His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Feb 28, 2018


Hey fellas! Welcome back.

In case you can't tell I'm having fun with this story at the moment, I hope you are too. Any feedback is appreciated.

Obviously it's a fantasy world. If you fuck, have fun but make it safe. And that's emotionally as well as physically.

Please donate to Nifty! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html is the page, every bit helps.

I'll be taking a couple of weeks off soon to work on my other story, but I might need to get another chapter out of this one first.

Elliot eventually pulled his cock out of my boyfriend's mouth, Matt leaning forward without thinking to try and keep it in him, causing his ass to rub against my hard cock nestled between his cheeks.

Elliot stepped slightly to the side, angling himself to sink his cock into my mouth, and I closed my eyes and sucked him in deep. Matt turned slightly, his body still mostly pressed against my own, and brought his lips to the base of Elliot's cock.

I pulled back and let it pop out of my mouth and sucked the side of his shift, Matt doing likewise on the other side, running my mouth across him, encountering Matt's tongue and lips as he noisily did the same.

Our mouth met at the head of his cock and we made out, our tongues batting to catch every sweet droplet of precum that leaked out. Elliot just moaned and enjoyed us as we hungrily fought over his cock, a hand on each of our heads.

Matt started moaning as he started pumping his hips,rubbing his hot little hole against my rigid shaft. We slurped and licked and groaned as we made out over Elliot's cock until he pulled away, and then we were left kneeling on the floor, our mouths mashing against one another still.

And then Elliot was behind me. He spat and pressed his wet cock against my hole, pushing gently but not enough to enter me, and reached around to position my cock. He rubbed lube across my hard member and guided me into my boyfriend as he lightly rocked his hips to rub his wet cock head against my entrance.

Matt gasped and groaned as I slid into his hole, letting himself drop onto his elbows, pushing his ass out to let me slide all the way into him. Elliot's warm body covered me from behind, and as I started thrusting gently into my boyfriend his cock rubbed against me, the head just barely opening my hole, but not giving me the satisfaction of popping into me yet.

I started thrusting back to try and get his cock into me, but he just chuckled and moved so that his cock was agonizingly close instead. Meanwhile, Matt was mindlessly fucking himself on my cock to his own frantic rhythm, lost in a haze of lust.

Elliot pulled away and pushed me to the side. My election throbbed and bounced free from Matt's ass and I moved to see them in profile. Elliot shuffled forward, his cock buried instantly to the hilt, and Matt moaned.

Matt arched back and twisted to kiss Elliot in front of me, and my own cock throbbed painfully, leaking without being touched. Elliot starting slamming himself into Matt, who practically screamed at the sudden pace and let his head fall forward to touch the carpet, loudly groaning every time Elliot filled him.

Elliot gripped Matt's round ass, spreading his cheeks wide, and lifted one of his knees to plant a foot on the ground and use the leverage to get just a bit deeper into my boyfriend.

I watched, mindlessly, my throbbing cock jutting upwards as I knelt there on the floor. It was probably only five minutes later when Elliot, coated in sweat, pulled his cock free.

"C'mere." He said and I shuffled forward. He planted his hand behind his head, exposing the dark wet matted hair of his armpit. I glanced down at my boyfriend to see his hand reaching up from between his legs to stuff two fingers into his gaping, newly neglected hole.

I planted my face into Elliot's pit, rubbing his potent sweat all over my face, my tongue lapping at the salty mix of hair and skin, lost in his power. At some point he pulled my face away and, still gripping the back of my neck, he pushed me down to Matt's wet hole.

"Eat it." Matt finally pulled his fingers away, presenting himself to my hungry eyes. I thrust my tongue straight into him and my eyes shut blissfully, sucking and working his ass, using my lips and tongue to try and force my face into him.

I heard a bottle cap open and close and then Elliot's lubed cock was against my hole again. This time he pushed more forcefully, almost finally opening me up properly, and then he pulled back.

"What do you want?" He asked from behind me as he pulled back slightly. I could feel the heat from his cock but it was painfully absent.

"You." I said, muffled as I could barely tear myself away from Matt. "Fuck me." His cock grazed against my hole again. "Please, fuck me!" I begged him.

And then he did.

I braced myself on Matt, my mouth forgetting to move as Elliot began thrusting himself into me sharply. I moaned against my boyfriend's hole as Elliot's cock opened me perfectly.

His balls slapped against mine as I began licking Matt's ass more furiously.

"Kneel next to this little cock whore." Elliot commanded, and Matt quickly moved next to me. "Now kiss." Our mouths met and gently our lips pressed against each other. Elliot pulled out of me and then Matt's body started rocking as he began to get fucked, his lips parting and tongue lapping against mine.

Weade out like that for a while, Elliot taking his time alternating between our asses.

"Fucking hell this is good. A hungry pair of slots is just what I needed." As his cock slammed into me again he reached down to my cock, rubbing his fingers against my head, covered them into my precum which was flowing madly.

He then brought them to Matt's face. I watched as he pulled away from me and wrapped his lips around Elliot's fingers, his eyes half closed, his lips pink and swollen, with spit and precum now smeared across his face. When Elliot pulled his hand away he brought it back to Matt's ass, making my boyfriend moan yet again in front of me.

We kissed again and Elliot moved back to Matt, fucked ng that huge cock back into him, now slipping three fingers easily into my ready hole. He wasted no time in pumping them hard and fast into me before suddenly pulling away.

"Get behind Caleb." He said, slapping Matt's pale ass. Matt obeyed and I leaned forward hoping he was going to fuck me, but all I felt were hands gripping my ass and pulling it open as Matt gasped and then Elliot's balls started slapping against him again.

I could hear rubbing and then, suddenly, I felt hot cum splashing against me. Soon the cock that was unloading behind me was pushed against my hole, the remaining bursts filling me.

Matt pulled away and Elliot was suddenly thrusting his cock into me again. I moaned as he quickly, brutally thrust, groaning as he started to breed me, his cum joining Matt's.

None of us made small talk as Elliot dressed again. Matt managed to pull himself together slightly and he saw him to the front door.

I moved over to the mirror, angling myself to catch a glimpse of my hole, gaping and battered with cum dripping down my round nuts. I quickly took a photo and threw my phone to the side as Matt returned to the room.

I hadn't cum and he wasted no time in pushing me forward and bringing his mouth to my hole, noisily sucking and licking, lapping his tongue across my nuts and taint to gather the cum there as well. He then wordlessly pushed me onto my back, straddling me and guiding my cock into him again, leaning forward to share the mixed loads with me through a kiss.

We rocked that way for too short a time, his hips grinding and shifting and thrusting against me until I pulled my lips away and thrust upwards, my cum filling him this time.

When we eventually disentangled ourselves we showered and fell asleep.

I woke up pretty slowly the next morning as Matt was getting up. I threw my pyjama pants on and joined him in the kitchen just as he was finishing coffee for both of us.

The black, bitter, beautiful liquid ran down my throat as I slowly woke up. Neither of us talked about our experience last night, but Matt straddled me in my chair, his soft lips parting against mine and our tongues twisting together for a couple of minutes before he announced he was going to go work out with David.

"He's suggested we all meet up for lunch afterwards, if you're up to that. I'll let you know when we're done with the gym?" He asked. I replied in the affirmative and he pulled himself off me, his lips touching mine one last time, and he left after stroking my blatant erection.

Left alone I opened my phone I was stuck thinking about our experience last night. It was unbelievably hot just how slutty Matt looked getting dicked, and even hotter being bred alongside him. I wondered briefly if he was being fucked by David on the side, and then I couldn't decide if that would bother me. After staring at my home screen for a while I looked at the picture I'd taken last night. My lightly furry ass was high in the air, my hole open between the cheeks, cum dribbling down my taint, dripping off my balls.

I sent it to Trevor and sipped my coffee. A couple of minutes later I checked and he'd seen it but not responded. I sipped my coffee again and opened Grindr for the first time in weeks, deciding I might just see if somebody was around to help me scratch that itch while Dan was out of the house as well.

There were a couple of messages sitting there waiting. I opened the first one and was met with the sight of an immense cut cock. My legs parted unconsciously and I was suddenly intensely aware of a twitch deep in my ass as I studied it. The hand gripping it was dwarfed, the fingers nowhere near meeting around the girth, and there was a clear drop of fluid collected on the tip. I knew it wouldn't fit in my mouth but I was ready to try and sit on it. Checking the profile, his name was "9 thick inches" and I wanted it. But he looked offline.

I fired off the picture of myself being fucked and checked the other messages but there was nothing anywhere near as interesting. Just as I was about to check who was online and nearby, a message came in from Trevor. It was a link.

It led me to a post on Tumblr, and my stomach sank. The first one was the screenshot of my torso from Grindr, with everything above my lips cropped off. The others showed my ass, fingers stuffed in it and cum dripping out, along with a picture I'd sent off cum dripping from my lips onto my chest. And it ended with the picture I'd just taken last night.

My hardon had died down as I tried to determine if I could be recognised, studying the pictures of myself that I'd stupidly sent to him. Then I read the text at the bottom of the post.

"If you guys like this I've got a clip of me fucking this cock hungry slut. Like and share and you might get it this week." I shot him a text immediately.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, not waiting for a response before following up. "You can't share that video, it's got my face in it."

"You didn't like it? We'll have to record a new one then." He replied soon after. "Maybe we'll do a couple of takes, make sure we get it right. I'm gonna show off that pussy of yours."

I won't lie, my cock had grown again as I thought about his dick sliding back into me.

"Fine. You'll show me the video first, and there can be nothing that identifies me." I sent and then opened the page back up, making sure there was nothing that'd make it obvious if somebody stumbled upon his page. I opened up the rest of his page to see what else he'd been posting, ignoring the text banner that read "Whatever you say, Cae."

Most of the posts were reblogs from other pages, or pictures of that beautiful cock. It didn't take long for me to have fished my own dick out of my pyjama pants, stroking it lazily as I dove further into his post history. A few minutes later I stopped as I recognised my bedroom mirror in a video.

I'd seen the ass in front of it so many times, tasting and fucking it whenever he'd let me. It was Matt's ass, framed by the same jockstrap he'd worn while being fucked the night before by Elliot. And between those thick pale cheeks, his fingers slide in and out, stretching the hole as they pumped themselves into him. Clicking the video to enlarge it, the sound suddenly kicked in and I was shocked to hear my boyfriend begging.

"I want that big black dick of yours. Please fuck me, open me up and give me your load." His voice was low and throaty, and if I hadn't heard him say similar things to me I never would have recognised it. But I had. Suddenly he whined loudly and buried three fingers up to the knuckles, as deep as they'd go, and his thick cock spewed cum onto the carpet below him.

The video looped back to the beginning, the cum disappearing and the fingers just starting to fuck him again. I scrolled past it and hunted, ignoring the pictures of Trevor's cock and only pausing at his other conquests, not finding any other trace of Matt for the next few minutes. I'd forgotten about my cock, my hand abandoning it but it still throbbed, as hard as it had ever been.

My head was spinning so I showered and forced myself to find a video game to focus on for a while, forgetting about the real world until a message came through from Matt.

"Hey! David's done making me hurt so we're going to head to their place for a BBQ. Grab some beers and come over." After wondering just how David had been making Matt hurt, I ignored my sudden hardness and threw real clothes on, heading off to the store and then Dave and Frank's house. I knocked, and Francisco answer.

"Caleeeeb." He drew my name out for far too long, a grin growing across his face, his arms raising to pull me into a hug. His arms wrapped around me and our bodies pressed entirely against each other. He moved his face towards mine, our lips pressing against one another for a few seconds before he pulled back. "Come, come."

I followed him into the house and then out to the back, where I had shamelessly been used by him and their friends. David and Matt were still in their gym gear, standing under the shade of a huge tree on their land. I stepped up and kissed Matt, catching the scent of sweat on him.

"I'll get the BBQ on soon, but we were thinking of having a splash first." David smiled at me, waving away my concerns that I didn't bring my swimsuit. "I'm sure I have something you can wear if you need to wear anything." Matt laughed at that, his arm wrapping around my waist.

We sipped beer with Francisco, just catching up on how lazy our respective mornings had been compared to David and Matt, as David went and grabbed the swimsuits. When he returned he was wearing something that left nothing to the imagination. White and soft, it bulged everywhere it needed to, the hefty cock making it bulge further down than it really needed to, the trim orange pubes flashed along with the base of his cock. My eyes were fixated on it when he threw the material at us. Matt caught his but mine fell to the ground.

I bent and picked up a scrap of fabric, noticing Matt's gym shorts as they dropped to the ground next to me. I pulled myself upright and Matt slid the red swimsuit up his legs, while I toyed with the idea of hiding myself inside to change. But every man there knew what I had to offer so I gulped and slid my own pants down. As I pulled the blue swimwear up my legs I realised just how small it was.

The shiny material stretched around my cock and I knew they'd be able to see every line of my uncut cock, as well as the fact that it had started to inflate being shown off like this. The back was cut as a thong and it disappeared into my ass. Glancing at Matt I could see his was the exact same thong but in red.

"I can't be bothered getting anything." Francisco declared, and suddenly he was naked. He stepped into the pool, sinking into the water. I glanced once more at David's full package and then submerged myself, wondering just what was going to happen next.

Matt seemed a lot more comfortable being naked than he would have been a year ago and the image filled my mind once more of David's massive pale cock sliding into his beautiful ass.

Had they fucked?

Next: Chapter 16

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