His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on May 18, 2020


This is the last chapter. Thanks for coming along for the ride, I hope it doesn't let you down.

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---------------------------- THE FINAL ----------------------------



"Unnnngh," I groan as the teenage cock pauses with only a fraction of it inside of my worn, aching hole. "Don't stop!" I plead and Brian slides back into me, cum dripping down my nuts as he grinds his thick length all the way into me.


"Fuck. Okay." I pull myself forward and hear an audible slurp as my asshole is suddenly empty, teen cum running down my sweaty thighs. "I'm coming!" I yell at the front door as I drag my discarded pants up my sweaty thighs. I glance sadly back to the red, angry cock abandoned on the couch, jutting up from the heaving lad's crotch. Brian's sweaty chest rises and falls as he watches me with his lips parted and his eyes vacant with lust. "Wait right there."

"Hey Matty." Will's lopsided smirk startles me as I open the door. His eyes roam down my sweaty body as I try to shrink behind the open door.

"You're...you're back!" I exclaim, I wasn't expecting him to return from his work trip for another week or so. I'd rehearsed how we'd talk a few times but still had no idea how I was going to bring up my knowledge of everything he'd done with (and to) my boyfriend.

"I sure am." He stepped forward and I released the door, letting him walk in to lean in and wrap his arms around me. I felt his nose tickle my neck lightly as he sniffed. "Now a good time?"

"Uh, not quite." My face reddened a little. "Caleb's gonna be home in a few hours." Will didn't release me, moving in and pressing more of his body against me. One of his arms slid down my sweat-drenched back, his hand tracing my waistband.

"Don't feel like company?" His fingers pushed their way into my shorts, sliding across my tensed ass cheek, slipping towards the crevice. My whole body felt on edge as his lips grazed my ear. "Or do you already have company?"

"Mmm. Ah-" I groaned and my cock twitched as my high school friend's finger crept closer to my wet hole. "Uh, yeah. I have company. Want-" His finger traced my hungry entrance and the tip pushed into me, making me rise up to the tip of my toes, the front of my body mashed against him. "Wanna come over later?"

"I'll come over now." His wicked grin deepened as he pulled away from me, leaving me panting. "We've known each other forever. Didn't think you'd be a hungry little slut while your man's working hard." His finger came up to his lips and his pink tongue darted out. My knees grew weak. "Why don't you show me what a bitch you can be?"

I froze. I wanted to say yes, but we'd never discussed this sort of thing. He's my best friend forever but as far as he knows I've always been the faithful boyfriend. Could I show him this side of me? Could I go back in there, get on my knees, suck Brian off and finally get Will to fuck me?

"You should probably introduce me to whatever cock's using you," he told me. "And get those pants off."


I pause in mid-stride on my walk home from work as the stranger looks me up and down. It's been a long day and I can't wait to see Matt.

The guy checking me out so blatantly in the middle of the street has got a shaved head and thick beard that's more salt than pepper. His business shirt is practically painted on his broad chest, his thick thighs looking like they're about to burst through his navy suit pants. After he passes me I turn back and catch his eyes on my ass, a smile spreading on his lips as his eyes meet mine.

I turn and follow him. He looks back, making sure I'm still there, as halfway up the block he turns down a small side street that leads to an old public toilet.

I walk in and there's nobody at the urinals. Water pools around the sink, leaking from somewhere, and the sharp smell of cleaning products hits my nose. Both stall doors are open with one wide open leading to an empty stall, and the other about three quarters of the way closed.

Pushing the door open and then letting it shut behind me, our bodies are all-but-touching in the tight space. He reaches behind me and slides the bolt shut and then our lips crash together.

I grab hold of his body and feel solid muscle underneath his shirt and tie, our groins grinding against each other as our tongues push into one another's mouths, hungry and yearning.

His hands slide my shirt up to rub my skin as I start working on his buttons. When I have his shirt open I stroke the thick black and grey fur covering his gorgeous chest, and then my mouth latches onto his dark brown nipple. It's thick and hard, his whole body shuddering as I suck on it, rolling it gently against my teeth. He grabs my ass and kneads it roughly through my pants.

"Fuck, boy. You're a hot one." His voice growls at me, whispering in the small space. "You want daddy's cock?" My grin says it all so he pulls me up and turns me around. I brace myself with my hands on the cubicle wall, pushing my ass back as he reaches around and undoes my belt with certain hands. I hear him spit and then the wet sound of his saliva being smeared across his cock, then his fingers roughly make a pass against my asshole.

"Ohhhhh," I groan and feel my body tense. "FUCK." The head of his cock brutally forces itself into me. I hold my breath and try to push out as he doesn't even slow down before more of his thickness is opening me up. I haven't even seen his cock but by feeling my body struggle accept it, it must be huge.

Slowly, agonisingly, he eventually reaches the point where he's entirely inside of me. His arms wrap around me and his face buries itself into my neck as my body screams at me to run away. When I've finally relaxed my hole, with the pain just beginning to ease, he slides back out softly and then rams himself back home.

He slowly builds up in speed and force, not even pausing as loud steps come into the bathroom preceding the splashing sounds of somebody pissing. I fight to keep my breathing in control, certain the stranger can hear me panting as the suited man uses me.

The sound of the man pissing eventually dies down and the man fucking me grips my shoulder, pushing me further down, and as he changes the angle and speeds up the sound of his balls slapping against my flesh starts to fill the space.

Pleasure courses through me as I push back, my splayed hands using the doorframe as leverage, sweat dripping down my face as I try to squeeze my hole around him to milk this stranger's load out of him.

I hear footsteps going from the urinal into the stall next to us, followed by the door slamming shut. I try to take control of my breath but the cock doesn't relent, the slapping noise never stopping.

"You like it, cunt?" He growls at me, not caring about anybody else in there. "You like daddy's dick?" I try to lightly moan in the affirmative and his hand grips me by the back of my neck, holding me like iron. "Tell me."

"Yes!" I gasp out. "I love your dick." I whisper, feeling like it echoes enough so that they can hear us down the street. "Give it to me, daddy." His hand releases me and he grasps my ass, holding my cheeks apart as his pace slows, his cock easily sliding in and out of me.

"What do you think?" He calls out. "Think he's earned my load in his guts?" I look at the dividing wall for the first time and see it's littered with graffiti and there are holes throughout it. Most are small, but at waist-height there's one large enough for a cock to come through. A blue eye's watching us eagerly, the skin crinkled around it, his focus creeping across our bodies.

"Fuck yeah, buddy. Load him up." The voice is eager and scratchy and it doesn't take long for me to feel the cock inside of me pulsing, his loading filling me up.

After he's caught his breath the man pulls out of me. I move to do my pants up but he stops me. Tilting my chin up he tenderly pushing his lips against mine, his tongue darting into my mouth and pushing further into me as he turns my body to face away from the dividing wall. He pushes me backwards and then his lips break away from mine as I feel the wall against my cooling flesh.

My own cock bobs up and down with my pulse, untouched and drooling precum into the air, as he reaches behind me to pull my cheeks apart.

"He's all wet and dripping for you, buddy." The man announces into the stall next door. He stays there, holding my ass open as I feel the head of the other man's cock rubbing against my exposed, cum-slick hole.

"Fuck yes!" As the next man's cock slips into my hungry hole, the suited stranger steps back and grabs my head, guiding my mouth onto his cock to clean him up. The other man starts pumping himself into me through the glory hole.


Matt's face is naked with lust, staring at my cock as I stroke it, watching the teenage stud jackhammer his hot ass. He's been doing squats since I last really checked him out.

"His hole feel good?" I ask and the pretty twink just swallows and nod, his eyes watching me jerk off. "Tell me."

"Unf, yesss...he's so hot and tight." His voice is high and sweet, his pale skin flush, his soft ginger hair clinging to his forehead, darkened by sweat. "I love fucking his ass." I step around to admire the view of his high, tight ass bouncing with his erratic thrusts. I reach out and squeeze the pale flesh, pulling his cheeks apart to see his tight pink hole flexing as he fucks my best friend.

"You gonna give him your cum?" I walk back around to the front of them, Matt on all fours on the couch, the kid Brian laying on top of him, the room filled with the sound of wet flesh slapping together.

Brian just nods vigorously, his eyes fixed on my hand as I stroke faster. Matt's mouth has fallen open and his tongue is just starting to push out, and I'm so tempted to just step forward and give him a taste.

"You want some cum, buddy?" Matt gulps and breathily says yes. "I think you're about to get some." Brian's thrusts have gotten shorter and sharper, he's pushing as deep as he can and moaning on every stroke. Matt opens his mouth wide, sticking his tongue all the way out this time.

I feel it build in me, my nuts tightening, and I take aim. Ropes of cum fly out and I make sure it hits both of their faces, making Matt close his eyes as it streaks across his forehead, into his hair and down his eye and splashing onto his open tongue.

"Ah fuck!" Brian yells and starts twitching as he unloads, his cock as deep into Matt as it can go, my cum splashed across his red face.

I, uh...need a shower." Matt says, quiet and sober, when Brian's finally let his cock slip from his hole and sat back. He gets to his shaky legs and I see in all the commotion he's left wet streaks of cum on the couch underneath him.

"Yeah, you really do." I reach forward and swipe my thumb across his cheek, collecting a glob of my load, and I put it to his lips. He hesitates for just a moment before he darts his tongue out, tasting me again, and then sucks my thumb into his mouth to clean it off with his eyes locked onto mine. "Go on then. I'll see the boy out"

I watch Matt's ass bounce as he walks away gingerly, and then I turn back to Brian with a grin as he was sorting out his underwear and he freezes.

"We should play together some time." I stalk forward and grab hold of his hard wet dick. "Sound like fun?" Stroking him for a moment before I let his cock go, I then reach around and use my wet fingers to rub his hole. His entire body shudders.

"Yes, please." I can taste his breath as I step up against him. "I'd like that." I smirk and reach up to collect the cum from his face, and this time I lick it up myself, but before I swallow it I lean in closer. He gets the hint and then our lips meet and I can feel him sucking to get my cum from my tongue. I push my tongue into him as my finger circles his tight pink asshole.

"Fuck yeah, kid. You're gonna be fun." I slap his butt as I pull away and when he regains his composure he gets dressed, heading out after I've gotten his number.

I'm fully dressed and flicking through YouTube on their TV when I hear a key in the door. Matt's still in the shower when Caleb walks in, looking at me with a shocked face, probably smelling the stink of sex.

"Hey, slut. Come say hi." I get up and he comes in, letting me kiss him for a few seconds before he pulls away. "Matt's just in the shower."

"What happened?" He asks me, a shake in his voice.

"Don't worry, I didn't fuck him or anything. Just got a bit of cum on his face while the neighbour was pounding his hole." A range of expressions play across him, from shock to lust to confusion. "You might want a shower too. I was thinking we can all go out, get drunk."

"Oh. Uh, sure. If Matt wants to." He starts to head off to the bathroom when I speak up again.

"Then maybe you'll finally see me fuck your boyfriend." He walks off without another word.


I don't know why I went along with it, but we ended up at Drive Bar with Will and I felt like a third wheel. He couldn't keep his hands off my boyfriend, squeezing his ass and sliding his shirt up to touch him while chatting with whoever stopped by, and all I was doing was drinking way too quickly.

""Hey sexy, it's been ages." I don't recognise the black guy who walks up to me and starts talking. He's probably 25 with close-cropped hair and a decently-built chest underneath a flimsy shirt. "How's that ass going?" He asks and I struggle to remember if he's one of the many guys I've let load me at the cruise club.

"It needs attention," Will answers for me and I feel anger. "You wanna give him some, stud?" I glance over and Matt is just watching us, Will's hand having driven his shirt up as he strokes my boyfriend's chest.

"You want my dick?" He asks, grabbing my hand and placing it on his hardening mound. My resolve has vanished as I tell him yes, and I follow him past the dance floor.

Pretty soon we're in the same men's room that I first saw Will's cock in. I'm on my knees, revealing a tidy 8-inch uncut piece. I'm ready to get it wet when Will and Matt both walk in. I glance over to see Will push my boyfriend against the wall and assault his mouth with his own, and then I open wide and swallow the stranger to the base of his cock in one swift movement.

"Doesn't take much to get him on his knees. Damn good mouth on him, though." I don't even know which one Will's talking to. "The ass is even better."

The other guy doesn't say anything, just steps back and motions for me to get up. I do and he turns me around, yanking my pants down and bending me forward. He wastes no time in holding my cheeks apart and aiming his cock for my hole, pushing forward until it pops into me.

"Ah, fuck!" I pant, looking at Will and Matt as they make out, hot and heavy with their hands stroking every piece of flesh they can find. Matt's lost his shirt and Will's has been unbuttoned, and I can see their tongues moving into each other's mouths.

The man's cock is pushing into me at a steady pace, and it doesn't take long until he's all the way in. "That's more like it." As I watch my boyfriend, Will undoes Matt's pants and pushes them down. He turns Matt so that his ass is facing me and then walks him backwards, bending my boyfriend over and pulls his cheeks apart so I can see his hole.

"Get your bitch wet for me." Will tells me, so I lean forward and lap at his exposed hole. Matt gasps and I push my tongue into him, tracing the ring of his asshole, smelling nothing but his sweat as the stranger fucks me.

I spear my boyfriend's pucker with my tongue and feel the cock fucking me pick up the pace, watching whatever Will was doing to Matt to cause the slurping noises echoing in the bathroom.

I hear the door a couple of times but none of us move. There's space for them to walk around, or maybe they just want to watch. The man fucking me grips me by the back of the neck and angles his hips, driving his cock into me just how I need it as I much on my boyfriend's asshole.

"Your ass ready?" Matt's ass is unceremoniously pulled away from me. I watch with a slightly sore jaw and drool running down my face as Will turns him to the side and lines himself up for me to watch. Will's monster cock is practically dripping with spit, and he lines it up in front of me and starts to push.

A couple of guys have opted to watch us, standing to the side to enjoy the show.

"Fuck! I'm gonna nut!" The man's grip tightens on me, and as I watch more of Will's giant meat ease itself into my boyfriend I feel him explode. "Ahh!"

He thrusts, cock pulsing, filling me up with his cum before unceremoniously yanking himself out of me. I feel his load spilling and he washes his dick and leaves, my boyfriend now getting the last inches of the dick that introduced me to cheating as I watch.

"Have a go. He's got a hot cunt." Will is holding himself there with his entirety inside of Matt, talking to the men by the door. Will reaches forward to guide my head over to Matt's, and as we start to kiss with his body shaking at each thrust I feel one of the men taking up Will's offer of my ass.

"Love you," Matt whispers to me between soft kisses, his eyes meeting mine as another cock is shoved into me.

"Love you too."

Well, it's over.

Hope you guys had fun! This felt like as far as I could go with these lads for now, though I may have a Will-centric story I'm starting to cook up.

Feel free to let me know what you thought, joejam886@gmail.com or on Twitter @joejam886.

Have fun, stay safe, thanks for coming along!

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