

Published on Feb 12, 2000




If you're not an adult, not gay or just not interested: don't read this.

Although this story isn't true, the people in it are real. It's more of a fantasy than anything else. Hope you enjoy it!


I can see him now, sitting across the room from me. His hands turns the pages, idly looking into the book in front of him. Big brown eyes. Warm and inviting. Sparkling with a hint of hidden desires beneath. His hair, short and dark hangs loosely over the top of his forehead. Still damp with water from the rain shower outside. Stubble on his chin and around his mouth after his morning shave heightens my lust for him. Those lips. So moist. Enticing you to go just that little bit further. Reach out a little bit more. Giving way to a smile. A deep welcoming smile. Two perfectly formed rows of white teeth. Waiting to feel the rasp of skin on them.

Bright green T-shirt underneath his blue sweat shirt to keep him warm from the cold winter breeze. A thin gold chain hangs loosely from around his neck. Smooth perfect skin just apparent from his neck before disappearing out of site beneath his clothes. Only he knows what lies beneath that cotton. Only he has touched, felt, pinched, stroked, rubbed.

Under the table his legs are spread wide and stretched out. A hand, momentarily removed from turning the pages of his book, innocently rubs across the inside of his thigh. The cotton of his sweat pants bunches up into his crotch. The outline of a basket beneath. But I don't get to see what lies beneath. I can only imagine. Only he knows. Only he knows what it's like to feel a hand there, to rub himself there. He knows what it feels like.

Finally, it all comes to an end. Two hours of an aging teacher mumbling on and on and on. Pages being turned but not really being read. My being tormented from him on the other side of the room. From the sight of his face, his smile, his warmth. But maybe not.

Books and paper are put away. People talk about what has just gone before. Laughing at a joke made. Arrangements to meet up again latter. And we leave the room. Slowly, achingly slowly we walk up the corridor. And he is in front of me. I look at his back. Almost as inviting as the front. His hair is shaved short at the back. More importantly, his sweat pants cling to his ass. Stretched cotton covering his tight packed backside. I move my folder from my side to in front of my pants. My excitement can no longer easily be disguised. So slowly. Too slowly. People talking to me, not really listening to what they're saying. My eyes are fixed on what's in front. Within touching distance now. I could brush my fingers against that stretched material. I could get a feel for what lies beneath. Not here. Not now. But soon maybe.

Everyone else is gone now. Gone to different rooms, different lessons. And I'm left alone with him. He talks to me about the lesson. About what had been said before. About nothing in particular. Just this small personal contact sends the volts of internal electricity coursing throughout my entire body. The smile that is only for me. The eyes looking only at me. The cotton, stretched, only for me. And then it happens. A whisper in my ear. A smile and a wink. And we walk on.

The bathroom is empty when we get there. My heart races at the prospect of my fantasy becoming a reality here, now, today. I try and steady myself as I walk into one of the small cubicles. I sit down. He walks in. That smile never fades. Those eyes willing me on. Wanting me. Needing me. It's all the signal I need. What more could I want? What more could I need? Just a touch. Just a feel. Soon enough, it comes.

He gently closes the door behind him and sits on my knee. This first physical contact is all it takes for my stiffness to begin again. I can see that the same thing is true of him. His sweat pants start to bulge. I look up to his face. Big brown eyes looking back at me. That smile. Still there, looking a little more nervous though now. He draws his head closer to mine. His breath starts to hit my face. Warm, sharp and shallow breaths. His lips draw closer and closer to mine. Inches apart, drawing in further. The gap closing all the time. Then the moisture of his lips touch mine and my whole body erupts in a feeling of ecstasy. He's mine now. What I'd wanted for a long time was mine. The fantasy, turned into reality, had just begun.

Our lips meet, and push against each other. I move my tongue out towards his mouth. He does the same and we meet in the middle. Tongues rubbing against each other, before he relents and lets me into explore his mouth. I swirl my tongue around, feeling the slight rough edge to those white teeth I had looked at many times before. He pushed his tongue now into my mouth. Wanting to explore inside me. He brushed across my lips. Around my tongue. On my teeth. Everywhere, he probed with this damp, velvet carpet.

My hands moved up to his sides. I could feel his whole body heaving beneath me as his tongue swirled around and around again. Our juices mixing as he tasted, liked and wanted more and more. I pushed my hands underneath his sweatshirt, skin on skin. What had never been revealed to me before was now mine to touch. As I had anticipated, his skin was smooth. Totally clear and smooth. I played with his navel, feeling the slight soft trace of hairs that must lead down into his pants. I spread my fingers over his stomach, feeling the air pumping in and out of his body. I moved further up to his chest. His pecs, without me seeing them, felt like mountains of stiff muscle. My finger tips reached his nipples and he inhaled sharply. But his tongue kept working, whilst my fingers kept playing. I felt how they hardened beneath my touch. As I pinched them again. I was able to look up a little way into his deep brown eyes, and watch as he rolled them back with each movement of my fingers. Shivering all over as I brushed over his large nipples.

I broke the kiss and pulled both his sweatshirt and his T-shirt up and off. Tousling his dark hair on the way. Making him look younger than he actually was. Still he didn't let up with that smile. Still those eyes sparkled. Still, his pants bulged. Still he needed more. And still, I had far more to give. I smiled back at him and looked at his chest as it heaved up and down. My eyes were almost instantly drawn to what I had just been playing with. His two dark, quarter sized, nipples. Firm, stiff, erect. Demanding more attention. I moved my head to his chest, and flicked each one in turn with my tongue. He gasped at this new sensation. Revealing in the new feelings cascading in waves around his body. I latched onto one of his nipples and started sucking it. Running my tongue around it. Feeling it getting hard and hard in my mouth. Each time I brushed my tongue over the top, he would gasp and moan a little. I did the same to the other. Each in turn. Soaking them. My saliva started to run down his chest.

Whilst I continued my playful sucking at his chest, he brought his hand down to my jeans. He could feel my crotch full and large. Aching for release. He squeezed me hard, feeling my manhood respond to his touch he did it over and over again. In time with my sucking. Then slowly, he started unbuttoning my shirt. One by one, he slipped each button out of it's hole. My lightly tanned flesh was being revealed to him little by little. I moved my head away from his chest, reluctantly, whilst he undid the last couple of buttons and separated each side of the material to look down at me. He ran his hands over my chest. Feeling up my pecs like an old bastard would feel a girls' tits. But much softer. His touch was like no other sensation before. He toyed with my nipples, brushing over them softly. Once more I looked to his face, to see his eyes fixed on my chest, concentrating on what he was doing. The white teeth that I had just stroked with my tongue shone brightly down at me.

There was nothing more to do. I had to taste him properly. I put my hands on his now naked waist and hoisted him up off my lap and onto his feet. The space in the cubicle was tight, but for what we wanted to do, there would always be plenty of room. I looked up at him again, as if asking permission, he sensed and just nodded his head slightly. I grasped at the waistband of his sweat pants and pulled them down to the floor, resting around his ankles, on top of his training shoes. He was wearing a pair of grey CK boxer briefs. His erection was apparent. Pushing upwards and out of the cotton. A small damp patch around the top where his juices had already started to flow.

I reached a hand up and stroked the length of his shaft. I looked up, and he closed his eyes as my fingers worked their way along the cotton covered iron bar. My fingers worked their way up to the waistband of his underwear. The heat coming off his body was amazing as I tucked a couple of fingers inside, just stroking the top of his rough black pubes. Slowly, I peeled them down. I had to move my other hand up and hold his cock out of the way as I pulled his undies down to the floor to join his sweat pants. I let go of his cock and took a good look at him. Topless, pants and underwear bunched around his ankles. His cock stretching up seven inches, his balls, almost hairless, clenched tight against his body, with a patch of dark black hairs around the base of his cock.

Uncut, yet his foreskin was pulled back away from the leaking head. Precum oozing out, shining in what little light there was. I had to touch myself. I squeezed my cock inside my jeans, just as he had done for me moments before. I moved closer to his straining crotch. My heart pounded in my chest as my lips got nearer and nearer to his engorged organ. I reached out and lightly grasped at his shaft with my finger tips, pointing it down slightly as my breath started to hit his sensitive skin.

I could smell the musky odour coming from between his legs. That scent only added to my arousal. Pulling me in, closer and closer to him. Contact. My lips touched his skin. Gently kissing his hot, pulsing shaft. Clearly, a moan escaped from his mouth as I ran my tongue up and down the seven inches of hard steel, velvet like cock. His breathing became noticeably sharper as I licked the ultra sensitive exposed cock head, lapping up more and more of his salty precum. I parted my lips and rested his cock head on my tongue. I could feel him tense. For a moment I thought that was all it was going to take to make him cum. He didn't disappoint me though.

Closing my lips around his hard shaft, I started bobbing my head backwards and forwards. Just at the top. Taking him into my hot wet mouth a couple of inches, and pushing him back out again. As I did so, I raised a hand up to his balls. I felt them squeezed tight in his ball sac.

Almost completely hairless, his big balls hung. I worked my hand further as I took more of his shaft into my mouth. My tongue now teasing at his piss slit, taking more and more of the boy's juices straight from his willing prick, as my teeth scraped gently across his skin. My fingers played in the space behind his balls, a few hairs there. Rough. In contrast to his smooth skin. Perfectly formed in every way, he shivered at my touch. As my fingers worked back, further and further towards his crack.

I was almost taking all of his cock into my mouth now. The top of him started to disappear down my throat. Further and further. More and more he took over the hard work and began gently to fuck my face. My fingers behind him started prising his ass cheeks apart, feeling the clammy, warm skin, just a few hairs lined it. He breathed in sharply as my fingers danced over his puckered ass hole for the first time. I could feel his juices sliding down my throat. My nose pressed deep into his thick mass of black hairs. More and more of that musky odour came up from his body as he started to sweat with the intensity and thrill of this new experience.

Carefully, I placed a finger tip at the entrance to his puckered ass hole and waited for him to make his outward thrust from my mouth. He backed up against my finger and moaned slightly as just the very tip of it penetrated his hole. I started to push with him. My finger followed him as he pushed himself forward down my throat again. Following him in. Going just a little way in at first and then deeper and deeper with each of his thrusts. Fucking his cock in and out of my mouth and being finger fucked by me at the same time. His head thrashed back and forth as these totally new sensations threatedned to tip him over the edge of sexual pleasure each time.

With my free hand, I had to fumble and pull at my belt to get it undone. There was no way I could leave my shaft trapped at full length inside my jeans any longer. I just managed to bring the zip down and un-flip the button whilst concentrating on what I was doing. He continued to fuck my mouth, really building himself up now whilst my finger probed deeper and deeper inside his anus with each thrust he made. I raised my hips a little to push my jeans down. Luckily, I never wear underwear. My prick sprung up, released for the first time. My balls had become sweaty all cramped up, and I was able to run my hand in between my legs, before going to work on my own cock.

Finally, he pulled out of my mouth and forced himself back onto my finger really hard. Trying to push more of it into himself and I knew he was ready. I rubbed his fiercely leaking cock head over my lips to taste him once more, before I brought him closer to me. His legs straddled my own and he realised what was to happen next. With his legs spread wide, he started to lower himself down on to me. Christ, this was the most intense experience I'd ever had. I had dreamt about this moment. Having a guy - having him - sitting down on my pulsing shaft. He got closer and closer, his cock, swaying violently now, as globs of his precum dripped down onto my bare chest and stomach.

Then I felt him. My cock head touched the warm moist skin between his ass. A couple of the rough hairs rubbed up against my exposed tip. He reached behind me and took hold of my shaft, and began to guide himself down onto it. I could only reach out and take hold of his cock once again and begin to pump it gently as more and more precum oozed out, dripping onto his balls and then down onto me. My cock head hit his puckered hole. Hardly any resistance after my finger fucking job on him. Further and further down he went, and my shaft felt like it was being encased in a tube of silk as he went.

When he got about half way onto me, he looked down, flashed that smile at me again, lent in and planted a long hard passionate kiss on my lips. He let up. His eyes were big and wide. I still had his cock in my hand. I felt he was close. Before I had time to consider my next move, he rammed himself down all the way onto my shaft, releasing a long hard moan as he did so. Anyone in the bathroom at the time couldn't have failed to realise what was going behind this particular closed door.

It was like slow motion at the time, but seems all too fast now. My entire shaft being swallowed by this tight, warm, wet, dark hole. My balls and pubes underneath his crack. The pubes around my shaft, mixing with the pubes up his ass crack. And then it came. In a hard jet, right in the centre of my chest between my pecs. The first shot. The first wad. His jizz. Pure, creamy white juice. More and more he pumped onto me, as his ass closed in around my cock. There was nothing I could do. I felt my balls tighten beneath him and I began. Moaning gently as I felt it race up from my balls, through my shaft and out into his hole.

He just collapsed on top of me. My cock still firmly lodged inside him. His cum almost glued us together. Nothing more to say. Nothing more to be done. Just the two of us. Alone. At last.


There it is then. Hope you enjoyed it. It's a little more 'arty' than the stuff I've done before, but hopefully it's just as good. E-mail me and tell me what you think. Also, if you're into that sort of thing, my ICQ # is 45862060. Cheers.

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