His Dad the Porn Star

By Joe Jam

Published on Aug 26, 2018


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Holy fuck, it's him.

"Hey, I'm James." No you're not. "Blake's Dad." Holy fuck.

"Um, hi James. Mister Stockman. I'm Derek." My voice squeaked as I let him squeeze my hand at his front door. His warm blue eyes were bright and friendly, and I could suddenly see the resemblance between him and my boyfriend. "James" was just older, burlier and hairier.

"Come on in, son. Dinner's a while off but let's get to know each other." Blake gave me a warm smile and a pat on the back. My cock jumped as I noticed how similar their grins are, one full of support and the other full of wicked desire.

The family home was large and fairly classic. A couple of stories, wood everywhere, huge glass windows and French doors leading out to a private backyard. I wished I could have grown up somewhere like this. The fireplace wasn't lit but we still gathered around it as he offered us a glass of whiskey. He went to pour it as Blake went to piss and I was left sitting there by the fireplace.

I pulled my phone out and jumped straight to Twitter. I'd been following him since before I legally should have so his name came up as soon as I started typing. @JonRoccXXX. His profile picture loaded and there was no mistaking it as the owner of the house I was in, shirtless and glistening, professionally photographed. I started to scroll down, seeing a glimpse of his manhood before I heard footsteps and locked my phone to slide it back into my pocket.

"Have a taste of this." James' gruff voice commanded as he sauntered back into the living room, holding a glass out for me. The whiskey was smooth but strong, and I felt the warmth of it blossom through my body.

I couldn't help but glance at his crotch as he stood in front of me. It was stretching the denim of his jeans as he rested his weight on one hip, his own glass held next to his package, drawing my eyes back in. "Do you like it?" He asked me.

"Yes, Sir." I looked at the thick bulge in his jeans. I could picture it now, wet and throbbing, slamming into some unsuspecting hunk. I was sitting there in front of my boyfriend's dad picturing what a brutal fuck he could give.

"So what's your major?" Things drifted into a pretty boring conversation after that. I talked about wanting to become a high school teacher, he shared some embarrassing anecdotes about Blake, and then without thinking about it I asked what he does for a living.

"Oh, nothing too interesting." Blake rolled his eyes and James/Jon glanced over at him with a smile. "I own a home design business with a friend." Yeah, okay, sure. "We've been business partners for a while now, he tends to juggle the books so I can get creative. It lets me travel a lot too."

Dinner was good. Roast chicken and vegetables and a whole bunch of awkward moments where I tried not to think about that one video where my boyfriend's dad fucked this one guy until his asshole gaped then pissed all over him.

I was growing to like the taste of the whiskey by the time Blake went to organise dessert.

"I love your house, Jon. It's such a great design." I complimented him. I wasn't feeling tipsy but my face was warm and I'd definitely let my eyes linger as he stretched out on his chair, one leg straight out and the other bent as if he was aiming his crotch straight at me. I could picture that monolithic monster rising out of his jeans.

"It's James." Fuck. I'd called him the wrong name. His lip twisted with a wicked grin as he brought his glass back up to his lips, letting the liquid flow past them. "And thanks, I've put a lot of hard work into it." My face was scalding my face again and I was relieved when Blake returned with apple pie and ice cream.

Not much later and we said our goodbyes, travelling about half an hour to my place where we tumbled onto bed and fumbled with each other's clothes as our lips battled. It was more intense than usual which could have been the whiskey. Or it could have been the fact that I was replaying my favourite video featuring Jon Rocc, a man who I had spent the night mentally undressing undressing in person.

I wondered if his dad kissed the same way. If his dad's fingers would feel the same as they peeled my underwear off. What Blake would feel like if he had a beard and a broader chest.

It didn't take long and we were sucking each other's cocks. My lips greedily slurped at his thick seven inches. Not nearly as big as James', but still a damn good hunk of meat. As his mouth expertly slid up and down my own 6.5" I let my hands grip his firm ass, my fingers sliding into the valley between his cheeks.

He reached back and pulled my hands away from his beautiful ass, as I knew he would. We were both very firmly tops, and being together for about three months so far I'd made my peace with that. His mouth was fucking bliss, the way he was swallowing me to the base and twisting his tongue around me.

I don't think I lasted 5 minutes in his mouth, and the moment he tasted my load he was cumming down my throat. We rolled over so I was spooning him and we drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and I made us both coffee before Blake went back to his place for a shower and some fresh clothes. He had classes from ten but I was insanely lucky to have nothing until two. I'd probably been alone for 10 minutes when I'd started up my laptop and loaded Jon's Twitter page on a private tab.

I scrolled down to see the pictures he'd shared promoting his latest videos and soon enough my cock was hard and leaking in my firm grip.

Edging is my guilty pleasure. Blake's always found it a challenge to get me off as quickly as possible, then try for round two, but there's nothing quite like surfing porn and building up to that moment...then letting it ebb to build it up again.

I was an hour into it this morning, searching tumblr for anything featuring Jon, when I stumbled upon a video where some young think was bouncing himself up and down on that huge cock. I felt the familiar tingle at the base of my spine and I forced myself to stop.

While that feeling started to fade I stood up and got a good look in the mirror. My 6.5" jutted out from my slender frame. A light dusting of hair spread across my chest and led down to my happy trail. My jaw had a smattering of stubble but I wasn't quite up to growing a full beard yet. Mt hair was thick and dark brown, wavy with some length on top.

As my cock throb bed, trying to get my attention once more, I reached down to grasp it with one hand and grabbed my phone with the other.

I got a photo of myself angled toward the door, hard and red with the light hitting me just right to accentuate muscles that weren't that we'll defined, and I snapped it off to Blake.

Sitting back down in front of my laptop the sight of the twink's hole gripping Jon's cock as he rides him made me nuts tingle again. I stopped, navigating back to Twitter, and I did something stupid.

I double checked the new photo and it only had part of my jaw in the frame. So I sent it off to him.

"Hey Jon, huge fan of your work." Was the message that accompanied it.

I returned to the video and gripped myself firmly. Seconds later my hot load was spurting up my chest and onto my belly, with the first shot even hitting my neck.

A quick shower and I was off to grab a bite to eat before some library time and class. I'd completely forgotten about my morning until I checked my phone afterwards.

"Fucking sexy! Can't wait to suck you off." Blake seemed to like the picture, and judging from the next notification, so did his dad.

I was giddy as I sped back home, my stomach full of butterflies, and the moment I was in my room I opened the message.

"Nice tool, kid. Bet you've got a sweet ass." It was accompanied by a picture and I was instantly hard again.

It looked like he'd taken the picture with his phone, the thick uncut meat in his hand taking up the screen. Veins ran across it, highlighted by the lighting. I could see the tip of his purple cock head just pushing past his foreskin and my mouth watered.

I looked back at the picture I'd sent him. The angle I was standing meant you could just barely see the round swell of my ass. I don't know what possessed me, but I undressed and stood in front of my mirror again, turning my back towards it. I think I have a nice ass. Round and smooth and high, it's the type I'd enjoy if it were in the air in front of me.

Pointing my camera over my shoulder I made sure my face wasn't in it, and sent it off. Sitting back down I took hold of my persistently hard cock, stroking it as I looked back at Jon/James/whoever's cock in my messages.

I was approaching the edge again, building up speed to meet that familiar feeling in the base of my balls, when a reply came in.

"Fuck yeah, boy. That's beautiful." Was all he said but as I read it in his voice I came all over myself once more. Wiping cum off myself, I gathered my senses again and made my way out to my next class for the day. That night I saw Blake again, picturing his dad's cock as he expertly sucked me to completion.

The next few weeks were uneventful. I went to class, messed around with Blake, and things were pretty good. Then he sprung the question on me.

"Wanna go to my dad's place?" At this point I couldn't figure out if he had any idea of what his dad does, but he definitely acted like he didn't so I kept it bottled up. I'd used that picture he sent me while edging too many times to count now, obsessively find any previously unseen clips I could of Jon sucking fucking and anything else.

"Could do. What for?" I asked, making sure I didn't don't sound too eager.

"It's his birthday in a few days, he was just gonna do a barbecue and some drinks. It should be pretty low key." So it was settled. We made our way over there Saturday afternoon with a salad and a box of cider.

"Good to seeya again, buddy." He pulled me into a big hug as we met at the door. I think I got hard instantly.

"Uh, thanks. Yeah, happy birthday." I could feel my face burning up as his scent filled my nostrils. He was wearing a black singlet, and his body hair was trying to escape through every hole, including his armpit hair. I'd never wanted to lick an armpit until I saw a glimpse of that fur, wet with sweat, as he released me.

We followed him through the house and he pointed us toward the kitchen. "I'll see you boys there" he said in his gruff voice, patting my ass as he continued outdoors. We could hear laughter and music, so we grabbed a cider each and put the rest in the fridge to head outside.

It was a big mix of people. Men, women, a few kids running around their huge yard and scrambling up trees, and now us.

"Blakey bear!" A happy voice yelled out, and then suddenly 6 feet of walking see was there in front of us. He looked us both up and down, a broad smile on his face. "And you must be Derek!"

"Hiya. Yeah, that's me." I recognized him from a few more recent clips with Jon. He was probably in his late 20s, I think Japanese, with a cut 7inch dick and trimmed body hair with a sleeve tattoo. But today he was in jeans and a bright blue t-shirt.

"I'm Ryan. Hope you're treating Blake right." He winked at me and I could feely blush returning to my face.

"I, um, I do my best." I replied, finding myself unable to keep eye contact and hoping they didn't notice my glances at his crotch, picturing the images that I'd been jerking off to lately.

Ryan was surprisingly nice in person. The topic of his work never came up, and pretty soon we were joined in conversation by some other friends of Jon's as well as one of Blake's aunts.

At some point I wound up talking to her, and later I found out she was trying to grill me because Blake is easily her favorite nephew. I finished my drink and glanced around but I couldn't see Blake anywhere, so I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a fresh one.

"Oh! There you are." Blake came into the kitchen from deeper in the house and pecked me on the cheek as I opened my bottle, his hand stroking my lower back. Ryan came into the kitchen from the same direction and we hovered there for a while chatting about a show we'd all been obsessed with recently.

"I hope the meat's gonna be ready soon." Blake declared, and headed outside. Ryan watched him as he walked out and then slide closer to me.

"He's got such a hot mouth." He declared, and I almost spit my drink out. "I mean, you'd know about that more than me. He just practiced on me a bit last year and he picked it up quick." He reached down and squeezed his crotch which had grown significantly fuller.

"I...yeah. Yeah, he's pretty amazing." I managed to squeeze the words out but I didn't figure out how to feel. This porn star I'd just met was telling me how welly boyfriend sucked him off. I had to wonder if it was all ancient history.

"I've gotta take a leak." I stammered out and left my drink on the bench.

I made my way down the hallway, and then pushed open the door that led to Jon's bedroom. The bed itself had been made but somebody had clearly been sitting on it, messing up the bedsheets just enough to notice. My cock thickened as I pictured Blake kneeling in front of that spot as he worshipped Ryan's cock.

I should have left the room but I was drawn into the ensuite. It was today, but there in the clothes hamper was a pair of briefs. I lifted them to my face and took a deep breath, using my free hand to release my cock. It sprang to life instantly, rock hard and leaking as I inhaled the smell of my boyfriend's father.

It felt like an eternity but I pulled the briefs away and dropped them into the hamper. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I went ahead and did something stupid. Pulling my phone out, I took two pictures.

The first one cut most of my face off, but my hard-on was sticking out of my jeans proud and rigid. The second one saw me with my jeans pushed further down, facing away from the mirror, my free hand squeezing my own ass cheek to glimpse my pink hole. I'd never seen it before and I felt my face burn as I sent them to Blake's dad from my secret account.

I then grabbed my cider from the kitchen bench and made my way back outside.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you'd like me to keep going with this one, I have a few filthy adventures in mind.

You can reach me at joejam886@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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