses. Slurping noises filled the room as Blake worked my cock over, making my toes curl, and Ryan shoved more of his meat into my mouth. Soon enough he was pumping his cock into me, his cock sliding into my throat.

"Now get his hole wet for me." James' voice was firm, commanding. And Blake obeyed. Gripping my legs he pushed them up and exposed my eager hole to himself. My boyfriend's tongue lapped and sucked and nibbled at my ass, circling the entrance before shoving his tongue into me, making me moan around Ryan's dick. "Get him hungry for your daddy's cock."

"Yes daddy." Blake replied, his voice muffled against my flesh, and then the slurping noise returned as he worked my hole over. My cock throbbed and leaked on my belly, twitching without being touched. I moaned as he dug in deeper.

Ryan's cock slipped from my lips and James moved in close to me. I opened my mouth, eyes glued to that massive meat as it swayed in front of me, coming closer but not close enough to taste.

"Here you go, boy. I'll block one nostril then you breathe it in deep. Give it a moment and I'll move on to the next one." The words struggled to make sense until he held a brown glass bottle in front of my face. I glanced up at him, uncertain. I'd heard of poppers but never tried them. His gaze was firm, and I surrendered to his will as he blocked off one nostril and I absorbed the amyl through my free one.

I held it in for a few moments, and then when I released my breath he changed to my other nostril. My head began to spin as he screwed the lid back on the bottle and his cock approached me. I moaned as he slid his beautiful cock into my mouth and down my throat in one smooth motion until his pubes were against my nose.

"Good boy, Der. Get my cock nice and wet." I spread my legs further, aching to have his son push deeper into me. As if he was reading my mind his tongue left me for a moment but was replaced by his fingers. I groaned around James' monster dick as he fucked my face, rough and fast, balls slapping against my chin.

Blake pumped two of his fingers into my hole forcefully as I choked on his dad's cock. The world was spinning around me and drool ran down my chin. I whimpered when the fingers disappeared from me, before they were shoved back in and disappeared again. Blake's face crashed against my ass one more time, his tongue lapping at my asshole. James gripped the back of my head and continued his assault.

"Fuck!" Blake's muffled voice came from against my ass as his hands gripped my thighs as if his life depended on it, fingers digging into my flesh. James released my head and I pulled myself off his cock, looking between my legs to see Ryan positioning himself there, gripping my boyfriend's waist as he sunk his cock into him.

I could only watch as Ryan began fucking him, Blake's lips abandoning my ass, his face contorted in pleasure and pain as he held onto me. I glanced up to Ryan's face and his eyes were locked onto mine, his lips curled up in an arrogant smile, his hips smacking against my boyfriend's ass.

I don't know how long I just watched them like that, panting and fucking, but eventually James pulled my attention-and mouth-back onto his cock. As I sucked him, he repositioned me, pulling me away from Blake's face and out of his arms. Soon I was on all fours on the couch with my ass in the air and James stepped away from me.

"Let's record it for posterity." James said as he returned, handing Ryan his cellphone, who took it without missing a thrust into my boyfriend's ass. Blake's face was positioned right in front of my ass and soon enough he was watching as James lined his cock up with my hole. I could feel heat radiating from him, and all I wanted was for him to thrust forward into me.

"Guide daddy's cock into your hot little boyfriend's ass." I watched as Blake, face enraptured by the sight, reached up and gripped his father's cock. I finally felt it brushing against my hole and my body tensed in anticipation. I tried to force myself to relax as the pressure started to build against me.

"Ah, fuck!" I yelped as the huge blunt head of his cock pushed into me. He gripped my hips and held us there, still and unmoving, my hole burning in pain as it tried to cope with the intrusion.

He gently started rocking back and forth, my body tensing as more of his length entered me, and all I could do was focus my breathing. I glance at Ryan, holding the cellphone up as he recorded us, and Blake who was being fucked while holding onto his father's cock. I don't know how long it took but I felt Blake's fingers on my ass, wrapped around James' cock as more of it slid into me. He finally let go when he had no choice, and then it happened.

"That's all of it." I could feel his pubes against my skin as my hole spasmed and twitched around his cock. Sure, I'd had a replica of it inside of me, but that was nothing like the pulsing leaking flesh that was stuffed inside of me now. He twitched his cock inside of me and I groaned, finally letting go of the breath I'd been harbouring inside of me for strength.

He withdrew from me agonisingly slow. It felt like he was pulling me inside out with his massive fuckstick. I couldn't believe it was only 9 inches when it being drawn from my body could take an eternity. After an age, when only the very tip of his cock remained, he slammed his length back into me.

"FUCK!" I screamed. "Fuck, there's so much." My body was on fire as he ground his hips against me, making sure I could feel every god damn inch. And then he did it again, slowly and purposefully sliding his cock out of me, making it last for as long as possible before he rammed it back into me completely.

"Ohhhh, fuck." This time I groaned and let my eyes flutter closed. My body was electric, feeling things I'd never felt before. And he pulled back again, this time not taking quite so long, and then he was all the way inside of me again.

"How's that cock feel?" He asked me, his voice rumbling through the room, the only other sound his friend's balls slapping against his son's ass as they watched us.

"It's..." I tried to control myself, I didn't want to sound like a bitch, or needy, or wimpy. "So fucking good." I exhaled, and upon hearing that he began pumping, withdrawing then ramming it back into me like a piston, faster and smoother than anything he'd done before. "Oh my god, so good!"

"Damn right." James growled behind me, and I could feel his sweat dripping onto my back as he worked my hole over. "Ryan. Fuck his sweet little mouth." Glancing over I saw Ryan dismount from my boyfriend, whose face was still a mask of lust and desire, drool dripping down from the corner of his mouth. I'd never thought I'd see him like this. He leaned back, settling onto his haunches, still watching his dad's dick using me.

Ryan's cut 7 inches was presented to me, veins standing out on his dark skin, wet and hot after fucking the boy I love. He gripped it at the base and shook it at me, and then I was leaning forward, tasting the mixture of sweat and ass and precum. He gripped my hair roughly and both men fucked me mercilessly from both sides, the noises of slurping and slapping filling the room before suddenly being interrupted by a roar.

James exploded inside of me. His cock buried as deep as it could go while Ryan still used my throat. James' fingers dug into my hips as his cum poured into my guts from behind. He shook, shuddered and grunted, until he finally felt like he was done. As his softening meat slipped out of me I felt his potent load run down my nuts, dripping onto the couch below me.

Still choking on Ryan's dick I heard the sound of lips against lips, and then I heard James whisper to his son.

"He's yours now." As soon as James said those words, Blake was taking his place behind me. Blake's 7 inches were girth but they still slid into my hungry hole easily, lubricated by his dad's seed.

"Fuck yes. I can't believe this is happening." Blake moaned and his rhythm began, urgent and chaotic, roughly pushing into me to bring himself pleasure. I heard him and Ryan kissing above me and their hands roamed across my body, twisting my nipples and squeezing my flesh.

I screamed around Ryan's cock as I exploded, my own cock untouched, spewing my cum onto the couch underneath me. My ass gripped my boyfriend's cock and he moaned into Ryan's mouth as his cum joined his father's inside of me.

Ryan's cock slipped out of my mouth as Blake held himself inside of me, riding his high still, and Ryan jacked himself off furiously. His hand twisted in my hair and yanked me to look up at the sight of him, his toned body glowing gold in the lamplight, dripping in sweat that made his tattoos shine.

I could just pant and wait, my tongue hanging out of my mouth, ready for him when he finally came.

His load splashed across my cheeks, my nose, into my hair, and it dripped down my chin. I tasted him on my tongue and all I could smell was the sharp scent of his cum as Blake pulled his cock out of me, more cum oozing out of my abused hole.

"Alright, boys." James said to us, fatherly and commanding. "I think it's bedtime."

He didn't have to ask us twice. I wiped cum off me with a towel but I was too tired to shower, so before I knew it I had climbed into the bed with the others, grateful it was a big one. Me, Blake, Ryan then James, all in a row, all aching and stinking of sex. I slept like the dead.

I don't know what time I started returning to consciousness, but it began with a rocking motion. Next I became aware of the panting. Sharp breaths, swift exhales, light moans, all mixed together with the sounds of a waking city.

I opened my eyes and the sheets had been pulled down. Ryan's face was pushed into the pillow next to me, twisted in agony. Blake's lips grazed his ear as he lay on top of him, pinning his arms down, thrusting his hips to fuck him frantically.

"Morning, sunshine." James was on the other side of them, held up by his arm, watching me over his son as he fucked his friend. I smiled and he winked at me, just woken but handsome as sin.

He got up then, grabbing something from the table next to him, and came around to me. That huge cock swayed as he stepped in closer and I could hardly believe it was all inside of me.

He smiled down at me as he opened the bottle in his hand and squirted out a healthy amount of lube, smearing it across his cock as I watched. Then he stood there, hand and cock wet, waiting for me.

"Oh!" I breathed and kicked the rest of the sheet off my body, then I lifted my legs, feeling the air on my ass as it came into view.

He grunted in appreciation and moved in closer. He smeared wet fingers up and down my crack, and then they were pushing into my tender entrance. I had no resistance to offer him, and then he was thrusting one, two, then three fingers into me.

"Think you're ready again?" He asked, eyes locked onto mine, my body writhing on the white sheets below his massive form. He never broke his stroke, fingers pumping in and out and in again. I held my legs as open as I possibly could, angling myself for him.

"Yes sir," I panted. "Please fuck me." His fingers came out of me instantly and he was on top of me, his body pinning my legs back, his mouth owning mine.

We both grunted and moaned as he lined his meat up with my hot hole. He didn't take his time, pushing into me brutally, making my body shake as his tongue continued its assault on my mouth, thrusting into me, stroking my tongue and making me go crazy.

My arms came up around his back and I gripped his flesh as he continued his assault. He was somehow thrusting in deeper than last night, my aching body still electric with pleasure.

Without warning he broke the kiss and rose up slightly, looking down at me as his forearm came between us, resting on my soft neck. The pressure built there but I could still breathe, and his thrusting began to intensify.

He choked me like that, his arm against my neck, but I felt safe. His face twisted in list as his sweat fell down onto me. My cock, trapped between our bodies, let loose my first load of the day and I grunted, pushing against his arm.

"Yes! Take my load, you hungry little bitch." He sounded like a monster as he growled those words at me, huffing and panting and then his cock swelled up inside of me, pulsing to fill me even deeper than before with his cum.

When my thoughts returned to my body I glance over to see Ryan and Blake spooning as they watched us.

Ryan scooped up my load from my belly and sucked it off his fingers, before leaning in and kissing me, my cum on his lips and tongue. We stayed like that for a while, kissing and sharing my load, until James moved back and let his cock slip from my fucked hole.

"Alright, boys. Let's clean up then it's time for breakfast." He commanded, and we obeyed.

I found myself sharing the shower with Blake and we spent too long there, cleaning each other's bodies, exploring with soapy fingers and kissing each other gently.

"Love you." He whispered to me, just barely audible over the running water.

So! It could end there, otherwise I do have other filthy ideas in mind for the boys and dad.

Let me know if you wanna read more!


Next: Chapter 6

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