His Dad the Porn Star

By Joe Jam

Published on Dec 30, 2018


Welcome back! Sorry about the delay, I wasn't too happy with the draft so I had to start fresh. Let me know what you think at joejam886@gmail.com.

As usual, don't forget to donate to Nifty at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html.

Play safe, and have fun stroking! ---------------------------------

I'm a good boy. It's been months since I exchanged pictures with my boyfriend's dad, telling him I wanted his cum deep inside of me, but then I told him I really like Blake and we needed to stop teasing each other.

I've even neglected the dildo modelled off his cock since then. Mostly. I'd pulled it out today and it was standing there upright on my desk next to my computer as I sat there naked, my right thigh lifted up, my hand reaching down past my balls, slick with lube and circling my hole.

On the screen some furry otter was on his knees as his face was fucked by Ryan, the Asian-American guy I met at James' place. As I watched his hand grip the other guy's skull, his cock thrusting into the wet mouth, I pictured Blake there instead, worshipping his hot 7 cut inches, like I was sure he had before in real life. My finger pushed into my hole and I spread my legs a bit further.

My eyes glanced back to the rubber replica of "Jon Rocc's cock." I'd managed to fuck myself with it once, but all that did was make me hungry for the real thing. I was on the verge of begging James/Jon for his cock as soon as I had the whole thing buried in me.

I don't know why I found it so hard to ask Blake for him to fuck me, it just seemed really weird, and we were pretty happy usually with oral and jacking off. As I watched Ryan mount the otter on-screen I wished he was around so I could try and man up to beg for his cock. I had the holiday break off, but he'd picked up extra hours.

As I pumped my finger in and out of myself a bit faster. I pulled it out and pressed two against my hole which began to open up a bit wider. I glanced at the dildo, and again, all I could see was Jon Rocc's monster cock. I needed something bigger than my fingers that didn't make me think of my boyfriend's dad.

I went into my draw and found the butt plug I'd gotten at the same time as the dildo. Lubing it up I managed to slip it into me easily enough. I'd gotten used to it and I knew I'd need something else. I threw some tight underwear on and got dressed.

Walking carefully, I enjoyed how it stretched me enough to keep me half hard, walking past strangers who had no idea. I did spot a couple people glancing down to my bulge which only made it thicken.

Soon enough the bell chimed as I walked through the doorway of a seedy shop and rows of dildos, lubricants and fetish wear were on display. I'm pretty sure it was the same guy behind the counter as last time and I felt my cock twitch as I remembered the way he looked at my ass.

"Good morning." He smiled as I walked up near the counter. "Anything I can help with?" He was handsome for an older guy. Still younger than James/Jon, with dark hair that had been freshly cut and a thick beard. I wondered how it would feel against my ass.

"Probably. I...I'm not too sure what I want." My voice was quieter than normal as I realised I didn't have anything specific I needed. No use being shy. "I need something in my ass though." I couldn't look at him as I felt my face heating up. I looked over at the dildos. "I'll just browse for now."

I saw him move out of the corner of my eye. "You were here a couple months ago, right?" I glanced up as he stood next to me. He was in a tight black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I nodded, and my eyes dropped to his crotch. I could see his cock bulging there, hanging heavily. It didn't look like he was wearing underwear. "What did you pick up then?"

"I, uh...I got a butt plug." I looked away from his cock and reached out, grabbing one of the dildos on display. It was a monster, even thicker than the dildo I have. "I'm wearing it now." I looked at him as I held the veiny rubber cock, my hands wrapped around it but struggling to meet. "I need something more."

"Fuck." His warm smile spread into a grin as he looked me up and down, leaning back to see my ass in my tight jeans. His cock appeared to thicken in his sweatpants. "Can I see?"

I put the dildo down and he led me to the room back of the store. He stood there in the doorway, keeping an eye and ear out for any customers, as I stood in the lunchroom facing away from him. My hands shook as I unbuckled my belt and popped the button on my jeans. My cock was incredibly hard as I unzipped the fly and began peeling them down my legs.

"So sexy." His hand stroked my ass through my underwear as I was bending over, and his fingers drifted between my cheeks. I went upright again as he pressed against the base of the butt plug. I groaned. He wiggled the plug inside of my and I leaned back, feeling his body press against me. His bulge pushed against my ass cheek. "So what does this hot little ass need that this-" he pushed the plug firmly into me "-can't provide?"

"Ohhh god." I moaned. "I need-I need to be filled." I was panting as he bent me forward then peeled my underwear down. Grasping the base of the plug he slowly, achingly pulled on it until the widest point was stretching me, then he shoved it back into me. I moaned wordlessly as he did this again and again. "Please."

He chuckled behind me. "Please what?" Before I could answer the door chimed. Somebody was in the store. "Stay." He pressed against the plug, adjusted himself and left the door open as he returned to the counter.

I was bent over, my plugged ass pointed at the doorway, but I was tucked just behind it so you could only see me if you peered around the corner. My heart was hammering in my chest as I waited for what felt like forever, ignoring the chime of a message on my phone. It was probably only a couple of minutes. I could hear low voices talking out there, then a laugh, and the door chimed again.

Not much after that, he was back, pulling the plug out of me. I grunted, and he grasped my cheeks, spreading them open and exposing my twitching hole to the cool air. One hand left me, I heard a pump bottle, and then his wet fingers were shoving their way into me. It felt like two of them, quickly burying themselves up to the knuckles.

"Such a hot little slut. When's the last time you got fucked?" He asked, fingers pulling back then ramming back into me, making me catch my breath as my cock throbs untouched.

"Never." He paused then, his fingers all the way inside of me, and he started grinding his knuckles against my hole. I moaned as he bent his fingers slightly, rubbing them against my prostate and twisting them inside of me.

"Never. Fuck." His fingers slipped out of me and I groaned at the empty feeling. It didn't last too long as I felt something hot at my entrance. It rubbed against me, threatening to burst into me, making me press back to feel the pressure increasing. I needed it in me.

He stepped around in front of me, and it was beautiful. 8.5 inches, uncut with the foreskin half-pulled back from the head which was slick with his precum. It smelt amazing. His cock was thick and throbbing, the veins pronounced on his heavy meat, which was held by a thick steel ring. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, leaning forward, and my head spun as I tasted him. My lips wrapped around the head and I sucked hard, swiping with my tongue to collect the sweet sticky fluid.

"Good boy." He said, his deep, low voice practically a growl in my ears as I started to lean forward to get more of him into my mouth. He put his hand under my chin and pulled me up to face him. His eyes bore into mine, a smile on his rugged face, and our faces drifted towards each other until our lips crashed together.

His tongue pushed into my mouth, aggressive and hungry. I whimpered as our mouths pushed against each other. His hand had moved to the back of my neck where his fingers gripped me like iron, and his free hand drifted down to my ass, digging between my cheeks and teasing my hole. He released me and stepped back a little.

"Please." I panted, my eyes half-closed with lust, my lips feeling swollen, my cock hard than ever. He reached down and gripped my cock at the base, holding my balls too, the tightness making me groan.

"Please what?" He looked me up and down, grinning, and reached up with his other hand and twisted my nipple. I moaned as I tried to form words, and then the god-damn door chimed. "Fuck."

He stuffed his cock into his pants, angled up under the waistband to try and hide it, then I was alone again, panting and pent up.

After a couple of minutes I started to wonder what the fuck I was doing. I have a boyfriend, I can get what I need. If I can ask a stranger for his dick, I can ask Blake to fuck me. As if on cue my phone chimed again.

"Doing much?" The first message from Blake asked. "They're dead here so I get to finish early. Shall I come over?"

"Yeah, just out for a walk. I'll head back home." I responded, and started pulling myself together. I finally heard the door chime again as I was re-inserting the butt plug and pulling my underwear back on.

"Gotta go?" The shop guy asked as he walked back into the lunchroom.

"Yeah, I lost track of time." He walked up to me and we kissed more gently.

"Hold up." He walked out and I finished getting dressed before he walked back in holding something. "Next time you come by, wear this." I took the object from him and examined it. A steel cock ring, thinner than the one he was wearing, but the hole was about the same size. "You probably can't get it on now with that bad boy." He squeezed my still-hard cock.

We kissed, I stuffed it into my pocket, and I headed back out into the bright, wide world. I couldn't believe how close I'd gotten. I wasn't going to give Blake a choice. I was going to climb onto him, shove his dick in me, and ride him until he was filling me with his cum.

Soon enough I was back home, saying hey to my flatmate and stripping off in my room. I grabbed the cock ring out of my pocket, threw a towel around my waist, and went for the shower.

I teased my ass briefly before cleaning the butt plug and washing the sweat and lube off my body. Stepping out into the steamy bathroom I managed to fit the cock ring over myself, admiring the sight in the mirror and then wrapping the towel around myself to go back to my bedroom.

I didn't think I'd been that long in the shower, but it was enough time for my flatmate to have let Blake in, and enough time for him to be kneeling, naked on my bed. He was facing away from me but turned to look my way as I walked in.

"Fuck, have you actually managed this thing?" I looked between his legs where he was slowly easing the dildo into himself. The dildo modelled off his own father's cock. Fuck.

"I, uh...I have." I admitted, closing the door behind me and walking towards him. He'd managed about half of it into his ass, easing it out and back in, managing a bit more on each stroke. I dropped my towel and my cock was quickly rising to the full 6.5 inches as I watched him. "Just the once."

He fell forward onto his free hand, bending at the waist, his other hand still holding the dildo halfway inside of his smooth ass. I walked around and presented my cock to his open mouth which swallowed me effortlessly. I reached over and took control of the dildo as I withdrew it most of the way. Twisting it a little I pushed more of it into him and he groaned, reaching up to firmly hold my nuts. Soon enough I was slamming my cock into his mouth as I slid the dildo in and out of his ass, managing most of its length.

"Do you like that dick in your hole?" He moaned and grunted around my cock in the affirmative. I couldn't believe how much the thought of his dad's cock opening him up was turning me on. He'd already taken more length than I have, so, with any thought of me getting fucked having disappeared from my mind for now, I pulled both cocks from him. Mine was wet with spit, and I put the dildo to the side as I stepped behind him and lined it up with his ass. It was pink and open, and I wasted no time in shoving myself all the way into him.

"Fuck! Yes!" Blake practically screamed, his ass convulsing around my more modest length. I gripped him by the hips and pulled back, holding myself there with just the head inside of him, and once I felt him trying to push back I slammed my cock back in to the base. "Finally," Blake moaned.

I couldn't believe how good it felt. His ass was so hot, wet and tight, I knew I wouldn't last long enough so with one hand still on his waist my other one grabbed him by the back of his neck and I started hammering my cock into him. "You want my cum?" I asked him.

"Please, Derek. Cum in me" My boyfriend begged me and I felt my load building up. I need your load." He was pushing back desperately now and I couldn't hold back.

"FUCK." My cock pulsed and I held it as deep in him as I could go, grunting as stars exploded behind my eyes. His hand reached underneath him and he whined, his hole gripping my cock as his whines became moans, and I felt him cumming onto my bedspread.

I collapsed next to Blake and he curled up next to me. He reached down and held my cock.

"I like the cock ring." He was under my arm, his head on my chest. "I can't believe you fucked me." I stroked his back. I couldn't believe he'd almost taken the length of the dildo. Should I tell him it's a model of his own dad's?

"That was so fucking good." Lying there, satisfied, we drifted off for a while, stroking each other and kissing between moments.

"I have to tell you something." He sounded serious, so I looked in his eyes and stroked his cheek.

"You can tell me whatever you need to." He smiled at me then and I felt warmth inside.

"I...didn't tell you everything." My heart dropped for a moment as I wondered what he could be talking about. "My dad. I didn't tell you what he does for a living." My stomach felt like it was twisting, and my throat went dry.

"I thought he did design?" I hoped I sounded convincing as my hand resumed stroking circles around his back.

"He owns a business, but his main income is pretty wild." He was nervous about telling me, and his voice had dropped to a low volume. "He kinda does porn."

"No way." My own voice was high, loud and entirely unconvincing, and I could only pray he didn't notice.

"Yeah way. It's weird." His words hung between us for a few seconds, and I wondered if he wanted more of a reaction from me. What could I say? "Anyway. He's invited us to a party on New Year's Eve. It's being run by the studio he works for." Holy shit. "There's gonna be an open bar, some performers, it'll probably be a good party."

"Oh. Oh, wow." There were a couple student parties I knew were happening, but they'd be nothing compared to that. "You wanna go?"

Thanks for reading! If you've got any comments/critiques/hot pictures my email is joejam886@gmail.com.

Hopefully the next chapter will be up in a timely fashion, I've gotten a start on it.

Next: Chapter 4

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