His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Mar 4, 2019


Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this one. It is a bit of set up for the next chapter but I've tried to make it still hot.

I've just set up a new Twitter to follow some smutty stuff, and I was thinking of starting to post updates for new stories and chapters. It's @joejam886, let me know if you think it's worthwhile, and feedbacks always welcome at joejam886@gmail.com.

Play safe! Play smart. But most importantly, have fun. If you enjoy the service that Nifty offers then please donate at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html


My eyes open slowly and I roll over, my arm flopping across empty space in the bed. I'm alone.

I lazily reach under the blanket and squeeze my cock, hard and leaking, eager for the new day. As I stretch my body against the mattress I think back to the way things happened last night, getting used like that in front of friends, strangers and the love of my life.

I pull myself to my feet and drift down the hallway, the shuffling of my feet the only noise in the silence. I'm going to put the jug on for some coffee then see where Matt's at.

As I pause in the doorway leading to the lounge I realise I won't have to hunt for him. There he is, back towards me, on his knees in front of the couch. His round, thick ass strains at his boxers as he leans forward, and my mouth waters. His hands rest on the slim thighs spread out to either side of him.

"Oh, FUCK!" The neighbour kid looks like he's ready to jump out of his flushed skin, sweat darkening his copper hair, his muscles tightening as his eyes meet mine and widen.

I just grin as he starts to push at my boyfriend's shoulders, failing to move Matt even an inch. Matt slurps hungrily, loudly, persistently and the neighbour's eyes drop down as my hand grabs my cock again. He grunts and Matt speeds up.

"I--oh, fuck! I'm gonna--!" He watches as I shake my cock, squeezing it, enjoying the sight of his body tensing again and the noise of his wordless scream that followed. His body sank back down and Matt's noisy work finally slowed, coming to an end, Matt only releasing the cock in front of him when he was happy he'd gotten the last drop of cum out of it.

He didn't say anything else as, finally free from my hungry man, he jolted to his feet and grabbed his clothes to dash out the door, squeezing past me in the doorway.

Matt looked back at me, still on his knees, chin wet with spit. His eyes looked at me, puzzled, trying to confirm how I felt as if my throbbing cock left any ambiguity. I strolled up to him as I heard the front door shut and cupped his chin. Leaning down our lips touched softly, and my tongue pushed into him, tasting the potent load he'd just earned.

We passed the last remnants of the teenager's cum between us, lips grazing each other, tongues twisting and withdrawing and pushing, until we broke apart and I rose back to standing in front of him, cock jutting forward.

"So, what did I walk into?" I asked, smiling down at him, making him grin back up at me as I gripped my cock and felt the precum drip down my flesh.

He reached up and lazily stroked me to tell me how the kid had come to him, tried to kiss him and came out. Apparently he's been struggling with these feelings for a while but wanted to get his dick wet before he left home to study. And so, kind-hearted as always, Matt ended up on his knees servicing what looked-from my glimpses-like a healthy sized teenage cock.

And as soon as he'd gotten me up to speed Matt leaned forward and swallowed me to the base. The slurping noises returned as he groaned, gripping my waist and sliding up and down my hardness. It didn't take too long until I was exploding down his throat and then I was making coffee for both of us.

As we got back to the lounge, sipping at our drinks, we finally started to really talk. I didn't tell him about the way his brother had fucked me, that didn't seem right, but we spoke about how his best friend Will had seduced me and made me realise I was craving more than I was getting. We spoke about how I needed to be fucked by strangers and friends, and how he had come to discover the same.

My stomach was twisting at times. I felt like a hypocrite whenever a pang of jealousy hit, but then my cock would throb at the thought of him bouncing up and down on a thick dick, and I'd make myself cope. We'd kept some secrets but we'd discovered something important about ourselves. This could work.

It was a few days later and we'd returned to our old routine. Sleep, work, eat, fuck and back at it again. I hadn't really gotten around to fucking around with anybody else since we'd talked about it and agreed it would probably happen again, and then the message made my phone light up.

"Come over." It was Wednesday morning, bright and early as Matt had left for work just a short while ago, and the message had come from his best friend Will. I hadn't seen him for over a month now, since he'd challenged me to push my limits and record myself being used by strangers. I'd managed to keep uploading things to the blog but I hadn't even realised he'd be home by now.

Soon enough I was there at his door, my cock hard in my shorts, unrestrained by underwear as my heart pounded and I waited. And waited. My hole twitched in anticipation, it had been so long since I'd last felt him fill me up.

After an eternity the door slid open to reveal his immense naked form. He stepped aside and I slipped into his home without a word between us.

As he followed me into the living room I sank down to my knees, eyes finding his cock as he steps around me, enough space between us that I can't just lean forward. I reach up and he bats my hand away before grasping his own flesh rod and stroking it in front of my face.

He stands there working his beautiful cock, and then suddenly steps forward and smacks me around the face with it, before turning away. I can feel streaks of his precum clinging to my face. He saunters over to the couch and falls onto it, spreading his legs and gripping that fuck stick again.

"Strip off and get over here." I do as he says and as I stand there, cock rigid but untouched. He points to the ground. I fall back to my knees and plant my hands on his thick thighs, leaning forward. He places his free hand on my head and holds me there, his other hand still stroking me. He redirects my face lower, and my mouth finds his nuts.

I lick and suck the salty skin of his ballsack, sucking his nuts in one at a time to tug on them with my mouth, before releasing them and bathing them in my spit. Above me his cock rises, his hand never changing the pattern, just stroking up and down, smearing the copious amounts of fluid across it.

After a few minutes he's had enough, releasing his cock and my head. Before I can reposition myself to finally taste that cock, however, he's pulling his legs up to expose his pink hole to me.

He doesn't need words. I bury my face against his flesh and my tongue laps up and down his musky hole, the scent of his flesh and sweat smothering me. He grunts and, encouraged, I close my eyes and dig in deeper, piercing his hole with my tongue, the sound of smacking lips filling the room.

Slowly I returned to letting my tongue lap across his puckered entrance, tracing it around and running it up and down, drifting up his taint until I was able to pull his nuts back into my mouth.

"Back up." I reluctantly pull myself away from worshipping him with my mouth and rest back on my haunches. Will stands up, looming over me, and continues stroking his cock. Looking down at me with a strange smirk painted on his face, he shoves his fingers into my mouth until they're dripping with spit. Moving around me, he grips me by the back of my neck and bends me over.

I moan without thinking as I feel his dry hand gripping my ass cheek, squeezing the flesh and exposing my hole to the cool air of his air conditioned apartment.

He forces both fingers into me, relentlessly shoving, not giving in to my body's resistance until finally my hole lets them in to the knuckle. Pumping back and forth, my body starts to feel electrified. I'm ready for his cock, and I almost jump when his fingers slip out of me. I hear a bottle clicking open and then the smacking of lube being smeared onto his huge dick.

"Yes," I whimper as I feel his hot flesh on my asshole. "Please, fuck me." I grunt as he pushed forward, the head of his cock entering me. He stops there. "Please." I try and push back to swallow more of him but his grip grows firm on my hip.

The tip of the cock stays there, holding my asshole open, and I feel his free hand stroking up and down his shaft, grazing my skin and making me crave just a bit more of his length.

He grunts and his pace quickens. His fingers dig into my flesh, hurting me as he squeezes my hip. The slapping of his fingers against my ass, the wet noise as his hand flies up and down his shaft, and the sharp intakes of breath.

He practically roared as his hot cum splashed into me, spewing from the head of his cock, feeling like it was going to explode out of me, not deep enough to be buried right in my gut.

I whimpered as he pulled out of me, clenching my ass shut to try and stop it from leaking out of my aching, unfulfilled hole.

"See you next time." He says, breathily, when he's finally come down from his high. I stare at him confused for a few seconds before I scramble to my feet and pull my clothes on.

We don't say another word to each other and then I'm outside again, my feet carrying me home, my cock aching and my stomach twisted.

I wanted more. I needed more. My body was primed to be fucked, I was anticipating it, and won't be happy until I feel it.

I'm almost home when I see him. He's sitting there on a step, staring at his phone, and when he glances up to see me approaching he almost jumps.

"Uh...hey." The neighbour kid glances from side by side, looking like he wants to climb out of his skin, scared of how I'd react after seeing him cumming down my boyfriend's throat. I stood there a bit longer than I needed to, thinking of how to approach this.

"Come on." I didn't offer any alternative, and when he started to move I made for my door, unlocking it and walking in. Making my way to the lounge I smiled as I heard him close the front door behind him. "So that was your first blowjob?" I asked as he walked in. "When my boyfriend sucked your dick?"

"Uh...yeah." He stammered and couldn't meet my eyes, his eyes drifting around the room, then up and down my body, then back down to the floor. He shifted uneasily on his feet.

"So I guess you've never fucked?" I asked, not really expecting an answer, and I hooked my thumbs in my shorts to pull them down and reveal my ass. I leaned over the couch and grabbed the back of it, hearing him gasp as I exposed my ass to my teenage neighbour.

"Oh my god." He whispered and I didn't have to wait long to feel him pawing at me, his hands on my ass, squeezing my flesh and spreading my cheeks apart to expose my hole.

I wasn't expecting to feel his tongue against my asshole, but I didn't object. He was swiping up and down, through my crack, his tongue brushing against my hole and lapping against my flesh.

He moans as his tongue pushes into me, and I wonder if he can taste Will's seed in me. His tongue becomes more frantic, pushing, and his lips suck at me, and I know he has then, grunts meet my ears as his fingers reach towards my hole, spreading my flesh open so he can try and get deeper into me.

"Have you already been fucked?" He asked, his voice shaky and worn, when he finally comes up for air. My wet hole feels cool, his grip still holding my ass open.

"I guess now you know what cum tastes like." I replied, and before I finished my sentence, his cock was pushing into me. "Ah! Fuck." I yell in surprise, and in one swift, painful movement, he's all the way into me.

"You like my big teen dick?" His voice is high and uncertain, the dirty talk awkward on his previously virgin tongue. He began thrusting into me, feeling bigger than he looked when Matt was sucking him off.

"Fuck yes, you like my hungry ass?" I asked, the feeling of his cock hammering away at me urgently, coated in Will's load, making my whole spine tingle. I thrust back to meet his movements and he moaned mindlessly, hips moving automatically.

"Oh my god, yes!" He yelled and leaned forward, chest resting on my back, arms wrapping around my torso as his cock rapidly plowed into me. "Holy fuck." His teeth met my skin and he bit my shoulder gently, hands roaming, squeezing and stroking everywhere they could reach.

As one hand twisted my nipple and his teeth bit into my flesh, his free hand reached down and gripped my nuts firmly. I couldn't take it, and I came with a roar, my load splattering onto the carpet underneath me. My as muscles squeezed and pulsed around his cock, and in no time at all he bolted upright, a wordless scream accompanying his load as it splashed into me.

When he'd returned to his senses he stood up, cock flopping out of me, and I felt it running down my hairy thighs from my abused ass.

He launched himself onto the couch and lay back with his legs spread, and his half-hard cock rested there wet with cum. He leaned back, coated in sweat, and watched me as his heavy breathing slowly returned to normal.

My eyes couldn't stay away from that cock of his, and it seemed to like the attention, returning to full hardness before my eyes. Thick and long, it wasn't long before I was licking up the length of him, tasting the mix of cum and sweat on him before I reached the head and swallowed him to the base.

It didn't take long for his hand to grab a fistful of my hair to guide me up and down at the pace he wanted, and I just let it happen, using my tongue and letting him use me.

A few minutes later he had yanked my head back, my mouth suddenly cockless and open, drool running down my chin.

"Give me that ass again." His eyes burnt through me and he released his grip, leaning back. Climbing up onto the couch I straddled him, reaching behind me to grip his thick meat and aim it at my asshole.

Soon enough I was bouncing up and down, both of us moaning as I controlled the pace. His hands held my hips and as I looked down at him, his expression was pure awe, looking up at me as I rode his cock.

"I can't believe how good it feels." He reached up and stroked my cock gently, and I settled my weight down onto him, moaning as I rocked my hips to try and feel him as deep as possible into me, grinding my ass against him.

Suddenly he leaned forward, his arms encircling me, his legs moving underneath me, and I started to panic as he moved. He didn't have to lift me long as we fell forward, the impact shaking me momentarily, his cock never leaving me.

His mouth latched onto mine and his tongue pushed into me, stroking my tongue, and he repositioned us gently so he could use his full weight and piledrive his cock into me.

The speed built up slowly and it felt like the world was shaking around us he our mouths battled against each other for dominance, his forceful thrusts making me grunt and moan and writhe underneath him.

Our mouths finally broke apart and he rose up slightly, grabbing my wrists and pinning them against the carpet. His face was a mask of determination and lust as he held me there, thrusting into me again, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"You want another load?" He asked, his movements rougher, erratic.

"Yes, p-" He shoved, hard. "Uh! P-please, give it to me!" I pleaded, and not a moment later he was roaring, head thrown back, and I could feel his cock throb inside of me.

Brian finally got dressed and left after that, and I'll admit, I was both disappointed and relieved. I rushed around to clean up and headed off to work for the day, finally able to focus on something other than my needy ass.


I'd barely gotten home when there was a knock in the door. Whoever it was I hoped they wouldn't take too long, I was hoping to watch some porn before I started dinner for when Caleb got home.

"Hey!" Brian was a bundle of nervous energy as he stood in the doorway, fumbling with the thick bulge in his shorts, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Uh, hey." This could take care of my needs. I stepped aside and he burst into the house with enthusiasm. "Keen for another blow job?" I asked with a smirk.

"Maybe to start, but I'm gonna fuck you." He'd already started pushing his shorts down, and his cock sprang up into freedom.

Thanks for reading! I tried to get a couple of encounters in this one, and some of its really just to set up the next chapter which I'm pretty excited about. It's been a long time cumming.

As always, feedback welcome on the new Twitter, @joejam886 or joejam886@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 26

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