His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Jul 25, 2018


Hey all.

If anybody's still reading this, sorry about the wait! I've started this chapter about 8 times and none of them really compelled me until this version. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry about any typos, it's a bit rough but I just really wanted to get it typed up and "out in the wild."

As usual, you know what you should be reading and what you should be doing. Be safe, be smart, and don't forget to donate to Nifty.


I'm waiting. It was ten days since Will gave my instructions, and that was the only message I'd gotten from him.

Ten days since I was given a link that led to countless pictures and videos of myself, guzzling his cum and being fucked raw by the strangers he'd chosen for me.

Ten days since I've cum with anybody except for Matt and I'd been reminding myself constantly that I need to keep it that way. I need to delete the blog and focus on my relationship, return to being the loyal boyfriend I was for years.

But just getting the message from Will made me think about it. I stood in front of the mirror taking in the sight of my dark beard which was thicker than I'd ever worn it before, probably a bit too bushy. My eyes drifted down and follow the dark fur as it swirls on my chest, leading me down to the bush and my rigid 8.5 inch cock.

It throbs with every heartbeat and I want to touch it but my resolve will weaken. I don't even notice my hands as they roam across my torso.

I turn to the side and my meaty ass covered in light fur comes into view, bouncing as I flex my thigh. My hand connects to it and squeezes the thick flesh, making my cock jump as it drifts close to my hole.

I'm waiting.

I could just get my dildo out and force it into my neglected hole. I'm sure a picture of my hungry ass swallowing the massive rubber cock would make Will happy.

But not happy enough.

Five minutes later and I've thrown on some old clothes and rushed out the door, letting my feet hit the pavement to try and clear my head. I'd done a lot of running over the last couple of weeks.

I ran and ran until my mind was blank and sweat was dripping down my face, resting my hands on my knees to try and catch my breath. I was a couple of blocks away from home so started walking when I heard a whistle.

Across the street he was wearing loose-fitted grey pants and a white singlet that looked too small, stretched across his broads chest, showing off his thick brown arms.

Smoke curled and drifted across his face as he pulled a cigarette away from his mouth, then he used his hands to beckon me over. I was already crossing the street when I recognised him. Even if I'd never met him I would have been walking up the pathway, drawn to him standing on his deck, looming over me as I drifted closer and felt blood rushing to my cock.

"It's you." He says, his middle eastern accent sending a shiver up my spine. He flicked his cigarette into the modest yard and turned, walking inside his house, and I followed meekly. The memory of him coming to the home I share with my partner ran through my mind and my cock thickened even further, bulging in my running shorts as I remembered worshipping his 9 inch cock.

I shut the door behind him and followed as he led me through the lounge littered with children's toys into the bedroom he shares with his wife. He turns to face me, his face a stoic mask, his hand squeezing his bulge.

"Nobody's going to come in?" My voice trembles as I ask, my eyes watching his hand squeeze and release, the thick tube stretching against the soft fabric.

"They're all out. We have time." John. When we chatted on Grindr, he said his name was John and then I worshipped his beautiful brown cock until it filled me with his hot seed.

I didn't say another word as I drifted toward him and slipped to my knees. My face pushed against his obscene bulge, trying to be closer to him, feeling the soft hardness through his pants against my cheek.

His hand stroked the back of my hair before his fingers laced themselves into my hair and tightened. The sharp pain made me gasp as he tilted my head back. I looked up at his sneering lips, thick and beautiful, and I forced myself to keep my attention on his face even as his free hand worked his cock free. The bouncing flesh caught my eye and the spell was broken, his hand releasing my hair as I swooped forward, my lips sliding onto his hardness and my tongue tasting his sweet precum.

"Ohhh, yes." John said as I pushed myself forward, swallowing more of him. "Fuck yes." He pulled the singlet over his head and I looked up at his broad chest coated in thick wild hair, his head thrown back, his words devolving into lust-filled moans.

A good rhythm built up. I used my lips and my tongue as he used my throat, building up speed then slowing down as he grunted and let me slurp up his precum as it flowed into me. I was still fully dressed, my running clothes drenched in sweat, my painful erection struggling against the cloth of my shorts.

He'd buried his cock as deep into my throat as he possibly could when he leaned forward, his hand pushing its way into my shorts, the tip of his finger swiftly finding my hole and rubbing against me. I could feel my own precum flooding my underwear as I pushed my ass back against him.

His hand withdrew and he stepped back, looking down at the sight of me, cock starved and desperate for him. All I could see was his incredible girth, coated in my spit, veins spreading across him. I wanted it inside of me.

"Wait." My voice was coarse and shallow. "I-I want you to help me." It took quite a bit of convincing but I could swear his cock was even harder than ever as my lips slide back up to his root.

"You're hungry for my cock, aren't you, slut?" He asked. I just moaned as I looked up at my phone in his hands, pointed at me as I desperately swallowed and sucked and savoured his flesh in my mouth. He pulled his cock out, a string of my spit still connecting me to him. "Aren't you?"

It took me a while. "Yes, Sir." I finally replied as I remembered I could close my mouth again. "I need it, please." I leaned forward again to try and capture his cock again, my eyes still locked onto the lens, knowing he was looking right into them as I tried to taste his meat.

"You need what?" He asked and I could hear the contempt in his voice.

"I need your big cock. I need your cum. I need you to use me." He didn't respond to me but he did grasp my hair sharply and I opened my mouth wide as he stuffed his rigid cock back into me, ramming it to the back of my throat, pumping it viciously before withdrawing again.

He set my phone down and pushed me onto all fours in the bedroom he shares with his wife. He yanked my running shorts down my ass and I felt his cock, wet with my spit, as it slid between my cheeks. The pressure built against my hole and I wished I'd opened it up with a dildo this morning.

I saw stars as he finally slid into me. My breath stopped and every muscle in my body tense as his burning cock tore me open.

"Fuck." His hot breath grazed my ear, my spine arching as more of his cock found its way into me, endlessly pushing me open. "Such a hot little cunt." I pushed back, eager to feel all of him inside of me, praying that my body would adjust when he finally filled me completely.

It took too long but soon I was thrusting back, my hole wet and stretched, his manhood hitting me everywhere I needed it to.

His rough, broad hands roamed up my chest under my sweat-drenched shirt, yanking at my nipples. The sound of his heavy nuts filled the room, slapping against mine, his load building inside them as I worked to earn it.

"Give it to me!" I panted as he fingers twisted sharply. My backward thrusts were desperate, hungry and fast as his mouth latched onto my neck. I felt his teeth graze against my skin and my eyes rolled back in my head.

His fingers abandoned my nipples, his hands roaming my chest and his arms tightening around me. He held me close as his thrusts became sharp and erratic. I felt his sweat through my shirt, mixing with my own as his mouth left my neck.

"Fucking take it all you little bitch." His cock expanded as he flooded me with his daddy load. My own cock throbbed, squeezed between layers of fabric, as he ground his hips against my ass. His breathing slowly returned to normal and he pulled out of me.

I stared at the faded faded, dark with drops of my sweat, lost in my thoughts as I heard a click. My phone. He drops it next to me and pulls his clothes back on.

I don't think we said a word to each other as I put my phone in my pocket and pulled my shorts back over my ass, positioning my cock to try and hide it as I left his family's home.

I made it back home and I pulled my clothes off. Looking at myself in the mirror again I see dried sweat, flushed skin and an angry red cock that needs desperate attention. I unlock my phone to look at the clip and see the picture he took at the end.

My ass has clearly been used. Open and pink with a trail of cum dripping down towards my nuts, I grip my free hand around my cock and I upload it to the blog, taking a moment to look at some of the other pictures that were already there.

I upload the video from John's house and I shower, resisting the urge to bring myself over the edge, before I reply to Will.

Happy? I ask him.

Finally. Is his reply. Good boy.

That night I pin Matt to the bed, devouring his fat cock until he cums down my throat, then after I let him rest long enough to become hard again I push his legs up and force my cock into his smooth hole.

The next couple of days pass without incident but I've given up on the illusion of self control and on Friday I got up earlier than normal. Matt hasn't even been out of the house for five minutes when I've thrown on a sweatshirt and jeans, heading across town to the cruising spot that Will had whored me out in.

"It's a bit early." The guy behind the counter says to me as he takes my money. "I don't think there's too many in there yet." He sounds apologetic.

"I'll try my luck." I smile and walk in, doing the rounds but only seeing one other guy face down in a room. He looked well built, his smooth black skin exposed to the air, his bubble butt straining against the straps of his dirty white jockstrap. It looked delicious but I needed cock.

Twenty minutes later and I'm on a stool in the lounge area, my elbow resting on the counter as I eye up some of the drinks and snacks they've got on display. The guy working there walks up and leans behind the counter.

"Reckon it'll pick up a bit?" I ask, looking him up and down. He's probably in his 50s, shaved head but a thick grey beard. Dark framed glasses and thick silver earrings complete the look.

"Probably, but it might take an hour or two." He shrugs a bit, his attention divided between me and the local morning entertainment on the TV.

"Damn. Hopefully I get a nice fat cock somewhere along the way." I lick my lips as he makes eye contact with me, before his eyes flash to the other side of the counter where newcomers would walk up to.

He chuckled. "Got a bit of a need?" He asked as his eyes returned to mine. His left hand moved from on top of the counter and I wished I could see it squeezing his crotch.

"I've got a big need." I replied, my own cock untouched but fully hard. His right hand joined his second, working on his cock as he smirked and stepped to the side of the counter where he could walk through to the lounge.

He stood there fully clothed except, proudly, for his fat cock which jutted out in front of him. I was about 6.5 inches, cut, and beautifully thick. I fell to my knees and took in the sight. His nuts hung low, a thick steel band weighing them down, a bead of clear liquid growing at the tip of his cock.

I reverently brought my hand up and gripped his warmth to squeeze it, gasping lightly as the bead of precum grew larger before it became to heavy and broke away. I opened my mouth and leaned forward, catching the sweet tangy liquid on my tongue before it fell too far, and then brought my head up to connect with his meat.

My eyes fluttered closed and he groaned as my lips formed a seal around the head of his cock. My hand squeezed him tighter, hoping to get more of that nectar from him. His hand reached around the back of my head and pulled me forward, his cock probing the back of my mouth as it tried to push into my throat.

I hungrily sucked him to the root of his cock, groaning and losing myself as I picked up speed, guided by his firm grip. Then the club's bell chimed.

His cock noisily left my throat and he left his pants open as he walked to the other side. I couldn't see the window for new arrivals but they shared a laugh and a few words before the newcomer entered and the fat wet cock finally returned to my mouth.

"Ohh yeah, you really needed that." We quickly found our rhythm again, his hips pumping and my lips noisily working his pole. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt hands sliding my shorts down. I pulled myself off the hard cock in front of me and glance back in time to see the bottom from the other room spreading my cheeks apart and descending. I groan as his tongue swipes across my hole and I swallow the other man once more.

I push back as I feel his greying stubble brushing against my sensitive skin, his eager tongue drilling into my hole as his thumbs hold my ass open. The man fucking my face picks up speed and grabs the sides of my head, his hips thrusting wildly into me, his pace erratic until he yanks me off him and practically screams.

Massive, heavy blobs of cum land on my face. I look up at his panting chest, my mouth open and my tongue extended as he aims it across my cheeks and forehead, burst after burst of his hot salty cum landing onto me. I swallow what I managed to catch as the man behind me thrusts his tongue even deeper, lapping at my hungry hole, making me want to be filled. The first man walks back behind the counter, zipping his jeans up, and I pull my phone out.

I could barely focus as the greedy bottom behind me noisily devoured my ass but I pointed the camera at myself to capture the load on my face. I then shuffle forward, the bottom bringing himself upright, his eyes lighting up as he sees my face.

He's handsome. Older, probably in his 40s, with thick lips and tightly cropped hair. We're both still kneeling on the floor as his broad hand grips my waist and pulls me closer to him. His other hand dives between my cheeks and easily sinks into my wet fuckhole.

I grab his meaty ass as his pink tongue laps at my face, collecting the cum and kissing me between strokes, letting me share the taste with him. When he's finally satisfied that he's gotten every drop he can we make out there on the floor, out cocks grinding against one another, bodies pressed together and our hands exploring each other's asses. I can feel his is lubed up as my fingertips press against his hole.

"Fuck me?" He asks when we finally separate, his gruff voice low and filled with need. Before I could answer his lips crashed against mine again. My hands groped his ass again, roughly kneading it, and one found his nipple, twisting it brutally making him squirm against me.

"Fuck him." The man behind the counter said and I obeyed. Still on the floor in the lounge as the TV host droned on I turned him around, spitting onto my cock and smearing my saliva across my uncut 8.5 inches, and pushed it into the man in front of me who'd eagerly gotten onto all fours.

The bottom sighed as my cock slid into him effortlessly. His ass was burning hot, the muscles squeezing me, his wet hole accepting my length instantly. The man behind the counter reached down and gripped his cock again as he watched us, and my thrusts started picking up in intensity.

I slammed my cock into him, hard and fast, testing his limits and punishing him when he took it so well. I gripped his hips with one hand, the sound of my flesh filling the room punctuated by his groaning. Reaching across with my other hand I twisted his nipple again as sharp as possible and he whimpered for me.

"Good. Load him up." The man behind the counter pumped his hand as he watched us fuck for him.

"Yes. Please use me, make me leak." This man would normally look so masculine with his broad chest and the muscles rippling across his back, his torso shaped like a v before leading down to his beautiful bubble ass which bounced as he thrust back onto my stabbing hardness.

"Oh wow, yeah." The newcomer stepped right up in front of the bottom and fumbled with his pants to release his cock. I didn't even get to see it before the bottom had swallowed it up, moaning happily as his head started bobbing up and down. His body was moving faster, more wild against me, and I could feel my release building up.

I looked at the newcomer. His head rolled back as he enjoyed the mouth slurping away at his cock. He wasn't much to look at, probably 35 with a scratchy beard and a heavy belly. The bottom didn't care what he looked like, he was happily servicing him as my cock pounded away at his ass.

"I'm gonna cum. You ready for me?" The bottom enthusiastically moaned and began thrusting harder and faster, almost hurting me with his need. "Fuck yes. Here it comes!" I gripped him and held him still, thrusting and grinding as deep as possible as my cum filled his guts.

When my breathing had returned to normal I let my cock slip out of him, wet and slimy with my cum, and I looked at his now sloppy hole twitching as it struggled to close. As I slowly gathered myself he pulled his mouth off the newcomer's cock and I finally saw it. It was long, maybe 7.5 inches and uncut, hanging there heavy with spit.

I wondered how it would feel and if he could fuck me next before I realised I needed to go get ready for work. I watched as the larger man mounted the bottom who whined appreciatively when he filled the void I'd left.

Thanks for reading! I hope it was worth the wait. I've got a few ideas cooking up but feel free to drop me a line with any (constructive) criticism or if there's a particular encounter that got your juices flowing.

Messages from guys you have gotten off to this story are probably the highlight of writing. I promise it won't take as long for chapter 20!

Next: Chapter 21

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