His Body and Soul

By Larry Fische

Published on Dec 25, 2022


His, Body & Soul

By L. Fische

This installment follows straight after the previous one, no time skip. I've been hinting at the upcoming tension in some of my emails and it's finally time to light the powder keg. It's also halfway to a full manuscript, hooray!

If you love (or hate) this story, please send a brief feedback email to laurence.fische@gmail.com. Due to initial feedback, this series has been continued. Let me know what you want to see in other chapters!

And remember to donate to Nifty. These stories don't archive themselves and they won't keep coming without donations!

Morning came and I was alone in Michael's room. Someone had finally tossed a blanket over me at some point. I pushed it aside and found my clothes on the dresser. I was grateful that they'd taken the time to gather them up, sparing me the walk of shame into the living room. Once I was dressed, I took a deep breath and walked out into the living room.

Lee and Michael were playing Smash Bros on the couch. I was shocked to see them getting along so quickly. They were already laughing and cursing at each other, acting like the night before had never happened. It left a bittersweet taste for me. I was glad that the brothers could put their differences aside, but I was also disappointed. If I was really that important, why were they able to relax right after fighting over me? They turned around as I neared the sofa.

"G'morning," Michael grunted.

"How are you feeling?" Lee asked quietly. "Can you walk okay?"

I blushed. "I-I'm fine, really," I answered.

Lee looked away awkwardly. Michael smirked. "He's worried that my big, fat dick was too much for you. Aren't you, little bro?"

Lee unpaused the game.

I walked briskly toward the door, explaining that I needed to get ready for class. The brothers said their farewells dismissively, leaving me to puzzle over their lopsided relationship while they went on about their business. I tried not to think about it, eager to pretend that nothing had happened.

When I got home, Jack was reading a book on his bed. He was laying stark naked again, his bubble butt perked up behind him. He sat up with a start when the door opened. I was still too sore for sex, but my trained eyes focused on his snake as it slithered into view.

"The fuck have you been?" he shouted. "I thought you'd finally gotten yourself killed or something. You couldn't send me one text saying you were alright? I called you like seven times last night!"

I checked my phone. It was actually eight times, but I decided not to correct him. "Sorry, I was over at Lee's."

"You fucking—from now on, you tell me when you're gonna be gone," he growled.


"Damn right you're sorry. Here." He grabbed a jockstrap off the floor and tossed it at me. "Fetch your toothbrush and scrub this `til it's clean. Maybe tasting my crotch all day will keep your behavior in check."

I sighed and looked over at my alarm clock. It looked like I was going to be missing my math class today. At least it was just a review day. Jack picked up his book and got comfortable, watching me out of the corner of his eye. I stumbled into the bathroom. Jack followed, still holding his book. I cleaned his jock carefully and handed it back to him.

"Good. Now brush your teeth. Slowly," he said with a sneer.

Jack spent most of the morning lazily supervising me while I did my chores. He eventually let me take a break and go to the vending machine downstairs. It took three cans of soda and a candy bar to get the taste of his jock strap out of my mouth. I'd already missed my classes, so I shrugged and went back upstairs.

When I went back to our room Jack was laying on my bed. I stared at him, completely dumbfounded, while he played with himself. He made eye contact with me while his fingers ran up and down the wickedly curve of his erection.

"What are you looking at?" he asked bluntly.

"Y-you're in my bed."

"Yeah, so?"

"I—why are you in my bed?"

Jack grinned. "Well I thought about it, and I've decided I might as well jerk off over here. No sense in getting my own sheets all wet, right?"

I sighed and nodded in defeat. He started massaging his nuts, leaving his shaft proud and exposed. I wanted to lay on his bed, but I didn't know if he would let me. Instead I stood stupidly and watched him. Even after my big night with Michael, I still found myself craving Jack. He knew how badly I wanted him, and he loved every minute of it.

"Take your clothes off," he barked.

I blinked and pointed at my chest. "Me?"

"Do you see anyone else?" he growled. "Strip."

I did as I was told. He chuckled when my boner popped up past my waistband. He didn't stop touching himself, but he scanned my naked body with a somber look on his face.

"Pathetic," he muttered. "You're built like a 12-year old."

I bit my lower lip. I'd always thought of my slender build as attractive. Just because I wasn't as statuesque as Jack didn't mean I lacked muscle definition. Still, his abrupt comment had me second-guessing myself.

"Let's work on it," he grunted. "Start doing sit-ups."

"How many do you want, Sir?" I blushed, embarrassed that I'd called him "Sir" without being prompted to.

"I'll tell you when you're done," he said with a smirk.

Jack worked me to my limits for an hour, all the while diddling himself playfully. He had me do sit-ups, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and every stretch he could think of. Every time I asked for a break he would just laugh and call me a pussy. My entire body was burning up and completely drenched with sweat. I finally gave up and collapsed in the middle of a round of push-ups.

"I didn't say you could stop, you fucking pansy."

"I can't do anything else. Too tired."

Jack got off the bed and stomped on the center of my back. I groaned.

"Lame bitch," he snarled. "Fine. How about some motivation?" I didn't answer. "If you can give me just twenty more push-ups, I'll let you pleasure yourself. I'm sure you're still horny down there, right fag?"

As demoralizing as it was, he was right. He sat back down on the bed and supervised while I forced myself to endure twenty more. I sat up proudly and started to reach for my crotch, but he kicked my hand away with a grin.

"I didn't say you'd get to touch that," he said.

It took me a minute to realize what he meant. I gulped. "I—Sir, my . . well, my ass is kind of sore. I don't really—" He snickered. "That's not my problem. You've got dildos, right fag?" I nodded. "Good. Get out the biggest one you have and shove it right up your ass."

I sighed and pulled my collection out from under my bed. Jack watched over my shoulder while I opened it. When he saw the sex toys he started laughing uncontrollably.

"Holy shit, man. You really are a faggot. Have you used all of these?" My face turned beet red, but I didn't answer him. He reached over me and picked out a long, thick green one. I took one look at it and shuddered.

"Hurry the fuck up," he ordered.

I lubed myself up as quickly as I could, ignoring his mocking sneer as best I could. He gestured for me to ride it. I braced myself and lowered my swollen hole onto the dildo, slowly ripping myself open for him. The pain made my eyes overflow with tears while Jack chortled.

"Take it like a man, pussy." He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me all the way down with one hand. I shrieked.

Jack smiled and sat back down on the bed. He forced me to ride it for a good twenty minutes while he finished himself off, taunting me and asking if I was enjoying my reward. When he finally finished, he made no attempt to aim it away from me. Instead he shuddered and let loose a guttural moan while his cum shot covered my face.

He got up and wandered towards the shower. My ass was killing me. "Can I stop now?" I pleaded. Jack glanced back at me and stroked his chin.

"See the clock?" he asked, pointing at it.

"Yeah?" It was 3:25 p.m.

"Work that ass until 4:00. Exactly 4:00. No slacking." I groaned.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. Jack left to play a game of lacrosse with his buddies, leaving me exhausted on the floor. He only paused to tell me that I should text him if I was going out. I just grunted, too tired to manage any words. I eventually recovered enough to clean myself off and pass out on the bed.

Lee called me later that evening. I told him I was fine and asked how things were between him and Michael. He insisted that they'd made up, but his voice sounded distant. Michael took the phone at some point and started rambling about a car he'd seen in a magazine. I wondered if he'd been worried about me.

I also got a text from Vince. He wanted me to come over, now. I sighed and hoped that he wouldn't want much. Michael and Jack had just about wrecked me, and I was sure my body couldn't take any more abuse. I was almost at the door when Vince sent a follow-up text.

"Remember that ass-less thong I bought you? Wear it. Nothing else."

I stared wide-eyed at my phone. He couldn't possibly be serious. "All the way there? You're gonna get me arrested," I texted back.

"Come straight here."

I fell to my knees. An ass-less thong. Vince was going to make me walk all the way through the dorm and up to his apartment in that? In broad daylight? I typed out an angry text, boldly refusing, then deleted it.

I forced myself to wobble over to the dresser and retrieve it. It was a bright red piece of thin fabric. It barely covered my front and left everything else out in the cold. I stripped down. It wasn't likely that I would actually get arrested, but what if I really did? What about my ass? The hole felt way more open than usual. Was it noticeable? I didn't know how Vince would punish me for letting Michael have his way with me. I didn't want to know.

I slipped the fabric up and admired myself in the mirror. It was embarrassing, but the way it framed my butt was still flattering. I was already aroused again. After Jack's scornful coaching, I wasn't sure I could touch myself without permission. I should have just done it. I sighed and grabbed my car keys and wallet. I didn't have pockets to put them in.

Getting to the car was nearly impossible. The dorm was loaded with students just getting back from class and I'd long since been branded an object, to be used by all takers. I was too tired to fend off the bullying, fondling, spanking, and shoving. My erection flounced around recklessly in its holster, luring in perverts who grabbed my aching shaft and pretended to jerk me off, chanting "Check this out" to their boisterous friends.

The halls quickly filled with raucous laughter and the smell of testosterone. My dorm-mates eagerly demanded blow jobs and lewd pictures. They jeered, cheered, made crude hand gestures, and grabbed me from behind, play-humping me just because they could. Someone fingered my ass, but quickly pulled away when I screamed out in pain. I finally made it to my car and locked the door. They gradually dispersed while I checked my mirrors. Looking down, I saw how crooked my thong was and readjusted it, covering up my exposed left nut and cursing under my breath. Being everyone's bitch was hard enough without Vince's unreasonable demands. I took a deep breath and drove nervously toward his apartment, praying that I wouldn't get stopped by the police.

I got to his building and waited in the car, timing my entrance to ensure that no one would see me go in. I ran up to his apartment, knocked on the door and looked around nervously. There was still nobody nearby. It was chilly out, and I was more than under-dressed. The frigid air brushed at my chest. I knocked again.

Vince told me to wait for his show to end. I sat down and curled up into a ball in front of his door. It seemed colder every second, but I was already too horny to walk away. He left me waiting in the cold for several minutes. When he finally did open the door, he immediately burst out laughing.

"Wow. Just wow. I didn't think you'd actually do it."

I blushed and hurriedly stood up. Vince was already stark naked. I tried not to look, but my eyes automatically focused on his flawless abs, slowly scanning downward toward his flaccid penis. I wanted it to be hard. He grinned at me and scratched his balls. Seeing his beautiful cock bounce around over his hand was too much. I licked my lips and looked up at him, begging for it with my eyes. Vince motioned for me to come in, still snickering.

For a second, I remembered the humiliation his thoughtless text had put me through. I was about to finally stand up to him but he fed me a dominant kiss, cutting any thoughts of rebellion short. My eyes rolled back while he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I gripped at his bare back, my naked skin aching for warmth. He started grinding his hot chest against me, pressing our bodies together.

Vince kissed me for a few more minutes before abruptly grabbing my hair and pulling me away. It hurt but I tried not to let it show. He admired my determined expression and then grabbed the front of my thong, vice-gripping my throbbing shaft. My knees caved in from the sudden pain, but I regained my footing quickly while Vince held me up by the dick.

I shivered and moaned while Vince gave me a rough examination with his hands, throttling my cock with one hand and twisted my balls with the other. He leaned in close to my ear.

"Was your dick always this small?" he whispered.

My face turned red. "I-it's cold out there. I had to walk the whole way here in—in nothing but this little thong. It'll get bigger after it warms up, Sir."

He wrenched the base with his hand. I grunted and fell forward, my face slapping against his chiseled chest. His nipple brushed against my cheek and I started licking it automatically. Vince chuckled and gently stroked the back of my head, clearly pleased by my eagerness. I spent the next few minutes sucking his nipples and licking his pecs. He eventually got bored and pushed me away again.

"Sir, I—please, let me cum, Sir," I begged.

He immediately frowned and punched my erect penis. I gasped and fell to the floor, clutching at my wounded pride. My eyes were watering.

"You don't make decisions," he said coldly.

"Sir, yes Sir," I sputtered, looking up at him.

"Take off your thong."

I caught my breath and started to get back on my feet, but Vince pushed me back down. "Who said you could stand up?"

I rolled over onto my back and peeled my only article of clothing off, then held it up for him. Vince grabbed it and tilted his head, looking down at me thoughtfully. I got up on all fours and waited for his next order. After a second, he shoved the thong in my mouth and smiled.

"I bet you like the taste of your own ball sweat, don't you?"

I blushed and lowered my head. "Yes Sir," I muttered through my teeth.

"Go give it to my neighbors."

He pointed to his left, signaling which apartment I should go to. I started to protest, but I was too scared that he would punch me again, or worse. Instead I turned around carefully and started to reach up for the doorknob. Vince kicked me square in the ass, his heel slamming into my swollen rim. I jumped and nearly dropped the thong. Tears started running down my cheeks.

"And don't you dare stand up, got it?"

I nodded slowly. Opening the door from all fours was awkward. As soon as it swung open, a brisk breeze struck my naked body. I shivered and looked out, trying to see if there was anyone out on the streets. Vince stomped on my ass again and pushed me out into the cold.

"Hurry up," he ordered. "Oh, and could you beg for a spanking while you're over there? You've been a very naughty boy, showing everyone your ass in that pitiful thong." Even without seeing his face, I knew that he was sneering at me.

I crawled over to his neighbor's door quickly, eager to get this over with. Did whoever it was even know Vince? Or was he purposely sending me to a stranger? I took a deep breath through my nose and knocked on the door. It was answered by a young black-haired man in shorts and a jersey. My heart sank when I recognized him. He was on our soccer team. Worse, he was one of Jack's friends.

Jack's friend looked down and burst out laughing. "Holy fuck. I knew you were a slut, but now you're going door to door? That's so fucking gross."

I blushed, my eyes still wide with shock. I leaned my head down and dropped the thong at his feet. He picked it up, confused, then realized what it was and laughed even louder.

"I-I-I w-was asked t-to deliver this."

"Fuck, it's ass-less and everything!" He turned around and leaned into his apartment. "Guys, we have a visitor. Come see this shit."

My jaw dropped. Guys? There were more? I heard stomping while his roomies all swaggered toward the door. All four of them were soccer team members. Jocks. Jack's friends. Each one burst out laughing when they saw me waiting for them like a dog, naked and beet red. They started passing the thong around, laughing at how skimpy it was.

"Geez, were you actually wearing this?" one asked. "So you like wearing women's underwear?"

I wanted to correct him but I didn't say anything. They were already chirping excitedly about it, convinced that it wasn't something men were meant to wear. One of them was only in his boxers. I was hornier than ever and didn't even realize I was admiring his soft bulge.

"Hey bro, I think he's staring at your dick."

I snapped back to attention and lowered my gaze.

"Shit, what a whore! He really wants your dick. Let him suck it."

"Fuck no, I'm not letting some fag touch me! Who knows what weird diseases he's got?"

One of them snuck up behind the guy in the boxers and yanked them down. "Take a good look, fag!" The pantsed jock laughed and struggled to pull them back up while his friend held it in place.

"Hurry fag, suck it! You're gonna miss your chance!"

"Dude, not cool! Get off my drawers!"

They stopped teasing their roommate and focused on me again. The first one was holding the delivery again. He pointed at it. "Is this all you came over for?" he asked.

Vince's voice echoed in my head. A spanking. I wasn't allowed to come back until I begged for a spanking. I gritted my teeth and looked at the ground.

"Please, Sirs, may I have a spanking, Sirs?" I asked quietly.

They got excited again. The jocks cackled and chattered. They jostled and shoved each other, each telling their friends to go first. I watched quietly and waited for their decision. Finally one of them took a step forward.

"Alright, I'll spank him first but everyone has to take a turn."

I flinched. They talked it over and exchanged handshakes and high-fives. They'd decided that it's not gay if everyone does it. Their dismissive attitudes disgusted me, but Vince would know if I refused them. I needed him to relieve the pressure in my loins, no matter what I had to go through.

The jocks walked me into their apartment and told me to go into the living room. I started to crawl further inside, afraid of defying them in the privacy of their home. One of them slapped my ass with a sneaker and told me to hurry it up. When they were satisfied with my placement, the volunteer stood over me with a grin.

"Yo, Steve, you still got that paddle?"

I looked up at his cruel smirk. I'd always been spanked with a bare hand, never with a paddle.

A few minutes later, the guy they called Steve came back with a large wooden paddle. It looked like the paddle you might see in a frat house. My mouth was already agape. They were going to take turns hitting me with that?

Steve handed him the paddle. He made a show of it, spitting on his palms and winding up for his first hit. I braced myself but it didn't do any good. The hard wood struck me across both cheeks and a frightened squeal shot out of my mouth. His friends cheered while he pounded me with it again and again, recklessly and viciously. It felt like a meteor shower was having its way with me, burning a paddle shaped mark onto my backside.

They paddled me to their hearts' content, competing to see who could make me scream the loudest. Each round left my ass redder and more sensitive, perfectly primed for the next beating. It didn't stop with the last man's turn. Instead he passed it back to the first and they continued, drunk with power. I screamed and begged for mercy, but they refused to acknowledge me.

"Why are you telling us to stop, fag?" The paddle struck me.

"Yeah, you were the one who asked for it." It struck again.

"Anyway, you're so horny. It's okay to like it, we won't judge." Again, harder.

By the time they got tired of me, I was a mess. I was sobbing uncontrollably, my shoulders heaving and my butt cheeks throbbing. One of the jocks chuckled and lifted me up by the hair.

"Man, your ass is red. I mean, you're really gonna feel that tomorrow. But I bet you loved every second of it. Go ahead, you filthy little bitch. Say you liked it."

I swallowed and forced myself to stop crying. "Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir. I liked it very much, Sir."

He grinned and dropped me onto the ground. "Do we have any of that paint left?"

"I'll go check," another guy answered.

I wanted to leave but I couldn't move. Just the thought of moving hurt. He came back with a few buckets of paint and some brushes. "Yeah, we still have some."

The guy who'd requested the paint picked up a paint brush and sneered. "Good. First things, first. Let's cover up that unsightly ass of yours."

I waited patiently while they covered both cheeks with paint. It stung but the cold, wet paint felt refreshing on my bruised butt cheeks. They quickly turned me into a perverted college kid's art project, covering my naked body with swear words and crude drawings of penises.

I was eventually allowed to start wobbling back to Vince's apartment, still on all fours. The jocks thanked me for my underwear and watched me crawl away. It was dark and cold. Vince heard me knocking and told me to wait again. I heard children laughing on the street below and turned around to see a group of six middle school boys pointing at me and jumping around.

The shortest boy cupped his mouth and started shouting at me. "Nice walk of shame, fag!" There was nowhere to hide from them, and I was too tired to even try. So I just ignored them, my legs spread wide with my naked, painted ass in plain sight. They spent the next few minutes mocking me, thrilled to see their first real live pervert.

"Hey fag, perk up your ass!" the short one shouted. "I can't see your balls good enough!"

I lifted my butt higher. I'd completely forgotten how to disobey. They cheered.

Vince finally opened the door. I shambled through and collapsed at his feet. He laughed at me. I rolled over to get a better look at his dick.

"Looks like the neighbors all had a good time," he said.

I managed a pitiful, "Yes Sir."

"Hold on. Let me get you to a mirror."

Vince dragged me into his bedroom, letting my feet scrape the floor behind me. When we were in his room he held me up under my armpits. I looked at the mirror and started reading backwards.

"Fag. Slut. Loser. Whore. Skank. Cocksucker. Sperm dumpster. I love cock. Fuck me. Ass pirate. Fucktard. Pervert. I'm a bitch." And so on and so forth. They'd painted on my arms, my legs, my torso. There were drawings of dicks all over me, everywhere except (thankfully) my face.

"What's my back look like, Sir?" I asked, dejected.

Vince chuckled. "It's pretty much the same shit. They also wrote `Spank me' on your back in huge letters." "What color did they paint my ass, Sir?"

"Bright, bright pink. Seems appropriate, huh?" He grabbed my dick and squeezed. I shuddered. "Hard to believe you're still hard. You must really love your spankings."

"Yes Sir, I really love spankings, Sir."

"Oh really?" he whispered. "Maybe I should give you another one."

I tried to jump away from him, but instead I just fell helplessly against his naked body. He'd hardened. I winced when his hard cock prodded me but instinctively rubbed it with my crack, urging him to give it to me. My ass was burning up, but he and I both knew that I couldn't be satisfied by a brutal spanking. I needed sex. It was a part of me. He laughed again and pushed me to the ground.

"Man, you must really want it today. Hell, you were hard even before that spanking. I can't imagine how you feel now." He reached between my legs and gave my balls a gentle squeeze. I howled with approval, sensing that he was finally ready to take me. "You know what I want, right? Beg."

I sighed and looked at his face in the mirror. "Please, Sir, give me your cock, Sir. Fuck me as hard as you want, Sir. I'll do anything you want, just please, please fuck me."

"Oh, you want it?" he asked mockingly. "How deep do you want it?"

I raised my voice. "Fuck me deep, Sir! I want you to shove it in as far as you can! I want to feel your balls slapping my taint, Sir!"

Vince smiled and started rubbing my butt cheeks. The pain forced me to recoil at first, but I accepted the pain and settled back down. He started teasing my rim, but suddenly pulled his hand away. His expression had changed from pleased to disgusted.

The soreness had made me forget all about my anus. My stretched out, tormented hole. The same hole that had been shredded by Michael and stretched over a huge dildo before it could even recover. It was noticeably wide. It had to be. Vince quickly confirmed my suspicions.

"What the fuck have you been doing?" he demanded. A chill went up my spine.

"I-I, w-well not much. I j-just—"

He grabbed my balls and crushed them in his hand. I screeched, afraid that he was finally going to pop them off. "I asked you a fucking question, you stupid bitch."

I writhed and tried to pull away but Vince lifted my entire bottom half off the ground, using my swollen sack as a handle. My voice came out shrill and loud.

"I had sex with Michael, Sir! And then I rode a big dildo! That's what happened, Sir!"

Vince let me flop onto the floor, where I promptly curled up in fetal position. "Sex with Michael?" he asked. "That big-dicked freak from the video?" I nodded, still shivering.

"I see." He looked down at me, clearly disappointed. "Fine, then. Go home."

I froze. "Home, Sir? You're not going to punish me, Sir?"

Vince scowled. "Oh, you'll get your punishment."

I looked at him, tears in my eyes. He'd come so close to giving me what I wanted. I couldn't stop staring at his throbbing boner.

"You like cock?"

I looked away for a second, then focused on his crotch again and nodded.

"You want it? You want some cock?"

I nodded again.

"Good. Then get the fuck out of my apartment." My jaw dropped. "No cock. Not just my cock. No cock at all, for two weeks. You can't even touch yourself. You can't cum. You can't suck dicks. And you definitely can't go wagging your ass for Michael. You fucked up big, so you're gonna take your punishment like a man, right?"

I stood up slowly, but Vince kicked my feet out from under me. I landed on my battered butt cheeks and yelped. "I didn't say you could stand."

I crawled back to the door and clumsily opened it. Vince stood in the open doorway and watched as I shambled back into the cold night air. The boys were still in the street, playing on their skateboards. I shuddered and hoped they wouldn't notice me.

Turning around, I saw that Vince was still scowling at me in the doorway. He was going to make sure I didn't stand up. I started my awkward crawl of shame around the building. I winced when I heard the boys shouting again.

"Look, his dick is hard!"

"Do you like crawling around, faggot?"

I saw them running around the building and realized they were going to meet me at the stairs. I glanced back at Vince. He was still glaring at me from his apartment.

When I got to the stairs, I tried to figure out how to climb them on all fours. I quickly realized that I had no choice but to go backwards, lowering myself ass-first towards a group of laughing middle schoolers. I took a deep breath and turned around while a cold breeze brushed my crack. The boys eagerly awaited my arrival, jeering and yelling at me.

"Come on down, fag!"

"Yeah, hurry up!"

By the time I got to the last step, their hollering seemed obnoxiously loud. I was worried they would attract more spectators but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Dude, look at all this shit!"

"Hey fag, stop crawling so we can read you!"

They all laughed at the thought of reading a naked person and huddled around me. I waited patiently while they read everything out loud. The barrage of insults made my eyes water.

"His back says to spank him, should we do it?"

"I don't know."

"Hey fag, do you want us to spank you?"

"That's probably why he came down here."

One of them stopped waiting and took a running start, smashing me hard across the cheeks. I was still sore from the paddle and immediately screamed like a girl. They all doubled over laughing.

"Oh fuck, what a pussy!"

"Smack him again!"

Once again I was subjected to consecutive spankings. They couldn't hit nearly as hard as the paddle, but my soreness made all the difference. When they finally started to calm down, I tried to crawl away again. One of them grabbed my hips and pretended he was having sex with me while his friends all roared and cheered.

I managed to get back to my car and climb in while they watched. They were still shouting crude comments at me, but I didn't care anymore. At least I was safe. Sitting was excruciatingly painful. I looked down at my hands. Somehow I'd managed to hold onto my keys and my wallet.

I knew that I couldn't go home. If even one person saw me in the dorms and attacked me, I might seriously black out. I sighed. There was only one other place I could go. I inhaled deeply, held it for a moment, and exhaled. I'd have to drive to the brothers' apartment next.

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