His Dad the Porn Star

By Joe Jam

Published on Oct 1, 2018


Thanks for waiting! It's been fucking delightful getting messages (and pics!) from you guys, knowing that the first chapter got your cum flowing. Hopefully you enjoy this one too! Sorry if there are any typos. I kind of wanted to get this one shared before I rewrote it. And a persistent erection while writing can be a bit distracting.

The usual disclaimers apply. Don't read it if you're not allowed. Play safe. And of course, donate to Nifty, because it's such a damn good service.

"Thank you, Mr Stockman." I said as he handed me a glass of whiskey. Most of the guests had gone now just leaving myself, James and my boyfriend Blake who'd gone for a piss. I was sitting on the couch as James loomed over me, his own glass of whiskey in hand, and a smile spread across his lips.

"For fuck's sake, kid, call me James." His free hand shifted to his crotch and my eyes followed, seeing his hand gripping the ample bulge in his jeans. My lips parted and I watched his thick fingers tighten around his package. "Or Jon." He squeezed and I licked my lips. "Or you can call me Daddy."

He stepped backwards and sat in the chair opposite me, spreading his legs and taking a deep swig of his whiskey. I finally broke eye contact and took a sip of my own glass as Blake came into the room.

"Thanks Dad." He said and grabbed his own glass from the table where James had set it down. He sat next to me on the couch, facing me and bringing his legs up onto my lap, bringing his hand up to my shoulder. His lips grazed my neck, making my cock twitch, and he leaned back to drink his liquor.

We drained our glasses as Blake's hands found their way into my shirt. He stroked my stomach and drifted up my chest, his lips returning to my neck as his fingers found my nipple, gently twisting it as his dad watched us.

"I'll leave you boys to it." James knocked his whiskey back, leaving his glass on the coffee table and he rose to his feet.

"`G'night, Dad." Blake said, his lips not even leaving my neck, his fingers twisting my nipple sharply.

"Sleep well." I added, looking up to him before letting my eyes fall to his bulging crotch. His hand returned to it.

"See you in the morning." He squeezed his denim-clad cock and walked past us, and before he'd even left the room Blake had climbed onto me, making me shift onto my back. His lips found mine and his tongue pushed into my mouth.

My hands explored his body, squeezing his ass and climbing up his back under his shirt. My legs opened and our crotches ground against each other, our tongues battling as we humped and explored each other with our hands. My cock was leaking in my pants, aching to be free.

We finally, eventually let our mouths break apart, my legs spread around him and our shirts pushed up, breathless and hungry. He stared down at me for what felt like forever before he pushed himself up, his hands pulling my jeans open and releasing my cock. Barely a second later and his lips were wrapped around the root of my cock.

"Ohhhh fuck!" I moaned as his mouth milked me, his tongue stroking my length as his lips slid up and down my hard 6.5 inches. Blake's hands stroked my torso, his fingers finding their way to both of my nipples, twisting them softly. I could only moan.

Eventually his hands slowly made their way back down my body, gripping my jeans and my underwear together. With an audible pop his mouth came off my wet cock and he pulled my pants off, pushing my legs apart and returning his mouth to my leaking cock.

He sucked me like that for a while before pulling his mouth off my rod and moving down to my balls. He sucked one, then the second, into his mouth and he wrapped his hand around my wet cock, stroking me as his tongue lapped at my nuts.

All I could do was moan, lost in the feelings, and I barely noticed as he gripped my thighs and rolled my legs back, exposing my hole. His mouth latched onto my untouched hole and I tensed up slightly, coming back into my head for a moment before I felt his tongue flicker against me.

I grabbed my own legs by the back of my knee to hold them up and Blake spread my ass, his tongue swirling around my hole, my hole body humming with pleasure. I'd never felt something like this, and I moaned uncontrollably as he pushed his tongue deeper into me.

I don't know how long it was until he stopped, but I groaned in disappointment even as he gripped my cock and swallowed my cock again. His mouth flew up and down furiously and he slid a finger inside my unexplored ass, and seconds later I was screaming as my cum flooded his mouth. I couldn't believe how good it felt.

We kissed, his cum-soaked tongue pushing into my mouth before we pulled apart. He whispered a thanks to me and climbed up, making his way to the bedroom, and I started to drift off. After a while I managed to get up and brush my teeth, climbing into Blake's old bed where he was already naked and waiting. We drifted off in each other's arms.

I woke up at about 8am and couldn't get back to sleep which was pretty normal for me, especially since I was in a strange bedroom filled with relics of Blake's teenage life.

He'd probably be sleeping for another couple of hours at least, so I gently climbed out of bed and pulled shorts on, making my way out to find some breakfast. As I approached the kitchen I could hear movement, and when I saw him I stopped in my tracks.

James was wearing a robe but it hung open. I could see his broad, hairy chest and his thick thighs, but a black jockstrap was covering what I really wanted to see. His thick meat curved, trapped in the flimsy material which was stretched enough to see the colour of flesh behind it. He turned to face me directly.

"Morning, sexy. Coffee?" He asked as he took a bit of toast.

"Yes please," there was a moment of hesitation as I thought back to the night before, "Daddy." Heat blossomed across my face as I felt myself blush. He grinned at me and poured a cup.

"I like the sound of that." He said when he sauntered over to me, handing me the cup.

"Thank you." I took it from him and explored his body up close. His hair was dark brown, and the hair coating his torso was almost black. My nose was filled with a mixture of coffee and his musk, and I could feel my cock thickening.

"I bet you look hot in a jockstrap." He said to me, close enough for me to lean forward and taste. "Feel free to send me more pics any time." He grinned, my eyes glancing up as he was talking before returning to that heavy bulge.

"I, uh...don't really have one." I murmured to him. "Yet." Maybe I'd have to go get one, since the porn star of my dreams wanted to see me in it.

"Damn." His gruff voice hung between us for a few moments before he hooked his thumbs into the thick elastic waistband and he started sliding his underwear down, revealing his dark trimmed bush then, agonisingly slowly, I saw the flash of a steel cock ring and then his meat was coming into view. It took forever for the waistband to reveal the length of his thick cock, and I think I stopped breathing as I waited.

When the waistband finally moved past the head his cock bounced up. It was massive, hanging there in front of him, half hard. I released the air in my lungs with a loud groan and he held himself there long enough for me to take in the sight before bending down further and pulling his underwear off.

I was rock hard without touching myself as he stood up straight again, and then he held his jock strap up, the inside of the pouch right in front of my face. As soon as I realised what was happening I'd buried my nose in it, his palm on the other side of the cloth, and I breathed his scent in as deeply as possible.

"Holy fuck." I grunted as I absorbed his smell. My hand was on my cock as I breathed in, and out, and in again, before realising I had to stop.

"Good boy. Take it home, send me some pics some time." He brought it away from my face and I reached up with both hands and took it. He stepped back and I took in the sight of his legendary cock, fully hard in front of me, 9 uncut inches with heavy balls hanging below it.

"Yes, Sir." My mouth was suddenly dry. He gripped his hard cock and stroked it in front of me, sliding his foreskin across the head, and I wanted nothing more than to drop to my knees right now.

"You could also try it on." His hand kept stroking as his free hand rubbed up his furry stomach and across his hairy chest, squeezing his pec. I obeyed.

I was just wearing my shorts so I pulled them down, making my 6 and a half inches bounce in front of him, painfully hard with precum drooling down it. He was devouring me with his eyes as he worked his meat.

I turned around to show him my smooth round ass and I fumbled with the jockstrap to pull it on, hearing him grunt as I bent over in front of him, pulling the jock up and securing the elastic.

"Fuck yes. I'll need pictures of this strapped bubble butt. Bonus points if you're gonna show me that sweet little hole." His voice was a low growl that sent a shiver up my spine. Until this weekend I think the only time anybody had seen my asshole was when Blake smeared lube across it before we tried to fuck. But he definitely hadn't expressed much admiration before he worshipped it with my tongue.

I felt like somebody else was moving my hands as I reached behind me and pulled my cheeks apart, holding my ass open in front of my boyfriend's dad. I almost jumped when his fingers made contact with my lower back, stroking me softly, slipping down and gripping the waistband.

The spell was broken as I heard the bedroom door from deeper in the house, followed by the bathroom door. I pulled my shorts on and struggled not to look at James, pulling my shorts up and tucking my cock up under the waistband to try and minimise it. James pulled his robe shut and I sipped my still-warm coffee, looking as casual as possible when Blake walked up and kissed me.

"Hey kid. You're up early, want a cup?" James asked his son who readily accepted. We lazed around a bit longer, James ended up cooking up some bacon, and we eventually left to get lunch and head home.

The next few weeks were back to a normal rhythm. I'd study, see Blake, check out porn, feel weird and guilty about what happened with James, and I'd try and forget about it. Things were at least pretty normal with Blake though.

Mostly we'd make out and kiss, and then end up sucking each other off. He didn't really focus on my ass again, but I didn't know how to bring it up. It felt a bit weird to ask him if he could lick me again there.

And then one day I was home again, looking at porn, and I saw a new clip featuring James/Jon and some twink. Gripping my lubed cock, I pressed play.

The acting was stilted but the situation was almost familiar. The twink had come by to see his boyfriend, but the dad was there, inviting him in for a drink. Jon caught a glimpse of the twink's jockstrap, and it was all on. I watched as the twink was on all fours, Jon's bearded face buried in his smooth ass (which wasn't as big as mine), and they both moaned and ground against one another.

As I watched Jon's tongue explore the twink's ass I felt my own hole twitch, and without thinking, I let my slicked up fingers drift down between my cheeks. It circled my asshole, tracing the sensitive flesh, and I shifted further back to spread my legs wider.

"Fuck me, daddy! Fill me up!" The twink moaned and begged on the screen as Jon's cock spread his ass open, and my finger slid into my hole. Stroking my cock and pumping my finger into myself at the same pace that Jon was pounding him, it wasn't long before I was on the edge.

I held off, my ass twitching around my finger that was buried up to the knuckle, and as I watched Jon slamming his thick meat into that lucky fucking twink I got a bad idea.

Digging around in my underwear draw I found the jockstrap. I hadn't washed it. Pulling it on I admired my firm bubble butt in the mirror before I took a couple of pictures. One with my torso twisted toward the mirror, a grin on my face and my ass looking juicy, and for the other one I was on all fours with my cheeks spread and my pink, wet hole on display for Jon.

I was back in front of my screen, the porn playing again, when Jon's response arrived.

"Fucking sweet." The picture with his message was taken outside, his pink tongue poking out of his grinning lips, his sweaty matted chest hair on display and his free hand pulling his basketball shorts forward. His thick snake was curled in the pouch of his shorts. "I hope my boy rides that ass well."

"We haven't done that." I responded using one hand as my hand firmly gripped my throbbing hardness, rubbing up and down again. "We tried but I was too tight. I couldn't relax."

"I'd fix that." He replied in seconds. I could feel my orgasm building, my nuts tightening. "You should find a toy to start training that hot little ass up." Precum was running down my shaft as I stroked myself closer to the edge, hesitating as I was on the verge of release.

"Yes, Sir." I replied and I pulled some clothes on, wearing the jock underneath my shorts. My t-shirt clung to my sweat-coated body as I rushed out the door.

A short trip later and I nodded my head at the guy behind the counter. He had dark hair, a styled beard and heavy steel rings in his ears. He was maybe 35 and he gave me a short nod in acknowledgement. My heart was hammering away from inside of my chest.

Walking further into the dingy store I marvelled at the size of some of the cocks on display. Massive tools made of rubber and glass, some with corkscrew spirals or strange knots halfway up. My hole twitched as I thought about how they could feel.

Against the wall, next to some restraints, there were more modestly sized plugs. I was comparing a couple that were a similar length of 5" but very different in thickness. I had the urge to feel my hole stretch open, a sensation that I'd never felt but that was calling to me, but I knew I should start with the thinner one. Maybe I should get both?

"Need my help with anything?" I hadn't noticed the clerk stepping up next to me. His arms were full of boxes that he was placing onto the shelves.

"I, um...I dunno. I've never gotten this sort of stuff before." I looked at the items as he was placing them on display, and I saw it. "But I think I need this." I reached up toward the box in his hands.

"Yeah, he's a popular one." He smiled, holding out the package, eyes roaming across my anxiously horny self. I felt my cock twitch as I looked at the box. Jon Rocc was there, one hand on his furry stomach above that beautiful hardness being held there by a steel cock ring. Inside the box was a rubber replica of his massive veined cock. "Probably not for beginners though."

"I'll have to work my way up. Which one do you think?" I pointed at the two plugs I'd been deciding between. He stepped slightly to the side and overtly looked at my ass. I felt heat rise to my face but I turned to let him look at the grey fabric hanging off my butt. You could normally see the lines of my underwear so I was sure he could see the elastic straps cupping my ass.

"I'd start with this one." He held up the thicker of the two. It was still slimmer than Jon's dick. "But not much can beat a real cock sliding into you." His now-free hand rubbed against his bulge briefly.

"I--" My face burnt even more fiercely, and I felt my cock straining against the jock's pouch. "--I can't wait to find out." I paid for my new toys and raced home, my body humming with excitement, my cock not losing hardness for a moment.

I tore my clothes off and ripped the packaging off of my new toys. Lubing up the plug I braced myself and tried to relax, starting up a new video of Jon teasing a hairy muscle bear's hole with his meat, feeling as if the butt plug was ripping me open. I grunted as I felt it slip all the way in.

My cock had finally gone soft again so I watched the porn and tried to control my breathing, letting the sharp feeling subside. Soon enough Jon was riding the muscle bear on screen, the furry ass gripping his cock as it pulled out before slamming back into him, and my own cock was back at full strength again.

I started to play with the plug, making little motions, trying to get used to the feelings inside of me as I tugged it against my opening. My cock drooled, untouched, and I pulled the jock's pouch back over it to head back to the mirror.

The first photo I sent was the base of the butt plug, surrounded by my pale ass and framed by the black straps. The second one was the box with his picture on it. The third was of the dildo modelled after his cock, half of its length in my mouth, my lips stretched obscenely around it. My hand wrapped around my cock, gently squeezing it.

"Good boy." His reply came seconds later, and the picture following it was his hard cock, a bead of precum on the tip of it. My hole twitched around the butt plug. "Get that ass ready for me."

My cum exploded, burst after burst flying out of my cock head, running down my shaft and coating my hand, pooling on the carpet underneath me.

Fuck. I want him.

Let me know if you liked it! I'm gonna try and get the next one out, I've got a fair idea of where it's going next.

Next: Chapter 3

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