His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Jan 12, 2018


This chapter, Will gives Caleb a bit of a break. Hopefully that means he'll have time to think about what's happening to him.

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He sent me a message each morning for the rest of that week to cancel our standing appointment. Most of them came with a picture of his rigid, thick, ten inch monster and I was climbing the fucking walls.

I'd downloaded Grindr. I didn't have a profile up but I'd still get the odd message through it. I'd just look at the local guys, recognizing some and reading what was there, getting myself worked up. Then I'd find some porn to look at, something rough and hot and filthy as I stuffed the dildo into my ass trying to get off, imagining I had the courage to invite a stranger over to replace it. I'd eventually cum, collecting what I could and guzzling it down.

Friday night I finished work and then we were at the bar again. It was me, Matt and a couple we know, Dave and Francisco. I've been friends with them since before I even met Matt. They're about ten years older than us in their late 30s. If you looked up "muscle daddies" on google these are probably the guys you'd find. Both about my height and broad shouldered, their clothes always threatened to split across the thick muscled bodies.

Dave trained at a gym downtown while Frank owned a couple of design stores. Both bearded, Dave's hair was still mostly ginger with a few strands of grey showing through on his beard. Frank--Francisco--is Latin-American with thick black hair and brown skin. His beard was mostly grey now, but his hair had a smattering of grey at the right temple with a light sprinkle on the left side.

"No Will?" Dave asked. He'd be here most of the time when we were.

"Nah, I think he's getting serious with somebody." Matt told them and their incredulous looks said it all. "Really. He's been seeing some twink who's started leaving a toothbrush there. He even had to start canceling on some of his...'regular sluts' as he called them."

After that it was a pretty general catch up. We just kept drinking and chatted about their upcoming holiday and Matt mentioned he'd need to go visit his parents soon because his grandmother was visiting from the UK.

"I probably should miss out on that one." I said lightly, knowing what his parents thought of me. His mother was half-cut once when she said I was corrupting her boy. His father figured it was just a phase and he's be back in their small rural town ready for a wedding ring and some kids soon enough.

"Might be a good idea. Sorry." He stroked my arm for a while until I figured I needed to go for a piss. As I shook myself off at the urinal I heard the door open. Glancing over I saw Will's friend Elliot had walked in.

"Hey buddy." He smirked at me, stepping forward. My cock was still hanging out of my open fly and I felt it jump a little at the sound of his voice. "Looking good." Leaning in, his lips caught mine and I couldn't help but let my tongue dance with his. He had undone his pants at some point so he took my hand and guided it to his cock. "I'm going to fuck you again."

"They're out there waiting for me." My voice was lighter than intended, holding no conviction in it. I let him turn my body so it was facing the sinks, gripping the counter in front of the sink as he pulls my pants down. He grabbed my hips and I spread my legs apart. I heard him spit and felt his wet cock lining up with my asshole. He pressed against me but I was too tight.

"That doesn't matter." He spit again, smearing his saliva on his rigid cock, and the head pressed against me. This time I felt a sharp sting as it popped into me. His arms reached around me, holding me tight, and I grit my teeth and braced myself against the counter. Soon he's all the way inside of me.

I groan as he holds himself there, his teeth catching my earlobe, his hands sliding up and down my chest grasping at me and pinching my skin. His left hand settles on my nipple, twisting it as he starts to pull himself out of me, then he thrusts back in and I gasp. He rocks, back and forth, his cock stretching my ass in the right way at last. At some point I hear the door open and it closes again but I don't care.

Soon he picks the pace up. I hadn't touched myself but I was rock hard and leaking as he hammered his hard cock into me over and over again. I whimpered and grasped my cock, unable to hold back any longer. My cock exploded and my cum sprayed itself onto the counter in front of me. I leaned forward, feeling him fuck me harder and deeper, grunting with every thrust, and then he tensed and he was cumming inside of me.

I was probably only in the bathroom for five minutes but it felt like forever. My legs were weak and I made my way back to the boys. Elliot drifted over to a group in a different part of the bar.

"There you are!" Matt grinned and pecked me on the cheek. "Took your time."

"To be fair it was filling up when I picked my head in." Frank's eyes locked onto mine with an inscrutable smile and my face went red.

The rest of the night was uneventful. We headed home and crashed, and just relaxed on Saturday. Matt packed that night and Sunday morning he drove off to see his family, guessing that he'd return on Wednesday.

It was a bit after midday when I got a message from Dave. "Surviving without Matt?"

"So far so good! Hopefully I don't burn the place down cooking dinner." I smirked and sent it off before wondering if Frank had said anything to Dave. He must have seen me, right? I mean, I was drunk, but he sure seemed to.

"We were going to have a for beers this afternoon. If you wanna join us we'll probably be able to cook dinner for you." I stop and think about it before firing off my reply.

"Yeah, that'd be great! What should I bring?" About a minute later the reply came from Frank's number instead.

"Just yourself. Maybe a jockstrap if you feel brave enough to put on another show." I heard his voice asI read it, rough and deep and entirely masculine, and I started to harden in my shorts.

I was there about an hour later, a six pack of beer in hand. I decided to wear my red and black jockstrap underneath shorts that are light enough you can see outline of the straps through the material. My white singlet was tight enough that my nipples poked through. Dave answered the door.

"Come in, come in! You didn't need to bring those." Dave's copper fur was wet, covering his chest. Half of his body was covered in black spiralling tattoos, the other half pale. His pink nipples jutted out from his chest. His red swimming shorts were still wet, clinging to his heavy bulge and accentuating every damn line there. His hand came up to my arm and squeezed as I followed him in. "We were just having a swim."

I followed him through the kitchen, grabbing a beer and putting the rest into the fridge, and then we were out in the backyard. Frank was there sipping from a bottle and somebody else was swimming in the pool. Frank's shorts were small, black, and shiny with water. His body was magnificent with wet dark fur running down his brown chest.

"I liked your show the other night." Frank openly undressed me, his eyes raking up and down me, stopping at my shorts that felt like they were becoming tighter. "I hope you're feeling brave." He took another sip.

"Francisco!" Dave scowled at Frank and I just sipped at my drink. The guy in the pool grabbed the edge of the pool and pulled himself up. His blond hair was slicked back with water, and his sharp, smooth features were followed by a sharp, smooth body. His body was amazing with a golden tan. Broad shoulders and a narrow waist came into view, followed by a bush jutting out over the top of a white speedo that was too small and transparent with the water. He sauntered over to us.

"Hey, I'm Rory. You must be Caleb." He looked 18 or 19 but was filled with confidence as he held his hand out toward me. I shook it, dazed slightly.

"Rory is from one of my stores." Frank's gruff voice broke me out of it slightly. "He really knows how to work hard." He said with a wink.

I didn't realise my eyes had swept down to Rory's crotch again until I looked back to his face and he just grinned. His nuts were pushing the head of his cock against the flimsy fabric, and through it I could see how cock was thick and cut. It looked as tanned as the rest of him. "You should come for a swim, it's the perfect day for it."

"I, uh-don't quite have a swimsuit with me." I guzzled down too much beer as Frank stepped in closer.

"I don't think we mind." Frank's eyes met mine as he hooked his thumbs into his shorts. "Hell, if it'll make you more comfortable..." he yanked downwards and then the shorts pooled around his feet. He stood back up in silence so I could admire him.

Swinging behind his thick, meaty thighs, was a cock as big as a can of beer. And it still looked soft.

"I don't know if that's making me comfortable." My face was burning and I had become completely hard.

"This might help." Rory shucked his white speedo, showing his own cock rapidly inflating in front of him. He was circumcised, his cock quickly becoming slightly longer than mine.

Dave was standing back a bit, his hand drifting to his crotch but his swimsuit still on. Frank stepped closer to me and his hands were pulling my shirt off. "We don't have to swim." He stroked my bare chest, his hands finding a nipple each, and he tweaked them. I groaned.

Rory's face leaned into mine and we kissed. He was hard and insistent, his tongue pushing into my mouth, his teeth catching my lip. Frank's hands slid down to my waist and caught on my shorts, sliding them off me so I was standing there in just a jockstrap with precum leaking through it. Frank kissed me next, his beard scratching my face, his lips surprisingly soft. Rory's face moved down to my nipple, catching it in his teeth and making me groan.

Frank pulled back, his hand on the back of my neck, and he pushed me down to my knees. I glanced at Dave who was now stroking a large bulge through his shorts then looked back to the two cocks in front of me, side by side.

Frank's cock was rock hard. Bobbing in front of me it was about 7 inches, a bit shorter than Rory's but noticeably thicker. My mouth watered as I gripped both.

I ran my tongue across the heads, alternating as the two men kissed in front of me. Soon I was sucking them deeper into my mouth, tasting their cocks, first one then the other and then back again as they grew wet with my spit I was stroking them too, picking up the pace as I lost myself in my lust.

They broke their kiss and Rory grabbed me by the back of my neck. He was owning my mouth now, holding me still and thrusting deep, angling himself into my throat. Frank's hand replaced mine and began stroking his own cock. I held his balls instead, gripping them, feeling the rhythm of his strokes as Rory's thrusts became erratic.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and started groaning. His hand flew up and down his wet cock faster than I could move. I opened my mouth wider, bracing myself as he came, aiming his load to streak across my face and into my hair. He finally stopped shooting and I swooped my mouth onto the head of his cock to drain the last of his cum out.

I then turned my head towards Frank and looked up at him, my waiting mouth open and waiting. My cum-covered face was ready for more and he delivered. The first shot landed on my forehead, I could feel it dripping down my face and he pushed his cock forward. The head was then on my tongue as he fired more cum, letting it run down my throat, and I moaned.d his cock into my mouth, his cum spraying down my throat and onto my tongue.

I sat there on my knees in a red and black jock by the pool, cum covering my face, and I knew they weren't done. Dave had walked over and his shorts were bulging obscenely.

He kissed me, his tongue roaming my mouth and I groaned. My own cock was twitching, painfully hard and trapped. There was a loud knock on the door.

We weren't done at all.

Next: Chapter 6

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