His Boss Slut

By Joli Camarillo

Published on Mar 7, 2004


His Boss's Slut By Nastilatinabitch


Paul-white: 41/Jen-white: 40 (Paul's wife)/Renita-black: 36 (Paul's boss)/Yolanda-latina: 30 (Paul's asst)/Laura-white: 28 (Renita's asst)/Dan-black: 40 (Renita's boss)

Jen and her husband Paul were on a plane to a luxurious resort where the company Paul worked for would honor the past year's most productive employees when he broke the news to her. Her excitement over the trip had evaporated as he recounted how he had embezzled a large amount of money to cover some stock market losses and been found-out by his boss, Renita. Renita had told him that she would not blow the whistle on Paul right away, but would decide what to do about the situation during their "working vacation".

Jen didn't know what to say. She had cautioned Paul about getting too-deep in the risky world of stock trading and assumed that he would not be reckless with their money; he was, after all, normally quite conservative when it came to finances. Jen didn't work and left all of the investment decisions to her husband. This had turned-out to be a big mistake. No matter how he apologized she was furious with him. He had no only put theirs and their children's futures in jeopardy, but might even have to go to jail! She had half a mind to let him suffer the consequences of his stupidity, but then how would she manage on her own? She hadn't worked since they had married 15 years ago! Both their children were in expensive private schools; should they have to suffer for their father's idiocy?

Paul told her that his only hope was getting out of this mess was to trust that Renita would figure something out. He suggested that Jen be as nice as she could to his boss, possibly get a feel for what her decision would be regarding any help she would give him. Jen had met Renita and liked her. She felt that Renita had always treated Paul fairly; had backed many of his proposals and approved all of his pay raises and bonuses. She had no idea that she was the reason for such largesse!

Renita was a tall, pretty, elegant black woman, a few years younger than Jen and Paul. It was Renita's suggestion that Jen attend this convention. As far as Jen knew, there were very few staff from Paul's regional office weren't attending, though Jen was the only wife who would be there, and at the company's expense.

Before Paul's confession, Jen had been looking-forward to the weekend, now she was uncomfortable about being around Renita and the other managers. She knew most of them from other company functions and they all seemed nice, but under the circumstances she wondered if she would be able to relax much.

Renita had arrived a day earlier and had arranged for her suite to be adjacent to Jen's and Paul's. Little did Paul know, but her assistance in helping him extricate from the terrible mess he was in depended on how cooperative his beautiful, busty wife could be!

Renita had met Jen the day that Paul came into town and interviewed for the job two years ago. Paul was well-qualified and a good match for the position, but it his sexy, statuesque brunette wife was the real reason that Paul had gotten the job. Renita expected that choice to pay dividends this weekend. Divorced for ten years, Renita had sworn-off men, due to her ex's rampant infidelities. She hadn't been with a man since that time, and had developed a taste for mature, voluptuous women like Jen. She was always discreet, and chose married women as conquests, since they would likewise be discreet, by necessity.

Renita liked Paul and hated to see him in trouble, but he was only in a jam due to his own greed. She could help Paul, whether she would depended on whether the price of her assistance was too high. Paul had waited until after his "funny business" with the company funds to come to her for help; that was when Renita decided to take advantage of the situation to realize some of the many fantasies she had of Paul's big-titted, leggy wife. Jen was nice and friendly. But where "prude" may be too strong a term, she was a conservative-dressing churchgoer. Still, Renita was betting that she would surrender her dignity in order to protect her husband and their way of life.

Renita knocked on their door, and was greeted by Paul, who seemed nervous and maybe a little drunk. Renita could see Jen walk through the spacious suite beyond, wearing a plain white tee and shorts. The thin tee shirt did nothing hide those big tits. Renita wanted to brush past Paul and devour her right there; instead she invited the two of them to join her and some of the other office staff in the pool downstairs. Paul agreed, and Renita headed-down on her own.

Renita was already in the hotel Jacuzzi, talking with a couple of her female employees, when Paul and Paul entered the pool area. Immediately, the Jacuzzi conversation turned to Jen, and what type of bathing suit she would be wearing under her shorts and tee shirt. Yolanda was Paul's assistant; Laurie was Renita's; both were young, beautiful, and quite wild away from the office. Yoli whispered that she hoped that Jen was wearing a bikini; Laurie agreed with Renita that it would be too much to hope for, that it was more likely that some very conservative one-piece bathing suit was hidden under her shorts and tee.

They all watched Jen as she pulled her tee shirt over her head to reveal a blue one-piece bathing suit, proving Renita and Laurie right. The quietly women watched intently as she slipped-off her shorts, and bent over at the waist to take them off. Jen's catalog-bought bathing suit was conservatively cut, except that it was designed for women with smaller breasts, and where it plunged in the front it exposed some of the large-breasted woman's abundant cleavage.

Renita had purposely seated the other women so that Paul would have to sit at one end, while Jen would be forced to sit between her and Yolanda. Glenn and Linda joined the group in the already-crowded hot tub. There wasn't enough room for them to sit together, so Renita coaxed Jen to squeeze in next to her, while Paul sat at the other end of the tub. Paul was only in the tub a few minutes when he noticed a group of men in the hotel bar playing billiards; he told Jen that he was going to leave the women to their "girl talk" and join the guys in the bar. He excused himself and walked inside. Once he was gone, Renita, Yolanda, and Laurie quickly started flirting with Jen. Jen shyly conversed with the women, aware that she was in close proximity with these women while wearing next to nothing. She wasn't sure what was going on; she'd never had the experience of another woman "coming on" to her, so she was a bit confused as what was expected of her. The three women stared at Jen's chest. Her bathing suit top revealed her pushed-together breasts, exposing her pale cleavage nearly half way down her breasts. Under the bubbling water, Renita and Yoli, on either side of Jen, pressed their thighs against hers. Jen had no room to maneuver, and when she offered no resistance, Renita put her hand on her thigh. Jen was discomforted by this move, but considering Paul's (and her) desperate circumstance, she wasn't going to risk angering Renita by publicly objecting to her touch. As they talked, Renita slowly inched her hand up higher on her long bare thigh. Jen almost blurted-out an objection, despite her resolve, but caught herself just in time. She silently endured the gropes and pinches of the other women, while Paul, blissfully unaware, was in the bar laughing it up. It was his fault she had to endure this humiliation, Jen thought angrily.

After about an hour, she excused herself, retrieved her tipsy spouse from the bar, and helped him upstairs. Back in the hot tub, the three women discussed whether Renita's plan to conquer the conservative wife would bear fruit.

"She'll loosen up this weekend," Renita boasted.

"She doesn't seem like the loosening-up type," countered Laura.

"She'll go along," Renita stated smugly. "Did you see how she kept quiet while we felt her up? It's in the bag!"

Renita hurried back to her room. Slipping onto her which balcony shared by the two suites, she peeked through the small gap in her neighbor's curtain. She was just in time to see Jen parading around the room in her bra and panties. She gawped at the lacey white bra containing her large tits, and was a bit surprised that her matching panties were French-cut, out of character for such a staid, church-going little wifey and mother. Renita had another surprise in mind: Jen sat on the bed and one by one, rolled a pair of smoke-colored stockings up her sexy legs, then wrapped a tiny, sheer-white garter-belt around her waist. As she leaned-over to attach the garter-clasps, Renita got a bird's eye view of the eye-popping cleavage spilling from the top of her bra. The black exec decided to slip back to her room before she had a orgasm right on the balcony!


Renita had arranged for Jen to be seated next to her at the banquet. They were at a round table, with their backs to the back wall. Many of the other women at the banquet, client's wives and and employees from other divisions, were wearing expensive, fancy gowns, and Jen, having decided to splurge a bit, was just as elegant: her dress was white velour, with a plunging neckline. With Renita on her left and Paul on her right, Jen ate dinner and made small talk, trying to forget about the women's bold feeling-up of her in the Jacuzzi. Once the band started playing and the dance floor began to fill-up, Paul leaned-over and whispered that Jen should maybe try to "feel" Renita out about what her decision might be. He excused himself and started to mingle among the other guests, leaving Renita alone with Jen.

Before Jen could figure-out how to broach the subject, Renita solved the problem for her:

"That's quite a mess our Paul has gotten himself into," she murmured.

"Umm; yes, we've talked about it," Jen conceded.

"It would be a shame if he, and you, lost all he has worked for all these years."

"Yes, it would," Jen whispered.

Just then, Renita reached-under the table and right between Jen's legs, flicking a fingertip against the crotch of Jen's panties.

Gasping, Jen jumped, and started to get up. "Excuse me," she said, "I need to go to the washroom."

"We haven't finished discussing what can be done to rectify your husband's rather serious problem, yet ."

Jen looked around to see if anyone noticed them. "Please, can't we talk about this in private?", she begged.

"Come with me," Renita ordered, getting-up from the table and walking away. Jen reluctantly agreed, suddenly fearful of the woman that controlled her husband's fate. Renita led Jen to the far corner of the dance floor, in relative darkness. Once in the shadows, Renita pulled Jen uncomfortably close to her. Renita could feel the other woman's ample chest pressing into hers. She caressed her back, and thrust her groin into the married woman's thigh. Jen was shocked to feel something hard and thick pressing into her: It felt like a penis, but it couldn't be: Renita was a woman, and woman didn't have penises. As Jen tried to sort-out these confusing thoughts, she was interrupted by Renita speaking to her.

"Does Paul have any ideas on how to solve his problem?," asked Renita.

"He's hoping you will help," replied Jen.

"Well, I like your husband. He's smart, ambitious, and I've been happy to help him further his career in the past. But something like this could ruin my career as well as his, if the crime is discovered. Can you think of any reason why I should take such a risk?"

Jen couldn't think of an answer.

"In order for me put myself at risk in this matter, I will need a commitment from you," Renita went on. She slid her hands down Jen's back, resting her palms on the housewife's luscious ass.

"What kind of a commitment?," Jen managed to gasp.

"I will need you to submit to me completely; to do whatever I say. If you agree to keep me company the entire weekend, Paul's problem will be solved by Monday afternoon."

Jen looked around to see if anyone was watching Renita grope her ass. Her back was to the bandstand, so only the band would see it. The thin dress offered little resistance to the CEO's hands. Renita continued feeling Linda up; one hand remained on her left ass-cheek while her other hand traveled upwards, fondling her left tit through her thin bodice and bra. Nimble, knowing fingers found and toyed with her erecting nipple. Linda said nothing as Renita groped her ass, felt her tit, and pressed her hard "dick" into her thigh. Her heart was racing, and her face felt hot. She prayed that no one would see her being felt-up by another woman.

"Do we have a deal?," Renita asked Jen.

The dazed housewife stammered, "I, I, I, uh..." She looked around the room to see if anyone was watching them. "I don't suppose I have any choice," she muttered, resigned. They went back to their seats. Jen hoped she wasn't blushing too noticeably.

Once they were seated, Renita continued her groping of the defeated corporate spouse, caressing her pussy under the table while couples talked, danced, and socialized all around the. Her face flushed, Jen looked around for Paul, but he was nowhere to be found. She was angry and humiliated, but, God help her, she was also incredibly turned-on. Renita's expert fingering was getting her hotter by the second, and the shocked brunette suddenly realized she was very close to having an orgasm in the middle of a crowded ball-room!

With a low whimper, Jen shuddered through a mini-orgasm while Renita kept up her digital fondling. With a wicked grin, Renita leaned close and whispered, 'You're a hot bitch, Paul's wife!"

Ashamed and unsteady, Jen made it to her feet and to the women's restroom, trying to ignore the wetness she felt trickling down her thighs. She wept silently inside one of the stalls, wiping herself off as best she could. She sat there for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do next. A low knock sounded on the door of her stall. When she didn't answer, the knock came again, this time a little louder.

"Who's there?," she whispered hesitantly.

"Your savior," came the reply. Renita!

Jen had no choice but to open the door. Renita slipped inside, re-locked the door, then pulled Jen close and kissed her, hard, on the mouth. The shocked housewife opened her mouth to the probing tongue, reluctantly returning the kiss.

Breaking the lip-lock, the dominant black woman ordered Jen to turn and face the wall. Once she did so, Renita moved behind her, cupping her heavy mammaries from behind. Jen remained silent as what sounded like a pair of women entered the restroom, chattering and gossiping about the other guests, the hotel, etc. Reaching into the bodice of Jen's gown and into her big-cupped bra, Renita lifted the brunette's huge teats out of them, resting them atop her lace bra cups.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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