His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Mar 16, 2018


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Feedback is appreciated. Sorry about any typos, I've been insanely busy with work, so I've chipped away at this one as I get the chance.

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"Breed me!" I yell in the video clip as the fat cock stretches my hole obscenely. "Fill my hole!"

Watching myself on my phone I tug on the butt plug, pulling it out to the widest point and letting it sink back into me. I still can't believe nobody's recognized my voice in the month since Trevor filmed himself using me, the video's got thousands of notes attached to it.

My hand flew up and down my cock furiously, like it has daily since the encounter. Now that Dan is working and has a girlfriend I've been able to behave myself, not sleeping with anybody but Matt since the encounter with Trevor. I'll admit, I miss that sensation of being full, but with the house to ourselves most of the time I can at least pound a load into Matt when things are getting to be a bit too much.

"You like that big black dick, boy?" Trevor asked as he withdrew it from me. "You like the way it makes that pussy feel?" The camera came in close to see the way my hole convulsed, trying to close after suddenly being abandoned. I felt my ass twitch around the plug in sympathy.

"Fuck yes, I love it." I moaned breathily. "Please...more." I pleaded. The camera changed angles and his handsome face came into view, thick lips parted and his pink tongue jutting out as his mouth swoops in to collide with my ass. I moaned and yelled as his tongue wasted no time circling and probing and tasting me.

He groaned and lapped broadly at my ass, up and down and up again, before pulling himself back upright and slamming his cock into me before I could comprehend what he was doing.

My cock exploded in the real world as I pushed the plug hard against my ass, cum splashing across my chest and stomach. When my thoughts returned I shut the video off and pulled myself out of bed to tidy up and shower.

When I returned to my bedroom I saw there was a message waiting for me from Matt. "Hey babe. There's a show I wanna check out at the art gallery. Will sounds keen." I opened the accompanying link and saw it was photos and art centred around rock music, and it looked pretty good so I replied with "sure."

I might have mentioned that I was behaving myself and not sleeping with anybody else, but I guess that depends on your definitions. I still jumped on Grindr a couple of times a week to just check out who was around and swap pictures.

A few guys have wanted to meet even though my profile is completely blank, but I usually just ignore them. There were a couple of guys who I'd still swap pictures with every now and again though who didn't seem to.mind, and I could see a couple messages waiting from him.

"Young hung fun" was his name, and he was probably too young for me to actually hook up with at 18, but he seemed like a good type of guy. A filthy fucker, but a good type of guy.

Wed chatted about some experiences and fantasies, and I'll admit he intrigued me. We'd swapped torso pictures so far and my last message to him was a vague "any other pics?"

He really came through, and I couldn't believe it. Attached to that ridiculously smooth, toned torso, was a monstrous dick. He said it was 11 inches and I finally believed him. Circumcised with an angry red head and lightly trimmed pubes, I was suddenly achingly aware of how empty my hole was.

The real kicker was the second picture. His smooth torso was in a leather harness, bulldog style with straps framing his admittedly broad shoulders. Above that was his face. Large blue eyes, a broad smile, floppy brown hair and a face I'd seen in the office every day for the past few months since he'd been promoted into my team. It was Rory, the hipster twink whose ass always seemed to bulge in his pants. I hadn't really noticed any sizable mound in the front, but I knew I'd be looking now.

"What about you?" Was the third message. What about me? I couldn't really share my face now. I needed to block him and bury those thoughts. Instead I stared at that beautiful big dick and sent off a picture I'd taken after a morning of abusing my hole. Nothing could identify me in the picture, but I still felt uneasy, closing the app before he could come back and ask to see my face.

The rest of the week was a blur. My head was buried in reports and completing an exit interview for a member of my team who'd decided to move halfway across the country, and when I looked up my eyes would lock onto his tight jeans trying to make out the behemoth within. I'm pretty sure he caught me a couple of times, so I would just snap my head back down to work.

Soon enough it was Saturday and we were meeting up with Will and Tommy at the gallery. Everybody acted fine, like they hadn't all fucked a load into me, and it was a good morning wandering around seeing some of the different pictures.

At some point I found myself gazing at a photograph that once graced the cover of a magazine in a section dedicated to the 90s. This particular room was pretty quiet, there were a couple of people milling around, but I'd found myself on my own. At least, until Will stepped up to me, cupping my ass with his hand.

"It's been too long." He said, as his hand freely roamed across my cheek.

"I'm behaving myself." I replied, shifting away from him slightly. But not enough so that his hand would leave me.

"How about you behave like you're my hungry little slut?" He stepped behind me and pressed himself against my ass. I pushed back without meaning to, and his hand drifted under my shirt, stroking the side of my torso until his fingers found my nipple to twist it gently.

"I really shouldn't." I stepped away and tried to ignore how my cock was as hard as it ever was as I moved on to another set of pictures.

"There you are." Matt's voice carried to me moments later and I was so damn grateful I hadn't lingered even though I wanted to. "I'm feeling a bit like a migraine's coming on. Do you mind if I head off?" He did look a bit pale and shaky as he stood in front of me.

"Of course. Let's go." I reached up to stroke his arm and he smiled weakly.

"No. You stay and enjoy yourself, I'd be terrible company. I'm just going to find some water and a dark room." He kissed my cheek. "You haven't even had lunch. Take your time."

And with that he was gone and I was left in the gallery to fill up my day. I wandered around trying to find Will and Tommy, rounding the corner into an area filled with blown up pictures from a single photographer who'd been involved with the music industry for decades. I took in some of the pictures from different eras as I came up behind Tommy, my eyes locking onto Will as I realised he was being talked at.

"You're fucking kidding me. We've talked about this, not at our place." He seemed to realise that Will was looking behind him. "Oh." Tommy said, eyeing me up and down. "I'll see you at home." He said behind him and stalked off.

"Everything okay?" I asked Will who looked uncharacteristically thrown by the encounter.

"Yeah. He's fine." He said, collecting himself pretty quickly. "Not a huge fan of you to be honest. Let's go fuck."

"Probably not the best idea," I replied as he drew in closer to me. "Maybe we should just go grab something to drink."

"Maybe you should just drink my cum." He replied, his hands deftly popping his button fly open and allowing his cock to flop out. Of course he was going commando.

I'd forgotten how beautiful it was. Hanging down and probably about 5 thick inches my mouth was suddenly full of saliva. I wanted to drop to my knees, and I think I even considered it as I looked around the room, taking note of the others there. Nobody was really looking our way.

When I looked back at him he was buttoning himself back up and my resolve had dissolved.

We left shortly afterwards, making our way a couple of blocks over. Barely anything was said as I followed him down a side street I'd never really gone down, and then found myself entering a door after him and heading up a narrow staircase. When I joined him on the second level he was paying a man behind a small counter, and the door next to him audibly clicked.

"I've paid for both of us." Will said as he walked through the door. I made out a poster for safe sex awareness and a price list on the wall as I slid in behind him. The lighting was low and the place was dingy, and as I started to make out the posters showing men in harnesses with their hard cocks jutting out I realised we were in some kind of cruise club.

Once we were clear of the door Will stopped, turning to face me, and our lips finally met. One of his hands cupped my ass, the other gripped the back of my neck as his lips forcefully mashed against mine, his tongue parting my lips and forcing itself into my mouth to stroke my tongue.

As his hand roughly kneaded my ass cheek, he pulled my crotch against his, grinding himself against me. After what felt like an eternity the kiss was broken. He took my hand and we walked further in, down a dark hallway into an open room lined with couches and chairs, all facing a huge TV. The room was filled with the sound of slurping as two muscle bears went to town on each other in the video.

My eyes hadn't adjusted, but I could make out a couple of guys sitting next to each other. From what I could see they were stroking each other's cocks, but I couldn''t determine much more than that. There was second else on his own a bit further than them.

When I glanced back at will he'd fished his own cock out of his pants and it was standing at a full 10 thick uncut inches. I had a moment's pang of fear and hesitation before I dropped to my knees in that open room and swallowed as much as I could. It really had been a while, I found myself gagging gently after about 7 inches. He strokes my hair as I gripped his thighs and pushed myself further down onto his length.

Soon enough I was sucking him in to the root, moaning and savouring the taste of his precum. My eyes were shut in bliss, and when he pulled away I leaned forward, wanting more. They started to open as I felt a cock pushing back into my mouth, and I realised it was somebody else.

I looked up to see a hairy, solid torso as the stranger's cock hit the back of my throat. He gripped the sides of my head and built up a swift rhythm, fucking my face instead of letting me enjoy his meat. My cock throbbed, untouched.

Will's body pressed against mine as he knelt behind me, his arms wrapping around me. His teeth grazed my neck and then he pulled my shirt up, forcing me to pull away from the stranger's cock. The moment it was off my head flew forward to swallow him again and he resumed his pace. Then Will's hands undid my pants, sliding them down my thighs, freeing my cock.

His hands then roamed my naked torso as his cock slid between my cheeks. He pumped it against me, the flesh rubbing against my hole and setting me on fire. He continued like that for a few minutes before pulling back and spitting onto his hand. I leaned forward slightly, bracing myself for what was coming as I tried to use my tongue on the cock assaulting my throat.

My body tensed as the wet head pushed against my opening. Will pulled my cheeks apart, pressing against me painfully until it finally popped past my entrance. He held himself there for a moment as my body adjusted to the intrusion, and then he continued on.

"Oh, fuck!" The stranger in my mouth exclaimed as Will started steadily fucking his cock into me. It didn't take long for him to pull back, his cum squirting onto my tongue, flooding my senses and dribbling down my tender throat. He pulled out and walked away.

"You like his cum, slut?" Will asked before stroking his tongue across my ear, his pounding picking up speed.

"Nnnnyes, I like it." I groan as I enjoy the way his cock opens me up after so long. Why wasn't I letting myself do this for the last month? I clearly needed it. I swallow the last of the cum as somebody else steps in front of me.

My eyes have adjusted now, so I can at least see this stranger as he fishes out his cock. He looks like he's in decent shape. Probably in his 50s though, with a shaved head and a beard. His dick looks like it's about 8 inches long and I open my mouth as he steps forward.

Will varies his rhythm, pounding me mercilessly for a minute then slowly easing himself in and out, making me feel every agonising inch of his brutal fuckstick. He's slamming himself into me when the older man pulls his cock out of my mouth, leaving a trail of precum on my tongue and steps aside. I'm confused for a moment until another man takes his place.

I don't bother looking at him, I just glance at his seven cut brown inches and lean forward to swallow it. He groans appreciatively as I wrap my tongue around the head and twist my head slightly, pulling my lips along his hard flesh.

Will eases himself out of my hole, but before I can pull away from the cock in my mouth, it feels like the older man has taken his place. His head is slightly more flared, and I feel him sink into me. Will steps next to the man I'm sucking and I pull off, sucking Will's cock in, tasting myself on him for the next couple of minutes.

The man fucking me doesn't last long. I returned to sucking the stranger while the cock grinding into my ass holds itself there, the man grunting. I feel my hole start to leak as he pulls out of me. The man fucking my face pulls away and I groan in frustration. He takes his place behind me, effortlessly sinking into my used hole and finding his own rhythm.

I poke my tongue out and open my mouth wide as Will moves back in front of me, other men circling us in my peripheral vision. He grips the top of my head and holds himself too far for me to taste, and in no time at all he's shooting his load, aiming it across my face and into my hair. I've closed my eyes to avoid getting his cum in them, but I flinch when I see the flash behind my eyelids.

By the time I've made sure my eyes are clear of cum somebody else has stepped in front of me, ready for servicing, and Will is nowhere to be seen. I eagerly suck the new cock and feel the one slamming into me from behind explode, then he withdraws and is replaced by another faceless fucker.

I don't know how long it took or how many cocks I'd drained, but eventually I was left alone in the video room to pull myself to my feet. No sooner had I don't so, grasping at my scattered clothes, when Will stepped up to me from a nearby seat I hadn't seen him in, gripping my wrist and dragging me away.

I stumbled behind him, sore, naked and marked with cum, and let him push me into a small dark room with mirrors against one wall, and a bed pressed against that. He pushed me forward so I climbed onto the bed, looking at my own sweaty, cum stained face in the mirror, my ass raised behind me.

And then he feasted. Licking and slurping, probing me with his tongue, it was probably a good ten minutes before his mouth left my gaping hole. My own cock jumped and leaked against my belly, and I moaned mindlessly as he nibbled and sucked my tender opening.

When he did finally leave my hole I leaned forward, looking at his bare torso as he stood behind me, gripping my hips and positioning himself. He slammed himself into me once more. This time it was ceaseless and swift, he didn't slow or relent until just a couple of minutes later he was screaming, his cock throbbing and releasing his final load deep into my aching guts.

It was enough time for my own cock to paint the vinyl mattress with my cum.

We pulled ourselves together a few minutes later, cleaning his cum from my face and pulling our clothes on. I checked my phone to see a couple of missed messages. The first was Matt, saying he was starting to feel a bit better, asking if I could bring ice cream home with me. I said sure.

The second was Megan, the star of my team at work, reminding me that she was leaving us to go get married and live somewhere rural with her man. I'd completely forgotten the drinks were tonight.

"Fuck, I needed that." Will leaned in and pressed our bodies together, letting his expert tongue gently caress my own. "Let's not wait as long for next time."

I could only blush as I felt my hole throb, trying to keep his last load inside of me. We went our separate ways, I grabbed ice cream, and had a relaxing afternoon with Matt. He still wasn't feeling 100 percent so stayed at home and I headed to the small local bar for Megan's goodbye.

It was a good evening, though it's a bit awkward being the boss for half of the people there. I even managed to avoid staring too much at Rory's jeans after realizing they were sinfully tight. He didn't seem to be wearing underwear for once.

The problem came when I found myself in a quiet corner, nursing another beer, slightly tipsy from the several I'd had already. My asshole still ached from the beating it had taken, but this just made me more intensely aware of it and the thought crossed my mind that I could find somebody to helping. So I opened Grindr once more.

The only message was from Rory. "Fuck! I wanna eat that tasty pussy. Got a face? Do you host?" I knew he wouldn't host because he was living with his high school boyfriend, and they made a ridiculously cute pairing that had the girls in the office swoon every time they were together.

I scanned the guys close by, and I could see he was still online. Nobody else really caught my eye and I was about to close it when another message came through.

This time Rory's massive dick was resting on his toned stomach, which was splattered with cum. "You're close."

My cock twitched again. I was close.

Next: Chapter 18

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