His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Oct 5, 2018


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Your messages have been awesome. Hopefully there aren't too many typos, I was horny and tired.

As always, play safe and don't forget to donate to Nifty! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Two different men pump their dicks into my boyfriend, grunting as they use him, a growing crowd watching the obscene display.

Walking around to the side of them I saw Caleb's body glistening with sweat, his muscles tight and heaving, trapped in a rhythm as he rocked back and forth between the two men who were fully dressed except for their wet cocks.

Caleb's eyes were shut in bliss, cum and drool streaking down his beard, his swollen lips slurping and sliding across the thick piece of meat in front of him. The man behind him was making long, deep, slow strokes, his impressively thick cock stretching out my boyfriend's ass.

My own cock was trapped, harder than it had been in forever as I watched them rutting like animals in front of me. My stomach was twisted and a sour taste filled my mouth as I watched the confirmation of just what type of slut he was. Without thinking, my hand reached up and gripped my throbbing, leaking meat through my pants.

My underwear was already streaked with precum from when I'd found myself on my knees down the unlit side of the house just half an hour ago, Trevor's hot load exploding into my mouth, filling my senses as I worshipped him.

I'd been able to resist him years ago, but not anymore. Now if he touches me, I know I'll be taking a load of his. At least one, anyway.

When I first got together with Caleb they were always together, drinking and laughing and egging each other on. Trevor didn't seem to care about boundaries though, and even the first time we met his hands wandered onto my ass, squeezing it until I pushed him away.

I didn't complain because it felt kinda nice. He's a handsome man and things weren't too serious with Caleb yet, we were mostly just hanging out whenever we could and fucking around. Even when things got official and we started calling each other boyfriends, Trevor would end up running his hands up my shirt and stroking me, bringing his body in close even pushing his crotch against my leg before I pushed him off.

I don't think Caleb saw it happen much. He was usually in another room, or up at the bar, and I just couldn't bring myself to tell him about it. Then things hit a bit of a rough patch.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as we sat there at Lila's, a bar that disappeared a couple years ago. He moved behind me and his arms reached forward, pulling me into his body, and for once I didn't fight him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I let his warmth wash over me. His hands found my hips, sliding up under my shirt, his thumbs stroking my skin and making me push back into him without thinking.

"I mean you've been quiet. I don't think Caleb noticed, but he's not the most observant." He leaned in towards my ear to speak and his hot breath on my neck made my body shiver. His lips grazed my neck and I pressed my ass against his crotch, feeling the pressure of his cock against me. "What's wrong, baby?" His arms wrapped around my torso, making me melt against his body. I'd definitely gotten hard.

"I...think I might have to break up with Caleb." I hadn't told anybody that. Trevor's lips found my neck again, sucking against my flesh, making me shiver in his arms. "I don't think we're going in the same direction." He wasn't serious about things. Living with his parents, working part-time, smoking weed with Trevor most days, it didn't feel like things could be serious.

"Don't do anything too hasty." Trevor's fingers found one of my nipples as his other arms squeezed me further against him, his cock humping against me from behind. "Sleep on it." He licked my neck. "Sleep with me."

"For fuck's sake." It took every ounce of willpower I could find but I pulled myself forward, out of his arms. A few moments later Caleb came back from the bathroom, having grabbed a couple of ciders along his way. He held them, stepping up to me, and his lips touched mine tenderly. I lost myself in that kiss and I knew I wouldn't be talking about it that night. Before we left, though, Trevor pulled me aside.

"I'm serious, don't do anything too rash. He's a bit of a dope but he's still the best man I know, so you should talk to him." He leaned in closer to me, his hand cupping my ass. "You should also give this to me." He squeezed and I let him, before I went out the door to fall into Caleb's bed and ride his cock before we both crashed hard.

I manned up and talked to Caleb over the next few days. He knew things had to change for him, but since it was important to me he really seemed to make an effort.

It was probably about a month later when I found myself there on my knees in front of Trevor.

Caleb was training at his new job and so suddenly I was seeing him less, and when I did he was exhausted. I knew it was dumb and selfish when I found myself knocking on Trevor's door that day. He answered in just a pair of shorts, and I knew I wasn't going to be chickening out. He just smiled at me and walked inside.

We didn't speak as he pushed his shorts down, his fat cock bouncing up, half-hard, and sat on his bed. I fell straight onto my knees and gripped the fat black meat. I observed it as my head found itself inevitably drawn closer, my lips parting and my pink tongue darting out to taste the purple head of his throbbing meat.

As soon as I tasted that salty bead of precum that had gathered, I wrapped my lips around him and slid my mouth down his length, halting as he pushed against the back of my throat. After some effort I managed to accommodate his size, and I found my nose pressed against his tightly curled pubes.

"Shit yeah, I knew you'd get on that dick." He said. His massive hand stroked the back of my blond hair and I moaned, pulling back so just the head was in my mouth before swallowing him back to the base.

He guided my head for a while as I slurped on his dick, and then eventually he pulled me off him, telling me to strip. I stood and pulled my shirt off. Tucking my thumbs into my waistband, but stopped when he held his hand up.

"Turn around." He commanded, and I obeyed. "Show me that hole." I slid my pants down, and he groaned as I bent down. I stood back up and gripped my firm cheeks, pulling them apart so he could glimpse my asshole. "Good little slut." I heard him spit so I looked back over my shoulder, and he was leaning back on the bed stroking his big black dick, eyes fixed on his prize. "Get your finger wet and warm it up."

Looking at him still I brought my finger to my lip and sucked on it, getting it wet before bringing it back down to my ass and circling it around my hole. I watched him as I pressed against my entrance, his eyes glued on my finger as it slowly slid into me. I pulled it out and sucked on it again, tasting myself as I wet it again.

It slid back into me easily up to the knuckle. I pumped it in and out of myself for him as he stroked his cock, spitting on his hand again, keeping it slick. The more I watched him rub his manhood, the more I needed it.

I turned around and climbed onto the bed, planting my knees on either side of his thighs as he lay back. Climbing up his body I gripped his cock and aimed it at my asshole. I moaned as I felt it pressing against me, and as I started to sink down he gripped my hips to guide me.

His immensely thick, cut meat stretched me open, and it felt like an eternity before my hole was pressed against his flesh and he filled me completely. My hands landed on his pecs and I squeezed them, lifting myself up and sinking back down, his fat cock pulsing inside of me.

My own cock bounced in front of me, pulsing as I rode him. He gripped me and I exploded, my cum shooting across his torso. My hole convulsed around him and as stars exploded behind my eyes he thrust upwards into me, hammering away until his load started filling me up.

That was the only time we fucked before they stopped being friends. He'd let his guard down a week or two later, feeling me up after a couple of drinks when Caleb walked in and saw him. I wasn't in the mood so he figured it was just another unwelcome advance, and it he exploded at his best friend.

I felt fucking awful about that. Trevor tried reaching out to me a couple of times, messaging me to come over, but I just ignored it. I'd had a lapse in judgement and it cost my boyfriend his best friend, and that wasn't fair on him.

Over the next 18 months I was the picture of loyalty. We moved in together, had family dinners and moved ahead with our careers, and everything was good. The perfect picture of heteronormative positivity.

I don't think I was made for that, but Caleb seemed to thrive, and he made me happy. I really tried to be the best boyfriend I could, but it didn't last I guess.

Sometimes I'd use poppers to get myself horned up and hungry when I really wanted to use Caleb's cock. Since he didn't really use them, that meant I'd need to pick them up every now and again. It'd been a couple of weeks since we'd really fucked, so I was in need.

On this occasion I found myself at the adult store in town just after work. Normally I'd just head to the counter and ask for one of my usual brands, but the guy seemed busy when I first got there and so I wandered over to the shelves to check out what they've got.

I eyed up some of the rubber cocks on display, my hole twitching as I thought about how they'd feel, stretching me open for him. I saw one that looked about as thick as Trevor's cock, and I thought about how he'd felt, before I pulled myself away.

I'd made my way over to the cock rings, eyeing them up, when he stepped up to me.

"Which ones do you prefer?" He was probably in his 40s, a little taller than me but lean. His shirt was too tight, the sleeves high and showing off his bulging arm muscles with thick veins twisting around them. His voice was low, rumbling in my ears. His beard was light brown, his long nose adorned with two rings on the right side. His jeans were definitely too tight, bulging obscenely from the front.

"Uh...I don't really wear them. Never tried." I saw he was looking me up and down in my shirt, tie and slacks, so I felt comfortable doing the same. His right thumb was hooked in his pocket, his long fingers stretching towards his crotch, making me want to do the same. He licked his lips.

"What about to look at?" He asked, his eyes firmly on my bulge which was growing with the attention. His body drifted closer to mine and I could feel the heat radiating off him.

"I-I guess the solid steel ones. They look pretty hot." As I said that, his lips turned upward into a smile. I could smell cigarettes and sweat clinging to him but I felt an urge to taste him.

"Like this?" He asked, his hands moving in front of himself and pulling his button fly open. A heavy cock flopped out, uncut, held tight with smooth round nuts by a thick steel band. My eyes opened wide in panic and I looked behind us at the counter. The other customers had left and the clerk was otherwise occupied with a box of products.

"Fuck yes." I breathed the words out, softly, and my fingers closed around his thickening meat. "Exactly like this." I stroked him, the foreskin sliding along his head as it soon grew to a mouthwatering 7 inches. I glanced behind myself again checking that nobody else had come in.

"Let's go." He didn't need to tell me twice. I got my amyl and we went to his place just a couple of blocks over, stripping as soon as we were in the door. I was on my knees with my back against his wall, huffing the little brown bottle with my head spinning, and then he was ramming his cock down my throat.

"Ohhhh yeah." He moaned and pumped his cock, making my head bang against the wall behind me, but I didn't care. He rammed his meat into me, making me gag and splutter as he used my throat. When he stepped back his cock was connected to me with a long string of spit and I stared at it, dazed.

He gripped my hair with his fist, causing a sharp jolt of pain, and he dragged me over to his bed. Pushing me onto my back he pulled my legs back, making me hold them up to expose my hole. He brought the bottle to my nose, holding one nostril shut and I breathed in.

He forced his wet cock into me and stars exploded behind my eyes. My head rolled back as he bottomed out, grabbing me by the angles to position me how he wanted, rutting away at me like I was just an object.

I fucking loved it.

It probably took 20 minutes until the stranger came inside me. In that time he twisted me every which way, rolling me onto my side to drive himself deep into me, then onto all fours and back onto my back.

I hadn't even touched myself. His cum was dripping out of my used hole, my own cock streaked with precum and throbbing for release, and he yanked me down to the floor as he sat in front of me.

He guided my mouth onto him, letting me lick at the cum that coated his softened cock and lap at his sweaty nuts. When his cock was clean he moved forward and lifted his legs, bringing his musty, hair-coated hole into view, and I got to work.

I lost track of time as his smell filled my nose and he became the only thing I could taste, my tongue covered in the sharp salty tang of his sweat, pushing into his hole. When he eventually pulled himself off me, his cock had risen back to hardness and so I climbed on top of him.

As I rode him his hands explored, tweaked and tugged at my body, pinching and smacking me as he wanted to. When he was ready he gripped my torso and pushed us onto our sides to begin hammering away at my hole.

My cock wound up trapped between our bodies as our tongues battled for dominance, and cum burst between us before he filled me with another load.

I never got his name but I pulled my clothes on and he showed me the door, still stinking of his cum and sweat.

Somehow I made it home before Caleb, getting out of the shower just as he had gotten in the door, still ready to feel another load of cum getting pushed into me.

As I thought about the ways I'd been used in the past I looked at Caleb. The man fucking him was in the midst of his climax, roaring and pumping his cum into my boyfriend's hot hole.

He pulled out but Caleb stayed there, sucking on another cock that had found its way into his mouth. I dropped to my knees in front of the man whose cock had just filled Caleb, sucking his wet cock into my mouth. Sucking harshly, I devoured every drop of his cum mixed with whoever else had fucked Caleb.

When I was done with him I found myself grasping Caleb's ass, a cheek in each hand, holding them apart to gaze at his swollen, pink, gaping hole. Cum was splattered around him, lines of it running down his nuts, a pool of fluid on the carpet below him.

I leaned in and tasted the multitudes of men who'd used him so far. The sound of his moans was music to my ears, and I closed my eyes, losing myself in the sensation of my tongue twisting against his hungry hole.

Okay! This one is a bit different to normal. Hopefully you guys still enjoyed it! I'm planning on some more flashbacks next chapter, but feel free to point out if it was absolutely awful.

As always, your comments (and pics!) have been hugely appreciated. Thanks for reading this much! Joejam886@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 23

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