His Body and Soul

By Larry Fische

Published on Oct 12, 2023


His, Body & Soul

By L. Fische

This story contains homosexual sex between males (anal, oral), gang bang, bondage, light S&M, and humiliation via exhibitionism. If any of these are a turnoff for you, please stop reading.

If you enjoy this story, or hate it, please send a brief feedback email to laurence.fische@gmail.com. This is my first gay erotic piece and feedback will help me to decide whether I've got any talent for the genre. Even if you just tell me how you'd rate it 1-10, that'd still help immensely.

Lee and I had been friends since middle school, and I'd known his younger brother, Michael, ever since our first sleepover. I had less time for them now, thanks mostly to the community college, but it still wasn't uncommon for us all to get together and play video games or watch our favorite shows on Netflix. They didn't know I was gay but it's not like they needed to.

And maybe it's stereotypical for a gay guy not to like sports, but I don't. So it still vexes me that Lee and Michael had managed to drag me into some random sports bar. Michael was watching the big TV like a kid sucking down candy, while Lee and I tried to make small talk. He was just as bored as I was, but he'd promised his bro that we'd hang out wherever he wanted today.

"Promise we won't be here forever," Lee said, leaning toward me. "I just gotta let my bro have his day. You know how it is, right Chase?"

"Yeah, yeah. Let jock boy be a jock for once. I'll live."

After about an hour of watching a crowded bar freak out about football, some guy asked if he and his friends could split the table with us. I told him it was fine. We needed a diversion anyway.

This guy, who introduced himself as Vince, really had everything going for him. He had smooth bronze skin, a tall athletic build, short black curls dangling over a charmingly boyish face, and a smile that could melt butter. Just looking into his big, brown puppy eyes made me want to drop my pants and jump into this Greek god's lap.

His friends weren't nearly as interesting. One was blonde, the other was a brunette. Average looks, average build, and they immediately struck me as boring followers. They told me their names, but I still can't remember them for the life of me, even now.

But Vince was interesting. While Michael rambled on about his favorite football players and teams with Vince's friends, this dude was telling us about his recent trip to Tibet! We passed the time listening to stories of his travels, amazed that someone in only his mid-twenties could have possibly seen so much of the world already.

Eventually Michael's team won their big game, and Vince invited us over to his apartment to keep the party going. Lee wanted to see his collection of exotic memorabilia, Michael just wanted to spend some more time with his new jock friends, and I would've followed Vince's sexy ass just about anywhere.

His apartment was spacious, and loaded with foreign masks, decorative weapons, and shelves full of strange knick-knacks. We all took our shoes and socks off and settled in for his personal tour. By the time he'd finished showing off his collection, his massive flat-screen TV, and the gaming computer in his bedroom, it was already almost midnight.

"Shit guys, I guess I should've got the drinks and stuff first. You must all be super thirsty right about now, huh?" Vince's blushing face was adorable.

"It's fine," said Lee. "I lost track of time anyway, so it's whatever."

"You guys chill on the couch, okay? I have some fruit punch left over from last night's party, so I'll bring some out."

As soon as Vince offered us punch, I thought I saw one of his friends glance away from Michael and give me a mischievous look, but I didn't really think about it. We all chugged down our punch gratefully and went back to our happy-go-lucky chatter. It wasn't long before I felt my eyes getting heavy. I reached for my car keys, but passed out before my hand could hit the table.

I woke up groggy and disoriented. I started to get up but then a strong hand pressed down on my back and pushed my stomach onto the hardwood floor. After a minute I realized I was still in Vince's apartment. More importantly I was tied up, with black ropes around my ankles and my wrists, which were fastened firmly behind my back.

I lifted my head carefully and saw that Lee and Michael had been lifted up onto their knees, facing me. Unlike me, they were both butt naked and tied up much more elaborately so that they could barely move. They'd been given red ball gags to keep them quiet. I thought about fighting back and trying to untie them, but then noticed that Vince's beefy lackeys were still here, too. They were standing to either side of my friends, with big condescending grins aimed right at me.

Even in this situation, I couldn't help but admire Lee and Michael's naked bodies and the contrast between them. Lee was slender, with no fat but barely any muscle definition, whereas Michael was surprisingly buff. Michael also had a thin happy trail going from about halfway down his torso to his surprisingly massive soft dick, whereas Lee was basically hairless except for the golden brown pubes surrounding his slightly smaller penis. For a moment, I figured that having a smaller dick than his baby brother must have been really humiliating for Lee.

Both had smooth, slightly tanned skin. Their brown hair and brown eyes were similar too, but their expressions were almost as different as their bodies. Lee was beet red and trying not to look up from the floor, while Michael was glaring up at Vince and glancing around like a caged animal looking for a chance to strike.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Vince mocked from behind me. He moved his hand and let me lift myself up to my knees. "Have you had enough time to give your buddies a once-over?"

I didn't answer. Instead I just looked at the floor. Had I stared at them too long? Was it long enough for them to figure out that I was checking them out?

Suddenly Vince grabbed the back of my head and shoved my face down in front of Michael's naked crotch. "Did you know about this?" Vince asked excitedly. "Just look at this monster! Your buddy Lee is barely a boy compared to his little bro, huh?" Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Lee was turning even redder before he abruptly turned his head away. I could feel my own face turning red, too. The smell of Michael's ball sweat was wafting up into my nose. I was so close that I could have licked him.

"I bet he can feel your breath on it when you're that close, huh bitch?" Vince asked. "Think he'll get hard if I hold you there long enough?"

"I—I don't know," I stuttered.

"Oh, so the little slut found his voice?" Vince shoved my head firmly into Michael's crotch and started rubbing it with my face. Michael grunted in protest while his flaccid cock flopped up against me. I managed to close my mouth and eyes tight, but the warmth and smell made me want to grab hold with my lips and suck him dry.

Vince kept moving me like that as he talked. "When you say something to me, and I mean anything, it begins and ends with Sir. You do not just say `I—I don't know' like a helpless little schoolgirl. Do you understand me, you filthy whore?"

I nodded my head in response. Michael's balls bounced against my chin, but his dick couldn't move because it was firmly weighed down by half my face. I could feel his whole body squirming with discomfort while he groaned through his ball gag.

Vince slapped my ass with his free hand, hard. "Bitch, you answer me when I ask you a question! Do you understand your position or not?"

I opened my mouth and started to respond, but suddenly he shifted my head again. My tongue was out and slapped up against the base of Michael's penis. It was the first time I'd ever tasted another man's dick. I wanted to break down and cry, but I held back my tears.

Vince pulled me back up to my knees and asked again, "Do you understand your position?"

I nodded weakly and muttered, "Sir, yes sir. I understand, sir."

"Good. Now tell me how you enjoyed the feeling of dick on your face."

"I—uh—I didn't really—"

Vince grabbed the back of my head again and forced it to the floor. Being pulled from my knees forced my ass up into the air. I wasn't even undressed yet and I already felt like a slut. I fought back tears again, realizing that Lee must think I'm just pathetic by now.

"Someone forgot who he's talking to again. We only just went over it. Me and the boys are gonna have to give you a proper punishment, but we'd better get you out of those clothes first."

That's when I remembered my underwear. Underneath my black T-shirt and blue jeans, I was wearing a pure white string-bikini bottom. It made me feel sexy to wear it, but that didn't mean I wanted it on full display! I started struggling and trying to kick him off of me, but he grabbed my legs and pulled me into his arms. Before I could react, I'd been pushed right back into position. I was face down, ass up. And until he decided otherwise, there was nothing I could do about it.

"Please, Vince, you don't have to do this. We can just forget about—" Vince grabbed my balls and squeezed. It felt like he'd shut my nuts in a vice, even through the denim. I shrieked and my whole body shuddered from the shock.

"Again, it's Sir to you. You call me Sir or you get hurt. Now stop whining and roll over onto your back like a good little bitch."

I heard Vince's lackeys snickering while I did as I'd been told. Vince put his hands on the collar of my shirt and ripped it clean in half with a single motion. I grunted. The fabric ripping against my skin stung, but it was better than suffering another nutcracker.

After he finished ripping my shirt off, he hovered over me and admired my chest. I was fair skinned and skinny, but I had good muscle definition. A few years with the swim team had made a big difference. Vince whistled approvingly and then started sucking on one of my nipples while he stroked my flat stomach. My body shivered with pleasure, but I managed to keep myself from crying out. Not like it mattered at this point. I already knew that Lee and his brother would never look at me the same way after this.

By the time he was done my nipples were cold, wet and rock hard. When I snapped back to my senses I realized that my face was flushed and I'd almost started drooling. I tried to regain my composure but then he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me. The deep, passionate kiss caught me off guard and I kissed him back without even thinking about it, our wet tongues rolling around together like lovers in a sleeping bag.

He let me down gently and sneered at me. I was already starting to lose control of my body and he knew it. As I lay there, gasping for breath, I felt Lee and Michael's stares burning a hole through me. I looked up and immediately wished I hadn't. They were both wide-eyed with shock. My friends were probably thinking about what a dirty fag I was, and all I could do was stare at them wistfully with my mouth still wet and my eyes glazed over.

Vince stood up and looked down at me. "Get up," he commanded.

"Sir, yes sir," I answered, almost choking on my breath. I put my feet together and got up awkwardly. I wobbled twice because of the rope around my ankles, but ultimately managed. Vince took it in, scanning me head to toe, then smiled.

"Good. Now hop over so your friends have a good view of your front."

I flinched. I'd all but forgotten about my rock hard, average-sized dick. Here I was, throbbing against the zipper of my jeans, and now Vince was gonna strip me down right in front of the guys? I started to protest but then remembered my situation. After a moment's hesitation, I bit my lower lip and started hopping into position. Vince's friends laughed at me, joking that I'd make a terrible pogo stick. He just tilted his head and enjoyed the show.

Once I was into position, Vince licked his lips and walked over to me. I caught myself staring at my naked friends again. Was it my imagination or were they half-hard? He started undoing my fly and I tried not to move while the zipper glided down against the throbbing head of my cock. I thought he was going to pull my pants off gently, but instead he grabbed hold and yanked them all the way down to my ankles in one go.

My friends' eyes widened and their jaws dropped. I felt my entire body start to turn red from the sheer humiliation. Their eyes were focused right on my boner. It would have been bad enough to be horny, but now they could both see my thin white bikini, too. And right there on my tip was a small pool of pre-cum, clearly visible against the nearly see-through fabric. If they hadn't realized what a fag I was by now, then this was the moment. Nothing says gay like a wet hard dick struggling to flop out of a thin white string bikini. Vince and his friends just laughed.

"Wow, you really dressed up for the occasion, didn't you slut?" Vince said as he laughed at my shame. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were just waiting to be stripped down." He grabbed my butt cheek and squeezed. The feeling of his hand on the thin layer of fabric made me tense up. My cock jumped a little and I blushed again.

"Just look at that boner. You may not be well endowed, but you're certainly eager. Why don't you wiggle it around for us?" I looked him in the eye, pleading silently for a little compassion. His eyes narrowed.

"Wiggle," he said sternly. "Side to side."

I frowned and shook my crotch from left to right for his amusement. My friends tried to look away, clearly perturbed by the hard cock waving around in their faces, but Vince's henchmen grabbed them and forced them to look right at it. My only consolation was that there was still a little fabric between their eyes and my crotch. It wasn't hiding anything, but at least it was there.

"Now up and down. Let's see how bouncy you are." I nodded solemnly and did what he wanted. I could feel the base of my cock straining against every heavy bounce. His friends were holding their sides, laughing hysterically, while I just stood there doing nearly naked mini-squats like an idiot.

I was still lost in self-pity when he yanked my underwear off and started kissing my neck. All I could do was moan softly while he reached down and played with my fully exposed dick. I couldn't open my eyes but I knew that Lee and Michael were still watching the whole thing. I could feel it. Vince's buddies were whistling at us, until the blonde leaned over and whispered something into his ear.

"Oh that's right," Vince said as he pulled himself away. "I still haven't given this needy little whore the punishment I promised." I thought humiliating me was punishment enough, but before I could say anything he bent me over his knee and started brutally spanking my bare bottom.

Vince was careful to hold me so that my friends could see my face. He didn't hold anything back and didn't give me any indication of when he would stop. For several minutes, my only consolation was that he would pause every few hits to rub the feeling back into my ass. But these short reprieves were only followed by more spankings that only seemed to get harder. His buddies chuckled and howled at me while Vince made me scream out in pain. I could barely see Lee and Michael through my teary eyes, but I could tell that Lee was trying to shout angrily through his ball gag.

Vince could have beaten me for just a few minutes or for the better part of an hour. I'd completely lost track of time. When he was finally satisfied, he looked down at his handiwork appraisingly and stuck the tip of his finger up my ass without any warning. I yelped at the sudden intrusion, but he ignored it and lifted me up, one hand under my abdomen and the other still penetrating me from behind.

He swiveled around to show the damage to my friends, with my sore ass hanging off his fingertip. The pain and embarrassment made me whimper like a puppy but he just giggled and yanked me up higher.

"What do you think, boys? Bet you've never seen a bitch's ass this red before, huh?" I heard Michael's muffled cries of protest, but Vince just started moving his arm in a wide circle. I shrieked while my entire lower body followed it. "Speaking of ass, it looks like your buddy's already had his backdoor opened. I got half my finger up in this bitch easy and I haven't even lubed him up yet."

I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to tell my friends that it wasn't true. I'd played with dildos and butt plugs before but other than that I was still a virgin. If my ass was loose it was only because I'd spent half the morning playing with it myself. As the thoughts went through my head I started sobbing to myself, realizing that even if I could explain everything else to them, my open hole would still be definitive proof that I was gay.

Vince put me down and turned my face up toward his. For a second I thought I saw some sympathy in his eyes, but I wasn't sure if it was just my vision blurring out. He looked over at his friends and waved at them.

"He's had enough teasing," Vince announced. "Fuck him."

I felt my heart jump to my throat. Fuck? Even after all this, they were just getting started? I was too stunned to cry anymore. Their clothes hit the floor with loud, careless thumps and they lumbered toward me, two long hard cocks waiting to be satisfied. They loomed over me, but my body was already on automatic. I lifted my hips and spread my legs while they lubed me up. The cold shocked me and made me stop crying. Just as they finished preparing me, I noticed that Vince was grabbing something off a table. I gathered up my courage and looked right at him.

"Sir," I said shakily. "What—what are you picking up, Sir?"

Vince grinned sadistically, sending a chill up my spine. "I need my smart phone," he replied. "How are we supposed to stream this shit if I don't have my phone out?"

Despite everything, I felt heartbroken. I'd been so in love with Vince when we first met him at that stupid sports bar. And even if it was only in moments, he'd been gentle at first. He'd shown me passion and maybe even a glimpse of sympathy. And now he was gonna show me getting fucked raw, live, to God knows how many strangers.

Before I could think of anything to say to him, I felt a pair of hands clumsily spreading my cheeks. I tried to say something, anything that could put a stop to this, but no sound came out. I didn't even remember what his friends' names were. I was going to lose my virginity to complete strangers in front of my closest friends and the entire internet, and all I could do was gasp for breath.

A warm cock head rubbed up against my hole, searching eagerly for the entrance. It felt almost like a wild animal was sniffing my ass for weaknesses. Suddenly he found what he was looking for and impaled me, forcing me to take the whole length in one vicious thrust. I tried to scream in pain but all that came out was a dry empty gasp.

Vince's friend was rough, and didn't hesitate to fuck me hard. I felt my whole body lurch forward with every thrust, my cock and balls bouncing to his rhythm. After a few thrusts, I couldn't resist the pain and pleasure of being violated for the first time and my voice came out in deep erotic moans, while I just looked at the floor, ashamed of myself.

Eventually Vince demanded that I look up and my assailant grabbed me by the hair to force my face toward the camera. Streaming. He was streaming. The whole world could be watching me right now. My teary-eyed face. My sore red ass, full of strange dick. My naked friends in the corner, their eyes glued to my shame. He could stream and post this anywhere he wanted and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

While my head was up I saw that his blonde friend was standing off to the side with a big smile, getting himself ready for his turn on stage. So the brunette was the one inside me. It wasn't much, but at least I could attach a face to my first time now.

After a minute, the rapist dropped my hair and let me slump back down again. He put his hands on my shoulders and whispered in my ear. "Brace yourself. I'm getting close." Then he squeezed my shoulders firmly and started fucking me even harder and deeper. Between my moaning, his grunting, and the slapping of our bodies it felt like the whole room was filling up with sex sounds. There was one last loud grunt and suddenly it felt like a geyser had erupted inside me.

I tensed up while he came over and over in my ass, hot wet fluids filling me to the brim. Vince was licking his lips and the blonde had all but lost himself in the show, playing with his nipples and rubbing himself emphatically. I couldn't bear to look at my friends. Just feeling their eyes on me was enough.

Suddenly the brunette got a second wind and a whole second wave of cum blasted into me. Unable to control myself, I let loose a long girly moan. I'd never heard such a high pitch come from my own mouth and felt myself blushing while I looked right at the camera, right at the countless strangers who had just heard me scream in pleasure like a satisfied woman.

He eventually finished his orgasm and pulled out. His dick flopped out of me like a tired snake, while a flood of cum poured out of me onto the floor. Vince had already moved behind me to capture the moment. He wanted to make sure that every embarrassing detail was caught on tape for his perverted viewers. I sighed and lowered my head while the brunette bragged to their viewers about how big his cum puddle was, using my tired ass as a diagram.

The blonde walked over and gently pushed me onto my back. I didn't bother resisting or raising my voice. I just fell backwards and held my legs wide open for him, hoping we could just get this over with and go home. He leaned over my naked body and kissed me on the lips. I tried to convince myself that I was too tired to respond, but my tongue still wrapped around his and my back arched into the kiss. I'd never even had a boyfriend before this, and here I was responding to every little impulse like a trained slave.

After a long, passionate kiss, my new partner lifted my legs up high and tossed them onto his shoulders so that my fallen pants fell lazily behind his back, locking me in place. He then parted my ass, expertly aiming straight for the hole. He didn't enter right away. Instead he teased me with it, holding himself by the shaft and just barely stroking the rim with his tip.

I kept waiting for a big, painful entrance but he just kept torturing me with gentle strokes. Each time I felt a little burst of warmth graze my rim I winced and braced myself. I couldn't tell if I was terrified or excited anymore. The whole time he played with it he used his free hand to gently massage my torso, caressing the muscle lines with his delicate fingers. After a few minutes, I finally couldn't take the suspense anymore.

"What—I mean, Sir, what are you doing, Sir?"

The blonde smiled sweetly and started firmly stroking the base of my dick. "What do you mean?" he asked playfully.

"I mean, Sir, you—well, um," I felt like I was signing my own death warrant, but I had to find out what he was planning. "It's just that you haven't, uh . . fucked me yet, Sir."

"Oh, that," he answered casually. "Yeah, about that. I'm not doing it until you ask me to. I'm not in a hurry, so go ahead and squirm."

I gulped. I wanted to stand my ground and tell him that I would never consent, but I couldn't. Every second, more and more people could be logging in to whatever site this was streaming on. The longer he stalled, the more humiliating it was going to be when I finally cracked. I tried to think of a way out of it for a while longer, but my boner was pulsating and my balls were swelling up like a pair of water balloons fit to burst.

"Fine, okay," I gasped out. "Just do it. Do me."

The blonde stopped playing with my dick. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You call that an invitation? Say it like you mean it. After all, you do want me inside you, right?"

I swallowed my pride and looked up at him longingly. "Please, Sir, fuck my slut boy ass, Sir." His sweet smile gave way to a satisfied sadistic grin.

The blonde was gentler than his friend had been, and shoved it in bit by bit. First I felt him pop in the head and move it around, making himself right at home. Every push saw him enter me a little deeper, while I groaned, reluctantly accepting every inch. It was like he was playing some perverted game, where he would stick it in a little further and then wait for me to finish my awkward needy moaning before doing it again. Finally he gave one last hard shove and I felt a crazy sensation deep inside me. I wailed while he bent over me.

"I'm all the way in, bitch," he said softly. "And it looks like I found a certain someone's prostate on my way in." I just laid there in shock, shuddering with pleasure. So that sensation was him rubbing against my prostate? The other guy had just rammed into me again and again, so fast that I'd barely gotten over the pain before he was done. Now that the pain was gone, it just felt amazing.

My pleasure was cut short by Vince's voice. "Hurry up and do it, man. You can't keep him to yourself all night."

In response, the blonde started pushing in and out, scooping at my insides with every thrust. I flailed and floundered about beneath him, completely lost in his gentle embrace and in the fluid movements of his pelvis. It wasn't long before he was thrusting faster, ramming into my pleasure zone at full force. I'd completely forgotten Lee and Michael were even there, that I was being shared with the whole world from a smart phone.

Every few thrusts I would open my eyes and see his toned body looming over me, his face twisted in concentration. His hands played with my chest and stroked my sides gently while his cock slid in and out of me. The scent of his sweaty, horny body washed over me while he filled me all the way to the core with his throbbing, thrusting manhood.

When he finally came, it wasn't in waves like with the brunette. The blonde exploded in my ass all at once, without any warning at all. I moaned loud and low, completely absorbed by stimulation. It wasn't until after he finished and started sliding it out of me that I remembered my friends were only a few feet away, watching every second of this. I choked back more tears and glanced toward Vince, still holding his phone.

"Can you please stop recording everything? Please?"

As soon as the words escaped my mouth I realized I'd forgotten to call him `Sir' and my whole body stiffened up. Unfortunately, Vince noticed it too. He handed the phone to the brunette and walked over to me while the blonde stepped away. He was blatantly annoyed. I wanted to beg for forgiveness, but I didn't dare move a muscle without his permission.

"Make sure you get this," he said as he looked at the phone. "Every moment of it. I want the whole world to know what happens when this bitch doesn't respect me."

Vince twirled his black hair like he was thinking of a punishment, but then stomped hard on my stiff cock without so much as a word. I cried out in pain as he started grinding the heel of his bare foot into the base of my dick. My whole body was writhing in an odd mixture of agony and ecstasy, while he crushed my balls underfoot without any mercy or restraint. He kept this up until I was nearly at my limit, then shifted his full weight onto my shaft and looked down, satisfied, while I shook with pain.

"Now what do we say when we displease our superiors?" he asked sternly.

I didn't care about dignity anymore. I just didn't want to be punished again. "Sorry Sir. Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson, Sir."

Vince smiled and moved his foot away. "Good boy." He barely gave me any time to catch my breath before picking me up and plopping me down in front of Lee and Michael.

"Now why don't you take a good long look at your friends over there?" I couldn't concentrate at first because he'd already shoved a few fingers up my ass and started finger-fucking me, but after a minute I saw what he'd wanted me to see.

The brothers were both rock hard and squirming restlessly. These guys who I'd grown up with, who'd been like family to me, were watching this monster humiliate me mercilessly, and it was making them horny. I felt a betrayal in the pit of my stomach as I looked at their strained faces and throbbing dicks. I knew it wasn't their fault, that it was just nature, but a part of me still blamed them.

Vince used his free hand to play with my balls, batting them back and forth while they dangled beneath me. He had fingers in my ass and a hand cupping my nuts, but was careful not to touch my dick. Was it something I had to earn from him? Was he even going to let me cum before this was over?

"Tell you what," he mused. "You seem pretty attached to these guys, so let's help them out."

I was mortified. So he was going to make me pleasure them now? It was bad enough I was his bitch, but now I had to use my slutty, tired body to get my friends to orgasm, too. I didn't bother asking any questions. He would do whatever he wanted with me either way.

"Sir, what would you like me to do for them, Sir?"

"Good to see you're so eager. I'll bet they're really grateful to have such a great friend, huh?"

Vince answered my question with his hand, shoving me face first into Lee's dick. The pungent odor reminded me of the lecture he'd given me on Michael's crotch earlier. But unlike earlier, the dick in my face was hard and pulsing, already wet with pre-cum and sweat.

"Suck it," Vince demanded. "Swallow every last drop."

I closed my eyes and took in Lee's entire length on the first try. I heard muffled moans while my lips slid up and down his firm shaft. It didn't matter what Lee thought of me anymore. I used my tongue and licked it, slowly and passionately. I flicked the head, French kissed the base, and alternated between deep-throating him and skin-fluting the sides. There's no question that Lee knew who I really was now. Just a dirty, slutty fag hungry for his cock.

"You know," Vince said smoothly. "I was going to make you suck them both, but that just seems tedious. And besides . . Michael here really has a beauty of a hard on. It must be at least eight inches long, and thick as a can. Boys, let's untie this monster and let him get to work, huh?"

For a moment, I felt my eyes light up. Michael had been trying to resist earlier, so maybe he would do something! It was just a glimmer of hope, but if he could catch them off guard somehow, Michael might be able to escape and get help. I heard the ropes fall off his naked body and prayed silently that he would punch Vince and run.

My hopes were shattered when I felt a familiar pair of hands shakily pushing my butt cheeks aside. My eyes overflowed with tears. It didn't matter anymore. There was nothing I could do to look any more pathetic so I didn't even stop suckling. I just licked and sucked and watched my tears mix with Lee's thick dark pubes while Michael started probing me for an entrance.

When it finally penetrated me, it was terrifying. I took my mouth away from Lee's dick and screamed in pain while his little brother ripped me in half. He didn't force it all in one thrust, but he didn't make any stops like the blonde had done. Instead I endured every painful second, squirming and crying out while he used his hands to force my crack open as wide as possible, his ridiculously thick shaft slowly forcing its way deep into my lower gut.

I could feel my insides being spread wide open around his throbbing monster cock. The only thing opened wider than my howling, dripping mouth was my tortured rectum. I could feel my asshole suckling on his dick, swallowing as much of the intruder as it could withstand.

After Michael finally got it all the way in, he completely lost control. I shrieked again and again, wracked with pain and paralyzed with pleasure, while he forced me to take the whole length with every thrust. Every new thrust hit me harder and deeper than the last. It slid through like a freight train while he forced it to slam into my prostate over and over, pushing it balls deep each time only to drag it all the way back to the head and ram me again, deeper. Each time his pubes bumped into my taint it was soft, hairy proof that I'd taken every inch. It was the only softness he offered me.

We were both moaning uncontrollably, Michael now free of his ball gag. But whereas my moans were the long, sensual moans of a bitch being used and torn apart, Michael's moans were brief, deep, and manly. I was his slut, being filled with his wrecking ball of a dick, while he was free to be an animal, groping and clawing at my naked chest while he lost himself.

I looked over to see that Vince was filming us up close from the side, switching from my contorted facial expression to the place where our bodies met, where Michael was slamming his beast up my cum-soaked ass.

After a few minutes, Vince grabbed my face and forced it back down onto Lee's dick. "Don't give baby bro all the attention, fag. Your bestie needs love too." I eagerly choked it down, sliding it over my tongue all the way to the balls. His rod had already been standing at attention but now it was like sucking down a tube of throbbing marble. I could feel his tortured dick pulsing between my lips and wished he could stand up to fuck my throat with it while his little brother destroyed me.

Michael suddenly moved his pelvis and started rubbing his full length viciously against my insides with a new wave of earth-shattering thrusts. The shock from his second wind almost forced me off of Lee's dick, so I overcompensated with a full, hearty swallow of the entire shaft while my ass did the same. We finally got a rhythm going. First I would take a mouthful of hard, wet dick then Michael's savage thrusts would propel me back up to Lee's dripping head, where I would do it all again.

What must I have looked like online right now? My hands were tied behind my back, my jeans and a conspicuous string bikini were flopped around my ankles. I had the older brother's dick in my mouth, hungrily swallowing it down while my ass lifted itself high in the air, bouncing up and down on the younger brother's hard, vigorous thrusts. Vince could probably see my dick from that angle, bouncing to and fro underneath me like a meaty white flag, dripping pre-cum while two men with different hair colors masturbated in the background.

I'm sure everyone watching us at home was jerking off, thrilled that they'd found something so dirty and raw. A whole army of sweaty, rugged men were probably cranking their meat right now, fantasizing about what they could do to me. The thought of it turned me on. I sucked Lee passionately, secretly hoping that someone would untie my hands so I could fondle his balls, flick his nipples, and penetrate his ass with my sweaty fingers. I moved my hips up and down to give Michael's massive dick a big slutty welcoming party with every thrust. I wanted the whole world to see what a whore I was.

When Michael finally came, it was mind blowing. First he sped up, pounding me at full force, then he went deep into one final triumphant thrust. He used his pelvis like a forklift, forcing my ass high into the air until only my feet were touching the ground. His shuddering dick was like an earthquake in my ass. And I floated on a river of cum, so thick that my hole stretched even wider, too full of cock to accommodate his fluids. My legs hovered up above the ground, held up by the sheer power of Michael's lower body. My face was still draped haphazardly over Lee's dick, instinctively sucking his lollipop, but everything else was soaring off into the clouds.

The second wave of Michael's orgasm sent a ripple through my body. Unable to contain the excitement my own dick finally shot its load, spewing more hot cum onto the floor. The orgasm made my ass tighten around Michael's cock and he moaned, groping my sides and releasing everything into me like a human fire hydrant.

While our bodies were losing control, Lee finally came. The warm, salty fluid snapped me back to reality and I started swallowing it down. I suckled Lee, thirsting for more cum, needing to fill both my holes to the limit. Lee moaned with us, his ball gag now removed, while his musky scent mixed with the taste of fresh cum.

After a blissful eternity, bodies writhing and dicks pumping, we started to settle down. Michael slid his dick out of me, thick even when soft, and let me down gently, only to fall away like a tired dog. As he did, I let Lee's soft dick roll out of my mouth and let my head fall onto his thigh, still gazing at the cock and wondering if I'd ever taste it again. My ass stayed up in the air, my legs spread wide while cum poured out of my tired hole. All three of us were gasping for breath, but no one said anything.

I looked over at Vince and stared right into the camera. My entire body was soaked with sweat and cum, exhausted from overuse. I looked up at him and tried to interpret his greedy smile. He was the only one in the room that I didn't belong to yet.

"Sir," I said softly. "Please, I need more dick."

He handed the phone to the brunette and started lifting his shirt, slowly. "Of course you do, bitch. Don't worry. I won't make you leave unsatisfied."

His chest and abs took my breath away. He didn't look it with a shirt on, but his muscles were sculpted into perfection. A line of curly black hairs started just under his belly button and fell down into his low rise jeans. He took the jeans off to reveal his long, smooth, toned legs and then put his thumbs teasingly at the waistband of his white briefs. I could easily see the outline of his hard on, trying hard to stretch out of its cotton prison.

He didn't take the briefs off. Instead he flipped the waistband playfully, never looking away from my eyes. I already couldn't take any more suspense.

"Please Sir, I need to see your cock. Please show me your cock, Sir."

Vince chuckled and turned away from me, slowly lowering his briefs until his entire ass crack was on display. I was in awe of the beefy, rounded cheeks. I was tempted to crawl over to them and rub my face on his ass, to kiss and worship it until he could punish me for my horniness. My dick was already getting pumped up again, ready for whatever he wanted. He removed the briefs completely, still facing away. I caught a glimpse of his balls when he bent over and I let out a soft whine, wanting to see everything. Vince turned around and my eyes glazed over, star-struck at the full package.

His dick wasn't a monster like Michael's, but it was perfect. From the bright red bulb to the pulsing veins to the hairy nuts dangling from his bouncy shaft, his cock was a work of art. Vince started walking toward me and I shuffled hurriedly into position, my asshole twitching while I turned it toward him. Vince laughed at my eagerness and reached out, cradling my butt with his rough hands. He bounced the cheeks playfully, clearly amused at my puckering hole and soft, reddened ass.

I blushed while he untied my hands and then pushed myself up, bracing for impact. He wasn't in a hurry to enter me. Instead he fingered me, fondled my balls, tested my dick for hardness. He took his time appraising me like I was the star of a dog show, while I waited patiently to be raped. I could feel him as he leaned over me. He wrapped his arms around my chest and started playing with my nipples again, twirling them violently. The stinging sensations were exhilarating. His dick rubbed up against my crack while he leaned in close to whisper into my ear.

"Say something cute," he demanded. "Make me want you."

My face turned red but his manhood was rubbing up against me impatiently. I searched for the words while his hands stroked my abs, working their way downward. He started gently massaging my cock when I finally remembered how to speak.

"Sir, please. Use me however you want. I'll be your bitch forever if you tell me to, just please, Sir, fuck me. I want you inside me, please." I felt sick hearing the words come out of my mouth. I looked up to see that Lee and Michael were just staring at me longingly. Their naked bodies glistened with sweat and their eyes softened. For the first time since our abduction, I felt a sense of freedom. No one was judging me. No one cared. It was just sex.

I got a harsh reality check when Vince lifted my legs up into the air and shoved his cock deep up my ass. It went all the way in on the first thrust, a testament to what Michael had turned me into. Vince spread my legs wide around his hard dick, forcing them into a full split while I yelped from the pain. I felt more naked and vulnerable than ever while I was in the air, supported only by my sweaty forearms and what little energy I had left.

Vince didn't waste any time letting me catch my balance. Instead he started pounding me like a jackhammer, annihilating my hole and my pride with his harsh, reckless thrusts. I felt my ass bouncing against his pelvis, slapping our skin together while he fucked the life out of me. No matter what I did my sweaty hands slid around on the hardwood floor. It felt like my ass was being shot by a nail gun while my upper body slipped and slid like a frightened cat. Even now my hips were rocking to and fro, anxiously taking him in like a proper slut. I moaned and wailed, barely able to concentrate on holding myself up, while Vince rubbed my thighs and forced himself on me.

My earlier peace of mind was shattered, knowing that our viewers were watching me straddle him and scramble around on the floor for dear life. I knew instinctively that I'd never feel like a man after this. I could run as far away as I wanted to but still I would always belong on someone's cock. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I started drooling while he fucked me from every angle, his silence contrasted against my pitiful howling.

Vince finally put my legs back on the ground and reached around to grab my package. Surprised by the sudden attention, I jumped backwards into a deep, painful thrust. Vince started massaging my balls roughly with one hand while the other rubbed my cock gracefully. I moaned with pleasure and looked up to see Lee and Michael staring hungrily at us. Their gazes turned me on and I moaned louder while I rode Vince's shaft.

We must have continued like that for several minutes while Vince's friends cheered him on in the background, streaming every second of my shattered dignity to strangers around the world. Strangers who were free to share my brutal rape and shame with their friends and their friends' friends.

Finally Michael worked up the courage to walk over and shove his fresh new boner down my throat. I gurgled and nearly choked on it. I looked around the crotch in my face to see Lee squirming in the corner, still bound and naked, while his baby brother fucked my face. "I'm sorry," Michael said softly. I calmed down and let him have his way, accepting thrusts from both ends. My eyes were watering, more from the humiliation than the pain.

Michael didn't last long this time. He'd already been warming himself up, so Vince was still passionately fucking my ass when a flood of salty, sweet cum poured down my throat. The excess dribbled down my chin while Michael moaned with ecstasy, and he finally pulled his floppy swollen cock out and let it fall past my lip.

He looked down at me, mortified at his actions, and then kneeled down to hug my neck and run his fingers gently through my hair. I'd forgotten kindness. I sobbed into his shoulder, surprised that no one had taken this moment away from me, while Vince started grunting and fucking me faster. I was overwhelmed with mixed feelings, but most of all I was mad at myself.

Here I was being savagely raped, and Michael's one act of kindness was what was upsetting me. I hated myself for that and embraced him, holding his torso for support while Vince took everything he wanted, molesting my crotch and obliterating my asshole. Vince's practiced stroking made me cum, and the mixture of pleasure and rage made me sob harder.

Michael just held on tight. I had the feeling that in that moment, he would have fought for his right to hold me. He knew that he couldn't escape or save me, but it felt like nothing would make him let go. But I realized no one was going to pull him away, because they didn't care. They just wanted to shame me and use me. They already had the power to make me cry like a little girl and they could fuck me to their heart's content, so why should they care what anyone else does with me?

Just as I was starting to think I'd be okay, Vince ripped me out of Michael's arms with one fluid motion and shoved my face down onto the floor. I felt my cheek rub against the wood while his dick pumped in and out, clearly getting close to climax. He grabbed my hips and held on for dear life while cum burst from his cock and I moaned.

I hated what Vince had done to me, what he'd turned me into. I wanted to burn down the apartment, run out the front door naked, and go on a killing spree. But my body was already his. All I could do was moan and pump my hips into him, sucking everything down with my greedy hole. When he was finally done, he dropped me unceremoniously onto the floor.

I just laid there, not sure what would come next. My ass was twitching and throbbing. My flaccid penis fell carelessly onto the cold, hard floor. My limbs were strewn about like a rag doll's. I managed to roll over onto my back and look around the room.

Vince and his friends were already getting dressed. They'd turned off the phone and Vince was walking over to a desk with the brothers' clothes on it. I looked over at Lee and Michael. Michael sat exhausted on the floor, legs spread shamelessly wide, watching with pity as the blonde untied his brother. Lee squirmed and writhed. He was still hard and throbbing, and he was the only one who was.

Vince tossed a pile of clothes between them and sat down on an armchair. He watched them with a scowl while they gathered up their belongings silently and got dressed. The brunette finally untied my ankles. I reached down to pull up my pants and winced. The strain of bending over was unreal, and I shuddered at the thought of getting dressed again at home.

When everyone was clothed, Vince just pointed at the door sternly. "Everyone out," he said. "We've had our fun, go home. I have to work in the morning."

I just stared at the door in shock. We could leave? Lee was already walking toward it, probably eager to go home and nurse his swollen dick. Michael stood up and helped me to my feet, then walked me out the door.

The ride home was quiet. Aside from a few questions about my condition, we said next to nothing. We were all silently judging ourselves. I tried to ignore the vibrations of the car seat against my shattered rectum. But the worst part was that deep down, I knew I'd be back.

Vince shared me with his friends, streamed it all online, and forced my friends to take part in it, but somehow it just left me wanting more. He could ask me to wear a collar and thong to my class reunion, fuck me on a crowded street, or sell me out as a prostitute if he wanted to.

I'd still end up going back to that apartment and begging him for more. I didn't want to admit it, but he owned me now. I would do anything to prove that I could be a good bitch for him, and I didn't care if the whole world knew about it. There was a small part of me left that knew how horrible I was for wanting him. My friends would probably never forgive me if they knew. But I needed to be his.

Next: Chapter 2

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