His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Jan 9, 2018


It's a bit longer this time. I just felt like this is how it had to go. It'll probably be a few days while I start working on another story, but there's definitely more to come for Caleb's decline into a cheating a slut.

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Feel free to fire me some feedback, it's been a great surprise! Thanks gents. As always, enjoy.

Friday night came quickly enough. I finished work on time and made my way to Drive Bar.

Matt and Will were there drinking already like usual and Will's friend from last week was hovering nearby.

"Caleb!" Will stepped forward and wrapped me in his arms. Our bodies pressed against each other as his hand drifted down and cupped my ass, squeezing it gently before we separated after what felt like too long. "I think you need a drink." He headed to the bar.

"Hey babe. Work was good?" Matt stepped up to me and wrapped his arms around me. He'd definitely had a couple of beers and he pecked me on the cheek.

"It's over and that's good." I grinned at him as Will's friend stepped a bit closer. He was cute, I guess. Brown hair and plump cocksucking lips. He was maybe 20 at a stretch, clean shaven and wearing a shirt that looked like it was painted onto his slim body.

"I'm Tom. Hi." His smile was pretty nervous. Drive was probably about a third full tonight and I doubt he really knew anybody else there.

"I remember you from last Friday. Having a good night?" My eyes drifted over to see Will returning with a beer in each hand.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'm kinda new here. Is it always a bit quiet?" Tom fidgeted nervously.

"Kinda, that's why we come. It's a good crowd and then you can move somewhere a bit rowdier." Matt replied and we settled in next to each other on the bench at our usual table.

"Here, guzzle this down." Will handed me one of the beers with a wink and took a gulp of the second. I glanced at Tom and he was gazing at Will.

"I need a drink." Tom headed towards the bar and Will stood across from us.

"Cute kid." I said, my eyes appreciating Tom's retreating ass for a moment before meeting Will's eyes.

"Yeah, he's alright." Will smiled at us as Tom made his way back and the rest of the night passed with more beer and friendly banter.

At some point Matt agreed that we needed some fries, so off we went to find some and make our way home. I got out of my clothes and rested on the bed as Matt brushed his teeth. My phone chimed.

I opened the Snapchat message from Will. It was a video, and it took me a moment to realise that the camera was pointed at an ass. The person was on all fours. It must have been Tom with his hole wet, smooth and puckered as Will's cock came into view, making his way to that hot looking hole. As Will's fat cock head pressed against the hole ready to make it open the video ended.

I flicked my phone to silent. Getting up and brushing my teeth, I returned to bed and Matt was already laying on his side. I ignored my persistent erection and climbed in, switching the lamp off.

I woke up first in the morning and checked my phone. It was about 8am and saw there was another message from Will.

As it started his cock was buried in Tom to the hilt. It slowly drew back, leaving just the head in, and I couldn't believe it fit in there. It was wet and hard and he sunk it right back in like it belonged there. Pulling back out all the way, Tom's hole was left open and twitching like it wanted to close back up.

I was hard again and I needed to do something about it. Matt was snoring softly so I climbed out of bed, heading to the lounge after throwing shorts on. I headed straight to one of my favourite bookmarked pages and was stroking my cock soon. I felt my ass twitch as I brought myself closer.

This time I aimed it directly at my hard cock and sent him a clip as it fired out my hot load. It was less than two minutes later when I got the reply and I was still covered in sweat and cum sitting there in the living room.

Will's hand was gripping a chunk of Tom's hair, guiding his mouth up and down his monster cock. Tom's eyes were red and half closed, his mouth swollen around that fat meat, and Will pulled his head up and down. The caption read "Tommy liked the look of your dick."

I scooped up my cum with my free hand and sucked it off my fingers until I'd swallowed everything I could. I put my cock away and figured I would start up the PS4. I didn't hear from Will again until Monday.

"Let's have coffee." It was just after 8 in the morning and I replied in the affirmative.

This time as he hugged me I leaned into it a little bit, his hand cupping my butt cheek and squeezing it. His cock was soft, pressed against my stomach through my shirt. He smelt so good.

"I didn't know you have such a nice cock." Will stated as he sat on the couch. "Matt's a lucky little bottom." He spread his hairy thighs wide. There was only enough space for me if I was going to be be sitting half on top of him.

"Well, it does what I need it to. He seems to like it." I hovered there, my eyes sweeping across him without any shame. He'd swung his arms up behind his head. His body was stretched out and he seemed so long. Thick dark fur sprouting out from his armpits, trailing across his chest, swirling in the middle and then sweeping down his stomach, where a trimmed bush framed his thick equipment.

"Tommy liked the look of it. He got hungry enough to work another load out." His cock seemed to expand. I hovered there just absorbing the view for probably a minute

"I didn't realise you were going to show him that." I finally managed to look him in the eye, my body leaning forward, wanting to move but not knowing where.

"He doesn't know it was yours. Don't worry." He leaned back a bit, his legs spreading wide, his cock now lifting off his balls just slightly. "Come on, sit down. Though if you kneel in front of me you'll get a better view." That grin popped back up, he knew he was trying his luck and he knew it would fucking work.

I knelt in front of him, leaning forward slightly, the knuckles of each fist resting on the carpet. I inhaled him deeply. He could probably feel every exhale tickling his furry nuts.

He worked his hand up and down his rapidly growing cock, the head popping in and out of view. For a moment he pushed it forward, the head pointed straight at me and his fist moved up from the base. A drop of clear fluid grew at the tip and his cock moved back so I could see the full length again. I think I moaned.

He stroked up and down again, that sticky fluid drooling down from the head, until he managed to collect it on his fingers. They were completely wet and I knew my cock would be as well.

He leaned forward and his fingers pushed their way into my mouth. "It tastes better directly from the source, you know." His hand touched the back of my head.

I felt a momentary sharpness as his fingers tightened in my hair. He let go as I leaned forward. Now I was hovering over his rigid cock, my lips parted, so close to him. He held himself steady.

I plunged myself down until he hit my throat. Now I know I moaned, working my mouth up and down his length, squeezing him with my mouth and swiping my tongue across the head until he finally gripped my head and took control. I drooled and gagged and moaned uncontrollably, gasping for breath when I could.

When he exploded he withdrew until it was just the head of his cock in my mouth. It was intoxicating and I needed more. I gulped it down and, when his cock stopped shooting, I drove my mouth back down the length and tightened my throat around him.

Eventually I pulled myself off his softening member and just sat there in a daze.

It was a quiet two months after that. I'd wake up, I'd check to see if Will messaged to say he was going to be busy, then I'd go to his place, strip off, and hungrily swallow a load from his cock. I'd taken to wearing sweatpants so I could easily get them off once I was in the door. I'd be jerking myself off the whole time, then when I finally felt his cum sliding down my throat I'd lean back and let my cock spray all over me.

Usually at that point Will would slide down to his knees and face me. He'd scoop up my cum and feed it to me, his face so close to mine I can smell his sweet breath as his fingers give me more. When I pulled myself together I'd go to work for the day then settle into another domestic night with Matt and then I'd wake up and service Will again.

Friday nights we'd go to Drive Bar and it was getting harder. I think Tom had given up on locking Will down so when we saw him there he was usually hanging around a different group of guys. Will still took him home a couple of times, but usually Will would find somebody new to take home and then he'd almost always send me pictures of that mammoth cock as it slid into the man of the week.

I have no idea how Matt didn't notice the subtle touches. When he stood near me he would stroke my side or caress my ass, and when I least suspected it he would pinch my nipple to make me jump.

When I got home I would almost always need to press Matt down onto the bed, burying my face in his pink tight hole, devouring him until he begged for my cum. I was getting hornier than ever so we would fuck a few times a week. When Will would cancel I would end up sucking Matt's cock instead as soon as I got home.

Things changed again when somebody else answered the door. I froze, staring at him.

"You're Caleb?" He was about 6'1" with a broad, smooth chest. He was Asian with scruffy growth on his square jaw. A sleeve tattoo wrapped around his arm, spilling onto his broad, smooth chest. His nipple was dark and pointed. A treasure trail led down to those soft grey shorts that Will kept to answer the door when he didn't want to display himself to the hallway. It's clear he wasn't wearing anything under them, with a bulge led by the outline of a cut prick.

"Uh-yeah. Yeah, I didn't know Will had a guest. I should go." My eyes darted behind him, seeking Will. He didn't send me a message to cancel or anything.

"No way, Will's expecting you. Don't let me interrupt, I'm Elliot." He stepped aside and I walked inside, sliding my shoes off. I walked in and Will stepped up to me, his arms encircling me, his hands gliding into my shirt for a hug, causing my shirt to ride halfway up my chest.

"Caleb. Hey." His soft cock pressed against my bare stomach. "You should get naked with us." His lips grazed my neck and I stiffened as he nuzzled into me. We'd never kissed. That's a line I thought I couldn't cross, but my whole body tingled. His right arm stayed, holding me in place, but his left arm drew Elliot into his embrace.

Their mouths pressed against each other, pink tongues dancing with each other, their bodies pressing against me. Will's hand slipped into the back of my pants and his finger dug into the cleft of my ass and my legs parted slightly. He'd never touched my bare ass like this and my cock twitched. Will turned towards me, nuzzling me again, his teeth grazing my neck and making my spine shiver as his finger grazed my hole.

My lips parted and Elliot leaned into me. His soft lips press against mine, his tongue caressing mine, and I moan involuntarily. I lean further into him until he pulls away.

Will finally puts his lips to me and Elliot steps away. My body grinds against Will, his now-hard cock pressing against my body, his arms holding me as tight as possible.

"Elliot here's without a boyfriend for a few months. He's studying overseas, and I told him you really know how to please a man." Will breathily told me as he pulled away. I look over to the sofa and Elliot is there, where Will normally sits, his cock jutting up at about 7 and a half inches of cut brown meat. I have to admit my mouth watered at the sight.

"I don't know..." I let him guide me closer to Elliot. Will stepped in behind me, wrapping his arms around me. One hand cupped my cock as it strained against my pants. The other circled my nipple.

"You should taste him." Will's breath burnt against my ear. Before I could stop myself I fell onto my knees, planting a hand on each thigh, and lowered my mouth onto Elliot's hard cock. Will was kneeling behind me, his arms pulling my clothes off and touching me all over, driving me wild. My cock bounced with my pulse.

Will's thick cock was nestled between the cheeks of my ass and I was on fire. I hungrily devoured Elliot and shivered as Will's cock rubbed against my hole again. His hands ran up the sides of my body and tugged on my nipples, causing a jolt of energy to surge into my cock, before he pulled himself away.

"Fuck, your mouth is so good." Elliot said between moans. His head rolled backwards. "You've been trained well."

"Mmm." I moaned as his precum flowed onto my tongue every time I pulled back, before driving myself deeper down onto his cock. I jumped when I felt it.

Will's tongue grazed my hole. He held my ass open as his mouth pressed deeper against me. I pushed Elliot's cock as deep as it could go, holding there, causing my throat to tighten around him before I pull back and catch my breath.

I begin rocking back and forth, Will's tongue spearing into me. I needed more. I pulled back, sliding my hand up and down Elliot's wet cock and pushed my ass back onto Will as far back as I could. He moaned into my aching hole.

Elliot leaned forward to kiss me again. Will stopped what he was doing and I groaned from frustration into Elliot's mouth. Will's hands stayed on my ass, pushing me forward, and I climbed onto the couch.

I spread my legs to straddle Elliot. Our cocks were pressed against each other as we made out. Elliot's hands ran up and down my side and Will kept kneading my ass from behind until he suddenly stopped. Gripping my hips he re-positioned me, reaching between my legs. When I sank back down my cock was against Elliot's stomach and his cock was jutting up between my cheeks.

His cock started grinding up and down, dragging against my wet hole. We stopped kissing and our eyes locked together. I moaned as the grinding made my ass hungry. This was going to happen.

Will put a foot onto the couch next to us. His cock came into the space between my face and Elliot's thick and begging for attention. I leaned forward to take it down to the hilt, and when I sunk back down Elliot's cock was now pressing directly on my ass. Elliot's eyes fluttered and he groaned as I forced myself down onto him.

"Fuuuuck." I whimpered as the head of his cock popped into my ass. I held myself there. This was it. I'd done more than I had ever meant to with somebody I'd just met. Will swooped down and captured my mouth in his, and I let myself sink down onto Elliot's rigid cock.

I hadn't been fucked in about three years. Matt never really enjoyed it enough, and he was probably a bit too thick for me. This was perfect though. I bounced myself up and down on Elliot's 7.5 inch hardness. He nuzzled into my neck, his arms wrapped around me, as I groaned and whimpered into Will's mouth until he pulled away.

"I don't know how long I can..." Elliot held me. He thrust up into me from the couch. I pushed myself down onto him.

"Cum for me." I grind myself down onto him hard before I pick my pace up. "Fill me."

His breathing grew heavy and his eyes bore into me. His body convulsed when he finally exploded, his cock as far into me as possible, his cum filling my guts. I started stroking myself when Will growled at me.

"On all fours. Now." I did as he said, and then he sank behind me, his tongue lapping at the load leaking from my satisfyingly sore asshole. I could hear his foreskin as it moved up and down his cock, wet with a combination of spit and precum. It felt like he was hungrily sucking out every drop of Elliot's cum he could find.

And then he stopped. The head of his cock popped into my hole and I whimpered, it was stretching me even wider than Elliot had. I felt his hand still flying up and down the length of his cock, his breathing coarse and he grunted as I felt it.

"Fuck, you're a good little slut." His cum flooded my empty ass. I wanted to press back, feel him slide deeper into me, but his hand pressed down on the small of my back to stop me. The head of his cock spewed his hot load and I needed more.

When his head pulled out of me another burst landed on my hole. I leaned forward until my head touched the carpet. It felt like my ass was left broken and empty.

He gripped my cock from behind and two strokes later I had cum all over the floor. He just laughed.

I was a bit shell shocked after that. Pulling my clothes on and trying to keep myself together I rushed home with pointless, light conversation passing between the three of us.

The whole way home I debated it with myself. Would I continue? No. Maybe. It felt so good, I needed to. But I couldn't! At least I knew one thing.

My ass was still wet with cum as I slid the dildo into me. I thrust it hard and fast, needing it to fill me, but it wasn't enough. My phone alerted me to a new message from Will. My breath caught as the dildo slowly eased in and out of me. With my free hand I opened the video he sent me.

The video traveled down his body, ending at his dick, the length of which ended at my sweaty ass. When I saw his hand stroking his thick, hard rod I knew. My need in the clip was apparent as I strained against his hand trying to get more of him into me.

"Fuck, you're a good little slut." He said before the head of his cock pulled out of me. His cum splattered against my twitching open hole.

I needed to feel it all.

Next: Chapter 5

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