
By wisconsin

Published on May 28, 2019


I parked in front of His house andtexted Him, "I'm here, Sir". As I walkedup the driveway, the garage door opened and I walked in. I walked to the door inside the garage thatleads into the house and pushed the button to close the garage door. I took off all my clothes -- I'm not allowedto wear clothes inside His house -- and knocked on the door three times. I heard, "Enter, boy". I opened the door to the house, got on allfours, crawled into the house, closed the door, and with my head lowered, crawledto His study. Icrawled to Him, my dick pointing straight ahead beneath me. I could see His boots but not much else. He told me to get up on my knees, which Idid. I could then see that He wascompletely dressed in leather: a leather jacket and leather pants tucked intoHis long leather boots. It's obviousfrom my straining dick that I liked what I saw. He reached down for my balls,gripping them, twisting them, weighing them. His face was right up tomine. "It seems that you need todrain those balls of yours, faggot. They feel heavy with cum. Whenwas the last time you came, faggot?" He asked. "Not since You allowed me, Sir", I replied. He playedwith them, thinking a bit, evaluating them. My dick was so hard and felt so aroused, almost close to cumming as itbounced around on His gloved hand. Hewas smirking at me, watching me, knowing the power He had over me, knowing howmuch I needed to submit to Him like this. "Turn around, faggot", Heordered and I shuffled around on my knees to turn away from Him. "Put your hands behind your back." He took a leather strap and bound my handsbehind me and then took a leather blindfold, covered my eyes with it, andbuckled it in back of my head. "Turnfacing me, faggot." I shuffled back around to facehim. He started stroking my dick withthis gloved hand. "You like my boots, don't you,faggot? You like seeing me dressed in leather?" "Yes, I do, Sir." "Why, faggot?" "Not sure, Sir. I think Isee them as a symbol of Your authority over me, Sir." "Makes sense, faggot. You want to cum, faggot?" "That's for You to decide, Sir.You know what I need, Sir" "Yes, I do, fag, and I thinkyou need your balls drained. Spread yourknees apart. " He let go of my dick and stretchedboth of His legs between mine and crossed His ankles. "Back up a bit, faggot." "Place your balls on my boots,faggot." Having to sort of lean forward, I lowered my balls onto Hisboots and held myself there."Like that, faggot?" "Yes, Sir" He bounces my balls with his boots. My dick strains upward. "Yes, you do, fag. Youlove my boots, don't you, fag? "Yes, I do, Sir."

You love all my leather, don't you,fag? "Yes, I do, Sir." He grabbed my dick and pulled meforward. I lost my balance and I fellinto His legs, my face in the middle of His leathered thighs. The smell and feel of the leather wasoverwhelming. I started squirming mybody against Him. "I will let You cum but only byrubbing your dick on my boots. I want you to make love to my leather,faggot. Like that idea?" "Yes, Sir." "Then do it, faggot." I start rubbing my cock against Hislegs and boots. It felt so good. I moved my body to press my body tighterto His leather, grinding my cock and body against His legs. I got so charged like this, my chest rubbingup against His shins, my cock and balls grinding into His boots. I became so lost in it, guiding myself not bymy hands or my eyes but by my dick. Itwas so primal. He bumped up His toes lock me onto Hisboots and I ground my crotch and balls onto the top of His boots. "You do like that, don't you,faggot. I don't think I've ever seen such a boot whore like You!" I was so lost into this I couldbarely hear Him, just thinking of cumming for Him. My thrusting became longerand faster, straining more and more against His boots, pressing my chest intoHis legs. There's a part of me whichfelt humiliated like this, mindlessly grinding my dick onto His boots, beinglooked down by Him, Him knowing how I need to be treated like this to feel thiskind of pleasure, but I couldn't help myself as I twisted and ground and humpedHis boots and legs, so lost in the pleasure of it all. "Don't you cum until I give youpermission! You tell me when you are getting close, faggot....gotthat?" "Yes, sir", my groanmuffled as I buried my face in His thighs, inhaling the smell.I shifted and twisted my body tokeep my cock and balls on His boots...it felt so good to be there at His feet,making love to His boots. "Sir, I'm getting close,Sir." "Stop, faggot." I stopped my movements and froze inposition not wanting to anger Him. Hereached down and unbuckled the blindfold taking it off of me. "Look at me, faggot, and don't lookaway from me. Look right into my eyesand don't turn away." I stared into His eyes and felt Hispower over me: raw, animal, sexual power. "Love My boots, faggot." I started my grinding and twisting,stroking my cock on His boots longer and quicker, staring into His eyes. "Don't stop but don't cum,fag! Understand?" "Yes, Sir" I breathlesslyanswered trying to focus on HIs boots but not take myself over the edge. "Sir, I'm so close, Sir, "I pleaded. "What do You say, faggot?" "Thank You, Sir." "Thank You for what,faggot?" "For letting me make love toYour boot, Sir. Sir, I'm getting so close, Sir, please, Sir!" He moved His face right up to mine,His eyes peering right into me. "CUM, FAGGOT." With that command, my body immediatelyshuddered in orgasm, pumping my cum onto his boots. The slick cum only intensified the sensationsand made me cum harder as I looked up at Him. The waves of pleasure were almost overwhelming as I lost sense of whereI was and what I was doing just totally in another world but knowing all alongthat I had to look up into His eyes. He smirked. "Man, what a little faggot. Can'tcontrol himself as he rubs his cock on My boot. Do you know what you looklike? How can you be proud of yourselflike this? Now, clean your disgustingcum off My boots." I slipped down to where my cum wassmeared on His boots and started licking it off as best as I could. "That's right, faggot. Eat your own cum." I used my mouth, tongue, and lips toget it all off. He then grabbed a rag,lifted my head, and shoved it in my mouth. "Polish my boots, faggot." I rubbed the rag over all his bootquickly to get a good shine, wanting to do a good job, my dick still wet withand oozing some cum. It all felt so good, so natural. "I think you are hungry for somemore cum, faggot. What do say?" I said a muffled "yes, Sir" throughthe rag. With that, He opened up His pantsand pulled out his stiff cock already leaking pre-cum. He grabbed me by the upper arm and pulled memy face into his lap and took the rag out of my mouth with His other hand. "Suck it, faggot." I took His cock in my mouth, slowly,right down to His balls. He put His handon the top of my head while I stroked him up and down letting it rest in mymouth when my nose was in his pubes and I sucked on Him. He groaned. He was already getting to the edge pretty fast. "Look up at me, faggot. I want to see your face when I fill yourmouth with my cum." I did my best to raise my eyeballsup to His eyes while I was sucking on His dick, up and down. He put both hands on either side of myhead. His body was stiffening, his dickwas swelling even more, and he pushed my mouth down to his pubes and held methere. "Tighten your mouth and tongue on mycock and suck." I did and He came hard. He held me in place as His dick pulsed andspurted cum to the back of my mouth and down my throat, His eyes fixed on mine. "Swallow it all, faggot." He held my head on His dick until Hisshuddering stopped. I was getting alittle nervous that I would choke but then he lifted my head off of Him so Hisdick was at my lips. I could see some of His cum oozing out a bit. While He kept my head in place with His lefthand, He grabbed His dick with His right and started to wipe his slimy dick onmy face, all over my mouth, on my forehead, and into my nostrils. "I want you to leave here smellingmy cum. Like that, faggot?" "Yes, Sir." He then let my head go and pulled Hislegs out from between my legs. I fellback onto the floor, face up. "Roll over on your stomach, faggot." I did and He untied my wrists. "Get out of here, faggot." I got on all fours, crawled to thedoor to the garage, and let myself out. As soon as I shut the door to the house, the garage door to the drivewaystarted to open. Startled by it, Iquickly pulled on my clothes as quickly as I could hoping no one would see mehalf naked, still recovering from my time with Him. I walked quickly to my car and got in,sitting back for a minute before I started it, needing to take in what hadhappened and as I did, smelling his dry cum in my nostrils and feeling his drycum on my face, my dick, still oozing some cum, stirred.

Next: Chapter 2

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