Him Who Made the Seven Stars

Published on May 5, 2012


Him Who Made the Seven Stars 12

Him Who Made The Seven Stars
By Waddie Greywolf

Chapter 12

"Faith is the surrender of the mind; it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals. It's our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated." ~ Christopher Hitchens

There was a great flash of light and Billy’s family touched down in the barn at the line cabin. The look on Enoch’s face was priceless. “Woah!” he exclaimed and everyone laughed with him. The first experience of transporting can be a bit mind blowing.

“Everyone arrive in one piece?” Billy asked.

They responded and laughed. “Nice flight, Kemosabe. You done good,” Nick said.

Billy walked over to Roz. “How’s it going, Roz,” he asked.

“About the same. If I didn’t have Sam and Maybelle to jaw with mentally, I’d probably be a basket case by now,” she said and laughed, “But I see the twins have brought their instruments. That’s a ray of hope,” she added.

“A talking cow?” Enoch asked in awe and walked over to get a good look at Roz.

“And not just any talking cow, young man, she’s also pregnant with my grandson, Billy Junior,” Kate bragged.

“No. How is that possible?” Enoch asked.

“Didn’t anybody ever teach you about the birds and the bees, cowboy?” Roz asked drolly.

“Sure, but birds can’t have bees or vice versa,” Enoch replied.

“Alas, this world is so limited,” Roz lamented, and everyone laughed, “It depends on the universe you’re familiar with, but there are so many different ones, it would boggle your mind some of the things higher life forms can achieve,” Roz said.

“Amen to that, little sister,” Billy agreed with Roz, “Don’t worry, before the weekend’s over you’ll have a pretty good grip on the basics, Big Brother,” Billy said.

“Are all these strange cows like Roz?” Enoch asked.

“No, about half are bulls,” Billy said and grinned. “Hank -- you, Buck, and Andy ride herd on our tenderfoot cowboy and fill him in on the details. Moss, you might wanna’ stick close to 'em, too. In the meantime, I’m going to open the doors and let in some fresh air. It smells like a barn in here,” Billy said.  

“It is a barn, Billy,” Kate said and laughed.

“I know, but it don’t have to smell like one,” Billy said.

“Roz, I assume you can morph like Andy and the other highland cattle, why do you have to remain uncomfortable and bored as a cow during the first stages of your pregnancy?” Kate asked.

“I guess because it’s the way Master Billy wants me. I never questioned him about it. First and foremost, I’m Master Billy’s slave, and it’s considered bad manners to question your master. When I volunteered for this job, I told him I didn’t mind carrying his and Boomer’s son to term, it would be an honor, but a consideration must be for me to be in cow form to accept insemination to accommodate Boomer’s size. He’s quite large, you know. Master Billy was kind enough to share with me, he wouldn’t ask me to take something so large into my body he hadn’t already had in his, and while the knowledge was a comfort, it was not an inspiration. In my humanoid form I’m rather small physically. I’m only five feet tall. Beyond that, I don’t have an answer for you, Mistress Kate,” Roz replied.

There were giggles, chuckles, and a couple of downright guffaws at Roz’s innocent but truthful comment about Billy and Boomer’s bonding. Hank and Buck were holding each other laughing as their master rolled his eyes and blushed. Kate even laughed. Nick and Clyde were holding each other laughing. Moss and Enoch laughed together.

“What about it, Billy?” Kate asked.

“About what? Me and Boomer’s bonding or Roz?” Billy asked and laughed.

“Oh, Billy, get over yourself for goodness sake. Folks aren’t as naive as you might think these days. One plus one equals a proto-embryo, no? I don’t care how you and Boomer done it. All I care about is, I got me a great grandson on the way, and by God, I plan to fight tooth and nail like the fiercest mother bear protects her cub to see he gets a good start in this world,” Kate declared.

“Good to know, Grandma,” Billy sucked in air and let it out with a laugh. “To be honest, we been in such a rush and preoccupied with one crisis after another, I never gave it much thought beyond the initial insemination. I thought the rest would work itself out. No pun intended,” Billy replied and giggled.

“No wonder the poor dear is bored. She don’t have anything to do or occupy her mind. Could you morph to your humanoid form until you began to get really large, Roz?” Kate asked.

“I don’t see why not, but it would be up to my master,” Roz replied.

“What about the proto-embryo? When you morphed back into a cow would he then become a highland calf?” Billy asked.

“Naw, it don’t work that way, Master Billy,” Boomer spoke up, “I already asked our uncles about it, and they assured me it wouldn’t happen.”

“Billy, I can always use Roz around the house if she’s willing to give me a hand, and we got that small apartment off the kitchen what’s warm and comfortable. It ain’t being used. She could stay with us until it was almost time for delivery. Having given birth to two large male sons, I should think being in cow form for delivery would be a blessing. Believe me, childbearing is highly overrated. If given the option, I would have done it in a heartbeat. We know the exact date of insemination. She shouldn’t have to remain as a cow until, perhaps, her final couple of weeks,” Kate said, “Roz can decide that. She’ll know when the baby gets too large and uncomfortable for her,” she added.

“What about it, Roz? You think you feel like starting work a little early and giving my grandmother a hand?” Billy asked.

“Absolutely, sir. It would be like an answer to a prayer,” Roz replied.

“Fine. Clyde if Roz morphs to her humanoid form could you outfit her with something nice to wear?” Billy asked the big angel.

“Sure, Boss. I’m not much of a women’s clothes designer, but between Roz and Mistress Kate we should be able to come up something suitable,” Clyde replied.

“Later, I can give grandma some money, and she can take Roz into town to buy her several outfits to wear around the house. We’ll take her along this afternoon and then take her back to the main house with us. She can have the added benefit of meeting Nick’s folks and enjoying the twin’s music. You up for it, Roz?” Billy asked.

“You bet, Master Billy! I’d love to get out of here for a while,” Roz replied.

“Okay, all males out of the barn into the cabin so Roz can have a little privacy. Grandma, we’ll leave you with Roz and Clyde. We’ll go tidy up the cabin while you folks help Roz. Make it something practical but comfortable for our trip to Nick’s ship,” Billy said.

“Will you get out of here?” Kate asked and grinned, “He fertilizes an embryo and thinks he’s in charge. Wrong! Us girls and Clyde can handle this, Master Billy,” Kate said with emphasis on the word ‘master.’

Billy hung his head, tucked his tail between his legs, and replied like a young boy, “Yes, ma’am, Grandma,” he said as he turned and walked away with slumped shoulders. Kate and Roz laughed at him as he left the barn and closed the door behind him with a big grin on his face.

“Is it okay for me to change, Mistress Kate?” Roz asked.

“Don’t see why not, child, they’re all gone but Clyde, and we’ll just think on him as our big brother who’s simply fabulous with wardrobe and hair,” Kate replied and giggled.

Roz morphed into a petite young female with close cut blond hair which framed her face perfectly. She looked like a beautiful little pixie, with human ears. Kate couldn’t help take her in her arms to give her a hug and a kiss. “You’re lovely, Roz, but you still smell like a cow, darling,” Kate said and smiled.

“I can take care of that, Mistress Kate,” Clyde volunteered, “If you’ll stand away from her for a moment, Ma’am,” he added.

Kate moved away, Clyde raised his wings, and Roz was flooded with a bright white light which rained down on her -- all over her -- splashed onto hay on the barn floor, and seemed to be absorbed into the ground beneath. She raised her arms above her head to catch the light like someone might in a shower, and rubbed it all over her body. Roz ran her fingers through and massaged her hair with her hands. When she was finished, she turned around a few times to rinse, and she was done. The light changed color from white to blue and then a dark lavender. It contained a wonderful scent of fresh wildflowers on a spring day. It was as comforting a fragrance as it was intoxicating. The light stopped and Roz shook her hair. It seemed to settle about her head and face, and framed her beauty perfectly. Kate was stunned. By anyone’s standards, Roz was a small, but beautiful young woman.

“How about a form fitting, but not too tight, full body jump suit with a pair of low-cut tennis pumps with matching canvas belt?” Clyde asked.

“Let’s see it,” Kate said, and instantly Roz was dressed in a sky-blue jumpsuit with a comfortable looking pair of canvas pumps with navy shoe laces, a canvas belt to match, and a nice red silk scarf loosely tied around her neck. “I think not! Clash! Change the color of the scarf to a light pink, Clyde,” Kate said like a fashionista. It was done in an instant. “Much softer. Very nice, Clyde, thank you,” Kate complimented the big angel.

“Thanks, Mistress Kate, coming from you, it means a lot,” Clyde blushed.

Roz walked up to him, threw her arms around his neck, and gently kissed him on the cheek. “It’s perfect, Clyde. Thank you,” she said, and he blushed a darker red. Roz and Kate laughed at him.

“You look stunning for an afternoon of exploring, Roz. Shall we join the others?” Kate asked.

“I’d love to, Mistress Kate,” Roz replied. Clyde was too busy blushing to comment.

The men had the same reaction Kate and Clyde did to Roz. They were stunned by her petite radiant beauty, and she looked perfect in her small sky-blue jumpsuit. Billy walked to her, opened his arms, and they embraced. He kissed her gently on her forehead. “You look and smell wonderful, Roz. Glad grandma said something, and you decided to join us. You’ll make a wonderful addition to our family and grandma won’t feel so alone with another woman around the house,” he said, “But be careful. Once she gets her hooks into you she’s difficult to escape,” Billy added and laughed.

“I’m not the least worried about Mistress Kate, Master Billy. I welcome her role as protective great grandmother bear, for me as well as the child I carry. I think it’s a wonderful idea, Master. This way you won’t have to invest in entertainment for the cabin, I can help Mistress Kate, and have her and all of you men for company. I’m happy it’s a win-win idea for everyone,” Roz said.

Everyone got busy, tidied up the cabin, removed the animal waste, and put down fresh bedding for them. Billy closed up the cabin, and they moved to the barn to depart. He left the door open at the opposite end of the barn for Samson and Maybelle to return when they wanted. He figured they were out tending to business. He wondered how long it would be before Maybelle was in foal and Samson became a sire.

They gathered together for the final leg of their journey. Once again Billy gave the order for his flight crew to wing-up, they responded, and Billy’s family vanished to reappear in the village square of the ship. No one seemed terribly surprised. Many stopped what they were doing to come see who the new visitors were with their captain and their new young master. Since it was Nick’s ship, Billy told him to take the lead.

“Seth?” Nick said to the evolved intelligence on board.

“Welcome back, Captain Nick. Beauford said there was a chance you and our young master might be returning with a group of people. I will alert him and your other protectors to meet with you in the village square. Welcome to you, Master Billy, and welcome to our new visitors. We’re always pleased to have folks we never met before visit with us. We hope you enjoy your stay,” Seth said.

“Thank you, Seth, it’s a comfort to hear your voice again,” Billy said.

“Why, thank you, sir. It’s very kind of you to say,” he replied.

The badly burned young boy and his sister whom Billy healed ran to his ams. Billy picked them up, hugged, and kissed each one. The stout, handsome dwarf walked up to Billy leading his daughter. He got down on his knees and was going to kiss Billy’s boots, but Billy stopped him and fell to his knees. No need to pay homage. Come to your master’s arms, Faustus, and show him your love,” Billy ordered. A big smile crossed the little-big man’s face as he stood to grab Billy around his neck in a bone crunching hug and kissed him right on the mouth. Billy returned Faustus’ kiss in kind. Next his young daughter, who was still quite shy, hugged Billy, and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. Billy smiled and thanked her for her affectionate welcome.

The crowd parted as Razza, the dragon man, flew down from the sky to land not far from Billy. “Master,” he said and fell to his knees and proceeded to kiss each of Billy’s boots.

“Come to my arms my handsome dragon and share you love with your master,” Billy said gently. Raz was in his arms in an instant, and they kissed a goodly kiss. “So good to see you again, my friend, and to see you flying is a happy sight,” Billy said.

“You can’t know what’s it’s done for me and my spirits, Master. I’m a new dragon. I can hunt and help provide food for us and the villagers. I no longer feel useless. You gave me back my dragon-hood. I will forever be in your debt, sir,” he said.

“Nonsense. I did what I could out of empathy and respect. Beyond your gracious thanks and continued respect for me as your master, you owe me nothing more,” Billy said.

“Welcome, Master, and welcome to your guests,” Razza said with a grand flourish of his wings and a deep bow. Billy’s family was wowed by what they were witnessing. Moss and Enoch were stunned. Billy warned his grandmother, but even she was impressed by the people and various critters, large and small, who lived together on Nick’s ship in harmony.

Pan the panther-man came running at a fast pace and Leon the lion-man with wings was flying by his side as they came in from the outback and knelt before Billy. Billy didn’t go through any formal ceremony with them. He just shook their hands and told them how fine they were looking. Billy found Pan particularly attractive.

The great Shedu, Beauford, arrived and came to Billy. His enormous size made it difficult for him to kneel before his master, but he graciously welcomed Billy. His young cowboy master showered him with compliments and praise for how much his crew accomplished in a short time. The repairs to the ship were obvious. It looked like everyone worked around the clock to get things back in order, and it showed. Beauford gave a report to Nick and Billy what they got done and gave a great deal of the credit to their junior crew and their exceptional talents.

Nick’s last two protectors, Joe and Crunch, a giant blue human and his greenish half-Ork lover, lumbered in after the others, and Billy settled for a handshake with the two enormous males. Leaving tusk prints in his face after kissing an Ork was not particularly to Billy’s liking. He didn’t feel he knew either species well enough to get so close. Everyone seemed to relax and got to know one another. The villagers were fascinated with Kate being Billy’s grandmother, and they adored the young pregnant humanoid. She didn’t have to tell them she was pregnant, they just knew, and the women of the village were protective and solicitous of her, offering her food and drink. She and Kate became a pair. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and each other’s company.

The twins discovered the dwarfs and halflings and felt like they were returned to their people. They were in tears for the first thirty minutes after they arrived. Billy purposely didn’t tell them about the other halflings or dwarfs he met on Nick’s ship. He wanted it to be a surprise for them. Poly and Cass were flabbergasted. Nick introduced his new family to his old family on board the ship and told them to accept them and be as gracious to the new folks as if they were their own family members.   

Hank and Buck took Moss and Enoch under their wings to explain to them they lived for damn near sixty-five years on another planet and they were used to unusual humanoids and intelligent critters. Many on Nick’s ship were species they recognized and met their kind before. They were friends with many. The bigger cowboys walked around with their mouths open the first couple of hours they were on the ship. “Did you know about this, Moss?” Enoch asked.

“I knew Billy rescued Nick from his crashed spaceship and saved his life. I knew Billy’s visited other worlds and met Boomer, the halflings, Archie and Edith, but I never met none of these folks. I’m as bewildered as you, but like you said a while ago, I have to know more about all this. Billy offered me a job in his organization yesterday, and I readily accepted. As of today, I’m working for a man I know’d all my life, a man I grow’d up with, who I love more than I’d like to admit, and I feel like I’m just now getting to know him,” Moss said.

“I only know’d him for less than a day, yet I feel like I know’d him for years. I keep asking myself why I ain’t more surprised, disturbed, or upset about all this, but there’s a voice what speaks to me in the back of my mind since I’s a little kid what told me this is where I belong. These people, through Billy and his family, are my people. My voice done told me, even before Orville tried to kill me this morning, Billy is the man I must work for and serve the rest of my life,” Enoch said with firm conviction.

“Y’ain’t alone, brother. I feel the same damn way. I told ma’ pa if I had to, I’d give ma’self to Billy to be his slave, if’n he’d have me,” Moss shared with the giant cowboy.

“Same here, brother. I come to the same conclusion, but you know what? I don’t think that’s what he wants from us. Call me a dreamer or a crazy man, I don’t care, but I think we been brought along, same’s him, by outside forces in the universe what want us together as bonded brothers for a particular purpose; now we met and joined up, it can all begin,” Enoch said. “My problem is, I don’t know what I’m gonna’ tell my family. They been good to me and expect great things of me,” Enoch lamented.

“Perhaps the things you may potentially accomplish with Billy and our family might not be as your family imagined, but perhaps they will be as great or more so than what they envisioned for you,” Moss said.

“I ain’t never considered it that way, bro, but you got a good point. I guess we got to sort our priorities and come up with a solid vision for the future, not only for us, but also for those we come to love and those we’d like to help. I know some consider it treasonous to suggest changes must be made in our society -- big changes -- or we will forever be slaves to a corporate dictatorship under the guise of theocracy, in the name of their self-made image of their god and Christianity. I think this just might be the place I’m meant to be to help form my own thoughts into a more clear picture of my part in all this,” Enoch said thinking out loud.

“Couldn’t a’ said it better ma’self, Brother,” Moss agreed, “Welcome to the family,” he added, held out his hand, and the two cowboys shook.

* * * * * * *
“While everyone is occupied for the moment, Tonto, let’s you, me, and Clyde slip off and relocate the gurney with the precious stuff to a secure room in your castle,” Billy said to his two wing men.

“We’re ready, Kemosabe. I know I done told you we could just grab if from the other dimension, and I was correct under ordinary circumstances; however, I forgot a tesseract is a hyper-dimension outside normal time and space, but Beauford reminded me, and he’s right. We gotta’ go get it, materialize it in the barn, trans-locate it to the ship, place it wherever you want it, then make it dematerialize within this dimension. It will only take a few minutes more, and actually, it will even be safer that way. No one can stumble upon it accidentally within a tesseract,” Nick explained.

“Let’s do it,” Billy said. He turned to his family to briefly explained why he, Nick, and Clyde must disappear for a few minutes, but they would soon return. He told them to have a good time, enjoy themselves, make some new friends, and they would join them in a short while. The three winged men raised their wings and vanished. They arrived at the cabin and dematerialized the gurney. This time Nick flew them back to his ship, and they landed in the great entryway to the castle where they found Beauford waiting for them. “May I suggest one of the cells off the dungeon, Captain?” Beauford asked.

“You got a dungeon in this castle, Tonto?” Billy asked and perked right up with interest.

“Well, sort of . . .” Nick replied and grinned sheepishly.

“Be honest with our young master, Captain. He’s been honest with you,” Beauford admonished Nick.

“It’s a kinky sex dungeon,” Nick admitted and blushed more red than his devil persona.

“Do tell!” Billy exclaimed. He and Clyde fell together laughing. “This I gotta’ see,” he said firmly, “You been hold’n out on me, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“I’s fix’n to work up the nerve to tell you, Kemosabe, but now’s as good a time as any to show you, I suppose. It was originally a medieval torture chamber, but with a few minor adjustments here and there, I made it into one ‘hell’ of play room,” Nick said and grinned wickedly, “Our protector is right, one of the cells has a four inch thick solid metal door. We’ll put it in there, dematerialize it, lock it up, and no one will be able to get to it but us,” he added.

“Sounds good. Let’s see this awesome playroom and stow the gurney,” Billy said.

Nick was right. It was one hell of a dungeon. Billy and Clyde were astounded. It had everything from leather slings to stocks and numerous contraptions Billy could only imagine what they might be for. He didn’t care, it all strummed his magic twanger and caused his amigo down south of the boarder to get the happies. It looked like something out of Better Homes & Dungeons. It impressed the shit out of Billy and Clyde.

“Nice,” allowed Billy, “Very nice, Tonto,” Billy said.

“Wow,” Clyde agreed, “I once was owned by a kinky master, but his dungeon was nothing like this. This has got to be the Six Flags of Dungeon World,” Clyde said and laughed. Billy broke up again. “I feel like a kid what can’t wait to get aboard the first ride,” Clyde added.  

“Be careful what star you wish upon, my good slave, it just may come true,” Billy said and chuckled.

“Say the word, Master,” Clyde said like he was calling Billy’s bluff.

“One evening soon, we’ll sample Tonto’s talents together. Just think, Clyde, an evening with Satan, the devil, my demon dad, in his very own dungeon. What more could any son wish for?” Billy asked and broke up laughing.

“I’ll look forward to it, Master Billy,” Clyde replied.

* * * * * * *
It took little time, and they placed the gurney in the cell. Billy took one box of gold coins from the gurney and put it in a backpack he used when he went deer hunting. He handed it to Clyde and told him to take care of it for him until they got back to the ranch. Nick suggested Billy dematerialized the gurney, in case for some reason, he had to come to the ship alone he would know how to materialize it. They closed the heavy metal door to the cell, Nick locked it with the large key, and handed it to Billy.

“I don’t wanna’ carry this around,” Billy said.

“We can make it disappear, or you may leave it with my number one protector. It will be safe with Beauford, and if you should need it, he’s yours to command. If someone should find it by accident, even if they open the cell, it would appear empty to them,” Nick said.

“I like that idea. It will show Mr. Bull I place great trust in him. It might go a ways toward cementing a relationship between us,” Billy said.

“I don’t know how much more bonding you need to do, Kemosabe, he already speaks of you in reverent terms, and admonishes me to be more respectful of you,” Nick said shaking his head.

Billy laughed imagining the huge imposing bull-man chastising his captain. “Well, I have a very high opinion of the big Shedu bull-man as well; otherwise, I never would have shared my knowledge of him with Madame Spartza. She is a lady Shedu of breeding and quality. She also has one of the biggest hearts I ever felt,” Billy declared.

“She let you feel her heart, Kemosabe?” Nick asked in awe.

“Yes, she instructed me to put my hand on her back. It was necessary for me feel her to sync with the rhythm of her large heart to show me parts of my future,” Billy replied, “She was most gracious and generous with me. I found myself enchanted by her and her beauty. I felt like I should always be protective of her; not only for her, but my own selfish reasons of having her for a friend and confidant. I think we all need someone outside our immediate circle of friends and family who might act as a sounding board or a lens with which to reflect and focus ourselves,” Billy added.

“It’s a great honor for a Shedu to offer you to touch their heart. It is their most vulnerable spot, and for their size, it is also the softest. If they find you worthy they will ask to bond with you and share their heart unconditionally. If they give you a part of themselves, you must do the same for them, or you will diminish their spirit,” Nick said.

“And has Beauford shared his heart with you, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“Yes, but only once when he was given to me as my number one protector many years ago. In all these years he’s never offered again, but neither have I pushed the matter. He has never failed to protect me or be by my side if he was able,” Nick said.

“Good. That gives me an idea,” Billy said and smiled.

“Would you like to share your idea with me, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“Not at the moment. I have to think about it for a while,” Billy replied.   

“Do you have plans to tell him about your other Shedu friend on Retikki Prime?” Nick asked.

“I would like to. Because of Madame Spartza, we saved the life of one of our family members this morning, and if I win the Mega Lotto this evening, I will owe her a great debt of gratitude. I asked Madame Spartza if she wanted me to tell Beauford about her, perhaps show him a mental image or her excellent photo, and she said 'yes.’ I would be doing her a disservice not to keep my word,” Billy replied.

“Any thoughts as to when?” Nick asked.

“Not for a while. Not until Mr. Bull and I get to know each other a little better, but soon. If we get busy and I forget, I know I can count on you to remind me in a couple of days,” Billy replied.

“You can count on me, Kemosabe,” Nick said.

* * * * * * *
The three winged-men returned to the village square. The town folks decorated the square with colorful banners and brought out large down stuffed pillows for their honored guests to sit comfortably; especially, for the two ladies, Kate and Roz. They were enjoying a large glass of a slightly sweet citrus drink made from Buddha’s fingers.

Several of the halflings and an equal number of the male dwarfs were forming a circle and each one held an ancient vihuel. There were several leg vihuels, later known as viola da gamba, and three arm vihuels; soprano and tenor. There were several stand up bass viols the larger dwarfs manned. One was so large the dwarf playing it had to stand on a stool to take a full stroke on his enormous instrument. He was a mighty warrior who could easily handle his magnificent vihuel with pride. He made it throb from his heavy strokes as the music built to an enormous climax and exploded into a final crescendo. He put his all into his instrument and his final climax left the audience as breathless as himself. It took the mighty warrior several minutes to recover.  

Billy took one look at the viols and grinned at his grandmother. “Where did you folks get these ancient instruments, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“They came with the castle when we lifted it onto our ship. They were found in the antechamber of a great room we suspect was used for music and dancing,” Nick explained.

“They’re beautiful,” Billy said, and the twins agreed. They didn’t remove their violins from their cases. They were using their best manners as guests and wouldn’t participate until invited or their master gave them permission.

The village musicians had drums, tam-tams, bells, cymbals, and several of the younger men sat on the ground in front of the viol players and played various wind instruments including wooden flutes or recorders, a double reed instrument which sounded slightly better than a billy goat calling its mate, and a couple of sackbutts. One must be careful including sackbutts in any ensemble. Too liberal a use and they can be rude and arrogant like an overbearing drone. Fortunately, the amateur players of the village were well rounded, seasoned musicians, and the sackbutts were not abused. And what a glorious racket they made. It was a magnificent sound straight from the heart of the Earth or portion of the planet from which the land was lifted.

It was like Kate and Billy were transported back to the eleventh century and were listening to music like it might have been played back then. It was as refreshing as it was educating. Billy always had a theory about music he shared with his grandmother many times. He was sure there was an innate music inside all people that came from a more ancient and primal urge, the call and answer of wild animals like wolves and others of their kind. After each piece they played, the villagers and the guests applauded with genuine pleasure and enthusiasm. Roz was beside herself with joy being able to share the experience with Kate and her new family. It sure beat standing around in a barn chewing your cud all day.

The maestro or leader of the group was a firmly packed, muscular dwarf who wielded a large baton to conduct his pint sized orchestra with dignity and grace, but most of all, an unquestioned authority. His troop of merry music makers was not a democratic society. He was a benevolent but unyielding monarch who demanded and got the best from his players. After playing several pieces from folks dances to more serious antiphonal and contrapuntal music he stopped and acknowledged the twins. In a respectful manner he asked their master, Master Billy Daniels, if he would introduce his two slaves to the village.

Billy motioned for Cass and Poly to get their fiddles out. They did as their master wished and began to tune the fine violins as Billy spoke to the assembled crowd. “I would like to introduce you good folks to two of my most treasured slaves. They were given to me by my uncle-in-laws on the planet Retikki Prime. Unknown to me, they liked me enough, they secretly asked their masters on Retikke Prime if they would give them to me. I was deeply flattered two such fine looking and talented young men found me worthy enough they would ask to become my slaves and serve me as their master.

I was a bit wary of taking on two halflings for slaves, but I realize now, I couldn’t have been more wrong. It was bad and disproportionate thinking on my part. Just because chance and evolution created me to be twice their size does not make them any less a man than I am; however, my original thought made me considerably less a man than them,” Billy paused for a second as the gathered crowd applauded his words of wisdom. “I won’t tell you what wonderful musicians they are or how proud of them I am. I’ll let their music speak for itself. Gentlemen,” Billy motioned for the twins to begin.

Cass and Poly began very simply with “Waltz Across Texas” and then on the third pass absolutely exploded into theme and variations. After completing about fifteen intricate and technically demanding variations they ended the piece with the huge chaconne Billy heard them use before, but the icing on the cake was for the last they repeated the simple tune with all the love they could muster. It was stunning. Billy carefully watched the dwarf conductor and his musicians sit with their mouths open in awe. There was a stunned silence for only a second and the village erupted like a volcano of whistles and applause for the twins.

They played one more piece and it had the same effect, but the last piece they played they announced was for their Mistress Kate and their new sister Roz. They played the Gigue, the last movement of Bach’s third Brandenburg Concerto. The village musicians never heard music like the twins were playing and drank every note in as if it were the purest water flowing from a clear mountain spring. Not only were the twins outstanding to the native musicians, they were also convinced the music they were hearing must have been written by a god. They weren’t far wrong.

The twins had a surprise for their master. Cass announced to the crowd with their good master’s permission they would like to play their last tune for him in gratitude for taking them as his slaves and to show their love for him. They asked the village musicians to join them on the second round of the melody. Kate played a recording for them of a country band playing the “Orange Blossom Special Hoedown.” She told them it was one of their master’s favorite country pieces, and they learned it. They started in to play and Billy recognized it immediately. He looked over to Kate with a big grin on his face and winked at her. The piece was simple, more down home to the village musicians, and they joined in to give it their best shot. It was wonderful, and got everyone tapping their feet or clapping their hands.

Finally, Billy had all he could take, made his wings disappear, stood, took off his cowboy hat, threw it high into the air and shouted “Buck and wing!” at the top of his voice. He got up and started doing the cowboy hoedown buck and wing Kate taught him years ago to dance along with his granddad and other cowboys. Moss jumped up, threw his hat skyward, and joined his brother. Enoch was next and there were three cowboys doing the buck and wing.

"Hell far and damnation!” exclaimed Hank, “H’it’s been sixty-two years since I done me the cowboy dance. You up for it, pod’na?” he asked Buck. They threw their hats up at the same time and joined the dance. Billy motioned for anyone else to join them; a couple of halflings, and a dwarf managed to pick up the steps and began to dance with the men. Everyone was laughing watching their new young master enjoy making a fool of himself. His sense of joy and abandonment of societal airs bought him their love, trust, and respect. Billy couldn’t have been happier at the moment. Life was good.    

 * * * * * * *
Nick took his new family on a tour of his space ship, the village, and his castle. Nick showed them the outback and the agro farms the villagers worked to feed themselves and the crew. There were clever waste disposal and water purification systems which depended solely on organic mechanisms to function. Most of the oxygen for the ship was provided by plant life, but it wasn’t enough. They still used artificial means to provide all that was needed, but they soon hoped to rectify it with the addition of a new tropical area they were planning to create. The natives and Nick’s crew were living examples of their success. Everyone seemed to be well and happy. Of all the wonders on Nick’s ship everyone was most taken by the picturesque castle. Billy’s family was amazed. There were enough rooms and facilities in the castle alone they could house a small army.

“I just knew all that talk about a castle on a lake with swans was cowboy bullshit,” Enoch shared with Moss.

“You’ll learn. I used to think the same thing when Billy would confide in me and tell me he saved a Bigfoot’s life and now they’s best buddies. I would listen and nod, but deep inside I wondered why the kid felt it necessary to spin such elaborate yarns? Well, you met Boomer. He ain’t no fiction. So when Billy told us about Nick’s ship I just reserved my opinion until I could see for myself. There it is. Bigger’n life, on a beautiful lake, with a moat, and swans,” Moss said, “You should a’ learned this morning, if’n Billy tells you he can do something, he probably can,” he added.

“Yeah, you’re right. When he told me he would take my pain away with a kiss I thought he was crazy, but my voice inside ma’ head done told me to trust him. Glad I did. My leg hurt bad. One kiss and I either forgot about the pain or he switched off something in my head to keep me from feeling it. Now, there I was doing the cowboy buck and wing a while ago and feeling fine,” Enoch said.

* * * * * * *
After Nick’s tour Billy’s family returned to the village square to say their goodbyes to the town folks. Everyone made new friends through sharing music and laughter and were sad to part, but they knew they would be seeing more of each other because their captain’s ship planned to be docked on Earth for sometime. The crew and villagers were used to long periods in one place. They went where their captain went and everyone supported each other equally. While Nick was the undisputed captain and their unspoken owner, ruler, or whatever label one might wish to refer to him, he was easy going and for the most part well met with everyone. He would go out of his way to inquire as to the health of the elder village folks and visited them regularly.

Nick suggested to Billy he have Clyde transport the family back to the main house, and he and his master would close up the cabin. Billy caught the grin on Nick’s face. “Is there a hidden motive in your request, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“Me no lie, Kemosabe.  Umm -- Tonto watch mask man do cowboy dance. Make Tonto’s pony drip. Tonto feel great need to pleasure cowboy master,” Nick said in terrible American native character speak.

“One of your best ideas all week, Tonto,” Billy said and grinned, “The Lone Free Ranger would certainly appreciate the attentions of his main wing man,” he added.

A group of dwarf children and halflings ran to Nick. Their spokesman was an incredibly handsome young halfling. “Captain Nick, Master Billy, our mate, Aeron, hurt himself while we were playing. He fell down into the ravine on the other side of the village. We can’t move him. He’s hurt too bad,” the young halfling said. He was almost in tears. Billy nodded to Nick. “Take us to him, Renaldo,” Nick said.

Billy and Nick were already winged-up getting ready to depart for the line cabin. It didn’t take them anytime to get to the wounded boy. The young dwarf wasn’t moving. He was in great pain, and it only added to his pain if he moved any part of his body. Billy knelt by him, leaned over him, and spoke, “Kiss your master, Aeron, and I will take your pain away. Then I can inspect your body without hurting you,” Billy said quietly.

He kissed the young dwarf on his lips, and the young man returned his kiss with equal passion. The more he gave to Billy the less he hurt until his master ate his pain away.

“Better?” Billy asked as he broke off their kiss.

“Yes, thank you, Master Billy,” Aeron replied.

Billy ran his hand over the young dwarf’s body and discovered his wrist on his right arm was dislocated. His left arm was fractured but not broken, and his left leg was broken. “Your left leg is broken, Aeron, and I must reset the bone for me to heal you properly. Also, I must pop your dislocated wrist back into place. You shouldn’t feel anything either time,” he said.

“I’m numb from the neck down, Master Billy. I don’t feel anything,” Aeron replied.

“Good, that’s the way I want you to feel. It will only take a minute. Relax, breathe normally, and close your eyes. If you don’t look, it will make it easier for me, and it won’t frighten you as much. Try to stay brave and calm. If you get frightened your blood pressure will rise, and it will make it harder for me to heal you,” Billy instructed him. Aeron did as he was told and was very brave. It didn’t take Billy any time to make the corrections to his leg and wrist and then he began to gather energy to heal him. It took Billy a little longer to heal Aeron than it did Enoch and Enoch’s wound was much worse. Next time, he would insist Nick let him transport a patient outside the ship to be able to absorb more energy quickly. Aeron was so relaxed from the warmth he felt coming in waves over his body, he drifted off to sleep, and much to his mates’ amusement he began to snore.  

“Let’s not disturb him, guys,” Billy said, “We’ll transport him back to the village square and wait for his parents to come for him,” he added.  

They got up and were away running back to the village. Nick and Billy transported the young dwarf back to the village square where his parents and grandparents were anxiously waiting for their boy. They had a gurney waiting for him. Billy carefully picked him up, kiss him on his forehead, and gently laid him down on the gurney. His family didn’t miss Billy’s tenderness with their child and were deeply touched. They each had to give Billy a hug and a kiss of thanks. He told them to let him sleep, and he would send some watcher milk for Aeron to drink, fresh from his mate’s breast. He explained it would complete the healing of his wrist and bones. They were most grateful and thanked him again and again. The other kids got back to the square, and were all over Billy thanking him for his kindness and graciousness to help their mate.

“While we’re winged up, Kemosabe, would it be too much to ask you to take a look at an older halfling, one of our most revered warriors. He used to be one of my very best protectors, second only to Beauford, but I was forced to retire him for his own safety and well being. He’s wasting away, and I can’t tell if it’s because of an illness or just advanced age,” he said.

Billy looked at Nick and grinned, “Tonto better damn well keep his promise,” he growled and laughed.

“I would be in your debt, Kemosabe,” Nick said humbly.

“Nonsense, take me to him,” Billy commanded.    

Nick took Billy to the man’s hut, and his family were gathered around him. Nick introduced Billy to them as their new master. They heard about Billy but were busy taking care of their elder warrior, Cloog. He was an amazing figure for a halfling with crystal clear blue eyes and a full white beard and mustache kept neatly trimmed by his family. Billy knelt beside him. “It’s good to meet you, Cloog, don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you,” he said. Billy leaned over and kissed him gently on his forehead. The brightest smile crossed his old weathered face. “Better?” Billy asked.

“Much better, Master, thank you,” he replied and let out a deep sigh of relief.

Billy raised his wings and once again they began to collect energy. Billy ran his hands up and down the halfling’s body until he found something very strange and certainly abnormal. He looked worried.

“What have you found, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“Another life form inside him starving him to death. See if they have a large wooden spoon they might bring me, and have everyone in the family leave the room but you and me,” Billy ordered quietly.  

The family provided what their young master asked for, left the room, and closed the door behind them. Billy took the covers off the halflings to leave his emaciated body naked. “Let’s get his legs propped up and spread apart. For his family, this might be too much to watch, but for you and me, it shouldn’t be too difficult to endure. I’m going to force the varmint out his rectum. I’ll zap it to numb it so it won’t resist you pulling on it. You grab it, wrap it around the handle of the wooden spoon, then slowly turn it to wind it onto the spoon, I’ll zap it again, and we won’t stop until you pull all of it from his gut; but, be very careful, don’t pull too hard or it will break, and the part what’s left will grow a new head. We don’t want that. We want to rid him of it completely,” Billy said.

Nick looked at his young cowboy master in awe. “As disgusting as it might seem, let’s do it, Kemosabe,” Nick said firmly. It’s the very least I can do for this man who risked his life time after time to protect me and worked faithfully and tirelessly to assure my safety for many years,” Nick said in tribute to his retired protector.

It took them about an hour to totally extract the entire worm, and it weighed almost eight and a half pounds. It must have measure fifteen to twenty-five feet in length. Billy confirmed they got all of it, and now Cloog could eat, begin to gain weight, and reclaim his health. They cleaned the older halfling, and covered his nakedness. Billy induced a deep sleep for him and told his family he would bring some special milk for him to drink every day for a week to get his system functioning normally again. He must have one full glass in the mornings. The family couldn’t believe the monster their captain and new young master removed from their beloved patriarch’s body. They were relieved and grateful he would recover and get better. They almost gave up hope for him. There were many hugs and kisses for their captain and new master for helping their loved one. Billy gave them explicit instructions to burn the worm and the spoon with it in a very hot fire. Make sure there was nothing left of it or the spoon.

* * * * * * *
Billy and Nick finally managed to get away after more thanks and gratitude paid to them by Nick’s protectors and crew. In a flash they found themselves back in the barn at the line cabin.

“Now we got business to attend to, Tonto,” Billy said.

“I’m ready and willing, Kemosabe,” Nick replied.

“Not that kind of business, Tonto. Right now, we got to get our butts into the shower, scrub each other within an inch of our lives, wash and dry our clothes, and then we can take care of needs and promises,” Billy said.

“Glad one of us is thinking soundly. See what you do to me, cowboy? I lose all sense of what must be done when I’m around you,” Nick said and stole a kiss.

“That cain’t be all bad, Tonto, but I’d like to keep you around for a while and a little insurance cain’t be a bad thing, neither,” Billy reminded him.

“H’it ain’t. It’s damn good think’n on your part, Son,” Nick assured him, “Let’s get to it, shall we? The quicker we get it out of the way, the sooner I get me my taste of heaven,” he said wickedly. Nick grabbed Billy strongly, held him close, and tenderly kissed him. “Thanks for saving my protector’s life, Son. I owe you much more than a blowjob,” he said.

“Are we gonna’ keep score, Tonto?” Billy asked.

“No, I imagine there will be times when I come to your rescue,” Nick said, “but h’it don’t hurt none to tell the one you love how important they are to you,” he added.

“When you’s right, you’s right, Demon Dad. I certainly appreciate your sincere thanks, Pa,” Billy said like a little boy.

“That’s my good boy,” Nick said and stole another kiss.

* * * * * * *
While they were showering Samson and Maybelle returned to the barn. They sensed there were men in the cabin and Samson tapped their minds. << Billy, is that you and Nick in the shower? >> he sent.

<< It is, my handsome owner, >> Billy replied.

<< Good, I just wanted to make sure, >> Sam said.

<< Ya’ll have a good afternoon? >> Billy asked casually as Nick listened and scrubbed his master’s back.

<< A very nice afternoon, Rider, thanks to you, >> he could swear he heard Sam laugh and Maybelle giggle. Nick laughed, so Billy knew it wasn’t his imagination.

<< Congratulations. I’ll mark it on my calendar, >> Billy returned dryly. This time he was sure they laughed.

Billy and Nick got out of the shower, dried each other’s wings, and threw their clothes into the washer. Billy added a half cup of bleach to the wash just in case. He took his cell phone and pressed the button for the big house. Nathan answered. “Hey, Uncle Nathan, me and Nick got waylaid on his ship shortly before we left. There were a couple of folks what needed medical attention. We just got back to the line cabin and cleaned up. We’s washing our clothes because of a small possible chance of infection, and as soon as they’re done, we’ll transport up to the big house to help with supper. Is ever’ thing all right with Archie and Edith?” Billy asked.

“Yeah, she’s been up and around. She drank the milk you set aside for her, and after a while, got up and came downstairs with Archie for something to eat. Me and Tron done our best to feed them. They seemed happy and went back to their room to rest for the afternoon. She’s fine and can’t wait to see you,” Nathan said.

“Tell her I’ll be there soon and check with her first thing,” Billy said.

“I will. Take your time. It’s still early and Tron and I can start the barbecue. We’re getting everything ready. Sounds like ya’ll had a good day at Nick’s place,” he said.

“We did. We’ll take you and Tron there soon. I know you’ll both love it, Uncle Nathan,” Billy assured him.

“Tron’s excited about the idea, and I gotta’ admit, it piques my interest,” he said.

“Good. I’ll sign off, but we should be up there within the hour,” Billy said.

“I won’t hold you to it, Son,” Nathan said and laughed.

“Thanks, Uncle Nathan,” Billy said and disconnected.

Billy no sooner hung up the phone when he found Nick on his knees in front of him. He began to make sweet love to Billy’s penis. Billy let him have his way with him and Nick went after his master’s cock like a hound dog on a bone. He gave Billy a first class blowjob and drank his come like it was a fine rare wine. Billy was fully intent on returning the favor for his demon dad, but after a little love making, stroking, and compliments, Nick stopped him, “Are we gonna’ be alone this evening, Kemosabe?” he asked.

“I planned on it, but we got to think about our protector. Like it or not, which I do, Boomer’s a part of us, but he’s my slave and will sleep comfortably in the hayloft. The hayloft is a hell of a lot more comfortable for him than sleeping out doors in the wild. I also have to husband him once in a while, but that’s to be expected. I probably won’t this e’nin, because I took care of him yesterday,” Billy said.

“I understand completely, Kemosabe. You got certain responsibilities, and I knew the score before I agreed to become your slave. I got no problem with it. I just wanted to know, ‘cause if’n we’s gonna’ be alone together this evening, I’d like to save mine for your other sweet hole, if you’d like your old devil dad to throw a good hot demonic fuck in yore’ young cowboy butt,” Nick growled.

“Shit! Don’t talk like that, Nick. You know what it does to me. Just look!” Billy demanded pointing to his rock hard erection. Nick laughed at him. “Of course my demon dad can have his son’s asshole anytime he feels the need to release his inner devil,” Billy said and grinned, “But for right now, morph real quick and tease me. Lemme’ have a goodly taste and rub your demon cock over my face, cock whip me with it, so’s your signature smell will fill my senses for the rest of the e’nin until we come back to the cabin. By that time, I’ll be so hot with anticipation the very fires of Hell won’t be able to quench my thirst for you until I feel your demon cock planted so deep in my ass you’ll have to breed me to get it back,” Billy said using his best cowboy hyperbole.

Nick fell out laughing and held Billy tight against his hard body and their erect penises fought for room, “Fuck! I do so love me some cowboy bullshit, Son. You could charm the most foul and evil demon with your words, Billy Daniels. You done got my heart wrapped up and lemniscated with pretty black bows,” Nick responded in kind and morphed into Billy’s personal demon he loved so much, “On yer’ knees, Christian heathen, and pay homage to the devil’s cock,” Nick ordered.

Billy grinned real big as he fell to his knees before his demon dad and took a deep breath with his face buried in black kinky hair against the dark red skin of Old Nick’s huge cock. It was awesome and smelled delicious. Billy was fully under his demon dad’s spell. “If you want to taste a little bit of heaven you gotta’ pay the devil for it, boy,” Nick growled. He grabbed Billy by his hair, held his head away from his crotch, and began to slap his face with his enormous cock. First one side then the other. After about the third time he growled, “Beg the devil for a taste of his big meat, boy! Let him know how much you need to worship him,” he ordered firmly.

“Please, Satan, let this poor humble Christian boy what’s given up blind faith in myths and superstition for enlightenment and reason taste your handsome cock, sir? Nazarene Nancy ain’t never offered me such a fine treat. A wafer and a sip of wine in absentia ain’t sexy. Symbolic cannibalism ain’t only perverted it’s downright sick; besides, I never thought a man what wore long hair and walked around in a dress had a solid grip on masculinity. I want a real man, a masculine demon to love and serve; one who acts and smells like a man, who ain’t afraid to be either a strong man, an hellacious angel, or my demon dad,” Billy begged.

“Remind me to tell you about him sometime, Son. For now, your demon master has heard your supplication and found you worthy to taste his big fat juicy cock, but only a taste, boy. I hear tell you got a more hungry hole on yore’ backside what needs filling and cries out like an empty vessel for some good hot demon cock,” Nick growled.

“Yes, sir, nothing else can fill me or satisfy me like you can, Satan, and I promise, I’ll only take a taste,” Billy said before impaling himself on Nick’s erect penis to the hilt down his throat and moaned deeply. Billy wondered what magic pheromone Nick possessed within his wonderful masculine fragrance which never failed to trip his sexual switch to the 'on’ position. Billy took several hits on Nick’s red demon cock until Billy could tell Satan was just before climaxing, and he pulled off. Nick proceeded to cock whip his young cowboy’s face several more times until he coated it with his pre-come mixed with Billy’s saliva.

“That’s enough, boy!” Nick exclaimed, “Come to your demon dad’s arms,” he ordered.

Billy rose into Nick's huge muscular arms and laid his head against his massive chest as Nick surrounded him with his strong arms. “Kiss me, boy! Show your demon dad your love,” he commanded. They exchanged a kiss which almost made them both ejaculate, but they held it. They wanted more for later; much more.

* * * * * * *
They got dressed and locked up the cabin. They stood in the barn and held each other. “I don’t know if the last part was such a good idea, Tonto,” Billy said.

“Why, Kemosabe?” Nick asked.

“I got your smell all over me. It’s gonna’ drive me nuts until we get back, and you got chore’ demon cock so far up my butt my eyeballs spin in opposite directions.”

Nick laughed. “Don’t you think your old demon dad would want you to suffer just a little for him?” Nick asked mischievously and grinned, “Especially, since you know he’s gonna’ do his damnedest to answer your prayer as soon as we get back,” he added.

“Suffer a little? Sure, don’t mind a bit, but this will be more like walking through the fires of hell,” Billy said and laughed, “Damn you, Nick, I’m gonna’ prove to you I’m the only man what’s worthy enough for you to call master. I may walk around with an erection all evening, so bad my eyes squint like a Chinaman, but it will be worth the anticipation!” Billy exclaimed, and they shared a laugh.

“I’ll say one thing, cowboy. You’s the only man I know what can make everything into an ongoing symphony, and it don’t never end; one exciting movement after another,” Nick proclaimed. “You ready to fly with me, Son?” he asked.

“Aye, aye, Cap'n Nick, let’s went!” Billy exclaimed and they vanished.

* * * * * * *
They reappeared in a great flash of light in the living room of the big house. They were still holding each other when they heard the clomping of two small pair of buckaroo boots running down the hallway from the kitchen. Cass and Poly ran to their master and Boomer was right behind them. The twins had to have more hugs and kisses and compliments from their master and his dad for their splendid performance earlier in the afternoon. The twins took them by the hand and led the two winged men into the kitchen where everyone was waiting. Kate and Roz were busy getting ready for the barbecue Billy promised everyone.

Billy explained their delay and the tug-or-war with a monster parasite inside one of Nick’s retired protectors. Kate said she didn’t need to know the details, but thought it was nice of Billy to take care of him and the young boy who broke his bones. Talk was lively. Roz and Enoch seemed to be fitting in perfectly. Along with Moss they were helping anyway they could to get supper underway.

“Grandma, have you milked my slave today?” Billy asked.

“No, we been busy since we got back. He’s been helping Nathan and Tron see after Archie and Edith,” Kate replied.

“Have you taught the twins how to milk him?” Billy asked.

“No, it just didn’t cross my mind, but I’ll bet he’s probably full again,” Kate allowed, “Right, big fellow?” Kate asked and smiled at him. Boomer nodded shyly.

“Boom, I need some of your milk to take to the two folks I helped this afternoon to speed their recovery. So, let’s get you milked. The more we milk you, the more you will produce, and we just may need it,” Billy said, “I want Roz to start drinking an eight ounce glass per day, and we may up that in a couple of months,” he added.

“Sure, Master Billy,” Boomer said and sat on the stool Kate used the night before.

Kate got her breast pump and showed the twins how to operate it. They were fascinated with it and argued over who was going to use it first. Billy flipped a coin and Poly won the toss. “Grandma, could you buy another one a’ them things at the drug store in town, so’s we could milk him in stereo?” Billy asked. Everyone in the kitchen laughed.

“How am I gonna’ explain to our druggist, who is one of our town’s biggest gossips, I need a breast pump at my age?” Kate asked and laughed, “Why don’t you get your cowboys to refurbish and clean up one of those old milking machines we got out there in the barn what ain’t been used in years? They still work and Boomer wouldn’t have to sit for so long. One of them could drain him in a few minutes,” she said.

“Good idea, Grandma. Hank do you and Buck know anything about milking machines?” Billy asked his two main buckaroos.

“We know how to use them, but I don’t think either of us ever worked on one. They can’t be that complicated. Me and Hank are both pretty fair mechanics and can put back together most anything we tear apart. We’d be happy to give it a go, Master Billy,” Buck said.

“Good. Uncle Nathan can show you where they’re stored. See if you can clean, sterilize, and piece together one for our brother,” Billy said.

“You know, Billy, with all them Highland heifers out there you might have to milk some of them if they get pregnant and become cows. Besides, have you thought about the birds and the bees with them? Will the heifers be getting pregnant by the bulls?” Kate asked.

“They could, Mistress Kate, but they won’t unless they have Master Billy’s permission. We all volunteered to become his slaves for this mission on Earth and sex is strictly forbidden unless two come to him and ask his permission. Actually, it was another reason for me to volunteer to have Billy Junior, so’s I wouldn’t have to worry about a bull sniffing around my flanks. Now I'm pregnant, I’m totally off limits for them,” Roz said and smiled. “I’m even safer in human form,”she allowed.

“I hope to get the first five hundred morphed, housed, and working for the benefit of our mission as well as themselves before too long. They didn’t come with instruction booklets or parts catalog. I don’t even know what they can do. Can they hit the ground running or will they need education about our world? For the first few days, it’s going to be hit or miss,” Billy said.

“Maybe Andy and I can help, Master Billy,” said Roz, “we know most of their capabilities and strengths. We can create lists for you of their names, brief bios, and their capabilities. Most have been educated especially with this mission in mind. We are well learned in all aspects of your world and different governments. Most of us speak up to fifteen languages fluently,” she said.

“Gees, that’s mind boggling to comprehend. Let’s look into it tomorrow. I’m getting too tired to think straight this evening. It’s been a full day; one which started out in fear and pain but ended in joy and hope. It’s been a roller coaster ride, exhilarating, but exhausting nonetheless. I need a quiet evening with my family, some good food, and conversation what don’t need to be about what we’re gonna’ do and when. I’m doing good to take it one day at a time. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without my family’s support, talents, and input,” Billy said quietly, “You are each unique and bring special talents to our family, and for that, I’m grateful. Now, Roz, not to shut you up, but I want to get you a glass of Boomer’s milk to drink,” Billy said.

Roz got a look of suspicion on her face. “Don’t knock it till you tried it, sweet heart,” Kate said, “I drank half a glass last evening and may have more this evening if there’s enough. I never felt better in a long time than I have today, and I can only attribute it to Boomer’s milk.”

Billy got a glass of cold watcher’s milk for her from the fridge on the back porch and set it before her. Roz picked it up, smelled it, raised her eyebrows, and took a sip, “Holy crap, that’s so good!” she exclaimed, “Sorry, Master. Sorry, Mistress Kate,” she said. Everyone laughed at her. She drank more until she finished the glass. Pump them tit’s faster, men,” she said to the twins, “Momma Roz wants more milk!” she exclaimed. Everyone fell apart laughing at her enthusiasm.

The evening went perfectly. It was laid back. No one pressed Billy for answers and the family seemed to be enjoying themselves with everyone pitching in to make supper. Archie and Edith joined them for a while but didn’t stay for supper. They ate earlier and wanted to get to bed. Billy wished them well, and they left for their room. Billy wanted to give Kate some money for more clothes for Roz so she would be comfortable and not have to wear the same thing everyday. “Let’s wait on that, Billy,” Kate said, “women never throw out old clothes. I got three trunks full of clothes in the attic I been meaning to give to the thrift store for years, but just never found the time. I told Roz about them, and she’s excited to look through them. I even still have my pregnancy clothes I wore while I was carrying your daddy and your uncle. Later, we might get her something new for a surprise, but give us a chance to look through them. I’ll bet you a solid nickel and a howdy-do, Tron and Moss have never gotten rid of Ellen Garrett’s clothes, and if you remember, she was small like Roz. A couple of well placed questions might result in an outpouring of spontanious generosity,” Kate said and winked at her grandson.

“What would I do without you, Grandma?” Billy asked.

“Ah, you’d get by, but it wouldn’t be near as much fun,” Kate said and giggled.

“You got that right!” Billy exclaimed, and they shared a laugh.

 * * * * * * *
Supper on a farm or ranch is usually served in the late afternoon or just before the sun goes down. Most country folks are working as long as there’s daylight available. At the Daniels ranch things were a bit more relaxed, and they sat down to eat right at seven. The food was wonderful. Tron and Nathan outdid themselves with the brisket, and it practically melted in your mouth. Buck and Hank swore they died and done went to cowboy heaven. Roz particularly enjoyed eating as a human again. She said everything tasted new and wonderful to her. Talk was random and light. The family purposely kept away from plans for the future to give Billy a break. Kate asked Tron if they got rid of Ellen’s clothes.

“No, Ma’am, Ms. Kate. I ain’t been in our old bedroom since we returned home from the funeral. I took the key, locked the door, and hung it on a nail next to the back door. We should, but neither one of us hard-nosed, rough talk’n cowboys has got the guts to go in there to sort and gather her stuff so’s we can take it to our local thrift shop,” Tron said.

“Want some help?” Kate asked.

“It sure would be a big boon to us, Ms. Kate. You think’n Roz might be able to wear some of Ellen’s things?” Tron asked.

“I’d swear she’s about the same size as Ellen,” Kate replied.  

“I agree. Sure, ya’ll come on over anytime you can get away. You’s welcome to any or all of it. What you can’t use maybe you can store in the barn here for some other lady what might could use them when they morph into humans,” Tron said, “I wouldn’t mind having the bedroom back, but I just can’t bring myself to do it,” he added sadly.

“Say no more, Tron. Roz and I will be happy to drive over tomorrow. You’ll most likely be over here working with the boys anyway. It shouldn’t take us the better part of a morning to get things together. Personal things we’ll box up and label for you,” Kate said.

They ate a leisurely meal and everyone enjoyed themselves. Nathan kept looking at his watch. “Ma, it’s just about time for the Mega Lotto drawing on T.V.  You wanna’ turn on your set in the kitchen here?” he asked.

Kate turned on her small set she sometimes watched while fixing breakfast in the mornings to get the national and local (state) news. The music was playing and the little balls were falling into the slots on the screen-intro for the showing of the lotto. Everyone knew about Nathan playing Billy’s number provided by his friend a Shedu seer on Retikki Prime. It came time for the Mega Lotto balls to come down the tubes and roll into the slots. Nathan wrote the numbers on a chalk board Kate kept in the kitchen to write reminder notes for herself: 03 - 21 - 33 - 40 - 45 - 36

The unctuous announcer began his spiel about this particular Mega Lotto being the highest in history and Lotto fever across the county pushed the final amount to a new record high of eight hundred million six hundred and forty-eight thousand, five hundred, and six dollars. There was nothing but quiet and stunned looks on the faces surrounding the table. Everyone expected a large amount but this was double, almost triple, the amount they expected.

“Grandma, now is the time for an expletive,” Billy said nervously.

“Hosanna!” Kate shouted.

“Hosanna in the highest!” everyone echoed and laughed.  

The happy little balls came down the tube one by one and the announcer called them out. “The first number is three 03; the second number is twenty-one 21; the third number is thirty-three 33,” he said. Everyone in the room was leaning toward the TV hanging on to his every word carefully checking each number against those written on the green chalk board. “The fourth number is forty 40; the fifth number it forty-five 45, and the Mega Ball number is thirty-six 36,” he said. He ran through the numbers again, but no one was listening by that time. The kitchen erupted into utter chaos. There were handshakes, hugs, kisses, pats on the back, thumbs up, and a lot of shouting and stomping of boots. Then like an agreed signal everyone suddenly got quiet. Kate turned off the TV, and they all turned to Billy. He was as stunned as they were. It’s one thing to think you just might win the lottery, but doing it, and realizing you’re a winner is altogether different.

“At this moment, I can only think of my humility and a feeling of overwhelming gratitude for a beautiful lady, a good friend, and seer who gave me the numbers to play, Madame Spartza on Retikki Prime; the very same lady who tipped us off to Orville Higginbothem’s plan to murder one of our family members this morning. I think Grandma Kate said it best, Hosanna!” he said quietly.

“Hosanna in the highest,” everyone replied.

End of Chapter 12 ~ Him Who Made The Seven Stars
Copyright ~ © ~ 2012 ~ Waddie Greywolf
All Rights Reserved ~
WC = 12726

Next: Chapter 13

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