His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Feb 25, 2018


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Thanks for the kind words so far. I'm going to try and change things a bit soon, but rest assured, Caleb's going to keep being a bit of a nasty cum whore. Play safe in real life though.


It didn't take long to build up a routine. Over the next couple of weeks I'd wake up and worship Dan meat until he'd give me a load, then I'd go to work and make it home for another domestic evening with Matt, pretending Dan was just my boyfriend's brother still.

Dan wasn't having much luck finding a job yet, so he'd be staying with us for a while longer, working my hole over each morning. Will even came and joined him once, they took turns riding me until I'd been filled with a load from each of them.

Luckily Matt seemed to be relaxing a bit. Maybe he realised Dan could be with us for a long time yet, because he'd started to initiate blowjobs late at night when we'd climbed into bed. It was a struggle to stay deathly quiet, but finally cumming into at least one of his holes again was a damn good start.

"I'm sorry we haven't really fucked in forever." He said one night, cum on his breath as he curled up against me. "But Dan's supposed to be out on a date tomorrow night."

"Ohh yeah? Reckon he'll be pretty late home?" I asked as my hand lazily stroked up the side of his body. He was definitely showing results from his workouts with David.

"He seems pretty confident about it. So I was thinking we could have a few drinks at Drive, then come back and you can fucking ruin me. Or..." He leaned up and pecked at my neck, the gentle touch causing a shiver to run up my spine. "We could find somebody there to strip down and drag home. It's been a while since we've had anybody else in our bed."

Other than your brother and your best friend? Yeah, it has. My breath caught for a moment as I processed his suggestion.

"I mean, it can be fun sometimes getting to play with a couple of cocks at once." He said quickly, probably trying to test how I might feel about his suggestion. I gripped him closer to me and ran my hand down to cup his round ass.

"That sounds good to me. And if we don't find anybody then we can just come home and fuck like rabbits." My cock had expanded again and I climbed down the bed, pushing him back and swallowing his fat cock. It was only a couple minutes of rhythmic, slow sucking before he flooded my mouth with his cum.

I barely stirred in the morning when Matt left, slipping straight back to sleep. When I woke it was because Dan was climbing on top of my naked body. I snapped awake as I felt his cock nestled between my cheeks and his weight on top of me.

He bit the side of my neck sharply for just a second, making me moan, and I arched my back to try and position his cock to enter me. He ran his tongue up my neck and gripped my hip with his hand.

Using his knee he spread my legs, making me lift my body onto my knees, my face still planted on the bed as I raised my ass higher into the air. He spat onto my ass and lined his cock up, the pressure of his cock onto my hole making my cock jerk. And then he pushed.

"Ohhhhhh fuck." I moaned and he pressed his cock into me, slowly and steadily opening me up again. It burned with the sudden entry and took an agonisingly long time until he was all the way into me.

As soon as I felt his hip bones against my ass he gripped me by the back of my neck, leaning his weight forward onto me, and ground himself against me. His cock pulsed and shifted from side to side. The burning shock gave way to satisfaction as I felt impossibly full.

And then he was slamming his cock into me, his weight pressing down onto my neck, my ass his to use. I could only moan and pant love it, until suddenly I was empty.

"Wait there." He pulled himself up and walked out of the room, leaving me empty and dazed, my ass still in the air. As my thoughts returned I realised there had been a knock on the door when he was inside me.

I was thinking about dragging myself upright again when they walked in the room. "Fuck yeah, you weren't lying." I wanted to look and see who the new guy was in my bedroom but Dan grabbed my head and stepped back in front of me. I got up to my hands and knees and then his long, heavy brown cock was suddenly in front of my face again, and I swallowed it to taste myself on him.

I felt the stranger on the bed behind me and then suddenly his cock head was pushing into me. I tried to pull back but Dan just gripped the back of my head and pushed his cock further down my throat. The man behind me was easing himself in and out, just an inch or two to start, then drifting deeper into me as he built up speed.

And then he was finally all the way inside of me. "Hot little ass, right?" Dan asked him, pumping his cock into my throat as I let him use me, trying to use my tongue and lips to help him.

"Holy shit, yes. And you've got this on tap?" Both men rammed their cocks into me as they talked, balls slapping against my ass.

"When my baby brother isn't here, yeah. He fucking loves it." He pulled himself from my throat. His cock was covered in spit, massive and hard, bobbing in front of my face. He sat down on the bed, leaning against the headboard. The man behind me gripped my hips and kept slamming me hard or I would have crawled up to swallow his cock again. "Come up this end, see how good his mouth his."

The cock abandoned my hole. Before I could turn back and look at him, Dan leaned forward and cupped my head.

"Climb up sit on this dick." He commanded and then leaned back. I glanced down at that thick ten inch cock, wet and hard, jutting up from his crotch and I obeyed.

I glanced back for just a moment to see the man who was fucking me. I definitely didn't mind. He looked like he could have been Spanish or Italian, with olive skin and broad shoulders, a stylised eagle tattooed on his upper stomach, the wings framing his pecs perfectly. He had a cursive name on one pec and a snake swirling across a shoulder.

I climbed forward and straddled Dan, looking down to his handsome face as I lowered myself onto him, stuffing his cock back into me. The other man stood on the bed where my boyfriend had been asleep barely more than an hour ago, and his cock was in my face.

It was thick. A bit longer than my own 8.5 inches, it was cut and curved slightly to the left. I leaned over and ran my tongue along him, tasting myself and wrapping my lips around the head of his cock. It leaked precum and he moaned, pushing his cock towards the back of my mouth.

As I lifted myself up I'd push myself further onto the stranger's cock, feeling it sink into my throat, and then as I'd slide back down onto Dan's dick I'd let my lips slide back across the cock in my mouth and swiping my tongue across the head. He started stroking his length with just the head in my mouth, his fist gliding up and down, meeting my lips on every stroke.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna cum soon." Dan moaned beneath me and I doubled my efforts, picking up speed as I slammed down onto his cock, trying to squeeze my ass muscles around his girth. And then he practically screamed. Lifting his hips to bury himself all the way into me his cock throbbed and swelled up within me, cum bursting into my guts.

The stranger pulled his cock out of my mouth and let his fist fly, and soon his load was splattering across my lips, my cheeks and my forehead, rope after rope of hot thick cum. I tried to catch some in my mouth but he was aiming everywhere else, painting my face with his creamy batter.

My own cock throbbed, forgotten, as I pulled myself off Dan. He rose up from the bed and ruffled my hair, leaving the room. The stranger wiped the cum off his hand onto my back and pulled his clothes on, and then I was left in my bed, cum on my face and in my aching hole.

My door was open and I could hear them chatting and laughing in the living room, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It didn't matter. I retrieved my phone and fired two photos off to Trevor. One, my tender hole that was still open, hot cum leaking from it. The other was a photo of the load on my face, my swollen lips parted slightly and my eyes half closed, my hair a mess with cum everywhere.

"It should be your loads." I sent straight after the photos.

"Soon. Keep practicing until then." Was his reply moments later. I lay back on the bed and stuffed two fingers into my wet hole, and let my other hand collect the cum from across my face, feeding myself with my fingers. Once I'd gathered all the cum I could I picked myself up and had a shower. Dan and his friend were sitting on the couch playing video games, and they didn't acknowledge me as I left for work.

The rest of the day went pretty normally. I worked and then I left to meet Matt at Drive Bar. As I walked in I noticed him with David and Frank at a table. Matt's eyes were close, David's pale hands on his shoulders, kneading the muscles thoroughly. Matt looked like he was in heaven.

"Matt here is a bit too tight after I worked him over." He winked at me as he said this, a grin appearing amidst his ginger stubble. Frank nursed his beer and Matt opened his eyes to smile at me.

"Babe. Hey." He stepped away from David and kissed me on the lips. "You want a drink?" I nodded, and he left for the bar. Frank moved in to hug me. His lips grazed my neck.

"You really need to come over one day." Francisco said, cupping my ass gently. "Maybe we can take turns on both of you." My cock twitched at the thought.

"That could be fun, but it might be just me. Matt's a good boy." I replied, as Matt started heading towards us with a beer in each hand.

"Of course he is." Francisco replied. We caught up for a few minutes while I worked on my first beer. Things we're light and friendly, but they drifted off when they saw somebody that David declared they were "going to fucking ruin."

That left just myself with Matt for a while, and we drank more, just relaxing with each other's company without having his brother with us. It was nice. And then somebody joined us.

"Wow, I didn't realise you guys knew each other." I looked over at the voice, seeing a handsome Asian man. He was a similar age to us, with long black hair and a fuller beard than last time I'd seen him.

"Elliot. Hey." Matt turned to greet him with a massive smile. "It's been a while, seen Will lately?" It had been a while, but I still couldn't believe I didn't recognise him straight away. Will's friend had helped me realise how much I really fucking needed more cock, and I felt my dick stirring as I remember the way his load felt splashing into me.

"Nah, not for a few weeks. I think Tommy's keeping him pretty drained. How've you been?" Elliot settled in with us for a few drinks and we chatted about things. His boyfriend was supposed to be in town the previous week but had to cancel because of work dramas, and I was getting the impression he was a bit pent up. Matt was at the bar buying another round.

"My balls are aching, you should help drain them." He ran his hand up my spine, and I wished it would move lower as I remembered the way he opened me up.

"I...would like that. Maybe if Matt feels up for it." It turned out they'd met just both hanging out with Will, and I remembered that for me, hanging out with Will inevitably devolved into being used shamelessly. In fact, any time I was with a man and got a whiff of cock lately I'd found myself getting stuffed full of it and used. My feelings were conflicted as I thought about what a good man I was with, and what I was doing to him, with his brother, his best friend, and too many other men.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the beers were planted in front of me by Matt. I gave him a peck on the cheek and announced I needed a piss.

As I walked back to the table I stopped in my tracks, witnessing Elliot pressing his body against Matt.

He leaned in and their lips just brushed against one another. Matt's eyes slid shut and his jaw tilted upwards, his mouth opening as the kiss deepened. Elliot's arm wrapped around his torso and their bodies pressed harder against one another.

After the moment of hesitation I walked up and planted their beers onto the table, taking a sip of mine, as they ground themselves against one another before pulling away.

Matt's eyes met mine then flickered down, his brows drawing together, his lips tightening as a blush spread across his cheeks. Elliot looked supremely satisfied.

"Um, hey. Thanks." Matt sipped his beer as he stammered the words out. "I was going to wait until you were back, but I was thinking, would you want to bring Elliot home? He was saying his boyfriend doesn't mind since they see each other so rarely." His eyes were finally able to meet mine after he'd gotten his words all out.

"That...could be fun. If Elliot is into that." I replied, and in response Elliot stepped up to me and brought his lips to mine.

"I'm into that." I he breathed as he came up for air. His hand slipped down and squeezed my ass as his lips came down to my neck. "And I'm going to be into this ass again."

In no time at all we were at home. I fell onto the bed as Matt and Elliot made out, tearing clothes off one another, until they were both standing there with their cocks straining against their underwear. Elliot was wearing white boxer briefs, the material almost becoming transparent around his rigid meat thanks to precum leaking through them, and Matt was surprisingly ready for business in a grey and black jock strap.

I reached down and unzipped my jeans, freeing my cock at last as Matt sank to his knees. He slowly peeled the underwear down to reveal Elliot's 7 and a half inches of cut brown cock. I rose from the bed as Matt leaned forward and swallowed his cock.

Matt's plump white ass bulged around the striped of his jock and I pulled the rest of my clothes out, making out with Elliot while my boyfriend worked his cock. I then slid to my knees behind Matt and ran my hands up and down his body, my cock finding itself nestled between those two thick cheeks.

"Yeah, his cock taste nice?" I asked, and grazed his neck with my lips. Matt only moaned in response.

Next: Chapter 15

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