Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on Mar 7, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 4

Him Who Made The Seven Stars

By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 4

“Bashful saints who spark creation are persecuted and denied their rightful place in the universe by sanctimonious defilers of innocent young boys; crossdressing hypocrites pledged to a cult of death to support inept politicians who exude a frothy residue of intolerance and bigotry fanned by the flames of ignorance, hatred, and suppressed sexual fantasies; they who strive for compassion and the light of reason are forced to live in the shadows and hide their greater purpose under a bushel basket once filled with twaddle-knockers* for an open air market display; they are the true, humble servants of poweful but forgotten gods, and every time they couple to share their love and seed, stem or stern, a bell shall ring out, and another star is born in a distant galaxy. Hosanna is their name. Hosanna in the highest.” From the Watcher’s Holy Book of Prophets: Xoastrous Xenfendel The Elder 16:5

Boomer’s heavily padded large feet covered with fur made little or no sound as they walked down the long dark corridors of the palace lit only by an occasional glowing wall sconce protecting a bioluminescence life-form living behind it. When it sensed movement, or the approaching sound of footsteps, even at a distance, it would start to give off light. The heavier the sound, the brighter the light. They got really excited from the sound of Billy’s buckaroo boots clomping through the corridors amplified ten fold like a pair of high-heels worn by a full figured woman, echoing down the deserted back streets of Skaskatoon on a bitterly cold winter’s night, and the aqualuminnits shown forth with their maximum amount of light from the sound.

Boomer couldn’t remember ever seeing them so excited or the hall so well lit. A scripture came to Boomer’s mind written by a great prophet of his race, sometimes known as the Almost Very Right Reverend Xoastrous Xenfendel; known to all his close associates as Dos Equis, the most interesting watcher in the universe. Thousands of years ago he wrote: And where the humble human, lover of the horse and cow shall walk, great light shall spring up and proceed before him to light his way; and his protector, his faithful watcher slave, who loves him without measure, will receive his simple gift of purity and bear his children. Boomer dismissed the books of prophecy as myth and superstition, but that particular passage nagged at him like a fishwife berating her drunken husband.

After climbing numerous stairs, Boomer told Billy they were high in the main tower of the palace, and the view from the rooms should be spectacular. Billy had a wicked thought: he wondered how much the view would matter when he had his ass filled with Bigfoot cock, and was getting his brains fucked out for old glory, mother, home, and apple pie; oh, yes, and the the Lone Star State of Jesusland. They finally came to another long corridor, and as they walked down the length of the hallway, they could see two figures standing like they were waiting for them.

“Are they waiting for us?” Boomer asked the young human slave.

“Yes, sir. They are your grooms for the evening. They've been doing this for years. They’re good men. You will like them. Everybody does. They’re two old cowboys from Earth. They will put you at ease, and you will have no apprehension about anything. They’ll make you laugh at their bullshit, but don’t let their homespun nonsense fool you. They’re highly trained experts at what they do, and they do their jobs well. All you have to do is lay back, enjoy, follow their easy instructions, and you will have a wonderful, relaxed sexual experience,” the slave promised.

“As they drew closer, Billy could tell they were wearing tall black rubber boots which came up to their crotches, black rubber gloves, and a black rubber apron draped over their necks which came down almost to their ankles. They had nothing on under the aprons and their asses stuck out from behind. The taller of the two was well built, salt and pepper hair in a crew cut, with a finely trimmed buckaroo mustache, and very masculine. The slightly shorter man had a noticeable case of male pattern baldness, and what hair remained, he cut short. He was built like a compact fireplug, and also had a mustache and a two-day stubble of beard. Billy’s penis immediately began to fill with blood, but he wore no Wranglers to hide his shame should he have felt any. He didn’t. The men pretended to ignore Billy’s erection.

“Would ju’ look at them boots, Buck,” the shorter man said, pointing to Billy’s buckaroo boots.

“Damn fine look’n pair a’ boots, pod’na. Makes ma’ feet itch, ‘cause they’d like to be wear’n a fine pair jes’ like 'em,” Buck drawled.

“If’n he ain’t from the New Nineted States a’ Texas, I’ll kiss yore’ace, brother,” the smaller man put his fists on his hips, leaned forward, and declared.

“Shit, Hank, you kiss my ass ever’ night ‘afore you fuck me,” Buck said and laughed.

“Well, then, I’ll kiss it a hun’nert times,” Hank declared like he was disgusted with his buddy’s retort.

“Make it two hun’nert, and you got chore’self a bet, cowboy,” Buck shot back.

“Two hun’nert it is, pod’na!” Hank exclaimed.

“Hank wins the bet. Sorry, Buck,” Billy said, laughed, and stuck out his hand.

“Shit, ‘at ain’t no problem,” Buck replied taking Billy's hand to shake, “Hell far, I love kiss’n Hank’s little rosebud. Me’n that sweet thang’s on a first name basis. It loves me suck’n on it, and I drive it crazy with ma’ tongue, French kiss’n it now and again to see how fur up inside Hank’s hole I can get it,” Buck bragged, “You and this fine look’n watcher plan’n on make’n the beast with two backs tonight, sir?” he asked like it was nothing more than a strole in the park on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

“We’s hope’n to. This here big’un’s ma’ number one slave and protector. His name’s Boomer. He didn’t have no name until I give him one when I’s 'bout seven years old and saved his life. He’s been my protector and watcher as long as I can remember, but we know’d each other for over a decade now. T’other day, the high council of this here planet, they done went and made him my slave. T’weren’t my idea, but I’m glad they done it. Gives us an excuse to see more of each other and love on one another like we talked and dream’n about for a number of years.

"Old Boomer, here, ain’t only ma’ slave, he’s ma’ bonded brother. I love him, and he loves me. How do I know he loves me? I cain't begin to count the ways, but most of all, he done told me so, and my slave’s word is good enough for this cowboy. If’n y’ain’t hear’d by now, my name’s Billy Daniels, gentlemen. Boomer and me, we come from the hill country of West Central Texas jes’ north a’ San Antonio ‘bout a hun’nert miles. I told Boomer I wanted to lose my virginity with him afore we return to planet Texas. You can see how big he is, and I gotta’ be clean to take a monster like him,” Billy said.

“No problem. We’ll fix you up. It'll be a pleasure to groom two brothers what come from god’s country. You men can have yore’ choice of grooms, me or the runt of the litter, there,” Buck said motioning to his partner and grinned.

“Fuck you and the hoss you rode in on, cowboy! I ain’t no runt,” Hank said as he gathered up the front of his rubber apron to flash his cock. It was big, uncut, and as handsome as the rest of the cowboy, “Go on, buckaroo, raise yorn and show them men what a real runt looks like,” Hank demanded of his partner. Buck raised his apron for everyone to see. His cock was just as big, but a bit skinnier.

Instead of offering Hank his hand to shake, Billy held out his hand with the palm up, and Hank didn’t hesitate. He slapped his healthy quarter pounder right into Billy’s hand. Billy wrapped his fingers around it, grinned, and looked Hank in his eyes as he stroked it several time to make it fill with blood. The only problem was, Billy erection grew harder at the same time. Hank winked at Billy and smiled. He could almost read the young man’s mind. “Ya’ona make another bet on who our cowboy picks to be his groom, buckaroo?” Hank asked his mate and grinned.

“Naw, I can tell I already done lost that one. Makes me no never mind, I got me a big handsome long-leggedy beastie to take care of. I’ll make him smell so good and look s’purdy his master’s gonna’ have a fit when he see’s him after I git’s through with ‘em,” Buck bragged.

“Com’moan, Son. You done suffered enough of our bullshit. You and me, we got us a date with a nice warm enema bag. Besides the shit is git’n purdy deep in this hallway. Don’t wanna’ soil them purdy boots a yorn on account a’ us kick’n it around. You come with me and old Hank will clean you out real good, put you on the rack, give you a lube job, grease you up real good, and make you shine like a new penny.

"I’ll make you feel like you cain’t live another minute without that big monster deep inside yore’ fine looking cowboy butt, jes’ like yore’ feet fit them boots. We’ll git chu’ ready to ride the big one, Son. Once you ease yore’self down on that monster’s cock and make yore’self to home in his saddle, we’ll open the chute, and you can ride him down hard and win the rodeo. My money’s on the cowboy. I’ll bet a fine buckroo like you can ride anything," he said and grinned. “By the way, we give belt buckles for the longest ride of the day,” Hank said and laughed at his own bullshit.

Billy fell in love with them. They were his kind of people. They spoke cowboy bullshit fluently.

“Lemme’ hep’ ya’ off with them fine boots, Son. Sometimes things can git a mite messy ‘round here ‘cause shit happens. I’m protected with this here rubber suit I be wear’n, but we wouldn’t wanna’ soil yore’ boots none. Without his boots a cowboy’s jes’ plumb naked, and any cowboy worth the name will only let his buddy fuck him with his boots on,” Hank declared. Billy let him take them off.

“Hop up here on this table, Son, and we’ll get started. Do you want any enhancements for your first time in the saddle?” Hank asked.

“Enhancements? What are you talk’n about, Hank?” Billy asked.

“Mild non-addictive herbs and medications to relax you, or enhance the experience for your first time,” Hank explained.

“What would you recommend?” Billy asked.

“A mild herbal tea what will make yore’ asshole relax so sweetly you could spin on a fireplug and not feel a damn thing. Another one we could mix with it will make you feel like you done died and gone to heaven once’t that monster gits you broke to his saddle and gits to root’n around up inside you. Buck and I use ‘em all the time, and they take us places we ain’t never been before.

“Old Buck and me been together a lot of years, but I ain’t never got tired of him. He lets me be the husband most of the time, but once in a while I like to switch, lay back, relax and let him do the husbanding. He makes a damn good husband, too. Fucks me good, he does. My old asshole stays sore for several days, but I got a big smile on my lips and a song in me heart,” Hank shared.

“All right, why not? Cowboy up! Whatever you think. I was told to put myself in yore’ hands, so go ahead on, and fix me up with whatever you think I need,” Billy said. “Don’t this job get pretty disgusting and nasty for you and Buck, Hank?” Billy asked.

“It can, but we got these air filter we shove up our noses what filters out the worst of it. People don’t like to think on dirty jobs much, but the heroes of any hospital ain’t them snot nosed know-it-all doctors. It’s the nurses what do this sort of thing ever’ damn day and under a lot worse conditions than we got to work with. Here, in a dedicated facility, the bad part is mostly released after half a bag of solution. From there it ain’t so bad.

“Hell, before Buck and me worked on a ranch, we used to work the stockyards in Ft. Worth, and h’it don’t git more nasty than that. We got used to it and figured we’d git used to this. We did, and we live comfortably; better’n fifty percent of the middle class on this planet. We perform a service not a lot of folks wanna’ do, but because of the nature of our job they pay us real good. Then, too, old Buck and me, we worked hard to make good reputations for ourselves, and we got us some wealthy patrons what are regulars and tip us handsomely,” he said.

Hank made tea for both of them and they talked while he was getting things ready.

“How long you and Buck been here?” Billy asked.

“Let’s see--” he mused, “What year is it back on Earth now?” he asked.

“2032,” Billy replied.

“I ain’t thought about it lately, but it’s been sixty-two years-- over half a century. Buck and me was in Vietnam together and fell in love over there. We lived in cow town, Ft. Worth, work’n the stockyards during the day and drowning our memories in liquor and loose women by night. We was a mess when we come back; living fast and doing what we thought cowboys was suppose to do, but it began to catch up with us. We got tired of waking up in dumpsters with fifty megaton hangovers, and decided we loved each other more’n the women who were only as good as the money we spent on ‘em. We never had a lot so we couldn’t afford the best, and once't the money ran out so did the women.

“We talked the owner of a big ranch in West Texas, what brought his cattle to Ft. Worth to sell, into giving us a chance and let us cowboy for him. We cut out our wild ways, stopped drinking, and rode for his outfit for about five years. We didn’t make a lot of money, but we were happy together and was saving up to buy us a small spread so’s we could start us up a cow and calf operation. We was work’n on his ranch out near Alpine, Texas. Then one dark summer’s night in 1970 it was, me’n old Buck was tending the herd when we started seeing cows rise up off’n the ground and fly off into the sky.

“Well, sir, the next thing we knew we was being yanked off’n our cayuses and was flying through the air and up into one a’ them flying saucer machines. We was kidnapped by some filthy little gray critters with big almond shaped eyes. We tried to fight 'em, but they had some kind of purple ray they shot us with, and we couldn’t move. They knocked us out and when we woke up we was naked and put in a pen with the rest of the livestock. Didn’t take Buck and me long to figger out they didn’t have our best interest at heart. We was as much cattle as them cows they stole.

“Long story short: they sold us to some god awful looking green reptile look’n critters for food, herded us onto their much larger ship, and took off for god knows were. We stayed in that pen with the rest of them critters for several days without food, water, or facilities. We had to piss and shit on the deck jes’ like them cows and a few other critters. They’d hose us down with cold water once’t a day and warsh all the shit down a drain. We made friends with some stripped monkey like creatures; beautiful things they was, what had purdy wings like butterflies; they was intelligent, but they’s as scared as we were. They was smaller and more delicate than us. Buck and me tried our best to make sure they didn't get hurt none.

“Then explosions started happening, and Buck said he thought the ship was under attack. He was right. The watchers, like yore’ mate Boomer, disabled the reptile ship and killed all the crew. They took us on board their ship and while they kept the cattle in pens, they took us and them intelligent winged monkey critters, cleaned us up, fed us good, and gave us beds to sleep in. They didn’t give us no choice. They jes’ brought us here, and we been here ever since. We’s still close friends with them purdy little monkey people. They’s good folks. Buck and me kinda bonded wiff' 'em and come to look on 'em as our kids. They have us over to their place a couple of times a month, and we have them to our quarters here in the palace. They’s geniuses at electronics stuff, and keep our computers tuned up and running great,” Hank allowed.

“Damn, you men gotta’ be in yore’ late eighties, but you don’t look a day over thirty-five or forty at the most,” Billy said in awe.

“I jes’ turned eighty-seben not long ago, and Buck’s three years my junior. We wondered about it, too, and decided they done some’um to us after we got here. While they’s good about seeing to our health and well being, they don’t tell us much, but old Buck and me done put some things together for ourselves. One of our best customers is a high mucky-muck in the scientific community. He done told us they’s a big difference in cosmic rays on Earth than here. We could live ten times longer here than back on Earth. ‘At’s all well and good, but who wants to be doing this job for another several hun’nert years?” Hank asked.

“Do you ever’ miss being a cowboy?” Billy asked.

“Does a cow go 'moo’?” Hank asked and grinned as he handed Billy his sweet exotic herb spiked tea.

“Buck and I done talked it over and sometimes we get so lonely for Earth it’s all we can do to keep from going crazy. What do we do? We fuck each other a lot. I’m surprised we ain’t worn each other’s asshole out, but it seems to be a renewable resource. Buck’s still as tight as the first time I fucked him. Since we got each other we get by to survive for one another, and that’s what we being doing all these years is just surviving best we can. I told Buck if’n he died afore me I’d kill him,” Hank said and laughed, but Billy could tell he was seriously afraid of losing his mate and finding himself alone.

They finished their tea and Billy was beginning to feel the effects from the herbs. They were relaxing all right, but it didn’t cloud his thinking like the time him and his roping buddy, Moss, tried Marijuana. It was the closest Billy ever got to Moss, but he just couldn’t take that last leap across the broad divide. As Hank was filling his gut with cleaning solution, Billy got a huge erection. “Aww, is that for old Hank, cowboy?” Hank asked.

“‘Feard not, brother, I’s so relaxed, and got to dwell’n on my rope’n partner back home. I don’t know’s he would consider lying down with another man, but he shore’ is hot,” Billy said.

“I had me the same problem when I first laid eyes on old Buck. God, I wanted that cowboy in the worst way. Funny thing is, I ain’t never lost me that feeling for him. He still knocks me out, and make’s ma’ old dick drip jes’ think’n on him. We was dug in for the night in the jungle in Nam, and crawled in our hole together. I couldn’t take no more, and told him to whip it out, I was gonna’ suck his dick till he shot in me mouth or his head caved in, whichever come first,” Hank said laughing. He got Billy laughing, “He didn’t say a word and couldn’t get his old pony out 'a the stall fast enough. After I done him, he demanded his quarter-pound a' flesh-- and he got it. We bonded that night, and ain’t never been apart since,” Hank said and got a far away look in his eyes.

Hank did a great job cleaning Billy from stem to stern. He finally took his cowboy to the shower. Hank removed all his gear to scrub his client. The herbs were taking effect, and Billy was feeling no pain. When he saw Hank in the altogether his penis got the happies. For an eighty-seven year old man Hank had a body most twenty-eight year old men could only dream about.

“Now I know’d that hard-on’s for me, buckaroo,” Hank said and grinned.

“Won’t gainsay that, cowboy. I got me a thing for bald headed men, but more particularly men with male pattern baldness. For some reason it just trips my switch big time. You didn’t know it, but you done had me for a client afore you said a word,” Billy confided, “Can I have me a taste for yore’ fine cock, Hank, or is it forbidden fraternizing with clients?” Billy asked.

“Oh, Hell no! We do as we please. It don’t happen often, ‘cause I ain’t interested most of the time, but in yore’ case, cowboy, I’d be downright proud to give you a taste of old Hank’s pride. I won’t reciprocate ‘cause you need to save it for yore’ beast,” Hank said.

“Exactly, Hank. I knew you’d understand,” Billy said and smiled. He got down on his knees in the shower and gave Hank a stellar blow job. Hank fed him a fine tasting load. Hank’s flavor was unmistakable. “You been eat’n them Hosanna Cakes, Hank?” Billy asked and grinned.

Hank smiled. “Yeah, we eat 'em ever’ morning with our cho-cho drink. It thinks it’s coffee, but it ain’t. Them cakes flavors up our come right nice, don’t it? I done forbid Buck come’n while I’s fuck’n him. I take care of him after I get mine. I love the flavor. Tastes jes’ like the real thing, don’t it?” Hank asked.

“J’ever have one of the twins?” Billy asked.

“Oh, yeah, we done had bo-fubbem. We clean 'em when they got a patron. They come to our place to hide out to get away from ever’ body in the palace when they don’t wanna’ be found. They watch movies with us, and we take ‘em into town when they go to perform. We like their music, but it ain't Willie and Waylon. They’s sweet little men, and they’s always generous to share theys’selves with Buck and me. The more sweet cream we git from ‘em the better our come tastes,” Hank said.

“I wondered why they took to me so fast. They got themselves two other cowboys they love what they ain’t never told me about. Did you know they begged me to take ‘em for ma’ slaves, and I’m take'n 'em back to Texas with me and Boomer day after tomorrow?” Billy asked.

“We didn’t know it was you, but it all makes sense now. They said their new master talks jes’ like us. They come by last evening for a while to tell us the news and apologized they couldn’t share theys’selves with us one last time, 'cause their new master done told 'em they couldn’t have sex with nobody less’n they got his okay first. They didn’t say who their new master was, though,” Hank said.

“I did tell them that, and I damn well meant it. Glad to hear they’s mind’n me. I told 'em I not only wanted them as slaves, but as my little brothers; that meant obeying my orders and becoming a part of my family. It weren’t to be mean to them. I just think they need a little discipline, and I’m just the cowboy what can give it to ‘em. I think, over time, they might come to appreciate someone ride’n herd on 'em; maybe gib‘em some pride in themselves to become a part of something bigger than just being adorably cute sex objects. I don’t plan to be no tyrant. Most of the time they’ll get my permission, but not if I got plans for 'em, or I need their attention elsewhere,” Billy said.

“Fuck me in the butt! Wish’t we had somebody what thought enough to ride herd on two old cowboys like us. Can me and old Buck come live with ya’ and be yore’ slaves, Master Billy?” Hank asked and grinned like he was making a back door compliment.

“Well, I cain’t show no favoritism, Hank. The same rules would have to apply to you and Buck, but we could expand it a bit-- like a rubber might stretch to fit a bigger dick,” Billy said and laughed at his own metaphor.

“I’ll tell old Buck to pack a small bag, we’s tavel’n light,” Hank said and roared with laughter.

“Jes’ make damn shore’ yorn is packed with them fancy herb seeds. Damnation, we could make a fortune selling that shit on Earth,” Billy mused and grinned.

They finished in the shower. Hank dried Billy, and had him lay out on another table. He sprinkled him with a lightly scented powder and rubbed him down. He had Billy sit in a comfortably padded stirrup chair and put his feet up to expose his ass. Hank took a fifteen inch black rubber dildo mounted on a mechanic’s grease gun from a drawer. It had a tube inside the length which exited at the head. He carefully inserted all of it into Billy’s clean ass and slowly withdrew it pumping his anal canal full of a strong lubricant that would hold up and last the entire fuck or more if they chose to have seconds. Then he inserted a small plug to keep the contents from leaking out which was held in tight by Billy’s sphincter muscle.

Hank made one more cup of tea for them. This time he added some of his herbs to his own drink. Billy figured Buck was probably going to get fucked while the cowboys stood watch should Billy and Boomer need anything. It was fine with him.

Hank’s eyes got watery when he knelt before Billy, and took a long deep whiff of his buckaroo boots before he held them for him to insert his feet. They sat naked around a small table drinking their sweet herb spiked tea. Hank added just a tad more herbs to Billy’s, remembering the size of his beast. He thought one more cup ought to open Billy’s tight, but well greased, ass like them pearly gates to heaven for his big slave.

“Would you and Buck chuck all this for a chance to go back to Earth?” Billy asked.

“Bet ‘tat purdy cowboy butt a’ yorn! In a cow town minute, Son!” Hank declared in all seriousness. “Me and Buck done talked about it a hun’nert times or more. A chance to get home to Earth and Texas afore we die would be like heaven to us,” he added. “We ain’t been mistreated here. We got us a decent life, but we’s cowboys, Master Billy. I don’t think I need to say no more. You know what it means to be a cowboy, Son,” Hank said.

“Yeah, I do, Hank. Them ‘Watchers,’ they got all kinds a’ plans for me and my slaves, but they done told me I can have my cake and eat it, too. I can still cowboy and do what I gotta’ do, but I’m gonna’ need help, and a lot of it,” Billy said. “Was you serious about you and Buck becoming ma’ slaves, Hank?” Billy asked.

“Dead serious, Master Billy. All you gotta’ do is snap yore’ fingers, point to them purdy boots a’ yorn, and you’ll have two old cowboys fight’n to see who pays homage to them first,” Hank declared firmly.

“I’ll see what I can do, Hank, but if’n I swing it, yore’ bossman gets to spend a couple evenings a month between you cowpokes to pay yore’ dues over and above what other responsibilities I might need you men to take on for me as yore’ master,” Billy said and grinned wickedly.

“Pay our dues? Shit, Son, if you can pull it off, we couldn’t fill you full enough with our love and gratitude. You wouldn’t be able to hold it all,” Hank bragged and laughed.

There came a knock on the door. Hank hollered to come in, and Buck walked in naked.

“I done finished with your beast, Master Billy, and took him up to your room. He’s clean as a whistle, bathed, scrubbed, blow dried, combed out, and fluffed up. He looks like a giant powderpuff,” Buck bragged and grinned.

 “Will our session be videoed like I requested?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, Boss, we’ll be monitoring your session,” Hank said and aimed a small electronic device at a huge screen against the wall and a shot of Boomer standing alone looking out at the view came up. Billy gasped at how handsome his slave looked. The men grinned at him.

“He is a handsome beast,” Buck said, “We got us eight cameras around the room. We can control each one and zoom in for close shots. After you men finish and settle down for the night, with the main evolved intelligence’s help, we’ll edit it with the best shots and put it all together for you. It will be ready by morning, sir,” he added.

“Cain’t thank you enough, gentlemen,” Billy said.

“Yes, you can,” Hank said and grinned, “and I’s bet’n you will, Son,” he added. Billy got his message and they shared a laugh.

“Com’moan, Son, it’s show time. Time I took you up to yore’ beast so’s you two can husband one another,” Hank said. “Can I share what we done talked about wiff’ ma’ mate, Boss?” Hank asked and winked.

“Certainly, I would expect you to, Hank,” Billy replied and smiled.

Hank took Billy up the winding stairs to an apartment almost at the top of the tallest tower in the palace. He stopped at the door and was going to shake Billy’s hand. He stuck out his hand and looked the young cowboy in the eye. Billy looked down at his hand and back up and grinned. “Fuck that shit, gimme’ a hug and a kiss to wish me luck, buckaroo,” Billy said quietly. Hank threw his arms around the young man and they kissed a gentle kiss.

“You got our good wishes with you, Son. How could you not have a good time? You got two old buckaroos what will be watch’n the whole thing with our cocks drooling. Go. Give yourself to that monster. It’s obvious you love each other very much, and that’s the most important part. You also won my heart tonight, Bossman. Now get chore’ butt in there and tame that beast. Cowboy up!” Hank said and winked. Billy turned and walked through the door.

Boomer turned to see Billy walk into the room and opened his huge arms for him. It seemed like a mile between the door and his beast’s arms. It was like everything was moving in slow motion when he wanted to feel those massive furry arms as fast as he could. They met near the middle, embraced, and kissed a passionate kiss. They stood for a moment looking into each other’s eyes like they were seeing the other for the first time, and in that context, they were.

“I swear on the name of some unknown god, you are the most handsome beast I ever done seen, Boom. You sure them two giants are your uncles? They ain’t nowheres near handsome as you,” Billy said and grinned.

“I assure you they are, my good Master, but they come from my father’s side of the family. I got more of my better features from my granddaddy on my mother’s side,” he replied, then continued, “I can’t remember you looking so fine, Master Billy. You got a glow about you I can feel down to the bottom of my soul, what just happens to be at the base of my penis,” Boomer said and grinned.

“I think you’n me, we done got us the same malady. It think it’s called love, Boom, and I hear it’s terminal. I know you got it, 'cause I can see the same glow surrounding you,” Billy said, “I can’t wait no longer. My case of this disease is so bad the only thing what’s gonna’ save me is that big old cock on my giant beast, and the sooner I get it inside me, and you shoot your life saving medicine up my butt, the better my chances for survival. I think them herbs Hank gimme’ in my tea are peaking. I got to have you and soon, Boom,” Billy said. He felt Boomer’s shaft hard against his belly and moved his hand to caress it.

Boomer shuddered. “I don’t wanna’ wait any longer either, Master. Is it true what you told my uncles about me getting it right the first time?” he asked with a grin.

“Absolutely! I told ‘em if you didn’t get it right the first time, I would punish you by making you do it again and again until you did,” Billy confirmed. They shared a laugh.

“Then I guess I better get it right the first time,” he said and grinned.

“I’s kinda hope’n you wouldn’t,” Billy said, and they laughed again.

Boomer reach down and swept Billy off his feet to hold him in his big massive arms like he was a feather, and slowly carried him to their waiting love nest. He lay Billy across the bed and took charge of their nuptial behavior as witnessed among all animals from time to time. Boomer relied heavily on Buck’s suggestions of being the strong but gentle aggressor; steady, determined, but compassionate.

He lifted Billy’s legs, and his partner held them for him to mount him from the front. Boomer found Billy’s rosebud, popped the grease plug from his ass, and positioned the head of his big penis at the opening. He gently began a rocking motion. Before he realized what was happening, Billy’s muscle dilated, and opened to him completely. Boomer found himself almost falling into his chosen one’s rectum so easily, he wondered if he should have tied a two by four to his ass. Obviously, the enhancement herbs Hank provided Billy, and those Buck served Boomer, began working in consort together. In the instant of penetration, all became right with their world.

Taken singly, the herbs might carry an air of well being to the point of levity, but in consort with each other, from one gut to another, produced quite a different sensation; the physical capabilities conjoined with the mental to meld two spirits and bodies into one -- the very definition of union -- quite readily joined one’s body and soul with another without the fanciful trappings of excessive thoughts or words, meant only to drape with gaudiness or cheapen their effort, and dare not explain the full explosion of the ethereal probabilities of such, became the bedrock of their shared experience.

Billy and Boomer were stripped of intellect, but couldn’t have been more in sync with each other’s inner animal. Primal urges and lust overcame reason when their bodies conjoined completely. There was no longer a slave, a beast, or his master -- only two raw animals in rut; one to take from the giving and the other to receive his gift from the taking. There was no more ‘you’ or ‘me’, but only ‘us’ together, fucking their way to a single union. It didn’t take long for Billy’s beast to fill him with his seed and claim his master as his own. Not even Samson, Billy’s owner, could make that claim.

Billy opened to his beast’s fucking like the midnight flowering of a rare orchid, Angraecum sesquipedale, which gives off a powerful scent to attract a night flying moth with a proboscis so long, it was considered unprecedented by scientist who dismissed Darwin’s prediction that one would eventually be found which did the job of pollinating the exquisite flower. Twenty-one years after his death, one was found.

Billy found his pollinator to take his virginity in the form of a huge furry beast with a proboscis the size of a young stallion, on a starry starry night, in a secluded chamber, a huge turret atop a tower, in a palace on a world in the Orion constellation, with four moons and twins stars, within a nest softer than a bed of dandelion down. Not even Darwin could have predicted such a thing for a common man of the Earth; a young cowboy from the hill country of west central Texas.

Fuck both worlds, Earth and Retikki Prime, the universe itself in all its grandeur became Billy and Boomer’s oyster. Nothing either of them ever did in their lives seemed as important as Boomer climaxing into his beloved master’s body. At the very instant of Boomer's release, somewhere a bell was heard to ring out, and fifty million light years away in another galaxy a young star was born to mark the moment of their successful coupling. It would become known as Billy-Boomer one. The first of many stars their couplings would create throughout their years together.

And all this time you thought the birth of stars were the stuff of science, physics, and cosmology? Not so, stars are only born when one male empties his seed into another. Why do you think the beginning of time and space is called the big bang? It's simple. Two gods were in a bar one night, and one thought the other had a cute butt. They had one too many of them sweet rum drinks with them little umbrellas. A dark corner, stolen kisses, some tender words, one thing led to another, they went back to his place, corn-holed each other, and voila', our universe was created. We know it’s true because the Holy Book Of Watchers tells us so. If the holy prophet of the Book Of Watchers, the great Xoastrous Xenfendel said it, I believe it, that settles it, end of discussion.

After all, there has to be a lot of stars with a lot of habitable worlds out there if every faithful Mormon is going to have their own planet to rule over after they die. I wonder how they would feel to know their future home world is warmed by a life giving sun made by the conjoining of two men who shared sex and a little love with each other, and how that might influence their thoughts on their peculiar religion? Would they have reconsidered their support for Proposition 8 in California? Probably not. They neither score very high on understanding the true mysteries of the universe, nor do they question much if they believe the speculative fantasy fiction of Joseph Smith.

Perhaps their angels, Macaroni and Cheesus, will one day enlighten them. It’s simple, guys, if you want your own world to rule over after you die, somebody’s got to suck a cock, or take it up the ass, to make the star which your world will rotate around. Straight sex won’t do it. All you get is pregnant. While we certainly need that to create more gay people to that end, it doesn’t create the heavens themselves, and baptizing dead people of other faiths to your beliefs won’t help. Hosanna to the Mormons and their watertight secretive semi-sacred temples and their magic underwear. Hosanna in the highest.    

Billy was chanting his own Hosannas as he felt his great beast spill into is gut. He could never remember a more fulfilling experience as when Boomer huffed and puffed, grunted, then farted, as the last of his mighty volume of seminal fluid shot out his enormous phallus into his young cowboy master. Boomer collapsed on top of him breathing heavily as Billy found one of his luscious large teats which had the fur carefully trimmed away by Buck Appleby, Boomer’s excellent groomer.

As they lay together collecting themselves, Billy swiped his tongue across it to taste the flavor of his mate’s fresh perspiration when he got more than he bargained for. A small dollop of a white fluid fell onto his tongue which tasted like warm vanilla ice cream, or thick sweet condensed milk. It was delicious. Billy had to find out if it was a fluke; a chance happening. His lips encircled Boomers teat like a hungry lamprey eel. He began to suck and rich warm milk flowed from Boomer’s teat almost faster than Billy could drink. The more he drank the more he wanted.

He heard Boomer give out with what sounded like a deep groan which was eventually overcome by a sigh of pleasure and contentment. He still had his cock deeply planted within the depths of his master’s warm red earth. He gently rolled them to their side, so he wouldn’t be so heavy for Billy. Billy lost his teat for a minute and took a breath. “Hosanna!” he exclaimed quietly, “What the hell is going on here?” he asked with his beast’s milk dripping from his chin.

“My body decided I'm ready to have bairns, Master Billy. Until yesterday, I never had the switch to my biological imperative activated. I was your protector and watcher on duty. I didn’t have time to consider such a thing. When you were younger, I had to stay away from you, because you needed nurturing. Had I become close to you, it would have tripped my adult male nurturing switch; then, my role as your defender would have been compromised. It was forbidden by my elders. The twins sucking my teats was too much for my fundamental beast; the animal within me. They flipped my biological switch to the nurture position, and caused my breasts to fill with milk,” Boomer replied.

“By ‘bairns’ do you mean little Boomers?” Billy asked.

“Or little Billys,” Boomer replied.

“You can have either?” Billy asked in awe.

“Yes, sir, but not by myself,” he replied.

“How is that possible, Boom?” Billy asked.

“Watchers have an extra strand of DNA and can adapt to almost any other mammal species to have their babies, or impregnate them with a proto-embryo which will be a copy, but not a clone, of the parent depending on the semen which fertilizes it,” Boomer explained a small portion of his reproductive possibilities.

“You mean you could have my baby?” Billy asked.

“No, we could have your baby, sir. I would have to implant you with one of my proto-embryos, which would have to be fertilized by your semen for a bairn patterned after you -- or mine, should we choose to have another watcher. You would carry the fetus for six months, give first birth to it, and it would crawl into my pouch for another six months until it was ready for its second birth,” he explained briefly. “That’s why my teats are swollen with milk. They were stimulated by the twins, and they’re producing milk for them,” he added.

“My god, whatever we do, lets don't tell 'em; we won’t never get them little varmints unhooked from yore’ tits, and I know you; you’re so good-hearted you couldn’t say ‘no’ to them,” Billy said and grinned, "Besides, I'm just selfish enough, I wanna' keep this treat to myself for a while," he added and laughed. He tickled Boomer and got him laughing, too.

Billy lay with Boomer’s enormous penis still in his ass. It didn’t become flaccid because watchers have a bone in their penis. “I guess if there ever was a time to say 'Hosanna’ this would be it. The word is rather meaningless, I suppose; yet, it’s an expression what can be used in almost any situation. I wonder if this was a reason your uncles wanted us to become master and slave; they want more little Boomers and very probably a little cowpoke or two. I cain’t fault ‘em none. As I see it, it’s just one more fringe benefit of our relationship. I now own two Twinkie filling makers, an ice cream beast, and a bairn factory. What more could one cowboy wish for?” Billy asked and broke up laughing. He got Boomer laughing.

A sobering thought crossed Billy's mind. “Am I pregnant?” he asked Boomer.

“No, Master Billy, you only got my seminal fluid. It’s just like your come. I can control both; either or; the release of my seminal fluid, or my proto-embryo,” he explained, “Shall I pull my cock out, Master. Are you uncomfortable?” Boomer asked.

“No, I’m fine. Let’s stay like this for a while; you feel good inside me, Boom. Big, beefy, filling. Let’s talk some more, make a little love, and then we’ll get ready for your master to break you to his saddle,” Billy said.

“I’m looking forward to it, sir,” Boomer said.  

They lay hooked together for an hour or more, and Boomer told Billy all the ramifications and variations of the way watchers could have bairns. Billy was flabbergasted, but fascinated; Boomer’s species was so versatile, adaptive, and fecund. “You mean you could shoot one a them proto-embryos into a female cow, fertilize it, and nine months later, she would give birth to a bairn of your species?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, but once again, it would depend of the male who fertilized it. If I fertilized it, the gestation period would be twelve months. If you fertilized it, the gestation period would only be nine months,” Boomer said.

“And you could also make me pregnant with either, depending on the genetic information the proto-embryo gets when fertilized?” Billy asked.

“Yes, sir, Master Billy. The fluid I would pump into your lower colon would allow the proto-embryo to swim and attach itself about halfway to the small intestine. There, it would create its own placenta, which would be passed when it was born the first time. When you fuck me tonight, the proto-embryo I have in my body will be fertilized by your semen if I allow it,” Boomer explained, “but if it is fertilized, and I don’t plant it in another mammal, male or female, it will wither, die, and be rejected by my body; but, another will grow in its place,” he added.

“That seems sad,” Billy said.

“Other mammal's female eggs, which aren’t fertilized, are passed by their bodies, and new ones take their place monthly,” Boomer said.

“I know, but it gets personal when you consider it could become a mini-me," he said.

“I can control whether it receives your semen or not, sir,” Boomer said.

“That’s some consolation,” Billy allowed, “However, on second thought, we’s going back to Earth day after tomorrow. How long will it last in its fertilized state before it begins to wither?” Billy asked.

“Two weeks, maybe more,” Boomer replied.

“And you can plant it into a heifer?” Billy asked.

“Yes, Master,” Boomer replied.

“And would it be human?” Billy asked.

“He would be just like you minus two percent watcher and five percent bovine genes. A cow’s blood is enough like humans they make plasma for humans out of it; but, once in a great while, nature decides to do things a little different. He could turn out fine -- just like you -- or he could be born with a set of horns,” Boomer replied.

“Hell, I probably got more cow in me than five percent. At least, I think I do, sometimes,” Billy said and mused to himself. “I gotta’ tell you, Boom, Madam Spartza moved some’um deep inside me what weren’t human. It was all I could do to keep my old animal from stand’n at attention,” Billy shook his head and grinned.

“She knew. I don’t think much gets by that lady. I think that’s what won her over to you. You got hard when you showed her the mental images of Nick’s protector. She sure didn’t miss that,” Boomer declared and grinned.

“They’s both magnificent beasts. I shore’ wouldn’t mind call’n ‘em my friends,” Billy said.

Billy finally had Boomer pull his penis out of him, but they still lay entwined saying complimentary things to each other and stealing kisses. It was a comfortable feeling for both, and they were wallowing in their bliss for the moment. Billy suggested they have another cup of tea from the pot Hank left them in the room. Billy found some mugs, and they drank while looking out at the spectacular view of the city, and on beyond into the fertile countryside lit by three of the four moons. The other had not yet risen. They stood together on the balcony with their arms around each other. Billy let his hand drift down to Boomers shapely furry butt and found his rosebud. He was surprised. It was complete devoid of fur. He asked Boomer about it.

“Buck trimmed the fur away for your pleasure. He also suggested, now I’m your slave, I might want to grow my fur differently than when running wild,” Boomer replied.

“You can control the growth of your fur, Boom?” Billy asked.

“Yes, Master. I will stop growing it around my anus for your ease of use, and as Buck mentioned, it’s just cleaner. He’s right. I’ll let you decided the rest how you want me, and I will tend it according to your wishes,” Boomer said.

Billy took him by his huge paw, kissed it, and spoke, “Com’moan, you handsome beast, yore’ husband has need of his fine slave,” he said as he led Boomer back to the bed.

Billy mounted his slave from the front, while Boomer held his huge legs up and apart for his husband. Billy took his time, but carefully sank his ample cowboy cock to the hilt into his beast. Boomer groaned with pleasure and locked his huge furry legs around his husband’s butt so he couldn’t get away. Billy began to fuck Boomer so sweetly, his beast started to sing in his deep bass voice. It didn’t sound like any singing Billy ever heard before. It was a rumbling sound filled with varying pitch levels with sounds which were intelligent, but unrecognizable as a language. It sounded like it came from the remembered animal within Boomer. It wasn’t unpleasant. It was hypnotic, and only added to their coupling. Billy could swear it was telling him how best to fuck his beast, and what Boomer had to share with him. Billy didn’t know how or why, but all of a sudden, an overwhelming desire -- no a deep craving need to suck Boomer’s teat and taste more of his delicious milk came over him like a tsunami.

Billy never missed a stroke as he leaned over and started sucking to have his mouth and senses flooded with Boomer’s rich goodness. The more he drank, the more Boomer’s low grumbling chant took control of Billy, and he knew he was fucking Boomer the way he needed and wanted. Billy was suddenly in the drivers seat receiving plug-ins more frequently than Adobe Flash updates on his computer as to how the fuck was progressing, and how the state of affairs was building to a climax. All he had to do was stay at the wheel and drive his Cadillac on down the road, nice and easy, giving it the gas every now and then to climb the next hill. It was the most wonderful experience of his young life; riding Boomer’s fine ass.

He was doing everything right, and Billy saw a vision of himself rise above the level of a two-bit rodeo cowboy without a pot to piss in but a drawer full of worthless buckles, to become the honored husband and consort of a prince of the watcher realm. At that moment, he understood; his slave, his boyhood idol, his mate lying under him, wasn’t just some ordinary watcher. Boomer was next in line to sit on the throne of the kingdom. It was too overwhelming and exciting for Billy. He couldn’t hold back any longer, and emptied volley after volley into his beast's hungry hole. Boomer sang, groaned, and writhed under his master, giving his husband the very best his body could offer to please him and conjoin with him on a higher level. Afterward, they lay hooked together for sometime. Boomer had Billy locked into his ass tightly.

They kissed a tender kiss, and Boomer sighed deeply like he was content to have satisfied his master. “Why didn’t you tell me, Boom?” Billy asked quietly.

“My bearing on this world has nothing to do with you and me on Earth, Master,” he replied, “I’m still young by watcher standards. I wouldn’t even entertain the idea for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. I was sent to Earth to watch and protect you. I watched and protected your parents. I knew them well. There’s more I will share in time, but we have been carefully guided by other forces in the universe. I have no claim to those things you heard and understood in my song. I only have one purpose right now, and that’s to serve you first, and our family second. Right now, I need my master’s input,” he said.

“What to do about your proto-embryo?" Billy asked.

“Yes, sir,” Boomer replied.

“You tell me, Boom. I won’t always ask, but something this important should be a shared decision,” Billy said.

“I was told he will become an important part of our future, Master Billy, a rock to bind us to our purpose,” Boomer said quietly.

“So say you?” Billy asked.

“So say I, Master,” Boomer replied.

“Then, so say I, my worthy slave. Billy Augustus Daniels shall live,” Billy said like a confirmation of life, and the proto-embryo was fertilized with Billy’s sperm and genetic information.

They rested a while longer, and Billy decided he had to have more of his beast’s cock, but this time, he had Boomer lie back, and his cowboy mounted him. “Will Billy Augustus stay inside you until we get home, Boom?” Billy asked.

“He’s warm and snug. If I ejaculate, it will only be seminal fluid, Master,” Boomer eased his master’s concern.

"Oh, you will shoot your big gun, I promise, my brave handsome beastie. You forget, I'm a cowboy," Billy bragged. The young cowboy rode Boomer’s cock like the fine buckaroo he was. He could swear he heard Hank and Buck laughing their asses off and saying dirty, filthy, wonderful cowboy things about his performance. Truth be known, Billy was putting on a show, not only for his beast, but his cowboy brothers sitting at their station monitoring the video. Billy only wished he had his hat to wave about as he rode Boomer’s enormous cock, but he consoled himself, there would be other times.

Billy didn’t slow down until he heard Boomer began his deep chant again. He knew he was getting close, and kicked his ride up to the next level. He was rising almost all the way off Boomer’s cock and slamming his ass back down the length to hit the base hard. It took about eight massive slam dunks on his beast’s cock and Boomer groaned like a soul lost on the road to perdition; like the final ascension scene from Boito’s “Mephistopheles.” Billy could feel his beast release his seminal fluid, and gave three quick hard slams to the base of Boomer’s throbbing cock to empty him.

Billy rolled to his side, and Boomer accommodated him and followed. Once again they lay together complimenting each other and softly speaking the words lovers have said to one another since mother nature dreamed up sex. Billy was exhausted, and began to drift off to sleep. Boomer pulled the covers over them, and they slept the peace-filled dreams of two animals in bond with each other. Billy slept what was left of the fifteen hours with his beast planted deep within his ass until the next morning when he had to relieve himself.

Hank came to get them and offered their services for showering before breakfast. Billy thanked him, but told him he would be husbanding his beast. They withdrew,  wished them well and a good day. Before they left, Billy told them he would be in touch. Hank smiled and nodded. Billy got his beast into the shower and ordered him sit on the floor so he could start on his top half first; but Boomer kept grabbing Billy around his waist and sucking on his cock, until he finally had to stop and feed his beast his early morning allotment of cowboy cream. Boomer made moaning sounds of ecstasy when Billy shot his load. They finally finished and walked down the stairs, through the great halls, to the garden, where they found Uncles Gregor and Albrecht with the twins. There were big grins and some giggles, but for the most part they were polite and mannerly. The twins ran to Billy and Boomer and were jubilant with hugs and kisses.    

“We can sense there are some things you wish to talk about before breakfast,” Uncle Gregor said.

“Yes, sir, but I also sense you already know about them,” Billy said.

“You’re right, cowboy. We planned it that way, but we haven’t said anything to Castor or Pollux,” Albrecht said, “You might want the twins to tell them,” he added.

“Perfect,” Billy said, “Come here, men,” Billy said and opened his arms for the twins. They were in his big cowboy arms in an instant smothering him with hugs and kisses. “Why ain’t you never said nothing to your master about yore’ cowboy buddies here in the castle?” Billy asked.

“We felt sorry for them, and didn’t have the heart to tell them we found us a cowboy like them to become our master who would treat us like family,” Pollux said, “We love Hank and Buck very much, Master Billy. They been really good to us. We can go to them with anything, and they always have a good idea, or explain things we don’t understand. It will break our hearts to leave them, but we know we’ll be happy with you. We know they love us enough, they would want the best for us,” he added.

“What would you say if’n I’s to ask you, do you think I should make them my slaves so’s they could go with us?” Billy asked and smiled.

“It would make us very happy, Master. We couldn’t thank you enough. You would not be disappointed, sir. Buck and Hank are two of the finest men we know, and they know how to be good friends. They care about people, and stand up for what they believe is right,” said Castor.

“They sound like they might be a good addition to our family. I think I’ll take you men’s advice and make them my slaves. Would you like to run tell them to get ready. We have about thirty hours before we go through the gate to Earth, and tell them to have their winged primate buddies packed and ready to go, too. We’ll take them with us if they want to come along, but they will have to agree to be my slaves, too,” Billy said, “Oh, yes, and you may tell Hank and Buck you have my permission to share yourselves with them if they like,” Billy said and grinned. That got him more hugs, kisses, and thanks.

“Invite them to have breakfast with us,” Gregor hollered after them as they were going out of the garden. “I think our cowboy has a direct feed on what we’re up to, brother,” he said to Albrecht.

“I agree. You feel like sharing what else you know, Master Billy?” Albrecht asked.

“You have sums of gold carefully measured out for each to represent their holdings here, but in reality it is worth far more on Earth because gold is a more common metal on your planet. Most of the gold on our planet has been stripped over the centuries by aliens. You will keep their existing credits on the books in case they return for visits, or if they choose to return to stay,” Billy said. Boomer beamed at his young master.

“How do you know these things? We’ve not discussed them with anyone,” Albrecht asked.

“The twins and my number one took me to meet a wonderful seer who showed me these things,” Billy said.

“Madam Spartza?” Gregor asked.

“Yes, sir, and you arranged my meeting with her through the twins,” Billy added and smiled.

“We did,” Albrecht confirmed.

“Then you will be looking out for her?” Billy asked.

“We will. She is important to us. She will become important to you. Her companion, her black man servant is on his way to the palace as we speak with some information for you,” Uncle Gregor said.

“Ah, yes, the handsome, Balthazar, with the interesting rings,” Billy said and grinned.

“He is, indeed, handsome,” agreed Uncle Gregor, and winked at him. They shared a laugh.

“But, he’s not nearly as handsome as my beast, and after last evening, Boomer is the very most handsome beast for me,” Billy said.

“And you’re taking another member of your new and growing family with you?” Gregor asked and smiled at them.

“We are. A very young Billy Augustus Daniels is resting quietly inside my good beast, Uncle Gregor,” Billy confirmed, “I would like to become his first birth parent, but I think I’m going to be so busy when we get back, I won't have time for myself, let alone a wee bairn,” he added.

“A gentle cow will make a fine birth mother for him, and you’ll have two old cowboys for a perfect pair of great granddads to teach him how to be a man, to rope and ride, the cowboy way, and take him fishing. What more could a kid want?” Albrecht asked and grinned.

"And the name 'Augustus' was your father's?" Uncle Gregor asked.

“Yes, sir, Virgil Augustus Daniels. Will he be all right?” Billy replied and asked.

“Of course he’ll be all right. . . depending upon what you mean by ‘all right,’” Gregor said and grinned, having a good time teasing Billy.

“I don’t care. However he turns out, he will be ours to love,” Billy said firmly.

“That’s the cowboy spirit we come to love and appreciate, Son,” Uncle Albrecht said.

“And what made you decide to give me the cowboys?” Billy asked.

“They been here sixty or more of your Earth years, and have been faithful employees of the palace. They have always done an excellent job. Their work ethics and attitudes have been exemplary. We’ll be sorry to lose them; however, even though they never complain, we know their hearts are in another place. Because of their faithfulness, they’ve earned their return, and their chance to become a part of something greater than themselves. With you and your family, they will have all they can handle and more. They will grow and evolve into two of your strongest supporters and respected companions,” Uncle Gregor replied.

“Will their health stand up to Earth’s greater cosmic ray strength?” Billy asked.

“They will live for centuries just like they are now unless they suffer some accident, but we don’t foresee any,” Gregor said.

“We know nothing about the winged primates,” Billy said.

“Trust us, they will become your greatest treasures. You will wonder how you ever lived so long without them,” Albrecht said, but didn't elaborate.

"You will need immediate funds to provide for your family. As their master, you own everything they bring with them. You will be provided with all their collective wealth as it will become your responsibility to see to their well being. You are free to distribute funds to them for personal needs and other things. The gold is in small unstamped coins that may be sold to a reputable dealer. We will provide you with the name of one in Houston, who knows of us, and understands our demands. He will not cheat you, will give you top dollar, and will leave no trail back to you when he processes the coins. You will not have to explain anything to him. He will recognize the coins immediately,” Gregor said.

“Nick has some nefarious ways to quickly accumulate wealth. Avail yourself of them, and have no false conscience what you’re doing is illegal. If Nick uses higher powers than those who have sucked money out of others by tilting the odds in their favor, then they deserve to be bilked,” Albrecht said, and added, “When you’re dealing with huge gambling institutions on Earth, the term ‘games of chance’ is an oxymoron,” Albrecht said.

“This is beginning to sound like a lot of work -- business-like work, what I ain’t used to. Other than taking cattle to auction, I know very little about managing a ranch or other people’s lives,” Billy said.

“It will come. You will learn. Do you remember nothing of your dreams, cowboy? Take it one day at a time and learn to delegate. You already have some good men who are eager to work with you, and it will grow. Word will get out, and you will have more people applying for work with you than you ever imagined. You also have the talent and the means to winnow the wheat from the chaff, and remember old birds are not caught with chaff, only love and patience,” Uncle Gregor said and grinned. Billy got his message.

About that time the twins returned, each leading a fine looking older naked cowboy by the hand. They came to Billy with tears in their eyes, and dropped to their knees in front of him. Hank took Billy’s right boot, Buck took his left, and they each kissed their respective boot. They took turns pledging themselves to Billy as his slave. He held each man and shared a kiss with them. The three men became aroused and so did everyone else witnessing their exchange. It was a moving moment.

“Welcome aboard, gentlemen. We got lots to do before we depart tomorrow morning,” Billy said.

“We notified Archie and Edith before we left our quarters, and they said they’d be here as soon as possible. There...there they are now,” Buck said pointing to the top of the towers of the palace. Two lovely primates with the most gloriously beautiful colored wings came floating over the castle walls and saw the men gathered in the garden below. They slowed their descent until they gracefully touched down on the lawn. Hank and Buck walked to them, hugged them, and gave them a kiss. They took them by the hand and led them to their new master.

“Master Billy, may we introduce Archie and his lovely mate Edith,” Hank said.

Billy stuck out his hand and Archie took it in his much smaller hand, and spoke in a soft, rather high pitched voice, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” he said and kissed the back of Billy’s hand. “When Hank called to tell us the news, we never considered we might get to go with our friends, but we would be thrilled to become your slaves and go with you to Earth, sir,” Archie said. “This is my mate, Edith, Master Billy,” he said and smiled sweetly.

Billy took Edith’s small hand, and she blushed. She pulled herself together and spoke, “It is good to meet you, Master Billy. We love Hank and Buck and the twins so much it would break our hearts to be separated from them. If Archie and I can become your slaves, and go to Earth with you, we could be together. That would be wonderful, and we would work hard for you to make your venture successful, sir,” Edith said, and she kissed the back of Billy’s hand.

“I’m glad we’re gathered here, because you all must understand the circumstances we’re going into are quite primitive, and may be so for a while, until we can make other arrangements. The weather is cold right now. There is snow on the ground, but we have wood burning stoves and plenty of fuel to keep us warm. While we have room, and can accommodate you, it will be inconvenient for several days and we may have to remain in close quarters until the current storm passes. If you’re willing to rough it for a while, we will make it our number one goal to see to it everyone has more comfortable accommodations as soon as possible; however, your patience and cooperation will be very necessary. Also any suggestions will be welcomed and considered,” Billy said, “Oh, yes, and if you have clothing, the heavier the better, or if you can get some, you might want to consider wearing it when we return to Earth. It will help protect you from the cold,” he added.

“Hank and Buck, I’m putting you in charge of getting Archie and Edith ready. If they have any special dietary requirements it should be taken into consideration and provided for, because our supplies at the cabin where we’ll be staying, are limited. Help them move into the palace by tonight, so all we have to do in the morning is have a bite to eat, say our goodbyes, and step through the portal. Oh, and one other thing, if it ain’t absolutely essential leave it behind, but bring your grooming equipment. Your master may have need of your expert services from time to time,” Billy said like a man on a mission. His take charge attitude, and consideration for details, didn’t pass the attention of the Knight’s what say ‘nee’, and they smiled at each other.

A messenger came into the garden and approached Gregor and Albrecht, “Your eminences there is a large black man at the guard’s gate asking for an audience with Master Billy,” he said.

“Go to him and bring him here to the garden, Goodswain,” Albrecht said.

“Yes, sir, right away, sir,” the young palace cadet said.

Everyone was excited, talking about getting ready to relocate to Earth. Billy was asking questions about his slaves legality. “Not to worry. We will have a folder prepared for each of your slaves with all their information and history. There will be official documents they are your slaves and there will be copies of Earth documents you may either keep in your possession, or file with state and county officials, if you feel the need,” Albrecht explained.

The young cadet returned followed by the handsome Balthazar. He bowed to everyone, walked to Billy, and fell to his knees to pay homage to him. Billy allowed him to kiss his boots and order him up into his arms to share his love with him. They shared a kiss, which raised several penises to full salute. “Thank you for taking your valuable time to see me, Master Billy. My mistress instructed me to bring you this,” Balthazar said and handed Billy a red leather photograph folder.

Billy carefully opened it, and there was a beautiful picture of Madam Spartza in all her beauty, and a small, very neatly written note: Dear Master Billy, The photo needs no explanation. I had a dream about you, and in it, I saw the following numbers: 03 21 33 40 45 36, and the words Mega Lotto. I have no idea what they mean, but I thought you might. It seemed important for me to get them to you before you departed Retikki Prime. Have a safe trip home, and when you return, please come visit. Sincerely, your friend, Eva Spartza.

“Thank you, Balthazar, can you stay a while and have something to eat with us?” Billy asked.

“It’s really kind of you to ask, Master Billy, I very much appreciate your kind offer, but please don’t be disappointed if I decline. I feel I must return to my mistress, sir. She sent me straight away this morning before I had time to prepare her morning meal,” Balthazar replied.

“I certainly understand. Give her my best, Balthazar, and tell her I know what the numbers mean, and I can’t thank her enough. She has unwittingly provided handsomely for me and my new family’s well being. Tell her I am most flattered by her picture, and I will put it in a prominent place of honor where those who might visit my alien guest will surely see it. Tell her I will look forward to visiting with her again when I return. Now, you handsome devil, share your love with me one more time before you leave,” Billy demanded. Balthazar grinned and moved toward Billy. Once again Balthazar and Billy hugged and kissed.

“Thank you for your gentility and kindness to me and my mistress, Master Billy. Come back to Retikki Prime soon and often,” he said, turned, and was escorted back to the palace gate by the young cadet.

Food arrived and everyone sat down for their morning meal. In their society on Retikki Prime, there is no segregation between slaves, freemen, and those of high office, like Uncle Gregor and Uncle Albrecht. Often they would have other council members join them, but no one ever said a word about sharing a meal with workers or slaves. There were protocols and manners to adhere to, but for the most part, meals were relaxed and social. Talk was lively around the table that morning with everything that was happening, but it was not without a few laughs.

“Did you gentlemen monitor our nephew and his Master’s evening last night, sirs?” Uncle Gregor asked Hank and Buck with a raised eyebrow and a grin.

“Indeed we did, sir, and we videoed the entire evening. We worked several hours editing after they retired for the night, and finished early this morning before we retired. We were still in bed when the twins came to tell us the news and jumped in bed with us,” Hank replied.

“And how did it turn out?” Albrecht asked.

“Excellent, sir, we'll get your copy to you after breakfast, and you may see for yourself. We think you will be pleased. We were certainly impressed with our new master. Ain’t no doubt in me and ma’ brother’s mind, Master Billy is a gen-u-wine cowboy,” Buck replied and shook his head in awe.

“Good, we’ll look forward to seeing it,” Uncle Gregor said.

Billy was quiet for a few minutes. He was enjoying the camaraderie of the banter around the table and the feeling of support and goodness from his new family. He almost dreaded going back to Earth; however, Billy grew up the couple of days he spent on Retikki Prime and learned to gracefully accept the large responsibility thrust upon him. He knew when he passed through the gate his days of being a carefree young cowboy were over, and his life as an adult would begin. He was understandably apprehensive, but he was not overwhelmed. He gathered his team. At a glance, they appeared to be a rag-tag group of misfits, but Billy felt certain the Knights that say 'nee' would not have arranged for him to have these folks if each were not an important key to the future. He only had to learn how best to manage their individual talents.

End Chapter 4 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright  ©  2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~

* twaddle-knockers ~ a casual shoe made of soft but durable synthetics similar to Crocs.

Next: Chapter 5

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