His Best Friends Slut

By Joe Jam

Published on Feb 13, 2018


Hey folks! A couple of guys have asked if I have a tumblr. It's not too interesting, but it's http://somefilthypicsandstuff.tumblr.com/. Mostly I just reboot stuff that gets me off.

Just a reminder to donate to Nifty at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html! Gotta keep it alive, and every little contribution helps.

Thanks so much to everybody who's written to me. It's really encouraging, I'm gonna try and keep this going for a bit longer.


The next few days drifted by like normal. Matt got up, got ready and left for work after kissing me, then I'd lay around for a while. Usually I'd stroke myself off, since it felt like Dan was never gone when Matt and I were both home.

The first day after I saw Trevor I fired Will a message asking what he was up to. "Fuck off" was the short reply, so the next few days were uneventful. I thought about jumping on Grindr again, or trying my luck with somebody else, but I was resolved to control myself. This was made harder by the fact that Dan had abandoned bothering with clothes in the morning.

On Friday I made my way down in my shorts, and he was there sipping coffee, reading something on his tablet. His heavy cock lazily draped across his big round nuts.

We chatted a bit about the job interview he had coming up, and some idle chatter about TV shows we were looking forward to, and the entire time my eyes couldn't escape his thick cock. I'd drag them away to make eye contact when we talked, but every few seconds they'd flick down brazenly to that meaty member, and I couldn't stop them. Then it started to thicken. Lifting off his balls it was soon half-hard.

"Careful. He likes attention." Dan said huskily.

"S-sorry." I replied, focusing instead on the last of my coffee intently.

"Don't be. I'm guessing it's been a while. Must be hard to thoroughly use somebody while his big brother's in the next room." His eyes sparkled as he said that, a wicked smile appearing on his lips.

"I-yeah, well, y'know. We don't want to make noise." I didn't know what to say to that. My face burned, my focus entirely on my cup until movement caught my eye. I glanced up to see he was now leaning back on the chair stroking himself.

"Matt's a bit of a prude but don't worry about me." Dan's free hand moved up to his pec and twisted his nipple. My eyes roamed across his stocky body, taking in the sight of his smooth stomach, heavy but strong. His hard pecs, tipped with dark brown nipples. And his thick, bulging arm muscles, flexing as he enjoys his own body. And between those thick thighs, his hand was stroking a monster. Easily ten thick inches. Not quite as thick as Trevor but damn close.

"I feel like I should worry about you right now." I replied, frankly, my cock bulging in the light shorts I was wearing with nothing underneath. He stood up, turning slightly to the side, shaking his cock to emphasise the size before slowly stroking it again.

"Nothing to worry about, bro. Just unclench and keep enjoying the show." He stepped towards me until he was less than a metre away, his hand gliding up and down his immense length, the foreskin revealing the head and hiding it again on every stroke. I moved my hand down to paw at my own cock through my shorts.

After a few minutes of him steadily stroking himself, his pace quickened and his breathing grew heavier. He was getting close. He stepped closer to me, his cock so close to my nose, and his hand came to the side of my face. I just stared at his huge member as his hand stroked down the side of his face, his thumb rubbing across my lips before pushing into my mouth. I let my mouth open wide, my jaw relaxing, and it happened.

Ribbons of cum flew out from the dark purple head of his cock, his stroking slowing as it shot onto my tongue and across my lips. He moved it from side to side, his cum splattering across my cheeks, landing in my nostrils and dripping down my chin. He grunted the entire time.

When it finally slowed to a stop he swiped his fingers across his cock, collecting what was left and pushing them into my mouth for me to suck on greedily.

As soon as he was out of the room I collected what cum I could, licking my fingers clean and savouring his overwhelming taste.

It was Friday, so I threw myself together and went to another average workday, drifting through it until I found myself at Drive Bar. Matt was there, with Dan for the first time. Will and Tommy was there, the blond twink's eyes roaming across Dan's shirt which looked painted on.

"Hey babe." I said, leaning in to give Matt a peck on the lips. He was beaming at me so must have gotten over whatever it was last night. "How are you?"

"Sooore. Dave was brutal with me." Matt's been going to the gym that Dave trains at, so I assume that's a different kind of brutal than he and Frank were with me. "It's good though. I'm making progress. How about you?"

"Okay. It was a long day, I'm gonna grab a beer." I checked his bottle to see it was full and made my way to the bar. I was soon joined by Will, who planted his hand on my ass as he stood next to me.

"Sorry about the message the other day. Tommy saw your message and he's been in a bit of a mood lately. Hopefully we can catch up soon." His hand stroked across both globes.

"That'd be good. I haven't been fucked in days." His hand squeezed my ass cheek and I glanced back at our group. Tommy was now touching Dan's bicep, Dan laughing as the twink felt him up. "I'm gonna need it soon."

We both got drinks and returned to the group. Tommy didn't seem to hear Dan's protests that he was (apparently) straight, his hands roaming his chest and arms at every opportunity, sexual innuendo flying from between those pink lips. But it was when Matt was getting some more drinks that he went too far.

"So, have you fucked this slut yet?" He asked, pointing his head towards me. Will gripped him by the upper arm.

"I think you need to cool down. Let's get some water." He pulled Tommy away and I was left looking at Dan. It was a few seconds before I felt like I had to say something.

"I...I don't know..." the words hung there as I tried to figure out what was next. I don't know what he's talking about? I don't know what to say? I don't know why I need to justify myself when you've shot your load on my face already?

"Don't worry. I'm gonna take off soon, find somewhere with a few more women. I'll try to be here me late tonight." He gave me a wink and as soon as Matt returned he was off.

We went home not long after. We got ready and climbed into bed, gently holding each other.

"It's been a while." I said as my hand drifted across his belly gently. He nuzzled into my neck as my hand gripped his erection.

"It has. It's also been a while since we've gotten somebody else into this bed." If only he knew what had happened in this bed.

"Oh yeah? You thinking about changing that?" I kissed the side of his head and wrapped my arm around him, reaching down to his bubble ass.

"Mm, yeah. We should bring somebody home and you can share me." He arched his back, his face creeping closer to mine, my fingers finding themselves surrounded by his warm flesh, inching closer to his hole.

Our mouths crashed together and explored each other hungrily.

It had been weeks since I tasted him. My tongue travelled from his neck to his sensitive pink nipple, and trailed down his soft smooth stomach before I engulfed his rigid cock. I lingered there for a few minutes savoring the way he flooded my mouth with precum before I shifted his legs apart and let my tongue drift further.

I lapped at his balls, enjoying the sweat on the soft flesh, and then I let my tongue dart out at his soft pink hole. I swiped it up and down and tasted him, my cock throbbing as I let him fill my senses. It wasn't long before I thrust my tongue into his hole, forcing it to open slightly, making my boy moan.

The thought crossed my mind then, what if? What if I was devouring his hole hungrily and discovered somebody else's load? What if his workouts with Dave built up to that massive ginger cock fucking my boyfriend raw? What if every night before I got home he was on his hands and knees begging for some stranger's load?

Picturing it made me drive my face into his ass furiously, trying to find out if somebody else's seed was buried inside of him. My lips were locked onto his ass hole, working the muscles as my tongue thrust and prodded and tasted him. I'd never gotten off on it before now, but after discovering how good being a cum-hungry slut is I guess my perspective had changed.

"Fuck! Please, just fuck me!" He practically screamed, pulling me out of my thoughts. A few more swipes with my tongue then another push as far as it would go into him, and I tore my face away from his delicious ass. Climbing on top of him and positioning his knees on my shoulders I leaned in and captured his mouth with mine.

"Since you asked so nicely." I smirked. My tongue, covered in the taste of his ass, pushed back into his mouth and we battled while I lined my cock up with his eager entrance.

I sank straight into him as if it hadn't been weeks since he was last fucked. I'd love to say I fucked him for hours and blew his mind but it was a few minutes before I came, furiously slamming my 8 inch cock into him, both of us grunting like animals and squeezing at each other.

I felt like it was a selfish fuck, focused entirely on using his hole for my own gratification, until I realized he'd cum without either of us touching his cock.

We fell asleep easily after that.

The weekend progressed pretty steadily. Dan was out of the house for most of Saturday, so we woke up lazily and sucked each other off, able to relax and moan as much as we needed. We pottered around and did what we had to around the house preparing for the week to come.

I hadn't really been alone with Dan lately, and I both dreaded it and anticipated it eagerly. I mean, I'd tasted his cum. He hadn't mentioned that OR Tommy's weird slip up at all which made me feel relieved.

But I didn't really trust myself at that point. If I saw that huge cock again I'd probably end up pinning him to the ground, climbing on top and milking it with my hungry ass. So instead I hit in my room and checked my emails, slightly surprised to see one from Trevor.

"Enjoy" was the only word in the email, followed by a link. I clicked on it and it took me to a video I recognised instantly.

The camera was focused on a pale thick ass. My ass, slowly pushing itself back towards the man holding the camera. A large black hand was stroking the cheek, squeezing it and spreading it, giving the camera a better view of my hole as Trevor's cock stretched my pink ass lips wide.

"You like that cock, baby?" His voice came from my phone, a shiver creeping from my spine straight to my hole as I remembered him. In the video I just fucked myself on his cock, until his hand came down on my cheek.

I lifted my legs apart and let my hand drift below my nut sack. It rubbed against my hole as I watched myself.

"I asked you a question, bitch. You like that cock?" The camera glimpsed the hand print on my cheek before drifting up my body. It caught my conflicted face before I turned away from the camera.

"Yes, Trevor. I like this cock." My voice was muffled. I heard the second smack and the camera drifted down to my ass again, the mark bright pink against my skin. I had pushed back to capture the entirety of his cock inside of me but he pulled back, his cock slowly abandoning my ass. The camera lingered there on my now-empty fuckhole, seeing it convulse with emptiness, and I remembered needing to be full again.

The camera travelled back up my body. "Look at me when you say that." My head turned, my eyes locking back onto the camera, and in my bed my finger slipped into me.

"Yes, Trevor. I like this cock." I remember the rage as I spat those words out, but between the lust-clouded eyes and the drool on my lips all I could see was hunger.

The video ended and I rammed my finger as far into me as possible, knowing it wouldn't be enough. I needed something more substantial.

I considered my options as I added another finger and started the video again. I heard a knock on the door, but vaguely registered the fact that the door opened and closed, so Dan must have dealt with it. My eyes were locked onto my own hole fucking itself onto Trevor's massive black meat when my bedroom door opened.

"Don't stop on my account." I froze with my fingers buried in my achingly needy hole. Will walked towards the bed, leaving the door behind him wide open. I was about to pull my fingers out of me and reach for the sheets to cover myself when he swiftly stepped up to me, capturing my wrist in his hand.

He then covered my hand with his, taking control and ensuring my fingers were as deep in me as possible. He leaned in and caught my lips with his as he pulled my fingers out and drove them back into me. I moaned into his open mouth, his tongue swiping across mine, and I spread my legs as he began steadily fucking me with my own two fingers.

"Why are you here?" I asked as he pulled his mouth away from mine. His mouth caught my neck, his teeth grazing me, and then down to my shoulder. He caught my nipple in his tongue and bit down gently.

"I needed to get outta home. Tommy's driving me crazy, and you need breeding." He gripped my legs, moving them up to my shoulders, and his tongue found my hole. I just moaned and grabbed my legs to hold them out of his way. He gripped my ass cheeks and held me open, his tongue exploring me, devouring every piece of me he could reach.

I just moaned as he pushed his tongue into me then swirled around my hole. His mouth latched onto me and he pointed his tongue, thrusting it into me but not enough. I looked down to see him looking straight into his eyes as he savoured my taste. And behind him, in the open doorway, Dan had pushed his shorts down. His massive cock jutted out and he stroked himself.

Will continued his assault on my hole, releasing my cheeks from his grip, and I heard his belt buckle being undone. Suddenly my view of Dan was blocked as Will climbed on top of me. His lips found mine again and I was filled with the taste of myself. He lined his cock up to my hole and it sank into me as my legs found themselves resting on top of his shoulders.

He pulled his lips away and I groaned. My hole was being stretched around his ten fat inches and it had been too fucking long. He paused, pulling his shirt off himself, and begin grinding his cock slowly into me. I let myself lie back on the bed, my eyes rolling back into my head, my whole body buzzing with pleasure. I hoped Dan was enjoying the show.

Will built up a solid rhythm, slamming himself into me for the next few months, one hand holding himself up and the other exploring my torso. He tugged my nipples, alternating between the two with his free hand and I just groaned and whined and enjoyed the way he used me. And then I was empty.

Will stepped away and pulled his pants off. My eyes were locked on that heavy, hanging cock, and I let my mouth fall open as he stepped towards me. I could see Dan still moving from the corner of my eye.

As his cock finally slid to the entrance of my throat, filling my mouth, Will gripped my legs and pulled them back towards my head. He used one of his hands to hold me prone like that. My ass was pointed at the door and I felt the cool air against my hole. It twitched and throbbed with emptiness, and Will's hand came down to slap against my wet fuckhole. I groaned as Will's cock pushed deeper into my throat, his pubes brushing against my face.

Will's hand traced around my hole, dipping into my wet ass briefly, and then it left me. I groaned in frustration as Will pulled his cock from my mouth again, hovering there for a moment. I looked up to see a wicked grin on his face.

As he pushed back into my throat I felt pressure against my ass. It was wider than Will's cock, and it was accompanied by a new pair of hands that took control of my legs. My eyes flew to the back of my head and I moaned around Will's cock as Dan filled my fuck hole with his own immense rod.

That's it for this instalment! I was looking forward to getting Will back in on the action. I had some nasty ideas in mind for Caleb, and I think this'll be a good start to it.

If it turned you on, say hi at joejam886@gmail.com and stay tuned!

Next: Chapter 13

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