His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Jan 28, 2018


Welcome back! So, Caleb has a couple of days before Matt is back and Will still hasn't fucked him. He needs it. Luckily, there's Grindr...

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This could probably serve as an ending, but I have a few idea for filthy future chapters. Let me know if you want some more at joejam886@gmail.com

This was it. My last day of "freedom" before Matt should be home, unless his parents change their mind at the last minute about him staying longer.

I lay in bed, naked and hard, reliving my experiences from the last few days. Hell, the last few months had been pretty wild, but this weekend had really pushed things to another level. All I could think about was the feeling of fullness, and the satisfaction I experienced when my hole was wet and aching.

So I messaged him. Will. All I said was "hi" but he knew what I wanted and two minutes later he had instructed me to come over.

I raced across the house throwing myself together, brushing my teeth and running my hand through my hair to try and flatten it. I was out the hero and walking briskly in no time, panting as I banged on his door.

As soon as he opened it I reached for his heavy cock, lying there on top of his huge nuts. "I need this." He just smirked and ushered me into the lounge, where Tommy was lying on the couch, his own cock pointing upwards.

"If you want this, then you'd better make my boy happy." Will growled and I obeyed, tearing my clothes off and landing in front of Tommy ready to wolf his cock down. And I did just that. Wrapping my lips around the swollen head, swirling my tongue around it, and then slowly pushing my head down to let it slide into my mouth until my nose was in his small bush. Will handled my ass as I did this.

His thumb brushed against my hole, his fingers squeezing both cheeks, pulling them apart and pushing them back together. They pulled away for a moment and then his thumb returned to my hole, slick and insistent, pushing straight into me. I moaned around Tommy's cock.

Two fingers replaced the thumb and I froze for a moment before forcing myself to push against them and let them fill me. He started pistoning them in and out of me as I slurped on his twink boyfriend's cock. Then he held them all the way in me, shaking them, forcing my hole to loosen up. He pulled away.

I just kept slobbering on Tommy's 8-ish cut inches, looking up at his smooth lean body. He's really not my type but that doesn't matter, he's got a cock and I can please it. After what feels like forever I feel the pressure of Will's gigantic cock on my hole.

It was wet and hard and unrelenting. Two fingers didn't prepare me, but he pushed into me, making me pull off Tommy's cock and groan in pain. Will wrapped his fingers in my hair and pushed me back onto Tommy's cock as he bottomed out, the sharp pain in my scalp causing my mouth to open wider and accept what he was doing.

As soon as I was full of both of them, Will's hands moved to my chest and pulled sharply at my nipples. Then he started fucking me, his balls slapping loudly against mine, his movements pushing and pulling me onto Tommy's cock, building a rhythm for both of their enjoyment. I could only thrust myself back and forth trying not to break the movements as set by Will and loving the way he was stretching me at last. All ten thick uncut inches were now making use of my ass.

And then suddenly he withdrew. I pushed back but he moved too quickly and my gaping, convulsing asshole was met only by empty air. I pulled off from Tommy to look behind me and then Tommy stood up.

Will stepped in front of me and his cock aimed directly at my face. He pulled me forward into him, and I licked it lovingly, admiring this piece of meat that had opened me up so well. My tongue moved up and down his length, tasting and smelling myself on him, and Tommy took his place.

"Fill him up for me, baby." Was all Will said as he finally pushed his head towards the back of my throat. Tommy's cock slid into me easily. He's big but Will had really loosened me up, made me ready for him. "Make him sloppy."

Tommy didn't wait, he just started pumping into me hard and fast. My body shook as he slammed roughly into me, Will leisurely using his own cock to open my throat up. It wasn't long before I heard Tommy whimpering behind me, then he held himself there, his throbbing cock releasing his creamy load.

He pulled out and Will stepped back. He sat on the couch and waved his hand for me to follow. He then held his cock and shook it, and so I climbed onto him, my knees on the outside of his powerful thighs, and I let myself sink onto him.

His arms wrapped around me and we kissed. I was marginally taller than him in this position but there was no question about it. As I let gravity pull me downwards, he filled me to the brim, his cock sheathed in his lover's cum and I was full. He slowly ground himself upwards as his tongue pushed and prodded and explored my mouth.

Some time later, I don't know how long, he broke the kiss and I let my head fall backwards, my eyes rolling in my head as he thrust himself into me. Then I felt his stubble caressing my neck. His teeth caught my skin and bit, sharply, and my cock was electrified. I made a mental note to make sure there were no marks.

He gripped my ass, kneading my buns, pulling them apart so his cock could fill me in just the right way as he picked up speed. I started picking up my own pace, lifting myself up as he pulled back, letting myself sink back down as he thrust up. By the time I realised what was building it was too late.

I swooped down and caught his mouth with mine. I pushed down with all my weight, grinding myself, rocking from side to side as my cock exploded. Pulse after pulse after pulse, my tongue gently stroked his as I painted our torsos with more cum than I thought I could carry. My hole was milking his rigid cock when I realised he was now cumming as well, his body shaking and rocking beneath me, his cock making small sharp movements to release his seed inside of me.

Minutes later I pulled myself off him. My legs were unstable, my steps wobbly as I found myself standing again, and then I realised Tommy was kneeling there next to us. He would have had the perfect view of that cum-covered cock stretching me open.

As soon as there was enough space he was lovingly cleaning Will's cock with his tongue as Will stroked his hair absentmindedly, Will's eyes shut in contentment.

I cleaned myself up in the bathroom, got dressed and left, without any of us saying another word. Tommy was still worshipping the post-coital Will.

I let myself walk slowly home, the breeze brushing against my super-heated flesh. It finally happened, he'd finally bred me. I saw my boyfriend's best friend naked and hard and I let myself turn into his slut. And now his load was swimming around inside of me, mixing with his boyfriend's.

Maybe this would finally be enough. Maybe I could settle down now that the itch had been scratched and resume my quiet life with Matt.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I walked in my front door and saw that Matt's car was back. I could hear music in the lounge so I went through.

"Babe! I was hoping I'd catch you." His face beamed as his smile broke out from ear to ear.

"Matt! I was just jogging, I didn't know you'd be back already." His arms came up around my shoulders and I pecked him on the cheek, praying he couldn't smell the sex that was lingering on me and in me.

"I had to get outta there as soon as possible." He tilted his face to meet mine, my closed lips gently pressing against his before I pulled away. "They'll need me back in a couple of weeks probably."

"Damn. If you need my help and they can stomach the sight of me, let me know." I pressed our bodies together and then pulled away to head towards the bedroom. "I really need to shower and get to the office."

"Yeah, you're a little ripe." Matt gave me a smile as I left to clean myself up.

The rest of the day was an unfocused blur. When I wasn't remembering how perfectly Will filled me up, I was wondering if Matt knew. It wasn't just if he figured it out from seeing me, but how could he not have smelt the sex on me, but also would somebody tell him? Between Will, Frank, Dave and whoever that guy on Grindr was who must have recognised me, things were getting risky.

So half of the day my cock was thickening up in my pants while I tried to work, the rest it had shrunk with anxiety of I over-analysed everything. I was damn glad to get home until I heard the voices in the lounge.

Will was there in the middle of our sofa. One arm stretched out over Tommy's shoulder, hand dangling over his chest, the other reaching across the back of the couch behind Matt who was red and giggly after what looked like a couple of glasses of wine.

"Caleb!" Will barked happily as I came in. "Matty was just telling us how you left him woefully blue-balled this morning. Hope you'll be making it up to him soon." The fucker winked at me. "I would, if I were you."

For some reason I didn't mind his smug smirk, it was the self satisfied grin on Tommy's face that I wanted to get rid off. I just fidgeted there for what felt like a suspiciously long time until Matt pushed himself out of the couch and walked over to me.

"It's fine! You had work." His lips pressed against mine and I let his tongue into my mouth, enjoying the movement as our lips danced against each other. "You'll definitely make up for it tonight." He reached down and adjusted my growing cock.

"I...should get changed." I forced myself to pull away from him. It felt like all of my senses were heightened, I didn't know how to deal with all three of them in the same room.

"Feel free to get naked!" Tommy called out in a sing-song voice behind me.

I briefly considered going commando but decided to keep my briefs on under the sweatpants. When I made my way back to the lounge Matt moved to the edge of the couch, leaving space for me to squeeze in between him and Will.

"Come! Sit. We have Star Trek to watch." I poured myself a glass of wine and fell in between their warm bodies, Matt pressed against me on one side and Will on the other. We had agreed to wait til he was back to watch it.

Pretty soon the episode was done and Matt went for a piss. As soon as he'd left the room, Will turned my face and devoured my mouth with his.

"We'll go when he's back. Give that hole a workout." His blue eyes bore into my soul and I just nodded softly.

True to his word, he and Tommy left after giving both of us hugs. Tommy's whole body pressed against mine way too obviously but Matt didn't seem to react, himself being hugged by Will at the time.

We shut everything off and made our way to the bedroom. Stripping each other slowly in between long, lingering kisses, we fell onto the bed and found ourselves sucking each other off. We were on our sides in a 69 position to start with, my mouth opening wide to accommodate his thickness, whereas with Will it was always a challenge to just swallow it deeply.

He really knew how to work my cock with his tongue. Slowly, forcefully dragging his mouth up and down, he soon had me wanting to push it just a bit further so I could cum into his mouth. But no. I decided to try and focus on him so I pulled my cock away from his mouth, my own mouth hungrily sucking on his girth.

He pulled me on top of him. I never broke contact, my lips sliding up and down his cock, my tongue moving across the piss slit to taste his sweetness, and he positioned me so my thighs were on either side of his face. And then he pushed his face upwards, his tongue sliding across my ass, and I had to stop.

Sitting up I let myself sit on his face and he doubled his efforts. His mouth now pressed against my asshole, his tongue pushing into me and then circling the area. I briefly wondered if he could tell how abused it had been lately before his tongue made all thoughts fall out of my skull.

I writhed and pushed downwards, his tongue penetrating me as deep as it could, lapping at my ass. I had to feel it. I climbed off his face and turned around, moving down his body and positioning his fat cock against my hole.

"I need it in me. Just for a bit." I told him as I pushed myself down. He gasped as I took all of him into me without giving him a choice, my own contented sigh coming as I reached the bottom of him. We settled into a rhythm for a while then, my body slowly moving up and down, stroking his fat cock with my ass.

It was only a couple of minutes when he warned me. "I'm gonna cum!" He said urgently, gripping my thigh. I slammed myself down onto him, clenching with my ass as I pulled up, and slammed myself back down. Then as I slid upwards, clenching to stroke his cock again, he started jabbing into me and I felt the explosion of heat. His eyes rolled in his head and his jaw clenched as he filled with his load for the first time ever.

I rolled off him and lay there, my mind at peace, drifting in and out of consciousness for an inscrutable amount of time. Then Matt's lips wrapped themselves around my cock. I'd almost forgotten that I hadn't cum yet, it didn't matter now that there was a load leaking out of me.

Matt really knows how to suck cock. His expert tongue twisted, his lips slid up and down and his head tilted back and forth as he worked my meat. I spread my legs out and groaned as he suddenly stopped, and I felt the cool air on my wet cock, still off in my own half-conscious world.

Then he straddled me and I forced myself to wake up. I gripped his hips and he slid straight down. I pushed my feet up closer to my hips, and then when he lifted himself, I thrust upwards sharply and made him whimper. He hung there, balancing on his knees, and I fucked him from below.

Then I moved his legs and mine, position them so I could turn him over without my cock slipping from his hot, smooth hole. Then when he was on his back I withdrew my cock until the very tip was barely within the lips of his ass, and slid it straight back in.

"Yesss," he moaned as my hips pressed against his ass. "Fuck I've missed this." I started slowly rocking myself back and forth, small movements building up and making way for bigger ones, then suddenly it's another small movement. He moaned and thrashed and eventually begged. "Please, just cum for me. Fill me up."

I leaned down and kissed him, softly pressing our lips together as I rammed my cock hard into him. Our tender kisses continued as I drilled him, roughly and quickly, and then our lips finally parted and our tongues connected as it happened.

My cock throbbed and as I felt the first blast escape the head I pulled back, letting the rest of my load fill the space my cock just was. He moaned and gripped his own renewed erection as my cock sprays inside him for what felt like forever. His hand then furiously flew up and down, his eyes rolling back as I let my cock sink back into his hole, feeling the wetness now that it was bathing in my cum.

I rested there, filling him, making the smallest of movements until he came again across his stomach.

And then we slept.

Matt went to work after we kissed goodbye, and then I was left naked and alone. I drifted off to sleep and then when I woke again I checked my phone. It was Will.

"I'm busy today but Tommy could do with a warm hole."

Next: Chapter 10

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