His Dad the Porn Star

By Joe Jam

Published on Jan 2, 2019


Thanks for coming back! Hope you've been enjoying the story. You can let me know at joejam886@gmail.com.

As always, play safe, have fun and don't forget to donate at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Hopefully there aren't too many typos. Half of it was written with cock in hand.

The world spun around us as we marched up the busy street, hand in hand. We'd been drinking most of the day so far with some friends, and when they were going out to one of the local clubs they asked if we were sure we didn't want to come.

"Nah, it's a thing for my dad's work. Lots good food and free booze!" Blake said joyfully, not lying but not quite telling them it was for one of the larger gay porn studios and some of their biggest business partners. They eventually bought it and left, and I fucked another load into Blake's hot, hungry hole, and we were marching up to the bouncer with the guest list at about 11pm.

We bounded up the stairs and our hands fell apart as we took in the sights. The place was medium-sized but busy. Guys in tiny shorts wandering around with trays of drinks, men in suits, others in various states of undress, the dance floor a pulsing mass of lights and bodies as the music thumped through our bodies.

"Blarek!" I turned to look at the hideous mixing of our names and Ryan wandered up with a goofy grin. His tattoos were on full display, as was his tight, toned, lightly furred torso. He'd tucked his shirt in the waist of his pants. He had a drink in hand and came up to us with his arms out. "How are my favourite hot little twinks?"

"Uh, hey man." I was surprised somebody as sexy as him could remember meeting me, it was only the once. Then again, his 7-inch cut cock was the first one to fuck my boyfriend's mouth, so I guess that would help. "Good party!" I said as he wrapped his arms around us and pulled us in tight to him.

"Fuck yeah!" He let go of Blake because that was the hand with the drink in it, but he other arm still held me tight, and his warmth radiated through me. My cock twitched. He looked me in the eyes, his lips only inches from mine, and I could practically taste him as he spoke, his breath washing over me. My cock thickened up a bit more. "You boys should grab a drink."

"I'll go." Blake said and we both turned to look at him. "Might be a few minutes. I'll see if I can find Dad." He smiled at us and wandered deeper into the club. I turned my head to see Ryan licking his lips as he watched Blake walk away. The arm holding his came came around my back and he held me tight against himself, his firm bulge pressing against my crotch. I was rock hard now. He leaned in, his lips grazing my ear and making me shiver.

"Such a hot little ass. Has he given it up yet?" His free hand was planted in the small of my back and he held me tight, grinding his cock against mine. I couldn't think of what to say and the silence felt like it stretched on forever. "I bet it looks even hotter stretched around your dick." I couldn't help it, I ground back, humping against him, enjoying the way the pressure felt.

"It, uh...feels even better than it looks." I couldn't believe I was talking about this. He caught my ear lobe in his teeth and I felt a spike of pleasure at the base of my spine. My back arched and we ground even harder against each other, humping away, and he groaned into my ear. "I fucked him right before we came out." Why was I still talking?

"Fucking hot, man." His lips landed on my neck and he sucked gently as our cocks pumped against each other through our pants. Then he suddenly pulled away and I was panting, flushed and leaking as he only loosely held me from the side and guzzled the rest of his drink. I glanced down and I felt like my hardon was the most obvious thing in the world right then. "I need a refill."

He wandered off and I tried to stay to wait for Blake. One of the servers with a drink tray and a heavy bulge in his tiny red shorts held his tray in front of me and winked. He had dark hair, several silver piercings glinting in his ear, and incredible abs. The tray was full of shot glasses filled with dark liquid and I was eyeing them up, trying to decide if I'd take one.

"Go on." A voice came from my right, and the man who stepped beside me picked up two shot glasses, handing one to me. The server smiled and wandered off. "You look like you need it." He was about my height, probably in his late 40s, African-American with thick salt and pepper hair and warm eyes. His body was slim but he still looked fit under his white button-up shirt. I took the shot glass and knocked it back. "I haven't met you before, have I?"

"I don't think so. I'm here with my boyfriend." My throat burned but I started to relax a bit. "I'm Derek."

"Nice to meet you. To be fair, half of the guys here I'll only recognise when they're stripped and oiled up." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. His voice was deep and easy to listen to. "I'm Michael. One of the directors."

"Nice to meet you." He reached his hand out and I took it, shaking, and then letting him hold on for a bit longer. He stroked my hand with his thumb and drifted a bit closer. His cologne filled my senses.

"You're very cute." He said, and my face felt warm. "Are you and your boyfriend open?" Before I could answer we were joined by Jon/James who was tailed by his son and Ryan. Michael let go of my hand.

"Stop hitting on the kid, Mike. He's taken." Jon was firm but friendly. "This is my kid's boy." He stepped up to both of us. "If anybody else is fucking him, it's gonna be me." I glanced over to see Blake and Ryan chatting as they caught up. They couldn't have heard that. Blake handed me my drink and the conversation started flowing.

There was small talk, business talk, shameless flirting and jokes. Everybody was buzzing and our circle grew a bit larger before Ryan announced that we were going to dance, dragging Blake away who then pulled me along. We squeezed through a handful of people and found our bodies pressed against each other as we moved to the music. I could feel sweat dripping onto me from strangers, their bodies grinding against me, and I was becoming horny again.

I barely noticed when, but Blake lost his shirt, and his smooth chest was pressed against me beside Ryan's hairy one. I wanted to lick the sweat off both of them. Blake and I kissed hungrily in stolen moments as one song bled to another, then another. The bodies squeezed in tighter around us, and I don't know whose hand was squeezing my half-hard cock or gripping my ass for mere moments. I thought about stripping my shirt off but as the dance floor grew fuller I don't know that I would have had the room.

At some point Blake's dad was there, his naked chest sweaty and shaking as he danced with us. Hands were all over each other as I felt Blake's flesh bumping against Ryan's, and Jon groped my ass, squeezing me closer to him. My cock ground against his thigh as his arm wrapped around me.

"Just one minute left!" The DJ's voice boomed over the music and everybody seemed to hum with excitement. Jon's other arm wrapped around Ryan from behind and as everybody bounced around we found ourselves repositioned, me held in tight under Jon's arm, body pressed against him, Ryan held to the front of him, and Ryan's arms were holding Blake to him, their torsos melting against one another.

The music died down and my heart was hammering away in my chest as the countdown started from 10. Lights flared and grins exploded across faces. "3!...2!...1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Jon's lips met mine. His tongue pushed into my mouth and I opened up for him. His arm gripped me tight and I moaned, his mouth working mine, his tongue stroking my tongue and probing me. I humped myself against his immense form and forgot the world even as cheers exploded around us.

Fuck. Blake. I broke our kiss and looked next to us, only to see Ryan and Blake lost in their own passionate embrace, Ryan leaning against Jon whose stubble grazed my neck as his lips found my ear.

"Daddy's gonna breed you." We kissed again as the music returned and the lights died back down. Bodies moved around us as men left the dance floor to find drinks or whatever else. Jon turned so that his body was facing me and my arms slid up him, stroking and squeezing his firm, furry chest as he owned my mouth. I found one of his thick nipples and squeezed and the pressure on my mouth grew. It felt like he was going to bruise me with need.

We didn't break the kiss and I lost track of time as he took my hand and guided it back down his body. He'd freed his cock and I grasped the smooth skin on his hardness, gripping it, moaning into his dominating mouth. I stroked him and then forced myself to separate our lips. I glanced around and couldn't see Ryan or Blake next to us. The dance floor was just crowded enough I couldn't see where they'd gone either.

Looking in Jon's eyes I knew I didn't really have a choice. He wouldn't make me, but I'd regret it if I didn't. I sunk to my knees before him and he smiled down at me. His cock jutted out toward me and my heart was ready to explode in my chest.

It was perfect. 9 inches, uncut, the head half pulled back in front of me, as thick as my wrist with veins crossing around it, heightened by the leather strapped wrapped around the base and his nuts, pushing them forward. It pulsed in front of me and I mouth fell open.

Leaning forward, his taste filled me. Sweet and masculine. I slid forward until his head was forcing my throat open and my nose was buried in his pubes. I'd practiced on the rubber cock, training my throat to manage his size, but this was completely different.

I slid back and his wet cock reappeared from my lips. Leaning forward I took it back in, and started to rock back and forth, kneeling on the dirty dance floor and worshipping him.

As I pushed forward so did he, pulling back as I did, and he fucked my face as I hungrily swallowed him, his precum flowing across my tongue and along the back of my mouth. He pulled out and pushed my forehead back to look up at him, planting his wet cock on my face, hot and heavy.

His arm was around somebody else and they both smirked down at me. It was Michael, his white shirt open and wet with sweat, his dark skin glowing in the throbbing lights.

My face still covered with his cock, Jon reached over and gripped Michael's bulge, fumbling with his fly and releasing 7 thick cut inches. I hadn't moved my face but my eyes locked onto it and I felt saliva building in my mouth. Jon moved back, his cock trailing spit and precum across me, and he made room for Michael.

I lunged forward. Swallowing him, swiping my tongue across his slit, working him with my throat eagerly and quickly as Jon's firm hand guided my skull.

Jon pulled me off and then his cock was shoving itself into my throat again. My eyes rolled back in my head as he used me again for a couple of minutes then pulled back, a string of spit still connecting us, and then my head was shoved back onto Michael.

This time my pace was frantic and desperate even without Jon's hand on my skull.

"Fuck!" I heard Michael yell over the music and his cock was pulled away from me. My mouth stayed stretched open and I felt spit running down my chin. His hand flew up and down his wet cock and in no time at all I felt his hot cum bursting across my face. I swallowed what had landed in my mouth, and when he finally finished he shook his cock at me so another few drops splashed onto me.

He stuffed his cock away and stroked my hair before walking away. I reached up to clean some of the cum from me but Jon grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me to my feet. My cock was trapped painfully and I felt like I'd soaked through my pants with precum. I could feel Michael's load running down my face.

"Good boy." Jon growled and then his lips were parting mine forcefully, his tongue sweeping across me.

When we broke apart he dragged me off the dance floor. Blake looked at me strangely when we came up to him and Ryan, holding each other and drinking.

"Let's get out of here." Jon commanded, and none of us could argue, following him down the stairs and out the building. The cold air made me shiver, my sweat-drenched shirt going cold. I suddenly remembered the cum drying on my face as I felt it in the open air. I didn't move to clean it off.

"Are you okay?" Blake grabbed my hand and squeezed it as we walked behind Jon and Ryan. He smiled at me.

"I think so." In the open street I felt drunker than ever, my feet staggering, guided by the men in front. I squeezed Blake's hand. "Is...this okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. But..." He looked ahead of us. "My dad wants to fuck you. If we go to his hotel room, that's going to happen. Will we be okay?"

I thought about it, trying to put my strange mixed desires into words. I wanted this more than anything, but there's no precedent.

"We're here." Jon's deep rumble announced and I looked at him and Ryan. Still shirtless, chests glistening and heaving in front of us. Jon had booked a hotel for the night and offered us the couch earlier, but we said we could Uber home.

Instead, we followed them into the lift.

Thanks for reading! I need to do another chapter or two of my other main story, His Best Friend's Slut, but I promised it won't be too long until the next chapter of this one comes.

Feel free to send any comments/critiques/cockpics to joejam886@gmail.com. I've loved hearing from y'all!

Next: Chapter 5

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