His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Oct 12, 2018


Thanks for reading still! We've got some more of Caleb's secret slutty side, then I'd like your opinion on something.

The usual disclaimers apply, play safe in real life & have fun! Don't forget to donate to Nifty! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

------------------------ THEN ------------------------

It was a couple of years ago when I ran into Trevor again. It started with a coffee one Saturday when Caleb was sleeping in and I'd gone for a walk to get some air. Trevor ended up in the same line and he said hey, and before I knew it we were walking in the same direction, sipping our drinks and catching up on what had happened.

It wasn't too long before we were in front of his apartment at the time. He turned and smiled, cocking an eyebrow and not saying anything further, inviting me with his stance.

He painted my face with his load then snapped a picture before I realised he'd even grabbed his phone. I got pretty angry, rising to my feet and shaking as I tried to grab my clothes, but he swiftly yanked my body into his. Scooping his load off my face he forced his fingers into my mouth, shoving his thick cum-coated fingers into me as he roughly kneaded my ass with his other hand.

I was still furious with him but I found my cock quickly growing hard again as he took his now spit-covered digits and started roughly opening my hole up.

"See? It's fine." He cooed as he pumped his fingers into me harshly. "You're not really mad. Open up for daddy." Soon enough I was clutching his body to mine, my hole convulsing around three of his fingers as he stuffed them into my asshole.

He guided my mouth back onto his cock which had hardened once more, bending me at the waist and continuing to violate me with his fingers.

I just moaned, letting him work me over from both ends until he was happy that his cock was wet enough. He unceremoniously pulled his fingers out and took his rightful place behind me, gripping my hips and thrusting forward, slowly and relentlessly easing his massive cock into me.

I lost myself in the way he felt, holding me and rocking me back onto his cock, then forward, then back onto him, my eyes closed and moans slipping from my lips. I groaned in frustration when he pulled out after just a few minutes.

He planted himself down in front of me and I opened my mouth to swoop down onto his wet cock but he planted his palm onto my forehead. He lay back and pulled his knees toward his chest, his puckered hole revealing itself. I'd only ever rimmed somebody once before and I'd never even learnt his name.

"Go on. Worship me." He said, holding his legs up. His hole clenched, winking at me, before relaxing again. Thinking back I didn't hate the experience so I leaned forward, closing my eyes and sticking out my tongue, tasting his sweat on his skin and feeling my cock throb as I made out with his ass. "Mark!" He yelled out, bringing his hand behind my head and holding me in place as I tried to pull back off him.

He rubbed my face in his ass until I relented, digging my tongue back into his tight entrance, even as I heard the door open and a groan of appreciation as Trevor's flatmate saw me on all fours, eating his ass out, my own ass pointed toward him. I'd never met Mark and so I had no idea what he looked like as he grabbed hold off my thick ass cheeks, parting them to line his cock up against me.

"Holy shit." I guess he sounded young as he sank himself into me, taking advantage of the all-too brief fucking that Trevor had given me. I was licking and lapping and sucking at Trevor's hole, no longer needing his hand on my skull to keep me there, discovering that I loved eating him out as Mark continued sinking his cock into me. He might have been as long as Caleb at maybe 8 inches, but I wouldn't see his manhood until we'd had another couple of encounters.

------------------------ NOW ------------------------

Caleb's busted hole struggled to close around my tongue as it plunged in and out of him to feast on the mixture of men who had used him so far.

Caleb grunted around the cock pushing into his throat and I lost myself there, feasting on the cum buried in his guts, hungrily trying to find it all until a sharp pain burst across my scalp. A huge hand with thick fingers had twisted itself in my hair, yanking me backwards, my tongue still mindlessly thrust forward with a top of cum and spit connecting it to Caleb's pulsing, swollen, gaping fuckhole.

The hand turned my head and my eyes focused again, recognising the flared cockhead at the head of Trevor's thick manhood. My tongue retreated back into my mouth which opened, easily accepting his length as he plunged it into my throat.

My hands came up to his thick thighs, bracing myself as he pumped that big black cock into my face, thrusting his hips forward and ignoring the grunting gagging gasping noises I made as I struggled to breathe around him.

When his cock was wet enough he let go of me, stepping behind my boyfriend and lining himself up. I was still on my knees, eyes at the perfect height to see that familiar cock start pushing into Caleb's upturned ass.

------------------------ THEN ------------------------

"Look at me, slut." Trevor said in the past again, back in the old apartment he shared with Mark. It was the first of many times that the two of them would take turns working my holes over, filling me with their cum. I was bouncing as Mark built up a good rhythm, pounding away at me from behind.

"You like being used?" I looked up from Trevor's ass to see him holding his phone again. This time I knew he was recording and I tensed up slightly, my body still rocking as the unseen man behind me thrust. I stared at him for a few seconds too long and Mark rammed himself into me sharply.

"Yes. Yes, Sir." I looked away from the camera but pushed backwards. I could have looked at Mark, seen the man whose cock was pounding away at me, but I didn't want to. Instead I met his thrusts, letting his cock scratch the itch inside of me that I had tried ignoring. "I love being used." I looked back up to Trevor who simply smiled behind the camera and then he lowered his legs.

Still recording, he guided my mouth onto his rigid cock and I began working him with my lips. I could feel Mark's thrusts becoming erratic and I worked harder. He slid his hands up my torso and yanked on my nipples, sweat dripping from his body down my back, his chest heaving behind me as we both moaned.

"FUCK. Yes. Take it all!" His body covered mine, his sweaty chest on my back and his arms wrapping themselves around my body as I felt his cock pulsing. His thrusts slowed, becoming long, deep, slow strokes as I milked every last drop of his seed. He held himself there when he was spent and I just kept my mouth sliding up and down Trevor's manhood. Eventually he pulled himself back, my hole twitching as he withdrew. He slapped me on the ass and left the room and I hadn't even seen his face.

Trevor's hand cupped my chin and he tried pulling my face up to him but I persisted, sucking on his fat meat, my tongue swirling around the head and collecting every drop of precum he could offer me, but after a few attempts his grip became fierce.

"My turn." His voice was lust-filled gravel, deep and rumbling through me, and I scrambled to my feet. Straddling him and climbing up I positioned my cum-filled hole so that his cock was pressed against it. He pulled my face in and our tongues swirled against one another, our hands caressing and exploring each other, and I moaned into him as I sank down. He was inside of me instantly.

------------------------ NOW ------------------------

"Your turn." Trevor commanded me as he fucked my boyfriend slowly, purposefully in front of me and the other partygoers. "Strip." His eyes were locked on mine, his hips thrusting forward to meet the rocking motion of Caleb as he sucked on the stranger's cock in front of him.

I didn't hesitate, pulling my shirt off first and looking around the room. The crowding men watched us intently, some lined up to use Caleb next and some drifting closer to me as I undid my fly. I pulled my jeans down to reveal the grey jock-strap that Trevor had told me to wear when he invited us.

"Good boy." Trevor reached up, the back of his fingers grazing my smooth cheek before he firmly gripped the back of my head and pulled me in towards him. We kissed like that for some time, his hand releasing me so that he could reach down and twist my nipple painfully, our mouths mashing against one another. I felt other hands on my body then and Trevor let them pull me away from him.

They pushed me onto my back next to Caleb so I could look up and see the cock sliding into his throat, his beard wet with cum and spit, his body glistening beside me. A man climbed between my legs and lifted them. I only glanced at him, it didn't matter what he looked like as he spit on his hand and lined his now-wet cock up against me.

Caleb's throat was suddenly working hard, swallowing a load from the guy moaning in front of him, and as the man stepped back Caleb's head dropped to finally look at me. He looked like he was trying to understand me and I was doing the same. His body rocked back and forth, his face streaked with cum, and the man who fucked me started thrusting wildly, holding my legs up.

Caleb leaned down and we kissed as we both got used amidst a crowd of drunk men, music blaring and the smell of alcohol and sweat mixing with cum. Our lips gently brushed against each other before fiercely pressing then pulling away again for our tongues to dart against each other, the heady taste of cum greeting me as my tongue slipped into his mouth.

Eventually we broke apart as more cocks were presented to us. A beer can-thick uncut cock, about 6.5", was presented to me. He leaned down and soon it was splitting my jaw open, forcing itself into my mouth as the cock hammering away at my ass picked up steam.

------------------------ THEN ------------------------

After we reconnected a couple of years it became very regular. I was there any day I didn't go to the gym, sometimes even skipping the gym to work Trevor's cock instead. He's record me in all sorts of positions, begging for his cum or even riding him at one of the local parks when the sun was still up.

That was bad enough, but it felt like I was losing control of myself. Somebody else had taken over my body and his eyes were glued to every man's crotch, sniffing around for a glimpse of cock.

Our friend Dave had been training me for a while at the gym. It was good, my upper body had been gaining definition and my butt was growing firmer. Sometimes we'd end up in the showers at the same time, since he made his own hours, but two thirds of the showers were private stalls so I hadn't seen him naked.

It had been a few weeks since I'd started getting regularly used by Trevor, though, and I'd started noticing the way Dave's clothes clung to his sweaty, massive body. He and Frank were long-time friends of ours though and I'd never thought about them in a sexual way, just noticing that they were both built really well.

That fateful day, though, the rows of private showers were all full. Just past them was an open row of shower heads that weren't used that often, and I found myself there letting the water gently wash the sweat off my body as Dave stepped up to the shower head next to me.

"You've been doing great out there." His deep voice was soft against the water. I opened my eyes to look over at him, and my eyes instantly dropped to the massive cock resting there on top of his nuts. I'd never seen him like this before and I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Thanks!" My voice was too loud in the small space, and I managed to stop staring at his fat cock, my eyes drifting up his ginger bush, his pale, toned stomach, his broad chest with his thick pink nipples surrounded by trimmed copper hair, and then up to his face. He was openly evaluating my body and I couldn't decipher if it was professional or perverse.

My own cock began to harden under the scrutiny and I turned away from him after looking back down to see his meat begin to thicken up.

"Yeah, your legs are building up really well." His voice was suddenly closer as his hand stroked my inner thigh, making me jump. It drifted up, his knuckles grazing my nuts before he stroked back and grabbed my ass firmly. "And that ass." He let go and stepped back.

When I looked over he was rubbing soap into his chest, the suds running down his chest, his cock now jutting proudly in front of him. I poured some liquid soap onto my own hand and I faced away from him again, running my hand behind me, pushing my fingers into my crack. I moved my feet apart and rubbed my ass in front of him, pushing my soapy finger into my hole, effortlessly letting it slide in up to the knuckle. I turned back to look at him.

Dave's eyes were locked on my ass, his hand wrapped around a cock I couldn't believe. It must have been 10 thick inches, throbbing in his hand as his free hand ran up and down his stomach. I smiled and pulled my finger from my asshole, becoming frozen, unsure of what I would do. It was too public to reach out and touch him, but while he was there my hard-on wasn't going to vanish enough for me to go get dressed. The longer I watched him stroke his cock, the hungrier I became.

"Fuck it." His voice was raw lust and he let go of his cock, walking forward, pushing me against the shower wall. My heart pounded away in my chest and his massive body closed in on me, contrasting against the cool tiles in front of me. His wet cock found itself between my cheeks and I couldn't believe it as he humped against me, his flesh rubbing against my sensitive hole, making me want it to split me open.

"Please, just do it." I whined like a bitch and he reached down. I grunted as sharp pain ripped through me and his cock buried itself in my guts. We rutted like animals, grunting and panting and pushing against each other. It was primal and raw.

"Frank is gonna enjoy this." He breathed in my ear, our flesh slapping in the open shower, and I heard feet on the wet tiles near us. Dave began long-dicking me, trying to take his time before he lost his composure again and started thrusting wildly.

His weight shifted and I pushed against the wall so that he could thrust more deeply, and I felt his body tensing, jabbing his massive rod into me as his orgasm built up.

"Can't wait to train you again." His ginger beard tickled my neck as he leaned in and kissed me before pulling back, his cock slipping from my brutalised hole. I held myself against the wall as I caught my breath.

Turning my head I saw the source of the footsteps. He was about nineteen and looked Korean, his cock hard but hiding timidly behind his hand. His eyes were glued to my ass but he wasn't moving, so I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart, making sure he could see what Dave had just done to me.

He didn't speak as he walked up behind me and guided his cock into my ass. He began jabbing it into without skill, his cock thick but of average length, using Dave's cum as lube. As he used me to get himself off another man walked up, watching us for a couple of minutes before he walked off. I recognised him from the gym floor, we'd nodded to each other in familiarity a few times, and now he'd seen me getting used as a cum rag.

When the young guy was done dumping a load into me, I cleaned myself off and went home to organise dinner.

------------------------ NOW ------------------------

"Guzzle that load, bitch." The man humping my throat held himself in place, cock wedged as deep in my throat as it could be, as he pulsed and unloaded his cum straight into me, depriving me of the taste. The third cock to fuck me tonight was hammering away at my cum-drenched fuck hole. "Fuck yes."

The cock dragged itself out of my throat, leaving a trail of cum as it slipped from my mouth. It wasn't enough.

I looked up to see Caleb's mouth free as well, his body rocking as he thrust back to get fucked. I lay there next to him and he leaned down, our tongues pushing into each other, searching for cum.

As our lips parted and another hard cock presented itself to me, the same cock that had been fucking Caleb earlier in the night, I thought back to our relationship.

I'd been used, fucked and degraded by so many men in our time together, and he had never known. I thought he'd been loyal to me as well. How wrong was I?

Thanks for reading! Hope you've been enjoying it. I feel like it could go back to Caleb's POV, otherwise I know Caleb has more in his past I can go to next chapter. What do you think?

Back to Caleb in the present to see what they'll be doing next, or stick with some flashbacks of Caleb's slutty side?

Let me know. Joejam886@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 24

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