His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Jan 29, 2019


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------------------------ MATT ------------------------

Neither of us speak as we wait for our car. The party was still going but we'd managed to pull ourselves together as men kept fucking each other. We pulled our clothes on and ordered a car via app, waiting in the cool night air.

It wasn't too long and I'd climbed into the front, Caleb getting in the back seat. The driver's handsome face looked at me strangely and I realised I'd pulled my clothes on but hadn't really washed up, so I probably had streaks of dried cum on my face, stinking of sweat and sex and filth. The driver confirmed our address in a rough Irish accent, and we were off.

"Right. You boys had a good night then?" He asked, still sneaking looks at me in between watching the road. He had dark hair and probably a week's worth of beard growth.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah it was a good party." My voice was higher than I wanted. He glanced back at me, looking me up and down, and I felt my cock twitch. "How about you? Good night?"

"Yeah, mate. Pretty quiet though." As we sat at the lights his free hand rested in his lap. "Can't wait to get off though." I licked my lips as he squeezed his bulge.

"When do you get off?" I asked hungrily, my eyes fixed on his hand working that bulge, so glad the light's still red. His fingers fumbled around and slid his fly down, a blue cotton bulge coming into view. His thumb reached under his waistband and pulled it down, releasing his cock, which rose up from his pants. It was thick and uncut and rigid. A car honked behind us and he started forward again.

"Whenever I need to." He said, hands both on the wheel, eyes forward. I reached over and grasped his cock, causing him to slide back slightly so I could grip more of his length.

It wasn't very long until we made it home and we sat there in the car park in front of our place, my hand still stroking about 8 Scottish inches. He was turned slightly towards me.

"Go on and suck it, then." He commanded and I quickly leaned over and swallowed him to the base. He was leaking precum, and I greedily swallowed it up, lapping at the slit of his cock with my tongue. He groaned and shifted his seat back a bit and I heard Caleb shuffling in the back seat. I'd almost forgotten he was there. I slurped as he pushed his pants down, giving me more of his cock to swallow as he thrusts up into my mouth.

All I could do was moan and suck. It didn't take too long and he was gripping the back of my skull, fucking up into my mouth, panting and declaring he was about to cum. He practically roared as he exploded into me, his cum coating my tongue, running down my throat, filling my senses with his strong taste.

"You'll be getting five stars, buddy." He said cockily as I climbed out of the car and headed for the door. I opened the app and gave him five, tapping the button that said it was for "great service", and then I was facing Caleb in our dark hallway.

Not a word was needed as our bodied crashed together. His tongue was pushing into my mouth, lapping at my tongue, and he grunted as he tasted our driver. His hands slid up my shirt and pulled it off me as mine did the same. He practically pulled me to all fours on the floor, shoving my pants down, and then his face was planted between my ass cheeks, his tongue drilling into my aching used hole.

He lay on the floor there and I positioned myself to be able to suck on his cock, and his tongue never left my ass. I'd barely started sucking and I felt a sharp yank on my hair. He pulled me away from his cock as he continued to assault my fuckhole with his mouth. I watched his cock, dripping with spit, twitching and pulsing in front of me. He was too close. I lapped at it briefly with my tongue, and again, tasting the sweet precum flowing from his tip. He was still my favourite flavour.

His hands gripped my hips and I leaned back, sitting on his face, my eyes still glued to his cock. His mouth mashed against the flesh around my asshole. His tongue thrust and pushed and both of us panted and groaned. It was too much.

Turning around I planted my hands on his chest and sank down onto his cock. He filled me effortlessly and I leaned down, kissing him, tasting myself and smelling the cum from so many men on his skin. He thrust upwards, jabbing at me wildly, making my body tingle, and it wasn't long until he was grunting and flooding me with his load.

My own cock was rock hard but also sore from being overused, and I didn't bother trying to cum. I eventually climbed off him and we got into the shower, washing the cum and sweat and stink of sex from each other's sore, tired bodies. We still barely spoke as we dried off, climbed into bed, and fell asleep.

I was awake too early. It was Saturday, I'd had a ridiculously late night, but still I woke up at about 5 and ended up staring into space, thinking about everything that was going on.

Glancing over at Caleb I wondered what he'd been thinking about, seeing me there with the driver's cock in my mouth. It was one thing for us to be in a room with men all sexually charged. But me worshipping a cock as just one person watched? That turned me on on a different level. My cock was hard again just watching his chest rise and fall, his handsome face lost in his own dreams.

Rolling onto my back and gripping my cock I thought back to another time that I hadn't expected to be in that situation, being used while somebody I love watches me.

------------------------ THEN ------------------------

It wasn't too long ago now. I'd had to go home for a couple of weeks after a bit of a family health scare. I got the time off work but Caleb had stayed home, doing god-knows-what with who-the-fuck-knows. I hadn't even considered he could have been getting fucked behind my back, even knowing what I'd been up to.

My dad's pretty stubborn so my staying there probably wasn't that necessary, but it was a good break. Plus it gave me a chance to really catch up with my big brother Dave. He was struggling a bit with his breakup, the wife kicking him out, so we'd both wound up in our old bedrooms. The family home had a couple of different living rooms so on this particular day we were in the one upstairs, stretched out on the couch with a couple of beers as his mate Kevin visited.

I was in the middle of the two seater, both men pressed against my sides, Dave's arm across my shoulders as we talked about meaningless shit. Until he said those words.

"I'm so fucking horny. That's what I miss the most." Dave had always been pretty candid about shit like that, so it didn't throw me off. "I mean it's been a couple months since we split, and even before that it was almost six months. I'm seriously backed up."

"Fuck off, man." Kevin said next to us. His parents were immigrants from India but Kevin and my bro were two peas in a pod. They both sounded like dumb straight boys, obsessed with tits and cars. Both of them were wearing shorts and singlets, their flesh pressing against mine. "I've been single years. This town has no good pussy."

The three of us drank. It hadn't been as long since I'd been fucked, but after a week and a half of no cock, I was starting to feel it.

"You're so lucky, Matty." Dave said next to me. "I mean sure, you've got your boyfriend, but if you were single I bet you'd get some dick in no time. Gays have it easy." He had no idea.

"Yeah, but that's just making it harder going without." I joked. "Really wishing this town had a few more guys in it."

"We're not good enough for ya?" Kevin joked, but his face was unreadable. His face was lean, his skin dark brown, his lips thick and pink, and his eyes warm, darting down my body and back up to my face.

"You guys are great and all, but I could do with a big fat dick about now." I said as I still stared into Kevin's eyes. When I remembered my brother was next to me I felt my face heating up. I'd had a few too many beers already.

Kevin licked his lips. "I could give you one." He reached down and gripped himself.

"Come on, bro. That's my baby brother." Dave said and I felt the weight of his arm on my shoulders as he prodded at Kevin. I was hard as a rock and couldn't move to hide it without drawing attention to myself.

"Exactly. And it sounds like he's in need too. How irresponsible would it be, leaving him high and dry?" I felt like he was drifting closer to me, his breath caressing my face as he spoke. Dave's other hand came around to my chest.

"You okay, Matty?" He asked, rubbing my chest in circles, his warmth around me turning me on even more. I tried not to think about that as I leaned in towards my brother's best friend, somebody I'd had a crush on before I'd even had an erection.

"I'm so good." My eyes never left Kevin's and we kissed. It was soft. Hesitant. He'd never kissed a man. I reached into his lap and he was already rock hard. It felt massive. I pressed my lips harder against his, working his lips with mine, giving him permission. He started to build the pressure behind his mouth and his tongue slipped into my mouth. He reached up and gripped my neck, mashing our faces together, making me feel it.

I don't know how long it took. How long we were there, lost in each other's mouths, but he lifted my hand from his cock and pulled his shorts down as we grunted and moaned into each other's mouths. Gripping my hand again he guided me to his meat and I gripped him with my fingers. They couldn't quite meet around his girth and I could feel precum flowing down his length, using it to stroke him. My brother's hand was still stroking my chest as I broke the kiss and looked at it.

Uncut, dark brown, thick and long, he was easily 9 solid inches. I slipped out of Dave's arms to my knees, facing Kevin, and I held it to take in the sight of it. Leaning forward I pushed my nose into his pubes, breathing deep, letting his heavy musk fill my senses. His cock pulsed in my hand and I felt more precum running down my hand. Pulling back I looked at it once more before I opened my mouth and leaned forward. Slowly, purposefully, I engulfed his manhood. I didn't stop, slow down, or even speed up, until my lips were against the base of his cock.

"Holy fuck! His mouth feels amazing." Kevin told my brother as I slid back until just the head was behind my lips, then plunged back down. I settled into a fast rhythm, enjoying the way his massive cock stretched my throat, my own cock painfully trapped in my shorts. A couple of minutes into this and he yanked me back from his cock, tilting my face towards him, and he leaned forward so we could kiss.

When we finally broke apart a couple of minutes later I looked over to see my brother stroking his cock, staring at us with his jaw slack, eyes hooded with lust. I looked back to Kevin's cock which was still wet, dripping in my spit and throbbing, hard as it was when I was swallowing it. It jumped as he spoke again.

"Up," he growled. "Your cunt is mine." I looked up, past his glistening cock, and met his eyes. I rose up to my feet and peeled my t-shirt up, throwing it aside, and then I peeled my shorts down. My face burned as I stood there, cock twitching and leaking, body exposed to my brother and his best friend.

Kevin stood in front of me and yanked his own clothes away from his body. I almost forgot my brother was there as I stared in awe at his body, solid and dark and with that beautiful cock jutting out in front of him, ready for me. It swung as he stepped to the side, walking behind me, and he gripped my ass harshly. His thick digit rubbed against my hole and I groaned.

I glanced at my brother who still sat there on the side of the couch, his cock in hand, his eyes darting between me and his best friend. Kevin's finger disappeared briefly before returning to my asshole, now wet with spit, digging against my entrance. His free hand reached up and gripped my nipple from behind, twisting it harshly. I feel the warmth of his body against me as he draws in closer, his lips finding my neck, and his teeth grazing me. My knees go weak and there's a tingle at the base of my spine. The majority of his finger is now inside of me, working my hole, making me want more.

"Please!" I pant out, my face burning, my eyes struggling to stop looking at my brother's thick cock as he strokes it. "Please, fuck me." He chuckles slightly behind me.

His hand moves from my nipple to the back of my neck and, finger still lodged inside of me, he marches me over to the side of the couch. Bending me over the arm of the couch I'm staring at the side of Dave's body, his jaw slack, his eyes watching us.

"Say it again." Kevin's voice is low, throaty, and I can barely hear it over the music that's still playing, forgotten. My brother shifts his body sideways. Now he's sideways on the couch, one leg up on it, the other sprawled out towards the floor. His hand is still stroking himself as he watches me. A second finger is now pumping itself in and out of my hungry fuckhole.

"Fuck me! Please, I need it." My eyes are locked onto Dave's as I say this to Kevin, who pulls his fingers from me. Suddenly he's not touching me and I'm left there, bent over the side of the couch, my ass twitching with need and drool escaping the corner of my mouth.

"Good slut." I hear him spitting, and the sound of his saliva being smeared on that thick cock of his, and I wonder if I can handle it. I watch Dave's hand slowly, firmly, sliding up and down his cock as I feel Kevin's cockhead pressing against my entrance.

The pain shoots through my body as he opens me up. I wasn't ready enough, but I grit my teeth and try to push against him. He doesn't slow down, he just grips my hips and continues to force his length into me. My brother's face is a mixture of lust and concern as he watches me breathing through it.

When his cock is finally all the way inside of me he holds it there. His hands move from my hips, sliding up my sides, making me shiver as he traces up my ribs, and then his fingers find both of my nipples. He twists, firmly, and I gasp. He twists further, grinding his cock against me further, and I moan. His fingers release my now-tender nipples and he slides his cock back.

Gripping my hips again he holds himself there, the tip of his cock against my entrance, my body feeling empty, and then he thrusts forward again. My eyes flutter and I groan, and before I've caught my breath again he's withdrawn and thrust back into me.

His pounding is rough, fast, and exactly what my body was craving without having Caleb's cock to fill me over this holiday. I pushed back like a whore, loving the way he was opening my hole, watching my brother's hand moving faster and faster until he was suddenly on his knees in front of me.

"Fuck." He grunted, his dripping cock so close I could smell him. I let me jaw go slack, my mouth hanging open, ready for my brother to fuck my face if he wanted to. Instead, he exploded. "FUCK!"

Kevin roared as his cock was thrusting wildly into me, watching my brother cum all over my face, rope after rope of his hot load painting me. The load splashed against me, dripping down my forehead, forcing me to close my eyes as I felt it running down towards my cheeks and pouring down my lips, his taste filling my senses. It felt like it went on forever.

Kevin gripped my ass cheeks, pulling them open as he finally unleashed himself inside of me.

Kevin stayed inside of me as his panting slowly returned to normal. It took a few minutes and I felt him start to soften. Dave ran his fingers against my face, scooping up his cum, and then his fingers were pushing against my lips. My brother fed me his cum as his best friend pulled his cock out of me.

Somehow none of us really mentioned the experience as we tidied ourselves up. The only time it came up was a few days later as Kevin cornered me in a quiet room, pushing me to my knees, and fed me his cock. He fucked my face and let his load run down my throat.

Even as I offered our spare room to Dave I didn't bring it up, though the sight of his cock in front of me, throbbing on the edge of release was all I could think about.

------------------------ NOW ------------------------

Back in the present I could feel my orgasm building as I stroked myself, Caleb still sleeping next to me. He finally stirred as there was a knock on the door.

I pulled on some sweatpants and tried to tuck my hardon to the side. It was already started to diminish by the time I made it to the door, but as soon as I opened it, the visitor's eyes went straight to my bulge.

"Um, h-hey. Hi." He looked distressed, despite the glances at my crotch. His copper hair was a mess, his soft brown eyes flitting up to my face, down to my crotch, up to my naked torso then back to my face. He couldn't meet my eyes for long.

"Hey, Brian. What's up?" The neighbour's son was a sweet kid. I say kid, but he's legal. Barely. Normally I'd just see him in his school uniform on weekdays but today he was in a loose singlet and gym shorts.

"I...need someone to talk to. Can I come in?" In he comes, and I grab a glass of water for us both. I return to the lounge and he's still standing there, shifting on his feet awkwardly as I hand him the glass. I'm surprised it doesn't spill everywhere as he launches his face forward, capturing my lips against his. The kiss is clumsy but forceful, hungry and vibrant.

"I think I might be gay." As his face pulls back his eyes are open and full of need.


Thanks for reading! I hope it was enjoyable enough. Let me know what you thought! Always happy to get criticisms, compliments or cock pics at joejam886@gmail.com.

There's a few chapters left, hopefully you guys enjoy them! There probably won't be any more flashbacks. Planning on having plenty of action for the boys coming up.

Next: Chapter 25

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