His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Oct 2, 2018


Welcome back! Hopefully now things have calmed down I can get the next chunk out a bit quicker. Hope it's enjoyable! Really glad to have heard from some of you guys about what's worked and what hasn't.

As always, play safe and don't forget to donate to Nifty! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

"Many around?" The customer asked as I knelt behind the counter. Glenn took his money with one hand, gripping the back of my head to grind his rigid cock deep into the back of my throat with the other.

"Just a couple guys so far, but I'm sure you'll be able to get your rocks off." He released my head and I pulled off, his cock loudly slipping from my lips, my spit escaping down my chin as I caught my breath.

The customer went inside and Glenn shoved his cock back into my hungry mouth. The first day I came back I was sceptical when he said I didn't have to pay, but soon enough I was on my knees swallowing his hot cum before finding a couple more cocks to fuck my ass. It quickly became a ritual, and I'd been back every day this week.

His pace quickened and I could taste his precum flowing onto my busy tongue, but as he got closer to pulled his cock out and started stroking it, his palm holding my forehead in place. I stuck my tongue out ready for him to paint me with his cum as he started groaning and panting, but instead he caught his load in his hand before releasing me. He stepped back, his cum in his cupped hand as his breathing returned to normal.

"Get up." He said, tilting his head toward the entrance into the club's lounge. I reached for my clothes but he stepped up and stopped me. His cupped hand came around to my ass and I groaned as I felt his slick fingers against my hole.

He rubbed his cum into me and I let my head fall back as I moaned, my own cock bound by a leather cock ring and throbbing in front of me as one, then two, cum-coated fingers start dipping into me. I let my head fall forward again as he starts trying to push a third finger into me, and I lock eyes with a newcomer at the front counter.

"I'll be right there." Glenn says as he notices him, waiting to enter the club. Glenn's third finger sinks into me and Glenn starts to pump them in and out of me as the new man watches me. He's older, easily in his 50s or 60s, with a white trim beard and a shaved head. His pink tongue darts against his lips as he watches me. I can feel my cock drooling. "Now go get yourself seen to." Glenn says to me and his fingers disappear from my aching entrance. "You can come back for your clothes later."

With that he turns and walks over to the counter. I hang there for a moment, my eyes glancing at him then the newcomer and then behind me to the club's lounge, where I wander out to in a cloud of lust.

The lounge is empty, so I make my way out into the dark hallway and drift towards the porn room. I hear voices as I turn the corner and two young guys are talking to each other. The one facing me stops, his eyes looking me up and down. He's cute but too young. Latino, with smooth brown skin, and the type of face which probably means he was asked for ID. His friend turns his head as I walk towards them, his face cold but handsome with stubble and thick lips.

They watch me pass by, naked except for a sheen of sweat and my leather cock ring, and I head into the porn lounge. There's a man in his 40s there, leaning back on the couch with his fat cock in hand. It looks like an average length at maybe 6-6.5 inches, but twice as thick as my own. He's got a large belly and thick thighs and as he sees me approach he shakes his cock towards me.

I fall to my knees in front of him without saying a word, making sure he can still see the screen. My mouth is stretched wide as I try to fit him into me.

"Oh, yeah." His voice is a deep rumble and I close my eyes as I try to work his meat further into me. My ass is pushed back and I almost jump as I feel fingers stroke me there. Looking up, the older man is leaning back, his arms behind his head. The unseen man behind me easily slides two fingers into me and begins rhythmically stroking them into me, and I can't help but push back towards them.

I groan around the older dick rammed in my mouth when my hole is suddenly left empty. The other man chuckles and grips my ass, a hand on each cheek, holding them open and I brace myself as I feel his burning hardness lining itself up with my ass.

In one swift, smooth thrust, I'm impaled. It feels massive, my whole body tensing as the sharp jolt travels through me, his hips against my ass. He holds himself there for a while until eventually I start to worship the massive dick in front of me again, my body rocking back and forth, my ass starting to slide back and forth across the stranger's length.

The older man pulls me off his cock. Drool runs down my chin, my jaw still slack, my lust-clouded eyes slowly focusing and realising another man was standing in front of me as well. The older man slowly stroked himself as the young Latino guy presented his uncut 7 inches. My swollen wet lips leaned toward him, my tongue jutting out to try and taste him, and he moved forward to slide himself down my throat.

The man behind me was slamming his cock into me harshly now, my ass accepting him easily, the sound of his slapping balls mixed in with the sound of the porn playing. Every stroke saw him withdraw, leaving me almost empty, then suddenly filling me again to the hilt.

The young guy was bucking wildly, holding my nose against his pubes as his cock lodged itself as far into my throat as much as possible, before he pulled out to let me draw breath. Then he would fuck my throat again, using me at his own pace as I moaned and held myself there, lost in the sensation of being used by two rigid fuck sticks.

The young guy stepped back and his cock slipped from my mouth with a loud pop, more drool running down my chin and clinging to my bear, and the older man was standing in front of me now. His left hand landed on the top of my skull, fingers gripping me tightly, as his right hand stroked his fat meat. My tongue reached out as much as it could, and I was rewarded with his hot load in just seconds. It flew onto my tongue, splattering against the back of my throat, and then he let it fly across my face.

His seed dripped down my cheek, my forehead, my chin and my neck, and the man behind me picked up steam. He grunted and bucked, pumping away as the older man released me and the young guy took his place again with his cock in my mouth.

"You ready?" He asked me, his cock thrusting into my mouth, battering my throat. I moaned mindlessly and then his cum started flowing down my throat. As he pulled back it ran across my tongue and I sucked harshly, wanting to keep every drop.

The man behind me roared as his cock pulsed. He pushed himself as deep into me as he could go, and he flooded my guts, burying his seed. I rested there on all fours, cum dripping down my face, catching my breath for a few minutes until the man behind me was ready to withdraw. When I was empty, cum oozing down my taint from my abused hole, I rose to my feet and looked behind me.

It was the guy who came to the counter. A bit closer I'd say mid-50s, his trim beard shockingly white but his thick chest hair still with a dark tuft amongst the grey. His cock hung down, still long at about 8 inches, but spent. It was wet with his cum and cut, with thick veins, and I dropped back down and took it into my mouth.

I sucked him, letting my tongue explore him, tasting the heady mixture of his cum and my ass as I sucked him clean. When I was satisfied I stood again and he leaned in, kissing me softly before I made my way back to the lounge.

Glenn gave me my stuff and I snapped a picture for Will before I scooped up what cum I could from my face and pulled my clothes back on.

After that I got home, showered quickly, and rushed out to get to work just on time. It was Friday and Trevor had invited us both over to his house-warming since his new place has a yard and the weather's been good.

"Hey, babe." I was a little surprised to see Matt still in his gym gear, in front of our house chatting with the neighbour's son.

"Hi. I, um, should get back in there." He wasn't able to make eye contact, his head down, but I had to admit he was cute for a teenager with his pale skin and copper hair. We've been living there long enough I remembered him as a lanky 14 year old, but he'd filled out over the last few years. He scurried back indoors.

"I just got home a few minutes ago." We got inside and Matt kissed me on the lips. "Let's shower and we can head off."

I stripped off and made my way to the shower, getting the water to the right temperature and climbing in. Matt joined me moments later and wrapped his arms around me, the shower washing away our sweat from the day. His soft lips found mine and our cocks pressed against each other, both growing harder.

I pumped some of the body wash onto my hands and I explored his body, letting my hands slide across his torso and down his sides, the smell of flowers filling the steamy shower. Our lips parted and his tongue darted into my mouth as my hands cupped his beautiful ass.

My fingers slipped towards the valley of his smooth ass and I pressed against his entrance. He moaned into my mouth, and I took that as encouragement, pressing my index finger harder until his hole started to open to me.

We made out like that, my finger meeting less and less resistance as I slid it in and out of him, until he easily took a second finger.

Without a word he turned around and put his hands against the shower door. I lined my cock up and it easily found its way into him, both of us sighing as I finally slid home.

Soon we were both pushing and panting and grunting, pleasure building in my cock as I felt his hungry need, and I lowered my lips to his neck to taste him as I exploded. We dried off and made out way to Trevor's place.

"My sexy boys!" Trevor was drunk and he scooped us into a group hug as soon as we got in the door. His lips pressed against my neck and then he kissed Matt on the lips. I'm sure I saw his tongue as they held it for too long. Trevor's hand had dipped down, squeezing my ass as it became obvious that Matt was kissing him back. "Come in, get drunk."

We grabbed some drinks and headed outside. Music filled the place and people were everywhere, with the smell of cigarettes and weed lingering in the air. Soon enough I was tipsy and laughing with people I recognised, either from the bars or another of Trevor's parties in the past, drinking our way through a couple of hours.

At some point I lost track of Matt, and as I scanned the crowd I spotted a couple of familiar faces. The young guy who'd fucked my throat this morning didn't spot me but his friend did, a grin spreading across his face.

Brad, an old work mate of mine, came up and we started laughing about a mutual friend, forgetting about the younger guys from the cruise club until another drink later and I felt hands on my ass.

"Fuck man, I should have ridden that." The guy whose cum had filled my mouth said, his words slurred as he rubbed against me. I glanced at Brad who was watching us with a smile on his face. "I'm telling you, his mouth was magic." He looked behind him to his friend.

"I'll have to try it out." His cold-faced friend said, no expression on his face, his eyebrows lifting for just a moment to emphasise his words. I glanced over at Brad who was starting to look shocked.

"How about it? We go some place, I tap that ass and you guzzle his cum?" The younger-looking one was hanging all over me. His hands were roaming across my body, squeezing and pinching my ass with one hand while his other one slid up my shirt, exposing my stomach. I was hard as a rock.

My eyes were locked onto his stone-faced friend, trying to think past the haze of the beers. I lost the staring contest, looking down to his crotch then at Brad who was watching me hungrily. I just nodded and we somehow all found ourselves in a quiet room, the music muted through the walls and the soft light coming in through the open curtains.

I started on my knees in front of them. I sucked the 7 uncut inches that I'd worshipped that morning and then moved onto his friend, who was only a little longer and the same thickness, tasting his cock and bring it to full hardness. Then I found myself facing Brad's cock, something I'd never expected would happen.

He's a couple of years older than me, with a stocky build and black skin. His cock was hanging there, 8 cut inches with a light brown head, throbbing with a bead of precum waiting for me to taste it. We'd never even flirted, not that I'd noticed, anyway. I reached forward and took him into my mouth and wrapped my tongue around his head, hit with the tangy taste of him.

Soon I was leaning forward, working my mouth back and forth, my lips stretched around his thickness when the two other guys started pulling at my clothes. I let Brad's cock slip from my mouth only for as long as it took for my shirt to come off before engulfing him again, and then I felt them yanking my pants down over my ass.

I should have stopped them well before this point, but as they pulled at my hips and positioned me on all fours I could feel my heart pounding in excitement.

Brad moaned as I worked his cock, devouring him with everything I had, and I only picked up steam as I felt a tongue on my ass. Whoever it was rimmed me for just a couple of minutes, getting me wet and letting a finger slip in easily.

He lined himself up and started pushing his cock against my hole. I focused on Brad, whose cock was flowing precum steadily as I sucked on him, and before long I was bouncing between him and the younger guy.

"Fuck, his ass is so hot!" The Latino guy yelled to the room. Brad began thrusting erratically, panting as he got close, and his fingers twisted themselves into my hair as he rammed himself forward and let his cum burst into my mouth.

"My turn." The third guy proclaimed when Brad eventually moved. He stepped in and presented his cock, which I easily took into my mouth. "Leave it open." He said to Brad as he slipped out the door.

I was too lost in the sensation to think about it as I just let myself rock back and forward, stripped naked and filled with cock at a house party.


I looked around the crowd, trying to find Caleb to no avail. I wandered through the back yard, draining the beer as I went and washing away the taste of Trevor's cum as I hunted for my boyfriend.

Soon enough I was back inside to grab a fresh beer. There were a few people crowded around in the hallway so I drifted over and pushed my way through to see what the fuss was about.

I didn't know what to think as I saw him there. Somebody I'd never seen had his hand twisted up in Caleb's hair, pointing his cum-streaked face toward the open doorway that the crowd had gathered around. His beard was wet with spit and cum and his eyes were glazed over as his body shook. The stranger fucking him was in his 30s with a bushy sandy-coloured beard, still wearing his t-shirt with his jeans pushed down while Caleb was completely naked.

There were a few more guys surrounding Caleb, some with their cocks released, and I found myself amongst them.

Caleb's eyes finally focused and locked onto me, widening in surprise before another man stepped in front of him and filled his mouth with cock.

That was it! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know if it got you off or if it's gone downhill.

The next chapter or two will probably be exploring some of Matt's filthy adventures. Get in touch if you want to, joejam886@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 22

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