His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Mar 17, 2018


Welcome! I'm probably going to take a couple of weeks off from this story to work on my other stories. There's encounters/Cum Bucket and adult-friends/I Blame His Boyfriend as well as my non-porn efforts.

I tried to squeeze a bit more into this chapter so there's a few things to come back to next time.

Let me know what you think and if you have a favourite guy to return to!

Also, donate to Nifty! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html is the page, every bit helps.

I fought against the moans building in my throat as Rory's hand gripped my hip and his fat, 11 inch dick squeezed itself into me. I braced my hands against the cubicle door, and he jerked and rocked, stretching my hole even more than it had been earlier in the day.

I shouldn't have sent him my face picture, but to my credit I followed it with a message saying that we couldn't do anything. Of course my resolve disintegrated when he messaged back telling me he was waiting in the toilet stall.

I leaned forward, opening myself up more for him, thrusting back what little amount I could and hoping there was nobody else to hear the light slapping of his heavy nuts as they tapped against me.

His free hand came up to the back of my neck and gripped hard, and the moan finally escaped my lips. Somebody else coughed in the bathroom but I didn't care, just enjoyed the way he filled me.

"Oh fuck, your hole is tight." He growled quietly behind me and his pace quickened, his thrust becoming insistent and hard against me. "I'm gonna cum." He held himself there and that massive cock throbbed as it unleashed his load into me.

He eventually withdrew himself, leaving the stall without saying a word. The cubicle door was still half open as I pulled my pants back on, trying to tidy myself as I left the stall.

Another man was washing his hands as I stepped up to the sinks. I tried to tidy myself up, but it was hard to hide how flushed my face was, and I could feel the stranger's eyes devouring my body. We both took too long to wash our hands and then I stumbled my way back to the party, downing one last drink for the road and making my way home with a load in my ass and an aching, abused hole. Rory didn't say another word to me.

My head spun as I showered and climbed into bed, spooning myself against Matt, my cock digging into his ass as I drifted off to sleep.

I woke late the next morning as Matt was leaving to work out. He kissed me and was out the door.

Guided by my hardness I let my hand drift between my legs, and I stroked my aching hole. It hurt, but the pressure against it made my cock bounce against my stomach.

I opened my phone and went to Trevor's blog, planning to watch the video of him fucking me again, but my eyes fell onto something posted just last night.

It was another video, this time with Trevor's rigid cock stretching pink lips. The blue eyes were half closed with lust and the blond hair was messy with sweat. It was my boyfriend so I clicked the play button and suddenly he was in motion, desperately cramming as much of that big black cock into his face as he could.

"Fuuuuck yeah, you like my tasty dick?" Trevor asked and Matt could only grunt, moving back and forth on Trevor's meat. Trevor pulled it out of his mouth. "I asked you a question." My hand found my own cock and started stroking slowly.

"Yes, Sir. I like your dick, Sir." Matt responded hastily. Without Trevor's cock taking up the screen I could see my boyfriend's hand furiously jerking his cock as his eyes stayed hungrily glued to the cock he'd just been sucking. "Please, give me more."

And Trevor did. This time he started fucking Matt's skull, mercilessly making him choke and splutter. I could swear I saw Matt's arm moving faster.

After about thirty more seconds Trevor stepped back again, this time filming up and down Matt's body.

"Show me that ass." Matt obeyed, clumsily turning around, pushing his head against the carpet and raising his ass towards the camera. Trevor swiped lube into his crack then coated his dick. He moved in close and pressed his cock against my boyfriend's ass. The flared head pushed forward, opening him up, and my cum exploded across my stomach. I stopped the video there and lay back to let my mind race through what's been happening.

Eventually I showered and had breakfast, playing some video games until Matt came back.

"Hey!" I paused the game as he came to kiss me, still covered in sweat. "Good workout?"

"Yeah, but I'm gonna feel it tomorrow! I need a shower." He went to our room and I followed, trying to decide if I was going to confront him about what I'd seen. As I entered the room he was throwing his shirt aside, then he hooked his thumbs into his waistband, pulling them down.

I stepped forward and pushed my face against him, my lips finding his, hungrily kissing him and pressing myself against his sweaty body. My hands went straight for his firm, round ass, squeezing and pulling it as my hard clothed cock ground against his naked wet flesh.

When we finally broke apart I turned him around, pushing him down onto all fours on our bed.

"But I'm all gross and sweaty--" He objected but I didn't care. I pulled his cheeks apart, opening his ass and tasting his hole, the sweaty musky taste of him filling my senses. I could feel his sweat coating my face as my tongue lapped up and down. I was lost in his flavour. "Ohhh fuck yes!" He moaned as I explored him.

I pushed my tongue into him and now I was sure that I was tasting somebody else there as well. I hungrily sucked on his hole, my lips locked onto him and my tongue pushing probing and trying to open him more.

"Please, just fuck me." Matt whined and I tore myself away, pulling my clothes off and lining my cock up with his ass. He was still tight as I pushed forward, but his ass swallowed my cock effortlessly. He let out a satisfied groan when he felt I had filled him completely. "Ohh yeah, this is what I need." Matt said, pulling forward and thrusting back onto me.

I gripped his shoulder with one hand and his hip with the other, bringing my left foot up onto the bed to slam harder into him. With this angle I could drive my cock deeper and he was moaning wildly. My hand shifted from his shoulder to the back of his neck and I squeezed.

"Oh fuck! Yes!" His hole spammed around me and I heard his cum splattering onto the sheets underneath him. I pulled my cock out just in time for my cock to explode against him. His gaping pink hole twitched, wet and sore, and my cum splattered across his ass cheeks, dripping into him. His fingers reached back and sought out all the cum they could find, pushing it into him.

We both showered and grabbed some lunch. Matt was halfway through a bit when his phone started ringing. He ignored it but they didn't stop trying, so he got up and answered it.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on. What happened?" He glanced at me and walked out of the room to continue the phone call. He came back a few minutes later, settling back into his chair with a somber expression. "That was Will. Tommy's flipped his shit." My stomach dropped.

"Is...he okay?" I asked, trying to pretend it had nothing to do with me yesterday.

"Sounds a bit rough. I've said he can come over for a while, apparently Tommy needs some space while he packs up." Matt replied and we finished our meal.

Will was there a short time later, hugging Matt for what felt like forever in the doorway. Then he came in, hugging me for an equally long time, his warm arms wrapping around me and his body burning against mine. I was rock hard. Matt shut the door and made us a cup of tea, Will and I settling onto the couch and we started flicking through the movie options.

It was weird to see that he had been crying. I curled up against the couch's arm on one side of him, Matt sitting on the other side when he arrived with the tea. We settled in for a light comedy, a blanket on top of us all. Will's head settled onto Matt's shoulder and I almost jumped when I suddenly felt his hand exploring my ass. I shifted to give him more access and his hand slipped into my shorts, caressing my flesh and slowly stroking me as his fingers drifted deeper between the cleft of my ass.

I caught myself start to moan as his finger pushed gently against my hole and I coughed to mask the sound, steeling myself to act normal. He pulled away and rolled my shorts down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw his hand reach up to his face. I tried to focus on the movie as his hand slid back under the blanket.

His finger was now wet as it found my hole and pushed its way into me firmly. Will's head still rested against my boyfriend's shoulder and we all stared ahead at the TV as Will began fucking me with his finger, smoothly and steadily. I shifted my hips to make it as easy as possible for him to add the second finger. He leisurely took his time, toying with my hole for the next half hour until the movie finished.

Matt stood up and collected our cups to take them into the kitchen as the credits started, and Will immediately gripped my neck and pulled my mouth to his. His two fingers ground themselves into me, his knuckles pressing against my flesh, as his tongue swirled against my tongue. He pulled his fingers out of me and moved his mouth away from mine, gripping my hand and pulling it into his lap. He'd already pushed his sweatpants down and I found his bare flesh, wet and sticky with his precum.

Matt came back and I tried to pull my hand away but his grip on my wrist was like iron. Will's foot now rested on the edge of the couch, pushing the blanket up to give him space without Matt seeing the movement underneath. We just browsed YouTube for a while as I gave in and gently stroked Will's cock on the couch next to my boyfriend.

After a few minutes Will started using his hold on my wrist to set the pace, moving my hand faster and firmer up his length, and then I was shocked as I felt his whole body shift and tense as his cum splashed onto my hand. A movie trailer finished and Matt was up again, off to take a piss. Will pushed the blanket off us.

I looked at his still half-hard dick, massive and wet, and I brought my hand up covered in his seed. My eyes met his and my tongue darted out, collecting every drop I could. He reached up and pulled my head down, and I enveloped him, sucking his cock clean of every drop of his seed I could find. He let me go and pulled his shorts up, then the blanket was back on our laps by the time Matt returned.

Ludicrously enough the rest of the day went normally. Will was calm and collected, if a bit somber at times, and we had dinner and played some Mario Kart. Dan was staying with his girlfriend Lucy so Will was able to sleep on his bed, but by the time I woke up he had gone back to his place.

It took me a couple of minutes to realise I was disappointed.

I sat there on my own for a good several minutes, trying to determine what I needed to do. Clearly Matt has been fucking around without me, and I think I was okay with that. If he was doing something like that, then I could too, and I wouldn't be too torn about not talking about it with him.

I opened Grindr and looked through my history, stopping when I saw the messages between myself and John, the married middle eastern man from down the street. It said he was online, and my hole twitched as I remembered the way his nine inch dick felt.

Two messages and 20 minutes later and his jogging clothes were on the floor next to my bed as I looked at that thick cock. His wedding ring shone on his hand as he gripped it, and the cock ring held tight around his member. I leaned forward and worshipped him with my mouth.

Sucking and licking and stroking I worked my way up and down his length, enjoying the silky, salty flesh, feeling the veins running across him and swallowing every drop of precum that oozed from the dark tip. I moved down and trapped his balls in my mouth, tightening my lips and pulling away, making him groan as they were stretched away from his body. I felt his legs shift and I released his nuts, watching him lie back and pulling his knees up to his chest.

He presented his furry puckered hole to me and I pressed my nose against him and took in his scent. My cock throbbed, untouched and leaking onto the carpet beneath me as my tongue darted out to graze against him. I circled around his entrance and then built the movement up, lapping at his masculine smell and tasting his most private place. His hand stroked my hair and he lowered his legs again.

I rested back on my haunches and gazed up at him as he sat back up. His thick, beautiful lips were curled into a smug smile.

"Such a skilled mouth, but it's time for your whore cunt." He spit into his hand and ran it across his cock, making it just a bit wetter, then he lay back on the bed I shared with my boyfriend.

I climbed up and straddled him, positioning his cock at my entrance, and I let my weight press myself down onto him. It didn't take long until he was all the way inside me, holding my hips as I ground my ass from side to side, feeling him stretch me in just the right way.

He just lay back and let me ride him, my own dick bouncing as I thrust myself up and down on his thick manhood. He groaned worldlessly as I picked the pace up, grunting every time I felt him hit the deepest spot within me.

"Do you want my cream?" He asked me and moved his hands up my torso, stroking across my stomach and resting on my pecs, his fingers twisting my nipples. "I'm going to fill you."

"Yes. Yes, please, give it to me." My eyes were locked onto his as I drove myself up and down his cock increasing the force as every nerve in my body felt like it was on fire. I reached in front of me and barely grazed my own dick when it sprayed my thick load onto John's stomach.

He screamed and drove his cock up, and I felt his hot load spreading through me, filling me perfectly.

John left and I took my time in the shower, trying to count the amount of cocks that had been inside me this weekend. My hunger seemed to have taken hold of every part of my life now, and I needed to find a way to either control it or just make sure it wouldn't destroy everything I had.

The good news was Rory seemed to act completely normal at work, ignoring the fact that his massive dick had been rearranging my insides just a couple of days before. That lasted most of the week, as well. Of course, Thursday afternoon I got an email from him.

"Lunch break at 4.30. Level 3." It was short, sweet and didn't give anything away. I didn't respond but I would see him there.

Next: Chapter 19

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