Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Dec 13, 2014


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 58

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Him Who Made The Seven Stars**
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 58

"At the end of all freedom is a court sentence; that is why freedom becomes too heavy to bear, especially when you are down with an illness, alone, or are distressed, with nobody to love." ~ Albert Camus.
"Odie?" Erin asked.

"Yes, Baby Blue, it's me," Big Blue said and opened his arms for his bonded mate.

Erin was surrounded by Blue's massive arms in an instant and was crying his heart out. "I thought you were dead. I heard so many rumors," Erin managed to get out through his tears.

"They told me you were wounded in a knife fight. You were in the infirmary dying, but they wouldn't let me come to you. They told me you died. I went crazy with grief. Then one night a young cowboy come to me in a dream. He told me you weren't dead and for me to have faith, I would see you again soon," Blue said, "The rest is so remarkable, you'll think I made it up, or I'm lying to you," he added.

Almost everyone in Billy's family knew about the surprise reunion except Harlen, Jessie, Hoss, and Doug Dewberry. It didn't matter whether a man knew about the surprise or not, there wasn't a dry eye in the dungeon. Tears in a dungeon seem apropos, but these tears were tears of joy and thanksgiving for two men who loved each other very much. They were reunited despite unimaginable odds to the contrary – thanks to one clever young cowboy who thought outside the box. The most amazing part of the deliverance of Odin Bluetooth was the behind the scenes manipulations by Bossman Randy. Billy set him an impossible task and with the help and guidance of his bestest two cowboy-angel buddies, the young boy delivered.

The giants, Gog, Joe, Willie ( Joe's brother, formally Crunch) with Thor and Zeus remained several paces behind, rather like a sheepish group of mischievous children whose parents caught them raiding the cookie jar. They hoped Erin wouldn't be angry with them or hold it against them for their part in the deception to keep Master Billy and Bossman Randy's secret a surprise. Erin caught sight of them shuffling their feet and looking at each other like the stag line at a high school dance who's members were trying to get up enough nerve to ask a pretty girl to dance. "And to think...!" Erin exclaimed, pointing his finger, shaking it, and paused dramatically, "you men knew about this while you shared with me this afternoon, what I thought was your honest affections," he accused. The giants cringed and the other men laughed at them. They were huge compared to Erin Mascaro's size. They could snap him like a dry twig.

"Bambino Blu, mio caro, forgive us, but we were sincere. Our invitation to spend the night in our apartments with us was meant as a great compliment. Your graciousness, sincerity, goodwill, and acceptance of us without a soupçon of reverse condescension for our size won our hearts immediately. We felt at ease with you as if you were one of our own. We agonized at the thought of parting company with you earlier. Our hearts were in the right place. We truly meant no harm. Our souls combined as one to adopt you like a band of woodland sprites might spirit away an enchanted changeling child; a fair young prince from an exotic, far away land whose mother was once a Votress of our order, but for our deception we did beg on wounded-knees our master might allow us to share in your delight in the fullness of your surprise.

"During his time with us, we have come to love your husband equally well and knew you must be someone very special, because Odin Bluetooth, himself, is a special man. We knew he would not have a bonded partner whose every facet would not speak well for him. Indeed, he warned us of your beauty and your endearing charms. We anticipated meeting you so greatly, we were like five old-maids at a senior's square dance. He told us you would immediately put us at ease and have us eating from your hand in a matter of minutes. He was right. I swear on the name of some unknown god, there's not a one of us standing here who wouldn't love to share an evening alone with you, and whisper in your ear the secrets of our hearts. So say I!" Gog stated firmly.

"So say we all!" the others in the giant's party echoed their leader in unison.

"Hell far, and damnation! I wish't them big 'uns thought that much of me!" Billy exclaimed.

"I hear you on the party-line, big Brother. Perhaps, we can share a plate of bitter herbs and chopped liver later!" Bossman Randy exclaimed and laughed.

"I heard that, little Bro!" Billy said and laughed with him. Every man in the place was laughing at Billy and Randy's nonsense.

"If it weren't for you men, none of us would be standing here enjoying this wonderful moment," Big Blue said firmly.

"Hosanna!" shouted the Bossman.

"Hosanna, in the highest!" the rest replied.

Erin slowly walked to Zeus, gave him a big hug and kissed him hard on the mouth. Zeus returned the handsome young human's affections in kind. Erin moved to Thor and did the same with each man in the giant's party. He saved the best for last. He raised his arms for Gog to pick him up like a small child and threw his arms around the giant's massive neck. They kissed a kiss every cock in the huge room responded to by dripping from excitement. When they finally broke off their passion, Erin said to them, "I will remember this moment as one of the high points of my life, dear friends, and you will always have a special place in my heart," Erin proclaimed loud enough his words could be heard by everyone.

"Hear, hear!" Nathan said.

"Hear, hear!" Tron Garrett seconded his mate, "The good man speaks his heart. We find no fault with him," he added.

Billy leaned over to Vox and spoke quietly, "Does this seem to have a Wagnerian overtone about it to you?" he asked and grinned.

"Quite! Twilight of the Gods comes to mind," Vox replied, and they shared a laugh.

"Life imitating art? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Billy asked.

"You recreate Valhalla and you ask me?" Vox asked indignantly, and they laughed again.

"Come! Everyone to the baths!" Billy said loudly, "Our grooms and bath attendants have tea ready for us. Youngsters, you may have one mug of tea. You have exactly one hour until your curfew, then you must depart for the big house to get ready for bed," Billy said looking directly at Randy. The young cowboy got a frown on his face. "So much for the title "Bossman," he grumbled. Rory and Calhoun went "aaaww," in disgust, but their dad, Tom McMartin, counseled the three prepubescent boys there were rules for grown-ups and rules for kids. When they became of age at twelve years, their hours would be increased one hour every year after that until their eighteenth birthday when they became adults. "Most every man here had to live by his parent's rules until they became grown men and so do you. Rules is rules," Tom said using the cowboy vernacular.

"You just want to get rid of us so's you men can talk about the dirty bits," Rory said.

"Exactly, Son! Glad you understand," said Tom firmly, "There's absolutely no other reason," he added patronizingly, and the men laughed at him and Rory.

Big Blue offered his arm to his mate, Erin linked his arm in his husband's, and they walked arm-in-arm to the steaming hot water. Everyone eased themselves into the water. Erin couldn't help notice, Zeus didn't have a penis. Instead, it looked like he had a vagina. He quietly asked Blue about it as they were walking ahead of the giants who stopped to talk with Billy and Nick; Vox and Elmer; and Oatie and Jethro in their Kagoli form.

"I'll tell you later," Blue replied, "Because of my rescue by Bossman Randy, his cowboy-angel protectors, and Master Billy's men, they learned some things what's making them more cautious about talking around the younger men. As much as you hear Master Billy joke and kid with them boys, he's highly protective of them. They's just certain things they don't need to know about until they're older. You'll understand when you hear the story of my rescue," Blue told him.  

"How long you been here, Daddy Blue?" Erin asked.

"I was rescued the week after you were. I been living here on the ship in the giant's apartments. I have my own small – small? Hell, it's frick'n huge – one bedroom apartment with an enormous bed built for men much larger than you and me. We could have foot races on the damn thing and our tongues would be hanging out after we rounded the fourth corner. It's like living in paradise from the hell-hole where we were, Baby Blue. I been watching you ever'day. You got three invisible video cameras on you 24/7. I can turn on my video, switch to your channel, and see what you're doing. I done jacked-off every evening watching you alone in your bunk sleeping soundly knowing you were safe and sound. Just to see your handsome form and know I would soon hold you in my arms again was enough to cause me to ejaculate. At first, it ripped my heart out because I couldn't be with you immediately, but I come to realize Master Billy was right. He wanted us to have an adjustment period among his people before he allowed us to come together.

"Master Billy and his cowboy-angels wanted to make some repairs and corrections on my body. He wanted to give me time to recover, and he gave me three weeks to work on my body for you. He didn't keep me guessing. He set a date which I agreed to before I walked through the gate to come here. He was right to do so. I learned to temper my deep uncontrollable gut yearning for you knowing I would soon be with you again. With the help of them wonderful giants, I learned to relax and let the reality of my new life settle in. They talked and counseled me for hours. They were never too tired or too busy to listen. They helped me and convinced me Master Billy's way was the right way. I agreed with them and him, I was such a lonely, emotionally hungry, raging beast after they rescued me, I would have overwhelmed you like a starving, half-crazed, slobbering monster and scared you to death," Blue said sincerely.

"My experience with Master Billy has only been good," Erin agreed, "I couldn't be happier here, unless I had you by my side, Odie. I never thought it would happen, but something told me not to give up hope or my love for you right away. I was never invited to this strange place. I didn't even know about it or the giants until today. Master Billy's timing was perfect because I was greatly tempted to give myself to your giant buddies this evening, but only because they managed to stir my memories of a big handsome man who came to love me so deeply he spoiled me for anyone else. I imagined through their love I might be able to recapture the memory of our lost love, at least for a while, and it might ease my pain," Erin said.

The men got into the pool and Billy's grooms, Mace and Picard, and a couple of other new apprentice grooms, began to serve mugs of the hot, sweet, herb-spiced tea. Blue and Erin never drank anything like if before, but it seemed to warm them to the bottom of their soul and did a little tap-dance across their psyches. Billy promised it would make their reunion night memorable. He further explained, after Erin's second cup, he would be taken to the grooming station by Mace and Picard. There they would prepare him for his husband for the evening.

"You have dedicated grooms?" Erin asked amazed.

"Certainly. It's far more civilized than having to do it yourself. Most of the more advanced races have grooms for such things. It is a highly regarded and respected profession. They're trained professionals, experts at their jobs, and will turn what can sometimes be a distasteful experience into one of comfort and relaxation for you. They will work with you and when you return you will be clean, lubed, properly plugged, and ready to receive your husband," Billy said.

"Who taught them their trade?" Blue asked.

"Them two fine looking mature cowboys over there we introduced you to earlier, Hank Renfrow and his mate Buck Appleby," Billy said.

"Ah, yes, I remember them well. Gentlemen," Blue acknowledged Hank and Buck and raised his mug to them. They did the same.

The boys favorite cognomen for Hank and Buck's magic herb tea was stolen from a commercial product. They called it 'Sleepytime' tea because after one mug, they couldn't hold their eyes open. Randy, Cal, and Rory were nodding off to sleep as the men talked quietly. Tom picked up Cal, Balthazar cradled Rory in his huge arms, Clyde gathered Randy like a sack of potatoes, and they transported the boys back to the big house to turn them over to the ladies. The big men threw on bathrobes for their brief sojourn and returned in a few minutes to rejoin the other men.

"Now we must be sure to speak of the 'dirty' bits, so's I can't never be accused of lying to my sons and Bossman Randy," Tom announced. Everyone broke up laughing.

Billy raised his fist and shouted, "Dirty bits!"

The other men followed Billy's lead, raised their fists, and echoed, "Dirty bits!" as well. Then they broke up laughing at their nonsense. Tom McMartin laughed the hardest.

"Thank you, Master Billy – Gentlemen – my conscience has been comfortably absolved," Tom said and the three men rejoined the family in the bath for another mug of herb tea.

Billy began to talk with the men about the rescue of Erin Mascaro with the help of Bubba and Jack McCormack. How a number of things didn't add up about why they would allow a man to die without doing everything they could to spare his life. There was no answer they could imagine other than rampant greed among the corporate mindset. Since Bossman Randy started spending time with the Shedus and learning their capabilities or 'applications' as he referred to their many talents, he became a useful talent for several of Billy's projects.

"The Bossman was so good helping us with Harley-Buck and another brother in need, I decided to see just what the kid could accomplish, and set him a task. (Billy didn't mention the other brother in need, Cletus Abernathy, because the Breedlove family was there.) Of course, I had my two strong men, Ramrod Randy's two best buddies, Clyde and Balthazar sit in and listen so they could assist, counsel, and guide him. Erin and I got off by ourselves to walk and talk several afternoons after we healed and refurbished him. We both needed the exercise. Besides, it was a good excuse to be alone and get to know him better. After several long conversations, I knew I had to check out his buddy and see if there was anything we could do for him. From Erin's description of his Big Blue being a gentle giant who never once hurt him and always looked out for his well-being, something didn't add up. It made the second mystery almost a common one between them.

"I assigned the task to Randy and swore him to secrecy. The Bossman, Clyde, and Balthazar were to report only to me. Well, the little rapscallion didn't stop with the Shedus, he went directly to his highest and bestest cowboy buddy in the universe and contacted the supreme leader, Matthew Quigley, of the main world inhabited by the Ancient race, the Irins. He wanted to know if Odin Asgard Bluetooth was guilty of the crime for which he was incarcerated? It didn't take them an hour to produce a video documentary of the crime, who was actually guilty, how they railroaded Odin, and scared him to death with plea bargaining to accept a lesser sentence than the death penalty if he would not contest their decision further.

"Odin was working on a big ranch in East Texas as a regular ranch hand when he came upon the body of a young boy, put him in his bed roll, and tied it to the back of his pony. He took the boy back to the main ranch house and his foreman called the sheriff. The boy went missing from a camp-out sponsored by the local Catholic diocese. There was a group of twenty boys under the supervision of two priests who took them on a weekend camp-out. One priest was medium size, and the other almost as big a man as Odin Bluetooth. The larger of the two priests identified Odin as the cowboy he saw riding away with the boy on the back of his horse three days before, off the church property onto the ranch. They locked Odin up, and he was charged with sodomizing the young ten year old boy and then murdering him afterward. They accepted the word of the priest as a 'man-of-god' without doing a proper forensic exam on the boy's body to find out if the DNA of the semen in the boy's anal tract matched Odin's. Since the take over by the uber-conservatives, justice and the courts have reverted back to the time of Judge Roy Bean, the hanging judge, every man is guilty until proven innocent. The attorneys were so dumb they thought Habeas Corpus was another apostle of Jesus the bible didn't talk about very much because he was black.

"The priest insisted the family have the boy cremated as soon as possible, who, in their grief, agreed and any evidence which might have proved Odin's innocence was destroyed. Odin Bluetooth didn't murder the boy. The large priest did after he sodomize the kid. He conned the boy into going with him into the woods. He told him he would initiate him into a special order only a very few boys were ever invited to join, but since he was special and showed greater talent than the rest of the boys, he was chosen for this honor. Of course, part of the ceremony was to stick his cock up the boy's ass and plant his seed. He was much too big for the boy to take. The priest was rough and hurt him bad. The kid was crying in pain and told the priest he was going to tell on him. The priest panicked, bashed the kid's head in with a large rock, and killed him.

"Fortunately, at Ramrod Quigley's urging, Clyde and Balthazar had the good sense to preview the video. After sharing it with me, we decided not to show it to Randy and simply explain to him we had positive proof, Big Blue – Odin Bluetooth, was not guilty of the crime for which he was convicted. We felt certain Randy didn't have any need to fear the big man. We were not so much worried about the Bossman finding out the horrors of the young boy's demise so much as what was revealed within the rest of the video, including damning documents, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the truth of what is going on in the private prison systems of today. We decided to withhold the information from Blue and Erin until now. They will be hearing these shocking facts for the first time along with the rest of you men. I will give you a brief summary and make arrangements for anyone wishing to view the complete documentary.

"The reason the Warden was so upset about letting go of our new slave, Erin Mascaro, had nothing to do with Erin's condition, his lack of compassion over profit, nor his anger at Bossman Randy for standing up and demanding he lower his price due to his hubris and his attempt to play God with a prisoner's life. The truth was the Warden already contracted with a secret clandestine food corporation for a price of fifty thousand dollars for Erin's dead body. Since the corporations have run amok and are no longer regulated by any government agency, they have been slowly poisoning our food supplies to facilitate profits and mass production. They no longer will eat the beef, chicken, or pork they produce because of the carcinogens they introduced in the food chain. Eating their own products is like living on a great roulette wheel. Cancer figures have doubled and tripled since corporate businesses have been deregulated. Over the last ten years an underground industry has sprung up and is growing like a great cancer on our society. It is the buying and slaughtering of humans for food for the one percent of our population," Billy said and stopped for a moment to let the information sink in.   

"That's unbelievable!" Elmer Breedlove exclaimed. "I don't doubt you have the proof, Master Billy, but it's simply inconceivable," he lamented.

"You said something earlier about life imitating art?" Vox asked, "Remember the Morlocks from H. G. Well's 'The Time Machine' who went underground to escape a great catastrophe caused by their own devices only to evolve into nocturnal monsters who took care of the humans who survived on the surface? They provided for them and tended them like cattle. Several times a year they would sound the terrible klaxons in the dark and herd the gentle Eloi into their caves and feast upon them. I have many times thought the political monster Richard 'Darth' Cheney's sneer and contempt for his fellow man mimicked George Pal's creation of the Morlock's in the movie version of Well's work," he added.

"Solitary confinement is neither a punishment device nor a protection element for prisoners," Billy said firmly, "The single cells have become the upper one percent's stockyards. The percentage of deaths in solitary confinement is triple those in the main population. The prison personnel are never held accountable for the deaths nor the disposition of the bodies. We have the proof and the documents; Odin Bluetooth was already sold for a hundred thousand dollars. They were fattening him up and urging him to workout more to alleviate his loneliness and sorrow at losing his mate," Billy finished.

"It was the best food I ever had in prison. They fed me three huge meals a day, and for lunch a large bowl of some kind of chow and a couple of rather tasty biscuits. It was addictive, and I always ate every bit of it," Big Blue said.

"It was slave chow and nutrient biscuits, Blue. We feed it to our slaves for their lunch to supplement their diets. Our Bigfoot protectors love it. They'd rather eat it than the stuff we eat. The company who researched and invented it did a great service for mankind. Humans and animals can exist on it for many years," Billy said.

"You were right, Master Billy. They gave me two hours in the morning and two in the evening for workouts. I noticed they had many other cages where other inmates were working-out, but each was separated by walls so we couldn't communicate. How long did I have if you folks didn't rescue me?" Blue asked quietly.

"Less than two weeks. You would be dead and your body processed by now. We couldn't let that happen," Billy said, "There's even more unbelievable horror shown on the video I won't go into now as the reunion of two good men shouldn't be overshadowed by such awful considerations," he added, and the other men agreed with him.

"I can't imagine how eating people caught-on and is gaining popularity among the wealthy," Oatie said shaking his head, "We're talking about cannibalism," he stressed.

"I don't know why you're so shocked, Son," Vox said, "Their track record toward the middle class and the poor has always been to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to their needs or even their survival. If you're poor and don't have money for health insurance you die. It's simple in their minds. They simply re-label their excesses. They use the term 'long-pork' for human flesh. They don't look upon prisoners as human. They see livestock. If you have enough money you can rationalize anything. That's why there's a set of laws for us ninety percenters and another set of laws for the wealthy ten percent. Liberty and justice for all is a fantasy. You don't see them in jail for robbing our country blind. Anyone who thinks our country is of the people, by and for the people, is living in a delusion. For the last forty-five years our country has slowly and methodically been overtaken by a corporate elite and we're at their mercy," Vox said strongly.

"I suppose you're right, Mr. Humana, but it sounds like something out of a horror movie. Will you tell us how your men went about rescuing Mr. Bluetooth, Master Billy, and what his official status is at the moment?" Jack McCormack asked, and seconded by Grover Parsnip.

"You wanna' start, Big'un?" Billy asked Blue.

"I started having these wonderful dreams where a young cowboy would come to me naked as the day he was born wearing nothing but a nice pair of buckaroo boots and a big cowboy hat. He told me to call him Bossman Randy. He would outfit me the same way with a pair of boots and a hat. He would take me by the hand, we would walk together by a seaside he created in our minds, and we would talk for hours. I didn't believe he was real, but he would pinch me hard; so hard, he would make me holler, and the next morning when I woke up, a bruised area would be there on my arm. He won my heart and told me my mate didn't die, he was living on a ranch in Texas after being bought and rescued from the prison infirmary by his big brothers, Bubba Kirkendall and Jack McCormack. Baby Blue spoke of his buddies Bubba and Earl and his little fuck buddy, 'Buddy' Wise, many times. I knew the boy weren't lying to me, but he went so far as to show me mind-videos of Erin working on the ranch and held me as I cried for joy," Big Blue said and pulled Erin closer to his side.

"The second night he asked if I wanted to come to the same ranch and live as a cowboy-slave for his big brother where I could be with Erin again. I told him if they could give me a place to live and a job, I would go anywhere to escape prison. He told me the rules, and I agreed to them. They didn't seem much of a problem to me. Bossman Randy told me he would send two cowboy-angels for me the following evening, one white and one black, through a gate he would open into my cell. I had to be ready to go at a moment's notice. There would be no time to gather my things. I assured him I would be ready. I stayed awake the next night until almost three in the morning. I was sure they forgot about me, when suddenly a great blue gate sprang up and two of the best looking cowboy-angels I ever saw walked through and stood before me. The huge black angel put his finger to his lips for me to be quiet. He whispered softly. "Are you ready, Brother Bluetooth," he asked.

"I nodded my head and held up a pillow case with my personal items in it, and they took me through the gate. On the other side was Bossman Randy, his big brother, Master Billy, and several other cowboy-angels. They were wearing their wings and looked wonderful, but they weren't done, though. The two angels who come for me went back through the gate pushing a gurney on which there was a huge wild boar with big tusks, and he stunk. God did he stink? He stunk to the high heavens, and he was huge. I weigh about two hundred and eighty pounds, and he was much bigger than me. Master Billy said it was a universal law they must put something in my place. They told me the giant wild pig was heavily sedated, but he would come around in about an hour and start to raise all sorts of hell. They put him in my bed and covered him with my blanket," Big Blue said and started laughing. Most of the men laughed with him.

"We also left a message for the Warden. We left a video hanging on a nail we made up from the one Ramrod Matt Quigley gave Bossman Randy and his cowboy-angel protectors. It showed the Warden making the deal to sell our brother, Odin Bluetooth, to the corporate food processors. We'll see how he responds to a threat. He's gonna' have a conniption fit trying to find out how we removed a man as large as Big Blue and replaced him with a mega-hog. Poor pig. He probably didn't have a life expectancy of about thirty minutes once them men discovered what they were dealing with," Billy said and laughed.

"Where did you get a feral boar that large?" Bubba asked.

"One of the ranchers caught him in a bear trap and called me to ask if I wanted him," Oatie explained, "I knew Billy was looking for something to exchange for Mr. Bluetooth. We drove out to the man's ranch, used my tranquilizer gun, and put him out. We brought him back here to the ranch, fixed him up, and kept him in a chain-link dog run out behind my clinic until Billy needed him, then we tranquilized him again for transporting to Huntsville," Oatie explained, "Blue was right, he stunk bad," he added, and the men laughed again.  

"You and Grover asked about Odin's official status, Jack. I don't know he's got an official status other than being under my employ and protection. He weren't guilty of the crime for which he was incarcerated. We got irrefutable proof, but we have no way of undoing the damage, unless a band of angels confront the priest and scare the holy crap out of him into confessing he killed the boy. Even if we were successful, we'd have a Hell of a time explaining how we came by a missing prisoner from Huntsville. On the other hand, we couldn't allow an innocent man to die because of corporate crimes. As long as Blue remains on the ranch and has the ship as a hiding place, he can work for me and be with Erin. Erin will have to remain my punishment slave for the term of his sentence, but I'll be the one to decide when he's completed his time. Eventually, I intend to fully enhance Blue so he can morph to look like somebody else if he needs too, but not until he establishes a track record of work and dedication to us. The need for anonymity might present some minor problems for us, but his life here on the ranch, while structured, will be far better than living on a dead-end street in Huntsville," Billy said. No one missed his intended pun, but no one laughed.   

"It's the first slipping of the giant driver wheels of a steam locomotive to gain traction to pull the train. This brings us to a new era, don't it? " the great bull asked like he just realized a loss of innocence.

"I'm afraid so, Master Bull, but I ain't afraid of it, and I don't expect you men to be, neither. It's just a road bump on the blacktop. We'll adapt. We can't save everyone, but we can save many," Billy said.

Mace and Picard left the tea service to their apprentices and took Erin off to their grooming chambers. Erin was a bit apprehensive, but Billy made sure he had enough herb-spiced tea to make him relax and enjoy his time spent with the perfectly formed, naked halflings.

* * * * * * *
It was Saturday night at the restaurant in Tall Pine, Oregon. Stan was as busy as a cat covering up shit running here and there; busing a table; getting a customer something extra; cleaning up a spill; stacking the ancient dishwasher, adding soap, flipping the switch, turning his back to it, bending his knee, and like a mule, kicking it just right with the heel of his boot to get the cycle started. Worked every time. It seemed like everyone in town made it in for dinner that evening and Billy whispered to several of his favorites he and his husband with Gladys Gimble, and Norm Hoover would be practicing the next afternoon at Nellie's Cantina down the street. Nellie's Cantina was a huge barn of a place and could accommodate everyone in town. They used the space for town hall meetings, and as a courtroom. There was a long bar down one side and the rest of the place was open space with picnic tables, a few square tables, with chairs and a jukebox stocked with oldies but goodies; songs the customers wanted to hear as opposed to what was popular.

As far as the denizens of Tall Pine were concerned, real music stopped being written in the mid-eighties. Nellie Peterson owned and ran the place. She didn't serve food beyond hot dogs, packaged burritos, pickled eggs, and chips. She wasn't in competition with the restaurant. Those in the know, who drove up to Tall Pine for dinner at the restaurant, knew they could use Nellie's as an overflow place to wait for a table. When one became available, Stan would call Nellie, and she would page the party telling them their table was ready. They would quickly swallow their glass of cheap wine Nellie served, leave a tip, and walk the block down the street to have dinner. It provided Nellie a steady income, and an occasional band would ask to play. They got paid what they made in tips from the customers. If they were good, the folks came out, and they did well; if not, they barely made enough for gas to and from Tall Pine.

Stan endeared himself to Nellie on more than a few occasions, so when he asked if he and his husband could play with a couple of the towns folks she readily agreed. The next afternoon and evening was to be a practice get-together for their actual debut the following Sunday afternoon. Stan alerted Gladys Gimble and Norm Hoover. Gladys needed help getting her drum set to Nellie's, and Norm lived about a block away. Stan agreed to pick them up on the way, but Norm would have to ride in the back with his bass fiddle. They agreed and were so excited they were like two silly high school kids getting ready for their first gig. Stan stressed they could invite whom they wanted, but to warn the folks, it was just a rehearsal for the following weekend. They assured him they only had a couple of folks between them who might be interested. Stan invited the staff at the restaurant and several of his favorite regular customers, Sheriff Andreeson and his family, and several others who, at one time or another, went out of their way to befriend and help Stan when he most needed it. To all of them he stressed it was just a rehearsal; come, have a glass of Iced Tea, a glass of wine, a beer, sit back and listen to two ex-bikers and two seniors make fools of themselves playing some down-home Louisiana Bayou Cajun music. Stan even promised he would wear a silly hat for the occasion.

Stan squatted on his boot heels before his spiritually adopted brother, Bobby Andreeson's wheel-chair, and made a special plea for him to come and enjoy some music. Bobby was thrilled Stan took his time to stop and invite him. He was spitting and gargling, flailing his hands and arms about in his excitement, trying to get the words out he would love to come. Stan understood every nuance and gesture and made him promise he would talk his folks into coming and bringing him with them. The sheriff and his wife were particularly pleased Stan made such an effort, and whether he really could understand Bobby's gibberish, wasn't the most important thing. His sincerity and genuine interest in Bobby meant the world to them. Bobby told Stan what he wanted to eat and Stan translated Bobby's order to the waitress for their table. Stan was never wrong, and Bobby was always a happy camper when he came to the restaurant to see Stan and his friends. The sheriff told Stan he didn't know what they were going to do without him. Visiting the restaurant and getting to see Stan became the highlight of Bobby's week.

* * * * * * *
Big Blue kept a low profile for the three weeks he was on board Captain Nick's ship. Of course, everyone on the ship got to know him, and they fell in love with the big man. While he was exceptionally masculine, he had a sweet disposition and an even temperament he rarely got a chance to express in prison except to his mate. In prison he was like a paranoid jungle cat always on the alert for someone to test his courage or challenge his strength. After his first couple of days on Captain Nick's ship, getting adjusted to the idea he was not under any pressure to do anything he didn't want to do, he found himself in need of something to occupy his time. He finally admitted to himself he couldn't spend three weeks masturbating watching his beloved mate going about his new life. After all, he was suppose to be working to prove to his keepers, the giant's family, and his new master, he was stable enough to be integrated back into normal society. He came to realize it wouldn't have been prudent for Master Billy to allow him full immersion without some time to observe him and determine if he was stable enough to emotionally handle a new environment. In the scheme of things, three weeks was a stroll in the park compared to a year in solitary confinement. Many people consider solitary confinement cruel and unusual punishment. It's been proven, it can slowly destroy a man's mind as well as his soul.

Billy had no idea what he was going to do with the big man, but he knew Blue was sent to him for a reason. For the first several days, Blue hung around with the giant's family and pitched in to help and give a hand where he could. Billy set them the task of getting power to the more remote parts of the castle. Many of the larger halls and rooms had no power at all. They started running lines here and there without much thought as to the practical or technical application of watts and amps. Blue watched and listened for a couple of days and saw disaster in the making. They weren't quite as bad as the Three Stooges, but they were disorganized and lacked direction due to a poor knowledge base and lack of hands-on experience. There was a great deal of scurrying about, but little was was getting done for the amount of horse-power the giants represented. They reminded Blue of old silent movies he saw of the Keystone Cops. No one held a firm grip on what they needed to accomplish or how to go about doing it. They were running in circles getting very little accomplished.

Before he decided to become a cowboy, Odin spent six years in a Navy Construction Battalion (C.B.'s). He rose to Chief Electrician in the Seabees and knew everything there was to know about power – how to make it, gather it, harness it, and use it to maximum efficiency. Blue was no genius, but he was a bulldog when it came to working with electricity and the most efficient means to go about it. He learned his job well in the Navy and could wire anything from an ordinary table lamp to a large military installation. Blue asked a few pointed questions of the huge men with whom he was assigned to work. They couldn't answer the most simple of his questions. Blue shook his head in disbelief. He wondered if he found his slot. He didn't try to usurp anyone's authority, but he told them he would teach them what they needed to know.

Blue asked Gog to go to Jethro and asked him for enough copies of the Electrician's Handbook, one for each member of the giant's family and the grooms – which was about a dozen. Blue explained the small booklets would become their working bible. It would contain the pertinent information they would need to refer to as he taught them about electricity. Jethro ordered fifty copies – just in case they needed more. They were delivered to the ranch in three days. Every morning, right after breakfast, the giants went to a huge, empty banquet room where the plaster on the wall was going bad and needed replacing. Blue used it to write on with a black, red, blue, and green magic marker pens like a giant blackboard. He started with the basic math of electricity while standing on a telescoping scaffolding in the far left corner of the wall and didn't stop until he covered the entire wall with examples and equations; however, by the time he finished, his men had a solid working grasp how electricity works and how best to use it.

The first three mornings there were only the giants and the grooms attending Blue's class. The next morning their were a dozen more join their group; a mixed bag of male villagers who wanted to learn a trade and a number of cowboy-slaves who had an interest in electricity and got Master Billy's approval. Blue held class every morning for two hours, and he became respected and admired for his knowledge and his unassuming way of teaching what he knew to others. He was a natural born teacher and mixed knowledge with humor, anecdotes, and compassion. He never got upset at anyone for any question. They were coming to the end of the three week period and their class grew from a dozen to fifty. After morning class, the rest of the day they would work together and Blue would show them how to put what they learned to practice. They were learning by leaps and bounds, and the giant's opinion of Odin Asgard Bluetooth leveled off somewhere slightly, but not much, lower than a god among men.

Jethro kept Billy informed and slipped him several videos of Big Blue's morning classes. Jethro made no bones about his praise for Blue and insisted he take up permanent residence in the castle in the giant's apartments. Jethro wanted the big man on his team. If that weren't enough, Gog, Joe, Willie, Thor, and Zeus, the grooms, and numerous men of the village people petitioned Master Billy to allow Blue to share their world and become a part of their team. Billy told them he would consider their recommendations, but he would have to talk with Blue and his mate before he would make a final decision. He encouraged them by telling them he was as impressed as they were by Blue's work, and he was leaning in that direction.

* * * * * * *
Erin didn't know what to expect from the grooms, Mace and Picard, but he found them exceptionally good looking and charming in their personalities. It was obvious they worked on their bodies daily and were as built and sculpted as Blue and Erin. They made Erin feel comfortable and gave him another mug of sweet tea to drink; only, this tea contained some sex enhancing herbs as well as the relaxation ones he was drinking in the baths. Erin was impressed with the halflings' professionalism. He found himself trusting them and giving himself over to them. His time with them was like something from a dream, and it was one of the most relaxed and exhilarating times he ever experienced. They made it seem like he was being prepared for his husband's bed and everything should be just right for their night of love. When they finished Erin was completely cleaned, lubed, and plugged with a good size butt plug to stretch him to easily accept the unusually large girth of his husband's penis for swift and easy penetration. Erin was a convert. Master Billy was right. Grooms certainly beat trying to do-it-yourself.

Erin came back to the bath area accompanied by Mace and Picard. He took his place beside his big husband and they embraced. The men went "Awwww," and then laughed.

"How was it?" Billy asked.

"I'm sold, sir. Your grooms are exceptional. I've never been so pampered and made to feel more comfortable than I did with them. They are to be congratulated and you should be very proud. They are, indeed, experts at their trade," Erin gushed.

"We won't detain you men longer than you choose to stay with us. Erin, stay the night in your husband's apartment here on the ship and spend the day with him tomorrow. You men schedule what you would like to do, but I urge you not to miss our punishment slave, Orville's, grand opening tomorrow afternoon at two, here on the ship, in the other part of the dungeon," Billy said, "But I will expect you at your jobs Monday morning," he added.

"We understand, sir, and thank you for the time together. We have a lot to catch up on," Blue said.

"And I have made a decision about your future with us, Blue. If you men wish to continue your relationship and live together, you and Erin may have the apartment you're living in now in the giant's wing of the castle. You will be working as a sub-chief under Jethro and will be responsible for your crew of electricians you're in the process of training," Billy said.

"I don't want to take anyone's job away from them, Master Billy. I know Gog was in charge, and I wouldn't do anything to diminish his leadership or jeopardize his position, sir. I merely wanted to teach them the basics," Blue said.

"It was Gog who came to me, along with Jethro, and sang your praises. I've watched four of your two hour teaching videos, and I'm as impressed with your knowledge as they are. They made the decision supported by their family. They want you and Erin to become a part of their family, and I think it's a win-win situation for everyone. Your portion of our building project may grow, and we may need you to train others. The videos of your teaching will prove invaluable, but your hands-on approach is what will put learning into action. We will soon introduce you to unlimited power supplies which may prove to be a challenge for you, but I promise, you will never be bored," Billy explained his reasons, "There are a few other things of minor importance we can discuss later. Erin will still act as lead keeper for my punishment slaves, and I probably will keep him in that position for sometime. He's good with people and can put them at ease under trying circumstances. Even when he must be firm with our punishment slaves, he retains his memories of eight years as a subordinate prisoner with little or no control over his life, which works well to trigger his compassion for them," Billy added.    

Blue and Erin said their 'good-nights' to everyone and went to Blue's apartment. After they left, a quiet pall passed over the men. Each was in his own thoughts about the evening and their two newest family members. "I hope they make it," Billy said sincerely.

"I second that emotion, Brother," Oatie said.

"I agree," said Jethro.

"Count us in on that," Elmer said referring to him and Vox.

"You have reservations, Master Billy?" Jessie asked.

"You bet he does, Son," Elmer said, "Their world has suddenly been turned upside down, and they no longer have the same need for a strong bond like they experienced in prison. Their love and bonding was a matter of necessity. It was deeply rooted in survival. Here, they won't have that element to create a strong bond unless they can successfully cross the gap and form a new relationship based on their love and admiration for each other. It can be done. Thor and Zeus seem to have successfully recreated their relationship from father and son to husband and wife. It may not be so easy for Erin and Blue. They will need everyone's understanding and support," Elmer explained.

"I'm not sure I understand," said Harlen, "Are you saying their previous love is invalid in their current situation?" he asked.

"Not at all, but love is like every other human emotion, it varies in depth and shades. People and their circumstances change and so does love. Other than a strong crutch for survival, their love was never tested. It will be here. Carnal lust and sexual release ain't the same as love. It can be a large draw, a wonderful part, but it ain't what binds people together. Erin and Blue, because of common needs, developed a physical dependency on each other which may or may not make the transition," Elmer said.

"Exactly!" exclaimed Oatie, "Me and my husband-to-be recently went through something similar they will have to face sooner or later. Unless you're willing to pay the price for love and work at it together, you will never reap the rewards it can bring. The binding glue of survival ain't the same as working at it. It's an artificially created social phenomenon of prisons. It's like meat-glue them big corporations use to bond scraps of meat together to pass on to the consumer as more expensive cuts. Today's prisons ain't correctional institution as they like to call themselves. They're cattle yards," Oatie said.

"Amen to that!" Bubba exclaimed and Jack agreed.

"Then you're saying they have to learn to love each other again in a new way?" Harlen pursued his line of questioning.

"I think we're saying their love will be tested, and we wish them the best," Billy replied.

"They just seem so right for each other," Gog said.

"We have only their word to go on, but Blue claims he was a straight man before he was sent to prison. If it's true, and we have no reason to believe he ever swapped roles with Erin, Erin knew and agreed to the role he would play before he bonded with Blue – he knew he would become Big Blue's surrogate wife. Even though Blue has expressed an equal sexual desire to be reunited with his mate he had in prison, consider they've been apart for almost two years. I ain't saying their love cain't bridge the gapped, but if you couple it with the fact Blue will be facing a new found freedom, the big man might have other thoughts and desires when he's faced with the idea he might have an opportunity to have a relationship with a woman. We plan to give them every opportunity to work it out for themselves, but don't be surprised if they go through a period of adjustment. There ain't no doubt, their roles will be different here. Since we know Odin Bluetooth weren't guilty of the crime for which he was charged and sentenced, he will live a more free, unregulated lifestyle than Erin, who still has time to go on his sentence. I can't cancel Erin's debt to society because his mate is more free than him. They will have to work it out and adjust accordingly," Billy said.

"What about Blue becoming a 'mentor' for Erin?" Harlen asked.

"Good point, Cowboy," Billy replied, "I ain't thought about it, but I like the idea," he added.

"I'm not sure I can separate myself from my role as mentor and father for my boy," Harlen said.

Several of the men laughed, "You don't have to, Mr. Johnson," Oatie said, "It's every father's responsibility to mentor his son no matter how he grows up or for what team he wants to play. In your case, you already done accepted the role. You didn't have to. No one would have looked down on you for passing the buck – so to speak. Your job will be considerably easier with your boy because, mature or not, he's an adult. You can support and show him love and encouragement anyway you choose. With a young boy, before the age of puberty, you would be expected to show restraint and be protective about how and to what he's exposed. I'm living proof of a mentor taking over the reins to my life when I's a young man, who literally rode me down hard until he got me trained to do things the right way – his way. Once't I got broke to his saddle and accepted him as my bull, I didn't have me anymore problems. My life was smooth sail'n from then on. I thank some unknown god ever' damn day, my granddaddy demanded I march to his tune until I was old enough to fly on my own. Now I got me a pretty set of wings, but you can bet chore' ass I still check with him and submit a flight plan before I spread them wings and head on out down the runway for liftoff," Oatie said and broke everyone up laughing.

"I think you men are building a mountain out of a mole hill," Thor said and everyone looked at him.

"Why am I not surprised, sir?" Billy asked and laughed.

"I don't understand," Grover said.

"Stand up, Zeus!" Billy said firmly, and the big man stood exposing his vagina.

"Our brother, Thor, has it all in one package. So does our cowboy brother, Hank. Since I taught you to morph your own genitals, Buck, how many times have you returned your male parts?" Billy asked.

"During the day when we's busy – especially when we's cowboy'n, and I don't wanna' take the time to squat to piss. Outdoor plumbing makes more sense; howsomever, come night time, after our day's over and we're alone, I usually switch for my husband. Ever' once't in a while, he'll surprise me and wants to take me as a man or have me take care of him. Can't thank you enough, Master Billy for that little extra 'app.' I think I can safely speak for bowfus,' we be down-right happy buckaroos," Buck said. Hank locked his arm around his mate's neck, pulled him close, and bussed a kiss on his cheek. Everyone laughed.

"Our stud of the hill country seems to be a contented old bull with his new husband-and-bride to be," Billy said and grinned.

"I see what you're getting at, Son," Elmer responded, "and I think the offer would go a long way to cementing their union – if it comes to that. You done already told them you plan to enhance Blue. I like Harlen's idea of Blue becoming Erin's mentor and you can teach him to morph his slave's genitals; however, I wouldn't recommend you do it right away. Give them some time. Hell, they might surprise everyone. If they do, give them the option as a wedding gift," Elmer said.  

"Damn! I'm glad we got these tubs. You men never fail to come up with great suggestions about things I'm unsure about while we's soak'n. It's like toss'n a football around on a lazy summer's afternoon wiff' your buddies," Billy said.

"Of course the herb tea don't have nothing to do with it," Nick said and elbowed his master.

"Hesh up, Tonto!" Billy exclaimed and giggled.

"Yes, sir, Kemosabe," Nick replied. The men shared a laugh.

* * * * * * *
Billy invited Harlen and Jessie to stay the night and enjoy the next day with them. Jessie gouged Harlen with his elbow. He already talked with Harlen about wrangling an invitation to watch Bubba take Orville for his first time. Billy asked if they would require separate accommodations and Harlen assured him it would not be necessary. Jessie traveled with him everywhere as his valet, and they often shared a bed together. He also acts as my interpreter. He speaks all the romance languages fluently, Arabic, and Standard Hindi. He is proficient in several African languages and dialects. Now, if I can only teach him Texas-speak, I'll feel like I've accomplished something," Harlen proclaimed. Everyone laughed. "However, I will have to say, lately he's been surpassing his master," Harlen said and looked at his friend with respect.

"What about the dogs?" Jessie asked.

"Sorry. You and your master will have to do without their protection tonight. They's standing guard over their new pup what's been asleep for a couple of hours now," Billy said and laughed.

* * * * * * *
Big Blue was right, his apartment was huge. While it only contained one bedroom, it was large enough to bed-down a battalion of men Blue and Erin's size. It was decorated with old antiques, but it was comfortable, warm, and inviting. Blue took Erin into his massive arms, looked deep into his long lost mate's eyes, and gently kissed him on the mouth. Erin threw his arms around Blue's thick neck and returned his kiss with the same affection. "It's good to be alone with you again, Baby Blue," Odie said.

"It's been a while. You looked into my eyes like you were trying to make sure it's really me," Erin said.

"It ain't that, Son, it's almost too good to be true. It's been damn near two years since I last held you in my arms. Here we are alone together with a place to ourselves. It's so quiet and private. No slamming of cells doors; no flushing of toilets; no groans and moans from the men in the next cell having sex; or the screws yelling and knocking their night sticks against the bars just to irritate everyone. I got to think'n about it this morning – about you and me living in that small cell not much larger than a sardine can by comparison. Do you realize in all them years we was together, as close as we grew and became dependent on each other, we ain't never slept in the same bed together?" Blue asked.

"We once tried to put our mattress on the floor, but it was so uncomfortable we never tried it again," Erin remembered.

Blue ran his big hand down Erin's backside and felt around his butt. He soon discovered Erin's plug. "Damn, they think of ever' thing, don't they?" he asked and grinned. He gently pushed on it teasing his partner. Erin responded by pushing his ass back and up to receive his husband's foreplay.

"I need you, Daddy Blue. I ain't had me no real sex with nobody since they ripped you out of my arms and took you away from me. I let old Ben suck me off a couple of times, but that don't count none. He weren't my man. He couldn't hold a candle to the man I come to love," Erin said.  

"Oh, baby, I need you so bad, too," Blue said. He reached into a night stand and pulled out a couple of small towels. He motioned for Erin to hit the bed. Erin complied, shoved a big fluffy pillow under his head, one under his buttocks, and pulled his feet up close to this butt cheeks into the usual submissive position. He smiled at the big man. Blue got in bed on his knees in front of his mate. He retrieved a small tub of lubricant and lavishly applied it to his massive cock. He stroked himself playing with his penis until it was at maximum salute. He wiped his hands on the second towel and placed his thumb and forefinger around the base of Erin's butt-plug. "You ready for your husband, Baby Blue?" he asked.

"I'm so ready, Odie, take me swift and deep, and don't spare them horses," Erin replied.    

Big Blue began to penetrate his mate and was surprised he felt very little resistance from Erin. Blue was sure the butt plug made a major difference, to say nothing of the magic herbs his mate imbibed shortly before they left the dungeon. Blue was watching Erin's face to see if he was in any distress. He could detect nothing to indicate any discomfort and slowly proceeded to fill Erin's lower colon with the rest of his manhood. Erin got impatient, put his hands around his husband's buttocks, and pulled the rest of Big Blue's enormous cock into his rectum. Erin didn't stop until he felt Big Blue's balls slap against his ass.

"Hungry, Baby Blue?" Odie asked.

"Not anymore, Daddy," Erin replied and smiled, "Damn, you feel so good. Just like a fine husband should," he added.

"I tried to remember how you felt on the end of my cock, but the memory always seemed to slip away from me the longer we were apart. I damn near went crazy with grief at my loss of not having you close to me. Add to it, my memory would lapse and make life seem not worth living anymore. But now I remember, and I'm once again reborn inside my Baby Blue. Someone, somewhere out there in the great universe, wants us to be together, Son. Let's don't let them down. Put it up there for your daddy and work with me until I give you the signal, then we'll ride together for the border," Blue said and began his slow assault on his mate's ass.  

The men were apart for almost two years, but sex is like learning to ride a bicycle; once you learn, and get it down pat without falling off, you never forget how. Erin used to complain to Blue he never fucked him long enough to fully satisfy him. It wasn't easy fucking on a single bed with rusty bed-springs which sounded liked an International Harvester hay bailing machine from the 1940's operating at maximum capacity. While they were in prison together, Blue was a private man and didn't like others to know about his love life, but after a marathon fuck, the next morning at breakfast there would be knowing smiles and grins from their fellow inmates. It bothered Blue more than it did Erin. Erin would joke and brag about what a stud his husband was, and he cheekily insisted the rest of the men were jealous of him because he was the only one with a smile on his face and a song in his heart. Blue didn't mind his mate bragging about his sexual powers. It only endeared Erin to him more.

But this was different. The bed didn't squeal, move around the room, nor did the headboard bang against the stonework block wall. He could fuck his beloved mate as long, deep, hard, and as fast as he chose to ride him – like he was riding naked bareback on his favorite pony, on a clear day, in a lush grassy meadow which had no end, and there was nothing to stop them from the freedom of their pursuit. Blue's sexual powers made Erin recall vividly how much he enjoyed sex with the big man and worked as hard or harder than his rider to reach their final destination. After several build-ups, followed by slow and easy rest periods, Blue would begin the cycle again, then build up over and over until he was sure they were ready to consummate their coupling. "Look over my shoulder, my love. I think I see the Federales riding fast, moving up on our tail, Poncho. Let's slap some leather and head out for the border, Pod'na'," Blue said in his best Cowboy lingo.

"Spur yore' pony hard in the flanks, Lefty, and ride him down hard. Don't spare the leather, none, neither," Erin pleaded, and Big Blue kicked it up another notch to give his mate his hardest ride of the evening. They both made it to the border and crossed the point of no return with guns a blazing and lead flying every which way. Erin remembered the strange exclamation from Bossman Randy and his cowboy brothers. "Hosanna!" he shouted quietly.

"Hosanna, in the highest," Blue replied as he emptied a year and a half pent-up load of his hot male ejaculate, Daddy Blue's baby-batter, and a wagon load of mixed emotions into his mate's ass.

"Fill me up, Lefty. Don't cheat me none," Erin strongly urged his mate.

"I think I did, Poncho, yore' eyes just changed from blue to brown," Big Blue said and they shared a laugh.

They lay together for some time talking quietly about their lives and possible futures. Blue would lose his erection, but Erin would push his sphincter down to the base of Blue's pony and suck on it with his ass muscle until Blue grew fully erect again. The big man took it as a further invitation, and fucked his mate three more times to climax. When they agreed they finally had enough and were fully sated, they were exhausted, and slept the night conjoined with each other – something they never did before, and the next morning early, Erin awoke with Big Blue root'n around in his backyard like it was Arbor Day and the big man was trying to plant a tree with an exceptionally large tap root. It was a nice eye-opener for a new morning and a new beginning. They were unsure about the immediate future, but they were together. They decided to take each day as it came, one step at a time. The details would take care of themselves. The result of their sexual coupling created a whole new star making a nebula in the Taurus system.

* * * * * * *
Bubba, Jack, and the Dewberry cousins, Hoss and Doug, drove the short distance back to the Kirkendall ranch. Hoss and Doug were staying over at Bubba's. They didn't want to miss the next day of Bubba and Orville's show. Hoss and Doug shared a room. Bubba and Jack had their own rooms. Hoss didn't get a chance to talk with his cousin, but he noticed Bubba was attentive to Doug when the four of them sat together in the baths. Hoss was busy enough with his growing relationship with Jack McCormack he didn't hear much of their conversation, but from the general mien and tenor of their voices he gathered they were sharing some personal observations and comments. Jack even made an aside to Hoss he thought they were getting along well. Doug didn't push himself onto Bubba. If Bubba offered, Doug responded, and the bigger cowboy seemed to like being a host and mentor to the young man.  

They were up early the next morning and Hoss drove them back to the Daniels' ranch. Immediately after breakfast, Bubba excused himself and went to the slave processing center in the newer barn. Orville and his main keeper, Blake, were there waiting for him. Bubba left instructions for Orville's keepers he would be responsible for grooming Orville that morning. While Bubba and Orville developed a relationship with each other, there was no doubt Bubba was the man in charge and he came to look upon Orville like he might a prized race horse – a fine looking, spirited, athletic animal – one he planned to ride for his first time. Not only was he concerned with Orville's overall appearance, Bubba wanted to see to his final grooming to form their bond between master and slave as one of trust, admiration, and full confidence in each other. That's not to say there wasn't a good deal of affection and mutual bonding which grew strong between them.

Orville was Bubba's orchestra of one and he planned to be the grand conductor. During their several weeks of training together, Orville could never say Bubba ever once hurt him nor did anything to humiliate him; however, Bubba never left any doubt in Orville's mind he was his training master, he expected certain thing from him, and Orville responded in kind. The more Orville responded the greater his bond and admiration for the younger man became. Their morning together was spent working-out, getting Orville cleaned, plugged and ready, and Orville grooming his master. Billy gave them a new form of skin bronzer he purchased from a store on Retikki Prime when the family last visited which would give a pale body the look of a young god, and it became Orville's job to apply it to his master's body. Orville was already tan but Bubba insisted he coat his Pop's body so they would appear as duo athletes a la Cirque Du Soleil. With Ramrod Randy's help, Bubba was learning to use his own 'apps' and dropped all the hair from the unnecessary parts of his own body. He was completely bald like Orville with only a scruffy five-day growth of dark beard and facial hair remaining. He had no hair around his genitals or his ass. When their preparations were complete, they looked like two mature bronze-age gods from the classic period of ancient Greece, complete with well-defined girdles of Hercules.

Guests began to arrive for the afternoon Sunday dinner, the grand opening, and graduation for Orville Higginbothem from a slave trainee to another one of Master Billy's cowboy-slaves. The LaFleur family arrived to enjoy Sunday dinner, but only the Judge and his son Wesley would be attending the Kirkendall-Higginbothem fuck-off and brief graduation service for Orville. The Daniels' women decided, while the men were gracious enough to invite them, they felt there were certain rituals among themselves which should be keep that way. There was some talk about keeping the younger boys from witnessing the two men having sex; but Tom McMartin's reasoning was, the less fuss made about it the easier it would be for the boys to take in stride, except it for what it is, and not try to build a fantasy around it. Man is, after all, a part of nature and as such is a card carrying member of the species homo; subspecies, mammalian.

"If you don't make a big deal about it other than the usual wagers about performance, they won't consider it much out of the ordinary. It's when you keep secrets from kids, they form wrong ideas and prejudices, and begin to distrust adults to tell them the truth. If it's done in the spirit of secrecy, there's a possibility they might come to think on it as dirty or undesirable," he said. Tom thought it better they witness the coupling and ask questions which could be answered honestly. "I remember my granddaddy and my dad took me to see a strip tease show at the Texas State Fair in Dallas one year, and the naked lady done a dance on stage behind a bunch of big balloons what looked like bubbles coming from a huge champagne glass. I was only about Randy and Cal's age, and I loved it. You couldn't see nothing. She always had them damn balloons in front of her. I thought it was wonderful and made the mistake of telling my mother. She swelled up like a giant horn toad does to keep a coyote from eating it, turned as green as the witch in the Wizard of Oz, and I could swear she was gonna' spit bloody-tobacco out her eyes she was so pissed. She done got on my dad's case like stink on shit. She called him ever' bad name she could think of and then invented a few of her own; said he was a no-good, low-life muther-hump'n lop-eared jackrabbit for taking her baby to see a strip-tease act. She was get-down-walk-around angry with him, my granddaddy, and me, but fortunately, Grandma Zelma come to our aid and talked her down from her indignant throne," Tom added, and the men laughed. Nathan Daniels allowed it sounded like something Travis Houston Redbone would do.   

"I already got Mary Ruth Rutherford's permission to let Randy be a part. We ain't kept nothing from him. If the truth be know'd, I think the Bossman's done give old Bubba a few tips and pointers on training his adopted pa. Another idea in favor of what Tom said – as clever as them scamps is, they'll probably be able to sweet talk one of their devoted contacts and be viewing the action while it's happening or with as little time delay as possible," Billy said. The men laughed and agreed with him, "You up to riding herd on them boys, Master Bull?" Billy asked Elmer.

"I give them boys my word, and the bull of the hill country don't never go back on his word," Elmer bragged.

"Thank some unknown god! Every family needs a brave bull!" Billy exclaimed, and laughed.

"Hosanna!" shouted Tom.

"Hosanna, in the highest!" the men replied and fell out laughing at their nonsense.

* * * * * * *
Bubba finished up with Orville in the slave processing room and was getting ready to transport himself and his pa to the dungeon. The men originally planned to hold the Grand Opening in the slave processing room, but the guest list grew and Billy thought the dungeon would be better. Orville didn't know everything going on at the ranch. He wasn't a stupid man, but he could only guess from what he saw going on around him. He figured there was quite a bit more than the usual ranch operation, but he couldn't help be sucked into the Daniels' experience any more than the rest. He didn't know a lot of the particulars nor did he know exactly what Bubba's relationship was to Billy Daniels. When Bubba vanished, winged-up, and returned to Orville in the slave processing area, the man almost lost his butt plug which was firmly strapped into his ass. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, "What's this?" he asked reaching his right hand to gently caress Bubba's right wing. "Did you die, Son?" he asked confused.

"No, no, Pops, I'm very much alive. I didn't have to die to get these wings. They was given to me when I's just a young boy about Bossman Randy's age, but they didn't grow in until about a month and a half ago about the same time I met you," Bubba explained, "I have to wing up to transport us to the dungeon in the castle where we's gonna' do our thing. You like ma' wings, Pa?" Bubba asked and shook them for Orville.

"I always looked on you as my delivering angel, Son, but to see you like this is amazing. What other powers do you have?" he asked.

"Glad you asked. I been mean'n to talk with you about a couple of things. I'm learning everyday about my powers and how to use them. I been using some on you without telling you 'cause I didn't wanna' scare your to death or make you worry none, but the time has come to tell you so's you can get the most from our shared experience as we can bring to it. It will make us an unbeatable team, Pops, I promise," Bubba explained. "You ever wondered how I can fuck you so good when I work you over with your plugs to get the best feeling for you and the results I demand?" Bubba asked.

"Intuition? Training?" Orville asked like he was fishing.

"They's only a small part, Pops," Bubba continued, "I get into your head. I can hear your thoughts and feel your responses. I don't have to ask what feels good, how far to go, or when to back off and coast for a while. I'm inside your mind experiencing the same feelings you are," Bubba explained.

"No! How?" Orville asked.

"Enhanced powers, Pops. You know sometimes when you're with me you feel a tingling sensation at the base of your brain like a chill up your spine? Like a rabbit just ran over your grave sort of thing?" Bubba asked.

"Yeah, it happens often. Are you doing it?" Orville asked.

"Bossman Randy calls it tickling somebody to let them know you want to enter their head and talk mind-to-mind with them," Bubba said, "only I ain't been asking permission. I been using my ability to make sure I don't hurt you none, or go further than you can take during any given session we done had together," Bubba explained.

"I gotta' think about that one. It's sort of a double-edged sword, ain't it?" Orville asked.

"You mean compassion without privacy?" Bubba asked.

"Something like that," Orville agreed.

"Since when does a new punishment slave have a right to privacy? Don't go get'n yore' feelings hurt. Hell, y'ain't alone! Our personal communication devices are tapped and recorded by our government; however, now you pointed it out, it can be a double-edged sword to work for us, Pops," Bubba said and got a wicked grin on his face.

"I seen that grin before, and you always come up with something new and novel. If I had to have a training mentor or master, I'm glad it was you, Son. Ain't never been a dull moment," Orville said.

"I wanted to save the best for last, Pops. Now, look into my eyes and when you feel me tickle you, allow me in, and the tickle will go away," Bubba said.

Orville did as his young mentor asked and grinned when the felt the tickle. He didn't resist and felt something flooding into his mind like another presence and a chill ran up his spine. << Can you hear me now? >> Bubba sent and grinned like a Cheshire Cat. << Answer me with your mind, Pops, >> he added.

<< This is remarkable. Of course I can hear you, Son, >> he replied.

Bubba offered his huge arm to Orville, << Pinch me, Pops, until it hurts you, >> Bubba ordered.

Orville did as Bubba instructed and gave him a pretty good pinch and quickly withdrew his hand, "Ouch!" Orville exclaimed out loud, "That hurt!" he said and started rubbing his own arm in the same place. The big slave got a funny look on his face and moved his other hand to Bubba's arm to rub the pain from his arm at the same time. << That was amazing, Son. I believe you. Then what you're telling me is you plan to share you experience fucking me, and I will share my experience of getting fucked by you at the same time. Is that right? >> Orville sent to Bubba.

<< I keep telling them old cowboys my adopted p__a is a smart man, >> Bubba replied and smiled.

<< And my boy is a frick'n genius! >> Orville proclaimed, << I can't imagine. Do you think it might cause a sensory overload, Son? >> he asked.

<< If there's a real god somewhere out there in the universe, I certainly hope so, Pops. That's my plan for us. After I work us up real good into an animalistic frenzy; a hard charging rut, and we's all sweaty, huff'n and a puff'n, frothing at the gills, our nares flared wide and spittle drool'n from the corners of our mouths, I'll slowly build up to where I want us to be. I'll give you the signal, we'll reach perihelion at the same moment, and we'll experience the Nirvana of sexual free-fall together, >> Bubba sent in his best cowboy hyperbole.

<< My god, you make it sound like two young boys finding paradise together, >> Orville replied.

<< Damn near, Pops – or as close as we can come. Pun intended! >> Bubba exclaimed, and they shared a laugh together.

<< I am so ready, Bubba, >> Orville sent.

<< I think we both are, Pops. Now let's make each other proud, >> Bubba sent and lovingly patted Orville on his perfect ass. Bubba wondered if Orville had any idea how much he suffered in the last several weeks being able to play with the big man's perfect ass but not being able to allow himself entry. He was as stoved up for their performance as Orville.

* * * * * * *
It was around one-thirty when Bubba and Orville arrived and took their places. The invited guests were beginning to gather, and there was quite a bit of hub-bub about Orville and Bubba's appearance. They looked like two Aztec sun gods wearing only their big hats and buckaroo boots. Orville was still wearing his harness, but Bubba made quick work of removing it after they arrived. Billy didn't have room in the dungeon for the men who wanted to witness the Grand Opening of their first punishment slave, but like the trial of Clarence Womack and Harley-Buck Johnson, Junior, he set up a huge three dimensional video screen in the same enormous banquet hall so the overflow crowd could watch. He didn't allow the food vendors this time, because he didn't figure it would take Bubba and Orville longer than thirty minutes to an hour to reach their goal.

Not everyone in Billy's family was invited. Billy wasn't ready for Harley-Buck and Earl Hickson to see the dungeon area in the castle on Captain Nick's ship. There was no doubt in his mind if Harlen could put two and two together about the scene from Hell, Harley-Buck would know for sure there was a link. Billy didn't plan to keep it a secret from him forever. He would probably wait several weeks for Harley-Buck and Earl to be broken in and ready for their Grand Openings before he revealed the dungeon to them.

Judge LaFleur and his son, Wesley were there along with most of Billy's cowboy-angels and family posse. Billy kept the judge informed on what he was doing for and with Odin Bluetooth and his partner. At first the judge was reticent until he watched the video provided by the Irin, and he gave Billy's his unqualified blessing to get the big man out of Huntsville as soon as possible. He even laughed his ass off when Billy described the replacement they left in Blue's cell. Big Blue and Erin came down the back stairs with their new giant family. They looked well rested and content with each other. Everyone of the giants, including Blue and Erin, were naked as the day they were born. It was their area, and they were in and out of the stables to check on and/or groom the Great Shedus so much they would be dressing and undressing most of the time. It was fine with Billy and his family. They'd rather see them in the raw anyway.

When everyone gathered, Billy made a brief speech about the afternoon marking the end of Orville's punishment slave boot camp and with his grand opening he would become one of Billy's regular slaves with some minor exceptions. Since Bubba Kirkendall asked and agreed to mentor Orville, Billy turned the performance over to him, but before he did, Billy complimented the two men on their turned-out appearance and remarked they looked like a new act auditioning for Cirque Du Soleil.

Bubba welcomed everyone, the lights were lowered, and two pin spots came on which lit just the area of the raised dais where Bubba was standing and Orville was lying with his boots thrown into the air and supported by metal stirrups to keep them up and out of the way for best access to his ass. Without fanfare Bubba pulled the string on Orville's large plug resting in his ass and it popped out of his sphincter. There were several murmurs in the crowd of men who were impressed by the size and length of the plug. Bubba didn't just remove it. He used it to play with Orville and to work him up to receiving his own impressive manhood. It also acted as a stimulus for Bubba's cock to grow and swell to its full proportion. Bubba already linked with Orville and he could feel exactly how it was feeling for his surrogate pa when he began to work him with ever more strength and depth of penetration with the big plug. Bubba finally gave Orville his permission to move up to the last large plug before his final opening about a week before, and it was the large slave's mentor who placed it inside him for the first time. Bubba stopped his relentless probing of Orville's ass and figured he was erect enough to take his surrogate dad. He swiftly removed the plug and set it on a shelf below the bench. Bubba took his time to thoroughly lubricate his own cock before he stood before Orville, leaned over him, placed the head of his large cock to his anus, leaned over the big man, and sunk his engorged penis to the base inside Orville with one swift, strong motion, and held it there for sometime.

<< See, I told you it would feel better than any of them butt plugs, >> he sent and smiled at Orville.

<< I could imagine the real thing would be better than them plugs, but not this good, Son. You feel wonderful inside me, and I can feel how it feels for you. It's like I been looking at life in monaural all my life, you suddenly come along, hit the stereophonic switch, and I can hear and feel it all – every nuance. This is fucking amazing, >> Orville returned.

<< We gonna' have any problems, Pops? >> Bubba asked.

<< Lord no, Son, let's get this show on the road and give them rubes something to remember, >> Orville sent in reply.

Bubba and Orville got down to it and if Cirque De Soleil ever considered an act of classic sodomy to grace their stage, several in the crowd that afternoon were sure Bubba and his surrogate pa made the cut. The old judge turned to his son and saw Wesley was entranced by what he was watching wide-eyed before him. "Glad I insisted you come with me, Son?" Judge LaFleur asked quietly.

"I was just thinking how much I would have missed if you failed to get a commitment from me, Dad," Wesley replied, "They look like they belong together as a team. They look perfectly matched. Would you think bad of me if I said I'm almost jealous of them?" Wesley asked.

The old judge took a deep breath and sighed, "I'd think some'um's wrong with you if you didn't feel that way, boy," he replied, "Does this mean you might be reconsidering Master Billy's offer, the same business deal, of supplying you with cowboy-slaves if you join his Grange co-op?" the judge asked.

"Yes, sir, it certainly does. I know you plan to take him up on his offer, but do you think it might bring up questions of conflict of interests?" Wesley asked.

"It didn't with our founding fathers of our country. Many were slave owners. Washington, Jefferson and several other presidents were slave owners. Our sheriff and his dad took Billy up on his offer and they's well on their way working toward reaching their goal. Hell, they even adopted one of the slaves, Everett, as Buster's boy and the sheriff's younger brother. They must be getting along pretty good. They sleep in the same bed together. Don't you think some of them men in Huntsville who are looking at life sentences or being sold as meat to underground food suppliers would be better off living on a ranch like ours than rotting in a cell, day in and day out?" he asked.

"I agree. I'm amazed at what Billy's accomplished in such a short period of time," Wesley said.

"Are you looking to find your own 'Orville' or 'Everett' Son?" the judge asked.

"I won't gainsay it, Pa, but you know I ain't one to rush into nothing," Wesley said and blushed.

"I'm glad to hear you might be changing your perspectives, Son. I've always been proud of you for choosing to live your life the way you want and not follow in my footsteps. I think if you keep looking and be practical, you'll find a good slave to mentor who will come to love and appreciate you as his master," Judge LaFleur said and smiled at the erection in his boy's Wranglers.    

Billy stood watching Bubba and Orville fucking and got a sympathetic erection. It would be difficult not to. He could see his posse of cowboy-angels in full-bloom in their Wranglers with wet spots the size of a fifty-cent piece where the head of their cocks rested. There was a heavy smell of male pheromones and the strong odor of fresh smegma wafting through the dungeon air. Billy thought the dungeon always contained a particularly male fragrance reminding him of dirty old jockstraps from his days in the locker room when he played football. The dungeon also smelled of old leather and boots – two of Billy's favorite smells.

The giants were shameless and were holding each other playing with one another. Erin was sitting in his huge mate's lap with Big Blue's cock sticking up through Erin's legs. Erin held both cocks in his hands and gently stroked them together.

Billy got a look at his husband out of the corner of his eye, and could see Boomer looking at him, breathing heavily. He turned and walked the few steps to him, backed up to his massive body, pulled his huge furry arms around his front, reached up and kissed his big beast on the cheek. "While I's watching them two fuck, I got to think'n, it's been a while for you and me, my good husband," he whispered. Boomer pulled him close and nuzzled his husband and master with his huge face but he didn't reply. "Tonight! You! Me! I'll get Hank and Buck to groom us. We'll let Poly and Cass entertain Captain Nick with their growing repertoire of cowboys and giants they managed to talk out of a taste of their blood. They's like one of them old jute-boxes they had at every table in a diner back in the forties and fifties where you drop in a coin and get to hear the song of your choice. They can keep Captain Nick occupied with a veritable cornucopia of big cowboys or Kagoli demons to entertain him for an evening. They told me they last added my uncle and his mate to their repertoire," Billy said, smiled, and stole a kiss from his gigantic husband.

"It would be a great thrill for me, Master Billy," Boomer whispered.

"We done already picked out our own personal apartment in the giant's wing. Big Blue and some of his trained staff have been working on it. They told me they finished last Thursday, and it's ready for our use," Billy said.

"I'll look forward to it, Master Billy," Boomer said quietly.

"So will I, Boom. It's been too damn long," Billy said.

* * * * * * *
Bubba and Orville were in a world of their own? Not really. Even though they didn't realize it at the time, it was more like they were the central focus of several universes at the moment of their historic coupling. In deference to the intergalactic viewers who were following Bubba and Orville's progress and their bonding, Billy instructed his staff to install a star-bell to ring at the successful completion of two men's coupling. Billy and Boomer stood by ready to ring the bell to remind everyone another star was being created in the universe at the same moment the two men reached sexual climax.

<< I can feel everything, Son – you, plowing my red Earth like Adam breaking the soil of E-dan to plant his crops. You can feel me giving up my life-force to your blade as it demands my toil to bring us together at this time. I'm ready, my Son, take from me and make us one. Give us what we both desire – completion, >>  Orville sent.

<< We work well together, Pops. We will continue to grow and work together. Our world has just begun. Open wide, Pa, and receive your son. We are there, standing on the threshold of tomorrow. I take you as my surrogate dad and my willing slave. Come with me, Pops! >> Bubba urged, took three enormous strokes into Orville's hungry ass, and emptied himself deep into the big man's compliant gut. Orville could feel everything and his trigger was switched at the same exact moment as Bubba's, he arched his back, raised from the table, and shot a load of slave-come six feet into the air to land somewhere in the darkness before them. The men collapsed together in a quivering mass of male flesh enjoying the final moments and glow from the small death of ejaculation. Billy rang the star-bell and it was done.

"Hosanna!" Billy shouted.

"Hosanna, in the highest!" everyone in the dungeon and in the auditorium observing shouted in reply. Then the crowd went crazy with applause, whistles, stomping of boots, throwing of hats, and general mayhem for the men's successful coupling. A lot of money changed hands. Many didn't think Bubba could pull it off – so to speak – to fuck Orville to the point of making the hard looking mature man ejaculate without manipulation, but he did, and accomplished it rather spectacularly.

"Well, what do you think?" Odie Bluetooth asked his little buddy, Ramrod Randy, who crawled up into Erin's lap during the proceedings. Big Blue had his arms around both men.

"I think I need to rethink my ideas about ejaculation. I think them two men just raised the sex act between males to an art form. It was like Orville became a fine musical instrument and could only be expected to perform as well as Maestro Bubba played him. Bubba took his time and built Orville up to a glorious climax. Together they made beautiful music," Randy said.    

Billy made another brief speech welcoming Orville into his family of slaves. He also made an announcement, the following Sunday, the family and his slaves would be going to church, but they wouldn't be available for visitation Sunday afternoon. There were several matters which needed to be attended to and required his and his immediate family's attention. He didn't elaborate, but he was laying the ground work for him and his posse's away mission to Oregon to help Cousin Cleet and Veed make arrangements to relocate to Texas.

The men came around to Bubba and Orville to congratulate them and wish them well. Orville blushed several times. He never experienced men who displayed such heartfelt generosity of spirit and purpose to genuinely offer him and Bubba their encouragement and concern. Not long afterward, the crowd broke up and people began to leave the ranch. Harlen and Jessie mutually agreed they would take Daffy and Chloe, and with Bossman Randy's help, they would gate back to their place in The Woodlands. Their local stomping of Bigfoot were returned after the concert the previous afternoon. They were more than a little impressed by their weekend at the Daniels' ranch and looked forward to many more.

By the time Kate and her staff got around to setting out a light supper for the immediate family most everyone departed who came for the Grand Opening. Even the McMartin's gated back to their home with their protector to get an early start on the week. Tom scheduled some important business meetings for the first of the week.

Wesley LaFleur shook hands with Billy and thanked him again for his gracious invitation and told him he'd like to talk with him further about joining and becoming a part of the Daniels' family of Grange ranchers. Billy told him he would set some time aside during the coming week for them to get together with him and his staff and discuss it with him.

Bubba and Jack rode back to the Kirkendall ranch with Hoss and Doug. Bubba was the hero of the afternoon and evening, but the men went their separate ways. The Daniels' experience could be overwhelming at times and almost emotionally exhausting. They needed to get away by themselves to savor and think about the weekend to put it in perspective. Doug was all the more impressed with Bubba, and it became obvious to his cousin, the young man was developing a major crush on the big cowboy.

* * * * * * *
Stan drove him and Cletus into Tall Pine. It was the first time Cletus got to see the small town. There wasn't really much to it. It was off the main highway about five miles and was so small it didn't even have a traffic light. There was no need. Other than the OTs (out-of-towners) there just wasn't that many vehicles around. It got pretty active on the weekends, but the rest of the time traffic was slack. Stan stopped by Gladys Gimble's house on the way to pick up her and Norman Hoover. The men quickly loaded Glady's drum-set and Norm's bass in the back, and they set off for downtown and Nellie's Cantina. They arrived and got set up about one o'clock in the afternoon. Stan told everyone, the town folks could come around three or later and stay as long as they could put up with the noise or Nellie kicked them out – whichever happened first. Stan wasn't shy with the town folks. They knew who and what Stan and the big ugly hairy Cajun man was about. Stan introduced Cletus as his husband and that was it. No one raised an eyebrow. It wasn't as brave as it sounds. Other than Gladys and Norm there was only Nellie, her teenage son, Wilbur, who Stan thought was a bit suspect; a little light in the heels, and looked at Cletus like he would like to run naked through his fur. Then there was Gower Flint, an aging rare Earth prospector who helped out around the place for a room with bath at the back of the building.

The band got set up on the stage and were ready to play. The stage was pretty big and ran the width of the building on the back. It seemed to swallow their small group of four musicians. Norm said he played mostly classical music but dabbled in jazz and could improvise pretty well. He allowed he never heard much Cajun music before, but he was certainly willing to give it a try. After several false starts, Gladys caught on to the basic Cajun beat, and she took off. It took Norm a bit longer, but once he got the simple chordal structure down he began to shine and could support the bass line like a tuba player in a German Oompha Beer Garten Band. After about the fifth song they played, something magical happened. They coalesced into one. They found their places within the group and no one tried to outshine the other, except when it came time for Stan or Cletus to take the lead.

Their audience of three stood with their mouths open. They never expected anything as wonderful as what they were hearing, and had to be pried away from listening to get arriving customers a drink or a snack. The more they played, the more people came from around town and many from out of town got the news and drove up from Portland to hear Stan and Cletus Breedlove-Abernathy play Cajun music. Once the folks got there and listened for a few minutes, cell phones were whipped out like six-guns at a Western shoot out and their family and friends were texted and a brief video of the band was sent. Nellie started making money hand over fist. She ordered extra beer and wine for the following weekend and fortunately it arrived that Friday. She quickly ran out of their current stock and had to break it out, ice it down, and start selling it. She could always order more. She decided to double – no – triple the order for the following weekend. The people moved the tables around the periphery of the huge rooms and the center was reserved for dancing.

Surprisingly, there were any number of folks who knew how to dance Cajun and the others began to copy them. Of course Stan and Cletus played waltzes, slow-drag rags, polkas, and several different reels. Sheriff Andreeson and his family arrived around three o'clock and the party was well underway. Stan stopped the music so he could escort his buddy Bobby and his family to several seats he reserved for them right next to the stage. Stan introduced Cletus to the Andreesons and their boy Bobby. Cletus had a way with people and Stan learned much from him. He could tame the heart of the wildest beast or put the most troubled soul at peace. He met Bobby, and it was love at first sight. Bobby was in love and so was the giant man. Bobby couldn't take his eyes off Cletus.

Stan took the opportunity to speak to the gathered crowd. The place was packed. There wasn't a seat at a table and people were standing everywhere. Stan took the microphone and looked around the room. "Wow!" he said in awe, and everyone laughed. "Thank you for coming out to hear us; however, I stressed heavily this is only a practice session for next Sunday afternoon. I have lived in the forest in a cabin about twenty miles from here and worked in this community for over two years now. I brought my husband, Cletus Abernathy, up here to die. He was severely injured in a motorcycle accident, and we didn't have the money to fix him up. Recently, I unexpectedly inherited some funds, and we managed to get the operation he needed. I'm thrilled to say, he's on the mend. Cletus, take a bow!" Stan said. Cletus stood, acknowledged the audience. The people yelled and applauded for him. "Our other two fine musicians on stage with us is 'Mom' Glady's Gimble who bakes Mom's pies for the restaurant. Mom is beat'n them drums like a pro, and our old friend Norm Hoover is on bass fiddle.

"The purpose of our planned concert next Sunday is a tribute to this wonderful town and to say thank you for the kindness and wonderful things many of you have done for us. It's free for the town folks, but out-of-towers will need to speak with Nellie about buying tickets for food. The music is free, but me and my husband will be providing some good down-home Cajun food. So if you like what you hear be here about the same time next Sunday and we'll get underway. Now, since one of my favorite people has arrived, Bobby Andreeson, and his family, let's get down to some fun music and have us a good time," Stan said and the crowd went nuts.

Cletus stomped his huge cowboy boot four times and they launched into the Bosco Stomp. The crowd was dancing, laughing, and having a great time. Most of the restaurant staff was there except the owner. He couldn't be bothered. Luigi loved the music. Stan and Cletus even played a couple of Italian tunes. But it was when Cletus and Stan stood at the microphone together and sang Jolie Blond in the original Cajun tongue, there wasn't a dry eye in the place. The audience loved it and made them promise to play it again. They took a couple of breaks, but they played for hours.   

After a break Stan spoke to the crowd again, "I've been asked about my square fiddle. There's a story behind it what's sad and yet somewhat of a miracle. I'm from the severe bible belt in Texas. My family was hard-core fundamental evangelicals. They nearly destroyed my older brother who, despite them, became the greatest athlete the University of Texas ever had, Oatie Breedlove," Stan said and a mummer went around the room. Obviously the name rang a bell with several people, "I became friends with a Cajun boy in high school who's family lived in another small town about eleven miles away. I would spend most of my time with them, and they provided a great escape for me. I loved them, and I loved their music. They taught me to play the fiddle. I asked my mom to buy me a cheap fiddle, but she refused. Told me only long-haired homos played the violin. I didn't understand. I had short hair," Stan said, and everyone laughed. "Over a period of time, I made this fiddle by hand, and I'm quite proud of it. It may not be a looker, but I can get it to sing the sweetest songs for me. By the way, I left town the day of my graduation and never looked back, but me and my husband are going back to Texas to my home town after next Sunday to be reunited with my granddad and my older brother," Stan said and the audience cheered for him.

Stan decided they should have a name for their band, and someone suggested since Cletus stomped his big boot to start every tune, they should be known as the Tall Pine Stompers. They liked that name and took it on. They played until Nellie ran out of everything, and folks started to leave. Stan and the band decided it was time to pack it in for the evening. Norm and Gladys left their instruments and decided to walk home. Stan and Cletus hung around for a while talking with several folks from the restaurant and the Andreesons. Bobby had a big time. He tried his best to keep time with the music and would almost fall out of his wheel-chair laughing every time Cletus or Stan would look his way, wink at him, and grin. The sheriff and his family were thrilled by the good, clean entertainment. They promised they would return the following Sunday.

It was still early evening when Stan and Cletus started back to the cabin, but they had one last stop to make before they left town. An older couple, Emmett and Fran Fennel, who were at Nellie's for their practice concert, were the owners of the cabin where Stan and Cletus were staying. Their son was one of Stan and Cletus biker buddies who told them they could stay in the cabin until they got on their feet. Stan already made arrangements for them to stop by on their way out of town. Fran had fresh coffee and a big carrot cake she baked that day she carefully cut and gave to the men to enjoy with their coffee. They talked about many things, but mostly how grateful Stan and Cletus were for their kindness and generosity. Stan pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Mrs. Fennel. She carefully opened it an saw hundred dollar bills. She looked at her husband and handed him the envelope.

"There's twenty-four hundred dollars, Mr. Fennel. We figured at a hundred dollars a month for rent would come to that at the end of this month. I know you folks done what you did with no expectations. You are truly good Samaritans, but since we come into some money, it's the very least we can do to remember those who helped us in our time of need. We promise we will leave the cabin in better shape than we found it and hope you enjoy the improvements we put into the place. We only have one small request. If we need to get away from it all, we might contact you, and ask your permission to stay a night or two if it's not being occupied," Stan said.

"Of course you can, Son," Mr. Fennel said, "We never expected anything but your thanks. Our boy will be thrilled to hear you men are doing well. He's supposed to come home this summer for a spell, and we'll drive out to see the place. We ain't been out there in years. Thank you for this, Stan. It will come in handy. You know how hard it is to get by today," he added.

Stan and Cletus stayed only for a brief while after they finished their coffee and cake. The Fennels promised they would be at the party the following Sunday. Stan drove the twenty miles back to the cabin. They were quiet for a while, each enjoying their own thoughts about the afternoon. Cletus looked over and smiled at his mate. "I ain't never been so proud of you as I was today, mon cher. Away from the cabin, you're a different man than you was two years ago. You're together and more sure of yourself than I can ever remember. Do you think what we been through was a test?" he asked.

"Never thought of it that way, Cleet, but you make a good point. It's something I'll certainly think about. We been through a lot, but lately I'm encouraged we'll have some blue skies and just maybe an easier go of it for a while. I know the last two years solidified our relationship," Stan replied and smiled.

"You got the soul of an old man inside you, Veed, with which I feel very comfortable. I watched you grow from an unsure young man to a strong, stalwart, mature man who can scale the highest mountains. I guess what I'm trying to say is 'thank you for my life, mon ami, and I couldn't love you more,'" Cletus said quietly.  

"Hesh up, Cleet!" Stan quietly admonished his mate, "I got to get us home safely, and I can't drive with tears in me eyes. I love you more than I got words to tell, and I'm so thrilled to have you back to your old self, I don't want to chance losing you again, mon cher; however, since we's making observations about each other, don't know's I can ever remember you playing with more of a need to sing from your soul than from your fingers. Technically, you's miles ahead of what you were before the accident. Some of your playing today transcended a mere mortal playing catchy Cajun tunes. It was the stuff of angels, Cleet," Stan said.

"I heard it passed around, them folks was say'n the same about chore' fiddle playing, Veed; your square box must have an angel trapped inside. I got me an excuse, but you ain't been enhanced yet. Yours is coming from the remembered pain in your gut, mon cher. I can only wonder what you'll be like when Master Billy and his men work you over," Cletus said and laughed.

Stan and Cletus found their Bigfoot family sitting on the porch waiting for them when they drove up. Cletus gathered their bowls, fed them, and gave them fresh water to drink. They sat and talked with Erasmus and the family for a while, then went in to bed. They didn't make love. They were high from the afternoon and the day being so successful. Stan had to be at the restaurant at eleven the next morning. They went to bed and slept peacefully and content in each other's arms.

End of Chapter 58 ~ Seek Him Who Maketh The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2013 ~ 2014 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com
WC = 18791

Next: Chapter 59

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